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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query collins. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, May 18, 2023

May 18

12:40 I noticed people liked my yellow/green pictures. There's more where those came from (on my nail size micro SD card). When i took the picture i also thought of a comment:

"Though this paradise beyond the barriers is artificial and all the (decorative) trees are planted, they do still become green and glorious at springtime (More precisely at the beginning of May)". And yes there is an always empty parking lot beyond the red far light Emergency sign.

1:00 AM No animals have been harmed...

12:30 PM Four.

12:40 Această bătălie a fost deja pierdută, tot ce poți auzi acum pe posturile cu muzică nouă sau vedea în listele Billboard este IA. Bineînțeles că lumea nu știe, cum tinerii nu știu măcar că se expun la niveluri nocive de radiații cu microunde de la toate device-urile, și în curând ei nu vor mai ști nimic.

Am dat câteva exemple acum câteva zile, de atunci mă gândesc că am spus mult prea puțin și am venit cu exemple nesemnificative și căutam un prilej. Dacă ascultați cu atenție orice piesă, veți auzi tot soiul de instrumente hibride, fantastice, imposibile, vocea este complet artificială și modulată cu un tremolo artificial, melodiile sunt însă suficient de antrenante și rezistă unei analize grăbite deși cuvintele sunt de o evoluție absolut demoralizatoare. Cât despre cuvinte, unele (de top) sunt de-a dreptul ceea ce acum zece ani ar fi fost la categoria porno, deși pe posturile de radio ziua se aud bip-urile și nu cuvintele respective. Kill Bill.

La fel și muzica lui Sting, care numai rock nu e. New wave post punk, dar un punk și mai minimalist decât punk-ul așa cum îl știm noi de exemplu de la Billy Idol. Idolul neo-naziștilor, ce auzim de la el în afară de vocea șuierată a unui bas de operă (care a studiat la conservator canto, chitară clasică, contrabas etc.) pe post de rocker (toți sunt) și o chitară bas, uneori făcută tot de el? Ia să vedem. În piesa asta nu e nici măcar bas, e o chitară acustică ce umple spațiul unui bas, și un sintetizator care uneori sună ca o vioară. Piesa sună aproape ca una realizată de IA de azi. Mă rog, au trecut 6 ani.

Ar putea fi un folkist de la cenaclul Flacăra dar nu e. E omul orchestră.

De ce a prins și a intrat în istoria prezentului? Și atunci ca și acum, DJ-ii pompează piesele până când te obișnuiești cu ele, paparazi pun imaginile pozate pe foile lucioase, MTV, etc., până când ajung să-ți placă bineînțeles în lipsă de altceva.

Pe locul I din Bibleboard acum de exemplu e o piesă, un fel de country (cu aluzii la prieteni și normal tărie), de asemenea complet fabricată de IA.

Însă Sting mai are ceva, foarte "special", ce trebuie menționat. La fel ca și Phil Collins, el e unul din cei mai virulenți rasiști din muzica pop, deși, repet, din grabă și neatenție lumea nu îi recunoaște ca atare. Și pentru că de exemplu Every Breath merge așa însă numai până la refren, unde o sucește pe lovey-dovey, ca să nu se scandalizeze ascultătorul. De remarcat micimea celor 4 figuri cu vioară din video în fața marii figuri implacabile cu contrabasul.

Asculți, uiți la refren, mergi mai departe, circumvoluțiunea (pata pe creier) se sapă. Eu dacă aș fi FCC sau CNA whatever aș interzice cel puțin aceste două piese, cele mai. Every Breath, Police (Sting) și In the Air Tonight, Phil Collins.

Nici o iluzie, ambele titluri și parte din versuri sunt aluzii clare la așa zisele camerele de gazare.

Însă dacă piesa lui Doja Cat sau a lui Sza stă pe posturi și în topuri, nu mai putem aștepta chiar nimic de la autorități, care, nu vreau să vă mai plictisesc, sunt tot EI.

