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Showing posts sorted by date for query japan. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2024

November 16

1:30 Clowns will be clowns. Numele Szalai, Selles, Szillard și alte variante toate provin de la Kali say Kyile. Au băgat și un Adam în ecuație, pentru că am spus mai sus că sunt budiști. Și să amintească de Szilard. Apropo, cine știe ce mai au în mânecă pe subiect.

Da există o conotație evreiască la lista mea de asemănări. Nu știu, nu am studiat bine problema, nu știu dacă ei s-au băgat de bună voie în toată mascarada, dacă sunt reali sau poate doar oportuniști sau șantajați.

Fosta mea dirigintă din liceu, soprana Krilovici, care oficial era fugită în Germania, cred că a fost șantajată să intre în toată chestia. Apropo de numele ei. Alain Delon (oare erau rude). Mulți au fost declarați morți în Ungaria în timp ce ei se jucau de-a celebritățile în alte țări. Mulți sunt decedați ca personaj dar încă trăiesc în Ungaria.

Apropo de dirigintă, prima mea dirigintă din generală a fost Liz Taylor și am văzut-o odată aici, acum vreo 5 ani, după ce "murise".

M-am dus la un liquor store în Beaver-ton, (magazin de tării, monopol de stat, era singurul deschis, undeva la vreo 15 km de aici), eram beat și furios, am rămas fără băutură, tot așa vecinii mă băteau în cap de sus, făceam slalom prin trafic, mă mir cum am ajuns și ea era în parcare, se făcea că a cumpărat la supermarket, o ajuta o tipă din magazin, a intrat cu greu în mașină și avea o privire dojenitoare.

Cât despre Leo Szillard, nu știu, poate articolul acela din 1929 a fost o ieșire, poate o încercare de disculpare (noi am încercat) însă nu cred că a avut repercusiuni fiindcă mai târziu îl găsim în ecuație (scrisoarea cu Einstein). Einstein și el a fost un actor, poate s-a încercat punerea în cârca evreilor a tuturor acestor tărășenii.

Ei au nevoie să țină lumea în teroare, ca să stăm liniștiți și ignoranți și ne înmulțim ca iepurii și să încălzim în continuare planeta.

5:15 I am familiar with this style since long time ago. The display of "barely restrained" one century long fury regarding Trianon. The attitude transmitted through generations, like they cannot loose. It's like a dog growling but not biting. Mainly because they believe they are Christians thus compassionate.

Buddha was teaching compassion too, but not invading other countries and continents with the aim to militarily control the whole world.

One thing they should understand, is they already lost and now trying to re-create everything in order to re-write history. Towards Romanians though, their attitude is exactly what Sting says. You belong to me.

Romanians have been their slaves (serfs, jobbags) in Transylvania (part of Dacia, the cradle of today's Romania) for almost 1000 years and they will never accept defeat especially comming from Romanians.

The other thing the younger Hungarians should understand. They never had anything there, they imposed on Europeans and Europeans tolerated and ignored them for a long time while them infiltrated the Church and all states (basically created by them).

And look at the problems they created like WWI and WWII, mainly to divert attention, and look at the state of Europe right now, with them at the helm, insignificant militarily and complacing in a lukewarm socialism and financial ruin.

And one more. The elite of Hungary have other purposes then the common people. Have to say it, there is no other way. They are themselves involved in Trianon and WWII since they control everything in the whole world. Viktor Orban is pretending he is Jew. Victory of the orphans, in Latin. This cannot be his real name. Japan is among the signatories of the treaty.

They did that to motivate them to help them continue their "higher" purpose and that is to secretly control the whole word, and the help is done especially by providing European looking people to be trained in large numbers to become actors.

But even if they do control everything, they should understand, like any time in history a few decided to control a vast number of people, this cannot be permanent. This cannot survive now that is out of the box of secrecy.

After mentioning it, was curious and looked into the etymology of word jobbag. Coming from jobbagy (a word of obvious non-European origin meaning nobility), which was the system. Belonging to nobility. Slaves of the nobility.

Then i remembered of Jobbik, their nationalist party. Never knew that. Most jobbags in Transylvania were Romanians and the name now confirms they will never look at us other than their slaves.

This is realy offending towards Romanians, the Romanian minority in Hungary and especially the undeclared Romanian minority in Hungary from which so many of the European looking actors came from which is probably as big as Hungarian minority in Romania. (Though that so called magyar minority are neither Huns or Magyars, they are the more civilized Székelys, coming direct from Buddha's clan in Nepal),  

Nobles? Do they really believe that? They (magyars) are at origin ruthless mercenaries who raided Europe for more than a hundred years before settling on top of Huns who themselves basically put an end to Roman Empire and compared to Europeans are uncivilized sophisticated savages (look what she does upstairs).

