Showing posts sorted by date for query smoke holes ground. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query smoke holes ground. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27

1:15 Just came from outside. Stupid Windows changed the time i took the picture (that came out blurry, not posting quality i'm used to) to last accessed time so i don't know when i went, maybe 11:30. To pick the rotting leaves.

After the wind shifted from that direction, when we got back tonight the smell in here was unbearable even with ozone generator at a higher setting for hours. After two days ago i picked the ones in the back, i thought i was happily done but today i had to tackle the ones in front. First i grabbed the ones around the hydrant where it stinks like used oil from the leaky Chrysler. I now believe it was meant to cover all the other smells including rotting leaves.

Then i tried next to it and the more i went towards the end of the building the more i picked. They were dried at the surface but wet and stinky under. Stinkier than in the back i thing because wind is blowing more from that direction. I lost count of how many laundry baskets but again i think more than twenty. So i went and picked and picked for almost two hours.

BTW the laundry basket is way stinkier now than after i picked those in the back. Though i washed it. It smells like a swamp.

When i thought i was finally done i glimpsed some more under the laundry vents. So i went there with the basket and when i grabbed a pile with my right hand to push them into the basket (they were 2 ft tall there) what did i touch. The rat bait box. Right under the vent.

And it was warm to the touch. Somebody's been drying laundry all the time i was outside but i went first in other areas and did not inhaled much except at the end.

Being heated by the vapor every time they were doing laundry and most likely releasing bait vapor that i was breathing. And it's been like that for at least six months. God knows if they were refreshing the bait or not but i saw the guys with the green pickup (forgot the name) several different times, last time recently maybe a month ago.

No it's been more than 6 months ago. It's been more than one year ago cause i remember when they first installed them i picked like 6 rats from the back rotting in the hot summer Sun. Nevermind it was in  September. Not long after i complained about seeing rats entering under the other building.

Wondering. But i think i now i know what possessed me i did not recognize the problem with the vents washing those boxes. I was under the influence of smoke coming from mole holes.

The were literally gassing us here since September 2022. Mostly me cause i stay here all the time. Maybe the reasons my hands are nowadays shaky and have palpitations.

The reason the woman at 4 was staying in the balcony talking on the phone for hours, probably while and after drying laundry.

2:09 Wandering. If an inhaled toxin that went into your bloodstream passes through intestinal wall into the intestine. Cause if so, taking activated charcoal could be helpful, by removing the toxin at intestines' level thus attracting more from the blood stream through osmosis/reverse osmosis whatever. BTW could this work for kidney failure? It all depends if activated charcoal can absorb urea or uric acid and of course if those pass the intestinal wall inside the intestine. Yes it can!

2:35 I think it works a little. Feeling better after half hour i took 2400 mg (two 1200 mg capsules) of those. Was  thinking the give Angela some but she fell back asleep until i grabbed one and some water. BTW when i opened bedrooms' window was smelling badly like mold from before and even after i picked the leaves cause the ground is wet and full of it.

Air in the living is much cleaner because of the ozone and the activated carbon filter so i let the door open and can hear her snoring lightly. Don't know what to do, she is supposed to wake up at 4:30 to go to work. What if i wake her and then she cannot fall back asleep? But i was outside and exposed a lot to the "laundry" vapor and inside there is the carbon filter i just replaced the elements and bedroom is less exposed to that stuff being on the other side of the building.

Yeah i'm much better 45 minutes after i took those. I gave her one then she fell back asleep. But i figured something else. The capsules i bought on  Amazon are not created equal. I mean some of them have twice the amount inside than others. Which indicates cheating.

Never saw capsules of something half full except for all charcoal i ever bought. Walmart charcoal capsules are half full but they are 300 something mg. Grocery Outlet capsules are 600 (if i did not switch them in my mind) but have the same degree of fulness (when gently squeezed with two fingers). Of these, only a few are full, most are more than half empty. And the charcoal does not seem so black.

BTW i bought from Amazon spark plugs for Elantra. OEM bla bla. 66 bucks for 4 seemed a good deal. They are packed in the same type of cardboard all Hyundai parts are and have the Hyunda/Kia logos in the ceramic part and cardboard box. However they have so many irregularities in shape and color i'm thinking or returning them.

3:25 Ok the pink discoloration seem to come from the laser welding of iridium tips. Cause it does look like laser welding. However the hook electrode is not aligned with the center one. And i'm afraid to bend it cause i may break the welding. But isn't that iridium layer shorting it? Could there be some are selling parts scrapped by Hyundai?

3:33 Yeah very interesting. They are not squeaking upstairs when/after she dries laundry.

4:57 Ok i woke up this morning after about 5 hours of sleep, really groggy. Though i haven't been drinking much last night and none last two days. They have not come back upstairs until 2 PM. I would think this is what it took for the stuff to clear the walls. But when they came they came with a vengeance.

I say they but i think there's really only one person. Haven't hear so much squeaking or stomping in a long time. While i was trying to figure the exact location of the incident Saturday night. Here's what i did.

I figured the event must have taken place @11:13 since the clock showed 11:11 but the clock was 2-3 minutes slow. I separated data from the gpx file downloaded from the GPS between 11:09 and 11:16 and loaded it into a spreadsheet. Since i was driving North South and had latitudes for every second, i plotted a chart with differences between two adjacent latitudes which gave me the speed in degrees of latitude per second.

There are several spikes in the graph but i think the first is the one. It looks like i slowed down a bit, (never under 70 as i remember), probably because of denser fog or a hill. I know i was on cruise control most of the time, close to 75. Then something made me accelerate, and shutting the cruise control before i slowed down. Then i saw it in the mirror, started to accelerate, at one time i hesitated when Angela started to yell at me not seeing what i was seeing in the mirror, then accelerated again until break out.

And then the other business with the tan car in my blind spot matching speed that exited at first exit after changing mind, twice.

It all happened between Grand Mound and Centralia at 11:09 + 180 seconds that is 11:12 or 36 minutes into the trip. First some event made me shut the cruise control and also accelerate. I think the loss of speed prior to that was due to a sudden increase in elevation without cruse control.

I think the moment was chosen because of a downslope that helped the big vehicle with only one headlight accelerate. The graph shows a period of 7 minutes.

Upstairs. After they squeezed everything they could from the space between mirror and ceiling, they left.

6:15 Last night at Spirit Mountain. I was at one of the entrances (the one closest to the highway) drinking a can of soda i brought from the car and started to talk to a short blond guy dressed funny (something i haven't done in long time). While i was talking to him the woman from Apt.4, though with blue eyes came from inside and stood next to him like they were together, and was staring at me, looking worried and she didn't say a word and they left one minute later.

7:25 About an our ago maybe later i heard a noise like a trailer hitting a bump. I was not worried cause they do it all the time here. But about half hour ago i started to here a noise like a towing truck was picking a car and after i wrote the entry above i said i better look and see. And what did i see. A guy with a truck backed up "not seeing" a smaller Dodge SUV was already parked in that spot.

