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Showing posts sorted by date for query judge. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8

11:45 Here we are almost 25 years in the first century of the third millennium, in the internet and supercomputers and AI age and we can not figure things so simple as earthquakes, tides and even clouds and lightening.

Few people, even among mathematicians and physicist have an intuition on how big our planet is and of the planetary forces involved with keeping the Earth in Sun's orbit or Moon in Earth's are. How big would have to be a cable to keep the Moon in rotation around Earth if if wasn't for gravity.

Total mass of the oceans on Earth is about 0.02% of the mass of Earth, while for  the core, solid and liquid, which is denser than the rest, that value is 30%. Gravitational acceleration (g) exerted by the Moon on objects on surface of the Earth is about 4 orders of magnitude less than the well known g=9.81 m/s2. And by the Sun, about half.

What is going to be attracted more by the Moon and Sun?

I start to believe that oceans tides are not given by the direct pull of the Moon on water but by raising of the ocean floor with rotation of Earth in Moon and Sun's gravity field due to the pull of the two celestial bodies, and unevenly on the core. Tides are more like tsunamis though calm and predictable. The Earth is acutally pulsating, like a cosmic heart. Or lung.

The variable force excreted by tides on shores could actually be the reason of "faults" in the case of Pacific Ring of Fire. The energy of the tides lead to a constant move up and down of the "plates" against each other and friction that creates extra heat that in turn melt the mantle that is already hot and create the magma chambers and not convection. Convection currents within the liquid core are chaotic because of greater pull on the core and its constant motion under the gravity of Sun and Moon.

In the case of Atlantic, due to size and shape, the water is actually oscillating left-right, and tides are amplified by the oscillation and the "fault" is in the middle.

So how can we trust each other when we live in these cosmic lies?

Two days ago i saw an article that said  the Geological Survey of the State of Oklahoma has published charts with the raising of the Earth (ground tides) that can go up to 30 cm (one foot). However when i contacted the Survey they told me they can't find  those (but didn't say if they did that or not).

There are forces in this world that want to keep us in the dark because predicting earthquake has such a strategical value to them. So they prefer to lie to 7 billion people or how many we are right now.

And use AI, garbage and thousands of extras to constantly frame, sabotage and torture me who i am just a messenger. Do we have time for this?

1:12 Freed hostages is just a meme?

1:26 Last night before McMinville at 3:30 AM i heard this song on the radio. Then after, i was racing with a Milky Way train of cisterns and when i was left to pass it, in a narrowing (right lane ending) area, and with a car blocking my way to finish the pass, i almost got squeezed out of the road by it.

I do believe more than ever that this song is about death by gas chamber, him (megalomaniac half skinhead in sarcastic evil voice "Phil" being the executioner "first time last time") and in this version the cymbals, synths are imitating the sound of gas hissing. This song is a shame to music and art and should be banned.

2:20 We don't need no education...
Messi și Marina...

3:24 B...c i'm Madonna... And she didn't get arrested?

Rock and Roll Fantasy. In February 1996, after not sleeping for a week, part of it being again the neighbors upstairs, i got arrested, in Vancouver, WA, by a couple of Police women and i now suspect they were actually Joan Jett and Lita Ford, my HS class mates. More than that, i was kept in jail after signing a document for being released on bail. False arrest and imprisonment are not subject to statutes of limitations. But how the two got to be cops in Vancouver? Who was Janet Anderson?

To me, is important because on the form for naturalization i have to say if i have ever been arrested. If those two were not real cops, technically i was not.

And the judge. Spent that night in jail, unlwafully, again not sleeping, with my face and eyes burning from the pepper spray for which i was not treated, in the morning i got interviews by a funny bald man, then i was finally brough to court, in a jail suit that had a cut in the genital area, with no underwear. I was falling asleep and then the judge gave me to read a paper printed with capitals that started with "I APOLOGIZE TO ALL NATIONS..." just to see if i can read.

But who was the judge? By the name Stocker, 83 back then, i think he was no other than...

After i saw the judge (and Janet Anderson) they sent me home. However, i wanted to go first to the hospital. At the ER they took blood sample, blood pressure and they gave me a... vision test.

Then they took me to the Washington Memorial whatever, the local psychiatric hospital. No fluids nothing after a week of not sleeping, eating or drinking. Dan Costan bought me something to eat, with nothing to drink.

In the  hospital they gave me a pill and i slept 12 hours. When i woke up, dr.Proano was ready with the diagnosis. Schizophrenia.

I struggled with dehydration for the next 3 weeks i was in the hospital. Now i now what they wanted. A stroke.

Monday, February 19, 2024

February 19

12:50 Murder on the Dance Floor
10:20 I recently wrote about the speculations on stock market and the difference between total "value" of a stock and the real or intrinsic value of that stock. I also remember relatively recently there has been an announcement saying Microsoft has passed the three trillion threshold.

Then it came the shocking news of the amount of fining of Trump in a civil lawsuit.

BTW it always puzzled me since the day i came to the US and saw the news about civil case of  OJ Simpson. I mean, the family has been awarded a large sum of money based on the claim he killed her though he was acquitted in the parallel criminal trial.

All civil lawsuits give money rewards for the damaged part. In the case of Trump, it was for the intentional super evaluation of his assets in order to get loans, and there is a name for it. Fraud. (though i don't see where the damage was for the State of New York).

Fraud is a crime. How come the prosecutor and the judge and us all can ignore the fact crimes have been committed?

Everybody knows. There is no sign of equality between the intrinsic value of a stock and the sum of the shares of that stock. I am not sure exactly what that intrinsic value means. Ok so it cannot be greater than assets. What is  the current value of the assets of Facebook (meat whatever)?

It is about the same value it went 20% up that day. So only 1/5 (or less) of its stock value is covered by assets. Same goes for Apple, google, Amazon, Nvidia, Tesla, Microsoft etc..

As you can see, the difference between assets (minus liabilities whatever) and the market value is what they call a bubble. Only the five the magnificent 7 mentioned above account for a seven trillion or more bubble.

So we can see stock market is no much different than a Ponzi scheme. People buy shares hoping they will go up and one day they could sell them to other people for a profit. It is called speculation. But it is all legal and institutionalized while Ponzi schemes are not.

But if tomorrow for some reason a large enough number of holders would decide to sell all at a time (probably) around 10% of any of the seven, the whole thing will come crumbling down (bubble will burst).

The opposite is happening in Japan. Do you know where the difference is coming from? All of your Toyotas and Hondas and Nissans and Subarus etc. etc. etc......

Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16

10:40 Alexei Navalny

1:45 So they waited and waited and waited until they found the right moment to put the shocking news with Trump. Mainly because the man looks like... Just to let you know guys again and again who you're dealing with. Alien AI that is. Now searching for Engoron. Am i going to find him fast enough?

And one question. Anybody remembers in this time he was really the judge?

