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Showing posts sorted by date for query foreign. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15

12:45 Was compelled to do a search, found more than i could hope for. How many things one can tell from a video on the streets of a city in a foreign country? Many, if not all.

Yesterday evening i was intrigued by a girl walking away from me. Did not see her face except with peripheral vision for a fraction of a second when sun hit directly her face behind a tinted window in a car.

Dressed in black with a black scarf on her head, walking on a newly paved black street, she climbed in a black Mustang and drove away. It was then when she turned her head to check for traffic. Could had ben her but i was looking in a different direction so i did not catch her face in the middle of my retina.

Why is this important? When she was walking she had a certain stiffness in her body. A big turn off. I remember when i moved to the US someone told me that people can say by my walk i was not born here.

And yes indeed, look at the girl with red  hair and the one with green shorts and generally to everybody in this video. They let their weight on each foot much more than they should (by our standards). It is that i saw last night at Indian Head.

Why was she all dressed in black. Maybe because of what i wrote. Nirvana. Black magic. The fresh paving that occurs in any place we go. About that, i am writing a whole post but unfortunately i am too tired tonight.

I would assume the chicanos train a lot in Japan only to walk the way Americans do.

Walking style is cultural. (And yes they changed a lot since the days of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku girls).

9:00 AM Kursk

10:40 Market. Oil is up, which usually brings energy and the whole market up, in about the same percentage, Enphase is up, what else, Super Micro Computers, and of course, heavy weight (by market capital) Tesla.

6:45 Since all the good men became better, the bad deserve anything. (Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)).

6:50 Ice age.

9:25 White chested dogcyanobacteria. It means to me there are still people in the area, other then them since they are going for their mind. Cyanobacteria do not produce cyanide nor is the deadliest but do poses a health risk. But it's easy to avoid since the bloom is visible.

These guys do subtle things to people's mind nobody recognizes as such because they are at a different level.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

October 1st

To make a long story very short. I think at Lucky Eagle i spoke to a woman posing in Casino staff or maybe even being a member of the staff in uniform with a dark green and gray shirt (i later saw another woman with that uniform that had an inscription Lucky Eagle Employee) who was actually the woman upstairs. She was showing empathy and even smile in the end but when i asked her who she was so i can tell her later if i see the woman with the T-shirt she kinda ended the conversation.

I was complaining about being bullied on the road all the way there and then i saw a woman with a T-shirt with the name of a football player named Lynch and thought that was part of bullying and/or a threat. Then i spoke with a security guard at the entrance about the same stuff and now when i googled Lynch 24 as saw on her t-shirt i see a face who might have been of that security guard. BTW he told me to tell him about my research (on who was Lynch was) next time when i get there and he looked either sick or scared to death.

No i don't watch football as i didn't watch soccer while i was in Romania. I find both extraordinarily boring. Some guys throwing and/or kicking a ball from one place to another.

3:34 There is more weird stuff i would like i feel like i need to share. An idea that was later in my mind.

I think when a man has sex to a woman and the woman shows/has pleasure there is a channel that opens between the two beyond the initial attraction or desire for sex that may not ever be stopped by either. This probably is embedded in our genes and is ancestral and helps the survival of the species when the two need to stay together to raise children.

That link gives the man an extraordinary attraction and attachment towards that woman and an incredible energy and happiness.

More than that i think the same stuff happens when you see repeatedly a woman on a video on certain sites while pleasuring self but it is one way only cause the woman will never even know who you are. Or who knows.

I don't think women should do this cause it maybe dangerous for the whole lot of people who watch them.

More than that. I think ninja with the help of Buddhism and  Shintoism that both inspired from ancient Hinduism  through special training know how to tap or use or open that channel in order to literally read someone's mind and/or influence that person. But i think should better be a woman to be able to link with a man.

Could they control and finance the whole porn phenomenon. Free sites you can access anonymously with a couple of clicks that may capture your soul. Literally.

But even "lesser" activities like semi-porn tiktok videos may have a similar effect and in the past movies and music clips. I think the keyword is submission and man do they show submission in the newest videos on tiktok.

Amazingly i had an intuition about this before.

10:36 Washington State. You may call it revitalization of supposed old European religions vs Christianity and/or Judaism, i call it ninja manipulation. I think the apprentice magicians are actually succumbing to a higher level of magic.

One of the central cultural pieces in this puzzle is Pink Floyd's the Wall. However i know David Gilmour is a legendary Hungarian rock singer named Janos Kobor of the band Omega and i think Janos is a Jewish name in Hungarian. However in Hungary he did the opposite of what he did with Pink Floyd, a type of ballad romantic rock and probably using a wig presenting himself as gay.

However there are recognizable Pink Flyod accents especially in the guitar solos and pretty plain in early songs.

No i don't believe they were beneficial for the ordinary Hungarians, their greatest hit there, Girl With Pearls in Her Hair is about m...n like many other international hits including Train's Drops of Jupiter.

Wondering how come Klaus Meine (Scorpions) speaks and sings in Hungarian using those hard to pronounce non-european vowels singing with Janos Kobor both transcending in a different cultural space were Kobor is unrecognizable as David Gilmour. Here doing a bit of magic for their own.

10:40 As i was making an effort to remember names and stuff and also got frustrated by my own sloppiness in the blog post with his face while talking with Angela i became "emotionally vulnerable" and she started her ritual dance upstairs. However she took off right away.

BTW they did laundry in the building and pumped vapor in the basement as everything including the floor got colder and the floor is wet and bulged at places. We are being eaten alive by collagen eating bacteria developed in the fiberboard floor that is pressed with collagen based glue.

12:10 By far not the only case. Here is the Hungarian singer Zoran (Ștefanovici) who for us all is known as Eric Clapton. They don't call themselves magic people for nothing. (Nu se prinde nici darcul. What?)

As i was getting ready to fry my bread in two pans (ran out of bread, none of us wants to go to the stores) they showed in the back zooming like pixies from a game we both played last night. There's magic in the air (dog poop smell). 

2:50 St_evie Nicks as Eva Sun (Eva Csepregi) singing late 80s disco in Hungary, however in this clip she kept her traditional scene clothing and dancing style.

All use more upbeat songs and lyrics compared to their counterparts in the US and UK and the reason is they try to keep happiness at home...

 4:15 Words is all i have...

I have started to believe that the US didn't change much since the times of the Wild Wild West. But make no mistake. Nobody should expect the US government to look into this. They just said they passed "a bill" borrowing  more money to pay their bureaucratic axes for 45 more days for crying out loud. I am wondering from whom because everybody knows they are not going to ever pay them back.

5:50 Again i lost a paragraph due to motion and throwing of a heavy object upstairs.

I said that i noticed when i drive from here to near Olympia, that is 116 miles on I5, moslty south north i'm getting about 8% lower mileage than when travelling back on final trip report on dashboard and the another reason could be this.

Same happens when i drive from here to Grande Ronde which is east to west.  One of the reasons could be i always return at night when temperature is lower and tire pressure is lower but but in this case the difference could come from the formula of energy mv2/2 when the energy depends on the square of the speed.

The total speed of your vehicle is 500+/- legal limit made of the speed of the Earth towards east then adding or subtracting your vehicle's speed and the dependence on speed of energy is not linear.

