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Showing posts sorted by date for query sting. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2024

November 16

1:30 Clowns will be clowns. Numele Szalai, Selles, Szillard și alte variante toate provin de la Kali say Kyile. Au băgat și un Adam în ecuație, pentru că am spus mai sus că sunt budiști. Și să amintească de Szilard. Apropo, cine știe ce mai au în mânecă pe subiect.

Da există o conotație evreiască la lista mea de asemănări. Nu știu, nu am studiat bine problema, nu știu dacă ei s-au băgat de bună voie în toată mascarada, dacă sunt reali sau poate doar oportuniști sau șantajați.

Fosta mea dirigintă din liceu, soprana Krilovici, care oficial era fugită în Germania, cred că a fost șantajată să intre în toată chestia. Apropo de numele ei. Alain Delon (oare erau rude). Mulți au fost declarați morți în Ungaria în timp ce ei se jucau de-a celebritățile în alte țări. Mulți sunt decedați ca personaj dar încă trăiesc în Ungaria.

Apropo de dirigintă, prima mea dirigintă din generală a fost Liz Taylor și am văzut-o odată aici, acum vreo 5 ani, după ce "murise".

M-am dus la un liquor store în Beaver-ton, (magazin de tării, monopol de stat, era singurul deschis, undeva la vreo 15 km de aici), eram beat și furios, am rămas fără băutură, tot așa vecinii mă băteau în cap de sus, făceam slalom prin trafic, mă mir cum am ajuns și ea era în parcare, se făcea că a cumpărat la supermarket, o ajuta o tipă din magazin, a intrat cu greu în mașină și avea o privire dojenitoare.

Cât despre Leo Szillard, nu știu, poate articolul acela din 1929 a fost o ieșire, poate o încercare de disculpare (noi am încercat) însă nu cred că a avut repercusiuni fiindcă mai târziu îl găsim în ecuație (scrisoarea cu Einstein). Einstein și el a fost un actor, poate s-a încercat punerea în cârca evreilor a tuturor acestor tărășenii.

Ei au nevoie să țină lumea în teroare, ca să stăm liniștiți și ignoranți și ne înmulțim ca iepurii și să încălzim în continuare planeta.

5:15 I am familiar with this style since long time ago. The display of "barely restrained" one century long fury regarding Trianon. The attitude transmitted through generations, like they cannot loose. It's like a dog growling but not biting. Mainly because they believe they are Christians thus compassionate.

Buddha was teaching compassion too, but not invading other countries and continents with the aim to militarily control the whole world.

One thing they should understand, is they already lost and now trying to re-create everything in order to re-write history. Towards Romanians though, their attitude is exactly what Sting says. You belong to me.

Romanians have been their slaves (serfs, jobbags) in Transylvania (part of Dacia, the cradle of today's Romania) for almost 1000 years and they will never accept defeat especially comming from Romanians.

The other thing the younger Hungarians should understand. They never had anything there, they imposed on Europeans and Europeans tolerated and ignored them for a long time while them infiltrated the Church and all states (basically created by them).

And look at the problems they created like WWI and WWII, mainly to divert attention, and look at the state of Europe right now, with them at the helm, insignificant militarily and complacing in a lukewarm socialism and financial ruin.

And one more. The elite of Hungary have other purposes then the common people. Have to say it, there is no other way. They are themselves involved in Trianon and WWII since they control everything in the whole world. Viktor Orban is pretending he is Jew. Victory of the orphans, in Latin. This cannot be his real name. Japan is among the signatories of the treaty.

They did that to motivate them to help them continue their "higher" purpose and that is to secretly control the whole word, and the help is done especially by providing European looking people to be trained in large numbers to become actors.

But even if they do control everything, they should understand, like any time in history a few decided to control a vast number of people, this cannot be permanent. This cannot survive now that is out of the box of secrecy.

After mentioning it, was curious and looked into the etymology of word jobbag. Coming from jobbagy (a word of obvious non-European origin meaning nobility), which was the system. Belonging to nobility. Slaves of the nobility.

Then i remembered of Jobbik, their nationalist party. Never knew that. Most jobbags in Transylvania were Romanians and the name now confirms they will never look at us other than their slaves.

This is realy offending towards Romanians, the Romanian minority in Hungary and especially the undeclared Romanian minority in Hungary from which so many of the European looking actors came from which is probably as big as Hungarian minority in Romania. (Though that so called magyar minority are neither Huns or Magyars, they are the more civilized Székelys, coming direct from Buddha's clan in Nepal),  

Nobles? Do they really believe that? They (magyars) are at origin ruthless mercenaries who raided Europe for more than a hundred years before settling on top of Huns who themselves basically put an end to Roman Empire and compared to Europeans are uncivilized sophisticated savages (look what she does upstairs).

Though in time they learned how to mimic civility and even criticize others for the slightest deviance, pointing back at them, like children when corrected, measured by their Asian style bureaucratic means. 

Do you think it's by chance Kafka lived in the Austro-Hungarian empire? Do you think it's coincidence the levels of intricacies of the plot in the book are similar only to those from Shogun by Clavell. Japan's bureaucratic system is derived from the Chinese, the first in history.

This trait is shared with the Japanese however them are way farther from understanding western civilization though are so good at mimicking everything.

But who knows. Maybe the Japanese themselves are kept in isolation and ignorance by the same type of elite who understands Europeans better than we can imagine.

Above all Europeans, most complacent are maybe the Jews. They always thought are smart and know how to surf all waves of history but how about this. Did they know about how big this wave is?

6:45 Talking about one million something Székelys living in Romania. Here is the flag of Buddhism compared to that of Romania.

6:55 And yes i've been waiting for Angela, staring for one hour looking through the vast windows of America's Best glasses office near Washington Square mall at Ariana Grande, who was acting working there with other two or three (why so many receptionists).

Talking about symbolism and stuff. Today when i went to America's Best and back i saw this. (No i did not take such a tilted picture). That symbol is again derived from the sacred lotus, right? Wa Shinto? 

12:45 Da și tipa din articol nu e femeie?

12:50 Ki, Ki, Ki. North Korea is controlled by Japan, no doubt about it. China too.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

November 14

1:05 AM Flares. Producție, agent termic, motoare.

1:15 Love Sting stinks.