It pushed the SUV into a pillar of the stairwell of the building and dislodged the stairs. Now the persons at the second floor there are being rescued by firefighters. Could this have anything to do with people gathering two days ago in the evening and watching in that direction. Maybe there was a fight within a couple. The woman with the Dodge is an Asian and i think the guy with the truck looks Latino.

7:40 Just opened the door again and saw a fat woman very excited hugging a firefighter.

8:00 Firefighters left, a towing truck came, two Police SUVs are on the scene, the truck that pushed the Dodge SUV is gone, the Dodge SUV itself is still riding the curb but slid one spot to the left (in the first picture) while was trying to get over the curve by its own power. People that supposedly came out of that building i haven't seen before, like the woman who was hugging the firefighter.

Inside the smell is almost unbearable. After i removed the leaves, the really bad stuff that was under is now stinking even after one (short, late November) sunny day with UV and stuff. I can barely breath after i had the ozone on for the whole day. Upstairs is like a continuous never ending waltz.

10:15 Ok. The soot coming from those Diesel engines calmed the stench from the ground that was under the rotting wet leaves for a month or more.

10:36 Realitatea paralelă. Apropo Dumitru Dragomir și el a încercat la rândul lui să dea cu SUV-ul peste mine (eram în truck parcă) la intersecția de la 7-11 din colț. Prin octombrie 2019, poate.

10:50 Just figured. The Nestle decaf instant coffee i bought last time at WinCo may contain an unusual amount of roasted grain like barley maybe.

11:08 Jurnalism pe cale de apariție. În sfârșit o deplasare a președintelui anunțată în media înainte de a se întâmpla.

Voiam și eu ca tot omul să citesc ceva funny înainte de a mă culca și peste ce dau în Cațavencii. (Da mi-am amintit fiindcă fraza cu jurnalismul le aparține). Cerneala simpatică. Gazul de sub casa scării. Așa-mi trebuie dacă le fur idei (meseria nu se învață, se fură, așa îmi spunea taică-meu întotdeauna).

Apropo conduceam, sâmbătă seara pe I5 spre nord și când am trecut podul acela înalt peste Columbia cu 4 benzi pe sens ce văd în punctul cel mai înalt. Un dulăpior îngust dar înalt care avusese sticlă (sau cristal) de jur împrejur care sticlă acum era spartă și împrăștiată pe porțiunea îngustă de lângă banda din stânga.

Dar de ce în picioare? Ca să se vadă mai bine? Kristallnacht? După multe faze nereușite, erau să ne căsăpească la venire, faza de mai sus.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

November 18

1:00 România ar putea încheia acorduri bilaterale și cu alte țări din UE, mai ales cu acelea care și-a manifestat sprijinul, cel mai recent Franța și Germania. Astfel, Austria s-ar rușina.

7:42 This is about what i wrote yesterday about that motel in Florence.

I remember i worked one day only for a guy in Rome who was remodeling and apartment in historic Villa Borghese, carrying marble slabs upstairs for remodeling a 300 years old maybe apartment. The walls were one meter thick and the streets were really narrow. I think i heard them talking. The price tag was one million (euro, dollars, whatever).

This is where i lived in an area for working people. Yeah i know from the pictures you can't tell the difference. But inside, they were comfortable, quiet and had marble on the floors instead of wall to wall carpet nailed to the floor.

Absolutely no smells.

It is nostalgic to go to the same motel after 25 years. But motels in the US are not built with marble or even concrete. They are made of wood like most American buildings with inner "drywall" panels that bend and crack. Some have nail holes or even spaces from initial constructions like behind appliances and the interior communicates with the inside of the wall, which sometimes is better cause if air doesn't get in those insides, then it gets much worse.

In most places is Oregon nothing has been built since 1995 or when i came here. Same old same old everywhere. But Americans aren't worried because they don't want to travel to Europe to see and if they do they go to places like Rome or Paris where the buildings are even older (that was a joke).

But i could never imagine the housing situation in the US. I left everything, sold my concrete made apartment in Bacău, closed by business and i have no way to return, especially when i look at the stunning politicians there. At least here, there is a trace of freedom left. In there all you can do to survive is to get in league with THEM. Especially now after what i wrote on my blogs THEY will probably eat me alive. Like some here too.

Don't get me wrong. The reason i put videos with lyrics is sometimes i cannot understand what these guys are singing, probably because they are not native English speakers. Wake up or make up?

8:27 Yeah i know i spoke freely about all these before i moved here in Tualatin and that was after i fixed a leak in the wall that created mold for 7 years. BTW there is a hole in the siding and wall at the other end of the building told management about years ago and every time i tape it someone comes and removes the tape a bit, just enough for rain to get in. Trying to de-generalize my situation?

After last rains, mold grew inside and now when the crazy ninja at 4 with the stinking Chrysler hits the wall once, the place fills with mold smell.

First i thought this song was for encouraging me, but today i realize it is reverse psychology and bullying and a lesson to all who try to do what i did. And yeah the gyms stink also, mostly like rubber from all the treadmills or chlorine from pools.

8:55 I am really sick. I am wearing a mask and moved the ozone generator from bathroom to the living though my eyes already hurt. Slept five hours, i'm really sleepy but i also feel like fainting. Hungry and nauseated in the same time.

I realized what happens. Weird strains of mold bred inside the wall with sulfur dioxide extraterrestrial atmosphere gets out through that hole ands seeds the wet rotting leaves on the ground and the air is unbreathable as right now. You can't see it but the wall with the hole is on the left.

I sit here at the old PC next to kitchen window and i don't remember seeing any one in the last hour or so. Just a nervous Asian Japanese mailman who was hitting the doors of the mailbox seen in the picture linked above and more mold came inside.

Though yesterday when i was at the car breathing smoke from i don't know where that was getting me high within one hour i saw 100 hundred people and cars all making noises and distracting me. And BTW my oil doesn't smell a bit like the oil under the Chrysler, almost got no smell when compared to that one.

9:18 Yeah it worked this time. The browser didn't crash when i took the code with starting point for the embedded video below (using share under youtube player). And they started to drag furniture and stomp upstairs. Because i said there was no one here.

10:30 Effectively canceling my thoughts with squeaks from upstairs. I switched to html mode but forgot what i wanted to add. One thing i remember. My eyes weren't hurting from ozone, they were hurting from mold and dust. As soon as i started the ozone and ion generator i got much better.

10:55 On a second thought. She was here again yesterday after a few days missing with all that smoke while i was working at the car. Never leaving their balcony, with the two others. Just staring at me. Earlier i heard the boy yelling in an unseen place like a monkey being eating alive by a huge snake in the jungle. And in reality, she is older than Alexa.