Car's energy due to just rotation of the Earth is 500*500 = 250000. Let' say you move west with 100 mph. The speed's contribution to the energy will be 490*490 = 240100 and when you move east 510*510 = 260100. First difference is 250000-240100=9900 and second 10100. Am i right?

Ok some would say you have to use extra energy only when accelerating at that speed and then you go at constant speed and energy so the difference would be trivial. It is true but a trip is made of numerous accelerations and decelerations and when you get your ft off the pedal the loss of energy is due mostly to friction with air so it is not transmitted back into the ground.

I think one first application would be in athletic competitions LOL. Another one; vehicles could go slowly when moving north and faster back south to compensate for the time and save energy. Different speed limits on freeways.

BTW just remembered something. Last night when i reached exit 88 on I5 and took a left towards Aberdeen the Sun suddenly moved in my face as the car in front of me slowed suddenly. On the radio was singing Stevie Wonder. Can get the symbolism?

All the way there i kept asking myself where are the cops when these guys do what they do on the streets.

I noticed a couple of times earlier that everybody was behaving while passing some stationed flashing Police cars not necessarily slowing down but not bullying by approaching too close from behind, passing on the right where there was no room in front of me, getting dangerously close to my lane, constantly changing speeds, getting in front when about to pass, etc. All drivers i could identify doing those things were Asians except one.

At a moment i saw on the right shoulder a pretty rectangular pile of garbage mostly clothes of the height of a person with a small car near it and that vehicle could not have been the source, several Police cars and a fire truck. It was all about dumping wasn't it and they were busy participating in the show. Then inside the Casino i noticed how the word TRASH on the trash cans resembled TRANS.

9:53 Ideas from the road.

I never thought Asians care much for the truth. At least the ones i encountered.

"Though should not bear false testimony on your neighbor" is the second commandment in Judaism and Christianity. The real important stuff, not the sectarian rituals like fasting or not working on a major saint day or kissing icons.

The main requirements of Shinto are others

Nor do they care for causality, long term consequences of their actions. That is replaced with codes and/or loyalty to a master or a group. No matter how the events succeed they will overpass them in order to get the needed results.

It is about Buddha's life. There are large variations between different authors and though they all revere Buddha, many don't agree and that reflect their way of thinking.

That is the reason i could not find with one or two searches what i needed to know. The idea from the road. Was Buddha a Sadhu.

Sadhu is a religious category in India that at the beginning was a privilege for the Brahmin or the highest class. Nowadays all are accepted and are approx 4-5 million Sadhus in India. They are accepted (on the side of the larger society) because people say "they burn bad karma" or in other words, bring good luck.

There is no doubt "the wondering ascetic monks" the biographers say Buddha was associated with but they never say it plainly.

The reason one would become a Sadhu is purely religious. The way to becoming a Sadhu was not an easy one. You needed mainly to give up all your possessions and family, take some vows and have a master (guru).

He would give you a secret name only him and you knows and then you would have to do a job for him, no matter how small. After that  you were expected to live from begging, wondering. 

But there must be some reasons the Sadhu live separately from society and that is they have knowledge of things ordinarily uninitiated humans should not have and would probably get scared by those or abuse them and would not accept their rituals and way of living in the materialistic larger society.

What i think it happened. Buddha who was not Indian nor Brahmin though he was a rich prince (Chinese looking, from Nepal) who indeed gave up everything, became a Sadhu and could not bear that life and after about 6 years broke his vows and turned to what he called the middle way, rebuking both "extremes" as he said, probably the hedonistic-materialistic world and the ascetic Sadhu.

No single Sadhu has all the knowledge and i think Buddha had at least three gurus.

Then the knowledge he gathered from the Sadhu was passed to normal uninitiated unbound by vows and purifies by renouncement people and that ended in the hands of some that weaponized it and this is how ninja appeared and the results are the today's world.

Unless he intentionally penetrated that category in order to gather knowledge for his clan.

I am not writing all these for having fun or for the entertainment of the reader. The ninja posses and use this knowledge as operational means when infiltrating in foreign (to them) territories, of which most important is tapping into one's mind. But there could be more because i started to believe all the people in the world are interconnected in one to one or one to many communications channels we don't understand yet and some have more abilities to influence others.

11:50 Whatever. HBTY.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Septembrie 18

7:06 De SRI auzim numai în contextul "scandalurilor și intrigilor" de show menite să demonstreze că dacă există lupte intestine, totul e real. La bugetul lor de aproape 5 miliarde (din care 1.6 salarii) sau un miliard de euro, nu sunt în stare să urmărească niște bieți traficanți de droguri care au împânzit România.

Apropo, oare ce fac cu restul banilor în afară de salarii, își cumpără echipamente?

1.6 miliarde, la un salariu mediu de 5000 de lei ar ajunge pentru... Chiar la un salariu mediu de 10000 lei pe lună, tot ar fi destul pentru peste 10000 angajați.

7:28 Collect, disseminate. Like most casinos, Chinook Winds has a number of cameras that is comparable with the number of slots and casinos, typically they have 2 slots per camera. I would say, one camera per 10 machines would be an overkill if for security purposes.

I don't know how many people are needed to look at those monitors but i would think one person per 20 cameras would be a hell of a job to do. 25 people per shift would double the personnel expanses and the need to get more money for the players. I never saw, in about 7 years since i go there a single security incident (except mines of course).

And one time when i dropped a 60 dollars ticket and the same short bald guy came to give it me (and made me fill a lot of paperwork). I once maybe 5 years ago i found an over one hundred dollars credit at a machine at Spirit Mountain and they came right over like they knew and told me that was theft and had to fill out paperwork. Angela once forgot a similar credit inside a machine and could not retrieve it.

However there are cards in the machines and cents forgotten in the machines almost everywhere i go. Last week at Spirit Mountain after i sat i pulled a card from the machine and threw it between machines like i sometimes do.

One Japanese looking woman (acting as such) came at the machine next to me, asked the guy next to me but not me, talked on the shoulder walkie talkie like cops to like pressing a button and bending  head and then ceremoniously pulled a 2 cents ticket out that machine and tore it to pieces while looking at me. All to dissemitenate.

They would say, the presence of the cameras prevent those. Whatever.

Obviously the cameras have a different reason and that is watching in real time the faces of the players, feeding the stream from hundreds or thousands of cameras in the AI which calculates the level of emotions and other parameters for each player and generate each hand in the machine, with the purpose of keeping you there the longest time, mostly by giving you something back when you are about to give up, etc..

Things got out of control because most of the people don't go there and don't care and probably say in their mind that the players deserve their fate. That is, most of the people gave up interest in lawlessness in their own country and they collectively don't care for the vulnerable.

Some would say, it's all for a food cause, it finances the tribes and stuff. I would dedicate some of my time in the next days to see if that is the case and i think this would be a good place to start. BTW i wish i could go to a "commercial casino" in Oregon but they only have "tribal casinos". Like the ones Trump lost. Like in Reno or Vegas. All the big casinos in Oregon are tribal on tribal territories with their own jurisdiction and law enforcement.

