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Showing posts sorted by date for query no right to work. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

November 13

12:50 AM This guy also looks like a colleague from IMU, APT (Atelierul de Proiectare Tehnologică, Technological Design Dept). Mihai something. He probably just went back to Hungary.

In 1986 when i finished college, i had a "government repartition", (like all graduates) at IMU Bacău, because Angela was also in Bacău and i had Bacău residency on my ID card.

But when i went in there, right after, trouble. They did not want to hire me, because "it was too early". Should go in a vacation something, come back in a month. So i got mad and went to Ovidiu, knowing his father was a colonel in Securitate. However, it was what today are Jandarmeria, the equivalent of maybe SWAT in the US. Not the infamous repressive Securitate, or the State Police. Whatever. Maybe it was.

But doing so i got Ovidiu in trouble, cause he was already heading to one of then affordable for everyone Black Sea resorts and his father told him he should to the same as me. Start working. I told his father i would do the same if i was him whatever. That was really awkward. He told me to go back the next day.

The next day i got to talk to the Chief Engineer of the whole Design Department. He asked me, "generously", with a grim on his face, which department i want to work in, and i said, right away, Design, cause i had this experience with the newer computers and some CAD (Computer Aided Design) exposure during my last year in college.

I believe at the time they had 600 engineers and sub engineers in the Design department alone, mostly not doing nothing (no new products, not much need for design).

(No i never been friends with Ovidiu. He was the type... A bit shy, a bit jerk acting towards me like i was stupid or something. Not the kind would carry a long conversation. (Actually, i was pretty awkward, socially, ignoring too many things, a nerd some could say, but now they all respected me because of my computer skills and my position).

I remember when Ioana told us...

It all happened during those crazy days when all the guys in design were taken for a month or so in fall to help gathering the corn from fields. Belonging to the cooperatives as they were called. Manually. Not enough work force or machines at the cooperatives, corn would have been left on fields. Maybe a lesson for us all in the great Machine Tools company.

With sometimes beer at the end of the day at the restaurant at the end of the corn field. With outdoor tables.

One day (later, in a different place, near the airport). Me and Ovidiu were arguing about the concept of up and down in space and she intervened between us and said we should stop fighting. "You should be friends". I believe we looked perplexed at each other and started to laugh. For different reasons though.

And yes we went both to a party with her. Or was that a different guy. No, it was him and another guy Three guys, with the host, 4, two girls, one was picked by husband and i left early. After dancing with her on my shoulders though).

Once i got hired, i started to persuade my boss to create a CAD group. Some other people heard about.

All the machine tools companies in Romania (15 in total i believe, with thousands of personnel each, way too many for our needs) were subordinated to one so called Central of Machine Tools Industry or something.

Over there, there was this guy who had been given this task, implement CAD, so i got to work with him. Buy a mini computer, terminals, find a place in the main office building, things like that, select people which took me a couple of years. The IT department started a war with me, wanted us to become their subordinate.

Because they had an old computer, many people, and mostly because they did not want me to interfere with design and especially time allocated for each product, because... it all comes down to corruption, big bribe money for paying fictitious overtime for thousands of people.

Trouble is, the guy at the Central as i figured recently (last few years) was looking a lot like this guy, while my second boss at IMU (after we the CAD group have been moved to a different department), Preparation of Fabrication, was looking like this one.

I remember when i talked the first time with the Central guy after the Revolution (and last time i saw him). I was excited and stuff and he told me he saw too many of them revolutions. 4 i believe he said.

It was late 89 when i finished a software for generating the so called "technological files" that included the part for time allocation ("the norms") for each operation for a certain part. That meant workmanship. Pay. That day my boss talked to me on a corridor so no one can see and hear and told me to forget about.

Soon after (early 90) i quit and went to work with Angela and do accounting and payroll software because i knew there was no future in that company. They were too many in Romania, with too many people hired and outdated technology. Over there, my boss looked like...

Much better, i recon (how many parties, New Years, etc.). The Chief Financial Officer (contabil șef) looked like... In the IT department, my boss' right hand was...

But when i think today, i believe it was not that bad, the technological state of IMU. However, too many people were against me there. Others were hunting my position (though we haven't done much, with that project canceled) and without the guy from Bucharest i would have been lost soon.

Finding out all these clarified anything to me? At some point i still don't understand why, and especially why me? I believe it all started in college. They wanted me to familiarize with computers. Maye they did not know how the future might look like, but they knew it will be all based on computers. Look at the internet now. 

So they wanted me to be able to use a computer and tell all these stories now. Even if i use only a fraction of what i learned, i mean editing a blog post, uploading a picture, do searches?

2:40 I remember that day when we both (me and Ioana) ran away from the corn field, maybe an hour or two earlier. Stopped by a creek and washed our hands, belies and stuff (we were full of dust from hugging piles of dry corn stalks). Went at a table at the restaurant and ordered beer. It was a beautiful September evening i guess. That restaurant was also at the end of a city bus line.

Next day she showed me her belly and i showed her mine. It was full of blisters and stuff. I remembered and told her. That creek in the middle of the corn field smelled funny. Not convincing... I believe next time i saw her she was with a guy even taller than me.

3:00 If anybody is still guessing why i'm up all night? Simple, because it's so much more quiet... Few cars with loud exhaust, no traffic on the nearby freeway, no stepping upstairs. Too nice, i just can't give in to sleeping. Also, still mad about the last walk on the ceiling last night. Mad about the smell. Mad about lots of things.

3:30 I remember we did not have an outside line on the phones. I mean you could make an outside call, but talk first with the company's operator, and she would try the number and put you through. Buy the inter-city lines were clogged. You could wait hours.

When i was in a hurry, i went, like other people, in the Chief Engineer waiting room and ask for a favor to one of  his secretaries. Cause he had two.

One was young and cute as hell, the wife of engineer Ionescu, Head of Tools Production Department (who looked a bit like King Charles, when young, with a moustache), could just not get enough to look at her (mostly with my peripheral view, not to get noticed, but i remember, she had dark brown sleepy eyes) and the other old and ugly as hell, and i think she could have been... (link below).

Once there and gotten her approval, i would dial the number once, twice, 20 times. The key was not to hurry, to give some time to those electro-mechanical switches in those ancient centrals to move around between numbers... If i was lucky, i could have made my call within half hour.

One day i went in there right after Ioana and the secretary kept wiping the phone with alcohol after her and i believe it was a message to my subconscious, to stay away from Ioana... which BTW it worked.

3:50 Sunt cel puțin 2 feluri diferite de a te îneca cu mâncare... Spun pentru că le știu bine pe fiecare. Unul este disfagia. Mâncarea se oprește în esofag, nu mai coboară în stomac.

Cauza este un esofag iritat și dureros, ceea ce blochează mișcarea peristaltică care împinge mâncarea în stomac, combinată cu un stomac și intestin plin de gaze. Poate fi combinată cu aerofagie (înghițirea de aer), care este compresibil și "amortizează" acea mișcare de împingere în jos.