4:28 Got a new PC. Yeah i know Bela (Lugosi) Rising. Amazon delivered it in about 12 hours from ordering. Which means they had it in a warehouse in Portland. As big as a small book.

"Overall pick", "best value for money". Got six cores and 12 threads (666). If i saw that @year 2000 would have freaked out and didn't buy it.

For reason of already installed Ethernet cables it ended at Angela's. Already up and running (with a monitor, keyboard and mouse from the closet). LOL one day when i was cleaning i was  thinking of throwing it up LOL. It seems much faster. Can even play games on it. With the newest updates of W11 and Chrome, i can do it with Lenovo. Blogging that is.

Can't work at her desk either. It is much more exposed to the "elements" coming from under the (hidden) door (but she's only there a couple of hours max a day). Here i am downstream from the filter of which carbon elements i just replaced.

I believe this is one of the three orders i've been thinking and talking about for days. Another one is coming, third i never made (did have not time). Now i'm thinking where from to get that game with Sarah Morgan so i cam marry her to se what happens (that was a joke).

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 2nd

12:10 Anybody knows what pizzicato is? It is a way of playing violin like a guitar, by picking chords with a nail, without using the bow. It is used a lot in Chinese and Japanese traditional music and one singer comes to mind... Rimi Natsukawa (not that i know so many), known to us all as Mariah Carey.

Synth pop era started triumphantly in Europe with Modern Talking and ended in the US with Madonna.

In the beginning, as the name clearly states, they were making heavy use of synthesizers and sequencers and stuff that just came on the scene from the labs and specialized companies. Monophonic, polyphonic, midi etc..

Though they were perfected over the years, a few types of sounds stayed to the end. They faded in the 90s and lately they were surpassed by the AI and only retro bands still use them. AI was much more insidious to the point we listen today to music made entirely by AI including voices and we don't even notice it.

Though heavily influenced by the same current in Japan, some of them included Japanese tunes that at times sound like the (what is the name of the three strings instrument she plays in the video above).

Very obvious in many of Madonna's song but i have the feeling that Dieter Bohlen synths imitated a lot the pizzicato sound and far East melodies especially the instrument in the video above though less obvious for the untrained ear (check again the intro here). And after him, the whole cohort.

But that doesn't mean we don't have pure rock music, spiced maybe with a Moog from the beginning of the synth era (yes she lives in a bubble and steals people ('s hearts)).

6:00 Another one... Cum lași site-urile alea, te duci să ștergi toate video-urile sau doar nu mai încarci? Și totuși cred că am văzut-o (ieri) undeva...

6:45 During the 2000s more evolved synths were used in a whole new genre called electronica, based entirely on those with the subgenre house that originated in... Romania (Why Vika Jigulina in this live show looks like Morticia from Adams family).

6:55 Which reminds me. Now i know, the glass balls represent the sun. My woman from Tokyo? BTW, wanted to say this for several days now and keep forgetting. Is the Mercedes logo a solar symbol and Benz stands for Benzaiten? CDs?

1:10 Newsworthy (There's someone in my head and it's not me). A team of 3 female journalists from Business Insider chose to let the whole world know that NYC mayor killed gassed rats on a whole street in New York. But one newyorker begs to differ in a comment titled "It is not new" (second best in the list) in the original article from "Gothamist" (can't share the comment or link in text).

In one of the pictures is shown an obvious German looking guy pumping whatever in the ground next to a BMW parked on the street.

There are contradictions in the article. The real b...h behind it seem to be though...

The reason i resent is it comes after my complaints of gasoline smell, some coming from obvious puddles on the ground, burnt vegetable oil smell after me doing fries yesterday, that i can still feel it as i write now. The symbolism. The main picture in the article shows a rat and a woman that looks like taken from a tiktok twerking post.

1:45 But i bet nobody from Business Insider is going to explain people the "flat high" of the stock market today (official explanation, no FED hiking rates expected) and always under the rising Sun which is bad news for inflation, flat high that comes with a 2.55% hike rate in oil prices.

3:43 Though i was violently sick yesterday, after eating and drinking crazy things for about a month, finally all these got to my guts with a bile and intestinal blockage and ER level pain, but i don't think i'm gonna die right away.

I did not go to ER as pain seemed intermittent. (I think) i cured myself with omeprazole, glasses of water with backing soda, meditating, eating small amounts of bland food and sleeping in my pod (a sleeping bad made of industrial type 99% reflecting insulation). And of course washing my stinking comforter of which i completely forgot lately.

Also today after i figured i was chocking because of the mold smell, went outside and picked about 100 lbs of rotting leaves "forgotten" by the landscapers yesterday that were covering the wet soil after rain and smelling like outdoor mold.

3:51 Ideal for patching holes in the floor of heaven. Color is close to your ceiling paint (indistinguishable). Mix small amounts with water to the consistency of putty (you know how) and push immediately with a suitable size Philips screwdriver in each hole, several times, then wipe the excess. Can use a slightly bigger screwdriver if you can't find the right size. Should take about 5 to 10 minutes for a hole.

When using slightly bigger screwdrivers and that is most of the time, do not push the screwriver all the way through, cause it is so much easier to fill having a narrowing at the other end.

Do not use ready made mud or any store mix cause it shrinks upon curing leaving the hole visible and having to repeat the procedure.

To find holes, use a dental probe in suspected areas. Sometimes older holes are covered over the years by layers of paint that cracked and are not obvious.

The resulting patch using the material linked above is harder and made of the same material as the drywall itself and also fuses with it so it can be used for bigger holes up to a few inches diameter with a piece of cardboard on the other side kept in place with strings or wires.

There are numerous, clumsier and less effective ways to do it.

Another big source of dust in your apartment is your breakers box, which is as big as all plugs combined. To seal the space around it you need either plaster or clear removable silicone which does not work well on drywall.

Also check the space around door frames, AC vents, in wall  heaters. In wall heaters actually have holes in the box that allow "air" from inside wall to be sucked and pushed into the room. They also burn household and wall dust, like bar space heaters. Bar space heaters create an air flow that also sucks and burn dust from inside the wall through the floor to wall space.

It is controversial if to seal the space between walls and floor. Dust is usually heavier than air and does not climb except for the invisible, statically charged dust which may result from prolonged vibrations which flies in your rooms like crazy for hours (if you don't have an ionizer). (Any dust that passes through a fan like of the fridge becomes electrically charged). If air does not penetrate the space in the wall, it becomes even stinkier usually with sulfur dioxide. Use your rich imagination if or what to put in there.

(We'll talk after you're done with your home work).

10:02 Today's smoke comes from yet another fire that's right in wind's direction that apparently started after last rain? Or maybe the wind shifted, can't remember how it was yesterday. Found a site where you can find historical data for precipitations in different Oregon areas, it rained half inch in the area with the fire yesterday. More rain to come tomorrow.