Though in time they learned how to mimic civility and even criticize others for the slightest deviance, pointing back at them, like children when corrected, measured by their Asian style bureaucratic means. 

Do you think it's by chance Kafka lived in the Austro-Hungarian empire? Do you think it's coincidence the levels of intricacies of the plot in the book are similar only to those from Shogun by Clavell. Japan's bureaucratic system is derived from the Chinese, the first in history.

This trait is shared with the Japanese however them are way farther from understanding western civilization though are so good at mimicking everything.

But who knows. Maybe the Japanese themselves are kept in isolation and ignorance by the same type of elite who understands Europeans better than we can imagine.

Above all Europeans, most complacent are maybe the Jews. They always thought are smart and know how to surf all waves of history but how about this. Did they know about how big this wave is?

6:45 Talking about one million something Székelys living in Romania. Here is the flag of Buddhism compared to that of Romania.

6:55 And yes i've been waiting for Angela, staring for one hour looking through the vast windows of America's Best glasses office near Washington Square mall at Ariana Grande, who was acting working there with other two or three (why so many receptionists).

Talking about symbolism and stuff. Today when i went to America's Best and back i saw this. (No i did not take such a tilted picture). That symbol is again derived from the sacred lotus, right? Wa Shinto? 

12:45 Da și tipa din articol nu e femeie?

12:50 Ki, Ki, Ki. North Korea is controlled by Japan, no doubt about it. China too.

Friday, November 8, 2024


I was meandering through searches and ran into something i thought i'll never will. Treman, father and son. From psychology and eugenics (ew_genics) to microwaves, it all ran in family.

Can't help here not to mention the popular Romanian snack. I was eating it in grade school. As popular and similar to Oreo in the US, a sandwich cookie wrapped by two. But why the name? Probably because it emerged during or right after Soviet occupation and named after Russian name Yevgeny (Евгений).

Or the city in Oregon. Also, Eugene being a Jewish name.

How i ran into Treman? I was searching for a definition of intelligence closest to my ideas. The ability to carry out abstract thinking.

To humans most natural way of thinking is abstract thinking. The ability to turn every day situations to abstract models or to fit them into existing ones and then to take decisions using those models. Some would say it may be an overhead, but is the easiest and definitely most efficient and it happens all the time. 

At the base of abstract thinking are the abstract concepts we turn everyday objects into. More than that, abstract concepts are hierarchical, corresponding to real live hierarchization of objects which makes them easier to handle.

Talking about concepts. It just occurred to me we build abstract concepts not only about everyday objects but around each type of basic emotions.

Drawbacks of abstract thinking. It has the real possibility of overlooking details when oversimplifying. It may be at the roots of objectification.

Wondering if it is not also at the roots of transference as in Freud's concept. If this is the case it means it can be applied to more areas than parenting or love.

One consequence of this theory is that we only love once in a lifetime. Each subsequent to "first" are just instantiations of the abstract concept (that may be improving or adjusting or simplifying over time).

And yes, personification or deification of concepts are certainly the base of ancient mythologies and polytheistic religions. By example it is said that Japan has 8 million kami of which the list of best known mentions...

Wrote this motivated by the persistent repeating of media practices of hijacking real ideas into theatrical scenes with the purpose of suppression of those ideas. Sabotaging communications. Substitution of persons as seen in my Similarities blog.

Of which the last notable scene is Iohannis turning his back to movie director Orban but they are ubiquitous in media in setups they make us think are news articles.

Maybe not the best example but close enough...

Any of the Jack Harper. Tet and Titan (though i don't really get the deeper meaning of the symbolism). 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

October 29

1:12 AM Are these cats doing the same thing as this guy? Reflex reaction to massive bacteria exposure by raising the blood pressure and a storm of neurotransmitters by self strangulating neck's veins and arteries and raising the blood pressure and releasing a storm of neurotransmitters to boost the immune system? Exposing tongue to light and oxygen to kill some of those?

Kali self chocking?

1:45 Scriind postarea cu fluturașul am descoperit (i make it as i go, caut și scriu, nu am timp de prea multe "studii preliminare") o gaură mult mai mare la Sănătate decât cea pe care o știam. Aproximativ 45 miliarde. Pe lângă cele similare ca mărime de la Dezvoltare și Transporturi.

Este doar un exemplu. După estimările mele, se fură de la buget aproximativ cel puțin 150 miliarde de lei anual. Deși miniștrii vin și pleacă în fiecare an, există un personaj, aroganța personificată, care controlează conturile în România și care a stat pe funcție de la revoluție încoace.