11:00 Ministerul...!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Poeţi, filozofi şi dive

În urma unui şir de întâmplări care ar putea face uşor subiectul altor poveşti, am ajuns, de bine, de rău să înţeleg limbi străine începând din liceu, în special franceza şi engleza. Prin asta am început să înţeleg cuvintele la unele melodii "străine", unele "scăpate" prin grila deasă a cenzurii comuniste, altele pe benzi magnetice, "trase" de la unii la alţii.

Ce nu înţelegeam completam cu imaginaţia. (Pe atunci nu era internet cu versuri la orice melodie şi chiar dacă aveam un dicţionar, nu întotdeauna înţelegeam pronunţia ca să caut în el sau nici măcar nu puteam memora toate cuvintele când se desfăşura o melodie ca să le scriu sau traduc).

Când spun străin, înţeleg tot ce e la vest de să zicem, Viena, fiindcă austriecii nu prea au intrat cu hit-uri în circuitul muzicii pop mondiale, cel puţin nu-mi vine în minte nici un nume acum. Bine, pentru mine şi pentru mulţi nu exista nici o diferenţă între muzica europeană şi cea americană, la fel ca şi între cele două culturi.

(Îmi amintesc de exemplu de Păunescu, Dumnezeu să-l ierte, care spunea în gura mare pe oriunde era auzit, cel mai mult la "cenaclul" Flacăra că totul era gunoi cu aplauze înregistrate şi momeală pentru tineretul de la noi (practic el prin acea "întâmplare" artistică încerca să recreeze genurile şi tipurile de muzică din vest, fenomen care era întâlnit de fapt în toată scena muzicală pop românească)).

Relativ recent, de vreo 5 ani am pornit o "campanie" masivă de reevaluare a tuturor melodiilor mele favorite şi a trece prin versuri şi a le înţelege în sfârşit, complet. În mare parte din cauză că am ajuns în sfârşit la un nivel de înţelegere a limbii engleze care îmi permite aceasta.

Este poezie şi este filozofie în majoritatea versurilor melodiilor lor. Mult mai multă decât credeam eu în acel timp. De fapt unele sunt adevărate eseuri.

Din păcate însă în multe dintre ele sub masca poeziei se ascunde orice, de la politica momentului la îndemnuri subliminale, acestea din urmă lipsite de orice morală sau scrupul din partea autorilor.

Altele, oricât le-aş asculta, deşi la prima vedere sugerează tot felul de imagini poetice, care frapează imaginaţia dar până la urmă par lipsite de orice sens, ca de exemplu unele melodii de Phil Collins sau Elton John. Nu am înţeles niciodată ce simte Phil Collins în aer că vine în noaptea aceasta, ceva ce el a aşteptat toată viaţa. Mai uşor mi-a fost totuşi să înţeleg ce nu ar face Meatloaf pentru dragoste. (LOL după ce am dat search-uri pe google timp de câteva ore şi citit nu ştiu câte forumuri. De fapt el spune ce nu ar face undeva la începutul melodiei într-un vers, inexplicabil trecut cu vederea, sau cu auzirea, de mai toţi). Ca să nu vorbim acum de Beatles. Beatles are un loc cu totul aparte. Sau ABBA. Etc.

Din intuiţia mea de atunci şi din cea de acum mi-am făcut o proiecţie asupra întregii culturi vestice, şi am întrezărit o societate avansată, în care oamenii, cel puţin câteodată îşi vorbesc unii altora în poezii şi cântece. Îmi amintesc un verset din Biblie, auzit de la David, mecanicul şi patronul de la fostul Computer Age Auto Service, cel care spunea că nu mai sunt mulţi creştini ca el, m-am uitat chiar acum, Efeseni 5 vs 19 "Vorbiţi între voi cu psalmi, cu cântări de laudă şi cu cântări duhovniceşti, şi cântaţi şi aduceţi din toată inima laudă Domnului."

Nu ştiu dacă acest verset se poate aplica la muzica pop contemporană, dar de multe ori când ascult muzică mă gândesc la el. Dar existența lui în Biblie subliniază puterea muzicii, a poeziei asupra psihicului omenesc. Putere amplificată până la paroxism în cazul hit-urilor, care dacă ai un radio deschis în casă sau în maşină le auzi vrând-nevrând de zeci sau sute de ori.