1:45 Remember what i said about Rome (Roma) named after Lord Rama? Romulus, history or legend?

2:50 Could it be politics are a form of polytheism? Cause once are nominated in a position, they become god like figures, with powers and stuff. They also embed attributes, each different ones, pretty much like the gods of the past did. Personification if not deification.

Tory vs Labour is like Titans against Olympics, for God's sake. Dumuzid against Innana, and generally old generation gods against newer ones... And they do fight each other and they certainly campaign.

2:55 No matter how crazy an idea it seems, should google it first...

4:15 Proiectul ratat.

11:40 Poly... what? Astoria choking.

11:45 Trump daily. Pulling the plug carpet on uncle Elon? Get used to it. It's gonna be 4 long years.

12:05 Simion, a darker version of Putin? (Picture above).

12:18 În sfârșit m-am prins. Silviu care prigonea "a murit" la Bran. One of the best known however not in his lifetime. We owe it all to Bela Lugosi. Because of him, Bela (Baal, Beelzebub) name became synonym with Dracula.

It was all a diverting flare. Silviu was also present at IMU under the name Mihai (forgot last name) from APT, i believe CNC programming group (together with Ovidiu). He used to be sarcastic, trying to be funny. For a while, he was on my side. He kept criticizing IT dept saying they use the computer as an old printer (tiparniță).

BTW, in the US the name combination Billie Jean is synonym with liar or lies, because of Michael Jackson song of course.

All part of the semantics transferences, woven during the time of a century.

1:00 Another one in today's news. Pata Physical.

1:35 Lotus

Friday, November 8, 2024

November 8

9:09 PM MTV sign, explained. Got the motivation, like Jagger but don't want my MTV like Sting. Is that red thing sticking out what i think it is, a microphone and the letter T represents a dancing singer? Jesus statue in Rio, maybe?

11:05 Top dog. Is that the trainer, with a remote control instead of a regular leash in her hands? How about using drones if not fixed classical hidden cameras?  

11:15 Remember what i said about a possible aquapark built here at the complex?

Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7

1:35 AM Typical lies. The Huns and Hungarians where two different people in the Song of Roland which speaks of events that happened in 778 AD.

They did not "admixed" with each other prior to that which suggest they have not met with each other, with a different migration path for those who called themselves Hungarians and only more recently Magyars (when they were feeling strong enough not to care for the cover anymore). They are, as the late name says, some of the Magars of Nepal.
They took upon arrival in Panonia, and now we know that happened prior to 778, the name Hungarians, inspired by locals and/or their other name, Mongars, so nobody could guess their origin. However it is possible a distant relationship, as the two of them and all the other Mongols are descending from the Noongars of Australia.

Together with them came the Székelys, first mentioned in 1438 (nations are not estates), which are actually part of Nepal Buddha's clan, Shakya. That explains the name of Buda fortress, which became medieval Buda (Budapest since 1873).

The (in)famous inscription Novo Ordo Seclorum on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States comes from their name. Go figure.

Of course the remaining Székelys in the middle of today's Romania have no idea where they came from or why. Though their is a similarity between their flag and that of Nepal. To establish a remote Buddhist controlled foothold in the middle of Europe, near the gold mines of Dacia. Also, a nation mentioned as such in a treaty is not a subgroup.

Neither Huns or Hungars could not have been numerous. They more than likely brought with them tactics of unconventional warfare, which may explain their military success in Europe. They started their secret influence after infiltrated the Catholic Church after the baptism of their first king, Stephen, and especially by creating some of the religious orders, like Dominicans, with opposition from Jesuits.

Friars, an umbrella term for all of  them, could be again a playword, chosen to symbolize their secret mission, that is setting the world on fire. Spanish Inquisition controlled by Dominicans was punishing "heretics" by burning at the stake.

This was written late at night (or early morning) local time (PDT) out of frustration over an idiotic article (with many inner contradictions) written by a so called Romanian patriot in official media which inspired me to read many sources including the Song of Roland, when i got lucky. However, three hours later i'm still mad.

3:10 Tonight i took another look at the flag of the Székelys and was intrigued by the resemblance with the logo of Philippines chapter of Dominicans but also with the logo of the management firm of this complex.

10:35 Was only thinking. Hypothetically. We all know that in Japan there was a caste system very similar to that of India, with daimyo (feudal lords) on top and samurai as warrior class and peasant at the base.

By 1500 another class was at the peak of its influence and that was the ninja which were more like the pariah of Japan. But i believe they came to control the other two and in the end abolished the samurai and basically the whole feudal system.

Could those be linked to geographic areas, like the fierce samurai to the sami people of the north living across three continents and the cunning ninja to the noongars of Australia, again,  using all kinda unconventional warfare tactics?

And then the terror started upstairs. I noticed that if i start the big bathroom fan it usually calms them down. Maybe because the dust and other goodies raised in the space between ceiling and floor upstairs by the heavy stomps makes its way, pushed through cracks in walls by a leak in the bathroom exhaust pipe, outside, and comes back from under the door at the the person upstairs, if any.

7:15 Cred că denumirea de vlahi dată dacilor de vecinii de la vest, care înainte de venirea maghiarilor au fost mai mult germani, se datorează îmbrăcămintei lor care folosea masiv inul. Ie. In este un cuvânt latin (lin in franceză). Cum mi-am dat seama. Aveam un borcan cu ulei de in pe masă în fața mea.

Dar avem și în sanscrită un cuvânt lina, care înseamnă printre altele ascuns sau dizolvat, care ar putea fi un cuvânt vechi la baza celui latin. Din latină mai avem și linen în engleză, care conviețuiește cu germanul flax. Posibil și originea cuvântului in în engleză și română (în). Prin extensie, se poate ajunge la lână, ceea ce arată că oamenii preistorici au folosit inul pentru îmbrăcăminte înaintea lânii.

Linnen, the other cotton. (Inul, celălalt bumbac).

Pick a bale of cotton a day (să culegi un balot de bumbac pe zi). Are those karate Elvis costumes?
Like ABBA's song above which is a medley of three American folk songs, the first and last part of Sting's song below is about racism, gas chambers, bondage, things like this.  However, watch (listen to) the original accent. Especially the r. It is very difficult for non native speakers to pronounce the r in English.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

June 3rd

12:34 I remember how frustrated i was 28 years ago (almost) when i came to the US. My English was pretty basic back then and because i couldn't speak my mind, people were showing faces at me that were telling: Idiot... Retard... Psychotic...