E foarte nașpa. Adică, încercați să vă imaginați. Mâncarea începe se circule în sus și în jos în esofag. Se aud zgomote ca și cum îți ghiorăie mațele. Dacă încerci să bei ceva, devine foarte dureros.

Eu odată am stat la urgențe 4 ore în starea asta, și m-au trimis așa acasă și eram foarte obosit și m-am culcat și dimineață m-am trezit ok. Se golise. Esofagul.

Am avut chestia de zeci de ori. Prima dată în 2012 cu măr nemestecat bine pe o plajă plină cu mii de turiști care coborâseră de pe o navă de croazieră, la Astoria, Oregon. Da, eram stresat de niște eșapamente și niște tipi cu detectoare de metal. O japoneză cu rucsac s-a uitat foarte foarte urât la mine chiar înainte de a mânca.

Orez uscat cu ardei iuți la un bar chinezesc la Spirit Mountain sau Thunder Valley Casino. Condusesem sute de mile când am ajuns acolo. Eram stresat și obosit. Orezul ăla stătuse acolo sub un reflector o zi întreagă cred. Am reușit să vomit în parcare.

Cel mai recent, azi. Dimineață. Am mâncat (molfăit) carne de vită cam uscată. Dar a trecut de la sine. Dureros, am simțit mâncarea coborând în stomac. Se întâmplă doar la primele înghițituri. După ce aciditatea din esofag s-a neutralizat cu mâncare, am mâncat ok.

Am înțeles de pe site-uri că poți face atac de inimă de la un asemenea episod. Mai ales dacă nu știi ce se întâmplă și panichezi. Practic, și o spun din foarte multe experiențe, în afară de senzația foarte nașpa, nu e nici un pericol imediat. Da, bine, îți poate crește tensiunea foarte mult, mai ales prin efect psihologic, iar dacă ai ceva cu inima...

Există un remediu, descoperit recent de mine. Faci o soluție foarte concentrată (saturată) de bicarbonat în apă, adică un sfert de pahar de praf și un sfert apă și iei o mică înghițitură. Asta ar trebui să neutralizeze acidul din esofag, fără a-l umple mai tare. Dispare durerea, mișcarea peristaltică funcționează iar.

A și încă un remediu. Două degete presărate cu sare, în fundul gurii. Însă mie îmi este greu să vomit, cred că sunt sub influență de botulinum mai tot timpul. A și este foarte greu să vomiți conținutul esofagului. Ai nevoie de o mișcare peristaltică, nu de presiune prin contractarea stomacului. Este alt tip de vomitat, dar se poate.

Preventiv. Dacă simți că ai acid în esofag (jigăraie) bea câteva înghițituri de apă cu bicarbonat sau simplu apă dacă nu ai bicarbonat, ca să se spele esofagul de acid înainte de a mânca ceva solid.

De asemenea poți să faci atac de inimă, dacă ai inima slabă, sau poți să te îneci, așa cum am pățit eu ultima dată, acum câteva zile, când mai eram și beat și am vomitat. Am fost foarte, foarte aproape.

Deci. Esofag iritat (jigăraie), mâncare uscată și condimentată. Gaze în stomac.

Al doilea tip este refluxul gastric. Se întâmplă numai în somn. Te trezești cu căile respiratorii blocate de mâncare ridicată din stomac. Se întâmplă fiindcă mănânci seara prea mult combinat cu gaze în stomac și intestin. Dacă nu reușești să respiri timp de un minut, normal faci atac de inimă. Stop cardiac. Whatever.

Deci în ambele cazuri diagnosticul poate fi atac de inimă, dacă doctorul care face autopsia omite să spună ca a găsit ceva în esofag sau pe căile respiratorii.

Remediu. Nu te culca cu stomacul plin și capul prea jos. Încarcă să scapi de gazele intestinale de cu seară. Nu mânca fasole seara.

Și într-un caz și în altul suspectez, pe deasupra, vrăji. Aplecatul înainte, cu fundul spre tine, mai ales când ești obosit și stresat. Declanșează un reflex care blochează eliminarea gazelor și în același timp crește aciditatea în esofag, prin stres. Efectul vrăjii durează ore sau până a doua zi.

Faza de la Spirit Mountain. 19 mai 2018. Un tip mătura pe lângă mese și se apleca mereu. Pe atunci nu știam chestia cu aplecatul. Am condus 2 ore până acasă așa. Am vomitat când am ajuns. Orez.

4:30 Atenție la condițiile de mediu. Poate aveți mucegai pe undeva și nu știți. Praf, dacă locuiți lângă un drum sau ați zugrăvit neprofesionist. Sunt o mulțime de situații în mediu care pot conduce la așa ceva. Un cuptor de aragaz sau chiar suprafață, murdar tot timpul. Da știu e greu de curățat.

Un frigider cu radiator ascuns dedesubt, plin de praf. Eu personal nu mai cred în ADD, toate tâmpeniile și nici măcar în anxietate. Este întotdeauna ceva legat de mediu, ceva ignorat de mult timp. O infecție dentară în stare latentă, cronicizată.

Chestia cu cuptorul de la aragaz. Am uitat chiar în seara asta două tăvi de pizza pe afară și mă simțeam anxios dar nu știam de la ce. În cuptor este bine să puneți o farfurie două întinse cu praf de bicarbonat care să absoarbă mirosul la sursă.

5:05  Faza asta e reală? Transferanță...

5:25 One more story with Ovidiu before Angela leaves and i go to sleep. Only to be awakened at 8 by those guys with the stairs... Don't know how i will survive the next couple of days, with all the health problems and stuff...

So i met with him at Casa Armatei (Army Club) in Bacău, was opened for everyone, not far from where i lived on Energiei St., drinking beer of course. And he told me a story heard from his colonel father from Securitate.

Those live shows with Păunescu. Poetry and folk music. One night, there was a power outage, and dozens of youth died during a stampede... Then Ceaușescu pulled the plug on him.

What else was happening. At some time during every show, Păunescu would ask the Police, Securitate, whatever, to leave the stadium or hall. And the next day the Police (Miliția how it was called) would find plenty of girls' panties in the last rows...

6:05 Autor Ioana Ion?

9:50 Slept about one hour or less. At around 8:30 they started outside with the power tools.

Asta indică faptul verificat de mulți ani că pompele de căldură furnizează mai multă energie decât consumă. După cum se precizează în articol, ele de fapt nu furnizează energie, ci mută energie dintr-o zonă a spațiului în alta.

De aceea se și numesc pompe de căldură. Aparatul de aer condiționat, frigiderul sunt tot pompe de căldură, iar ce numim astăzi pompe de căldură sunt de fapt aparate de aer condiționat inversate (cu radiatorul cald înăuntru). De fapt, sunt reversibile din construcție putând funcționa în ambele feluri, în funcție de anotimp.