6:21 Haven't heard of Steve Eaton since. But he did it big time this week. Nothing changed, there is a new supervisor, "an old Mexican" however Steve is still doing the scheduling. Which means who is going to work what and with who. A team of @14.

So he again scheduled something for Angela to feel good in weekend.

After working with a deaf-mute and now with a Native American (i assume both fake like anybody else), they working Angela big time. Always working twice as everybody else. The Native American was missing yesterday, Angela worked for two, in the end she wasn't ready, and Steve sent Hao, Angela's best enemy there. Vietnamese, by definition clean as a swamp, in reality a major b...

As i was saying earlier. Vietnamese are saints in the US. Or they are kept that image because so many Americans did for them. So they are untouchable. From time to time they organize a show like this at Eaton just to reinforce that image.

She came and mixed Angela's parts that were sorted. In the morning she did it one more time and Angela got into a verbal fight with her in cafeteria. Which means raising a bit the voice, each, no harsh words, just professional voice raising. The whole team and especially Steve and the Native American started to yell "enough" "go to HR" which Angela did cause she was boiling with that desire since yesterday though i told her not to.

Hao went after her. As expected Angela got her butt kicked and "the supervisor notified". Supposedly Hao too. The supervisor told Angela "i know she did it on purpose but you overreacted. The story of our lives, both of us". How many times i got too at work into ready made scenes like these?

Late in the day Steve came to ask Angela to volunteer for tomorrow. He needed 4 people. But i told Angela early this morning not to go. Lately she did constantly 60 hours a week and at the end of the week she was just melting away, going and loosing in casinos like crazy. BTW the casinos went nuts also. No more winning in many months.

She didn't want either because she always has to work more than others, just to prove. The reason why she was asked.

Just another weekend gifted by Steve. But i assume is retaliation also because what i wrote about Japanese, being thieves. I was telling Angela. In the 70s we heard even in Romania about Japanese imitating and selling cheap in the US, and they kept doing that until they reduced car manufacturing in the US to large trucks, 50% of the cars on the street being Japanese, rest Korean, German and a few Americans.

What did they do with the money? They bought everything including real estate media outlets and politicians and nowadays there is nobody left to say anything. So Eaton must be theirs as well.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Naturalization. Why Not?

I guess i never wrote the entire story from beggining to end so it can be understood by anybody. In December 95 i moved to Vancouver, WA, at Fox Pointe Apts next to Kyocera factory at the advise of Nelu Ciorba who introduced me to Dan Costan. Dan Costan was already working there as a tech and his wife as an operator and the firm had a reputation for hiring Romanians (back then everybody was hiring).

However i was denyied the app though in September i was called for an interview in the evening which i missed becasue i was working swing shift at Sheridan that day.

Around Christmass time there has been a shooting at the 7-11 on our street.

In January Dan Costan took me to an Interim agency (now Shperion) who hired me to work for Electronic Specialty. He was kinda sarcastic and he told me after on several occasions that he was a right extremists while being very offensive, if not threatening.

So i went to work there. Since the first day, a woman named Merry (resembling my grade school chemistry teacher) asked to work at a drilling press passing a tool through ferrite relay armatures used in a military application. As i said in the linked post above, i got sick and ended up in jail and then  hospital.

I figured the smartest way to describe what happened is to link to other posts. But the short story is i got gassed with 1,1,1 trichloroethane, awake and without water for a week, pepper sprayed, beaten, arrested by a couple of police women, booked, jailed and had a trial date set for a couple of misdemeanors.

But i didn't know about the trial until a few days before when i got the "invitation" in the mail. I think i was already working at Credence and had 800 dollars in my checking. So i grabbed the yellow pages and found an attorney by the name James Mayhew. He agreed to see me right away and acted as a gentleman, the kinda i never saw before or after in the US. He took my money, copies from all the documents and said he will go to trial.

However in the evening before the trial date (i think it was May 3rd, my mother's birthday) got a message on the answering machine (digital, a novelty, had only 30 seconds recording time for one message) this message from Janet Anderson, the court appointed attorney, the one who represented me in the day after the arrest in front of the judge.

It was only in the last years that i realized her voice is Hilary Clinton's. The physical appearance as i remember (height, weight, face) also matches her.

So all of a sudden i found myself the next day in Vancouver Municipal Court's hallway having two lawyers, arguing with each other. The calm and nice gentlemen i saw in the office the other day turned into a small man all perspiring in front of her.

However he managed to tell me that if i take that offer it means i plea guilty to the offenses (a couple of misdemeanors), that would eventually be dismissed after 2 years but forever in my record and i will have problems with my citizenship. He also told me not to sign the agreement because it was never signed by the judge Stocker.

I those moments i had to make a decision and going in that courtroom with the perspiring guy seemed to risky to me. So i signed the papers and then the next days i did something i will be ashamed forever. I went and asked him the money back and he gave it to me.

Years have passed and time to apply for the citizenship. However i stopped with filling the application when i got to the question "Have you ever been arrested". So i passed.

A few more years have passed and i got so sick in 2004 (unbearable upper abdominal pain) i decided to go to Romania to see some doctors there. And there i got another option. Since they would not let you enter EU without a health insurance, i bought one real cheap for a few months traveling there and went to France where i hopped i could see real doctors. But that is another story.

Since i did not know if i will return, or what will happen to me there, just before i left in April 2004 i filled the application for Angela since she had a clean record. When i came back in September i found Angela with a chemo pump on her shoulder, and after her "cancer" (we did not know of before i left) surgery in September (and one more stay at psychiatry for me in the same hospital, where she came to see me the day after surgery) she was granted citizenship. But i did not want to take a chance for myself, and will try to explain why.

But for that i will have to bring here the USCIS Naturalization Application form N400. At page 14 of the file there are some questions starting with "Have you ever been...?"

A few days ago i decided to fill the app to see what happens, cause i have been without a passport either Romanian or American or whatever for too long and the application for Green Card renewal is getting more expensive (fees) than Naturalization itself which does nor require renewal every five or ten years and you cannot travel with a Green Card only.

There is very little chance that two misdemeanors i pleaded guilty though never been convicted 27 years ago to cause any trouble with the application (where a couple of things can go wrong, the least, being denied, the second, deported for omitting crimes as a non-citizen). Though there are a few observations here to be made. Those records do not exist anymore at the Vancouver Court, they have been destroyed like any others after a number of years.

The app does not tell you what to do when records were destroyed (though expunged mentioned there also involves destroying though at your request). By forcing you to disclose an expunged record and eventually suffer the consequences, they are sanctioning you again for the same violation you may have been convicted in the past (NON BIS IN IDEM).

There is also a problem with what they call "deferred prosecution" (the agreement i made with the prosecutor though never signed by the judge) where you agree to the crimes you have committed or not to spare yourself the troubles of a trial (waving the presumption of innocence) where the prosecutors know you may have committed crimes and become your accomplices if you are never tried.