Nobody will ever know how painful it was to get here. To write a blog in English and say things that would never have crossed my mind if i didn't come here. I would have never known that a band like Oasis existed. Radio stations in Romania play mostly euro-dance to this day. Would have always got high drowned in sugar.

But always feel the same anxiety when i try to say things i haven't before. I wish i could find quickly the words to describe this band. After peeking in Wikipedia all i saw was... Britpop. Heavily influenced by Beatles. Influential.

What i would say. Same bpm as one song would start from another. Monotone sparkling guitar chords and a plain bold voice. Acceptable but never triggered in me the urge to look for their name. A counterbalance to Nirvana. Eye popping lyrics (One Headlight, where they become distinct and do i feel a bit of late modern new wave psychedelic in there). So to this day i never knew of Oasis, Liam and Noel Gallagher etc. by name. Though i have listened to their music probably as much as to Phil Collins and Sting. Safely blame it on (local) DJs for both.

What made me today. The weird coincidence of this article after me heavily criticizing both of the above.

Not the first time when i heard the phrase: Pill Collins is the must successful untalented guy. Insecure, shy, pretentious. Yes it's true.

But other than a guy named Noel cursing a guy named Phil, i don't really see any anti-racism.

And yes i wouldn't have known that walflowers do exist if i didn't google for the name of the song.

Sadly not the only coincidences in the news (should be getting used by now but it shocks me every time) with what i wrote lately. News about disasters from remote areas. But only by looking carefully, for more than a couple of seconds, you may be realizing those are fake.

1:53 The left front wheel nuts went loose in the same night i torqued them to 10 twice, like all the other wheels, after i went to WinCo. Forgot to re-torque them. Last night i had trouble driving because of those. I went outside to torque those and collect the oil from the catch can. I talked about aloud inside for at least one hour. But when i went i started with torquing and what did i see. The second or third veteran with his wife was returning from the mailboxes. Can't say they got in front of me. But they anticipated the moment i would go to do it.

She, playing victim, he the protector. She wouldn't go to pick the mail alone especially when she knows i'm about to do something at the car (the smallest thing involving oil). Starting to hear a bunch of Hareleys in the distance when i went the second time. Or a military plane on afterburner. Either ways.

They continued like that until i went back inside. A van with White Shinto LPN made a turn using the next spot when i was leaving, getting real close to me. Inside two Japanese models made up almost blond staring at me with shown disgust. In that moment i felt like going and smashing the windows of that van. BTW there wasn't much oil in the can but a couple of onces of water mixed with oil.

To me it looked like this spring, all of a sudden, the car started to put lots of blow by mixture which prompted me to install it.

That emulsion is thin, not like oil and would bounce in the can and probably climb and part of it get inside the intake, defying its purpose. The can came with some sort of metal sponge that would prevent that but i'm afraid to put it in, on counts of what if some metal breaks from it and get in the engine. I'm thinking of using some absorbent material that can't break but that could get sucked into it.

3:13 Getting ready for vacation, got my new GPS. So far. Hard to input addresses. Not all places, like all casinos, are listed. Have to manually put in the current position at start? Truth is i didn't completely learn how to use it but pretty decent for 60 bucks. Choice from many other Chinese ones at the same price was battery (2500 mAh) and list of places. Nicest thing. It shows speed limit in any area and tells you if you are over it and after that one more time if you are over that +10. A half second delay in vocal turn announcement that may become critical at times.

Stuck with a suction cup on the windshield, same problem as with my dashcam that got destroyed by heat from sunlight. Tried and put a piece of aluminum foil in the back of it  to prevent this.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

May 18

12:40 I noticed people liked my yellow/green pictures. There's more where those came from (on my nail size micro SD card). When i took the picture i also thought of a comment:

"Though this paradise beyond the barriers is artificial and all the (decorative) trees are planted, they do still become green and glorious at springtime (More precisely at the beginning of May)". And yes there is an always empty parking lot beyond the red far light Emergency sign.

1:00 AM No animals have been harmed...

12:30 PM Four.

12:40 Această bătălie a fost deja pierdută, tot ce poți auzi acum pe posturile cu muzică nouă sau vedea în listele Billboard este IA. Bineînțeles că lumea nu știe, cum tinerii nu știu măcar că se expun la niveluri nocive de radiații cu microunde de la toate device-urile, și în curând ei nu vor mai ști nimic.

Am dat câteva exemple acum câteva zile, de atunci mă gândesc că am spus mult prea puțin și am venit cu exemple nesemnificative și căutam un prilej. Dacă ascultați cu atenție orice piesă, veți auzi tot soiul de instrumente hibride, fantastice, imposibile, vocea este complet artificială și modulată cu un tremolo artificial, melodiile sunt însă suficient de antrenante și rezistă unei analize grăbite deși cuvintele sunt de o evoluție absolut demoralizatoare. Cât despre cuvinte, unele (de top) sunt de-a dreptul ceea ce acum zece ani ar fi fost la categoria porno, deși pe posturile de radio ziua se aud bip-urile și nu cuvintele respective. Kill Bill.

La fel și muzica lui Sting, care numai rock nu e. New wave post punk, dar un punk și mai minimalist decât punk-ul așa cum îl știm noi de exemplu de la Billy Idol. Idolul neo-naziștilor, ce auzim de la el în afară de vocea șuierată a unui bas de operă (care a studiat la conservator canto, chitară clasică, contrabas etc.) pe post de rocker (toți sunt) și o chitară bas, uneori făcută tot de el? Ia să vedem. În piesa asta nu e nici măcar bas, e o chitară acustică ce umple spațiul unui bas, și un sintetizator care uneori sună ca o vioară. Piesa sună aproape ca una realizată de IA de azi. Mă rog, au trecut 6 ani.

Ar putea fi un folkist de la cenaclul Flacăra dar nu e. E omul orchestră.

De ce a prins și a intrat în istoria prezentului? Și atunci ca și acum, DJ-ii pompează piesele până când te obișnuiești cu ele, paparazi pun imaginile pozate pe foile lucioase, MTV, etc., până când ajung să-ți placă bineînțeles în lipsă de altceva.