Eu cred că ele pot fi folosite la construirea unui perpetuum mobile (da, de speța a II-a).

O pompă de căldură, cu un radiator cald și unul rece are total un transfer de energie cald-rece sau rece cald de până la 4 ori mai mare decât energia consumată.

Într-un proces spontan, energia se transferă întotdeauna de la cald la rece, cu creșterea entropiei. Într-o pompă de căldură, construită de ființe inteligente, energia se poate transfera de la rece la cald (răcind și mai mult partea rece, încălzind și mai mult partea caldă), deci cu scăderea entropiei.

Dacă putem capta această energie pentru a mișca un generator electric, s-ar putea obține de aproape 4 ori mai multă energie decât se consumă. Asta se poate face într-un sistem închis cu un motor Stirling, care funcționează cu o sursă rece și una caldă și are o eficiență de până la 45%, deci o astfel de instalație ar furniza un surplus de energie gratuită.

Bine, asta doar pentru a demonstra viabilitatea ideii. Cred că se pot imagina astfel de dispozitive mai simple și mai compacte.

Toate acesta au fost prevăzute într-un articol publicat în 1929 de savantul evreo-maghiar Leo Szilard, "Despre reducerea entropiei în sisteme termodinamice prin intervenția ființelor inteligente". Nu știu exact luna în care a fost publicat articolul, dar e posibil să fie înainte de declanșarea marii crize economice din 1929.

Este ciudată denumirea dată de Maxwell acelei ființe inteligente care separă moleculele calde și cele reci din experimentul său mental numit "Demonul lui Maxwell".

Noi toți am auzit de Maxwell din școala generală de la fizică. Transformarea energiei potențiale în cinetică și invers. Pendulul lui Maxwell.

Această denumire creează o barieră psihologică (de repulsie) pentru oricine aude. Și totuși, pe acest principiu de bazează funcționarea frigiderelor și dispozitivelor de aer condiționat, așa cum le știm de decenii. Rolul demonului lui Maxwell (poartă termică unidirecțională, diodă termică) în pompe de căldură îl preia suprafața de separare lichid-gaz.

În electronică, rolul demonului lui Maxell este preluat de diode care pot rectifica curentul alternativ și regulariza sensul de transport al energiei. Cred că este evident pentru oricine că electronii dintr-un circuit de curent alternativ au mai multă entropie decât cei dintr-un circuit de curent continuu (care circulă într-un singur sens). Posibile, yet not.

Aceste idei și discuții au fost suprimate timp de o sută de ani fiindcă ținta sau țelul actualei conduceri din vârful ordinii mondiale practic dorește distrugerea planetei prin încălzirea ei, pentru a îndeplini o profeție a lui Buda și pentru, conform credinței și filosofiei proprii, a închide ciclul tuturor reîncarnărilor (Nirvana pentru toți).

În continuare o demonizare a numelui Maxwell este făcută într-o melodie Beatles, ce re-prezintă un pata fizician în devenire (nerd) care acționează ca un ucigaș în serie (serial killer).

7:50 Zeroing in on Beatles. From cold to colder. In this song her stands for heroin, right?

Hey dude, refrain... Nothing else could heal your pain... Now go drink some water go and get her. It will only cost you six pence an arm and a leg.

10:40 Flares.

Maxwell serial killer.

Matrițe și scule (așchietoare).

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

November 6

1:10 AM What has in common yesterday's Trump's victory with that of 2016? A: In both cases, he won against a woman. And now was helped by another one.

1:30 Let the scandals commence!

5:20 It's already started! Can you keep a secret?

7:05 Ok one more well motivated push (from behind). It looks like i got here the role of saying what everybody thinks but don't wanna say.

If Biden helped (so much) Ukraine then why the red suit and the Republican color if Trump is a putinist? A literally last minute push to save democrats from total humiliation annihilation?

Cause i can't possibly imagine Kabala plotted to oust Biden and kill Trump (whichever came first), especially because i know both attempts were fake(d). Or Biden retired so Kamala alone could be blamed for it. Or Biden retired claiming exhaustion so everybody would not think it was him period.

Nothing happened but with drama queen Trump it's always stormis in a cup of water.

7:15 No, seriously. Read Shogun.

1100 Trying to gain momentum here to start a long entry, thinking maybe it should be a whole post while upstairs the woman is hitting the floor, making more love dust to fall. Which is litter dust from the cats that inevitably falls through tiny cracks here no matter what. And the cats may have toxoplasmosis which means parasites that produce dopamine, lodge in your brain and trigger unwanted sexual desires.

The history is repeating because people have forgotten how this happened previously, last time with the two Ladies of December. It's a cycle. Thing is i actually forgot myself and had to be reminded.

Ok so i'm gonna start with a definition i had an intuition about and just found the standardized form on the web.

Transference in psychology is a transfer of feelings you have for one person onto another. Some say love at first sight is actually transference. It may be all loves in your life are just transfers from one person to another, or they could all instantiations of the same psychological process some call love that is based on primary instincts (nothing to do with the movie).

I mean i could sit here and speculate all night long with no aim or end in sight. But i have a purpose.

Believe it or not, some are using it to their own advantage. Only trouble is i cannot figure if they really know and apply psychology which BTW is in its infancy in this area, which would require an unprecedent sophistication, or they just use mnemonics, like those found in Bansenshukai or some love book written by French 19th century modern writers. Or maybe simply ancient witchcraft. Or one of General Tzu's stratagems.

So what they do. They, through their almost unlimited means and powers produce an attractive woman in your proximity or virtual places (nothing to do with virtue) you go about on the web from time to time until you get it bad. No matter the cost, like in this case, derailing lives, displacing a whole family from Hungary.

Parasites, psychoactive smokes, things like that would help.

And then after you become obsessed with that person they can use it in many ways and one of them is transference. Before that, she was simply here, under a different look (for my eyes only), meeting with me every day, posing as my daughter and... lover?

So you go outside, meet with the person (for the first time though she was here all the time), she lights up her face and then she leaves abruptly and initiate a conversation with a different person. In the meantime, another woman shows. In their barbaric imagination, a transference should have occurred.

But how could possibly transfer feelings from one person you've been in contact for 4 years online you were happy you just met in person, who is kind and fragile and cute to another one that is big and heavy and steps on your ceiling all day long releasing litter dust?

I mean, there should be at least some things in common. I can tell you because it is not the first time they've done it to me.

I remember back at IMU there was this divorced woman that was my subordinate who was cute and everything, and she started to wear clothes like Angela and one day she took me home.

But nothing happened because i was more enamored with the work i was doing than anything else and being married, i did not practice abstinence and isolation like i am for 20 years now. I knew if i touched her i could have said goodbye to the position i was holding. I also had clues cause at times i could read the disgust on her face.

