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Showing posts sorted by date for query no right to work. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13

12:15 AM Birds of a... hair! 
11:30 Was here alone watching how everybody got poorer by .3% while i was eating my omelet. Yes i know. The Dow is up, the Dow is down, it goes up ad down all the time.

I remember when i was working 24 years ago at Quadramed. During those day, the market would not go up or down more than .3% for a whole day. Nowadays the norm is 0.5-1% or more a day (second answer here) but not every day.

It has been a good week at the end of a hectic month. The market went up this week 3%, after it was down for the month about the same.

Wanted to make sure one more time everyone understand what i'm saying. I am not looking at Dow Jones or all the three main indices but i am looking only at S&P 500 which represents about 80% of the market with a 43 trillion capitalization (on the right), with a total of 54.

3% means in the graph above, in money, 1.6 trillion. 1.6 trillion lost and recovered. 1% of the market represents approximately half trillion.

I am not totally sure of what the latest hole means. But i have an idea. People's perception of reality is shifting a lot as some may finally realize reality and perception are two different independent non causal things. And then they come and fix that.

Perception is a reality in itself, bits and bites (by analogy), thoughts, that happens only in our minds.

Of course it is very frustrating when one realizes he/has been having a false perception of this and that that lead to loosing that much time of their lives or other people's lives but that's how things are.

But the reality of the stock market got way out if people's sight.

Everybody knows. At the market people buy and sell.

These are two different things, buying is at the initiative of a buyer who places a bet and awaits for a match and selling is the same for the seller. Of course there must be a seller and a buyer in each transaction, but is about who has the initiative.

They say it was a sell off in this or that period of the time, which usually lasts a few hours max when sellers are placing bets and no one matches them, so they keep lowering their bets until they find a match. Why they do this? Greed. Traders want to get rid of shares they don't like in that moment and buy others that are on a rising trend.

What this game has to do with the economy or the activity of the corporations or firms being bought and sold? Little if anything.

Assets are the reality of a company. Which means how much money they will get if they would sell its components or infrastructure directly like if there was not a stock market (not the "shares"). There are now firms trading on stock exchange market that are over evaluated, which means the total value of the shares, by hundreds of times, and the magnificent 7 are the best example.

Those 54 trillions (43 in the right of the screenshot) that are said to be total market capitalization may be in reality much less.

Market is nothing but a giant betting board period. Trouble is the retirement funds placed their money there. And they keep betting and chose their horses by passion and other feelings feed by peeking into people's life through distorted and manipulated lens.

And here i come at the idea that made me start this entry. Manipulating perception is one of the most lucrative activity known to mankind. Luring people into putting their money in black holes. The more greed, the bigger the holes. So the really smart ones get together, organize, act as one and start the good work.

They bring in the horses and people start betting like crazy their live savings and in the end, if they loose, they don't know who to blame too. The horses? While the real manipulators are totally out of people's perception.

12:25 But there was something else i should have written first. They had an "annual backflow test" scheduled for the sewer today. Don't remember of any in the past. As i coincidence, i wrote about the sewer a few days ago just before the email.

I was in the kitchen cooking my omelet when a very nosy LIFT ride share van came. It was making about the same noise a sewer cistern would if they pumped something, for about 15 minutes. The water stopped flowing as they said in the email which means the test was being done. Haven't seen anything except the annoying van of which noise could have covered something else.

12:40 I know what happened. The sewer was briefly opened for the test and the terrible vibration from that stupid vehicle brought the bacteria in as i was cooking and then ate. The LIFT was for the woman at 4 which i long suspected is the ninja (kunoichi, nine holes, female ninja) representing the current empress of japan. She now was acting like paralyzed, moving very slowly.

Got indeed very seek after i ate, took an antibiotic orally so it would kill the bacteria in the stomach. If i don't die first.

1:20 I'm almost back to normal from what so many other times i went to the hospital. A major sewer bacterial attack, and now i know it was done deliberately and she was even there claiming it.

I started the UV lam in the room behind me to ease things up. Upstairs, cats are running like crazy, pumping the floor content. I think i should start again the ozone generator in the bathroom and let the ozone flow in there.

From before that. A sad image of the whole fakery was still there on the screen. No, it's already way too crowded.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11

12:45 PM or 15 minutes till closing time. Could have waited to write this by need to see the reaction. Today the market made the biggest one day come back in years. From minus 1.6 to plus 0.8 right now. I don't mind but was one destroying everything i posted yesterday and recently.

Last night i went to WinCo and chose to stay in the parking lot while Angela went buying stuff. I wanted to smoke but had this dust in my lungs. From a little clay dust mixed with straw that fell from some vehicle in the alley that gut carried by wheels in the whole alley, all the way to the road. From something that i said. Nevermind that.

Two spots next to me came this huge black pickup or SUV and there was this guy who got out and went in the store and then came back before Angela. When i looked in the news today i saw the big Wall Strret analyst. What kinda BS is that? A recently deceased Hungarian writer.

Today i've done something i never do. I was frustrated and drank in the morning. Then started to cook some pea. It came uncooked of course and put it some more on the stove, set a timer, fell asleep and awoke several hours later with the pea burnt. I started to read the news, some searches, then i saw the market that was going up abruptly. And then i finally realised the peas were still cooking. It is true, the setting was on the lowest.

No i was not dead. I can't understand how i did not hear the timer. Maybe i forgot to set it. What happens is though upstairs was quiet, they have big engines revving in the distance modulated on my brain waves and can change them and my decisions by changing rpms. Or make me forget things when i'm weak or drunk.

Now i remember. At seven i heard a power blower. They come to pick the "more valuable?" items and then in exchange for the favoer blow around the bins. Blow the garbage, where? But there are piles of bags behind the SW bins nobody cares about.

I know many people had doubts about what i posted yesterday. When there are doubts they can turn it into certainty by showing my behavior. Of course, with severe intrusions into my private life. But nobody cares about that.

I went to sleep with palpitations, i woke up nauseated. Went and knotted and picked several poops. Took a charcoal cap. Got a bit better. Got mad when i remembered the episode last night. Upstairs never ceases marching.

Google stopped doing image searches for me just before i got to his page asking me to click on i'm not a robot check box then solve puzzles for each name opened (40 tabs). Fb was flashing his better res pic and then giving me this message. But i managed to do a screenshot of that flash. Google searches works now.

All these to slow me down of course.

1:15 See the little grey lines at the bottom of the graph next to time axis? Only yahoo finances still show those and those are the volume of transactions. When there is a sudden increase of volume towards the end of the section, it's a sign of a battle between their HFT computers. They buy from each other like crazy, raising the prices. It may work for a few minutes, that's why they do it at the end of the session so the market is raised or maintained high artificially.

