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Showing posts sorted by date for query sumerian. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, December 16, 2023

On the Origin of Basques

Basque Autonomous Region (Țara Bascilor in Romanian) is a relatively isolated region of Spain of which @25% of the population (with minor differences from author to author) speak a Basque language which is different from Spanish (and most likely they speak both). It is unclear to me what autonomous means in this case, except their language.

Spain was under Arab rule for about 700 years. Although they claim pre Roman and pre Indo-European origin, there is at least one Arab author who claims Basque language has Arabic roots, and the second main component is... Why am i not surprised? Finnish.

I am not going to waste my time searching for how the Finnish got there. Finnish and Hungarians are the only people in Europe of non Indo European and Roman descendance, and they are strongly related.

According to their own legends, Hungarian people has two main components. Huns, who came in Europe at the end of the 4th century, plundered throughout the Roman Empire and spared Rome itself in exchange for Pannonia, a Roman province west of today's Romania and then themselves fell under Ostrogoth occupation. (An idea came to me, could it be the name of Austria, Ostereich by their own language, coming from there).

I personally believe Huns came from Australia, mainly because Attila's shield seen on his earliest depictions has a penguin on it (have to imagine the shield in vertical position), the name Attila, which coincides with one of the most known Australian landmarks in native language (Mt.Conner in English) and his facial hair, very different from that of Asians and Europeans. Here are a few images of Hungarian actors looking like Native Australians. There are many more.

Nowadays Hungary is in transition of changing its name to Magyarország after the name of its second ethnogenetic component, the Magyars. Magyarorszag is a very interesting name because its suffix seems to be... Sumerian. Could  that suffix come from a Pannonia population older than the Romans and Huns. Also obviously non Indo European (it seems a tradition of Pannonia).

Magyars arrived in Europe in the 9th century, again plundered Europe and found home in the same Pannonia. My theory is they are the Magars from Nepal who in those times and earlier were known for being mercenaries and most likely they were some of those hired to guard the Silk road caravans which carried silk and other goods to the Roman Empire and gold back to China. Basically, a versions of Mongols turned Buddhists.

Then, when the silk road was cut, they ran out of job.

The name for Buda, today's Hungarian capital to which recently was added the suffix Pest, meaning the area over the Danube from Buda's fortress point of view, seems to come from the name Buddha itself.

About in the same time with Buddhist Magars, in Europe came a population called Szekelys ("also referred to as Szeklers") whom i believe where of the clan Shakya of which Buddha was a prince, from the same Nepal. They settled west of Transylvania, catching the native Romanians in between. Then they brought in German settlers in south to re-enforce the circling. Current Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis is said to be one of them (though he is in reality a Hungarian writer probably of more recent German origin).

From time to time one author or another comes to claim the Huno-Magars came in that area, including Transylvania, before the Romanians. On December 7 an article appeared in the online Cell publication, previously unheard of (to me and many others) because it specializes in biology. The main author seems to be a post doctoral researcher at University of Basque country, lots of the others have Serbian (Slavic) names including Hungarian-Serbians. (Click on Show all authors, can't link to it).

They also claim Slavic origin of Romanians and late arrival in the area, quoting DNA studies done by themselves. DNA studies are rarely quoted when speaking of the origin of people and to me are at least controversial. It is also unclear to me what is the legal basis for obtaining and processing the DNA samples.

Strong linguistic, historical, archaeological and anthropological evidence prove Romanians are the continuators of Dacians, an old Indo-European population, and the Romans occupants, especially in Transylvania. This article seems done on demand to serve political interests. However lately the linked above Wikipedia article was a battlefield with proponents of the other theory pushing their unscientific point of view.

About the DNA evidence, me personally i do not believe in DNA theory at all.

These guys after the initial plundering of Europe, once by each of their ethno component, the Huns in 4th century and the Magars in 9th, did not give up their goal and that is to conquer it.

After the so called Christianization during their first king, Stephen @1000 with the help of the gold from Transylvania which they controlled and being far more advanced used their deceptive and techniques like psychology, unheard of in Europe, dis or miss information, bribes and blackmails, to gradually infiltrate the Catholic Church which culminated width the religious orders of which Dominicans, those behind Inquisition, started to have a mind and organizing of their own inside the Church.

That process continued to this day when they infiltrated all states, which actually are their creation and now are attempting to build this European Union, to finally control everything directly. Slowly, deceptively, first as a custom union, then as an economic one and finally political.

They were unsuccessful attempts in 1906. Since those peaceful attempts did not work out, Tunguska event and devastating wars (WWI and WWII) followed. Austria was and still is a playground of the Huno-Magars.

Back to our days. In 2005 France and the Netherlands turned down a Constitution and the Great Britain quit altogether in 2016. All that remained as base for the Union are individual treaties signed by each country.

Romanians, the archenemies of Hungarians, are kept in limbo. Though according to the treaty signed in 2005 they have full membership, the Huno-Magars don't want, under some bureaucratic pretext raised by their proxy Austrians, to agree on the free movement of persons, a principle of the Union, and a protocol part of the Treaty. This way, the Romanians are forced to work mostly illegally in the EU for lower wages and benefits.

Shiva Lingam symbol sitting on a lotus flower in the middle of Budapest, others. I believe Shiva Linga is the symbol of the primary disturbance that created the big bang as described in Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (core plan). 

Monday, November 28, 2022

November 28

6:00 AM. Ashmole. Now i'm convinced. What i perceive as smoke sometimes is just some very virulent mold that comes out of the mole holes that smell like smoke.