Many other times including once with that actress from Star Wars, who came at my mother pretending she was a poor girl, while i was there. One colleague in HS, again petite and fragile who jumped at my neck at the public Olympic pool in Iași, days before vacation (she broke with me right after vacation, never saw her again). Pat Benatar in the train towards home for vacation from HS etc. etc..

You can imagine towards whom the transference was aimed at. 

In a more popular language, they heat you up with one from the top, Hollywood class, and then they bring you another one, usually way less attractive but way more available who has no other use to them.

But for the masses. They have movies and videos and stuff. You see a cute one in a movie while playing with your cat or dog and then you go to your wife and say "let's go upstairs honey". Things like that.

One thing is sure. These guys can't stay put, they are never at rest. It's as sure as hell they are preparing the next trick right now. We right now are closer to Babylon than we can imagine.

I'm sorry i got again carried in this maze that seems so complicated and discouraging and at times disgusting, but this is how they do it and if you are not doing nothing and maybe even are complacent, things could pass onto your children and go like this forever.

11:30 Now that i remember, i started to realize that i feel the finest mineral litter dust loaded with bacteria and possibly parasites on my face, after i took a shower and she started to walk upstairs, with a vengeance.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

October 31st

11:50 Republican Services

1:27 Kamiarizuki. When the Seven Samurai stumble the whole market trembles. Anybody knows what evaporating greatly exaggerated rumors spooked them today? (click on market cap to sort them out).
10:00 PM
10:30 Spotted this in a movie. (Another) Haven's gate, or an antenna this time to repel clouds, maybe?

10:35 I believe it's some sort or retaliation for what i just posted. A solid march upstairs, back and forth, exactly where i am located in a corner of the bedroom. Stirring dust, mold and gas from the walls, together with depressing my imune system and neglected perspiring from trying to fix the Internet for my computer brought me back in time with the infection.

12:00 BTW Just remembered something. I have been several times in the past few days in Beaverton and got to pass this place. Apparently they are adding or replacing an overpass. Here is how it looked like in May of this year. Than a picture taken by me yesterday. What i can tell for sure is those cranes did not move in the last three days, i remember, because they looked like a Haven's gate and only very few people were working. 

Because of that work that goes on for many months, it took me yesterday at @8 AM about half hour to climb from I5 on the big overpass onto 217 and i was the only one in traffic with a manual transmission.

Because the traffic was brought to a near standstill, in that half hour or 40 minutes for a half mile i pressed on the clutch hundreds of times. (Appointment window at 8:10, probably peak of traffic, on their site was done by me because of a cancelation, with no other window available for the whole week).

Which helped pump infection from my legs on the rest of the body. Honestely, i thought i would never get alive from that traffic. But i was smart enough to take an Augmentin just before i left.

The reason i was there at that time was i was driving towards Quest Lab inside Safeway store on Teal Rd in Beaverton for a DTAP antibodies test.

I think i figured a way to diagnose Tetanus, other by clinical signs. If you suspect the infection you can start antibiotics right away and attempt an immunization then you do a test in a few days. Since immunization does not work after incubation, if antibodies are below 0.1, it means no immune response, which means you have the disease. I think this is what happened to me.

BTW no sign of result for the test on their site yet.

1:25 AM 11-1
First available appointments.

BTW the very short and authoritarian Asian woman with mask who got me in after being 15 minutes late and draw blood tricked me into touching the label on the vial (she put it in front of me and i touched it) before it was attached on the vial.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

October 6

2:25 Order of the Dragon.

2:28 Aboriginal body scarification, source of inspiration for military uniforms and US flag?

3:16 What ultra processed food is? Potatoes and a meat patty? Do you wanna know what the problem with processed food is?

I recently bought an electric pepper grinder. It was advertised as having a ceramic micro mill in there. So it's ceramic on ceramic. Some of it will go into your freshly ground pepper.

In the past they used huge stones to grind wheat, and those were made of "natural" stuff. Sandstone maybe. Don't feel like searching right now. However, sandstone has silica in it and breakage can be sharp.

When you grind coffee, some of the chrome oxide from the surface of the spinning cutter goes into it. Talking about nanometer size very hard and sharp chrome oxide breakage. No great deal with coffee, because it acts as a filter and has heavy metals in it anyways.

But if you mill wheat with a chrome alloyed tool, you will get hard, sharp chrome oxide nano particles from breaking of the one molecule thick "passive" oxide protecting layer and a tiny fraction of those will lodge into your colon period.

The chrome alloyed tools do not get consumed by constantly loosing their oxide layer from the surface cause they are only one molecule thick and the tool will last very long before "consuming".

Whole wheat has fiber in it that will retain most of it during the fabrication of bread. Though even those mixers have stainless steel moving parts. How a problem so simple as milling wheat can cause such big problems? Because of ignorance.

I have a post about problems with carrying and  using microwave emitting cell phones. I once found a statistic saying 2/3 of hip replacements occur at the right hip and another one saying 2/3 of the people keep their cell phones in the right pocket. Those stats disappeared from online. Nevermind, i found a new one.

If they would stop spending grants on startups build around a chemical formula for a new medicine that get shut after a couple of years when their own studies show the medicine does not work, they should finance a study to see how many colon cancers and breast cancers and brain cancers occur on the right side, where most people keep and use their microwave based phones.

11:13 It is clear to anybody who saw the documentary. Tesla is based on GM EV1, which was a 100 miles range experimental electric vehicle available for lease in California between 1996 and 1999, probably to study the design, market and feasibility of an electric vehicle. Pretty much like the robot cars in San Francisco these days.

Car was a success, people were so pleased with it did not want to return it at the end of the lease but again according to the documentary, each one of them was repossessed with no option to buy it.

First Tesla was build in 2003 or three  years later, and timing suggests the design of the car and technology (factories) must have started right after GM pulling the plug on EV1 while the investition did not carry major risks.

Question. Did GM handed all the documentation and results of study to Musk Attila so he can now crush us all with his glory on daily basis?

Crash boom bang kaboom upstairs.

11:50 Magic in the news. Madonna's brother died. Billy Joel's daughter has problems. They are all real.

More kabooms upstairs, to chase away the quanta of what i write.

12:12 Dacă totul ar fi fals, nu s-ar plăti reclame, comerciale sau politice. Chestia că nu putem ști dacă au plătit. Aceeași chestie cu banii de campanii. Numai ei știu dacă e real sau nu.

În general nu putem ști nimic până nu se contrazic singuri. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13

12:15 AM Birds of a... hair! 
11:30 Was here alone watching how everybody got poorer by .3% while i was eating my omelet. Yes i know. The Dow is up, the Dow is down, it goes up ad down all the time.

I remember when i was working 24 years ago at Quadramed. During those day, the market would not go up or down more than .3% for a whole day. Nowadays the norm is 0.5-1% or more a day (second answer here) but not every day.