The smoke doesn't help me. From lungs it eliminates in esophagus and then in the stomach (our own body filtration system, all dust and smoke particles we breath end up in your guts for elimination).

12:00 First i thought i heard someone climbing the stairs, after "he came home", but the sound continued beyond stairs length until i went and opened the door... I did not meet with anyone here tonight or anywhere else, ever, since i came in this country in 1995. I also figured another reason for the big work at the sewer...

If someone who can red this is ever invited here, they must know i will never invite anybody and should not come. And this is not a fake disclaimer.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October 31

12:54 Ok every time i strain my brain like to remember a detail from a video (like toes moving while reading a book) a squeak and a stomp come from upstairs and the big problem is they are waking Angela in the process... And then i forget my line of thoughts.

13:00 Ok good thing i realized it's the next day so i can turn the page like Bob Seger. Got to take a break until it's quiet upstairs.

2:52 See what i'm talking about? An apartment like this in SF area should cost @3k a month and it has holes and irregularities in the 3/8 drywall "popcorn" ceiling. If you can pass a needle through only one of those it means it can release enough dust from the attic to make you sick in the short and long term. Those holes should be filled ASAP. But there are bigger spaces around the plugs.

BTW my fridge has started (its fan and compressor) and there's dust in the air and i remembered i didn't clean the bottom coil in a long time. It usually involves turning the fridge on a side and that needs a strong person.

I bet the intense indoor pollution with dust and bacteria from these old dwellings is the subconscious drive behind so many people choosing to give it all up and live in the streets in the US and SF.

9:13 The gasoline vapor from the puddles in the parking lot mutated the bacteria and mold in the attic and made me very sick. Yesterday afternoon i drank and ate like a pig and woke up so bloated with gas and diarrhea my diaphragm muscle raised and twisted the heart and i woke up with palpitation, chest discomfort, breathing problems, chest discomfort. Two 1200 mg charcoal caps helped me.

Right now i took a shower and the fan started automatically and pushed air through a leak in the space between ceiling and floor above and now i feel the insulation dust in my throat and nose and the sewage smell coming from the attic. Trying to pump ozone in there right now.

AQI site is getting better, now it shows a smoke situation near Mollala but also here in Tualatin which must be something local.
9:40 Amazing how the perceived smoke is so low when index is so high (Tualatin, 97) confirming my theory smoke was coming from holes in the ground near the building when it was several times more intense than right now.

Humidity will go up, pressure will go down, same old story and we'll have a week of rain. The surface winds going against the high altitude ones.

11:13 So damn beautiful, with an attitude!
2:17 Lunar calendar is based on moon's rotation around Earth and not on Earth's rotation around Sun. It is not aligned with the seasons, because it starts every year in a different day of the solar calendar.

Strangely enough the biggest Shinto festival in Japan, of which the greatest kami is Amaterasu, a Sun goddess, starts, in the 10th day of the 10th month every year of the lunar calendar.

But if the festival was to be dated with the Sun calendar, it would have been October 10 and November would have been Kamiarizuki.

During the festival it is said all the kami in Japan come to Izumo Taisha, leaving the rest of Japan with no kami.

4:00 Tick Talk

5:22 Right. Imagining her dressed in houmongi kimono, doing the quick little steps and kneeling on the tatami, bowing and offering sake.

6:25 I would think one could use a special corset to make her butt look lower but why would she do that?

To make herself unrecognizable especially with no wearing the usual face smoothing makeup and with face partially covered by a hat on streets filled with weird smoke that can make people dizzy.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 28

1:05 Smoke in here is beyond any limit, almost unbearable inside, and i've done everything i could as far as plugging holes. The whole space between buildings is filled with it and it got inside due to vibrations from a distant train. As long as they were noises upstairs it was better but i think they left and the smoke level rose. And i lost my flashlight and can't go outside to see more holes.

8:57 Dacă tu instanță îți declini competența într-o cauză nu mai poți să admiți sau să nu admiți o cerere. Nu mai poți să faci nimic în cauza respectivă. Întrebați orice jurist.

După cum am spus de atâtea ori. Începând din 1999 Tratatul Schengen nu mai există ca tratat separat ci a devenit un protocol, parte integrantă din Tratatul de Aderare al României (împreună cu alte 10 țări) aprobat de Consiliu în unanimitate în 2002 și ratificat de toate țările UE până la 1 ianuarie 2007. Cu alte cuvinte, România a devenit membru Schengen din 2007, cu necesitatea îndeplinirii unor condiții care trebuiau constatate de Comisie, care este partea legislativă.

De aceea așa zis-ul vot al Consiliului pentru aderarea Croației nu a fost un vot legislativ și nu are nici o valoare juridică. Dacă vă uitați în agenda cu votul respectiv veți vedea că a fost programat în secțiunea ne-legislativă a întâlnirii. Nu a modificat cu nimic tratatul de aderare și apartența Croației la Schengen, ci și-a abrogat rolul executiv al Comisiei, constatând îndeplinirea condițiilor care în cazul României erau îndeplinite din 2011.

Nu va mai exista niciodată un vot legislativ în Consilu pentru aderarea României fiindcă acest vot a fost exercitat înainte de semnarea Tratatului în 2003.

Tomac nu trebuia să dea în judecată Consiliul pentru acesta și-a făcut treaba. Trebuia să dea în judecată Comisia pentru ne-aplicarea Protocolului Schengen din Tratatul de Aderare ceea ce înseamnă ne-aplicarea aquisului.

În Noiembrie 2022, după 11 ani de ne-aplicare, Comisia și-a declinat compentența aplicării aquis-ului.

Conform acestui șirag de argumente dintr-o pagină a enormului site sau mai bine zis grupul de site-uri ale UE, tratatul din 2003 care a intrat în forță în 2007 după un lung proces de aprobări și ratificări nu putea fi semnat fără votul unanim al Consiliului care trebuia să fi avut loc cândva înainte de semnare în 2003.

Pe atunci agendele Consiliului arătau altfel, nu aveau o secțiune legislativă și ne-legislativă, care pare o invenție recentă menită să ascundă faptul că nu mai era nevoie de un vot în Consiliu în cazul celor 3 țări restante. În general voturile ne-legislative sunt treaba Comisiei și nu a Consiliului.

Nu găsesc, oricât aș încerca, agenda votului Consiliului care trebuia să fi avut loc înainte de semnare în 2003 însă a avut loc căci semnarea Tatatului nu se putea face fără acesta.

12:36 You the book nerd, can you please buy and read this book. I need to buy it too cause i exhausted all attempts to download it for free, like Bansenshukai, though in paper format you cannot do (fast) searches. Maybe i could buy it and downloaded as ebook, should try this first.

The idea (hypothesis) is there are channels that can be opened between people (such as lovers), maybe one to many, maybe one way only (do not look in the eyes) and i think those channels once open like by seeing a video early in the morning, can be hijacked by a third party.