Oricum, am ajuns la ce vroiam să spun de la început. Nu, nu toţi sunt poeţi şi filozofi la vest de Viena. Dar mai recent, o haită nouă, ciudată, adunată de pe diferite meleaguri ale lumii a pus stăpânire pe o bună parte a "industriei" de entertainment şi folosesc la maximum tot ce se poate folosi din rămăşiţele culturii pop pentru a o întoarce împotriva ei însăşi. Ca dovadă, "artiştii" dar mai ales artistele ultimului deceniu.

Am văzut relativ recent un video cu un rocker celebru care a invitat pe una din divele animatronicii contemporane. S-au căznit împreună să cânte live o melodie rock pe o scenă simplă fără tone de aparatură şi se vedea atât de clar că tipa nici măcar nu nimerea notele. Sau o întrebare, ce ar vrea să spună versul Young Money raised me din exemplul de mai jos?

"No I’m not lucky I’m blessed, Yes!
Clap for the heavyweight champ, Me!
But I couldn’t do it all alone, We!
Young Money raised me"

Pun pariu că dacă cineva le-ar scoate din priză (adică de la ditamai reţeaua de putere) toată tehnologia, nu ai mai auzi din direcţia lor decât nişte mieunături şi schelălăituri.

Dar tot ce am scris până acum este doar o introducere la ce aş vrea să scriu mai departe, comentarii la versuri din diferite melodii. Voi încerca pe măsură ce le aud la radio. Pentru că unele sunt atât de persistente şi omniprezente încât nu avem scăpare.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

June 3rd

12:34 I remember how frustrated i was 28 years ago (almost) when i came to the US. My English was pretty basic back then and because i couldn't speak my mind, people were showing faces at me that were telling: Idiot... Retard... Psychotic...

Nobody will ever know how painful it was to get here. To write a blog in English and say things that would never have crossed my mind if i didn't come here. I would have never known that a band like Oasis existed. Radio stations in Romania play mostly euro-dance to this day. Would have always got high drowned in sugar.

But always feel the same anxiety when i try to say things i haven't before. I wish i could find quickly the words to describe this band. After peeking in Wikipedia all i saw was... Britpop. Heavily influenced by Beatles. Influential.

What i would say. Same bpm as one song would start from another. Monotone sparkling guitar chords and a plain bold voice. Acceptable but never triggered in me the urge to look for their name. A counterbalance to Nirvana. Eye popping lyrics (One Headlight, where they become distinct and do i feel a bit of late modern new wave psychedelic in there). So to this day i never knew of Oasis, Liam and Noel Gallagher etc. by name. Though i have listened to their music probably as much as to Phil Collins and Sting. Safely blame it on (local) DJs for both.

What made me today. The weird coincidence of this article after me heavily criticizing both of the above.

Not the first time when i heard the phrase: Pill Collins is the must successful untalented guy. Insecure, shy, pretentious. Yes it's true.

But other than a guy named Noel cursing a guy named Phil, i don't really see any anti-racism.

And yes i wouldn't have known that walflowers do exist if i didn't google for the name of the song.

Sadly not the only coincidences in the news (should be getting used by now but it shocks me every time) with what i wrote lately. News about disasters from remote areas. But only by looking carefully, for more than a couple of seconds, you may be realizing those are fake.

1:53 The left front wheel nuts went loose in the same night i torqued them to 10 twice, like all the other wheels, after i went to WinCo. Forgot to re-torque them. Last night i had trouble driving because of those. I went outside to torque those and collect the oil from the catch can. I talked about aloud inside for at least one hour. But when i went i started with torquing and what did i see. The second or third veteran with his wife was returning from the mailboxes. Can't say they got in front of me. But they anticipated the moment i would go to do it.

She, playing victim, he the protector. She wouldn't go to pick the mail alone especially when she knows i'm about to do something at the car (the smallest thing involving oil). Starting to hear a bunch of Hareleys in the distance when i went the second time. Or a military plane on afterburner. Either ways.