It has been a good week at the end of a hectic month. The market went up this week 3%, after it was down for the month about the same.

Wanted to make sure one more time everyone understand what i'm saying. I am not looking at Dow Jones or all the three main indices but i am looking only at S&P 500 which represents about 80% of the market with a 43 trillion capitalization (on the right), with a total of 54.

3% means in the graph above, in money, 1.6 trillion. 1.6 trillion lost and recovered. 1% of the market represents approximately half trillion.

I am not totally sure of what the latest hole means. But i have an idea. People's perception of reality is shifting a lot as some may finally realize reality and perception are two different independent non causal things. And then they come and fix that.

Perception is a reality in itself, bits and bites (by analogy), thoughts, that happens only in our minds.

Of course it is very frustrating when one realizes he/has been having a false perception of this and that that lead to loosing that much time of their lives or other people's lives but that's how things are.

But the reality of the stock market got way out if people's sight.

Everybody knows. At the market people buy and sell.

These are two different things, buying is at the initiative of a buyer who places a bet and awaits for a match and selling is the same for the seller. Of course there must be a seller and a buyer in each transaction, but is about who has the initiative.

They say it was a sell off in this or that period of the time, which usually lasts a few hours max when sellers are placing bets and no one matches them, so they keep lowering their bets until they find a match. Why they do this? Greed. Traders want to get rid of shares they don't like in that moment and buy others that are on a rising trend.

What this game has to do with the economy or the activity of the corporations or firms being bought and sold? Little if anything.

Assets are the reality of a company. Which means how much money they will get if they would sell its components or infrastructure directly like if there was not a stock market (not the "shares"). There are now firms trading on stock exchange market that are over evaluated, which means the total value of the shares, by hundreds of times, and the magnificent 7 are the best example.

Those 54 trillions (43 in the right of the screenshot) that are said to be total market capitalization may be in reality much less.

Market is nothing but a giant betting board period. Trouble is the retirement funds placed their money there. And they keep betting and chose their horses by passion and other feelings feed by peeking into people's life through distorted and manipulated lens.

And here i come at the idea that made me start this entry. Manipulating perception is one of the most lucrative activity known to mankind. Luring people into putting their money in black holes. The more greed, the bigger the holes. So the really smart ones get together, organize, act as one and start the good work.

They bring in the horses and people start betting like crazy their live savings and in the end, if they loose, they don't know who to blame too. The horses? While the real manipulators are totally out of people's perception.

12:25 But there was something else i should have written first. They had an "annual backflow test" scheduled for the sewer today. Don't remember of any in the past. As i coincidence, i wrote about the sewer a few days ago just before the email.

I was in the kitchen cooking my omelet when a very nosy LIFT ride share van came. It was making about the same noise a sewer cistern would if they pumped something, for about 15 minutes. The water stopped flowing as they said in the email which means the test was being done. Haven't seen anything except the annoying van of which noise could have covered something else.

12:40 I know what happened. The sewer was briefly opened for the test and the terrible vibration from that stupid vehicle brought the bacteria in as i was cooking and then ate. The LIFT was for the woman at 4 which i long suspected is the ninja (kunoichi, nine holes, female ninja) representing the current empress of japan. She now was acting like paralyzed, moving very slowly.

Got indeed very seek after i ate, took an antibiotic orally so it would kill the bacteria in the stomach. If i don't die first.

1:20 I'm almost back to normal from what so many other times i went to the hospital. A major sewer bacterial attack, and now i know it was done deliberately and she was even there claiming it.

I started the UV lam in the room behind me to ease things up. Upstairs, cats are running like crazy, pumping the floor content. I think i should start again the ozone generator in the bathroom and let the ozone flow in there.

From before that. A sad image of the whole fakery was still there on the screen. No, it's already way too crowded.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11

12:45 PM or 15 minutes till closing time. Could have waited to write this by need to see the reaction. Today the market made the biggest one day come back in years. From minus 1.6 to plus 0.8 right now. I don't mind but was one destroying everything i posted yesterday and recently.

Last night i went to WinCo and chose to stay in the parking lot while Angela went buying stuff. I wanted to smoke but had this dust in my lungs. From a little clay dust mixed with straw that fell from some vehicle in the alley that gut carried by wheels in the whole alley, all the way to the road. From something that i said. Nevermind that.

Two spots next to me came this huge black pickup or SUV and there was this guy who got out and went in the store and then came back before Angela. When i looked in the news today i saw the big Wall Strret analyst. What kinda BS is that? A recently deceased Hungarian writer.

Today i've done something i never do. I was frustrated and drank in the morning. Then started to cook some pea. It came uncooked of course and put it some more on the stove, set a timer, fell asleep and awoke several hours later with the pea burnt. I started to read the news, some searches, then i saw the market that was going up abruptly. And then i finally realised the peas were still cooking. It is true, the setting was on the lowest.

No i was not dead. I can't understand how i did not hear the timer. Maybe i forgot to set it. What happens is though upstairs was quiet, they have big engines revving in the distance modulated on my brain waves and can change them and my decisions by changing rpms. Or make me forget things when i'm weak or drunk.

Now i remember. At seven i heard a power blower. They come to pick the "more valuable?" items and then in exchange for the favoer blow around the bins. Blow the garbage, where? But there are piles of bags behind the SW bins nobody cares about.

I know many people had doubts about what i posted yesterday. When there are doubts they can turn it into certainty by showing my behavior. Of course, with severe intrusions into my private life. But nobody cares about that.

I went to sleep with palpitations, i woke up nauseated. Went and knotted and picked several poops. Took a charcoal cap. Got a bit better. Got mad when i remembered the episode last night. Upstairs never ceases marching.

Google stopped doing image searches for me just before i got to his page asking me to click on i'm not a robot check box then solve puzzles for each name opened (40 tabs). Fb was flashing his better res pic and then giving me this message. But i managed to do a screenshot of that flash. Google searches works now.

All these to slow me down of course.

1:15 See the little grey lines at the bottom of the graph next to time axis? Only yahoo finances still show those and those are the volume of transactions. When there is a sudden increase of volume towards the end of the section, it's a sign of a battle between their HFT computers. They buy from each other like crazy, raising the prices. It may work for a few minutes, that's why they do it at the end of the session so the market is raised or maintained high artificially.

CPI inflation report? BS, inflation is the graph you are looking at. Ok, a bit more. Outperforms. But the truth is the opposite. The unusual raises in stock prices drags the inflation up, not the other way arounds. It makes sense. It stocks are more expensive with no real increase in value, everything follows.

It started to go down in the morning, then up when i fell asleep with the stove on. Down when i saw him in the news, about half hour before session's end, remembered and started to search for the guy. Then the volume started to go up like crazy and the stock market ended the day on the same trend. 
10:50 PM Dead deer, a guy cutting in front of us in an intersection on 18 making me break for 5 seconds, to avoid him, that skinny actor who played Ritchie Valens (that did not look like Ritchie Valens bullying us in the street in a big white van with paper LPN and making sure we've seen his face), many others.