The prosecutor cannot grant amnesty to a non conviction and generally a prosecutor cannot grant amnesty (extra judicial or acts of justice outside courts).

Also when i looked at i saw more questions in that area than i remember from past versions, and also, because i have become more aware of laws and US Constitution and my English has improved, today it suddenly occurred to me the application itself may be unconstitutional.

One of the things is they force you to answer questions "even if a lawyer told you not to", that may incriminate yourself thus breaking the 5th Amendment of US Constitution, one time for each applicant.

And last but not least. Why would someone want to disclose a record that does not exist anymore with no way for USCIS to verify.

Welcome to my nightmare that lasted 27  years. To this moment i feel the touch of that baton she put in my hands to get my fingerprints while i was cuffed with my hands behind my back, pushed against the car and yelling with pain from pepper spraying. The episode got imprinted in my memory because until i saw the report i thought it was a gun.

Am ambulance came and theatrically treated one of them but not me. BTW when i got back from the hospital i saw under a bush next to the apartment a VCR tape but i was afraid to pick it thinking it might have been a trick. Did anybody filmed everything and wanted me to see it? How many times and hours i thought about and could never find a solution to all these? Thousands?

I think i read somewhere that statutes of limitations (prescriptions) do not apply to torture, attempted murder. It started with me being literally gassed at Electronic Specialty, driving under the influence of that gas, not sleeping, eating or drinking water for a week, beaten by the Police, threatened in jail, etc.. Hilary Clinton was accomplice to all these.

Bill Clinton himself was in Portland during those days.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

October 23

12:28 While i was working late Saturday evening to finish a long and complicated post about Romanian justice and curroption, a party was going on in the party building next to ours. Just because i went to Dragon Herbarium?

12:30 Nice. Show a growing girl a romantic world...

1:00  Sunak vs BoJo. Între înger și drac trage omul sărac înhămat la pământ...

Between angel and demon pulls the poor man harnessed to the Earth...

One of the most memorable verses in Romanian poetry. If you pull it out of that mixed poem i don't want to link to, featuring among other things, naive communism and deepest philosophy, but this is Păunescu, a poet of dynamic contrasts and contradictions.

1:40 Am stat și am scris la postarea aia grea despre justiție și am pierdut firul evenimentelor și mai ales a ștergerilor (informațiilor). Faza cu electricitatea din Ucraina de exemplu a apărut parcă după ce am postat eu traducerea aceea. Încât stau și mă întreb dacă mai pot să fac ceva ce îmi place și care mi se pare absolut nevinovat.

1:56 The pains of ungaying. Wondering. What Păunescu would have to say about this.

This starts to be funny to me... It appeared after i posted the above, you know, with angels and demons...

2:00 One thing is sure. US Congress should not subpoena Trump or be in contempt whatever because it is a legislative, not a judicial body. Nor the President should veto a bill of Congress rending Congress useless and no judge should  block a Presidential order, all according to Montesquieu, the French philosopher who inspired the Declaration of Independence. I agree the 3 powers should both cooperate and compete, but never doing the job of another. It looks like judicial need interfere with executive and legislative, if they pull out of constitutionality and legality, but only after a judicial process at the highest court, which can only judge by example the President's acts or constitutionality of bills.

In reality though separation of powers in state in reality is an ilusion, it can never work.

2:15 Ashmole...

7:44 Toate ca toate dar asta e ca o (anti) sinteză a tot ce am scris ieri...

Felul în care reacționează ei mă duce la o singură concluzie. Informația despre un eveniment deși pare cauzată de acel eveniment, odată scoasă din mediul (vecinătatea) în care s-a produs evenimentul, nu are nici o legătură cauzală directă cu acel eveniment, ea putând fi falsă sau adevărată, este un eveniment în sine mediat de persoane (in)conștiente.

Faptul că informația poate fi falsă sau adevărată nu poate fi verificat numai din acea informație. Este nevoie de verificări și coroborări active din partea receptorului cu alte informații. O informație adevărată neverificată se poate pierde (distruge) în noianul de zgomote (entropie) produse de o media neloială unui anumit public.

Exemple (la prășit prin site-uri).

Ministrul Justiției crede deși nu poate verifica. De fapt, această informație aruncată în media zilele acestea pentru a produce zgomot, nu poate fi verificată de nimeni. Îți plac regulile, ai încredere în regulator, joci. Nu, nu. Vrei să devii clovnul lor, faci niște bani, care poate ajung la tine sau poate la vreo mafie, te expui riscului de a fi terfelit la nevoie, tu și "țara ta", fără nici o șansă de apel pentru că ești condamnat fără judecată.

But you may feel a little sick (Pink Floyd, Comfortably Numb, ce-i spune doctorul înainte de injecție).

Cireașa de pe giveciul furnizat dvs. de media azi. Procuratura nu putea face asta bineînțeles, era nevoie de superprocuratura numită de noi DNA.

Gosztola. Hot News. Doi turiști au furat o gondolă (ce dreq poți să faci cu o gondolă?)

Electricity iar. Fisherman of men. Ce dreq de undiță era aia? Erau fire electrice de înaltă tensiune (și joasă înălțime) lângă lac sau râu? Avea sârmă în loc de fir de nylon? (că doar nu era moldovean).

Răsturnare de situație, un titlu aproape zilnic în media din România. În realitate, e vorba de ciulinii Pestei.

CurroptionStabbed by the flesh (of a neon light).

PM syndrome.

12:05 Este atât de frustrant fiindcă mi se pare că numai eu văd dușmănia din media față de români. Da, e adevărat, au trecut prea mulți ani de când își fac de cap nestingheriți și au creat și "educat" publicul care acum este complet paralizat. Dar până și eu m-am uitat de vreo 10 ori în zile diferite timp de cel puțin o săptămână la poza asta fără să mă prind. Chestia e așa. Subiectul te șochează din prima, îți deschide larg poarta emoțiilor iar fraza intră acolo subliminal.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24

7:00 Today will probably be the last day of construction here. Last Monday they came and removed the old windows which are not  yet sealed from the inside. The smell of litter dust from the wall is prevailing here. I can imagine what's inside the wall if the sawdust smells so bad it contaminated me after i dusted the rear side of the building yesterday.

So i'm sick and nauseated. After four hours of sleep i took Angela at work so i can keep the car, get inside or go in the park if i can't bear it no more.

Took some charcoal, watched some videos, ate something, waiting to fall asleep. And then i saw something in a video and couldn't stop but post it. You judge for yourselves what you see.Then i fell asleep and thought i heard a noise like someone knocking at the door. I went to see, they were two guys and i asked them if they were going to enter today inside and they said no, maybe next week, they are working now at the next building, and then i wrote an email to the office to ask when are they going to get inside and when are they going to finish the project. 9:17 Last night i tried to escape the last hours of dust and noise and i convinced Angela to go to Spirit Mountain. She had a 10 dollar food coupon and went to the 10 barrel bar to order some burgers.