They continued like that until i went back inside. A van with White Shinto LPN made a turn using the next spot when i was leaving, getting real close to me. Inside two Japanese models made up almost blond staring at me with shown disgust. In that moment i felt like going and smashing the windows of that van. BTW there wasn't much oil in the can but a couple of onces of water mixed with oil.

To me it looked like this spring, all of a sudden, the car started to put lots of blow by mixture which prompted me to install it.

That emulsion is thin, not like oil and would bounce in the can and probably climb and part of it get inside the intake, defying its purpose. The can came with some sort of metal sponge that would prevent that but i'm afraid to put it in, on counts of what if some metal breaks from it and get in the engine. I'm thinking of using some absorbent material that can't break but that could get sucked into it.

3:13 Getting ready for vacation, got my new GPS. So far. Hard to input addresses. Not all places, like all casinos, are listed. Have to manually put in the current position at start? Truth is i didn't completely learn how to use it but pretty decent for 60 bucks. Choice from many other Chinese ones at the same price was battery (2500 mAh) and list of places. Nicest thing. It shows speed limit in any area and tells you if you are over it and after that one more time if you are over that +10. A half second delay in vocal turn announcement that may become critical at times.

Stuck with a suction cup on the windshield, same problem as with my dashcam that got destroyed by heat from sunlight. Tried and put a piece of aluminum foil in the back of it  to prevent this.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11

8:03 Starea națiunii Ungrovlahia. Simbolism deșănțat. Au adus Steaua cu bec înapoi în ghenă ca să suprapună crucea cu steaua lui Isis (aka Ishter, aka Onana, aka c...a Babilonului) peste imaginile prezentate de mine ieri cu scopul unor demonstrații științifice pe care le scot în afara percepției. Becali mulțumește lui Ciolacu, deci se vâră iar în politică.

Iohannis are amnezie, ar trebui să-i amintească cineva că Budăi a fost numit de el, ca toți ceilalți. Tot ce se presupune că s-a întâmplat în afacerea azilelor groazei și multe altele (toate) s-au întâmplat în timpul domniei sale echidistante. Însă toate acestea îl prind așa de bine... Mult circ, multă frământare a apei în piuă, nu putem aștepta de la ei nici măcar nimicul. Liniște. De fapt ce este lume-a decât nimicul în mișcare

11:25 Psihologie inversă. Ungaria este "țara" care furnizează actorii pentru toate guvernele lumii și UE.

11:43 Psihologie deviaționistă, au scos-o acum pe Carmen Electra de la murat și au băgat-o în cabina de machiaj.

9:25 The plants at our garden bed have been contaminated with aphids and funguses. Fighting really hard to keep them alive with almost daily spraying with Neem oil. Good thing i bough 80% concentrate and i dilute it like one spoon per one liter of water. For the same price for a bottle i can make 10 gallons. Neem oil is not toxic for humans and is even used for therapeutic purposes. Anti fungal, antibacterial.

Tonight when i started to spray 3 black women and one white older man with a dog came from an unexpected different direction than church's parking lot. I stopped spraying but the dog was barking like crazy until i put the spray bottle away. One of them has a bed and she's got only kale however her kale is not contaminated like ours and is not far away. Tall, thin, model type, looking of Caribbean descent.

When we left a car came unexpectedly from the other parking lot and crossed my way. Like never before and like this morning all of a sudden a lot of people on the streets were jogging in all directions. When i got close to home the guy with the black Chrysler who left a wheel next to stairs wall was parading in front of me through the whole complex.

10:44 Axl Rose acted as my supervisor at AVX Vancouver, WA for almost one year, between August 1999 and August 2000 under the mane Orville Oster. Situația cu bătrânii în SUA e similară.

11:32 Talking about Carole King from Sussex Village Apts., got one of these in the mail. And it's only $6.66! Isn't this what they call false advertising?

11:40 La Steaua. Phil Collins, the most successful talentless (boring depressing) singer.  

11:47 Nu se poate. Dacă Ucraina ar intra în NATO războiul s-ar termina instant iar războiul trebuie să dureze.