Pe locul I din Bibleboard acum de exemplu e o piesă, un fel de country (cu aluzii la prieteni și normal tărie), de asemenea complet fabricată de IA.

Însă Sting mai are ceva, foarte "special", ce trebuie menționat. La fel ca și Phil Collins, el e unul din cei mai virulenți rasiști din muzica pop, deși, repet, din grabă și neatenție lumea nu îi recunoaște ca atare. Și pentru că de exemplu Every Breath merge așa însă numai până la refren, unde o sucește pe lovey-dovey, ca să nu se scandalizeze ascultătorul. De remarcat micimea celor 4 figuri cu vioară din video în fața marii figuri implacabile cu contrabasul.

Asculți, uiți la refren, mergi mai departe, circumvoluțiunea (pata pe creier) se sapă. Eu dacă aș fi FCC sau CNA whatever aș interzice cel puțin aceste două piese, cele mai. Every Breath, Police (Sting) și In the Air Tonight, Phil Collins.

Nici o iluzie, ambele titluri și parte din versuri sunt aluzii clare la așa zisele camerele de gazare.

Însă dacă piesa lui Doja Cat sau a lui Sza stă pe posturi și în topuri, nu mai putem aștepta chiar nimic de la autorități, care, nu vreau să vă mai plictisesc, sunt tot EI.

11:00 Ministerul...!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 22

1:57 La steaua. O știre căreia i-a trebuit o săptămână să ajungă până la noi dar numai după ce am scris despre... I-au șoptit numai lui la ureche? În articolul Realitatea nu se precizează care Consiliu. Pe 13 au fost prezenți Miniștri de Externe și nu de Interne. Putea fi Consiliul European de pe 15 unde a participat Iohannis.

2:15 EU Mafia. Ernst Strasser. Cash for amendements. One of the reasons UK quit EU. If only one sting operation revealed so many corrupt MEPs, how many are still out there?

BTW 8-9 December JAI (JHA) meeting didn't make any amendments regarding Schengen (change any EU law). It was a fake vote of the Council in a non legislative procedure with only consequence it influenced the public (made believe). All 3 "candidates" are/were part of Schengen for 15 years though they didn't know. Nobody knew except a few. The writers.


1:53 Zoltan is a Hungarian name. F117 was a dead end especially after the fall of one unit into the hands of Russians and new programs like F35, F22 needed developed. In fact stealth (read low visibility) was its only capability. Due to the non-aerodinamic shape did not have speeed, efficiency (range) and manoeuvrability. And one major vulnerability. At certain angles was more visibile tham a round shaped aircraft so a following rocket could simply approach at one of those angles.
However, F22 proved too expensive at a final cost of 377 million per unit, (me personally don't think so), probably had other problems and was discontinued in 2012 with 187 + 8 units built for a total of 73 billions in favor of F35 and the world is now working at the 6th and 7th (hypersonic) generation fighters.

2:54 There's a tan You Con SUV that pisses me off for a long time now with very loud exhaust and a missfire driven by a woman who's only a few years younger than her "son".

7:00 I fell asleep and awoke one hour later only to see i forgot to block the door and Angela is sleeping also. Minutes after, the guy upstairs came home.

The reason this happened is when i wanted to go and check something at the car a ninja from the other building came out, ahead of me. I mean, when i opened the door he was already outside, in the alley, walking towards my car, and i was bound to bump into him and came back thinking to go later which never happened. Possibly the same person from upstairs, with a moustache.

The advantages of one single ninja playing multiple roles (i've identified so for 4 or 5 is clear). You don't need many people to simulate the appearance of a whole neighborhood. The others will be never to be found etc.. You can never find him in the identity or place you expect. He can design situations in which he participate in multiple roles with perfect coordination, the result being as described above, in the end i woke up with the open door, with him/her possibly being in the apartment, etc.. He has me complain of things that cannot be verified (the persons do not exist).

I got one piece of hard evidence. In the infrared pictures i took in April all three apartments upstairs where i suspect this is happening were not heated.

It is also possible he didn't do anything except have me fretting and change my mood for the rest of the day or until something else happens.

One thing i discovered when i woke up was i have pain all over my body like i've been exposed again to a cell phone or laptop but the laptop is 2 meters away and the monitor is not beeping. Feel like i want to go to the liquor store because of the pain and frustration.

7:40 There is a video with martial artist and writer Stephen K Hayes against an LA security team. I never knew if these secret revealing videos are not themselves misleading mind traps. The quality of the video though is too annoying and not appealing to me enough to put the link and it's also subtitled in Russian.

However during my searches for any other suitable video to show ninja techniques other than fighting which happens very rarely if ever to a real ninja i ran into something else. Thought projection. Most people would say i'm crazy to look into things like this but it's something i experienced. They can have you dream certain dreams or crave certain things etc.. They can anticipate what you will do next.

The picture on the cover suggests the use of kuji kiri, or hand seals or cuts, that belong not only to ninjutsu. Something a ninja turned Christian said is related to dark forces and anybody should stay away from it. In reality i think it's all about training to consciously use the vibrational communications, an ancient form of communication existing in all vertebrates.

I know it's real. It's not telepathy per se, as seen in sci-fi movies (Marina Sirtis or Deanna Troi having conversations in her mind with her mother). It's more like transmitting/receiving emotions and impulses. Many times when i'm awake and Angela is sleeping and i get mad with frustration because of things i find on the net or in my memories, Angela makes noises, moves around in her sleep and is having short nightmares.

Just a tool out of many in the ninja arsenal.

9:28 2022 was the year of the three swans.

I opened the door. It was peacefully snowing then a didgeridoo started to moo like a bison. BTW here's a crop from a picture with bisons i took in one of my trips through the western US:

Thursday, December 1, 2022

December 1st

8:45 Maia SanduMaria Zaharova

9:20 După încă un summit NATO la București, calculat să se termine cu parada militară de 1 Decembrie, la care au participat și alte țări, urmat de încă un refuz al ridicării vizelor și posibilitatea a încă unui refuz Schengen, a urmat "un atac la Maia Sandu" care și-a luat ostentativ cetățenia română încă înainte de a candida. În urma posibilității de a fi demascați și refuzului de a-i asculta pe vecie, șerpii care controlează toate țările pot recurge și la soluții mai tari, deși rușii minoritari din Moldova nu au avut niciodată problemele celor din Ucraina.