She made the order on her name and she left. As this not so tall body builder went to the bar to pick something, the attendant called her name and he was in front of me at the bar and i was extremely irritated (pain all over my skin) because of the dust, but know i recon, the biggest problem is not the walls cause i sealed the windows with tape pretty well, the biggest problem is the pile of garbage that keeps growing for 10 days outside door. I also craved real coffee and had some and i started yelling at the guy, Are you Angelica, and he looked prepared, he said no, you are Angelica and i told him You look like Angelica. He could have probably taken me with one finger, but he chose to leave me alone.

One hour later, Angela was playing one dollar hands at the High Limit area (smaller area, fewer cameras with easier to asses angles) when a group of men, all looking athletes, started to make a big noise and yell, and one of them put his butt on Angela's face at which point i grabbed the phone and took a picture, as he was straightening his bowed position. Then i started to record the yelling guys and uploaded a few recordings and they left soon after. I recognized one of them as...

10:07 I think one of the guys i spoke with this morning when i opened the door looked like... Not sure cause i'm half asleep. But definitely saw him through the window Monday when they had some sort of meeting and he was acting like the supervisor or owner of the company. A compressor for powering tools constantly vibrates the building, bringing dust by the windows that i sealed with packaging tape that leak in places.

BTW, if they asked me i'd say it's not bad they replace the moldy aluminum windows, but the biggest problem with the building is the basement.

I remembered about 5 years ago they did the roofing in the whole complex, it's been a continuous nail beating sound, with thousands of nails (about one nail per second on average) for each roof for almost one year. Before that, they fixed the pavement, another couple of months of misery. After roof it's been the siding @ May 2019.

2:18 I ran to Best Buy to buy a sim card for my phone. Many people simulating getting in front of me, the guy with the blower in the parking lot. On my way back i had to stop behind a guy who stopped too early at a stop sign (incoming traffic not close enough, last stop before intersection and was saying now "incoming traffic has no stop", really weird, car coming from North). Then he moved when he shouldn't (traffic still coming) while a big white SUV Discovery from the right came to 1 ft distance, where the driver could not control (see) the distance no more. I got back thinking to take a picture, but she backed up at once at the line of the intersection and at once extended her head through the window, making it impossible to take the picture. She also didn't have a front LPN. The rear LPN showed something like MNH (My New Ache). I hurried to write this because last time when something similar happened the cops came at my door "to make sure i will not retaliate to the poor guy" who was also present at my door dressed as a cop. Yesterday in the intersection following stop sign a cop was watching with serenity as a gray KIA almost ran me over as i was crossing on green.

From 20 ft away where she moved back she looked like Ariana Grande, thought with short, curly ash blond hair.

When i got back here two guys were blowing the dust in the parking lot all the way to the sky, somehow the dust made it here (under the door i guess) and made me sneeze. By writing this i know i will supersede myself the information i put when complaining about 10 days of dust in the apartment, this is how they work, they usually blow dust in this location about one hour later. I didn't catch the image at the peak of the dust though.
4:13 It was nothing like yesterday. Didn't need the car to run away since they haven't worked at this building at all. After they finished at the next side facing ours, almost same amounts of windows in less than half the time they did here (they had a bigger team i guess), they moved on the other side of the next building, made less noise, less dust and i fell asleep and slept several hours. But what did i witness when i went to pick Angela? I parked, like yesterday, on the other side of the alley where she usually parks and Angela (who slept 4 hours, worked ten) was coming towards me in the middle of the alley, without looking behind just being happy she gets home and i watched with terror when one of the two "Chinese women" (Fang) almost ran her over with her big SUV (small Chinese woman, big SUV, can't see near or in front maybe up to 20 ft) (again, superseding the information above, missing her by inches).

Then we went to her garden only to find there a woman who left looking embarrassed, with a bag with something in it. When Angela looked, several pounds of tomatoes were missing. She talked to Angela the other day, saying she comes there to relax, not having a lot of her own. The good news is the kitchen compost in the piled bags has fermented, is not stinking anymore while there are still left a few weeks of "crops". (Yeah i know phone camera was on manual, WB is screwed).

There is another expression for this type of information superseding: If you complain, i'll bully you some more.

5:45 After about one hour of the AC working, the room filled with dust. A mixture of siding dust falling from the balcony above that has been swept but probably like mine, with finest dust remaining, and the one from the blowing of the parking lot (Wednesday blowing, picture above).
I went and tried to hose the AC, the concrete patio, screen, etc.. Some guy from BZ came to throw away garbage. I mean, literally throwing boards on top of other, raising more dust. He had a mask completely covering his face at 90+ degrees. Three Japanese teens as tall as me passed, slowly. But then i realized i need to hose the balcony upstairs as well. However when he went to vacation, like never before, he left a pair of shoes which i tried as much as i could to avoid. (BTW today i remembered he had a pair of miniature boxing gloves attached to the central mirror). Dust and bigger chunks of debris fell so i had to do mine one more time. Trouble with these small window ACs is the inner (cold) area communicates with the outer through the water collecting pan which is not always full. While i was hosing the balcony a guy with glasses was fixing a bicycle tire while i was virtually hosing him (he was in that direction but too far away). Guess the symbolism?

When i was about to finish i realized they didn't fix that piece of siding everything started with (though i'm not sure cause SAGE inspected the buildings before that). It looks like the other siding under is wet, needs to dry. All i want to say is when i discovered it two years ago i didn't have the  hose, it was not my doing.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

July 10

10:57 Rusia vrea Transnistria. Singura chestie e că nu Rusia vrea Transnistria ci Ungaria vrea să ne bully și să ne reducă la tăcere, prin proxy (așa cum a făcut cu restul lumii în tot timpul războiului rece, etc.). BTW ieri adormeam pe scaun la Chinook Winds și un tip de la security care arăta exact ca el a venit, m-a trezit, și mult mai politicos decât normal, mi-a propus să-mi aducă o cafea. Are you closing soon? L-am întrebat. 11 minutes, a răspuns. Mai erau 11 minute până se închidea (Două noaptea ora locală, 12 la amiază în România). După, am mers la Spirit Mountain unde am dormit 3 ore în mașină după ce am deschis puțin un geam (1 cm) dar când m-am trezit, eram așa de amețit că nu puteam merge până la toaletă. La 5 dimineața toată valea era inundată de un fum ciudat care amintea de cauciuc ars, am mers câțiva km până am scăpat de fum, dar eram foarte obosit și era să adorm la volan de câteva ori până acasă (o oră de condus), deși am condus de acolo cu zero somn la aceeași oră de atâtea ori, fără probleme. A și faza de la WC. La noul WC de la Spirit Mountain, mare uriaș, luxos, cu piatră sau marmură pe jos, gol la ora aceea, 2 (doi) îngrijitori dădeau simultan cu mop-ul, unul dintr-o direcție și unul din cealaltă chiar la picioarele mele în timp ce făceam pipi. Nu știu dacă au vrut de fapt doar să mă enerveze, ca să mă trezesc fiindcă aveam de condus.