12:00 Electra

Monday, March 19, 2012

Les extrêmes qui se touchent

Îmi pare rău că nu am scris aces post prima dată când m-am gândit, probabil nu cu mult înainte de a apare ştirea despre actul de caritate de mai jos.

Ahmet Ertegun a fost omul care i-a descoperit şi lansat pe Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Genesis, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Crosby, Stills Nash, Young, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles şi alţii.

Ştim cu toţii sau poate nu cum ar fi arătat secolul trecut fără muzica rock şi fără autorii de mai sus.

Orice polemizator de extremă dreaptă ar fi spus... A, toată media şi toată maşina de propagandă controlată de... şi aici vă las singuri cu imaginaţia voastră.

Dar iată că nu-i chiar aşa. Au fost şi alţii care au pus umărul serios la educarea generaţiilor şi formarea culturilor.

Dar puţini ştiu că Ahmet a părăsit România odată cu regele Mihai după cum spune Mica Ertogun, soţia lui aici.

De aceea eu, deşi mă îngrozesc în continuare, nu mă mai mir aşa de mult de nivelul de expertiză şi manipulare la care a a ajuns media din România, bazată în mare parte în străinătate.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

July 26

6:20 What i found so far about generating Earth's magnetic field by electric charges rotating in the same time with Earth. But it's all estimates and theories, nobody knows for sure.

Absolutely by estimates, total negative charge of Earth's crust is 500 000 Coulombs which is balanced by a similar positive charge of the atmosphere. The current generated by such a charge is total charge by seconds of the day or 86 400 which gives a current of near 6 Amps. That is many orders of magnitude too low to contribute to creating Earth's magnetic field. But that value comes from a guy on a forum.

There are other estimates saying one thundercloud only has the potential of 1.3 billion volts, but i don't know how many Coulombs that cloud can carry.

In Wikipedia page for electrojets are shown electrojet currents of about 100000 Amps only for anomalies, that enhance locally Earth's magnetic field by a factor of two. Could not find an average value of current for an electrojet yet. So if an anomaly enhances by a factor of two could those electrojets create the Earth's magnetic field?

If we think of Earth as a giant solenoid with a length of 12 thousands km (Earth's diameter), with one turn, with iron core with a quality factor of 0.3 (30% or Earth is made of iron) which enhances the magnetic field by a factor of 300 and the current will be created by electrojet or rotating charged atmosphere with clouds and and put the data in this calculator we will need an 1000000 Amps current to get in the range of Earth's magnetic field which is 0.00004 Tesla in average.

It's all deja vu, i'm pretty sure i once found another value for electrojet and calculated and it was in range. Maybe i put it on g+, an alternative social network by google that is now gone.

8: 13 I cursed Japan in my mind and something started to move upstairs, like they always do.

8:14 One of the start pages of my browser with with the NOOA satellite for weather and i can see as always the clouds moving towards east like they always do, following the jet-stream which is created by the Coriolis force due to rotation of the Earth, much faster than the rotation speed of Earth itself. If those clouds were electrically charged, they could be also responsible for Earth's magnetic field.

If the field was created by moving lava inside Earth, which is cm/year, the field would  be much more constant, but we know it varies a lot during 24 hours.

8:28 Most of Madonna's songs are very sad and depressing and this one is a peak (More depressing than Weeknd and maybe as depressing as Phil Collins). The reason i cursed earlier was i was thinking of what happens if you replace the word "her" with Japan in her song.

Madonna is known for being a tool of Japanese subtle propaganda in the US and world, maybe more than John Lennon with his song Imagine, which is about the same one world.

Here is a classic example of her dedicating her body and soul to the Sun God.

9:00 400 000 volts, that's a far cry from 1.3 billion mentioned above.

Talking about the Sun God. I remember the weekend right after i posted that. I was driving eastbound on the high desert plateau between Mt.Hood and Warms Spring at about 2500 ft altitude, with 10 miles to go before deeping 1500 ft into the valley. They were clouds on top of mountains we just passed and there was this distinct cloud on top of the valley some 20 miles ahead ahead stretching for more than 20 miles, perpendicular to the direction of the road, .