11:30 Trebuie să scriu asta. Mi-am amintit acum câteva zile și de atunci de câte ori o văd mă gândesc.

Cândva, înainte de 89 am învățat tot procesul de la fotografie color. Cu filmul era simplu, îl băgai în cutia aia rotundă după care totul se făcea la lumină, foarte similar cu alb negru. Partea de hârtie era mai nașpa fiindcă trebuia să faci totul pe întunerec, nu mai exista lumina roșie sau verde etc.. Dar am trișat, aveam puțină lumină de la flacăra de la aragaz, noaptea în bucătărie, care se compensa în corecție. 

Ca filtre de corecție (imediat după bec) am folosit niște hârtie de calc înmuiată mai mult sau mai puțin în diverși coloranți. De obicei corecția odată stabilită, mergea la fel pentru tot filmul.

Eram odată în Botoșani cred după 89 cu un tip care și el învățase (de fapt învățasem împreună pe un aparat de mărit rusesc luat de la talcioc care avea filtre de culoare ca lumea) și am mers la un liceu să facem poze la o clasă (erau niște bani ușor de făcut) dar afacerea aceea era a lui. Deci am făcut poza în grup după care câțiva/câteva din clasă au vrut poze individuale, până s-a terminat filmul.

Ultima din coadă era tipa asta, pe atunci puțin buboasă și/sau cu tenul cam veșted pentru o elevă de liceu, consumat parcă de ceva, poate multe petreceri, care se uita în sus la noi ca o căprioară supusă, nu am să uit fața ei niciodată (face parte din lunga listă de regrete, de "ce-ar fi fost dacă" pe care o bifez de multe ori când sting lumina, până adorm), parcă ar fi vrut să meargă cu noi să punem alt film să-i facem poza, acasă la tipul ăla, însă eu am refuzat și așa s-a terminat faza.

11:45 Stau aici și scriu la o măsuță în mijlocul camerei, cu monitorul de microunde pornit, alarma setată la 45 dB (4 mW), cu monitor, tastatură și mouse legate la laptop care e la 2 metri și am pornit telefonul care se află cam tot la doi metri și din când în când aparatul de măsurat microunde sună alarma, fiindcă puterea depășește limita suportabilă pe termen mediu. Așa că o să-l închid. Telefonul.

12:06 Ok m-am mai expus puțin, am pornit telefonul și am făcut o poză. În cutia lui monitorul a venit cu un card pe care se află diferitele praguri de expunere cu recomandări. Deci am pozat cardul cu monitorul lângă, care arăta puterea de emisie la distanța la care am făcut poza, de aproximativ 20 cm.

Deja au apărut ușoare usturimi la mâini, o ușoară iritare la față, ochi, alte locuri știute, mă simt energizat (din cauza durerii de mică intensitate însă adâncă în țesuturi datorată expunerii în timpul fotografierii) și gata de o plimbare deși înainte de a face poza eram cam letargic (lipsă de durere în ultimele zile când am ținut doar monitorul pe masă, laptopul la 2 metri și telefonul oprit). Nu am reușit să prind în poză vârful (peak), la acea distanță la care am făcut poza era 78, afișat mai jos pe display, fiindcă puterea de emisie se schimbă tot timpul.

Dacă așez monitorul pe telefon (dar nu mai pot să fac poză acum) valoarea se duce undeva până la 1000 (Motorola e 7i power), iar la un telefon mai vechi (LG K30) până la 800.

7:00 On a suspicious noise i went and checked a few things at the car, it was dark, could not see much with the feeble flash light, took a few pictures (with the phone total exposure  time maybe 15 minutes).

In the end i found the battery bolt loose.

However when i came inside i uploaded the pictures on drive to take a better look and the meter was next to the phone and i had readings of over 1000, peak is now at 1024, (Avoid stay in that area on the card above), 300 next to me. Thinking of how long i had this phone in the pocket, especially when going to casinos.

8:08 Christine, the manager at Sussex Village Apartments, 1999-2007.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

August 4

5:29 Yesterday i started to choke because of stomach inflammation because of invisible silica litter dust, when stomach and intestine become so inflamed, they swell and increase volume and press on diaphragm muscle and makes it hard to breath, after a massive release of used litter dust from upstairs, contaminated with dog urine and feces.

I put a wet towel in the airflow created by the filter but overnight it dried and i woke with again difficulties breathing. I believe charcoal might help by absorbing the sub micronic algae shells the litter dust is made of. In the living room where it was most, now it smells like a stable with deodorant. When i washed the towel this morning in the bathroom sink water became whitish or foggy because of the silica dust absorbed by that towel before it dried.

It all happened after i posted this. But it isn't the first time, as it happened, over the years, for much "lesser reasons". It took me many years to figure what it was.

5:53 În timp ce majoritatea românilor tremurau de frig în lucrând în mediul industrial creat mai ales după 65, alții, mai norocoși, și-au construit o carieră în tenisul profesionist, jucând în turnee internaționale, cu ajutorul securității însăși. Deși nu înțeleg site-ul, la fiecare meci este afișat premiul în bani, care par mulți, sus este afișat totalul. Năstase, jucător de tenis profesionist timp de 22 de ani, cred că nu i-a fost întotdeauna ușor, mai ales cu deplasările, bănuiesc că a avut și antrenor și însoțitori în timpul turneelor, probabil o întreagă echipă de securiști, acum are probleme cu o locuință, în timp ce partenerul și prietenul său (pe care apropo l-a bătut aproape întotdeauna) își pune numele pe o bancă și are o colecție serioasă de mașini de epocă, dar și avioane pe care la un moment dat le pilota singur.

Nu știu dacă trebuie ridicați la rang de eroi, ocupând atât de mult știrile, la 40 de ani după ultimul turneu, dar poate statul ar trebui să-i dea lui Năstase o pensie specială (pentru că este un personaj într-adevăr special, cazul său este aproape unicat) ceva, ca să nu mai auzim asemenea enormități.