Înainte de a adormi pe scaun la Chinook, mi s-a mai întâmplat o fază. Deși până acum am fost tratat cu multă indiferență de cei care au apărut prin cazinouri pe lângă mine, veneau doar pentru video (sunt peste 1000 de camere la Spirit Mountain) pentru prima dată, ceva ce ar fi fost un semn de normalitate, o tipă tânără, mișto, înaltă, blondă cu ochi albaștri, ușor amețită și "cu chef" a venit din spate fără să mă vadă și m-a abordat pe când citeam știrile pe telefon lângă mașina aia cu Blake Shelton. Did you win big? M-a întrebat. La 62 de ani, fără dinți, cu burtă, plin de varice pe picioare, cu un picior vânăt și transpirație cu miros ușor dulceag de la diabet și expus la radiație de la un laptop defect timp de ani de zile, tot ce am putut să fac a fost să mă retrag din fața superbei ființe, fără să spun un cuvânt, pentru că orice aș fi spus ar fi fost interpretat. Azi o văd pe fiica lui Geoană, șeful de personal lucrător al NATO - politic, în știri și am vrut să mă uit dacă are ochi albaștri fiindcă celebritățile cu care vin în contact (în sensul că stau pe scaune pe lângă mine, până acum nu a fost nevoie de nimic mai mult) de obicei apar în știri înainte sau a doua zi, cum a fost cazul lui Oberfrank mai sus, deci mă uitam la poze când a pornit o alarmă, a mers un minut sau timpul maxim după care a pornit din nou, etc.. După care văd știrea cu tipa care și-a turnat cerneală în ochi. Să fie o aluzie și de fapt tipa blondă de la casino era "fata lui Geoană" pe care au scos-o în știri în ultimele zile?

Are sens, dacă le ieșea chestia cu fumul și aveam un accident după, putea să spună că ei au intervenit ca să mă liniștească, și din partea NATO. Acum, a pornit o sirenă de ambulanță. Cu un spital lângă, pare normal, dar momentele sunt mereu alese.

Mă pregăteam să pun și diagrama cu lanțul de comandă militar al NATO dar îmi dau seama că nu are sens, pentru că NATO este un tratat atât de vag încât nu poate exista o comandă, s-ar părea, și așa se vede și din practică până acum, că e doar un cadru legal în care fiecare stat acționează voluntar. De fapt așa a fost și la Aliați (da știu numele pare generic, dar mergea pe vremea aceea, în care apropo, oamenii educați erau mult mai eleganți, care practic erau ce e NATO acum, fără Germania și Italia dar cu Rusia) în al doilea război mondial. Nu a existat, nu putea să existe o comandă unică, deși au existat unele coordonări și cooperări (un exemplu, americanii bombardau Germania ziua iar britanicii noaptea) etc..

12:00 Dresden, Churchill, Goring, Stalin, Hitler. (Da, nici o greșeală, Churchill și Goring au fost făcuți de același actor) ceea ce arată că la nivel înalt, statele, care au fost inventate pentru scopul acesta, sunt de mult toate controlate de aceeași entitate iar când încep să se agite, sunt puse să lupte între ele până se liniștesc. Însă în ultimul timp am început să cred că de fapt tot ei agită populațiile respective prin propagandă adaptată la tendințele fiecăruia.

Un joc de cuvinte, secole sau Sakya. (Mă întreb numele Nyingma de unde vine).

12:41 De patru zile stă baricadat în casă (nu pot să merg să dau praful de pe clădire cu furtunul cu apă, unde a fost ridicat miercuri de suflătorii de parcare). Ieri aveam dureri de ochi, pe tot corpul de la praf de lemn roșu (sequoia), de granit (de pe alee), izolație minerală (din pod). Fantastic cum se oprește din zgomot în momentul când încep să înregistrez. Timp de reacție, sub o secundă. Mă întreb mereu dacă e om sau robot.

12:46 Ieri am spus că stocurile de armament trebuie folosite, fiindcă sunt perisabile precum și faptul că Finlanda își cumpără 64 F35, o cantitate neobișnuit de mare pentru mărimea țării. Astăzi a apărut chestia asta în știri în România, însă e veche de 4 zile. Una din funcțiile războaielor este folosirea armamentului vechi, pentru a face loc altului, nou. Însă oricât de recente ar fi upgrade-urile pe F16 (care nu se mai fabrică decât pentru export), acesta rămâne un design de acum 60 de ani, iar marea diferență strategică este că F35 este aproape invizibil pe radar.

1:36 În urma pierderilor catastrofale suferite de România în al doilea război mondial, datorate în mare parte lipsei de armament, patrioții români, sub Ceaușescu, au creat o infrastructură uriașă, mult mai mult decât era nevoie pentru a realiza independența României din acest punct de vedere. 15 uzine de mașini unelte grele, multe alte "întreprinderi" de profil răspândite în toată țara care de fapt au dus la falimentul economiei sub Ceaușescu. Astfel, a fost posibil, ca într-un timp foarte scurt, România să proiecteze și să creeze o serie de prototipuri pentru un tanc inspirat din tancul sovietic T72. Tancul însă nu a intrat niciodată în producție de serie, prin decizii politice discutabile (sabotaj politic).

4:08 Kidnapping, torture. While i was detained and tortured (by chocking) in 2002 at Woodland Park Hospital in Portland by fake doctors owned by Symphony Healthcare, of which i know of Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, possibly Colleen Williams, others, unidentified by me, some with ties to the military, i was accused of involvement in either creating or bursting the bubble by a therapist who said he sold everything, bought an RV vehicle and started touring the country, when he lost all his money. Kidnapping and torture are not subject to status of limitations. I hereby officially complain about the three, others of which i don't know the name. I have no idea of such involvement. I wasn't blogging at the time and the only reason i started in 2012 was because of how i was treated by Romanian Consulate in Los Angeles. In 2014 started to figure the similarities, but the similarities blog was started in 2018.  In 2016 i was threatend by Tolontan, a Romanian blogger, because of the High School match posting.

Similarly, in December 96 when i was new in this country, i was arrested by Christiane Amanpour, after a chemical exposure (gassing), a week of not sleeping, taken to court, defended by Hillary Clinton (court appointed attorney Andersen) and taken in front of a judge named... Stocker. The other attorney whom i paid but he gave me the money back was Chris Matthews (attorney Mayhew from Vancouver WA).

Many of the things lately happened in casinos, which are on tribal jurisdiction, but i would assume even they have some sort of laws, since they have Police cars and pull cars on the streets. But i believe Chinook Winds is not on tribal land.