And then a very rare event happened. A flash of a horizontal lightning crossing the cloud from left to right (or right to left, was too fast to figure of course), trying contradict my theory?

There could not be enough voltage in the whole world to break the air's resistance and create that lightening 20 miles long. Could lighting be made by independent travelling photons or electrons or something?

Amazing how little we know about clouds, Earth's magnetic field, after 118 of busy years trying to fill all aspects of the Theory of Relativity which generally lead to nothing. Thinking about better sources of energy and space travel. I has been 118 of struggle and now people are losing, buried in entertainment, pandemics, wars, cancer etc..

Same when i almost got knocked from the road that was raised meters above the desert's level by a freak gust of wind after i talked in another day about the peak power of some SUVs matching that of a 1 MW wind turbine and basically moving vast amounts of air on the road because of their anti-aerodynamic shape (280 KW oe 380 hp mechanical power is over 1 MW thermal).

While others have supercomputers that can simulate and probably modify through laser actuators, HAARP like antennas etc., Eiffel Tower, etc.. all weather on Earth.

12:37 Și iată cum aleg australopitecii din media românească și de oriunde să răspundă la niște simple relatări care îi deranjează (penultimul link).

1:08 Sinéad O'Connor, they wanted to put a once pretty face singing one sad song only over the haunting face of Madonna in the video linked last time.

Ok so i realized i don't really know what lightening is. I went to Wikipedia and first thing i saw was "one gigajoule of energy" per event. 277 KWh. The mechanic energy generated by one SUV climbing a mountain in one hour. So how much energy is released on Earth in a single day from lightning? Where does it come from? Can we harness it with antennas like maybe Nikola Tesla did in his car?

First. What happens to it? Does it locally heats up the atmosphere? Does it radiate "photons" of very long wavelengths into space? Lightening alone heats up the Earth with 1/5 of total electric energy produced by humans.

BTW no need for messages in bottles thrown in space. Aliens across the galaxy know for a very long time this is a habitable planet by the signature of very long wave thunder emissions. Maybe we are compelled by one race to destroy it so it won't be occupied by another. So advanced they don't live on a planet anymore and think we are parasites. Maybe they don't need water to survive. Maybe they have the technology to restore it after we have boiled ourselves and they gave us just enough to do so. Remember Venus.

Maybe the opposite is true. Those guys at SETI should look for that kinda waves in their searches for extraterrestrial life.

3:50 Metsubushi. They came with the mowers. What to mow. The water to the sprinklers was cut two weeks ago, the grass stopped growing. There was some bark falling from a tree that was cold have been gathered but instead was turned to dust. Trying to compete in real time with the image above? Now the walls and screens are full of electrified dust. I can already feel it in my throat and nose.

11:10 One of the reasons we die so fast compared to humans who lived in the time of Methuselah is background radiation. It could come from an asteroid that fell in times that humans can remember also causing the great flood described in the Bible and other scriptures from other religions. It could be from an ancient conflict resulting in destroying nuclear plants but i never knew about this! Or this!

Maybe those aliens who moved on a spaceship as the one seen behind Mercury, shielded from Sun's radiation, knew what they were doing!

Friday, July 23, 2021

T okey oh!

"Cuckoo calls it's own name" (Romanian saying)

I was intrigued when i saw the doodle of the day. You don't pay much for google (or its Android), sometimes i even wonder where it gets its money from, cause i don't see or follow many commercials when i do my searches (though i certainly abused it with the number of those).

But sometimes you pay by candidly swallowing the share of subversion through its doodles.

A torii gate (yeah, i know the title of the movie). Now everybody knows, there is a torii at the entrance of each Shinto temple in Japan. Even its definition on Wikipedia says "symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred".

I looked. Because i wanted to settle once for all, what is the link with the Greek and Roman and contemporary European arches.

All that i found out is they appeared both in Middle East and India in about the same period, early first millennium BC.

In India are associated with Buddhism though in Japan they have been transferred to Shinto.

I had one thousand things (yeah, after i wrote this they were playing on Klean Gone FM this non-singer no talent screaming frustrated empty head hard to look at Phil Collins, "i must have dreamed a thousand dreams") to write down this morning, didn't know where to start, but never thought i will find more while searching and adding links. Cause you will never know what else you will find during a search.