6:05 Nu se specifică tipul de Mercedes în care era Te_o_dosie, dar eu nu cred. Știre apărută tot așa, ca aluzie la postarea mea cu Cadillac-ul din film, pentru o Românie care nu știe ce înseamnă autostrăzi și care însumează și o aluzie la postarea cu cele 10 porunci. Nu cred că cineva poate merge pe autostradă sau oriunde, fie și pe o pistă de curse cu o mașină de serie cu o asemenea viteză (eu cel mai mult am mers cu 160 kmh și am tichetul de amendă ca să atest și nu am văzut niciodată în 27 de ani pe alții mergând mai repede, peste această limită viteza fiind mai mult decât o cifră), e nevoie de cauciucuri, suspensie (amortizoare, arcuri speciale, mai tari decât pentru confort), și aerodinamică a mașinii, chiar dacă starea drumului ar fi impecabilă iar autostrada ar fi eliberată pentru acest test pentru că la ora aceea, 15, totuși erau și alte mașini pe acea autostradă, care normal mergeau cu jumătate din acea viteză, te împiedici de ele pur și simplu iar slalom printre ele nu poți să faci la acea diferență de viteză când cea mai mică denivelare te trimite într-adevăr pe orbită, sorry. Ok să zicem că a prins un km liber pe o bandă (pe care la acea viteză îl faci în 15 secunde), deși îți mai trebuie vreo 2 km ca să accelerezi (100-235, în câte secunde?), dar asta s-a nimerit chiar sub camera dronei sau elicopterului sau ce era?

Pentru cine nu știe, pe autostradă mergi strict în ritmul celorlalți. Necestită concentrare, ținutul direcției la 120 nu e la fel ca la 80, nu prea ai loc, timp, și chef de depășiri, deși câteodată o bandă merge mai repede decât cealaltă, dar asta se schimbă mereu, mașina fuge stânga dreapta la denivelări iar cei de pe sens opus noaptea nu prea sting faza lungă. Este. dacă vreți, o experiență nu foarte plăcută, care însă te duce la destinație în timpul promis.

Între timp, mai asculți muzică, mai faci o conversație, te înjuri singur dacă n-ai umflat cauciucurile destul sau prea mult sau în mod egal, iar un vânt lateral te pune la treabă serios cu menținutul direcției.

6:30 Se discută despre autonomia Transilvaniei, nici un cuvânt despre autonomia României însăși, care este sufocată de actori și scriitori unguri care o fac pe politicienii. A și o chestie, am spus de atâtea ori despre legea referendumului din 2014, neconstituțională, care dă posibilitatea câștigării unui referendum "local" cu 12,5% din voturi, poate se uită cineva acum? ("Opțiuni valabil exprimate" sunt și da și nu).

Nu vă uitați că scrie proiect de lege, așa e site-ul, legea a fost semnată de însuși Băsescu încă din 2014, a cărui suspendare calculat nereușită a "justificat-o".

8:20 Started to feel a bit better and went to bedroom, where it smells less and when i was about to fall asleep, exactly at 8 AM when "quiet time" by complex rules is over i heard some noises i first thought came from upstairs.

I went and looked and saw a smart a...s smiling guy dressed in neon vest working at the sprinkler box which is installed right next to my bedroom window, than speaking Spanish very loud on the phone  but now that i review his face in my memory, i think it was the guy from upstairs, with a mustache. (He probably turned off the sprinklers, since the moles don't come anymore (filled all the holes with borax) after i said there is no water shortage in Oregon. The whole lawn will turn yellow?

11:10 Vorbeam de Ilie Năstase. Nu se poate reduce numărul de bugetari, majoritatea sunt profesorii, medicii, polițiștii, militarii.

Am mai dormit 3 ore, prosopul ud pus deasupra filtrului a mai strâns din praful căzut de sus prin găuri noi în tavan, pe care le-am acoperit, dar în sufragerie acum miorase ca într-o toaletă publică de pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, mai ales după ce am închis geamul de lângă distribuitorul pentru aspersoare azi dimineață când a venit ninja ăla.

11:19 Market indeed today looks like stalagmites.

12:43 Au urmărit foarte atent tot ce am scris de-a lungul timpului, și uneori am și greșit, greșeli pe care le-am mai găsit eu însumi iar ei și-au notat greșelile. Mai ales datorită faptului că ei nu spun anumite lucruri, ca de exemplu numărul de angajați plătiți prin Bugetul de Stat, pe care trebuie să-l ghicim și care este în jur de un milion. Acum, ei mă provoacă exact pe subiectele acelea, știind sperând că voi repeta greșelile, din lipsă de timp.

Singurul loc în care putem vedea toate bugetele României (căci sunt mai multe) adunate toate sub umbrela așa zisului Buget General Consolidat, este descris în Legea anuală a Plafoanelor. Cred că nu există nici un dubiu, în mintea mea sau a dvs. că unele din aceste plafoane sunt atinse încă de la început, prin legile Bugetului de Stat (care apropo, nu are o sumă generală a ordonatorilor de credit, ghicim, adunăm) și al celui de Asigurări Sociale. Bugetul de Stat se finanțează prin impozitul pe venit, profit, proprietate, TVA și împrumuturi iar cel de Asigurări Sociale prin CAS și CASS, care împreună sunt 35% din salariul dvs. Nu știu de unde se finanțează celelalte bugete. Dar cred că există și venituri locale la aceste bugete locale, nu știu exact care.

Deci l-au pus pe Năstase să spună ceva real. Conform Legii Plafoanelor (link mai sus) cheltuielile pe salarii (numite acolo cheltuieli personal) ale bugetarilor locali sau autofinanțați de 55 miliarde lei sunt comparabile (egale ce mai) cu cei plătiți direct din Bugetul de Stat, adică profesori, medici, polițiști, militari, alți bugetari de stat de 57 miliarde (apropo, cât Bugetul Ministerului Dezvoltării ai cărui bani însă nu știm unde se duc) ceea ce pare ciudat. Dar cine sunt aceștia și cât de numeroși sunt ei? Să fie angajații primăriilor în număr comparabil cu categoriile descrise mai sus? De ce nu a venit nimeni, niciodată, să ne explice aceste chestii?

Apropo, pe site-ul au revenit la forma veche cu link la Anexa 3 și link-uri pe numele fiecărui "ordonator de credit".