CPI inflation report? BS, inflation is the graph you are looking at. Ok, a bit more. Outperforms. But the truth is the opposite. The unusual raises in stock prices drags the inflation up, not the other way arounds. It makes sense. It stocks are more expensive with no real increase in value, everything follows.

It started to go down in the morning, then up when i fell asleep with the stove on. Down when i saw him in the news, about half hour before session's end, remembered and started to search for the guy. Then the volume started to go up like crazy and the stock market ended the day on the same trend. 
10:50 PM Dead deer, a guy cutting in front of us in an intersection on 18 making me break for 5 seconds, to avoid him, that skinny actor who played Ritchie Valens (that did not look like Ritchie Valens bullying us in the street in a big white van with paper LPN and making sure we've seen his face), many others.

When i got gas at Shell in Grand Ronde, going into the next empty spot (the pumps in the middle all had cons on), there was gas inside the nozzle. Don't know who and how they did it, but the only way is if you hold the nozzle up, squeeze a little and then you hang it in that position. Made a mess, my car and the station was smelling for hours after.

A bug i caught on the road? When i got there i was paralyzed from the waste down, could barely walk and been like that for all the time i was there. Really scary, i panicked. I tried to drink soda to flush the toxin (if that was the case) but they put some dirty water (smelling like fish) in the hot water tank so i could not dilute my soda and bring it to a reasonable drinking temperature.

Though the toe looks feels much better after i removed that tiny wood fragment. Or maybe it's just numb again.

10:55 I have reasons to believe they pulled a plug and started to let sewage flow through the new pipe.

11:00 Today i realized the first time the dark green Honda Element in the spot next to ours has tinted windows beyond the driver seat so you can't see what or who is in the rear.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20

10:50 Actul 7 scena 3. Adică au fost filmate ieșind de pe o ușă. Cu alai.

10:55 Era un timp când auzeai de un incendiu la un spital în fiecare lună. Ăștia nu au nici un fel de security, paznici ceva? Administrator, camere video? Nu era alimentat cu curent? Dar ce a luat foc, freonul? A aruncat Dorel țigara pe el? Eu cunosc bine aceste dispozitive, nu există nimic în interior să ia foc în afară de izolația la firele de alimentare cu curent. Dar aia nu cred că arde cu flăcări să se vadă, poate doar fum.

Pentru că am folosit eu cuvântul climatizare într-o postare recentă? Dat foc la valiză? Încălzire globală? Da știu e greu de demonstrat dar este exact pe stilul unei știri pur semantice. A luat foc un spital, adică partea de afară a unui AC care nu era alimentată cu curent (de aer între pol și ecuator). Alta, cu pol. Și nu e vorba de prins.

11:35 Les boucs emissaires. (The woman in the picture seems familiar. No they don't look all the same. Except for the anger and hate on their face).

8:10 Today i was thinking at the doctors. Doctors in the US want to be higher class. They take important loans to finish the college and then they charge a lot per visit to pay those debts and then spend on best houses, best cars, etc..

Visits nowadays are plagued by bureaucracy. They have to show they've done everything right and that reflects in paperwork, now all computerized. In the end, when all the paperwork has been done, a bit of treatment. A prescription pushed by a corporation maybe. No antibiotics, because they care so much for us.

Not talking about surgery though that is one is plagued by bureaucracy as well. For that, they need skills. However, the famous ones most often secretly delegate young ambitious ones to do their work.

All these result in most expensive care in the world. Not necessary the best. In Japan a doctor's visit or a ER visit costs 10000 yens or 68 dollars yet the Japanese live longer.

8:15 I can hear these days politicians and wives of politicians yelling on TV (because Angela watches them with an open mouth). And a fresh idea came to me. Could it be that since George Washington apotheosis every American president upon swearing of the oath becomes some sort of god while all politicians are actually saints?

During my (re)searches in the last years i saw so many faces, so many dresses and costumes. They dress best, they look best, they talk best (reading) without hesitation from the teleprompter and when you listen to them they all seem always right no matter which one is talking in that moment. Isn't that  saintly?

And my mind took me to the swearing on the Bible act. Could that be the moment of their apotheosis, when they are sworn in for the function? One detail here. When they do it they put their own hand above the Christian Bible. And then i remembered something from it. Matthew Perry 5:34.

BTW is that drummer Japanese? (drums, as solar symbol)

8:22 Cred că cel mai important aspect al educației sexuale, un subiect încă tabu în România, și pe bună dreptate, pentru că este o sarcină prea grea pentru educatorii care în general nu sunt pregătiți pentru asta, sistemul nu este suficient de matur, este ca și copiilor, oamnilor în devenire să li se explice că la un moment dat în viața lor fragedă apare o schimbare majoră.

Hormonii sexuali. Momentul este ușor de recunoscut fiindcă apar și schimbări fizice imposibil de ignorat. Dar mai importante sunt cele mentale. Ei nu vor mai fi la fel niciodată, nu vor mai fi copii. Gândirea, ideile li se schimbă în mod fundamental. Constante în ecuație și reperele lor sunt doar părinții.

Noi furtuni hormonale apar odată cu începerea activității sexuale, cu un nou maximum după căsătorie.

Eu știu că majoritatea românilor, a familiilor acținează rațional și știu să facă față tuturor acestor încercări. Însă un număr, care nu e de neglijat, mai ales cei care nu sunt informați și nu sunt ghidați, devin victime a acestor schimbări care pentru ei devin traumatizante în mod ireversibil.

Toate aceste probleme pot fi exacerbate, date peste cap adică de feromonii emiși de resturile unei cățele în călduri din vecini. Și nu numai pentru copii.

A fost o vreme, pe vremea lui Băsescu, când în București erau cu zecile de mii. A avut asta vreo influență în emanciparea socială, în noi valuri ale unor noi revoluții sexuale?

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 27

11:30 PM (26) Dovada apartenenței României la Schengen din 2007 este călătoria în UE cu buletinul, care a început de la 1 ianuarie în acel an. Singura țară din UE care nu respectă tratatul UE (protocolul Schengen) și menține controalele la frontieră, de 17 ani, este Ungaria, care este și singura țară din UE cu graniță terestră cu România (în afară de Bulgaria).

11:40 The only time when modern cars (from last 10 years and more) work at nominal parameters (as designed or intended) is when they are brand new.

The introduction of EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) circuit, which returns exhaust in the intake, for slowing of the burning rate, with effects similar to increasing octane number and PCV (Positive Crankcase ventilation) which reduces the mixing of exhaust and unburnt fuel in oil and releases pressure in the crankcase, for better mileage, on massive scale since the 90s and both not amended after the original design, creates the following still unaddressed problem:

EGR introduces sooth in the intake and PCV oil vapor. The mixture settles on the intake runners and ultimately on valves, creating the so called sticky valves situation.