4:00 I could say more on the subject but don't want to get weirder than this for now and i'd like to share with you something i just found out.

Much of the stuff that's happening to us and may throw our lives out of normal is the bacteria and mold that's living inside the empty spaces in the interior walls and between upstairs floor and your ceiling and that can be relatively easily cured with an ozone generator. Need to find a closet or space where there are cracks or openings that are communicating with that space that is usually all linked together because of pipes passages. One good place to look is the space around pipes under the sink and install it there.

But usually there is some space between the fan box in the bathroom and the ceiling and the fanbox itself may leak when the fan works into the space between ceiling and upstairs floor or attic feeding the space with nutrients like your own dead skin flakes present in house dust. Install the ozone generator in the bathroom and close the door. It would be a bit uncomfortable to go in there i know. Leave it on as much as you can.

Careful cause the ozone even in low concentrations is harmful to eyes and lungs but you usually can feel it after a day or so and adjust time and settings. Ozone is very reactive (oxidizing) and combines with everything, killing mold and bacteria, and neutralizes sulfur dioxide that emanates from drywall panels, etc..

Another way is to use the ozone generator on high settings when you leave the house but will need a timer so it would stop at least one hour before you get back home. Usually in all american homes there is space between floor and the wall where you can stick a finger, around plugs etc.. and the ozone will get inside the walls through that space.

Got this one that also has a negative ion generator and let it run for half day in the bathroom, every few days on ozone mode and continuously rest of the time in the living on ion generator mode.

The negative ion generator puts in the air obviously negative ions LOL that are attracted by the dust that is usually positively charged, making dust particles heavier and fall to the ground where they attach to carpet and stuff and never raise back up except when vacuum cleaning. It is so much better to breath cleaner air and have the dust on the carpet. I think it works better than any filter i tried over the years.

However mine doesn't have a timer for ozone like this one and cannot be shipped to California, i think none of them can because of the... ozone LOL.

Will see first results in about a week. Lower bacterial load especially in your guts will give a break to your still young immune system and brain and your mind will be clearer. But when you get older the stuff will start to permanently infect your organs giving you what doctors call arthritis.

But if you see big spaces around pipes under the sink or around plugs on big appliances or between floor and walls, you should know you are in danger because of insulation dust that may come especially from exterior walls that are filled with mineral insulation (rock wool). Try and stick everything you can like rags in those spaces. Insulation dust is irritant and painful and has weird psychological effects, especially when combined with bacteria and other stuff.

Most of the dust is released upon vibrations from big speakers or modified exhausts outside but also steps upstairs.

One good indication you are dealing with environmental issues like these is stomach pain. Dust is being continuously eliminated from your lungs into your stomach and guts.

Many antidepressants work as pain killers, allergy relief etc. and that could be their only benefit (by dealing with the effects of that dust). That's why you become extremely sleepy and lethargic when you start those or when you get out of that environment like going into a much better built hospital. But that could be your normal that is not exciting anymore.

6:22 It's what o clock in the evening on the west coast and finally figured her face since this morning. It was all youtube suggestions and stuff, nothing intended, sorry if you had a good fun out of it. As i said, ima never gonna fit, even introduced to. Not the sharpest tool talking real time.

Soul love. It crossed my mind earlier before i saw her last post. Actually the real(Alexacrush) translation of the title of the movie from Italian Prendimi l'anima is Catch my Soul. "Schtejt a Bocher"...

12:44 The man upstairs followed me in the bathroom, flushed the toilet while i was there, now he awoke Angela by squeaking and stomping.

8:00 Still stinking like gasoline at 8 AM on Monday. Much better with the filter next to entrance. I think Angela slept less than 3 hours mostly because of the guys upstairs and works ten hours today. Outside it stopped stinking though the car is still on a jack. Gasoline smell kinda mixed and penetrated carpet and everything and now competing with the old dog poop smell in the apartment.

Just remembered something.

8:57 I decided to dedicate some time to clean and organize. Get rid of old junk, make it more livable. I spent so much time for my blogs lately and neglected everything else.

Made some noodle soup with bone broth added and was about to eat it when a young couple, like they don't have anything else to do with their lives, came like they do every day with two dogs in the yard beyond patio sliding door and the dogs started raising legs and stuff.

10:28 My Elantra has Sirius XM receiver which is a satellite broadcast system and has on the roof a shark fin antenna that can connects to either a satellite, or an LTE tower via the Bluelink and thus probable the most connected car of all brands. It also has a microphone that enable voice commands, phone calls via a bluetooth connected phone etc.. So it is doable for a hacker to make the necessary "adjustments" so everything you talk in the car to be heard or streamed via the internet.

11:34 Solved the mystery where the gas smell was coming from. It was not the Chrysler. They where (i think they still are) a couple of puddles of gasoline at the spot belonging to Apt.1. Though it's odd cause the puddles where pretty far apart.

Took one picture, was thinking to take one more when i come back from my walk. Cut my walk short, came back and saw a cop entering the first entrance in the building C east of the mailboxes.

I had my camera in my hand but i knew a Police car should be nearby so i gave up (don't want to take pictures of those while cops are in mission or in general). However i didn't see any Police vehicle, just a white SUV parked next to the mailboxes but i delayed taking the picture and saw the cop getting into that one. White, unmarked, Interceptor, probably Sheriff. Would have been in the direction where i wanted to take the second one.

1:00 I wasn't only drunk, i was out of my mind. Literally. The smell of gasoline for days, lack of quality sleep, stress, the 2 hour drive in smoke, sometimes weird smoke, a few glasses of wine that i think also had a smoke component from wildfires, hurry to get things done, too many unsorted things pressing on my mind.

I think my brain got too old to accommodate all these, like a young guy. But i've done things like these since i was a kid. Colossal gaffes usually when the unexpected overwhelms me.
In grade school they used to call me "distracted" but in Romanian it has a slightly different meaning than in English. It means having your mind somewhere else.

I think it is a way to cope with sometimes unbearable stress and trauma. Like when i have to drive 80 miles in smoke and  hostile environment from other drivers though is the boredom that kills me most of the time and then i let my mind fly away which brings me a type of fulfillment (feel good neurotransmitters) that allow me to continue.

I do many other routine things this way. Always thinking of something else because it makes me feel better. But yeah, it can happen this way. You think of something else and that pops right in front of you and you can't recognize it however your subconscious does and carries a bit of a conversation that way, with the weirdest effects.

One of the most traumatic things is having to think hypothetically because it consumes a lot of brain power. Like coming to a different country and not knowing the language and culture and having to take in consideration when talking to somebody every possibility. Internet, learning the many expressions should have made it easier to me but in the end i sort of lost drive, and that is mostly because what i discovered and put in my other blog. Keep asking myself if it's worth it. And then the prize unexpected refreshment.