When i got gas at Shell in Grand Ronde, going into the next empty spot (the pumps in the middle all had cons on), there was gas inside the nozzle. Don't know who and how they did it, but the only way is if you hold the nozzle up, squeeze a little and then you hang it in that position. Made a mess, my car and the station was smelling for hours after.

A bug i caught on the road? When i got there i was paralyzed from the waste down, could barely walk and been like that for all the time i was there. Really scary, i panicked. I tried to drink soda to flush the toxin (if that was the case) but they put some dirty water (smelling like fish) in the hot water tank so i could not dilute my soda and bring it to a reasonable drinking temperature.

Though the toe looks feels much better after i removed that tiny wood fragment. Or maybe it's just numb again.

10:55 I have reasons to believe they pulled a plug and started to let sewage flow through the new pipe.

11:00 Today i realized the first time the dark green Honda Element in the spot next to ours has tinted windows beyond the driver seat so you can't see what or who is in the rear.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20

10:50 Actul 7 scena 3. Adică au fost filmate ieșind de pe o ușă. Cu alai.

10:55 Era un timp când auzeai de un incendiu la un spital în fiecare lună. Ăștia nu au nici un fel de security, paznici ceva? Administrator, camere video? Nu era alimentat cu curent? Dar ce a luat foc, freonul? A aruncat Dorel țigara pe el? Eu cunosc bine aceste dispozitive, nu există nimic în interior să ia foc în afară de izolația la firele de alimentare cu curent. Dar aia nu cred că arde cu flăcări să se vadă, poate doar fum.

Pentru că am folosit eu cuvântul climatizare într-o postare recentă? Dat foc la valiză? Încălzire globală? Da știu e greu de demonstrat dar este exact pe stilul unei știri pur semantice. A luat foc un spital, adică partea de afară a unui AC care nu era alimentată cu curent (de aer între pol și ecuator). Alta, cu pol. Și nu e vorba de prins.

11:35 Les boucs emissaires. (The woman in the picture seems familiar. No they don't look all the same. Except for the anger and hate on their face).

8:10 Today i was thinking at the doctors. Doctors in the US want to be higher class. They take important loans to finish the college and then they charge a lot per visit to pay those debts and then spend on best houses, best cars, etc..

Visits nowadays are plagued by bureaucracy. They have to show they've done everything right and that reflects in paperwork, now all computerized. In the end, when all the paperwork has been done, a bit of treatment. A prescription pushed by a corporation maybe. No antibiotics, because they care so much for us.

Not talking about surgery though that is one is plagued by bureaucracy as well. For that, they need skills. However, the famous ones most often secretly delegate young ambitious ones to do their work.

All these result in most expensive care in the world. Not necessary the best. In Japan a doctor's visit or a ER visit costs 10000 yens or 68 dollars yet the Japanese live longer.

8:15 I can hear these days politicians and wives of politicians yelling on TV (because Angela watches them with an open mouth). And a fresh idea came to me. Could it be that since George Washington apotheosis every American president upon swearing of the oath becomes some sort of god while all politicians are actually saints?

During my (re)searches in the last years i saw so many faces, so many dresses and costumes. They dress best, they look best, they talk best (reading) without hesitation from the teleprompter and when you listen to them they all seem always right no matter which one is talking in that moment. Isn't that  saintly?

And my mind took me to the swearing on the Bible act. Could that be the moment of their apotheosis, when they are sworn in for the function? One detail here. When they do it they put their own hand above the Christian Bible. And then i remembered something from it. Matthew Perry 5:34.

BTW is that drummer Japanese? (drums, as solar symbol)

8:22 Cred că cel mai important aspect al educației sexuale, un subiect încă tabu în România, și pe bună dreptate, pentru că este o sarcină prea grea pentru educatorii care în general nu sunt pregătiți pentru asta, sistemul nu este suficient de matur, este ca și copiilor, oamnilor în devenire să li se explice că la un moment dat în viața lor fragedă apare o schimbare majoră.

Hormonii sexuali. Momentul este ușor de recunoscut fiindcă apar și schimbări fizice imposibil de ignorat. Dar mai importante sunt cele mentale. Ei nu vor mai fi la fel niciodată, nu vor mai fi copii. Gândirea, ideile li se schimbă în mod fundamental. Constante în ecuație și reperele lor sunt doar părinții.

Noi furtuni hormonale apar odată cu începerea activității sexuale, cu un nou maximum după căsătorie.

Eu știu că majoritatea românilor, a familiilor acținează rațional și știu să facă față tuturor acestor încercări. Însă un număr, care nu e de neglijat, mai ales cei care nu sunt informați și nu sunt ghidați, devin victime a acestor schimbări care pentru ei devin traumatizante în mod ireversibil.

Toate aceste probleme pot fi exacerbate, date peste cap adică de feromonii emiși de resturile unei cățele în călduri din vecini. Și nu numai pentru copii.

A fost o vreme, pe vremea lui Băsescu, când în București erau cu zecile de mii. A avut asta vreo influență în emanciparea socială, în noi valuri ale unor noi revoluții sexuale?

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 27

11:30 PM (26) Dovada apartenenței României la Schengen din 2007 este călătoria în UE cu buletinul, care a început de la 1 ianuarie în acel an. Singura țară din UE care nu respectă tratatul UE (protocolul Schengen) și menține controalele la frontieră, de 17 ani, este Ungaria, care este și singura țară din UE cu graniță terestră cu România (în afară de Bulgaria).

11:40 The only time when modern cars (from last 10 years and more) work at nominal parameters (as designed or intended) is when they are brand new.

The introduction of EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) circuit, which returns exhaust in the intake, for slowing of the burning rate, with effects similar to increasing octane number and PCV (Positive Crankcase ventilation) which reduces the mixing of exhaust and unburnt fuel in oil and releases pressure in the crankcase, for better mileage, on massive scale since the 90s and both not amended after the original design, creates the following still unaddressed problem:

EGR introduces sooth in the intake and PCV oil vapor. The mixture settles on the intake runners and ultimately on valves, creating the so called sticky valves situation.

Hydraulic lifters are constantly filled with oil under pressure so they can take the play in the valve/lifters assembly, but also can loose that oil (being squished) after a certain pressure, if the valves stick, and the valves stay closed longer.

After being squished the lifters don't have the time to fill with oil in one cycle, becoming shorter and hit the valves producing a sound that starts around 10k at any newer car (also delaying of the opening of the valves); engine starts to loose efficiency, power and mileage and increase the amount of fuel burnt in the catalytic converter.

Loss of power is somehow compensated by the car's ECU (computer), which opens the injectors longer, throttle wider, allowing more fuel to be burnt in the cylinder, possibly creating a richer air/fuel mixture (more fuel) that cannot burn all in the cylinder and is burnt in the catalytic with no use except for heating up the planet.