Now this alone wouldn't mean much, but when you think the architect who designed  those panels is Japanese and the thing turned into one giant Metsubushi when hit in the right spot...,
(Yeah i know, the stupa in the background, also present as symbol on some masonic aprons where it is called a beehive seem to be the prototype for Capitol buildings)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June 14

12:12 Read the news and became so frustrated because in most titles i see keywords or even themes trying to subtly dilute or cancel what i just wrote. Bioxid de sulfverde, beau de l'aire, distrugere/reconstruire (Kali, dominicani), moartea/Kali, worm/dehydrogenase, Călărași, Scarlett etc. etc.. I get frustrated because i don't know what to do, if i say about, i also propagate the dirty covers to those who haven't read them while some won't even believe. I think they use some rules from theory of information and communications i don't know or there is nothing to do about while they commit gross abuse by inventing knews around those keyvords, my name, etc. etc. etc..

12:29 Nu ca Ungaria, care a lăsat un avion neînmatriculat pe teritoriul Schengen, după care l-a realimentat și lăsat să-și vadă de drum, cu sau fără plan de zbor, dar cu escortă.

2:25 Ate something, getting ready to go to sleep. Ideas still flying into my head, every time i try to make a mental note to self to write down something, the guy yells, muffled.

My eyes fell on my kapala. After i washed it in the machine, twice, the fat from my body oils should have dissolved in that detergent. I think what stains that cotton is sulfur from environment.

After reading the news tonight and writing down the paragraphs above, there is nothing that comes to frustrated mind but futility. I think we might be caught in the war between Kali and Maya and we must re-live the myth over and over as prescribed or as Mircea Heliade said. There is nothing us individuals can do when the whole world is caught in the cycles of myths and that probably can be proven scientifically with simulations on super computers using elements of theory of information applied to society, etc..

While putting some stuff together to eat i've been thinking. Daydreaming, reminiscing, fantasizing have their own purpose (otherwise our evolutionary brain wouldn't have those capabilities). You may be able to remember details from traumatizing experiences by re-living those in your mind so you can put those memories to rest. You may be able to learn things about what and why a present fantasy was triggered and how to deal with repeating circumstances in the future.

It's been 9 months since i gave up fb, a friendly but awkward and unreliable environment and started to write here. Still counter-intuitive, still fighting with it by switching from visual to code and back. It's not the same as writing and putting links and pictures on fb where you don't have to worry about picture sizes and positions and how to do that in html. But you have an extra capability and that is links in text. Though it's all getting better, i believe it won't ever be completely transparent and non-disruptive and allow that deep meditative state of mind where things become much clearer.

9:48 Woke up after 6 hours, i suspect he did it. Last week he went to work or somewhere else for one day, this week he went yesterday, now he's home. But last week they were full days or days with many hours when i haven't heard nothing. I suspect he is doing it at will. Also i believe sulfur dioxide and/or other toxic sulfur bi-products are instantly being released when he does that. The ceiling drywall is saturated with it.

10:37 I think some people are again making big money out of war and that is why they want to make it last. For the 10th time in last 24 hours, for the 1000th time in general. When i post something, an ambulance siren goes off.