Hydraulic lifters are constantly filled with oil under pressure so they can take the play in the valve/lifters assembly, but also can loose that oil (being squished) after a certain pressure, if the valves stick, and the valves stay closed longer.

After being squished the lifters don't have the time to fill with oil in one cycle, becoming shorter and hit the valves producing a sound that starts around 10k at any newer car (also delaying of the opening of the valves); engine starts to loose efficiency, power and mileage and increase the amount of fuel burnt in the catalytic converter.

Loss of power is somehow compensated by the car's ECU (computer), which opens the injectors longer, throttle wider, allowing more fuel to be burnt in the cylinder, possibly creating a richer air/fuel mixture (more fuel) that cannot burn all in the cylinder and is burnt in the catalytic with no use except for heating up the planet.

Some of it is burnt in the exhaust, right after exiting the engine, creating extra pressure and vibrations, slowing the evacuation cycle with reducing efficiency and sometimes intermittently breaking the seal between engine and manifold, in which case raw exhaust (not passed through catalytic) which may contain carbon monoxide, can pass the hood's rubber seal and get into the cabin.

Best way to figure this is to listen to a brand new car and compare to one that is of similar year make and model that has 10k on it.

8:00 AM Everybody is scratching their heads pretending not knowing what is happening and trying to keep the dream comfortable.

After proving he is a total, worthless fraud, in complicity with the whole system, THEY're trying to push him back on stage by flattering and shocking.

Also implying, (Trump's usual absurd style). "You guys should be happy cause in a democracy as opposed to in a dictatorship there are still elections". With multiple choices (two).

That is true except when there's nothing (else) to vote. Yes of course there is the other candidate. So now while he's drowning he is pushing for her just to prove there is a choice?

Beautiful Christians: "I am the moral guy since i love Christians and not watching videos with sexy pagans". "I love beautiful Christians". "I am a Christian too".

Or at least until people forget all this? Can't you see what they're doing? They're slicing reality and present you one slice at a time. They shock you with today's lies so you forget yesterday's and then restart the cycle.

What shocks me the most is they dare trying (to push him back). Well, there's nothing else they can do except to scrap him too. Though he doesn't have a vice to continue his campaign, however there is a co-runner. The cat lady's self made son.

For people outside US reading this, make no mistake. This is AMERICA.

9:30 Le Seigneur a dit...

Soeur Clotilde: Accrochez vous a moi, ça fait contre-poid, mon gendarme Cruchot!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12

9:50 While i was away i had this idea on how to improve my project and could not wait to do it. However, last night, after driving 500 miles in two days of which 350 only yesterday, i was too waisted. So i slept 4 more hours, woke up bloated and then i could not sleep no more.

Ok so i implemented my idea. I added a check box for each eq. I check that box, i only see that one in the chart. I checked like two years, 2007 and 2008 and put it in an html. Those were "rich years". The good news is it proves my theory. The eqs are grouped both in time and space.

The bad news is a ran into a serious limitation of google sheets. It cannot work as an app. I can share it with others but can't give general permission to edit so anyone can check the boxes, it would be a mess if two or more people would start to edit it in the same time. Fizzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Still thinking on it. Maybe i could give permission to edit, but not to save. No, editing a google sheet saves changes automatically. Still thinking. Could generate an html for each year. Ok, five years.

Of course, people with IT knowledge should have no problems downloading the sheet and making it their own.

Note that 0.1 degrees in both longitude and latitude is about 11 km.

No i don't believe two (or three) tectonic plates hundreds of km wide can only bump in two points within a few km radius area every year or two. Which area BTW is half degree (55 km) south from where "the three plates" meet in Romania.

10:21 2021-2024

10:24 2016-2020

10:35 2011-2016

11:53 2006-2010

12:00 2001-2005

12:07 1996-2000

12:12 I'm too tired to finish them all right now. But as usually, while looking for something i ran into something else. Why they were so many earthquakes in Romania starting with 2004 and ending with 2008?

In 5 years (2004-2008) 290 out of 700 total >2.5 for 84 years, though most small, under 4, those above 4 being similar to other years. 2004 is the year when Romania entered NATO and 2007 the EU. Something i've dreamed for but never expected is going to be this way.

17 years after signing the treaty and becoming EU member, Austria still doesn't want to honor her own signature and ratification and Romania is deprived of its legal right and most important part of the EU treaty, that of free traveling within EU.

Bulgaria and Romania are the only 2 EU countries that still need a visa for US.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2nd

7:35 Yeah i guess it was google's way to celebrate April 1st. They changed something in google searches that my blogs was heavily relying on. I tried to fix it manually in similarities post by post and went all the way to the beginning of February but then i told myself i should be smart and do it on more rational basis.

Thinking of all the links affected by google's change (thousands) that won't work anymore in my main blog (friends) that i will never be able to fix. But who's gonna read the old posts.

So i downloaded the similarities blog, edited it in Notepad with search/replace all, and imported it back.

It is where the surprises started. Blogger (google's free blogging platform i use) imported all modified posts and kept the old ones. I duplicated all the posts. Did it one more time. Then i tried to delete them all and import again. However it didn't work.

Then i tried to create a new blog by importing the theme which i also saved and then importing the modified posts. That didn't work either. Then google told me i exceeded the number of imports for the new blog, "try again later".

Then i tried to restore the blog by importing the unmodified version (first, before editing which i kept just in case) and that didn't work either.

Then i restored my deleted old blog (had the option for 90 days) and started to manually delete the duplicates, one by one, trying to keep the newly modified ones with search/replace. However the addresses of the duplicates are not the same anymore so all links in my other blogs won't work anymore if i go with those.

I have two options. Either to manually delete the duplicates and triplicates (a few thousands posts) and keep the old ones with the addresses and then go and manually do the necessary changes according to google's modifications to search on images, or keep the duplicates which have been modified (but not all work, some needing more manual adjustments).

But for now i will keep everything, the first 100 or so manually modified, with the old addresses, the duplicates and triplicates and go and try to get more sleep cause they started to make noise right after Angela left so i could sleep no more after that.

I think i'm up to go and modify manually all the posts (as i said, a few thousands) and then manually delete the duplicates and triplicates during my free time.

But for now the impact on the reader of all this roller coaster is minimal and most important i did not loose any content.

8:02 Eu nu înțeleg o chestie, dacă banii suplimentari se dau pe carduri care se reîncarcă în momente ca atunci când le scade rating-ul, de ce nu are fiecare pensionar un card cu care să-și scoată banii și care să fie reîncărcat cu pensia în fiecare lună. Astfel, ar ieși poșta din circuit, cu tot ce înseamnă asta (mărunțișul).