Some of it is burnt in the exhaust, right after exiting the engine, creating extra pressure and vibrations, slowing the evacuation cycle with reducing efficiency and sometimes intermittently breaking the seal between engine and manifold, in which case raw exhaust (not passed through catalytic) which may contain carbon monoxide, can pass the hood's rubber seal and get into the cabin.

Best way to figure this is to listen to a brand new car and compare to one that is of similar year make and model that has 10k on it.

8:00 AM Everybody is scratching their heads pretending not knowing what is happening and trying to keep the dream comfortable.

After proving he is a total, worthless fraud, in complicity with the whole system, THEY're trying to push him back on stage by flattering and shocking.

Also implying, (Trump's usual absurd style). "You guys should be happy cause in a democracy as opposed to in a dictatorship there are still elections". With multiple choices (two).

That is true except when there's nothing (else) to vote. Yes of course there is the other candidate. So now while he's drowning he is pushing for her just to prove there is a choice?

Beautiful Christians: "I am the moral guy since i love Christians and not watching videos with sexy pagans". "I love beautiful Christians". "I am a Christian too".

Or at least until people forget all this? Can't you see what they're doing? They're slicing reality and present you one slice at a time. They shock you with today's lies so you forget yesterday's and then restart the cycle.

What shocks me the most is they dare trying (to push him back). Well, there's nothing else they can do except to scrap him too. Though he doesn't have a vice to continue his campaign, however there is a co-runner. The cat lady's self made son.

For people outside US reading this, make no mistake. This is AMERICA.

9:30 Le Seigneur a dit...

Soeur Clotilde: Accrochez vous a moi, ça fait contre-poid, mon gendarme Cruchot!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12

9:50 While i was away i had this idea on how to improve my project and could not wait to do it. However, last night, after driving 500 miles in two days of which 350 only yesterday, i was too waisted. So i slept 4 more hours, woke up bloated and then i could not sleep no more.

Ok so i implemented my idea. I added a check box for each eq. I check that box, i only see that one in the chart. I checked like two years, 2007 and 2008 and put it in an html. Those were "rich years". The good news is it proves my theory. The eqs are grouped both in time and space.

The bad news is a ran into a serious limitation of google sheets. It cannot work as an app. I can share it with others but can't give general permission to edit so anyone can check the boxes, it would be a mess if two or more people would start to edit it in the same time. Fizzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Still thinking on it. Maybe i could give permission to edit, but not to save. No, editing a google sheet saves changes automatically. Still thinking. Could generate an html for each year. Ok, five years.

Of course, people with IT knowledge should have no problems downloading the sheet and making it their own.

Note that 0.1 degrees in both longitude and latitude is about 11 km.

No i don't believe two (or three) tectonic plates hundreds of km wide can only bump in two points within a few km radius area every year or two. Which area BTW is half degree (55 km) south from where "the three plates" meet in Romania.

10:21 2021-2024

10:24 2016-2020

10:35 2011-2016

11:53 2006-2010

12:00 2001-2005

12:07 1996-2000

12:12 I'm too tired to finish them all right now. But as usually, while looking for something i ran into something else. Why they were so many earthquakes in Romania starting with 2004 and ending with 2008?

In 5 years (2004-2008) 290 out of 700 total >2.5 for 84 years, though most small, under 4, those above 4 being similar to other years. 2004 is the year when Romania entered NATO and 2007 the EU. Something i've dreamed for but never expected is going to be this way.

17 years after signing the treaty and becoming EU member, Austria still doesn't want to honor her own signature and ratification and Romania is deprived of its legal right and most important part of the EU treaty, that of free traveling within EU.

Bulgaria and Romania are the only 2 EU countries that still need a visa for US.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2nd

7:35 Yeah i guess it was google's way to celebrate April 1st. They changed something in google searches that my blogs was heavily relying on. I tried to fix it manually in similarities post by post and went all the way to the beginning of February but then i told myself i should be smart and do it on more rational basis.

Thinking of all the links affected by google's change (thousands) that won't work anymore in my main blog (friends) that i will never be able to fix. But who's gonna read the old posts.

So i downloaded the similarities blog, edited it in Notepad with search/replace all, and imported it back.

It is where the surprises started. Blogger (google's free blogging platform i use) imported all modified posts and kept the old ones. I duplicated all the posts. Did it one more time. Then i tried to delete them all and import again. However it didn't work.

Then i tried to create a new blog by importing the theme which i also saved and then importing the modified posts. That didn't work either. Then google told me i exceeded the number of imports for the new blog, "try again later".

Then i tried to restore the blog by importing the unmodified version (first, before editing which i kept just in case) and that didn't work either.

Then i restored my deleted old blog (had the option for 90 days) and started to manually delete the duplicates, one by one, trying to keep the newly modified ones with search/replace. However the addresses of the duplicates are not the same anymore so all links in my other blogs won't work anymore if i go with those.

I have two options. Either to manually delete the duplicates and triplicates (a few thousands posts) and keep the old ones with the addresses and then go and manually do the necessary changes according to google's modifications to search on images, or keep the duplicates which have been modified (but not all work, some needing more manual adjustments).

But for now i will keep everything, the first 100 or so manually modified, with the old addresses, the duplicates and triplicates and go and try to get more sleep cause they started to make noise right after Angela left so i could sleep no more after that.

I think i'm up to go and modify manually all the posts (as i said, a few thousands) and then manually delete the duplicates and triplicates during my free time.

But for now the impact on the reader of all this roller coaster is minimal and most important i did not loose any content.

8:02 Eu nu înțeleg o chestie, dacă banii suplimentari se dau pe carduri care se reîncarcă în momente ca atunci când le scade rating-ul, de ce nu are fiecare pensionar un card cu care să-și scoată banii și care să fie reîncărcat cu pensia în fiecare lună. Astfel, ar ieși poșta din circuit, cu tot ce înseamnă asta (mărunțișul).

Gândiți-vă câtă pierdere de timp și energie pentru poștași, cu încălzirea planetei, ca să meargă în fiecare lună acasă la pensionar, să se așeze și să numere banii. Da bine cu opțiunea ca la acei care nu vor să meargă să rămână pe sistemul vechi cu poștașul.

9:55 So they tried to parr my post with US Ambassador to Romania being a (now disappeared from the scene) local politician with different ID with this event involving US Ambassador to NATO (as for why member states have ambassadors i have no clue).

I would go and search for her right away if i knew her age. Amazing how for second rank politicians, such as sheriffs, local chiefs of police, ambassadors etc. it is nearly impossible to figure their age, even though they have Wikipedia pages like this Julianne... Smith. Shadow Government?

Knowing the age limits the search to an area of about 5 years in the lists. Very few are outside this magic interval.