11:21 Got used to typing on laptop, but my laptop is very touchy, sometimes the cursor move unexpectedly or it does things like deleting everything i wrote in a paragraph. I can usually recover with CTRL/Z and stuff but this time i couldn't. So what i was saying was i looked on Amazon for SO2 gas detectors and i got confused by multitude of types and prices. Some are one gas only, some are 4 for the same price, that is 300 dollars. There is another "class" of similar detectors for 100 dollars. There is one that does 10 gasses though i only see 4 on the monitor, with delivery time 1 months. I believe that one is good to have in the car too. Most of the times when i go somewhere they dispatch in front of me one or several old vehicles that puts lots of bad exhaust and by the time i get to my destination i am woozy and frustrated. Out of frustration, i have one or two drinks and when i get inside i can't recognize the celebrities they are producing. For that, i ordered a carbon based filter, which arrives today which i found in the past to be somewhat effective against those, while it's new. Good thing cause i just made a 2 days reservation at Pepper Mill in Reno for next week (taking a one week + two weekends vacation on weather and sulfur frustration) on an offer i got in the mail for 30 dollars a night, weekdays only. However when i called they said that if i want a guaranteed non smokers it will cost me 65 a month + surcharges + resort fees, in the end it will be over one hundred. But it happened to me, i went in there and could not find anything at Pepper Mill which is newer and in the old ones the AC smells like sewer gas like it happened last time. If i take the "backstreets" that is i cross the mountains here and pass through Warm Springs and Klamath Falls, it will be about 100 miles shorter, much less traffic and some of the highways are new though some are one lane per direction only. I think last time i drove alone for hours until i stopped somewhere in my way back where Tina Turner was at the reception. Klamath Falls, Days Inn. But when i went. A state police car that followed me for about 15 minutes until a hard to see left curve on the edge of a ridge while i was staring in the rear mirror. A motel Six with stinking toilet in K_lamath Falls (where i've been to 20+ years ago).  The pilot car that made me breath its red dust for 10 minutes on a one way restriction before Susanville. They started to pack their cones to leave just after i passed. The weird weird feeling driving downhill to Susanville with no rail like we're used to in Oregon etc..

1:31 Surcharge. More words related with Kali. Colère in French. Kali is the mad manifestation of Durga. Word was present in Latin so we can suspect even more now Romans actually came from India (Rama). Collier, (native American) name of my second doctor at Woodland Park Hospital. Name of a mad man, Phil Collins. Colier in Romanian and French meaning necklace. Kill.

1:54 Așteptam mutarea lui Dinescu, cel mereu cu mâna pe sus. Poezia lui iar s-a coborât iar în stradă, la fotbal. Niciodată nimic direct, cu focusul pe el, după ce am postat ceva ce am știut că va face pe mulți să dea din umeri, adică multiplele legături pe cuvinte cheie din media, aluziile indirecte, cea mai tare metodă de anihilare și combatere a postărilor.

Dacă ar fi să fac un top 10 al răilor și neromânilor din România, adică cei care au făcut cel mai mult rău și cu vorba și cu fapta l-aș pune pe Dinescu în frunte, în fața lui Iliescu. Adică în ordinea în care au apărut la revoluția TV. Membru al conducerii CPUN adică Ce Pune și probabil singurul rămas activ dintre ei. În gașcă cu Károly Király (Regele Carol), cel pomenit de Pacepa în cartea care l-a făcut faimos dar și dispărut. Pentru că ăsta spre deosebire de alții, ne-o face cu mult cap. Ne-o face cu plăcere, în timp ce zâmbim și împachetăm momentul pentru mai târziu, să-l savurăm în subconștient. Dacă ar fi să ne luăm numai după poeziile macabro-umoristice pe care le-a scris de-a lungul timpului. Subversiv ca orice bully atunci și acum și pururea. Dacă ar fi să ne luăm numai după poezia în care cheamă exit-ul sau nirvana sau chiar moksha. "Opriți istoria, vreau să cobor la prima".

2:30 Vorbind de poeți.

3:57 Internetul a deschis porțile oricui în domenii ca istorie, lingvistică, artă, religie, geografie, științe exacte, jurnalism și justiție cu posibilitatea democratică a reevaluării sau revalorificării lor de către oricine are idei sau este suficient de motivat. Totuși sunt unii cărora atașează cuvinte ca sleuth sau chiar disturbing.

Apropo, când am zis că suntem prinși în veșniciile cicluri ale războiului între Maya și Kali m-am gândit mai mult la manifestările acestora. Adică. Orice țeapă atunci când e descoperită atrage mânia. La români, mai puțin. Noi mergem mai mult pe Maya, fiind peste măsură de iertători, atâta timp cât nu ne îmbolnăvim, sărăcim sau flămânzim dar atunci e prea târziu.

6:15 Look in my face and tell me. Wasn't this possible 50 years ago. Yes with lead acid batteries.