Gândiți-vă câtă pierdere de timp și energie pentru poștași, cu încălzirea planetei, ca să meargă în fiecare lună acasă la pensionar, să se așeze și să numere banii. Da bine cu opțiunea ca la acei care nu vor să meargă să rămână pe sistemul vechi cu poștașul.

9:55 So they tried to parr my post with US Ambassador to Romania being a (now disappeared from the scene) local politician with different ID with this event involving US Ambassador to NATO (as for why member states have ambassadors i have no clue).

I would go and search for her right away if i knew her age. Amazing how for second rank politicians, such as sheriffs, local chiefs of police, ambassadors etc. it is nearly impossible to figure their age, even though they have Wikipedia pages like this Julianne... Smith. Shadow Government?

Knowing the age limits the search to an area of about 5 years in the lists. Very few are outside this magic interval.

Monday, March 25, 2024

A Brand New Smoker

The reason i wanted to start smoking a few cigarettes a day seem obvious to anybody who knows what i'm writing. I stink.

Like from dog waste that surrounds me. I know the smell accompanied by microbes like protozoa, bacteria and what else, together with the foul smelling dog anal sacks oils get deep into my lungs and then get eliminated with the mucous in my gut changing the normal human microbial flora into a dog one.

Protozoa that might produce dopamine, as a mean for dogs to make their prey fearless and easier to hunt. The old symbiosis.

I read that smoking 2 cigarettes a day is the equivalent of breathing moderate amounts of wildlife smoke. So i figured that if i smoke a little, it may be beneficial to me.

So the first time when i went into a smoking area of a casino, like at Lucky Eagle, i bought a pack of Marlboro, red, 100 mm. If i remember right, i have not been smoking since 2007. I vaguely remember in 2007 i was smoking Camel and Marlboro lights. Though i did not have a clear idea what lights means. I do now. Lower tar and nicotine.

I also remember it did not mean much to me. I wasn't smoking much either. Up to 10 cigarettes a day, maybe. I never realized what it did to my body. I quit mainly because Angela wanted to quit and she could not if i was still smoking. It did not take much effort as i remember.

And something i will never forget. In 2004 i went to Romania because of health problems.

During old times (before 1989) when the only cigarettes you could buy were the locally produced ones, that were terrible. Similar to the so called natural ones, with no additives, like American Spirit and Nats but of lower quality. The work horse of Romanian smoker, Carpați, with no filter, were bitter and somehow acidic.

I had trouble smoking those except if i was drinking. With a drink and a conversation, it was all much easier.

You could find premium western made cigarettes though they were very expensive , like ten-fifteen times the price of the Romanian made. Smuggled by those who were traveling abroad, like semi drivers. Or Marlboro made in Poland who had a license from Philip Morris i think. That were a bit different, maybe milder than originals though flavored. Or the Bulgarian brand, BT or Bulgar Tobacco which were decent. Even Albanian ones, Kruja, were better than ours.

I said it several times before. If Ceaușescu gave Romanians back then cigarettes, blue jeans and coffee, he wouldn't have had that gruesome end. And bananas. And oranges.

But when i went in 2004 you could find all the western brands at stands and everywhere, however, they were something else. Counterfeit. Nothing the brand was showing and they were all the same, LM, Kent, Marlboro, etc..

I remember i bought a traveler's insurance which were mandatory for any trip to western Europe and went to France and checked into a hospital for whatever reason, hoping they will do some tests and i will talk to a decent doctor. Over there of course i bought Marlboro lights and they were totally different even from the American reds. Much stronger.

Which brings me to the point and the purpose of this post. What somebody feels when they first start smoking, in my case after 14 years. When my body lost the tolerance to nicotine and all the goodies in there. The myriad of substances including heavy metals from the ash.

Don't know where i read. It was a translation from a western publication in Romanian in the 70s. One cigarette destroys in your body the amount of vitamin C from a whole orange.

Now i wear improvised patches with vitamin C (i found some on Amazon that have only tiny amounts though). I now have a 2000 mg one that will last for several days.

Is nothing like before. Or even how i felt when i first started smoking, @14. First red knocked me out so badly i was desperately searching for Angela inside the casino thinking i was going to pass out. I think i started a second one that night and it was worse.

I knew that nicotine cause vasodilation. That is dilation of your blood vessels, big or small. I was feeling tingling in my feet seconds after an inhalation. In the areas i think are damaged by the wi-fi emitters that were on my feet, behind the PC.

Vasodilation is good and bad. Is good for your heart because it enhances oxygenation of heart muscle. Is good for inflamed organs. Is bad for loosing temperature. After smoking outside at Little Creek and Chinook last night i got very cold, something i have not experienced in years.

So i didn't really liked those. So i started to search for Kent cigarettes, that were most sought for in Romania, but could not find some.

Kent were pioneers with adding filters to cigarettes. Today's Kent have activated charcoal filters which retain a lot of the chemicals. Then i bought others, kinda similar, that were supposed to be milder. But i felt the same.

After about two weekends and maybe one pack, nothing changed. It seems like i lost the ability to smoke. I can't tolerate it no more. But i feel the urge which i was trying vainly to fulfill with alcohol for so many years or since i started drinking seriously, a few years ago.

When i was a smoker i was taking the peak of the stress with a cigarette. Alcohol cannot do that. I mean it can, but it takes longer and the side effects last for too long. The inability to drive after.

However i figured something important. Cigarettes give you a very intense high of about few seconds and a milder high that lasts for hours (in the case of a new smoker like me right now).

But i am not the same, especially today after smoking 3 or 4. I went at Chinook Winds, i had fewer drinks than usually, mainly because of smoking, i went outside to smoke several times and everything became different. I am less stressed, more careless, have less worries, feeling very similar to taking anti-depressants. I was telling Angela. I do not feel myself anymore.

Kept asking myself if suddenly quitting smoking when i came in US didn't contribute to me ending several times in psychiatric hospitals (like maybe every time when i quit).

Because of smoking for so long and now not having the means to cut the stress which was enormous but not only because of the move, the so called cultural shock, etc.. I was constantly pranked, if not to say harassed, for reason i could not figure for so many years. I was mistaken for someone else.

I mean i was served on a platter by some who knew who i was to the general public who could only imagine or believe their old tricksters.

Trying to imagine from the myriad of chemicals present in cigarettes which do what. But it's not only the tobacco. The so called natural ones, like Nat's, burn slower, tend to extinguish selves because they do not have the additive to enhance burning. So one could understand there must be an additive to enhance burning and that could only be something with oxygen in the formula.

And i think i am finally getting to the main point of this blog post. What is the additive that enhances burning. Saltpeter.

Saltpeter is a chemical that has a long history of human usage, long before being used as additive to cigarettes. But could be saltpeter (potassium or kalium nitrate) present in cigarettes the cause for immediately perceived systemic vasodilation as in my recent experiences.