But that sort of intellectual effort and hypothetical thinking and constant inquiring could have been the reason i discovered the big switcheroo (see the other blog).

1:13 Yiddish ("jüdisch"), a misterious language that until today i thought it was derived from German. So they did themselves and everybody. But today i don't think so anymore.

If the Indo European theory is true and all European (and Indian) languages derive from a single one which is probably Sanskrit it means all those languages have to have some Sanskrit words in them.

But the weirdest part and due to uniqueness of the situation i can't find another example or model throughout history, each derived language kept a different set of recognizable words from it. Yeah i was talking once on the phone with a linguist and he went a bit sarcastic and told me like yeah, you can't understand this.

So here is a major difference between German and Yiddish. Right in the first verse of the folk song.

Unfortunately i don't know any of the two languages though when i was a kid i heard my grandparents, other people speaking German all the time. Could be this behind the drive for me to learn English which is not so far from German, when i had a chance. Could be neural pathways that were dug in my subconscious at the time that helped me with learning it. German and Jewish culture still present in Bucovina where i lived until 14.

However i can recognize some words and phrases, and from a few searches i realized Yiddish is not a very  "cared for" languages, with several types of Latin transliteration. But here is a sample of an English version of the song next to the Yiddish one and i can see Yiddish is not German.

Friday, October 27, 2023

October 27

10:17 Skim this. It has been refreshing through motivation, thank you, but when stressed out the society fell back on easy to handle stereotypes as their culture has been built of those. As for me, i don't know anything anymore except i will never try to seduce you fit in. Don't assume i'm even trying just because i've learned to some extent English or i exhibit some human reactions.

As for coffee, i use (decaf) coffee in the morning together with a charcoal cap so i cleanse my guts from bacteria and protozoa that fell from ceiling and came from constantly calculated dog piles outside so i feel less nauseated and can eat something. In fact i just smelled one right now so my daily cycle can begin like in Ground Dog Day.

And BTW i don't believe stereotypes are true generalizations uh huh but a way of manipulating the whole society by making believing so.

BTW do you think concept is a type of generalization? (My head is spinning just trying to read a little about those because of the endless mess of always failing western philosophy and of course of the psychology that derives from it).

BTW i couple of days ago i fell again victim of yet another attempt to fit in. That is trying not to think of every detail of what i'm doing but rather trying to do everything in a hurry based on experiences and learning by mistakes.

Years ago when i was under the heavy influence of smokes from around the building i did an oil change and spilled some oil on a couple of connectors on top of the transmission.

These newer automatic transmissions are head spinners because the control of shifting gears is done by a computer that is hooked to it by some fragile connectors instead of having everything inside like during old times where all the governing was inside. So a simple failure of those connectors would mean your car will severely malfunction.

So i was troubleshooting a rare intermittent malfunction and first thing that came to mind was i should try to clean those inside and out with some WD40 contact solvent i bought a while ago for this purpose which is tricky because you can contaminate them more by bringing dirt from outside the connectors inside.

So i gathered courage and momentum all day two days ago and when time came it started to rain. So i postponed it until rain stopped and went outside and did it with a flashlight in the dark trying not to blind the pilots of the low flying planes that started pouring (they always do that when i go with a flashlight at night outside).

It took me one hour only to unstuck one of those, then one more to clean them while exposed to smoke in smoke and also been breathing lots of that solvent and then when about to finish i got drunk out of frustration. So the next day and even today i was numbed and dumbed by the three influencers combined, much more than usual.

So i spent all day yesterday like oh so many times before trying to remember exactly what i've done at the car and that influenced my whole "moode of thinking" on top of everything (i was quite mad). And BTW i feel smoke coming from outside again 12:15.

So i came to the conclusion i didn't break anything but the problem went away after i added a bit of fluid cause i believe it was under the lower limit which is almost impossible to figure at a transmission without a dipstick.

BTW a few days ago i was driving through Beaver-ton (the city where i lived before, at Sus Sex Village Apts.) and entered the dealership to buy 2 more quarts to attempt the third partial drain and fill, you cannot drain the whole fluid and you do 2 or 3 partial drains (in my case of three quarts every time) to change up to 75% percent, as opposed to going to the dealer and paying 500 dollars and have changed about the same percentage or less (when they flush it by pumping some will still mix with the old one) and then wonder if they didn't break anything else.

So i went in at the same dealer where i bought 2+5=7 quarts a year ago, talked to the parts guy and he was not satisfied with year make and model and went outside and wrote the VIN from the car and then he gave me the two quarts but when i got home i saw it was a different type than the quart i had left from those 7 i bought a year ago (and used 6 for two partial drains).

And had to wait like 15-30 minutes until they brought the fluid "from the other shop cause they were out of it".

So before i did anything i checked and found on a site and the type of fluid which BTW was 32 dollars a quart was not compatible with the other i already poured in. Notice, bottom of the first page here.

12:44 I believe in cognitive therapy which i think is the logical replacement of more "esoteric" Freudian psychoanalysis. Simply remembering and reinterpreting traumatic events in the light of newer acquired friendlier (now stereotyping) experiences (i think it can only work for the lucky ones though).

2:00 Again deleted a whole entry by mistake. These two invoices do not show the last qualifiers (letters) of the type of fluid. Last one has an odd account number, 9999. Though the different part numbers are there. BTW i love Americans because of the freedom you can see in their eyes kind and candid nature even when they are "legitimately" or openly trying to conspire against me, however putting that recognizable fearful "evil" or mad look on their faces.

11:00 When we started to yell at each other i knew there was too much smoke in here. Found three sets of holes releasing unprecedented amounts of smoke, one was just around the corner under their AC, one under a bush and one next to our patio. Smoke subsided suddenly when i covered those. Angela does not believe me when i say smoke is coming from the ground. Now it's coming back but not so much anymore.

11:01. Tonight there was another drawing at Spirit Mountain. I was surprised and in a way, mad by the fact that the car was running much better. Smoother shifting at the transmission, more response to the pedal. But i think it has potential for more. Slightly better mileage going there (430 but when i came back the temperature was 20 degrees less, pressure at the tires 4 psi less and the mileage was like 42 but i had to stop a few times and it dropped to 40.

In my way there i was thinking to add some more fluid but when coming back i decided to do more research.

The method of measuring recommended in the service manual says. With the check plug open, engine on, a steady flow of fluid must come out and if you measure it should be no more than 900 cc every too minutes.

I believe it's ridiculous, if you remove 900 cc just to measure you will be one quart short, right? What if it only drips? That does not count for a steady flow, right? So i figure it you let it flow until you have just a drip and then add like 200 ml or something, right? Which i did but now i'm not sure if i should add some more.

I think it is obvious for everyone, they built it in such a way you cannot do it by yourself, you must go to the dealer and they themselves don't know what to do except hooking a machine to it and let it do the job. So nobody knows how to measure fluid level in a dipstickless transmission period. I mean, you can go to the dealer and pay 180 for a diagnostic and they will tell you to change fluid which can go up to 500 more.