BTW every time i go to Indian Head i hear on their radio complaints about how they can't arrest white people, because tribes have jurisdiction only over their own. If that is the case, why they told me yesterday at Chinook Winds that if i don't leave their property, which included the parking lots i would get arrested?

But disseminate? This incredible declaration is a blow in the face though typical for what i personally encounter daily and shows the total disrespect for the people who go in there and total dis-concern for privacy and laws. Disseminate where? Leaked on the internet? Probably. And that is because there are no laws on their "territory", only security who does whatever it pleases whenever it pleases serving the political interest and purposes of their foreign investors.

I shall add here the screenshot just in case they think of changing it.

And the Blue Lake incident. There, i did not have to deal with security, i called Police but they asked me if i was on a private property and then the guy left with his van and i hanged up. But i pumped so much adrenaline within that minute, my kidneys were hurting.

And i didn't even get to talk about the biggest problem. Biggest problems is i see in those every time i go a number of Japanese people, some acting as such and some disguised in Mexicans and other latinos, fewer in Native Americans (mostly at Indian Head), either as players or staff.

8:50 I have been thinking for the last hour or so if to write the following or not because it might bring more confusion to the one i already created in may people's mind with the above. Mostly because they do not hear every day this stuff, especially from the official media.

So here it goes. All the people in the casino, starting from whites (fewer and fewer) and ending with very short Japanese old women disguised in Native Americans and playing.

They all move around like driven by an invisible hand and create the most awkward situations like the one with the ticket at Spirit Mountain, others, mostly involving me passing other people. They make me look on cameras like i' m a villain chasing either their open bags or unprotected necks. Nothing ever happens (except the encounter with their own coordinator, the movie director) but the mere seconds where they see the potential is enough for those possibly watching the stream on a dark web site.

They had all summer long at Indian head these huge fans with ice behind to supplement the IC, I haven't see those in other years before, never. My guess is they are supplementing the AC to spare electric power, and with that and more and more machines down they are diverting more power to the upgraded AI. The part of each that control the actors and extras that make for all the people present there when i go.

At 7 Feathers last time i went they simply shut a whole section of the casino and also started the backup generators, to make up for always increasing AI demands.

The actors and extras receive moving and more rarely talking instructions in ear prompters like they do in reality shows.

This is my perception and to me was confirmed hundreds of times, i have no doubts about it but i can't bring any proof other than my testimony.

9:06 Mole mounds popped back after last rain, and there is a couple right at the corner of the building. I keep plugging them and they pop back up in a few hours. But i always have to bring soil from somewhere else cause somehow it disappears under ground, leaving just the hole. Then some smell comes out of it which may be smoke or concentrated mold or whatever stuff from the mole galleries. I already plugged those 3 or 4 times today and it's useless and will just go back to sleep cause i only slept a few hours last night (2 to 6).

9:40 Iar m-am pierdut în versiuni și am pierdut o însemnare destul de lungă.

Playback este un termen din limba engleză folosit în România iar în dicționar se scrie play-back. În SUA se spune lip sync.

Problema era cu versurile. Nu înțelegeam versurile și din cauză că persoanele care cântau nu erau vorbitori nativi de engleză și mai ales nu știam cum să le dansăm. Dar dacă aș fi știut ce știu azi, probabil nu aș fi dansat pe această piesă de Boney M.

Eu am avut mari surprize când, prin 2012 am început să înțeleg masiv cuvintele din melodii, și asta numai după ce am început să scriu în engleză. Multe din versuri sunt de natură religioasă, filosofică și nu sunt intenționate pentru dans cred.

Melodia Funky Town a fost cântată de altcineva. Funk este un jazz syncopat, repetitiv, direct precursor al disco însă melodia de mai jos este 100% și emblematică pentru era disco. Lipps Inc. este un joc de cuvinte (lyp sync) abuziv, de natură sexuală.  

12:40 L-am văzut miercuri seara și ieri seara (8 ora locală 17 septembrie, 6 dimineața ora României 18 Septembrie) jucând poker la o mașină aproape de unde jucam eu). Mi s-a părut curioasă fața lui în contextul unde eram eu, faza cu japoneza care a rupt tichetul de 2 cenți care era în mașina dintre noi. M-a deranjat suficient de mult ca să fac o poză la mașina aia după.
Nu putea să fie în România la ora la care a fost arestat. Sau poate l-au adus după, într-un avion special poate militar care poate ajunge aici în câteva ore, cu realimentare. Sau poate au alte mijloace de transport gen hyperloop-ului lui Musk. Sau poate arestarea a fost fake ca la toți ceilalți iar el a fost aici cel puțin de miercuri. Teleportarea solomonarilor? Genică?

1:42 Over the years i saw in my vicinity people that were officially in jail in Romania but i don't believe i wrote much about beause of risk of become not credible for the other stuff i write. Elena Udrea is one i can remember, i once saw her at the beach.

I remember one thing, i don't remember if i wrote about, At Chinook Winds they once tore the floor apart in the middle of the casino were table games are now and poured some liquid adhesive that was puting out VOC, while people were in there, not at a very late or early hour, on a rather wide surface (about 1/4 od the whole floor) . Can they do that? Or before the ban, or maybe the same day a couple of women rubbing the machines with something that was emanating a very strong smell. I tried to move out of their way, they kept coming in the same driection. Could it be that stuff drove me nuts?

BTW i read on some forums about bannings and stuff, what i did to that Japanese guy and that was after his karate move was i told him he might pick his glasses from the floor. Though faster than me, he was much thinner and less muscular and about the same age. But i didn't do one single gesture towards him and left. For that most casinos would just have kicked me for the night. But they didn't do nothing until i got in the parking lot where they were few people. But in that day i refused to identified. One month later and several times being there, they told me about the ban again in a corner with very few people. Yesterday they again waited for me to clear the areas with people and cameras.

2:27 Or this guy. Why was this guy there dressed as a security officer, for months if not years? I even talked to him once not knowing who he was, complaining about the smoke on the beach. Ok i got it another genie and he left after i recognized him. Got it. Cosplaying.

Or him. I saw him one day before or after his "accident" and arrest in the parking lot at Home Depot. Yes i was mad that day, he was staring at me and i yelled at him.
4:54 I thought i had at least ten more 500 mg tablets amoxicilin and they were just gone. So i asked my doctor and in the same time i went to Beaverton and back and passed three big towers two times each and now i really do feel it on my whole body but mostly the infected areas. No it wasn't the AC, it started before i turned that one on.

I think it's all personalized. Last night at the Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City. This time i had the meter and Angela went inside and thought i would say there and wait for her but as soon as she left the meter was showing me levels in the 20s so i went inside after her.

When i got home i found the prescription.

On my way back i remembered something, i once out of many times had free lodging on a Sunday night at Chinook and was watching TV and saw a younger guy featuring a credible picture with an oval shaped but fluffy like a cloud thinking fitting the description here and searched for it but could not find it though i found something better.

Angela went to sleep (they upstairs didn't let her sleep last night) and the well trained remote controlled Japanese child actors are making a big commotion in the back. Big one this time. To me is continuation from this morning. 24/7. Relentless.