Oregon has a law against stalking. I hereby complain of Ana Maria Geoană, citizen of Romania, daughter of NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană, Pál Oberfrank, actor, a citizen of Hungary, for unwanted contact without revealing their ID, for political reasons. More than that, Pál Oberfrank appeared and talked to me at Chinook Winds dressed in a security officer uniform, which may mean he also broke a number of other laws. Saturday a couple of individuals of which i'm not sure who they are came at my door for no reason dressed in Police officers "trying to prevent me from retaliating" after i yelled at someone in traffic "why are you tailgating me?" and that person may be Kazuya Kamenashi, actor, a citizen of Japan.

5:11 He left but only when i was getting ready to leave, and came back in about half hour. Would have been too little time to hose the building. What is happening is irritating dust all over my body like the smoke in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain early morning lowers metabolism and that may contribute to worsening my diabetes.

8:38 Yesterday and today i heard for the first time since i'm here, out of all the neighbors i had upstairs, him talking on the phone. He is talking loudly and could hear every word, clearly. Would have heard if he talked ten times less loud. Fell back asleep as i slept through most afternoon. Woke up, too hot in here. I went and hosed the AC itself, inside and outside, the walls, the screen, the windows and the floor of my patio just to see if it's effective cause i had too much dust to breath in the last 3 days. BTW when i went out to hose, i saw again the face of a Pitbull, stalking me in the parking lot.

10:10 Zoran, Sheeran. Stranger. It's called Xenuphobia and it usually grows with propaganda hidden in art or live shows loaded with allegories and symbolism.
I went in the park briefly with Angela in the afternoon. Very hot, parking lot was full, difficult to find a place because so many people were kayaking on the river. In the wooded area it could be heard very loud construction noises and very loud planes flew above, shaking the dust off the trees. The reason i'm nauseated tonight.

11:22 September 1995. Mladin's house. A time and place still vivid in my mind. Still on the outskirts of volcano Mt.Sylvania, within walking distance from 47 Eagle Crest Lake Oswego which was more on top, where i lived between 2010 and 2015. Mălina, Mladin's daughter, came to visit, she was tanned, green or blue eyes, her face looking a bit tired but satisfied, maybe from studying or partying (can't remember if she was still a "student in medicine"). She examined my resume and said, sarcastically, "it is very well made". Many years later i found out that Malin had a breakdown later in that year and never appeared on the scene again...

I've been searching... (Big water noise after 2 AM, but the shower doesn't sound that loud... stopped as i finished this.). Nothing sounds more American than Eagles with their tenor "Beach Boys" types of high tones, but nothing is more fake...  Unfortunately, i don't have the time, energy and motivation to search for them all...

Friday, May 20, 2022

May 20

3:00 A couple of weeks ago i filled a hole behind fridge with ready made joint compound from Home Depot. Did it in two steps, cause i knew it was going to shrink. But it didn't act like the powder compound i used before, which was actually mostly gypsum, and it shrank more. I didn't check after filling it the second stage and though the hole was completely covered after the first, it looks like it shrank after the second, and a hole appeared in the middle of it. But i covered the whole section of the wall with a plastic foil just to be sure. However tonight when i came home sitting here on the couch trying to figure who the guy at the bar was (where i ordered burgers) when the fridge started i felt the specific smell of th`e wall insides. So i plugged the hole, cleaned the floor under, didn't want to make much noise, Angela's sleeping and removed the now contaminated plastic foil. Tomorrow i'll check again, wash that foil and put it back.

3:05 Yeah i found the man (Amber was there too with several women, one partially dressed as a bride of whom i mostly seen the back, all besieging the soda machine), was thinking all night of how much damage did to me the artist known to all us as David Copperfield (old style post). I wrote a lot in a post about my experience in Italy, when i lived in an apartment with two students and a violin player, Davide from Bari. One night i organized a party, like we did a lot when we were students, the Italian students seemed clueless though they were attending discotheques, where i once was invited by thought i was too old and bald to go (33). Now i know what they did, Davide did not participate, don't know if he was in his room, but i think he made it all look like some sort of ventriloquist trick, with me playing the guitar and speaking Italian almost seamlessly. Have to explain this. Speaking Romanian and French makes you learn Italian very quickly especially since i had on cable all the major Italian channels, for two years before that with all movies dobbed in Italian etc.. He tried some more, and actually this is how i figured (now). He acted like he didn't have a job when he moved and invited me to go and play together on the streets, he with his violin and me with the accordion which i was very good at and probably told him.

But that's not all. After i came in the US, at my second or third job 1996 (if i count the one with the accidental exposure, at Electronic Specialty in Vancouver) there was also a guy called David... Cooper, who my supervisor, others, didn't like and he didn't stay long. But there also was present... the artist known to us all as Prince, Maurice Gibb (like from the Bee Gees), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, others. It doesn't surprise me now since two of my neighbors in Romania where Robin Gibb (acting as a piano player) who was married to Whitney Houston, acting as a judge.

Ever since people believe i can't speak or read English, or maybe can't read at all, and it's all a trick when i start speaking English. The man at the bar tonight was implying just that, he would not listen to me but only to Angela, when we made the order.

Just read "David's Wikipedia page" and found his "mother's maiden name was Gispan", which corresponds to the name Gipaya (Dino) of the Hawaiian supervisor at Credence so he could have been him as well. As i once explained, the building where i worked at Credence was on Nimbus alright but at the end next to... Fanno Creek. Latabar, (Davide) di Bari, also in this look, the Albanian male prostitute i met at the shelter or Caritas. He made one attempt to drag me into his business.

12:23 He worked really hard to ruin my whole morning and when he finally succeeded and i grabbed my laptop to document it he ran into his car and started the engine but waiting there for something, maybe for me to finish writing. He was here at least the last 10 days, with only one day break. This morning he woke me up at 10, (i went to bed at 6) after doing Johnny Depp and Copperfield, on a wave of irritation, i wanted to sleep some more by he started doing laundry which he didn't for weeks. I was half asleep and the other half of my brain was wondering about what i done and post it lately, but now i'm just mad. Imagine someone walking on top of you, catching your most tender morning thoughts like with an antenna (or maybe shin shin shin gan) and then walking on top of you in the rhythm of those. Of course making you breath some fresh dust from the ceiling.

12:28 Just looked through window, he's gone, the washer keeps running, now the guys next door took over and started hitting the wall again in most critical moments of your thinking processes. When they're done, some will start shutting the doors of a car like maybe 10 times for each car, a siren's already been on, but then they will start over with their mind torturing tools. As i prooved unintentionally the other day, there is no one really living here in the complex. When i go outside, the guests are ready and pop from their holes, walking in front of me, simulating all kinda things, for show, but when i took the pictures they all ran inside, not to be seen in those.