I believe there is an easy answer to this. Try a Nat's or American Spirit and see if i have the same vasodilating after (tingling in the legs, loosing heat). Will do tomorrow.

And of course. If one smokes for such a long time, when it quits will his blood vessels start to contract, blood pressure to raise, creating problems eliminating heat from the body, thus needing the metabolism (and insulin production) reduced?

Still awake. Figured one more thing. Kalium. The black goddess.

Same goes with alcohol. It causes vasodilation which enhance the oxygenation and bringing of nutrients to muscles and heart which contributes, besides the high, to the well being sensation after drinking. It lowers blood pressure just like medication. The reason old people need to be real careful when quitting.

Cause according to the theories of narrowing of blood vessels due to calcium deposits, it is the alcohol that keeps them open. And as i described above, the cigarettes.

...too sleepy, will continue tomorrow...

Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16

10:40 Alexei Navalny

1:45 So they waited and waited and waited until they found the right moment to put the shocking news with Trump. Mainly because the man looks like... Just to let you know guys again and again who you're dealing with. Alien AI that is. Now searching for Engoron. Am i going to find him fast enough?

And one question. Anybody remembers in this time he was really the judge?

6:21 Haven't heard of Steve Eaton since. But he did it big time this week. Nothing changed, there is a new supervisor, "an old Mexican" however Steve is still doing the scheduling. Which means who is going to work what and with who. A team of @14.

So he again scheduled something for Angela to feel good in weekend.

After working with a deaf-mute and now with a Native American (i assume both fake like anybody else), they working Angela big time. Always working twice as everybody else. The Native American was missing yesterday, Angela worked for two, in the end she wasn't ready, and Steve sent Hao, Angela's best enemy there. Vietnamese, by definition clean as a swamp, in reality a major b...

As i was saying earlier. Vietnamese are saints in the US. Or they are kept that image because so many Americans did for them. So they are untouchable. From time to time they organize a show like this at Eaton just to reinforce that image.

She came and mixed Angela's parts that were sorted. In the morning she did it one more time and Angela got into a verbal fight with her in cafeteria. Which means raising a bit the voice, each, no harsh words, just professional voice raising. The whole team and especially Steve and the Native American started to yell "enough" "go to HR" which Angela did cause she was boiling with that desire since yesterday though i told her not to.

Hao went after her. As expected Angela got her butt kicked and "the supervisor notified". Supposedly Hao too. The supervisor told Angela "i know she did it on purpose but you overreacted. The story of our lives, both of us". How many times i got too at work into ready made scenes like these?

Late in the day Steve came to ask Angela to volunteer for tomorrow. He needed 4 people. But i told Angela early this morning not to go. Lately she did constantly 60 hours a week and at the end of the week she was just melting away, going and loosing in casinos like crazy. BTW the casinos went nuts also. No more winning in many months.

She didn't want either because she always has to work more than others, just to prove. The reason why she was asked.

Just another weekend gifted by Steve. But i assume is retaliation also because what i wrote about Japanese, being thieves. I was telling Angela. In the 70s we heard even in Romania about Japanese imitating and selling cheap in the US, and they kept doing that until they reduced car manufacturing in the US to large trucks, 50% of the cars on the street being Japanese, rest Korean, German and a few Americans.

What did they do with the money? They bought everything including real estate media outlets and politicians and nowadays there is nobody left to say anything. So Eaton must be theirs as well.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Naturalization. Why Not?

I guess i never wrote the entire story from beggining to end so it can be understood by anybody. In December 95 i moved to Vancouver, WA, at Fox Pointe Apts next to Kyocera factory at the advise of Nelu Ciorba who introduced me to Dan Costan. Dan Costan was already working there as a tech and his wife as an operator and the firm had a reputation for hiring Romanians (back then everybody was hiring).

However i was denyied the app though in September i was called for an interview in the evening which i missed becasue i was working swing shift at Sheridan that day.

Around Christmass time there has been a shooting at the 7-11 on our street.

In January Dan Costan took me to an Interim agency (now Shperion) who hired me to work for Electronic Specialty. He was kinda sarcastic and he told me after on several occasions that he was a right extremists while being very offensive, if not threatening.

So i went to work there. Since the first day, a woman named Merry (resembling my grade school chemistry teacher) asked to work at a drilling press passing a tool through ferrite relay armatures used in a military application. As i said in the linked post above, i got sick and ended up in jail and then  hospital.

I figured the smartest way to describe what happened is to link to other posts. But the short story is i got gassed with 1,1,1 trichloroethane, awake and without water for a week, pepper sprayed, beaten, arrested by a couple of police women, booked, jailed and had a trial date set for a couple of misdemeanors.

But i didn't know about the trial until a few days before when i got the "invitation" in the mail. I think i was already working at Credence and had 800 dollars in my checking. So i grabbed the yellow pages and found an attorney by the name James Mayhew. He agreed to see me right away and acted as a gentleman, the kinda i never saw before or after in the US. He took my money, copies from all the documents and said he will go to trial.

However in the evening before the trial date (i think it was May 3rd, my mother's birthday) got a message on the answering machine (digital, a novelty, had only 30 seconds recording time for one message) this message from Janet Anderson, the court appointed attorney, the one who represented me in the day after the arrest in front of the judge.

It was only in the last years that i realized her voice is Hilary Clinton's. The physical appearance as i remember (height, weight, face) also matches her.

So all of a sudden i found myself the next day in Vancouver Municipal Court's hallway having two lawyers, arguing with each other. The calm and nice gentlemen i saw in the office the other day turned into a small man all perspiring in front of her.

However he managed to tell me that if i take that offer it means i plea guilty to the offenses (a couple of misdemeanors), that would eventually be dismissed after 2 years but forever in my record and i will have problems with my citizenship. He also told me not to sign the agreement because it was never signed by the judge Stocker.

I those moments i had to make a decision and going in that courtroom with the perspiring guy seemed to risky to me. So i signed the papers and then the next days i did something i will be ashamed forever. I went and asked him the money back and he gave it to me.

Years have passed and time to apply for the citizenship. However i stopped with filling the application when i got to the question "Have you ever been arrested". So i passed.

A few more years have passed and i got so sick in 2004 (unbearable upper abdominal pain) i decided to go to Romania to see some doctors there. And there i got another option. Since they would not let you enter EU without a health insurance, i bought one real cheap for a few months traveling there and went to France where i hopped i could see real doctors. But that is another story.

Since i did not know if i will return, or what will happen to me there, just before i left in April 2004 i filled the application for Angela since she had a clean record. When i came back in September i found Angela with a chemo pump on her shoulder, and after her "cancer" (we did not know of before i left) surgery in September (and one more stay at psychiatry for me in the same hospital, where she came to see me the day after surgery) she was granted citizenship. But i did not want to take a chance for myself, and will try to explain why.