6:28 What a pig. Oink oink. I hate tainted windows too but... He was a real black Latino by the way. Not the ninja i see around. Earlier this year a cop pulled me in Newberg for a missing sticker. Now i think he could have pulled it himself. Or stolen by my neighbor. He kept telling me that i turned into the far lane which i didn't. He let me go with a warning.

Almost two hours after passing by those towers i feel pain almost like i was pepper sprayed.

9:05 Ok. In the video with the UFO there's an actual weather balloon deflated and falling. They were not weather balloons during the time of the story in the link and it seems the peasants knew or heave heard about it.

Another idea. Could it had been a flying dinosaur, or a giant bird, now extinct (in the area)? Something that could actually catch a human?

10:38 Doar un mic exemplu în care apare cuvântul Ottawa, și ceva cu India, precum și cuvântul cheie sikh, subliminal pentru sick. Apropo mi-am amintit de o fază. Bucovina, București.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

August 30

5:50 It was more than a month ago. The day before i wrote this. The guy looking obvious Japanese was standing next to a cash machine. Actually leaning on it. I asked him to move along so i can cash my ticket. I was pretty drunk and also irritated because i ate something spicy earlier. He looked like he was under some influence either or was simulating.

We started to yell at each other. He did a karate move, while smiling at me (watch the date on the video). I left. One hour after i saw a commotion with several security guards in the area where Angela was playing but do not know the reason.

Later in the parking lot. We were about to leave. Two security guards followed me at the car. One of them asked me for ID. I told him that in US only Police can ID me. He said that "technically here you are in a foreign country". That is according to treaties with Indian tribes and stuff. Then he said that if he called the Police i would be arrested. He didn't say why.

Then i got in the car with Angela and left. One minute later, at Safeway, Angela wanted to drive. She drove all the way home.

I can't remember how many times i was there since that day until last Saturday. At least once, cause i remember the episode when there was this 5 miles long line of cars coming from Lincoln City ending right in front of Spirit Mountain when i took a right coming from Grand Ronde Rd. (went to the convenience store there).

One car left the line and took a left on Grand Rd (i was coming from North on the map) when i was about to make a right, masking the incoming traffic from my left (or East on map on the only available lane) which was a speeding big black pickup with a Japanese driver.

Almost didn't see that one and would have probably been crushed to pieces by it if i took that right. The accident would have blocked the only lane available for an ambulance and i would have probably died an excruciating death.

I know in that day i drove to Lincoln City and went to Chinook Winds. Can't remember now how many times i went between the incident with the guy leaning against the cash machine and last Saturday (25) but i would guess every weekend.

Last Saturday again i went in there (call it routine or ritual) played for one hour at a poker machine in a corner like i usually do when i first go there, didn't loose or win much, when one of those little security guy looking Japanese from the parking lot and a tall older guy looking Hungarian with the name Jerry on his badge came at me, asked for my ID, they wanted to follow them to the security room, which i declined, and then told me i was banned from the Casino for 6 months, for the incident on July 23rd, after going there at least 3 more times since.

But it wasn't only that. I went around looking for Angela and they came after me and told me i have to page her from the security desk next to main entrance instead of searching her which i did. Then we walked through the whole casino all the way to the elevators that lead to the new parking lot with them following from two different directions, from a distance.

One more thing. When i entered the casino Saturday, or the day i was banned (can't remember precisely if it was Friday or Saturday but it think i was Saturday August 26 and i was parked on the highest level on the new parking lot, because the main one was occupied with a car show, i usually avoid that parking which i very convenient, because of the very high signal from the tower near were the Grocery Outlet store is), i saw on the left at the first machine you see on the left when you enter from that direction a guy with an unusual big head i saw in one of Alexa's videos and he was kinda staring at me, like waiting for me to recognize him (trying to see if i can find that tik tok clip).

I took this picture on August 11, so this is one more time i can prove i was there but probably went one or two more times until last Friday August 25. Then why ban me one month after the incident and after i went there several more times?

6:50 I think it was this guy, saw him briefly at the end of one of her clips then it disappeared, should have took a screenshot instead of just staring at his picture, and the account now shows private and can't see or show his face no more.

7:30 Today an idea came to me and i did some searches to confirm it. Infections are common with cancer and until recently they have been considered opportunistic but some started to ask themselves if they are not the cause. Since i have seen so many lies about so many things and the faces of the impostors everywhere i started to ask myself if this is another case of suppressing information for some reason like human sacrifices to the goddess Kali on a planetary scale or simply destroying the sinners (godless) of this world or both.

They might be as well common or not so well known bacteria.

Cause if so cancer could be treated with a longer course of antibiotics, like TB. Could this be the reason antibiotics are not sold over the counter in most countries? So they can control us, infect those who want to get rid of and then give them fake treatments that don't work like surgery, chemo and radiation?

8:43 Didn't know! However i know that now, after WWII, somehow they got to control the whole of Romania (can ask the soviets how that happened) and nowadays 8 million people out of theoretically 20 have already left because of lack of jobs, infrastructure (freeways) and crazy acting leaders and media.

11:11 Urmărind clipul de pe tik tok (ca și cum profesioniștii de la b1 nu ar avea un server să pună acolo un video) ne dăm seama că acele șuruburi nu sunt esențiale în susținerea podului ci doar a șinei de protecție (și poate nici acolo, din cauza tipului de îmbinare perfect) iar ascultând comentariile ne dăm seama că podul e încă în construcție. Chestia cu șuruburile a fost selectată special în legătură cu ce am văzut acum două zile pe google maps.

Dar s-ar putea să aibă legătură și cu faza asta, constructorul fiind japonez. Apropo, cifra 9 este asociată și cu zeița.

E posibil ca și constructorul să vrea să ilustreze imposibilitatea de a pune piulițe la un asemenea tip de îmbinare (pe care nu am inventat-o eu), ceea ce este fals. Piulițele se pot suda puțin pe partea din interior din fabrică la capetele profilului pătrat, sau lipi cu adeziv, doar pentru a păstra poziția și preveni învârtirea în timpul înșurubuării după care pot prelua toată forța de strângere.

7:45 I am trying right now to find a guy i saw for a few seconds more than a month ago. Closest i could find so far but i'm not done. Shinobu written 史靖. The ironic part is... you guessed it. Shinobi written 忍び is the old word in Japanese for ninja written 忍者.

9:00 Santinelă și patrulă... Nimeni (din politicieni) în România nu poate face nimic din cauza celorlați.

9:42 The Six Kalimas and a didgeridoo. Does he turn and then do they make a wheel moving like a clock symbolizing time passage? Kali Bali

Time, Calend, calendar, call...

10:52 Talking about etymologies... Is it possible that Shinto may come from Hindu...

Saturday, August 12, 2023

August 12

9:00 Valiza mult prea ușoară, de fapt goală. Tupeul infinit, sfidarea din media și a autorităților și acceptul românilor.

9:50 Chinook Winds Casino and Shogunzuka Temple Japan. Note the similarities of the entrances, with cascading roofs. "Technically, a foreign country". Also the geometric motifs on the walls of the casino seem to be inspired by Torii gates and shrine roofs. The emblem of the Siletz tribes seem to be a solar disc, like the one on the flag.