1:55 Poate ați văzut în video-uri avioane de luptă lansând ceva ca niște lumânări din alea cu magneziu care ard strălucitor "flares", care sunt artificii pentru un show aerian au rolul precis de a atrage și devia în ultimul moment rachetele cu ghidaj termic care sunt lansate de adversar.

Așa fac și ăștia în media românească, cum scriu ceva, vin și ei imediat "on demand" cu devieri pe subiect.

11:45 PM Kamiarizuki how old? Now i understand the early Halloween party at Chinook Winds. It had to be in October when all kami from Japan (and probably the rest of the world) gather in Izumo Taisha leaving the rest of the world with no gods (kami). Kami ari (month with gods). Kamala Harris.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12

8:20 AM Asta a apărut după ce am scris ieri. Apropo. El nu a folosit niciodată numele Columbus.

10:22 Marian Vanghelie.

2:00 PM

Today i was staring at a persistent picture in the news. The storm in Jupiter's "atmosphere", and for the first time it occurred to me the storm actually looks like an eye. So i did a search and what did i find...

Some say it could be the inspiration for the Eye of Horus... and i did one more search and i found that Egyptians considered Jupiter as the birthplace of ...Earth.

I was praying today i could find a solution to all my problems cause these guys are getting me sicker by the day... I went earlier outside to check the bins and there was a weird smoke, above 100 on the AQI scale, and was too lazy to put up a mask and i cough ever since. No i haven't been smoking in 3 days. My legs started to hurt more (they tingle every time i smoke but this was way stronger than cigarette smoke)...

Then it occurred to me... I also saw in the news recently that Europa has water (My bet is on Io)... And started to think to myself... What if... Egyptians did not originate on Earth but on Io or other moon with water next to Jupiter?

Until now we've been all thinking, aliens this, aliens that but never heard one single person saying that aliens could have come on Earth from a different planet on our solar system. Got to follow up on this idea, cause over the years i came to believe more and more there are some weird things about Egyptians, and the strange connection with Japan, and that is not only the pyramids.

Wa means among other things Japan in Japanese. Wadjet is...
8:51 Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and the density at the liquid surface is a a bit more than the density of water (and is solid at the core due to enormous pressure). A hollow object could float at or under the surface creating turbulence 

When i look into this picture, i see turbulence in the clouds formed of ammonia crystals, probably due to maybe a solid object in the middle that is somehow stationary or moving slower than the "winds". A mothership feeding on hydrogen isotopes?

9:00 What telescope you need to see the great spot on Jupiter? Did Egyptians have telescopes? When was telescope invented?

9:40 Adela Popescu

11:40 Right on time... I was waiting to see the reaction... This one is the first.

!1:41 Climbed a mountain and turned around.

12:15 AM 13 Eye in the sky. New order of the ages could mean time travel. It could also be a play word, szeklers meaning Shakya, Buddha's clan.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Dominicani - Domini Cani - Lord's Dogs

7:47 I titled this blog post Dominicani which is plural for Latin Dominicanus. The English translation is Dominicans, or Black Friars. It is unclear to me what the word friar means in this context but i will clarify as i go. Dominican is religious order within Catholic Church.

Question is, what are religious orders and why the Catholic Church, which at the time was very well organized and hierarchized needed religious order and what are really those? Again i will try to clarify this as well but it will take time.

First thing first. The order was founded in 1216 by pope Honorius III at the request of Dominic, later St.Dominic. Here is an impression of that pope. But why is he curled in this image like a dog? He even has some garments suggesting a dog's tail.

At first i thought it stained glass work which was popular at that time. But then i read in the bottom of the picture. Contemporary.

I think i should try to solve this mystery, before even bringing St.Dominic into equation. Dominicani is a playword in Latin. The reason i wrote it like this. It can mean Domini Cani which means dogs of God.

It is very interesting how the word friar evolved in English yet into another playword. Coming from French frère - brother. Cause it goes against common sense. Why would someone consider himself a friar rather than simply a brother? Why invent another word for brother in English, one that sound kinda weird. French fries? Fry's brothers?

Why the need for religious orders inside (or maybe outside of?) an already well organized church which remains basically the same today, with bishops, vicars, pope, etc.?

Dominican order was officially founded by Pope Honorius III as mentioned above. But Dominic started preaching about 10 years earlier. Preaching what? Is that St.Mary or a nun praying to a dog with horns and a torch in his mouth? Which reminds of a Dacian Draco, or plainly a fire blowing dragon with the Sun or maybe even a Chrysanthemum on the background?