But for that i will have to bring here the USCIS Naturalization Application form N400. At page 14 of the file there are some questions starting with "Have you ever been...?"

A few days ago i decided to fill the app to see what happens, cause i have been without a passport either Romanian or American or whatever for too long and the application for Green Card renewal is getting more expensive (fees) than Naturalization itself which does nor require renewal every five or ten years and you cannot travel with a Green Card only.

There is very little chance that two misdemeanors i pleaded guilty though never been convicted 27 years ago to cause any trouble with the application (where a couple of things can go wrong, the least, being denied, the second, deported for omitting crimes as a non-citizen). Though there are a few observations here to be made. Those records do not exist anymore at the Vancouver Court, they have been destroyed like any others after a number of years.

The app does not tell you what to do when records were destroyed (though expunged mentioned there also involves destroying though at your request). By forcing you to disclose an expunged record and eventually suffer the consequences, they are sanctioning you again for the same violation you may have been convicted in the past (NON BIS IN IDEM).

There is also a problem with what they call "deferred prosecution" (the agreement i made with the prosecutor though never signed by the judge) where you agree to the crimes you have committed or not to spare yourself the troubles of a trial (waving the presumption of innocence) where the prosecutors know you may have committed crimes and become your accomplices if you are never tried.

The prosecutor cannot grant amnesty to a non conviction and generally a prosecutor cannot grant amnesty (extra judicial or acts of justice outside courts).

Also when i looked at i saw more questions in that area than i remember from past versions, and also, because i have become more aware of laws and US Constitution and my English has improved, today it suddenly occurred to me the application itself may be unconstitutional.

One of the things is they force you to answer questions "even if a lawyer told you not to", that may incriminate yourself thus breaking the 5th Amendment of US Constitution, one time for each applicant.

And last but not least. Why would someone want to disclose a record that does not exist anymore with no way for USCIS to verify.

Welcome to my nightmare that lasted 27  years. To this moment i feel the touch of that baton she put in my hands to get my fingerprints while i was cuffed with my hands behind my back, pushed against the car and yelling with pain from pepper spraying. The episode got imprinted in my memory because until i saw the report i thought it was a gun.

Am ambulance came and theatrically treated one of them but not me. BTW when i got back from the hospital i saw under a bush next to the apartment a VCR tape but i was afraid to pick it thinking it might have been a trick. Did anybody filmed everything and wanted me to see it? How many times and hours i thought about and could never find a solution to all these? Thousands?

I think i read somewhere that statutes of limitations (prescriptions) do not apply to torture, attempted murder. It started with me being literally gassed at Electronic Specialty, driving under the influence of that gas, not sleeping, eating or drinking water for a week, beaten by the Police, threatened in jail, etc.. Hilary Clinton was accomplice to all these.

Bill Clinton himself was in Portland during those days.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January 10

11:25 "Eu centrez, eu dau cu capul" (I center, i score). Here it goes :

I think i found a way to visualize the falling of an electron on a lower orbit, after i figure the equations. Probably the most overlooked phenomenon in history of science. For the accelerated phase, it should be a parabolic spiral. No need for supercomputers or anything. Except maybe if there was some AI software which you could verbally ask it to do so and spare all the work.

Why is it important? Well, a falling electron is (the smallest) electric current, right, which generates a magnetic field, right, which accompanies the emitted photon (or is the emitted photon).

Nevermind that. They just sent in a team (made of little "Mexicans") who started hammering to finish the walls of the fallen stairwell (about a month ago, remember). There will be between 1000 and 10000 hammerings today. Like in the days when the emperor was here, and did the windows. Or a few years earlier when they did the roofing for the whole complex, with an average of one nail a second for 6 months.

11:30 Was thinking earlier. If the religious thugs of Japan force their own people to work to death to partly finance their covert ninja type operations abroad, what will they do to others. Like what they are doing nowadays with Americans and they don't even know it.

4:00 Thoughts from my walk. If we were to calculate the trajectory of a falling electron we need to know first position and speed of the electron, which according to German physicist Werner von Braun Heisenberg it is not possible. I bet this is  the main reason they never adventured to do it.

So we must to get rid of this theory first, also with the help of deeper quantum mechanics, and that is the quarks i bet Heisenberg didn't know about.

Ok, Heisenberg published his uncertainty theory in 1927 and quarks were discovered in 1964 and he died in 1976 and he never corrected his theory. Why would had he, since he already won a Nobel prize in 1932 and was already the father of quantum mechanics?

For the most simple atom, hydrogen, with one single proton which is made of quarks we can see the proton has a spatial asymmetric dipole charge. More than that, to form the nucleus, the proton is paired with a neutron which has no electric charge at all, only mass which adds to the off center asymmetry.

Since both nuclei and electrons have mass, there is a tiny gravitational force between them though the electric force is prevalent.

So the normal circular trajectory of an electron around a nucleus, better said around the center of its electric charge is perturbed by the electric asymmetry of the proton and the position relative to its mass center.

There is also the issue with the mass of the electron. The electron has enough mass to move the atom around a bit, like Moon vs Earth. At those speeds, this thing will also contribute to instability of many possible orbits or "energy levels" and in the end their are only a few permitted or "quantified".

Since we now know quarks are made of strings that vibrate, i bet this model is too complicated for any mathematician and they came up with this uncertainty theory instead.

Though they have so many "idle" (they do not apply to anything) theorems in math no one single person on Earth can review them all in a single lifetime.

But nowadays we have giant supercomputers, let's feed them this model. However i bet they already did and only a few know the results.

I remember i once applied for a grant to pay to use a supercomputer to come up with a method of predicting earthquakes. Based of course on a different theory than tectonics plates theory. But applying for a grant is a complicated job in itself which i screwed and i bet they have one guy in every grants hogging team that to do just that.

BTW do they ever give Nobel prizes to guys who dismantle old theories that have been given Nobel prizes for? I believe they do, Bohr made substantial changes to the previous two models, Thompson and Rutherford who also received Nobel Prizes.

However big money don't need Nobel prizes (which come with one million each), all they need is a good working theory that will allow them to peek into tomorrow's market. One thousand times per second.

BTW is head scratching stimulating blood circulation inside brain?

530 Like i remember during that time when i opened an Ameritrade account and put in 2000 dollars from a credit card. At first it was working but after a few days it was like some big entity with big money was intervening and screwing the prices of my picks so i gave up. But i was there long enough to see they were every day 2 o 3 startups dying there.

They all seemed the same. Gathering a hundred or two hundred million capital, real or not, around a chemical formula for a new Alzheimer drug that never made it past a couple years of studies. But guess what. How many grants where they sucking besides the initial investment?