10:28 Metsubushi. First i woke up at 6 this Saturday morning. It was hot in here, over 80 degrees, went and tried to open the sliding door (window) in the living. However i saw behind a bush a young woman, she was like hiding from someone. Then i waited for her to leave and heard a fast rhythmic sounds upstairs. Then i went and opened that door and fell asleep.

I woke up again a couple of hours later and upstairs they came from somewhere, talking aloud in Spanish while climbing the stairs. Howevever, inside they never talk to each other. Then i heard exagerated stumping noises and squeaks and the room filled with dust, maybe from my shoes, raised by high picth sounds, some possible in the ultrasound range. Now they left and i'm nauseated because i feel the dust in my throat.

Monday, July 24, 2023

July 24

7:07 After Angela left for work before 5 i started to have trouble breathing and having palpitations as my heart was trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen as one million times before. It took me an hour to figure what happened. Another mole hole broke under the main door filling the place with a subtle, pungent smell, creating nose congestion and asthma-like symptoms. Next to it a piece of glass from a glass i once threw in the garbage.

Amazing how these things happen in response (reaction) to when i publish things important.

It could be a mechanism through which moles are attacking and trying to kill older and sick animals that sleep in vicinity in order to fertilize the soil for their worm farming.

No it can't get upstairs, not in the same concentration. After two hours since it started still can't catch my breath. Can this be qualified as torture, similar to waterboarding?

7:20 Orban's storm may come from his friend from the east. I bet you can't see this in US news.

Could this be in response to my trip yesterday invading a foreign country? A security guard at Chinook Winds told me that technically being on their reservation which happens to be within Lincoln City limits i'm in a foreign country.

Google and any site i've opened avoid to answer this question but according to treaties that seem to be in force the whole Lincoln City is built on Indian territories. Actually 1/3 of Oregon including Tualatin.

I believe there is something foreign about the Indian casinos. Big money that may come from Japan bribe or coerce the few remaining tribe members and act in their name for purpose of tax evasion but that is the least of it. They create subtle propaganda, letting or inviting people like me (got fliers in the mail all the time, free lodging, food, etc..) so they can create all kinda ambiguous situations on the over 500 cameras in there that are then leaked on the internet.

Half of the employees and casino goers last night were Japanese and the other half Hungarian, all trained actors. There was only one who looked obviously Japanese though. The machines themselves are used in this, not obeying the randomness required by the definition of gambling but creating reactions on my face to match with the improvised live scenes from a continuous show generated by AI.

7:55 Is that synth reminiscent of a didgeridoo

8:23 Last night i forgot to re-plug the microwave meter and it ran out of battery. This morning he upstairs left for about half hour and when he returned i started again to feel pain all over like after the last time at the garden so i just plug the thing but i think it was too late. In the last few days i caught on it here inside bursts i hanven't before but they are not coming from upstairs cause i raised the meter next to ceiling and the signal didn't change. There is also a constant smell of dog poop on top of anything.

Now he dragged a heavy furniture so hard i felt the vibration coming from the couch i sit on.

8:56 Google spune că afișează știrile în ordinea numărului de accesări.

8:43 Heaviest stomps of the day. Usually there is a continuous series of knocks on low intensity that becomes very strong when i post or read something.

2:48 No matter how much i wanted to go take a shower i must write here first a couple of things. One little girl with her gray hair father in the park. Pointing at some area behind me but actually right through me and saying: "I remember, he went that way!". A guy from maintenance entered the apartment upstairs in the same time with and i think it's not the only time since they moved, and that makes this apartment the most pampered one, after a month of fixing before they moved in. One more addition to my theory.

When i finally got into the bathroom i heard the shower upstairs and some tools knocking. Apparently he was fixing it.

Also remembered. There was again this long line of cars parked on the shoulder of Nyberg and i asked a guy in neon vest and he said the park is closed for some event at the camp. Actually the parking lot with the restrooms. The area under the trees beyond restrooms is occupied for the whole summer by Willowbrook camp. To me organizing a camp in a park sounds like raising a tent in the middle of the living room.

10:08 Another one they got wrong and in turn they thought us in schools for so long and made us lose our time and now at 63 i have to untangle them all. Or maybe it was all deliberate. BTW, one world. 70s wide leg pants were inspired by ninja costumes too?

Abia acum înțeleg după 44 de ani de ce în dormitor la TR la Galați au pus la interfon doar două melodii timp de 9 luni zile, de zeci de ori pe zi. Eram atât de obișnuit cu ele încât nici nu le mai băgam în seamă. Una era We Don't Need No Education (Another Brick in the Wall) cu Pink Floyd și alta era Ring My Bell cu Anita Ward. Ok, aia cu Ring My Bell am înțeles-o mai demult, e vorba de manipularea ionosferei.

Dar nu aș fi bănuit niciodată că ăștia (chiar tot ei) ne învață prostii la fizică în facultate, până când am început să văd că totul e minciună, mai ales faza cu asemănările și să mă îndoiesc de orice.

11:40 Sunday i wanted really bad to go to a beach where i can soak at least my feet in the water. Eventually in a bay with no waves, like near the rocks i went to last time but they were stinking with rotting mussels.

So i looked on the map also for a place near the final destination, Lincoln City and i found something. One mile north of the junction 18 with 101 there is a street called 3 Rocks that after a few miles leads to such a place. But after a 2 hours drive i was a bit tired. Could have set the GPS to the exact location but i was too lazy for that so i just relied on my memory after seeing the map on laptop.

Earlier when i left i found the engine's oil cap somehow loose and there was a fine layer of oil with dust on the whole engine cover which could end on the exhaust manifold and create carbon monoxide though i wiped most of it.

Driving 3 miles on the narrow road off 101 got to me. Too many drivers cutting corners and getting into my lane. So i ended up in a parking lot some half mile where i should  have been. Got out of the car, everybody seemed to looking at me aggressively. People were crossing the river in boats figuring ferries. Made a few steps, a whole family was coming towards me like ready to step me over. Inside the car i turned the GPS on but i was somehow tired from the trip and could not find the route to the beach.

Started the car, tried to take it on a gravel road, a SUBARU that was parked there started to move towards me, would not stop and had to back up, got back in the lot and then something really weird happened. A black pickup with a boat attached to it almost run me over, probably the driver in a high position not able to see in front of the car pretending he could not see me. Whatever i don't care what was in his mind.

Good thing i had the engine started, just got out of his way, forward and right. Then Angela wanted to turn back to known places which i did but at the first curve to the right some huge RV came, with his rear wheels in my lane. Again the Japanese driver would not stop and on the right shoulder there was a pedestrian and i just put the shifter in rear, looked in the camera and backed up until the pedestrian moved ahead and his wheels got more into his lane then mine and then he finally stopped.

We ended up close to where it says Logan where we walked from Roads End. Unsupervised kids everywhere that were in the dozens making noise and yelling like they were in the hundreds. Both on Zyrtec, we slept at least one hour on the beach. A blue helicopter passed and looked at what we ate. When i had a drink of brandy a band of kids passed, on purpose.

11:55 The person upstairs woke up, squeaked a bit over my head, awoke Angela and went to the bathroom which is in the opposite direction. I don't believe young people need to go to the bathroom one hour after they went to sleep. I myself last for 6 hours nowadays. Nevermind, Angela said she heard them riding each other earlier.