Why Dominic? It kinda overlaps with again the Latin name for Lord, Dominus.

Let's jump a couple of centuries to the times of Spanish Inquisition which was mainly directed against Jews. One of their main tools was fire, either to test or execute "heretics". Anybody sees already a connection here?

The "Cross of St.Dominic" (why so many types of crosses) may include a swastika in it.

How many were killed? How many confessed under torture and how many confessed in exchange for their lives? BTW, 32000 out of 341000 is not 2.7%

St.Dominic is often portrayed with his head partly shaven, like Buddha. All friers are supposed to practice ascetism and give away their earthly possession, similar to Hindu ascets or Buddha who gave up is princely status to travel the world and learn about sufferance. In this image, St.Dominic even looks plainly Asian.

Rosary did not exist in Christianity until St.Dominic though it existed in Hindu and Buddhism thousands of years before.

Dominican Republic. It is unclear to me if the name has something to do with Dominicans (as the religious order) though more than 50% of the population there is Catholic. But when i looked at one of their churches i first saw the lotus as architectural motif. Lotus is a major symbol in Buddhism and could also represent fire. Same goes for many European cathedrals or Hungarian Parliament in... Buda (pest).

The Pope. The current Pope has high regards for Dominicans. I think i have made a mistake earlier. Some Dominicans were members of the regular clergy and some even became popes (so much for giving up earthly possessions). But it is unclear to me what is their influence in today's Catholic church, especially in Latin America.

The reason i started this post. Could Dominicans still hold certain rituals (ordeals, exorcisms) in which they test if someone is human or the devil, using dog's excrements, redwood, stepping on someone's head like in a torture chamber, things like that? Like they did (energicaly stepping above creating thunder like sounds) soon after i started (to write) this blog post?

Buddha's sermon of 7 Suns. There are currently in Japan 3 emperors with the title Sun God. The one who abdicated, the one in title and one is warming up. Buddha's sermon message also coincide with St.Dominic dream.

Hungary. Domonkos means Dominican in Hungarian and it is a common last name in Hungary. Interestingly enough...

Magyars and Szeklers. Currently Hungarians call themselves Magyars. Magyars arrived in Europe around 800, and after raiding it for about 100 years, they established in Pannonia, over the already mixed population there, with Huns being the last immigrants since 5th century, probably in the same time with Székelys (Szeklers in German, possibly in Latin).

Soon after, their (first) king Stephen the Great got baptized and with him a large part of the leaders. Two centuries after them joining the Catholic Church, the religious mendicant orders appeared, under umbrella of Christianity but of obvious Buddhist inspiration, by all the evidence posted above.

There are (were) two tribes in Nepal, Magars (could be a variation for Mongols which may also come from noongars, check the pronunciation in Magyar), who were among other things mercenaries, possible guards of the silk road and Shakya, the clan in which Buddha was born.

So after all Hungarians (noongars) and Magyars are related though they came in Europe some 350 years apart...

working on

Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29

10:40 One of the most overlooked health issues. When in conjunction with the existence of sharp, micronic and submicronic particles found in attics and walls (and other types of persistent dust like redwood) in your homes from breaking of the "fibers" o mineral insulation.

When you step, those types of dust get embedded in the skin of you soles, creating inflammation and a gateway to heaven into your body for mold and bacteria. I call them leaky soles by analogy with leaky gut, which may have the same cause, dust in your lungs that get eliminated in your guts.

Inflammation and pain reduces blood circulation, cooling the body, creating more conditions for chronic infections that set deep in all tissues.

By simply applying some of this (a different product) i immediately - in a few days - reversed at least one major problem, constant pain and other major problems in reproductive area.

I am not saying this is a long term solution. The thin coat only seals for a few days the compromised skin from microbes in the environment. The sharp dust in your skin is not eliminated and will probably stay there forever. The only real solution is eliminating the source.

Who knows if this is also the major cause for loss of collagen at older age?

The idea of using volcanic lava processed into fibers and brought into the walls of our houses was one of the worst ever and that type of insulation is still marketed and used.

More than that, i think the conspiracy (the Sol emperor) knew about this from the beginning. They like to be sarcastic about their victims, it's the compensation for the secrecy they still have to live in.

12:00 It may not be a new idea. It may have all been inspired from an ancient device used in medieval Japan to deter criminals.

12:05 I am not advertising the company with the concrete printer at the top of this page. I just realized that leaving the walls unfinished can again be a source of fine silica dust but it can be easily fixed with some paint.