5:50 It stinks like mold in here. That is because there are numerous items like food wrappers on the red carpet. I picked some, wanted to pick more, but the ice cream van came. I checked with the weather sites, it's 58 degrees (so much for the first day of spring i was expecting). They should not come when temperature is under 70. One more proof it's all simulated. One woman with a baby passed me and said "gracias", i believe in her bluetooth or phone. Etc. BTW, after i finished treating the mole holes with borax, i saw rats going in and out a hole in the next building.

9:33 Just remembered something. The names of the owner of Tormar (Torrenova, Marmi) was Ventrella, like from ventriloquist.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

February 19

2:02 This is my first post with the new setup. I bought on Amazon a hub that plugs into one of the USB C ports in my Samsung Chromebook 4 and offers 3 USB and one HDMI port. All i had to do is reboot the computer, hook the mouse, keyboard and monitor to the hub and it worked without any other fuss. I am a bit disappointed though because i payed 19 dollars for the hub itself at Amazon and 19 dollars for the HDMI cable at Best Buy across the street (i though i had one, i was to anxious to buy one online and wait till tomorrow to see if it works). I could probably cut the price in half but have to make two returns and it's not worth the trouble. Better view, no more artifacts on screen due to poor old VGA connector, but still have to figure a number of things. Yes you can do it with any laptop that has an USB C port (and of course HDMI, when you don't need any adapter), and probably even with a phone. (Great idea, should try see if can use my phone as a desktop computer, cause it has way more procession power than this chromebook).

2:19 Earlier. I woke up after about 5 hours of sleep because of the pungent smell. My battery connector main screw got stripped last night, i put another one, but the voltage now varies between 12.3 and 14.7 and i measured and this is what's coming from alternator. Could it be the alternator detects low current and stops charging. The truth is i couldn't figure it out and still don't believe in the so called smart charging. When i left for Best Buy i noticed this bulge by the curb next to alley. What they do, is they let the moles do their job and then pierce the soil with some tool and insert something burning in the ground. The mole leaves, temporarily, and the smoke comes out for hours. And nobody knows where from. Smoke composition changes from one day to another, today, last few days brought much irritation, but also have the animal dung component.

4:23 Just figured why i have problems with the battery. Last time i worked at i got frustrated by the noise and acting in the parking lot, and involuntarily (without thinking) hammered the negative terminal. These batteries are supposedly sealed, but i think they do leak at least some vapors of acid and coat the terminal and connector with a fine invisible layer of oxide that after a while break or change the parameters of contact. Alternator will charge, but up to a limit when will stop charging probably due to detecting low current and all electrical systems on the car will work intermittently between 12.5 volts and 14.5, with most dramatic effect on fuel pump, also with some flickering at that critical point. By hammering also by overthinking it i made the leak and the oxide apparent on screws and contacts. I looked at the battery, it looks original, which means 5 years, i am rushing to buy a new one, most likely a generic one. But in the mean time i asked google a question i always wanted to. Why can't use lithium batteries instead of lead on regular (non electric) cars.

Buddha wiser. Last night i was staring at the empty beer can on the dashboard listening to the sound of ocean interrupted only by the many decibels of each vehicle that started and idled profoundly, for minutes, and suddenly had a moment of enlightenment.
9:29 Where are the times when media in the US also played a tiny bit of educational role? Nowadays it seem they rush to pave the way to hell so others could follow. This isn't cold war anymore, it's as hot as it can be, if we judge Ukraine being on the side of the west. This is a real war that started in 2014, where 14k people died already. Not talking about the Yugoslav Wars with Croatians being the good guys and Serbians the bad which happened just because Croatia and parts of Serbia were in the ex Australo-Hungarian Empire (Yugoslavia was multinational, but the Empire wasn't).

11:00 Yeah but how do we know that was real?

11:48 Virginia Giuffre reacts.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 16

11:00 I just sat at the computer, was looking in disbelief at the face of an important Romanian judge, about to receive an important function, thinking it must by Japanese, but the picture is the worse resolution i ever seen on the internet.

4:21 I'm sure nobody understands what i will try to say. Every time i go outside randomly, nothing happens, for the first 5-10 minutes. But if there's something like Angela coming from work and me needing to do some "announced" small projects at the car, they start pouring. Last, as i went to the trunk (can't find a tool) a woman from the building D entrance came smiling with a baby. Earlier, there was another woman, starting a car, when i went at the trunk, earlier, the white van instead of going straight to entrance of complex, made a detour, passing again the car when i was around it etc. etc. etc.. While i was drilling a hole through the negative battery terminal (yes it came to that) a small jet passed above, etc..

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Democracy, User's Manual (Republican are not Democrat)

(paragraphs gathered from my last fb posts and comments)

One of the biggest paradoxes of democracy is that law is (how should i say this...) not democratic. I mean, laws, Constitution are usually voted by an elect body of legislators, following democratic elections, referenda, however once laws are voted it all becomes some sort of dictatorship of the law. Which means you usually need to apply the laws as they are dictated and written and voted, including all grammar and stuff. It's not demos kratos anymore, power of the people. It's power of the judges.

Here's an example. The past inhabitants of the upstairs apartment came here with the sole purpose to harass me, and everybody knows that and they believe all the BS that has been told about me for the most part of my life and they also believe it's a normal act of a great democracy to let this happen.

But what can i say. They, including the President, who is an official of the government, are trying to impeach somebody who is not at the time of impeachment an official of the government anymore. As some would say. Mission Impossible (ask any lawyer). But most likely, waste of our precocious quality time when searching for the news.insert
One of the "causes" or inspirations for Declaration of Independence in 1771 and issuing the first ever Constitution in 1790 was the supposed madness (literally mental illness) of King George III who was reigning during both moments.

So "We The People" in 1790 wanted to get rid of the King for ever and invented the new institution of the President.

Periodic election of the President seemed to be an insurance against any madness that may occur in any hereditary monarchy.

But that didn't seem enough to the Congress, and they also wanted to provide a mechanism of removal of the President himself, just in case.

However it is clear to anybody now that the mechanism, that of impeachment through vote of the members of the Congress is again not quite democratic.

Much of the US Constitution has been designed on a model provided by french philosopher Montesquieu who at the center of his ideas had the so called theory of separation of powers in state which are usually three. Executive, Judicial and Legislative.

We have seen now, throughout Trump presidency that Executive power is very limited when it comes to normal every day business of the state. Any judge (of the Judicial branch) can easily overthrow an executive order. That is because the principles of separation of powers that inspired the Constitution do not apply to everyday normal business and we can see here a first aspect of interference the two branches.

Any bill voted by by a simple majority Congress (Legislative) needs to be "signed into law" by the President. Any President may "veto" a bill, or not sign it. However, Congress can overthrow the veto, with a 2/3 majority. Do i see here an interference of the two branches, executive and legislative?