În mărinimia lor au mai dat drumul la 15 km de autostradă, din 300 și ceva cât însumează autostrada Moldovei, însă, spun chiar ei, acești km sunt finanțați cu bani europeni. Ce se întâmplă cu cele aproape 6 miliarde de euro (34 miliarde lei) pe 2022 la Ministerul Transporturilor, 10 (57 miliarde lei) la Dezvoltare, (bugete repartizate din Bugetul de Stat pe 2022 de 254 miliarde lei sau 50 miliarde de euro), etc., bani proveniți din fluturașii noștri (impozitul pe venit), impozitele pe proprietăți, profitul firmelor și orice cumpărătură purtătoare de TVA?

1:53 Vrăjeală. Creierul mușchiului SUA, al Rusiei și al Chinei se află în Japonia iar al Angliei în Ungaria.
5:39 The old American vertical washers are a waste of time and water and energy. Just did the bedroom laundry, twice and it still stinks. Same goes with the Polar Bear fleece It is true, i just plugged a few more holes at the joints between walls and ceiling.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 16

1:00 Brazen Snake. I thought there's nothing else new they can come up. This one isn't new as well, but forgotten by me. They, in the past, maybe 15 years ago, got in front of me on the road with cars with building materials, leaving a trail of micro dust. Today someone did it again. There was this Texas LP SUV that got in front of me at McMinville variant. Like many others that screwed with me on the roads today, tinted windows, so i can't see if they're Asians. Abrasive because i wrote of the Brazen Snake.

Dust so fine, it goes to any filter. Felt it in my throat and eyes. I shook the filters at Spirit Mountain, things have gotten better in our way back but some might have gotten inside the oil and it won't be stopped in the oil filter. Tried it with my fingers, there is a difference in the oil quality but there always is after a few days. Gotta to buy a microscope, there are 10 dollars digital ones on Amazon that are advertised as 1000x but in reviews people talk about max 40. 

2:14 I have a strong suspicion the guys from the floating van are also stealing gas from my car. With a few exceptions, when i used a whole tank and didn't park here at all, the rate on the dashboard never matches the calculation at the pump. Talking about 1-2 gallons per tank.

Also upstairs he started to squeak again. I felt the smell of litter dust, deodorant and s... and looked above and the patch that is right on top of my coach was cracked. It is true the joint compound i bought last time at Home Depot is terrible, it shrinks a lot, and the gap was half inch but i don't think it should have cracked while still soft... Now i'm nauseated, and i think the crack and the amount was bigger than "normal". Gotto go and buy the good one, the only reason i bought this is because it was a smaller amount. The good quality one made with 70% gypsum and 30 lime comes in 20 pounds bags...

Also. Just ordered a locking gas cap from Amazon.

8:47 Slept some 5 hours. Still have the sting in my throat. A number of ashmoles started their noisy modified exhausts, one after another. Each times they raised dust as the fridge's fan is working. Stinky and stingy dust.

I don't know anymore if there was dust in the car left by another vehicle, especially since Angela would not confirm it. However i made a big discovery. It's all written here.

10:44 One movement of a heavy object upstairs followed by some little squeaks lead to more dust being brought here as i just ate and i don't know through what hole. I ordered Paris Plaster on Amazon but that is coming in a week or so and can't go to Home Depot to buy next best thing because i will loose my truck's parking spot and will need to park at the street.

11:41 As i finished filling a gap between ceiling and wall, another heavy vehicle started in the parking lot, but waiting for more squeaks to locate maybe another gap? And yes, i used one of these for filling the gaps with joint compound.

12:52 Took a shower and smelled and filled another one. At this point i start to believe that the panels are actually "falling" down by bending of the nails that hold them to studs or moving of the nails within panes. That is accelerated by the speed bump in front of building, biggest in the complex but also by the multitude of heavy vehicles that pass, some not being from here.

12:57 Saw this man Friday night at Safeway at a check-stand next to us. He was talking a lot with the attendant as was having trouble self-checking, and the next day at the liquor store, also very talkative so his voice can be heard in cell phones. He had some black cap with gold embroidery and was dressed in some ethnic clothes.

1:00 Every time i post something about Hungary, like the picture with Orban-snake yesterday, some activity starts that makes Romanians uneasy. Don't know if any weapons pass through Romania (Hungary also has a border with Ukraine) but i don't trust  the politicians, which are all the same in all countries. Hungarians.

Besides ethnic separation in Ukraine, the motor of the current war, they might want to pay a lesson to Romania with retaliation by proxy as i posted too many things about them and to everybody to mind their business. Could be the reason behind so many pro Putin declarations of Orban, so they will be above any suspicion while getting others in trouble.

Orban is openly against NATO stance in Ucraine, though Hungary is a NATO country. Isn't he endangering the alliance and the countries within with this attitude, while encouraging Russians who otherwise might have given up if it wasn't for him, Macrobius with his long phone talks with Putin, and Germany which is always addicted to gas.

3:50 Deja vu.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

April 14

11:11. Aha. Thanks for providing such clear examples of the conspiracy (they are probably getting desperate). Also a sad proof of how fast the crowds forget their idols. Also another forgotten and now destroyed rung on the no return ladder of illusions, climbed just two days ago (think i'm getting dizzy). About the AHA song, played right now by 103.3. Never-ending most disgusting distorting stealing one's personal unplanned, ambush type experience. I hope they will pay one day for the barbarism.

Just finished this, planning on writing a few words, now they're playing the addicting True Colors, the gay making song, canceling my efforts. All i have left to say. Everything, right and left, extremist or promiscuous, all fake, all come from the same direction and that is the Huniversal Consipracy.

Ok i'll say it anyways. Slightly disgusted with the current world, using the weird whooshing sound of a bass voice playing on a much higher range, present everywhere where there are blond people, Sting gets you there, right in a trance of right extremism.

7:52 Two minutes after i posted this. I didn't know until now that... Also...

Thursday, March 31, 2022

March 31

8:23/6:23 Google nu poate sau nu vrea să sorteze rezultatele căutărilor. Cu puțină răbdare însă se poate urmări cronologia evenimentelor în legătură cu plata gazului în ruble.

8:36/6:36 În 2021, EU a importat energie din Rusia în valoare de 99 miliarde de euro sau 40% din totalul consumului. Pentru comparație, bugetul Germaniei de exemplu este de 5 ori mai mare. Bugetul Rusiei în 2021 a fost 200 miliarde de dolari, de 22 de ori mai mic decât cel al Statelor Unite.

