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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query neutrinos. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

January 26

4:35 AM According to standard model the smallest known particle is the muon neutrino, with a mass of 0.17 eV. All the other masses are measured in either MeV (mega electron volts) or GeV (giga electron volts) which is million or billion times bigger. At this point i propose AEther is made of neutrinos. They have a tiny mass, millions of times smaller than next bigger particle, no charge and a 1/2 spin. Ideal candidate.

A stream of neutrino could stand for a magnetic field where their spins could be aligned.

When a high energy photon enters a stream of neutrinos, it will get knocked out in its components, an electron and a positron which are whirls rotating in opposite directions and will start circling in opposite directions when in vacuum and spiraling in the cloud chamber.

From what i saw, the positron is bigger than the electron resulted in pair production and that cold as well be caused by the spin of neutrinos.

Don't know yet if the photon is made of one or two hourglass shaped pair of particles in a cross pattern and if they oscillate, transferring AEther from one another but is the only way it could happen if they move on a direction perpendicular on the hourglasses axis because otherwise the photon will start spiraling. As for what makes them oscillate, could be fluid mechanics laws applied for frictionless AEther and it could appear as they are dynamically attracted by their own past selves.

9:47 Yeah should have avoided any exotic ideas like past selves, creating time, things like this. As i went to bed last night i finally got the idea, however was too tired to come back at the computer and write it down.

I don't believe anymore they oscillate or pulsate or anything. The Polish hologram seem to be accurate.

What is holding those four funnels together preventing them from growing to infinity is the pressure of the AEther, made of neutrinos. Which then could mean the AEther fills uniformly the whole known space. Photons cannot exist without it. This goes against the Big Bang theory.

So in a way the were right talking about luminiferous AEther. However i feel a bit nervous about countless neutrinos and muouns passing through my body all the time. But i believe other cosmic rays are doing more damage then those, giving me this terrible headache this morning.

Let's read one more time what the Bible says about Ezekiel's wheel.

Perpendicular Scalar Compression? Photons do not travel? This comes close to my first representation however those vectors are pulsating funnels and the "hologram" caught an image covering a whole period with all 4 funnels at their peak.

Two funnels in existence at any moment. The photon could be split into an electron and a positron when the funnels are equal enters the magnetic field. The positron gets bigger by accumulating more neutrinos that turn in opposite direction as whirl of opposite spin attract?

I don't see any negative spin in the standard model table though.

BTW the table is big and the number of particles we figured so far is small (Art is long and time is short).

3:10 I thought i saw that before! (Too late in Paris)

4:55 A boundary condition may occur when AEther pressure meets whilrs, like in the case of photons. Here is a more complex or maybe hypothetic particle.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

January 29

7:02 All the math i could remember flashed in front of my eyes last night, but i've done it (the basis for my final model). In the meantime, i realized the model could be something else i haven't thought of it yet.

Got a question. How people could understand math in the past without desmos (or something similar like Geogebra, etc..)

7:50 It moves on slider l on z axis for now but it works. It's slow and jittery even on my octo core mini PC because there are a lot of calculations to be done. I believe it could be optimized by reusing some of the calculations but that is not my purpose today.

12:10 PM But again this version does not allow any asymmetry for polarization.

Also the real hologram on the left suggests there is a phase difference between the whirls. Could be advancement with rotation? (Coming (maybe not so) soon, have to move it in cylindrical coordinates).

Electric fields of electron and positron whirls whirls is given by the AEther pressure gradient caused by the enormous speed of the whirls and magnetic field would be a stream of AEther attracted at periphery and expelled through the middle. Being frictionless, there is no transfer of energy on a closed circuit AEther stream.

AEther pressure holds the 4 components of the photon together.

Gravity would stand for lower pressure inside every whirls that make up the Universe.

Whirls rotating in opposite directions attract each other and those rotating in the same direction repel however, when they rotate at 90 degrees, it's either way.

If i the photon enters a magnetic field (a stream of neutrinos or AEther) it will start to rotate until it breaks in the components with them merging from 4 into 2 swirls that start rotating in opposite directions creating the so called pair production. AEther itself is polarized which means it has a pressure. Due to this, electron whirls pump less AEther than positron ones hence an asymmetry for explaining polarization.

So yeah, instead of having one million crazy theories, formulas and interpretations (and approximations) each to explain anomalies in the pervious as it is in quantum physics right now, you would have one crazy interpretation and the rest is our classic (super)fluid mechanics...

12:20 Whirls in the news.

5:45 when i added this to that entry a very loud exhaust started to rumble outside. As the engine heated a little, the rpm went lower and the sound diminished. However it's still there and i think is the black GMW. It left after i wrote.

Though there is no left hand rule for magnetic field, in this image Tesla seems to point the thumb to himself and wrap his fingers, with hairdo figuring the asymmetrical pair production which is proof of the existence of positive pressure (polarized) AEther.