Lava based mineral insulation, concrete and glass have at the base the most common material on the surface of Earth. SiO2. Silica. It was brough at the surface by its lower density since the time the planet was hot and liquid after a long and violent process accretion of space rocks with heavier elements settling at the core.

Silica can take many forms. It is the main component in clay as well but those particles have been rounded during eons of formation and yes in its purest form is at the basis of microchips industry.

Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13

12:15 AM Birds of a... hair! 
11:30 Was here alone watching how everybody got poorer by .3% while i was eating my omelet. Yes i know. The Dow is up, the Dow is down, it goes up ad down all the time.

I remember when i was working 24 years ago at Quadramed. During those day, the market would not go up or down more than .3% for a whole day. Nowadays the norm is 0.5-1% or more a day (second answer here) but not every day.

It has been a good week at the end of a hectic month. The market went up this week 3%, after it was down for the month about the same.

Wanted to make sure one more time everyone understand what i'm saying. I am not looking at Dow Jones or all the three main indices but i am looking only at S&P 500 which represents about 80% of the market with a 43 trillion capitalization (on the right), with a total of 54.

3% means in the graph above, in money, 1.6 trillion. 1.6 trillion lost and recovered. 1% of the market represents approximately half trillion.

I am not totally sure of what the latest hole means. But i have an idea. People's perception of reality is shifting a lot as some may finally realize reality and perception are two different independent non causal things. And then they come and fix that.

Perception is a reality in itself, bits and bites (by analogy), thoughts, that happens only in our minds.

Of course it is very frustrating when one realizes he/has been having a false perception of this and that that lead to loosing that much time of their lives or other people's lives but that's how things are.

But the reality of the stock market got way out if people's sight.

Everybody knows. At the market people buy and sell.

These are two different things, buying is at the initiative of a buyer who places a bet and awaits for a match and selling is the same for the seller. Of course there must be a seller and a buyer in each transaction, but is about who has the initiative.

They say it was a sell off in this or that period of the time, which usually lasts a few hours max when sellers are placing bets and no one matches them, so they keep lowering their bets until they find a match. Why they do this? Greed. Traders want to get rid of shares they don't like in that moment and buy others that are on a rising trend.

What this game has to do with the economy or the activity of the corporations or firms being bought and sold? Little if anything.

Assets are the reality of a company. Which means how much money they will get if they would sell its components or infrastructure directly like if there was not a stock market (not the "shares"). There are now firms trading on stock exchange market that are over evaluated, which means the total value of the shares, by hundreds of times, and the magnificent 7 are the best example.

Those 54 trillions (43 in the right of the screenshot) that are said to be total market capitalization may be in reality much less.

Market is nothing but a giant betting board period. Trouble is the retirement funds placed their money there. And they keep betting and chose their horses by passion and other feelings feed by peeking into people's life through distorted and manipulated lens.

And here i come at the idea that made me start this entry. Manipulating perception is one of the most lucrative activity known to mankind. Luring people into putting their money in black holes. The more greed, the bigger the holes. So the really smart ones get together, organize, act as one and start the good work.

They bring in the horses and people start betting like crazy their live savings and in the end, if they loose, they don't know who to blame too. The horses? While the real manipulators are totally out of people's perception.

12:25 But there was something else i should have written first. They had an "annual backflow test" scheduled for the sewer today. Don't remember of any in the past. As i coincidence, i wrote about the sewer a few days ago just before the email.

I was in the kitchen cooking my omelet when a very nosy LIFT ride share van came. It was making about the same noise a sewer cistern would if they pumped something, for about 15 minutes. The water stopped flowing as they said in the email which means the test was being done. Haven't seen anything except the annoying van of which noise could have covered something else.

12:40 I know what happened. The sewer was briefly opened for the test and the terrible vibration from that stupid vehicle brought the bacteria in as i was cooking and then ate. The LIFT was for the woman at 4 which i long suspected is the ninja (kunoichi, nine holes, female ninja) representing the current empress of japan. She now was acting like paralyzed, moving very slowly.

Got indeed very seek after i ate, took an antibiotic orally so it would kill the bacteria in the stomach. If i don't die first.

1:20 I'm almost back to normal from what so many other times i went to the hospital. A major sewer bacterial attack, and now i know it was done deliberately and she was even there claiming it.

I started the UV lam in the room behind me to ease things up. Upstairs, cats are running like crazy, pumping the floor content. I think i should start again the ozone generator in the bathroom and let the ozone flow in there.

From before that. A sad image of the whole fakery was still there on the screen. No, it's already way too crowded.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7

1:35 AM Typical lies. The Huns and Hungarians where two different people in the Song of Roland which speaks of events that happened in 778 AD.