Tears for Fears. Chestia cu cumpăratul gazelor în ruble pur și simplu nu o înțeleg. Rusia ar câștiga mai mult dacă ar fi plătită în euro. Sau poate doar așa, un moft aiuritor (alienant) al lui Putin? A ok, cred că nu prea are ce face cu euro din cauza sancțiunilor. Dar asta nu va ține la infinit. Războiul se va termina și peste un an toată lumea va uita la fel ca în 2014. Vom uita cu toții sperietura, însă în timpul sperieturii se vor face niște schimbări în mintea noastră care vor rămâne, pentru că ăsta a fost scopul. Un efect similar cu cel produs asupra spectatorilor la show-ul cu Gheorghe Doja sau Horia și Cloșca.

10:41/8:41 Cât costă insulina în SUA.

11:06 I tried to ask google but could not find an answer. Why don't they add mercaptan in your car's AC freon (mercaptan i a very smelly substance they add in car's oil, gasoline, propane, etc., to make a leak obvious).

I believe one of the reason would be, well, it may be confused with something else as listed above. One other reason could be your car would stink all the time, cause AC leaks are probably more common than thought.

1:20 More on how naive is to think Trump could have used a so called "burner phone". Phones never connect just like that to each other, even if they're only ft apart, for obvious reasons (metering for one, though i can't think of a reason they wouldn't allow it, in case of two phones closer than to tower). Though technically possible, the cell phones are intentionally designed in such ways they won't do it except for using one of these apps. But using a phone in a mesh network that is larger than two phones has its drawbacks. The phone could be used sometimes more than for two calls but as a relay (guessed it, like a tower), with more power used and of course more radiation generated right in your pocket.

The way the connection between two phones with paying plans is done is very complicated and easy to intercept by a concerned agency, in many ways, starting with intercepting the radio signals cell phones functioning is based upon (and that can be done by anybody though much harder for now 5G phones), and ending with tapping in any of the numerous switches and servers of the "fixed part" of a mobile network.

1:34 Cross your... fingers.

6:16 Ok bill passed. Thank you.

The story of the water heater. It's been three years "since they haven't seen it". I have seen it every day but to no use. I'm going to try to explain why. Within the last few years, the water heater is leaking but in a smart way. If you take that lid of the distribution enclosure (where outside wires meet the inside ones) there is enough ventilation for the water to evaporate. As soon as you put it back on, the water accumulates and shortens the wires but the water never goes over the lid when the lid is on so it's not visible to a casual observer.But how can i explain it to them? If you tell them there is water in the enclosure, the're going to ask me "how do you know". And the only way to know is if  you take it off.

Can't remember why i didn't call them the first time it happened? Was i high? Was i in a hurry and needed a shower? I just pulled the water with some paper towels, switched the breaker back on and neglected to put back the lid. But later when i did, with the same result so i took it off permanently. At times, i had to tighten those caps back on because they were getting loose? and it stopped working or working intermittently. Should i just called them back then? Anyways. It's been seven years since. And then i forgot, having bigger worries.

Just put the lid back together when the inspection came (BTW it was lost and resurfaced in a place unexpected cause if it didn't i would have probably not put it back and they would have looked and seen). As the water raised, it again shorted the wires (don't know exactly when), the breaker went off (sort of..., not all the way, it looked closed, had to cycle it, hoping it will work). Probably before it did generated detectable amounts of hydrogen combined with oxygen through electrolysis.

The circuit beaker box. The lid is not sealed and so is the box. It communicates through large wire passages with the wall, with all the goodies in there. Years ago i added some silicon around the lid, until my face wasn't stinging anymore. Again, yesterday could not let it like this so i removed all the removable silicon.

Lid was off for about 12 hours and in the evening i remembered why i put silicon around that lid (and it's a deja vu, it happened several times, every time i say to myself, no, i'm crazy, why should i put silicon in there).

Probably wouldn't happen if not for the bumper outside the building (twice the size of all others in the complex though here it's close to corner so they slow down anyways) or other noises and vibrations including  the walk upstairs. Every time the building shakes (and it does when a car passes) the wall "breathes" and pumps outside most likely tiny pieces of paper (from drywall) soaked with sulfur dioxide from the decomposing calcium sulfate "drywall" and/or mineral glass insulation, but that is too heavy to float in the air, except if it gets (grinds, breaks) so fine it does.This morning after finally vacuuming i tried to take a shower and the water was too cold already. So i just went and pulled the lid, sucked the water tightened the caps and went for a walk. But when i came back, the water was still cold so again cut through the silicon from the breaker box, cycled the water heater breaker, but still would not work. Then i checked the 4 screws at the thermostat, the were all lose with one half turn loose. I tightened those, it started, but after i took a shower my face started to sting again, big time. So i remembered and aided again some silicon around the breaker box lid. It's been 2 hours since and the sting in my face subsided.Thing is 25 years old11:19 On February 17 i wrote about some of Angela's numerous troubles at Eaton, complaining about relatives and other types of non work related relations at work. The next day, the girl or boyfriend (transgender couple) from Mexico who did shipping-receiving with an American guy, whom i saw once and thought she was Japanese, got promoted ("people were talking, the Mexican manager from Mexico was the reason", this factory of Eaton is subordinated to a Mexico subsidiary). About two weeks ago the woman who did SMT left (she had notice on file) and Angela asked to do her job. When the American guy who did the hard work of shipping-receiving for one  year heard about the Mexican's promotion, also gave notice, effective yesterday. Angela was not chosen for SMT, but another guy. The hyper woman from Hawaii (working too fast, did lots of mistakes in the past) (i think also a Japanese) who for a longtime said she wanted to "leave the floor" went to shipping-receiving, where there is a lot of physical work (Angela didn't work there since her hernia surgery or 2019) replacing the guy who quit, but she realized she can't do it because she doesn't have much computer skills and today the supervisor, after one week of overtime and stress, asked Angela, to her surprise, at the end of the day is she wanted to do shipping receiving with the Hawaiian woman and Angela refused on grounds of lifting limitation and possible problems with the other woman (she likes to complain while making mistakes) (Angela has a paper from her March 1st appointment with the doctor for 20 lbs, appointment which was scheduled since last year and there are heavy packages coming and leaving there all the time. Angela's job title there is assembler.