Now i got palpitations from the guys walking upstairs and the cigarette smoke that came from the parking lot (or from upstairs).

12:12 There must be a much simpler explanation to this. As i said we have lost ourselves in unproven hypothesis and then buried in math. If gravity  is reoriented dipoles for attraction, an added net charge to one of the bodies, and i think for practicality of the experiment, the G force will change. But it's hard to predict exactly how because the extra charge might interfere with the orientation of the tiny dipoles.

12:58 Reaction, faster than a ray of light. The terrorists.

4:24 It looks like the grapefruit juice we bought last time at Fred Meyer (Kroger) tastes bad and lately got worse.

After i watched the movie were i saw a reference to it (they cut the limbs of their enemies after they killed them during sleep and boiled them and used the resulting grease to grease the skin of their children) i was curious and asked google a question.

Monday, June 26, 2023

June 26

9:30 Got awaken after 5 hours of sleep (same like the last two nights) around 8 by big noises (like a garbage truck though it's Monday) and then the woman next door was talking yelling on the phone for one hour (yes in Spanish though she is Japanese, i know ninja can do that. Learn foreign languages so well you wouldn't know).

I started to remember what i've done last night. Last passing area before Chevron on 26 when going west towards Mt Hood. There was this semi i was following for at least 15 minutes that was going uphill under speed limit though i think it was empty. Those guys even if the are well maintained, put a lot of carbon dioxide behind especially when going uphill, that usually makes me sleepy.

There were two more vehicles behind it. Those and myself started to pass the truck which went onto the right lane. However instead of slowing down it sped up like they usually do to maybe 65 or more. (Had 75 or when i last looked at speedometer while trying to pass it but was held by the other two).

I know when i started to pass my speed was about 65 with the shifter on automatic, at about 4500 rpm and probably in 4th gear. I don't know exactly why but the truck accelerated after those two guys ahead of me passed it and when passing area ended i was parallel with it and i continued to accelerate until i finally passed it too though it was ft behind me and flashing lights instead of slowing down and when i looked at the speedometer and i was doing 80, uphill.

I read on sites and forums last night that my car has a rpm soft limiter at 6000 rpm when you are in sequential mode, when it shifts gears down automatically (and you loose power when uphill of course) and one at 6500 when you are in automated mode, like i was, when it cuts power to the engine. If that had happened he would have hit me from behind for sure cause it was only ft behind me until i slowly accelerated to 90 and put some distance in between.

If i panicked when i saw it close behind and then flashing, and hit the gas pedal to the floor the car would have shifted back to 3rd, the rpm increasing maybe over 6500 at 90 and the engine would have stopped at that rpm.

How would a semi do 80 uphill, that is another question.

Have no idea what marks that truck had on it, but i'm sure it was caught on the cameras on the freeway and/or seen by other drivers. Or maybe he veered right towards Hood River before reaching the Government Camp area. It was all done intentionally, like so many times recently in all kind of situations, in cooperation with the two other drivers and these guys are criminals that should spend time behind bars.

Similar things happen to me in almost all my trips.

9:58 Saturday night after passing Newberg going east again i was going uphill at 65, passed one guy (a white SUV) that was slower in the right lane when i saw something crossing the street, from the left.

It would have taken too long to lift my foot from gas pedal and hit the breaks so i just veered left in the median lane trying to get behind it which i did, maybe except for its tail, don't know if the guy right and behind me hit it. Seconds later i realized by the white stripes on its back that imprinted on my retina that it was a skunk, the first time ever i saw one. It was pretty big, about the size of a raccoon, but faster.

I apologize for modifying the gear numbers so many times in this post, it was all based on guessing (can't see the gear you're in on the dashboard, only the letter D when in automatic).

12:00 This video shows 4500 rpm at 85 mph in 3rd but it's a different type of Elantra. However if you press on gas hard enough you can very easily downshift one ore two gears and reach 6500 when the the fuel to the engine is cut off. BTW this guy is crazy, he does 170 mph with a flat tire warning on the dashboard. I personally never went over 100 with any vehicle.

12:37 I know what happened back in August 20 2021. The driver who hit me could have pretended i again lost engine power when accelerating over 6500 or whatever rpm, but in that night i was going with speed limit on cruise control on a flat or even a bit downhill area on I5 in 6th gear (fuel efficiency gear) per reason of driving with a spare (right rear).

Only when i saw him very close behind i might have tried to accelerate but it was too late as it would have taken several seconds to shift from 6th to let's say 2nd and even in the 2nd gear could still go faster than 60 which i was going when he hit me (that Elantra was 1.8 engine but was rated at the same 150 hp).

One more thing. The cop called a towing company that refused to tow us for reason of distance (22 miles, wondering why the cop wouldn't tell them on the phone, when he called them, where to). Could one of those two towing guys i talked to while the cop was skillfully recording it audio and video to have been actually the driver of the truck who hit me, pretending he didn't run after all. So i actually i might have talked without knowing, with the help complicity of the cop with my ex would be killer.

3:10 No i didn't. Only now i know what happened, a walk through the relatively clean air also cleared my mind. BTW when i left i poured some more vinegar in the old rusted dog feces contaminated pan under the new water heater and the child actors came and started to yell like swallowed whole by giant serpents. So they did when i passed the camp (the children camp in the park, less than one mile away from down town Tulatin and Martinazi street) they enact every summer.

The mods at the battery. In that day in August 2021 i had poured from days before some JB weld steel reinforced adhesive on top of the nuts of the connectors to prevent them from getting loose, not on the connectors themselves. In fact, during engine running the vehicle is powered by the alternator (and not the battery that acts only as a filter) of which connectors runs through a series of plates on the positive with the negative doubled directly on the body. There was adhesive on the nut of the plates too, but not on or between the contacting plates under.

In that night after the accident and pulling on a street nearby i was casually talking in front of the open hood to the second cop and the driver of the towing truck that refused towing, about those mods.

The current configuration has modifications too, only there is no adhesive involved but only a second system doubling the stock con_nec_tors, actually a redundancy with bypassing and an extra connection to the ground on the negative and again bypassing the stock connector to the plates on the positive, with bolts soldered on top of poles. It is true, i saw yesterday one of the battery poles was a little bent, i don't know why, there is no extra weight on it.

Besides i never had problems with it, on the opposite, it improved vehicle's operation by increasing driveability, mileage and decreasing vibration. I have digital a voltmeter inserted in one of the plugs. Never lost power in years of experimenting with those, then why in that day?

The taillights on every car are build to reflect light and they would have been very visible in the dark when lit with headlights from behind, even if i lost power which i didn't.

In fact on another recent occasion i used the horn as last defense against an attempt of being again hit from behind and the other driver fell back. Now i know why. Horn was showing i had electric power.

But if i accidentally (mis)maneuvered and hit the gas pedal to the floor and hit the 6500 rev limit in 1st gear uphill, it could have looked like i lost electric power. I'm wondering what would have happened if i was wounded in an accident near Mt.Hood, far away from any hospital and ambulance services.