They did not "admixed" with each other prior to that which suggest they have not met with each other, with a different migration path for those who called themselves Hungarians and only more recently Magyars (when they were feeling strong enough not to care for the cover anymore). They are, as the late name says, some of the Magars of Nepal.
They took upon arrival in Panonia, and now we know that happened prior to 778, the name Hungarians, inspired by locals and/or their other name, Mongars, so nobody could guess their origin. However it is possible a distant relationship, as the two of them and all the other Mongols are descending from the Noongars of Australia.

Together with them came the Székelys, first mentioned in 1438 (nations are not estates), which are actually part of Nepal Buddha's clan, Shakya. That explains the name of Buda fortress, which became medieval Buda (Budapest since 1873).

The (in)famous inscription Novo Ordo Seclorum on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States comes from their name. Go figure.

Of course the remaining Székelys in the middle of today's Romania have no idea where they came from or why. Though their is a similarity between their flag and that of Nepal. To establish a remote Buddhist controlled foothold in the middle of Europe, near the gold mines of Dacia. Also, a nation mentioned as such in a treaty is not a subgroup.

Neither Huns or Hungars could not have been numerous. They more than likely brought with them tactics of unconventional warfare, which may explain their military success in Europe. They started their secret influence after infiltrated the Catholic Church after the baptism of their first king, Stephen, and especially by creating some of the religious orders, like Dominicans, with opposition from Jesuits.

Friars, an umbrella term for all of  them, could be again a playword, chosen to symbolize their secret mission, that is setting the world on fire. Spanish Inquisition controlled by Dominicans was punishing "heretics" by burning at the stake.

This was written late at night (or early morning) local time (PDT) out of frustration over an idiotic article (with many inner contradictions) written by a so called Romanian patriot in official media which inspired me to read many sources including the Song of Roland, when i got lucky. However, three hours later i'm still mad.

3:10 Tonight i took another look at the flag of the Székelys and was intrigued by the resemblance with the logo of Philippines chapter of Dominicans but also with the logo of the management firm of this complex.

10:35 Was only thinking. Hypothetically. We all know that in Japan there was a caste system very similar to that of India, with daimyo (feudal lords) on top and samurai as warrior class and peasant at the base.

By 1500 another class was at the peak of its influence and that was the ninja which were more like the pariah of Japan. But i believe they came to control the other two and in the end abolished the samurai and basically the whole feudal system.

Could those be linked to geographic areas, like the fierce samurai to the sami people of the north living across three continents and the cunning ninja to the noongars of Australia, again,  using all kinda unconventional warfare tactics?

And then the terror started upstairs. I noticed that if i start the big bathroom fan it usually calms them down. Maybe because the dust and other goodies raised in the space between ceiling and floor upstairs by the heavy stomps makes its way, pushed through cracks in walls by a leak in the bathroom exhaust pipe, outside, and comes back from under the door at the the person upstairs, if any.

7:15 Cred că denumirea de vlahi dată dacilor de vecinii de la vest, care înainte de venirea maghiarilor au fost mai mult germani, se datorează îmbrăcămintei lor care folosea masiv inul. Ie. In este un cuvânt latin (lin in franceză). Cum mi-am dat seama. Aveam un borcan cu ulei de in pe masă în fața mea.

Dar avem și în sanscrită un cuvânt lina, care înseamnă printre altele ascuns sau dizolvat, care ar putea fi un cuvânt vechi la baza celui latin. Din latină mai avem și linen în engleză, care conviețuiește cu germanul flax. Posibil și originea cuvântului in în engleză și română (în). Prin extensie, se poate ajunge la lână, ceea ce arată că oamenii preistorici au folosit inul pentru îmbrăcăminte înaintea lânii.

Linnen, the other cotton. (Inul, celălalt bumbac).

Pick a bale of cotton a day (să culegi un balot de bumbac pe zi). Are those karate Elvis costumes?
Like ABBA's song above which is a medley of three American folk songs, the first and last part of Sting's song below is about racism, gas chambers, bondage, things like this.  However, watch (listen to) the original accent. Especially the r. It is very difficult for non native speakers to pronounce the r in English.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20

10:50 Actul 7 scena 3. Adică au fost filmate ieșind de pe o ușă. Cu alai.

10:55 Era un timp când auzeai de un incendiu la un spital în fiecare lună. Ăștia nu au nici un fel de security, paznici ceva? Administrator, camere video? Nu era alimentat cu curent? Dar ce a luat foc, freonul? A aruncat Dorel țigara pe el? Eu cunosc bine aceste dispozitive, nu există nimic în interior să ia foc în afară de izolația la firele de alimentare cu curent. Dar aia nu cred că arde cu flăcări să se vadă, poate doar fum.