This can't be right. I've done so and then after i added 200 ml the car runs much better. I think this guy has overfilled but since no bubbles are coming out... So maybe i should go under the car one more time to check.

In our way there. At the Safeway at Tualatin Sherwood and 99 (yes i think there is a Starbucks there) there was a vehicle (car or van) upside down on the other side of 99. Kept asking myself how could it have ended like that in an area with 35 speed limit but then Angela told me it probably fell off of a towing truck that was parked further down the road.

One annoyingly noisy motorcycle with a guy with very thin ankles (though around 5' 10") in front of us in the slow moving traffic, for minutes, and then he was gone and i was staring at the "accident" when traffic in front of me stopped suddenly and almost got into the next vehicle and they were like at least 8 Police and Sheriff's cars on the road on an "accident" with no driver involved.

I think they were there to witness to my arrest if i hit that black SUV or van in front of me.

11: 24 No hitseriously!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

October 26

11:12 Can't believe what i just heard at Z100 about 3D printed houses. "First project of the kind, built by students at a university in 13 months ... 425 sqft". Asking myself is they use text to speech software and there's nobody in that studio. Then they play Doja Cat Paint the Town Red for the 100000 time... Ugh. Feel like vomiting.

11:52 No google answer can confirm right now my strong suspicion that all music listened on the radio is made or processed (broken down and recreated) with AI.

Some of them songs even have breathing sounds like Eilish latest or finger rubbing guitar string sounds. Listening right now to Running From the Daylight, all tremolo and vibrato periods that fit entirely within in a note seem inhumanly perfect, with fabulous inexistent instruments in the background.

But i believe all it takes is listening with much attention for small too perfect imperfections like no breathing time for the singer between notes or overlapped notes where there shouldn't with voices that are as fresh at the end of of a phrase as at the beginning.

Second voice in the chorus of Paint the Town red follows mathematically precise the main one.

2:04 Wicked.

6:07 Let me make one thing clear. I never ordered or paid no one ever for any reason except i paid commission a couple of times in Romania to get programming work 30 years ago but it was small and legitimate. If someone chooses to cosplay in areas where i go (Tualatin, Oregon) should know some other entities are paying them and stop doing it.

All hypothetical red riding hoods and their supposed relatives wearing red Safeway aprons should stay home and safe and film barista videos and stop doing porn and playing victims and should get satisfied with the enormous amounts of money for clicks on links on my blogs (judging by the dozens or hundreds of live memes i see around me like when i go to a store or something) and if they don't want them should give them to charities. I got carried away and i put those links because i thought it was funny as intended and now i'm sorry about it.

Though i think they started coming before discovering their tiktok accounts or before i put those links. But who knows. It could be they don't count or pay for clicks on links coming from my blogs like they don't count the real number of visits on my stats page.

BTW last time when i went and ordered food at Spirit Mountain they applied an old trick from Chinook Winds and put the receipt for me to sing on top of another soft piece of paper "because the counter surface was so hard".

8:04 BTW remembered something else. I was making some pizza and doing dishes and stuff and went in the bedroom to ask Angela who's binge watching TV at this hour something and got hit by a smoke smell that seemed familiar. Went outside and plugged too holes in the ground under bedroom window and remembered where i smelled that smell.

8:38 Ok i pulled the second and last pizza from the oven (i put it in the fridge and then heat it in the mw for the next 2-3 days) and came here to finish the idea.

Spirit Mountain has 3 entrances, and one of them is between the casino and the hotel, closest to the big and more quiet parking lot in front of the hotel. Many times i ate, slept and drank in the car in that parking lot though recently the security is patrolling a lot (in some days, depending).

They have recently done some remodeling, built a new smokers section between the hotel and the casino, and the entrance has a double glass doors and walls, like the others, and they put of course a new plastic of course carpet in there that stinks (out-gases VOCs) and always thought that was the normal smell of a new carpet that is closed between doors but now after many months i start do doubt it. Like when you just enter the casino everybody who used other entrances can smell that smell coming out of you.

Could they have done it on purpose tonight so i write here so they can ban me from that casino as well. Cause tomorrow there is a drawing and during drawings is the only time we can win a little some machines are loose during drawings, when there are more people in there, to get them addicted, if you can find one of them, last time (Monday this week) i won 250 dollars playing over Angela's shoulder who was tired anyways of pressing buttons after i caught a free games sessions.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 25

1:12 Nehammer. Schengen. Xi Jinping. Bottom.

1:30 Tom Emmer abruptly.

10:50 I wish it was weekend cause this entry would fit into that horizon. Was that or two days ago when i put a link to a song from 7 years ago where some were still trying to make a mark in music with AI.

I bet its stridency raised lots of eyebrows (or better said pricked ears) at the time but we were already used or at least openly introduced to the phenomenon by Alex da Kidd.

Soon it became obvious to anyone that AI cannot be used extensively or excessively or even distinctively in music, but only as adjuvant in "sculpting" artists' own voices and combining it with instruments that sometimes seem all too perfect, but never too far from recognizable and indistinguishable to the most.

However i think people deserve to know that everything they hear today on their radio comes from "the box" which means nothing is "direct" or natural no more, especially the re-synthesized voices. It became very possible the "artists" don't even sing their songs anymore, but just offer samples of their voices or simply sing the disclaimer  and then lip sync to the machine when performing live.

1:15 There is bullying and there is smart bullying. The need for some to bully someone weaker physically it's obscure and i don't have the time to analyze it.

But there is organized bullying (and yes since bullying is a crime, organized bullying through its vast consequences should be treated as organized crime). It is usually smart bullying not the kind met in classrooms and school corridors or workplaces.

There is an effect on the target, but in cases like me, who i am so accustomed to it and worn out emotionally it doesn't matter. The target is usually a larger audience that may "learn" the lesson through sympathizing.

Let me give you an example. This morning i couldn't wait to get outside because of the vague smells in here. Which turned real, when i got back though there was smoke throughout all my walk in the range of 50 or slightly above normal. Perceivable.

First think i saw outside was a dead squished fat rat. Right in front of the building. With its guts and tiny liver spilled on the pavement. I had to pick it and throw it before it got flattened completely and rot in front of the building for weeks to come.

Note the link with the squished lifter i just wrote about. Immediately a badly smoking FedEx passed followed by an even worse smoking noisy BMW with black windows, non Oregon LPN something like 5B8 that filled the alley with exhaust that lasted for the next 5 minutes or until i got at the street.

After i crossed the street there was the classic Sriracha prepared bottle. A water bottle filled with water mixed with Sriracha left to trickle on the ground in the wind direction. I am familiar with this treat because they did it many times when i was very tired or even sick. It wakes from the dead everybody on a few hundred feet, inside and outside in the wind's direction.