August 23 was only 2 days away and in that day at Les Schwab in Lake Owego i was assisted by a Les Schwab employee that looked like a right wing minister from one of the numerous Iohannis governments, Dan Vilceanu. It is rumored Iohannis has ties with the extreme right in Romania. He told me the tire with the flat i had earlier that day before the accident was unfixable as per a previous defective installation (done at the same shop). He insisted he took the tire in the trunk, where i was hit in that night.

What happens is though they are doing symbolic gestures trying to take credit of what followed that night in front of their right wing audience while the others don't care.

I think it was on May 2020 when driving with the same car, the first day a casino ever opened (Little Creek) after pandemics closure, when i went over a wheel (whole wheel, not shredded tire) exactly in that area, in the middle of the lane. Thing is i did not panic and hit the brakes, the car would have lowered its front (nose dive) and hit it and it barely touched it with some part (cross member i think).

After, i pulled from freeway in the area where she was missing from (not knowing at the time) to check for damages under the car.

In that night at the casino i went to the car several times (to drink of course) and last time i sat in line behind a woman, not unattractive but looking vulnerable, thin and not tall, who kept telling everybody she lost her purse and kept getting out and back in line (for temperature checking) to get in, and she didn't know why. I saw her later in the casino talking with two cops, then why the search that kept going for days?

4:49 This 2019 Elantra is closer to mine. You can realize it's a decent car. As for style, Koreans have a sense for a an elegant minimalism, beating classical Japanese basic pragmatism though lately they all started to look the same.

I think the man was doing 110 on a German autobahn in 5th gear at 6500 rpm (minute 1:58) right before car automatically shifted to 6th. In the US you can see this road quality only on recently paved freeways. Never seen continuous or interrupted lines so straight though confusing at 3:00 due to construction work. Crooked lane lines get you tired, fast. Good thing they also keep you challenged (and alert).

This, at 4:00. They do this to me a lot, slower cars changing lanes when i'm about to pass them. Good thing they didn't do it when he was passing them going 120 mph (193 kmh). And a stinking classic that fills your cabin (and filter) with smoke for the next 5 minutes. I see they're universal.

5:00 Christmass 2019 and 2020. It always happens around anniversaries and holidays. Today was my birthday.

6:30 Never new what steemit was until today when i was searching for his face.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 5th

1:22 Got enough of this. Was hesitating but it's been on for 4 days. It never stops. What's special about this news?

I'm gonna tell you what's special. They said over 100000 people died in the war in less than a year. Let's say 300 days, that is 333 people each day. The old technique of erasing information or creating diverting false associations. 89 is the price of my new camera. Cell phones is the theme of my latest involuntary campaign.

5:22 My laptop falls asleep if i let it unused for half hour or so. So i have to go, open it until the screen lits up and come back at the monitor that i hooked to it. So i get some exposure to wi-fi. Modem has two ethernet ports and i need three and i bought a splitter and short cable and i figured a way to shut down the wi-fi at, the router's network address. So i will go completely wi-fi free Saturday when the cable and splitter come, with an extra total price of under 10 dollars (bought before a 50 ft cable and a 25 cable and a USB adapter for the PC, cause the TV has an ethernet port)

After Angela left i put a frozen dinner in the oven to eat something so i can go back to sleep. I went away from it, but when the oven started and not having anything better to do i grabbed the meter and saw a significant increase in wi-fi signal strength (up to 10 mW or ten times the alarm setting). Probably because the oven is jamming the router (they work on the same unlicensed band, remember) and the router increases signal to compensate. And i remembered i wanted to buy a microwave without the transparent door with metal mesh thinking. The mesh printed or glued on the glass may stop 99.9% of the microwave radiation, but at 1000 Watt, 0.1% means 1000 mW, which is what i measure right now next to it when working.

So i searched. Guess what. There are no such things as full metal door microwaves. In fact, you may want to read this. Thinking to tape a piece of aluminum foil on the door and then measure but i'm out of it because of building all the tin hats (which in the end could actually help your brain especially when talking on the phone) adding a piece on the wall, grounded, to cover the 6 smart meters on the other side (no blue tooth works inside without that) and using in it for normal purposes in the oven. There are shielding devices on Amazon but are expensive, some in the hundreds.

6:00 In a video like this one you may hear real people talking real English (the pilots, the investigators), unlike the foreign voice actors that repeat phonetically what they hear on micro ear sets or read on prompters at news and in movies.

As for the reason for the link, i can't believe the engineers who designed the plane did not test the components that are supposed to work at low temperatures in real conditions. It sounds like cutting corners during design which lead to two crashes and one more near crash and ten years of fear mostly for pilots flying those planes and for the investigators to figure it out, who probably covered for Boeing (in the end it cost Boeing hundreds of millions to replace those valves on all B737 around the world).

11:00 EI nu lasă nimic din ce postez fără răspuns. Una din multele. Încă una aici. Pentru aia cu B737 sunt mai multe răspunsuri diferite.

1:00 Poftim cultură (Kind reminder, semne bune anul are. Sexul e temelie). Un bărbos pare că vrea să îl elimine din poză pe altul, cu barbă mai mică. Un buda tuns ca un călugăr creștin care nu mai vrea să audă de nimic (da, și eu m-am cam săturat să postez degeaba), și o tipă dementă care amenință cu o sticlă (violență, alcool).

2:30 Ca noroc. Astăzi a avut loc ședința de constituire a CSM (nu, nu e Clubul Sportiv Muncitoresc), validată recent de Parlament. Se întâmplă o dată la șase ani iar mandatul vechiului Consiliu se pare că expira pe 5. Singura chestie e că majoritatea românilor nu știu ce e CSM și cu ce se ocupă.

Prilejul perfect oportun de multă gargară pentru de altfel tăcutul ales al dvs., pe cuvinte cheie. Imixtiune (cu bătaie la postarea mea despre neaplicarea de către Comisie a legilor, tratatelor UE, adică ce, mă bag în treburile LOR, ale UE), Consiliu, consolidat, radiografie, politicienii onești (o specie dispărută, care nu există în România și în nici o țară de care știu eu), ministeriabili mizerabili care nici unul nu e justițiabil, vechea și interminabilă temă a organizării sistemului judiciar, cântată în media de ani de zile cu titlul "Legile justiției" și în ultimul rând, meritul d-lui în ridicarea MCV en lieu de deschiderea granițelor, conform Tratatului UE (consolidat whatever) semnat de România în 2007.

8:37 Încă un argument în demonstrația că România este în Schengen. În protocolul 19, parte integrantă din Tratat se arată poziția specială a Irlandei și a Regatului Unit, care nu au fost membre Schengen înainte de 1999, care au dorit să rămână în afară cu unele prevederi (adică ei puteau călători în UE, alții invers nu) precum și alte prevederi specifice unor țări. Nu se precizează nimic despre România (Bulgaria și Croația) care sunt pe poziție de egalitate cu toate țările din lista din Articolul 1.

Faptul că în urma acestui Tratat semnat la Amsterdam în 1997 cu aplicare din 1999 toate țările din UE sunt și în Schengen se mai vede și prin interdicția britanicilor de a mai călători fără viză în spațiul Schengen și invers, în urma ieșirii din Uniunea Europeană. Înainte de 1999 Schengen era un tratat separat de liberă circulație din care Marea Britanie făcea parte.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

December 24

12:45 O Suprapunere de drapele, o multitudine de imagini subliminale încorporate care apar în funcție de distanța de la care priviți. Câte puteți să identificați? Prima și cea mai evidentă este gura lui Lenin, nasul și ochiul lui Putin, un avion, un tanc, o lopată, zâmbetul lui Iohannis pe galben etc..