Monday, March 25, 2024

A Brand New Smoker

The reason i wanted to start smoking a few cigarettes a day seem obvious to anybody who knows what i'm writing. I stink.

Like from dog waste that surrounds me. I know the smell accompanied by microbes like protozoa, bacteria and what else, together with the foul smelling dog anal sacks oils get deep into my lungs and then get eliminated with the mucous in my gut changing the normal human microbial flora into a dog one.

Protozoa that might produce dopamine, as a mean for dogs to make their prey fearless and easier to hunt. The old symbiosis.

I read that smoking 2 cigarettes a day is the equivalent of breathing moderate amounts of wildlife smoke. So i figured that if i smoke a little, it may be beneficial to me.

So the first time when i went into a smoking area of a casino, like at Lucky Eagle, i bought a pack of Marlboro, red, 100 mm. If i remember right, i have not been smoking since 2007. I vaguely remember in 2007 i was smoking Camel and Marlboro lights. Though i did not have a clear idea what lights means. I do now. Lower tar and nicotine.

I also remember it did not mean much to me. I wasn't smoking much either. Up to 10 cigarettes a day, maybe. I never realized what it did to my body. I quit mainly because Angela wanted to quit and she could not if i was still smoking. It did not take much effort as i remember.

And something i will never forget. In 2004 i went to Romania because of health problems.

During old times (before 1989) when the only cigarettes you could buy were the locally produced ones, that were terrible. Similar to the so called natural ones, with no additives, like American Spirit and Nats but of lower quality. The work horse of Romanian smoker, Carpați, with no filter, were bitter and somehow acidic.

I had trouble smoking those except if i was drinking. With a drink and a conversation, it was all much easier.

You could find premium western made cigarettes though they were very expensive , like ten-fifteen times the price of the Romanian made. Smuggled by those who were traveling abroad, like semi drivers. Or Marlboro made in Poland who had a license from Philip Morris i think. That were a bit different, maybe milder than originals though flavored. Or the Bulgarian brand, BT or Bulgar Tobacco which were decent. Even Albanian ones, Kruja, were better than ours.

I said it several times before. If Ceaușescu gave Romanians back then cigarettes, blue jeans and coffee, he wouldn't have had that gruesome end. And bananas. And oranges.

But when i went in 2004 you could find all the western brands at stands and everywhere, however, they were something else. Counterfeit. Nothing the brand was showing and they were all the same, LM, Kent, Marlboro, etc..

I remember i bought a traveler's insurance which were mandatory for any trip to western Europe and went to France and checked into a hospital for whatever reason, hoping they will do some tests and i will talk to a decent doctor. Over there of course i bought Marlboro lights and they were totally different even from the American reds. Much stronger.

Which brings me to the point and the purpose of this post. What somebody feels when they first start smoking, in my case after 14 years. When my body lost the tolerance to nicotine and all the goodies in there. The myriad of substances including heavy metals from the ash.

Don't know where i read. It was a translation from a western publication in Romanian in the 70s. One cigarette destroys in your body the amount of vitamin C from a whole orange.

Now i wear improvised patches with vitamin C (i found some on Amazon that have only tiny amounts though). I now have a 2000 mg one that will last for several days.

Is nothing like before. Or even how i felt when i first started smoking, @14. First red knocked me out so badly i was desperately searching for Angela inside the casino thinking i was going to pass out. I think i started a second one that night and it was worse.

I knew that nicotine cause vasodilation. That is dilation of your blood vessels, big or small. I was feeling tingling in my feet seconds after an inhalation. In the areas i think are damaged by the wi-fi emitters that were on my feet, behind the PC.

Vasodilation is good and bad. Is good for your heart because it enhances oxygenation of heart muscle. Is good for inflamed organs. Is bad for loosing temperature. After smoking outside at Little Creek and Chinook last night i got very cold, something i have not experienced in years.

So i didn't really liked those. So i started to search for Kent cigarettes, that were most sought for in Romania, but could not find some.

Kent were pioneers with adding filters to cigarettes. Today's Kent have activated charcoal filters which retain a lot of the chemicals. Then i bought others, kinda similar, that were supposed to be milder. But i felt the same.

After about two weekends and maybe one pack, nothing changed. It seems like i lost the ability to smoke. I can't tolerate it no more. But i feel the urge which i was trying vainly to fulfill with alcohol for so many years or since i started drinking seriously, a few years ago.

When i was a smoker i was taking the peak of the stress with a cigarette. Alcohol cannot do that. I mean it can, but it takes longer and the side effects last for too long. The inability to drive after.

However i figured something important. Cigarettes give you a very intense high of about few seconds and a milder high that lasts for hours (in the case of a new smoker like me right now).

But i am not the same, especially today after smoking 3 or 4. I went at Chinook Winds, i had fewer drinks than usually, mainly because of smoking, i went outside to smoke several times and everything became different. I am less stressed, more careless, have less worries, feeling very similar to taking anti-depressants. I was telling Angela. I do not feel myself anymore.

Kept asking myself if suddenly quitting smoking when i came in US didn't contribute to me ending several times in psychiatric hospitals (like maybe every time when i quit).

Because of smoking for so long and now not having the means to cut the stress which was enormous but not only because of the move, the so called cultural shock, etc.. I was constantly pranked, if not to say harassed, for reason i could not figure for so many years. I was mistaken for someone else.

I mean i was served on a platter by some who knew who i was to the general public who could only imagine or believe their old tricksters.

Trying to imagine from the myriad of chemicals present in cigarettes which do what. But it's not only the tobacco. The so called natural ones, like Nat's, burn slower, tend to extinguish selves because they do not have the additive to enhance burning. So one could understand there must be an additive to enhance burning and that could only be something with oxygen in the formula.

And i think i am finally getting to the main point of this blog post. What is the additive that enhances burning. Saltpeter.

Saltpeter is a chemical that has a long history of human usage, long before being used as additive to cigarettes. But could be saltpeter (potassium or kalium nitrate) present in cigarettes the cause for immediately perceived systemic vasodilation as in my recent experiences.

I believe there is an easy answer to this. Try a Nat's or American Spirit and see if i have the same vasodilating after (tingling in the legs, loosing heat). Will do tomorrow.

And of course. If one smokes for such a long time, when it quits will his blood vessels start to contract, blood pressure to raise, creating problems eliminating heat from the body, thus needing the metabolism (and insulin production) reduced?

Still awake. Figured one more thing. Kalium. The black goddess.

Same goes with alcohol. It causes vasodilation which enhance the oxygenation and bringing of nutrients to muscles and heart which contributes, besides the high, to the well being sensation after drinking. It lowers blood pressure just like medication. The reason old people need to be real careful when quitting.

Cause according to the theories of narrowing of blood vessels due to calcium deposits, it is the alcohol that keeps them open. And as i described above, the cigarettes.

...too sleepy, will continue tomorrow...