Pentru că am folosit eu cuvântul climatizare într-o postare recentă? Dat foc la valiză? Încălzire globală? Da știu e greu de demonstrat dar este exact pe stilul unei știri pur semantice. A luat foc un spital, adică partea de afară a unui AC care nu era alimentată cu curent (de aer între pol și ecuator). Alta, cu pol. Și nu e vorba de prins.

11:35 Les boucs emissaires. (The woman in the picture seems familiar. No they don't look all the same. Except for the anger and hate on their face).

8:10 Today i was thinking at the doctors. Doctors in the US want to be higher class. They take important loans to finish the college and then they charge a lot per visit to pay those debts and then spend on best houses, best cars, etc..

Visits nowadays are plagued by bureaucracy. They have to show they've done everything right and that reflects in paperwork, now all computerized. In the end, when all the paperwork has been done, a bit of treatment. A prescription pushed by a corporation maybe. No antibiotics, because they care so much for us.

Not talking about surgery though that is one is plagued by bureaucracy as well. For that, they need skills. However, the famous ones most often secretly delegate young ambitious ones to do their work.

All these result in most expensive care in the world. Not necessary the best. In Japan a doctor's visit or a ER visit costs 10000 yens or 68 dollars yet the Japanese live longer.

8:15 I can hear these days politicians and wives of politicians yelling on TV (because Angela watches them with an open mouth). And a fresh idea came to me. Could it be that since George Washington apotheosis every American president upon swearing of the oath becomes some sort of god while all politicians are actually saints?

During my (re)searches in the last years i saw so many faces, so many dresses and costumes. They dress best, they look best, they talk best (reading) without hesitation from the teleprompter and when you listen to them they all seem always right no matter which one is talking in that moment. Isn't that  saintly?

And my mind took me to the swearing on the Bible act. Could that be the moment of their apotheosis, when they are sworn in for the function? One detail here. When they do it they put their own hand above the Christian Bible. And then i remembered something from it. Matthew Perry 5:34.

BTW is that drummer Japanese? (drums, as solar symbol)

8:22 Cred că cel mai important aspect al educației sexuale, un subiect încă tabu în România, și pe bună dreptate, pentru că este o sarcină prea grea pentru educatorii care în general nu sunt pregătiți pentru asta, sistemul nu este suficient de matur, este ca și copiilor, oamnilor în devenire să li se explice că la un moment dat în viața lor fragedă apare o schimbare majoră.

Hormonii sexuali. Momentul este ușor de recunoscut fiindcă apar și schimbări fizice imposibil de ignorat. Dar mai importante sunt cele mentale. Ei nu vor mai fi la fel niciodată, nu vor mai fi copii. Gândirea, ideile li se schimbă în mod fundamental. Constante în ecuație și reperele lor sunt doar părinții.

Noi furtuni hormonale apar odată cu începerea activității sexuale, cu un nou maximum după căsătorie.

Eu știu că majoritatea românilor, a familiilor acținează rațional și știu să facă față tuturor acestor încercări. Însă un număr, care nu e de neglijat, mai ales cei care nu sunt informați și nu sunt ghidați, devin victime a acestor schimbări care pentru ei devin traumatizante în mod ireversibil.

Toate aceste probleme pot fi exacerbate, date peste cap adică de feromonii emiși de resturile unei cățele în călduri din vecini. Și nu numai pentru copii.

A fost o vreme, pe vremea lui Băsescu, când în București erau cu zecile de mii. A avut asta vreo influență în emanciparea socială, în noi valuri ale unor noi revoluții sexuale?

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15

12:45 Was compelled to do a search, found more than i could hope for. How many things one can tell from a video on the streets of a city in a foreign country? Many, if not all.

Yesterday evening i was intrigued by a girl walking away from me. Did not see her face except with peripheral vision for a fraction of a second when sun hit directly her face behind a tinted window in a car.

Dressed in black with a black scarf on her head, walking on a newly paved black street, she climbed in a black Mustang and drove away. It was then when she turned her head to check for traffic. Could had ben her but i was looking in a different direction so i did not catch her face in the middle of my retina.

Why is this important? When she was walking she had a certain stiffness in her body. A big turn off. I remember when i moved to the US someone told me that people can say by my walk i was not born here.

And yes indeed, look at the girl with red  hair and the one with green shorts and generally to everybody in this video. They let their weight on each foot much more than they should (by our standards). It is that i saw last night at Indian Head.

Why was she all dressed in black. Maybe because of what i wrote. Nirvana. Black magic. The fresh paving that occurs in any place we go. About that, i am writing a whole post but unfortunately i am too tired tonight.