7:45 Șarpele din Pomul de Crăciun și cel de toate zilele din fața unei școli din
 (Șarpele Liber) Ungaria care este alintată chiar așa, Școala Șarpelui (Kígyós Iskola). Încă unul asemănător tot în fața unei școli în Nagykanizsa.

Banca în formă de șarpe de lângă Templul Mormon din Iadaho Falls pe unde trece Snake River.

2:20 Nobody's going to believe what i've been going through today. Again. After i bought the meter i measured every corner of the apartment especially around the router. I measured in the place where Angela was sleeping in the bedroom and next to her and i didn't see big values.

Today i watched for about half hour an incredible movie (a fantastic comedy) from the other side of the double twin beds or with my head just over one meter away from the router, in the other room which was installed next to the cable outlet. Angela sleeps 2 meters more further from it. I stopped the TV while falling asleep.

Woke up 2 hours later with pains everywhere i was exposed to the laptop or close to it in the last 6 months. Grabbed  the meter and the signal strength was normal in the area. Then i started the TV and the signal was an average of 5 which i think it's too much especially after i got exposed for so long to CRT monitors, wi-fi and phone.

Half hour of exposure re-triggered everything which was fading away in the last weeks since i put everything away which also shows the shape i'm in.

3:45 I learned the first words in English in 1972 when i was twelve in a summer camp near Hamburg Germany. As per Ceaușescu, Maurer, Bodnăraș, Sergiu Nicolaescu etc.. My grand grand father was there since the war, when remember and analyze the whole thing is clear to me, they wanted me to remain with him. Director of the camp Klaus Meine insisted half day i would give him a call but i didn't because the scared me (lower ranks Securitate guys) when i left Bucharest.

Then i actually studied it (one hour per week for four years in HS). Consolidated a bit in college and with programming. All the movies and music. I was able to understand most lyrics but stumble at a few words and get it all wrong many times. Maybe it was good for my protection i guess because some of the lyrics are so screwed up.

But i never knew why i couldn't understand some of the words like i still can't today and have to pull the lyrics to end the riddles. I listen to the radio on KG_ON and there's a couple of guys making all kinda jokes and i suddenly lose one word or two and the whole joke.

But this never happens to me when i watch DIY-ers videos on uTube. It's so plain and clear, no effort to understand. Because the sometimes naive but true speech belongs to authentic native English speakers while most artists are foreign actors.

5:05 Here's an example. If you try to forget the images in the shocking video and listen carefully, you will detect peculiarities in pronunciation of words, letters like r, t, unsecure hesitations, more than a supposed "Seattle accent" in "Cobain"'s "song".

Not exactly your athletic blond German.

Monday, September 5, 2022

September 5th

12:00 Buddha, Sage of the Shakyas. Shakespeare.

I remembered what i once told the English teacher in HS when she asked me (and everybody else) why i wanted to learn English and i told her that i hope some day i will be able to understand Shakespeare "in original". Just because everybody was talking about, had no idea where his ideas came from and that we had our own poets with similar ideas (though i knew of that poem at the time). Today i tried to read "To be or not be" from Hamlet, which is however full of Old English words and expressions of those days that sound weird (since the spirit of those days is gone, can't feel what they felt when they read it, mission impossible) i never heard about, but i think my goal was generally achieved (50 years later, lucky enough) and surpassed since i am able to write a no nonsense blog partly in English and have meaningful conversations, though generally with ninja and foreign actors who speak by ear prompter.

12:05 It was quiet all morning, which is an exception to the rule. I had this idea which is actually older, came at the computer to do the searches, he became animated, some micro rubbish fell on my head so i added more duck tape on the ceiling in suspected areas (last resort).

Nothing new except i remembered i thought i saw him last night at Chinook Winds. Different hairdo, glasses, looking younger, but i think it was him. More than that, was getting in my way, discretely, everywhere i went, making it look like we were together. Here he keeps pouring gas in that motorcycle with a leaking carburetor. The gas falls in the engine and then in the lot, through that breather which in modern cars have been replaced by PCV circuit, stinking.

1:15 Yesterday my love (dor) for the Ocean beat the smoke an i stepped down on those stairs which i haven't done in a while and took three unusual pictures.

First. There was a fog bank close to the beach. The Ocean seemed like a river with a shore on the other side with monster waves coming at you.
Nobody steps that way. That is a masonic step.
3 of the seven fires.
One of the`goals of the window replacement were replacing the siding under with a scale like siding where it is impossible for water to get inside. However they left enough space between planks for dust to get out. He just shook the building with his washer and litter dust fell from there and came in inside i guess from under the door. I went in his apartment the other day and i saw the grill from the in-wall heater under that window is removed, with a missing screw, exposing the inside of the wall. Also got to hose the dust buns under the roof cause nobody else is doing it.

5:38 But what's around the corner, right where his washer is upstairs?

As i said before, once you enter this complex all rules and laws disappear, people are walking and driving chaotically, kids are playing and yelling unsupervised for many hours a day, buildings are not cleaned after major repair, etc..

Don't know, it's been like yesterday since Eminem "settled all his law suits", nowadays there ain't no shame, they pump porn in the air all day long, but this?

9:00 I went to Walmart to buy a phone and a plan with AT&T. People in there were acting dumb. Many people with many babies squeezing around. In Electronics some guy came around, he looked like a young musician or actor i must have seen in a video. We were waiting in line. The Asian woman came and said they're out of those phones, though they were on display. Somebody in line in front of us bought a real cheap TV, for 280 bucks or something. Our TV was old 40 inches and not 4K and had a vertical line on it so we decided to buy one similar. 50 inches, 4k, Roku whatever. A group of Arabs talking loud surrounded us.

We paid at the department and one minute later, i thought i saw again Jacqueline Cristian. i went outside and Angela went to check some other stuff. At the entrance, though it didn't happen in a long time, an Asian guy asked for the receipt, and insisted to see it, though i was asking myself. How could i have gotten a TV that was not on the shelf (they got the display ones which are not in boxes) and not paying for it (you have to pay at the department) and gave me back the receipt though i didn't look at. On the road here, many dangerous situations, including a speeding semi (70+ in a 55) in the middle lane, touching lines, other lanes. Got home, installed the TV and for some reason i wanted to see the receipt but all i could find in the pocket was the 5 dollars receipt i got at Indian Head for a shot of brandy, though i don't remember taking it and keep asking if i had the same jeans on me.

10:10 Just finished a shower after i went and dusted the building as seen in the last picture above, reaching maybe one meter above our level (upper plank). Most dust is from cutting the siding around windows, thus is contains wood dust and insulation dust. Right in the middle of the picture, around the corner, there are two vents at the basement level and they both have dogs in the corresponding apartments. Vapor from possibly dog laundry gets inside our wall (right) which stinks like a stable (from the outside). Can do more with a hose,  but not on that side of the building with many windows.