Trying to compensate for the lack of sharp insulation dust that was doing the job before i closed those holes in the walls a couple of days ago.

So it was the nose congestion followed by a stimulant so i will hopefully crash or have heart failure after breathing through congested nose while being stimulated with pain. I can confirm chest discomfort right now and forcing myself to breath on the nose.

After spending all night trying to figure the next speaker, after i had a few drinks and was already tired, drinking caffeinated soda and staying up until i found it and then until i got sleepy, which translates 6 AM, i was half past dead when i got out of the building and now i feel like jumping to summon the Halloween ghosts.

Can't possibly recollect right now everything that happened during my walk, though i saw again the Rev'it pickup passing in the neighborhood, which i perceive as a threat in the same time with an almost bold, threatening guy by the breaking pillar.

I was like walking on a cloud though it was raining from above, not able to think much except of what i already got obsessively in mind. Not much aware of the surroundings that is. Ok i remember one.
Back in August when they did the pavement someone came with a truck (possibly the one with snorkel and WA LPN associated with the people upstairs) and drew some eights on the fresh asphalt though they were not perfect eights, looking more like leaves and could not remember where i saw that sign except on some logo from Hungary that i can't remember who it belonged to but today i saw it again on a transportation van.

1:54 Got back home, smoke inside, filled a couple of mole holes by the concrete patio, found in the grass a flattened tiny poop just by the smell, etc.. Finally at the laptop. Only to see the adapter died again (the third this year). So i will take another break until i can get one.

And on Z100 right now thet are playing Fire to the Rain. Which is not on their Recently played as at 2:10 or right now.
10:00 In case you didn't know

10:30 I really hope we all will meet with the day when all work, physical and spiritual will be treated seen as fitness workout and meditation.

Monday, October 23, 2023

October 23

11:55 Why i stopped writing with no explanations. It is a form of protest, though to me writing was a form of protest. A protest on top of a protest.

Though i frequently listen music on car's radio during my trips (my fingers do not follow the same way my brain after a 5 days pause), i never realized or payed attention to Doja Cat's song Paint the Town Red (until i heard it on tiktok of course were else, thank you Alexa for this one too).

Maybe because it is has fewer profanities than others. However when i saw the video it was shocking and really underscored the conclusion i already made. The song is about me. And it's currently number one in 15 countries. A way of subliminally counteracting most of my themes of my standing protest.

Then in the same time i discovered yet another possible avatar of Seri Iwahori, other then the ones i already wrote about. And this one is threatening.  And didn't and still don't know how to describe it without triggering the underpromised retaliation.

But i broke ranks of my lone strike to write about only one thing. (Yeah i've been thinking if i had a chance to write about one more thing what would be the most important one to write about).

It is about yawning. Yeah i like to shock people hopefully drawing attention while exposing contradictions. Let me explain.

There are a number of "social quirks" that are contagious. To sympathetically synchronize behavior, some say. Yawning is so inducible you may yawn while reading this. Maybe the reason that long time yawning was considered impolite and unaccepted (semiconscious) behavior. But there are others less obvious. And more others nobody has ever written or spoke about it.

That is how i could explain the unconscious physiological changes that occur to me when i see a person usually with black pants and a considerable butt bowing backwards (the reverted usual social Japanese or Korean bow) at me while calculating or made aware (signaled) of the moment i look. Sometimes all the way to touching ground with hands. Under various pretexts, like grabbing dropped keys, things like that.

I still don't even realize something is happening and it took me a long time to make the link, and only because of the very high frequency they deliberately used it on me, thus making it statistically remarkable. 

Now i know the effects occur instantly with lowering of blood circulation in pelvic area and intestinal gas blockage and it manifests within minutes when pressure starts building up and propagate all the way to the diaphragm muscle that is also part of the breathing apparatus, with lowering of breathing capacity and twisting of the hard which is attached to through connective tissues and there goes your panic attack.

Diminished blood circulation (and intestinal absorption) starting with lower abdomen, pelvic area and legs, for a longer time may get you chronic constipation, weird, persistent, hard to cure urinary infections and possibly leg ulcerations. Other unknown effects.

And of course heart benefits at first of the lowering of blood circulation in some areas of the body and gets used to it making it "addictive" and when the condition lasted a long time and it reverts, you may go into partial heart failure. Easiest to diagnose. Coldness of hands and other extremities by closing blood circulation in non essential areas to compensate.

Also yoga poses done in public, or intimacy, and especially the lotus pose may have also weird, sometimes submissive effects on others. The rubbing fingers gesture.

An area modern western medicine never went to because they don't see any reason to. Spiritual, non contact martial arts, old magic, some would think but it's nothing but an (ancient) exploit of the so vulnerable human nature and physiology.

What scares me the most. It is most likely done also through mass media, during clips, movies and reading the news on TV and with any opportunity THEY through all kinda of poses and postures related to plain words can mass spread all kinda diseases and behaviors.

And BTW i already got one (type of panic attack) because all the time i was writing the above a dog was barking with crying accents and a big engine with small exhaust was revving in the vicinity).

Another one i wanted badly to write every day during my hiatus. Always thought they were saying come down or something... Or maybe they did and the lyrics are wrong. Rema? Rama? Roma?

10:15 About 12% of the Brits have supplemental private insurance, the rest go with NHS. Angela's insurance at Eaton cost the company 500 dollars and she also pays 150-200 her share on the payroll.

11:00 Metsubushi. I think it started after i came from my trip to Canyonville or after i moved the ozone generator in the bathroom (BTW i took it back, there is no more sewage smell coming from the floor space).

Now when i use the bathroom fan huge amounts of insulation dust are blown outside through cracks in the wall and some come back inside from under the door every time i use the fan. Upstairs noises stopped dramatically which means they are affected too. I think dust particles are too big to be quickly neutralized by the negative ions.

Or there is a big hole in a wall somewhere.

Or it's been like that for a long time but only now i feel it because of cessation of the smoke.

11:33 What do you know, they were two major holes in the walls i forgot about because of the smoke of course. As i said before, writing it down makes me remember. BTW, this is what i saw also during my walk on by today...
And the weird fog bank like cloud 20 miles inland (crazy jester followed me, found me in the fog, now you all can panic), and there was this guy looking familiar in a black Nissan that stood in my left blind spot in a passing area and tried to pass me when my lane ended and there was this woman with a dog at the next machine where Angela was playing and i was eating the remaining of the fries i didn't finish in the food court. 

Angela won a little to cover most of Saturday loses and we went to the bank to deposit it so she can pay the bills and next to her there was this Tesla driver with black shorts who dropped his receipt... Yes it works best with black shorts. But now that i know, i meditate a little and i'm fine.

11:58 Fortiter et recte. În premieră guvernul nu va mai face rectificarea bugetară. E greu să rectifici ceva ce nu știm exact cât e, cat a fost, cât a mai rămas.