I would assume the chicanos train a lot in Japan only to walk the way Americans do.

Walking style is cultural. (And yes they changed a lot since the days of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku girls).

9:00 AM Kursk

10:40 Market. Oil is up, which usually brings energy and the whole market up, in about the same percentage, Enphase is up, what else, Super Micro Computers, and of course, heavy weight (by market capital) Tesla.

6:45 Since all the good men became better, the bad deserve anything. (Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)).

6:50 Ice age.

9:25 White chested dogcyanobacteria. It means to me there are still people in the area, other then them since they are going for their mind. Cyanobacteria do not produce cyanide nor is the deadliest but do poses a health risk. But it's easy to avoid since the bloom is visible.

These guys do subtle things to people's mind nobody recognizes as such because they are at a different level.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8

2:00 PM Free live music and erotic show at Spirit Mountain. That night at Spirit Mountain. There was a guy from Lincoln City playing live music. There was a plastic foil covering the end of the casino (ex non-smoking area), a dead end.

Next to the foil, inside of the open area, always "playing" at the same machine a woman having one leg on the chair bend under her butt, with a mask with eyes resembling Alexa Crush. Herself, not a meme. Doing the same thing as her meme did at Little Creek. The only thing is the meme got arrested.

I kept staring at her trying to figure what was odd. Bret played one last romantic song at the piano then the show ended.

Today i had a revelation and figured what was going on. Question. How low can these guys at Spirit Mountain go?

They were times when they were offering, like all the other "establishments of culture" free lodging during weekdays. Trying to figure out why they don't anymore. Who comes to stay there during the week when the casino is almost empty? Actors and extras from Hungary, ready at any time for a show?

3:36 On Friday August 18 2023 i went with Angela in the food court at Spirit Mountain. 3 Japanese women came to a table next to ours and started talking very loud. One was sitting, two standing. After about half hour i told them to quiet down. However one of them (on the left) came and sat at our table and told me. "You are ugly!". I like to f... but i will never f... with you because you are so ugly.

Then i pulled the camera in about the same time security came in and filmed them. I am not so proud the way i was talking (tired, a bit drunk) and don't want to post the video. However, when i looked at today, i realized the one sitting may be the current Empress of Japan, Masako.

My computer refuses to upload that screenshot right now. I tried to send the image to Angela's computer to upload it from there however gmail refused to do it. I tried to upload the image on google drive, the same result.

Ok after a number of tries i finally uploaded the image on google drive and i post it from there.
Ok my computer still refuses to upload images on blogger so i will post her picture from a site (there is a chance it will disappear or the link will be broken). 

4:55 How it all started. @ July 4th i put a piece of plastic foil to stop the seeds from falling on the concrete patio because birds and squirrels were making a mess (bringing red wood dust on the concrete, that would then be blown by the AC). A couple of pushpins broke and fell on the ground. One of the broken tips, that was like a 10 mm needle entered one of my toes.

Today or after about a month i had to remove it because too many seeds gathered in there, somehow got wet and started to stink. BTW it stinks badly like dog s...t, at 96 degrees (36 Celsius). Much silence around here after i posted the above, i guess the AI is rebooting, like after any major revealing.

You have to understand i did not put the video (screenshots) at the time out of respect for a most important country. But they did not understand and kept doing the same thing over and over. I think the ninja have outlived their role in unifying and modernizing Japan.

At this moment, after the last episode and after remembering almost every time i went in there i saw some old Japanese ladies probably from their entourage (or themselves, i was always a bit buzzed especially when arriving, and then i wasn't paying much attention), i can only conclude that Spirit Mountain Casino within Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Oregon is actually under direct patronage of the Japanese Imperial Court. To use for propaganda reason (shows with the Antichrist).

5:40 But here at the apartment. Naruhito himself showed as the supervisor of the construction team (BZ Construction) who installed the new windows after i posted those IR images in April 2022.

6:53 PM Micul gid juridic. Mărturiile vin de la procuror... Și de la martori ce vine? Acuzarea?

10:55 PM Alte probe din același dosar penal făcute publice.

9:50 (8-9) How frustrating... Is this real? Can you figure now what these guys are doing and how are they controlling everything?

10:05 (8-9) Wait a minute. The standing one? The one i talked to? It makes sense cause she was speaking perfect English. Also acting as dr.Collier at Woodland Park hospital in 2002. Falsely detaining me in the hospital. Torture. It makes sense since Harrison Ford was dr.Erickson, also detaining and torturing me. She is now dead (or retired in Japan) but dr.Harrison is here and fine.