Big money, big schemes nobody looks at. Nobody cares cause it's government's money.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

December 24

Most wonderful time of the year...

12:03 It's past midnight December 24. I am trying to upload a video and google won't let me. I am searching for a song with earphones on and upstairs never stop squeaking, like in the past weeks. Angela is trying to sleep and she hit the wall three times already and they still won't stop.

I knew it must come from a different time. Too young to know of the Carpenters more than a couple of songs. Tantalizing on the radio, most playful yet elegant voice sounding like a celebration, excelling on lower notes and flying on high. They are playing her a lot on the radio these days making me always ask myself who she was. Lost almost one hour searching and when i found her and started to type of course they started the squeak again upstairs and Angela hit the wall for the fourth time. However i don't understand the lyrics of the song. What do they mean "Everybody knows a turkey"?

8:50 Windows. What a stupid generic name. How many times i thought i was stupid trying to use it and now after decades of using Linux and Chrome i see it wasn't me, it was Windows. If one could calculate how much we heated the planet trying to fix Windows problem, multiplied by the billions of users. Not only by heating our own brains but whole time spent in front of the computer that in the day was using hundreds of watts of electricity.

I had this idea to try and look and see when the Sun is exactly perpendicular to any of  the faces of the pyramids. It looks like thee are no online references about it. That doesn't mean somebody hasn't done it yet. It seems basic when talking about some of the biggest objects on Earth that are aligned so precisely North-South and are built with such a geometric near perfection shape. However it is not on any online searchable articles.

But i ran into something else. At its peak of use, and even after being abandoned, the Great Pyramid had faces covered with high quality limestone which they said it shone in the Sun and projecting sunlight on certain days on certain deity statues in temples at a distance. But can anybody imagine that it was also seen from space, maybe from light years away, like a cosmic lighthouse, as the Earth was turning, especially with the gold pyramidion on top?

For that i knew i could use Stellarium which is planetary software i used in the past to see the alignment of one of the shafts with Polaris. So there i went, jumped out of bed and tried to start Stellarium. First problem. Could not switch time to local time near pyramids. An old glitch of Stellarium. I searched on forums but then i realized i had an old version of Stellarium. So it was not updated automatically. What do you expect. Stellarium is a free software trying to run on a clumsy operating system which is Windows.

Windows is extraordinarily unfriendly with apps not made by Microsoft. So i had to go and manually download the exe file with the newest version and the download was extraordinarily slow. I did not realize what was happening, kept trying and started 5 different downloads that were now going even slower. In the end i realized of course, deleted those, started a new one, and i had to open again and again the file explorer to see the progress of download which of course was not showing in real time.

Finally it finished i started that exe and re-installed the app. Now i was asking myself if stupid Windows deleted the old files and went on that drive and checked and i still don't know,  however i did a manual disk cleanup that cleared half gig from it. I bet Windows is another reason behind the decline of use of PCs.

After doing all these i am already tired and not in the mood anymore. Especially that the guys upstairs awoke and the room filled with smoke.

There are changes in handling the Stellarium after maybe 5 years of new versions. Have to get used to it. However i found out one thing. The Sun becomes perpendicular on two of the faces of the pyramids, maybe three, for a few minutes, every day.

Why is this important. Because at that time and around it it may have been possible the pyramid start to resonate on the light frequency it was build to resonate beginning with the pyramidion and initiate a quantum vortex without need for any other source of energy. Maybe drawing energy through resonance from Sun, like in Asimov's book (not talking about the puny amounts captured passively by solar panels nowadays).

And the Sphinx looks like George Washington.

No wonder the main god in Ancient Egypt was Ra or Ramses or Rama, Amaterasu, whatever, the Sun God.

And thought of one more reason they build the two others. After hundreds of years, it was not aligning precisely anymore with something, maybe in space, maybe in time, because of variations in Earths orbit.

And yes one of those times is in the morning around 9.

And another question i cannot find an answer on the web right now. Is Mercydes logo a clock showing always 8:20? (And i remembered how it all started, with me staring at the clock on the wall while still in bed). I think i'll figure it later.

11:30 Mudras, o yoga a mâinilor folosită mereu de politicieni. Teoria mea mai veche că privind persoane in diferite posturi putem fi influențați. Yoni mudra (nu risc să pun link, încercați să căutați singuri pe google yoni). La fel și linga. Semnul ok (Thumbs up).

3:10 I guess all the freemasons are left with since the beginning of the world are their Sun God and the ability to synch with (other) humans, to screw them. And play victims.

3:45 Not funny. There has not been one single day lately to not get laundry vapor when i step outside though i never hear the washer, only the constant hum of drier. And i think i figured why i never hear them talking upstairs, except a phrase or two learned phonetically when they go or come. The man doesn't speak either English or Spanish as he poses, he speaks only Hungarian and Romanian.

4:15 What should i say now? Meru Christmas?

4:21 Black hole Sun. Not serviceable. I can only imagine what's in there.

However there was at least one guy who dared and then filmed.

5:10 O guess google had enough time to "process" this video i uploaded almost 24 hours ago. By processing they mean downgrading it to the lowest resolution possible.

8:00 They left the blinds cracked upstairs so i went in the yard further away and could see one younger guy, dark hair and complexion, Filipino like, moving, intentionally shifting weight from one foot to another, like a maniac, to maximize the noise. It's been like that for hours so we will just live cause we can't take it no more. Not the guys we saw moving here or "going daily to work".

At times he drags the table and chairs senseless over and over. I am nauseated by the dust. Angela kept yelling and hitting the walls for the last our with no results.

The room is also nicely decorated so if i call the cops our will look worse.

The moment we decided to go he stopped. I remember the old man and the last one were usually leaving the moment we decided to go.

8:30 I think it may be him. Of the Marcos family. When i get back i will start searching cause i'm pretty sure the're all Japanese.

12:30 We went to Spirit Mountain and managed to stay there one hour with 30 dollars. On my way back i was able to think and i think i found a major flaw to string theory. We are in the quantum (discrete) world and string according to their own theory seem to vibrate in analogous mode. I see sin like waves there...

Unless... unless sub particle world is again analogous. Yeah i know they have discrete vibration mode but that is because strings vibrate in fractions of length... Or we have again dualism like in case of light.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 20

1:30 Last Christmas

Many people are saying this year they had it with the song. Motivating it's annoying by repetition and probably outdated as style and genre.

I'd say it's worse than that. Much worse.

I put under the category "gay making songs" in my own classification. And anti-Christian of course.

Last Christmas, like Careless Whisper ("i'll never dance again"), though it's such an upbeat melody featuring an uplifting near perfect soprano voice, it's a very sad song. Beginning with the title. Last Christmas in English can have too meanings.