Other examples include all Secretaries of the branches of the Government (that are subordinated and nominated by the President or the Executive) need to be approved by the Congress (the Legislative), all Supreme Court Judges (The Judicial) are nominated by the President (the Executive) etc..

Impeachment seem to copy a judicial process. However, Congress is the Legislative body and not a part (court) of the Judicial (branch of power). More than that, most elected members of Congress do not have a law degree required today for any judge. Out of 500 members of Congress, only 168 Representatives and 57 Senators have a law degree.

And the final and most important legal aspect is the fact that a President is elected through general elections by the majority of the vote of all the people of the US, and could not be possibly removed juridically by only a tiny number of the members of a majority in Congress.

The problems lays with the theory itself, with its main contradiction right at the abstract level: "Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches."

If powers are separate and real, they cannot "check and balance" (read nullify) each other.

Needless to say. After the assassination of king Louis XVI France wast under masonic rule. All "philosophers" of the French Revolution and all other revolutions that came after were obviously masons and we all know that masons do not really value philosophy. Here are some examples of masonic "philosophy".

"Freemasonry is a Western Mystery Tradition – originates with the giants of Greek Philosophy."

"Freemasonry itself, a philosophy of Logic and Reason that encouraged the individual to form a personal ethical system and obey it ruthlessly and without compromise." 

"Francis Bacon, polymath, court spy and philosopher extraordinaire was also rumored to be a member of both the Rosicrucian Society and the Freemasons and his work The New Atlantis has left historians and Masonic scholars alike with many puzzling clues as to the true origin of his philosophy." Freemasons would go only so far and say "rumored" when publicly talking about brethren membership. "The New Atlantis", one more confirmation that racial supremacy started with them.

Separation of powers itself as expression of democracy - power of the people or state of the people - is dubious and gives only the illusion or appearance of democracy. No matter how many branches of government or powers you create, they will still be in a limited number when compared to the numbers of the electorate. Within branches, power will still be concentrated in the hands of a few. Judging by the number of mandates of most known, real politicians or times they have been elected, or years in power, those are usually the same, for life. Instead of having only one king, now you have a whole bunch of supermen and superwomen marching on the Capitol's floor carrying their super article of impeachment of an ex-President. I call it politocracy.

There would be no suspicion of a king possibly going mad or under foreign influence as this could not possibly happen with a large number of "independent" politicians. Unless... Unless if they're all of the same foreign origin. But that would be incredible.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Stop The Terror!

Got three tickets from running red lights (not making a full stop on turning right on red) in Beaverton. They all came by mail from Arizona. I don't believe Beaverton or Sherwood Police have officers in Arizona. Besides, the signature is printed. I saw in the past checks issued by corporations signed with a printed signature and banks recognize those. However i don't believe a citation can have a printed signature on it as per the law quoted below only Police officers can issue citations.

Please read carefully the ORS title below.
A police officer may issue a citation to a person for a traffic violation at any place within or outside the jurisdictional authority of the governmental unit by which the police officer is authorized to act:
(a)When the traffic violation is committed in the police officer’s presence; or
(b)When the police officer has probable cause to believe an offense has occurred based on a description of the vehicle or other information received from a police officer who observed the traffic violation.

The law is a bit confusing if not contradicting self. Under situation a, the officer has to be present. In the situation b, the officer has only to observe.

I'm not sure if seeing a video means observe. Cause they will argue that the officer observed the video, after the firm in Arizona sent it for approval before his signature was printed on the ticket which can never be verified, or at least he saw the video in the courtroom with everybody else, but after the signature was printed on the ticket which i strongly believe is the case.

But i don't believe seeing a video makes the cop a witness. Otherwise, everybody who is present in the courtroom during the trial of your violation including the judge becomes a witness upon seeing the video on the screen and there will be no need for the officer who (didn't) issued the citation to be present in the courtroom.

As for who can issue a citation, the law is clear. A citation issued by a private firm in another state with the signature of a local officer printed on it is not valid under the current law.

After two hours of stomps upstairs i just ran outside. Didn't know where i wanted to go, i was thinking maybe Tryon, then when i saw what's happening on the streets i just drove forward, mindless. My mind is foggy, don't know why, redwood dust, diabetes, not drinking yesterday. In front of me there was this SUV with LNP KGQ. At a certain moment on Tualatin Sherwood i got to pass the guy, thought it was right before Teton Av only to see he had tinted windows, no way to see the guy. BTW, i know they are not legal in Oregon, is there any ways to complain about those, like when they offend you sticking their LPN in front of you?

At the intersection with 99 i pulled on the lane on the left waiting at the light, i think i was the 4th or 5th in row. I was really angry in my mind. Full of hate. (Guy upstairs just dropped a bowling ball to justify it). So i took a left turn following the cars in front of me when they left supposedly on green. Cause i didn't look at the light. But i didn't see any flash. But flashes are faint during daytime. Whatever. Could have changed green and yellow and red after 4 cars?

Got on 99 and Sunset. Chose one of left two lanes to make a turn towards Sherwood to find a parking spot thinking to walk back to study the phenomenon when i saw a light flashing in front of me while some guys were speeding, westbound. Just to prove to me those cameras aren't for red lights, as i thought, but for speeding. Or maybe for both. They have to take you from front because they need your face on the picture. So are all the red light cameras in the area. I don't think that's ok, especially at night.

Parked on a side road next to a construction site that had bulldozers raising much dust. Pushed the button for green to cross only to see a guy coming running, sweating, looking gay, good and kinda mad, hit the button one more time then running on red.

So i went on the other side of the road towards Sherwood. I looked carefully at the devices on polls. Cameras with huge flashes and probably sensors inside. Took some pictures but with the cell phone and only one or two came out right. I think i'll go tomorrow and use a real camera. (Continuous stomps upstairs, synchronized with everything i do when i insert these pictures).

As one can see nothing has changed since google took these pictures. All 5 cameras are pointing traffic on 99, i'd be tempted to say it's a money maker for the city of Sherwood if i didn't know it's pure terror, an extra anchor for the AI driven software that's behind all traffic here, meant to create more dramas as some targeted people (me) pass by.

I tried and waited sitting on the grass by the first cameras, but there was too much exhaust from big trucks stopping then leaving at that intersection. Didn't see any flash and left in about 10 minutes. Only to see one when i was about to cross the street back to camera Nr.2 in the sequence above. Look around, traffic was stopped on 99,, some cars just started on Sunset, but the camera could not catch those cause they were sideways, could not figure the reason.

Went to the refuge. Trail was opened with bulldozers scrapping ground backwards and making much noise and dust next to it. Planes making noises continuously, more like at the airport. After i left the refuge and went back home i saw a... google car on the street, in the distance. Didn't wanna be part of that scene so i just went around a city block and continued my way. Three big empty platforms, as i said, my feel, after all theses years is all traffic is coordinated.