Of course from the beginning it outlines the promiscuity if not ferocity of the woman. "The very next day"... And then repeating "it doesn't surprise me", "what a fool i've been", "you'd fool me again" "once bitten". "A shoulder to cry on" goes well with "to save me from tears".

Then the weird coincidence of the casting in the video. She becomes the partner of his real life partner,  "A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man under cover", the "someone special"?

Not obvious, full with the cheers of the jingle bells like Mariah Carrey's song (is that a solar symbol) and (again) pizzicato of the synths, very subtle with many double meaning phrases, like many of George Michael creations it induces sadness in your subconscious. I'd say, subversive and holiday detouring and hacking, if only for mood.

9:15 O știre de acum 5 zile. Nici un cuvânt încă despre cum a fost folosit bugetul pe anul acesta.

1:05 How many Teslas do you see in this picture? Four? At Walmart, the cheapest store in town with everything on the shelves. The only empty space in the first row as i entered the parking lot.

BTW there are unused free charging stations seen in the picture, but no, they chose to park there in my view.

It is not an isolated incident. It  happens every minute of the day. They control everything that moves around here and there (including Șoșoaca) as part of the same Truman show.

How many wobbling Santas do you see in this video? I did not pick the moment, i waited for him to start a new song and then some people came and then i took the short video.

I believe today was the last push for the return of Amaterasu at solstice. They woke me up after 6 hours of sleep. Crashed already because of lack of stimulation i was used to for weeks, months or years.

Though there is some stink mostly inside. One hour and a half of squeaks and stomps. One for every thought. The squeaks and stomps stopped and blowers started (they never waste two (re)sources in the same time). Three guys caroling with loud didgeridoos blowing the last of the leaves. Maybe, cause i see some in a tree. By far not so many as the last time.

They caught me at peak or under the window while i was eating. Here is a sample (with cracked window).

I ran outside only to meet with a FedEx van that was smoking badly. Then i could not remember if i shut the burner of the stove after i boiled the eggs. So i returned, taking about 10 minutes more of their dB and exhaust (how themselves can stand it?).

Can't tell how many people or cars interfered with me during the walk. Many. Enough to say all cars, LPNs, people on the streets are all on AI that coordinate their moving. There was even a car with an Oregon LPN saying the word RULE.

Got back home after one hour and a half, by far they're done. So i took the truck and went to Walmart. Came back, it's been three hours, still not done. Too much noise and stink and dust to do anything that involves thinking. Trying to open the sliding window to air, got a good dose of dust falling from walls and attic do to vibration of didgeridoos.

2:00 Times Square and the ball of light. Țeapa. Capisci?

10:00 Got so many things on my mind, don't know what to start with. Ok this one cause it is linked with the above.

I can only write it in Romanian.

Ok deci știe cineva de ce s-a dus Iohannescu al nostru cel puțin în Tanzania?

At Spirit Mountain. Angela had a kilo of change from tickets she cashed in a few months (at the cash machine they give you in there change if  the sum has fractional values at the end, in other casinos they give you sub dollar tickets) and we went to the cashier where they have a machine that counts change and got 37 dollars on it.

While staying in line there was this guy in front of us who when he turned i thought he looked like... At the other window there was thig guy who looked like... And even the big T was in there with a MAGA  hat playing at a machine (sitting that is, his age), with head bend forward so i could not see his eyes. And probably the big Z too.

Then i had this terrible craving for gummies. I went to the convenience store at the gas station and bought some. Exotic fruits flavor. But they had this extra flavor like the dishwasher detergent i just bought at Walmart yesterday and had an accident with it...

Then we bought burgers, fries for Angela and salad for me but i ate it at home and tasted like... fish?

10:12 One more on pyramids. Anybody read Asimov's book The End of Eternity? As i remember from the Romanian translation. Some guys from the very distant future on planet Earth called Eternals ran out of resources and they were so advanced they figured and time travel. And  they started to move back and forth between centuries for trade of course (author was a Jew, LOL, he died in 1992).

Anybody knows that you can't freely go back in time because any action on the past may affect present, including your ability to time travel. The grandfather paradox. Or simply create a flat to the car of a researcher that is about to go to a conference in which he was about to explain something important for the past's future.

Things would go a different way and a different future will be created in which some may not exist or things are different.

And here things start to blur for me at least at this hour at night. Would a parallel Universe be created, with the keeping in existence (or not) of the traveler he did the intervention. Would that change appear in the same Universe but it would take the whole time between intervention and departure which may be eons for the change to propagate?

In Asimov's book i think changes were propagating simultaneously and some times even mistakes were made when time travelers using their hypercomputes calculated the MNC (minimum necessary change to achieve desired reality) needed to go even further back in time to correct that mistake.

Do you remember that scene from Star Trek First Contact (one of  the 6 movies) when Data betrayed the Borg Queen who previously tempted him and intentionally miscalculated the trajectory of those three photon torpedoes that were supposed to hit Cochrane's first warp ship?

I bet everybody including Piccard thought it was a gesture of loyalty of the part of Data towards humans, but he would have disappeared too if Cochrane did not succeed, right? Data was born in 2336 on a colony built with he help of warp ships and Cochrane did his first warp flight in 2036). Without warp, there would have never been that level of civilization capable of building such androids with positronic brain (i personally now think photonics is the future).

Ok so i tried to make everybody aware of the paradoxes of time travel before i go further.

If the pyramids with their ability to split photons and wrap themselves in those (when they were working of course) were used for that.

I would think the far advanced humans from the future would again have ran out of resources (just like in the book) and would have sent first a probe or even one of them in a small ship capable of time travel with means of genetic manipulation and instructions convincing the apes it was all for God (didn't want to really teach them anything more because it would have altered the timeline too much i think).

Why so far in the past. Because anything closer would have affected too much their present. And so it started. It worked at first. Then something happened, the device probably wore out, they build a second and a third.

However there was a population on Earth that was isolated from the others and was not brainwashed by the guys from the future. They heard about and came over in Egypt and plundered it and put an end to it. However what they found there allowed them to gain enough knowledge of everything and that started to badly alter the timeline propagating all the way to that distant future.

Another version. As i said before, they might have created two versions of humans. One for work only and one of supervisors. Those are probably those who nowadays call themselves Aryans and try and are almost succeeding in taking over the world.

So they sent some to intervene personally, like Buddha and stuff so people would stop the alterations of history with devastating effects for them. At least until they found a solution.

So it happened the other way around. Left over pyramids and what was found around them brought too much advancement, too fast. Most of it happened after one of them (the isolated savage race) lead the French into Egypt. With all of it may be they don't (won't) even exist anymore (in this timeline or version of Universe).

BTW do you think you would feel anything if your Universe was altered like in an intervention in the past from present or future? No you wouldn't because the intervention would have happened long time ago and everything after followed naturally.