Earlier. Next wall there are a couple of old women. They snore a lot and when they do stuff from inside the walls gets in here. Mostly dog from laundry vapor. Most europeans would have trouble understanding this, but walls here are made of 3/8 (10 mm) or 1/2 inch (12.7) mm aerated gypsum panels which are times lighter than gypsum itself because they are made with tiny air bubbles inside, like a foam. A little bit more than cardboard or paper like traditional Japanese houses. Looks like a wall but can punch a hole through it with your fist when you get mad.

The huge 10 or 20 tons recycle truck came to pick the recyclables and shook the building so hard some weird smell came in and i remembered there is a black sac with trash about 1.5 meters tall left by someone when moved at the other corner of the building for almost a week now. I'm gonna go to throw it in the bin.

6:10 Ok i did, the sac was open (so rain could get in), could not identify the content, at the bottom something that was making a big sound, like empty cans and on top some fabric bag filled with something, maybe clothes. Through some weird coincidence, when i threw it in the bin it remained vertical on top of all other trash.

There's a new car across the alley, a sports Subaru with modified exhaust that made its debut about one week ago with idling for 5-10 minutes.

8:10 PM. I picked the memory from the locker and threw it in Angela AIO (All In One) Lenovo 300. Easier than expected, after of course removing the back panel, if you know how (and i watched a video when i got stuck with not knowing how to extract and put in the new board). First thing that i saw was the system grabbed about 1.5 gigs or twice as before for the display and the colors are now much brighter and everything is sharper. Been there for about half hour, testing, started to feel the pain in known areas (legs above knees, peritoneum, hands, face). Now feel like drinking again (because of pain) which i said i never will after what i've done last night. It took me the whole day to recover and still have some in my system.

Grabbed my meter which now works continuously as monitor and the alarm started to beep near it. I tried one thing. Stopped the wifi and voila. No more RF emissions. (No, my chromebook does not have a ground connector).

9:44 Already ordered ethernet cable for that computer.

9:47 Iohannis mi-a dat peste nas simultan din două direcții. Ce am scris despre apărarea sărăciei la Mircea cel Bătrân și păcănele. Cum s-a potrivit? Legea păcănelelor. O avea pregătită? Nu am auzit discuții despre o asemenea lege. În SUA cei care merg frecvent la păcănele primesc carduri, cazări gratuite, mese iar dacă mai și scriu pe blog că nu am mai câștigat nimic demult, a doua zi câștig.

10:15 Există și astăzi în Australia un popor, o limbă numită noongar, însă e doar o rămășiță colonizată. Această populație a apărut în mod misterios în Australia, acum 4000 mii de ani și să-a răspândit rapid, cucerind toată Australia. Să fie de fapt invers și ei au venit din Sumer care e mai vechi decât această limbă, populație? în Australia?

Există în România mai multe localități Vinga, Vințu, în general îndicând moșterniea culturii neolitice ne-europene Vinca. Interesant că o astfel de localitate există încă chiar lângă Roșia Montana, indicând un interes al acestei civilizații neolitice pentru... aur. În Ungaria există persoane cu acest nume, scris cu alte litere.

Însă nu am nici o îndoială că hunii lui Attila reprezintă cel mai nou val de imigrație care după câteva generații au ajuns în Europa direct din Australia. Numele lor se trage de la nunga sau noongar, iar muntele Atila este cel mai emblematic reper geografic din Australia. Cea mai veche pictură a lui Attila are pe scut un pinguin.

Cel mai nou val, însă cea mai veche prezență atestabilă. Acesta este motivul pentru care noi veniți, magarii (da, numele este înrudit și cu al mongolilor) din Nepal, care au aceeași origine australiană au ales acest nume pentru regatul lor. Ungaria. Însă recent ei duc eforturi de a schimba numele țării în Maghiaria (Magyarország).

În timp ce rădăcina numelui indică originea nepaleză, ei ajungând în Europa mai întâi ca mercenari care apărau drumul mătăsii care în sens invers era drumul aurului, drumul pe care aurul (și de la Roșia Montana) luat pe mătase (și alte chestii) se întorcea în Orientul îndepărtat. Sufixul ország pare însă... sumerian.

Magarii care erau familiari cu Europa au început raid-urile lor de 200 de ani, care s-au terminat cu așezarea în aceeași câmpie panonică unde erau deja ungurii. La început în Wikipedia era scris List of Magyar raids in Europa, dar s-a schimbat în Hungarian.

Pentru a crea confuzie fiindcă hunii au prădat și încercat și ei să cucerească Europa cu 500 de ani înainte, care pe vremea aceea era cunoscută ca Imperiul Roman.

Secuii (săcui în limbajul popular) sunt ultimul val, care au venit după magari (maghiari) tot din Nepal,  însă chiar din zona în care s-a născut Buda și s-au așezat în zone mai puțin populate din Transilvania de Est, la înțelegere cu maghiarii și complet separați geografic de aceștia, închizând și prinzând românii la mijloc. Printre primele lucruri pe care le-au făcut a fost să construiască în zona controlată de maghiarii și hunii creștinați (Hunor es Magor) o cetate căreia i-au dat numele de Buda

Și s-ar putea ca substantivul măgar din limbile română, albaneză, bulgară să aibă ceva legătură cu animalele de povară folosite pe drumul mătăsii.

Sașii au fost nemți care au fost chemați și li s-a dat sudul Transilvaniei, pentru a tăia legătura cu restul românilor, în timp ce românii au fost prinși la mijloc și puși la... nunca.

Am scris asta foarte pe scurt ca un memento pentru cei care nu au înțeles că hunii, maghiarii, secuii sunt au fost 3 popoare diferite cu nume și limbi diferite deși înrudite la origine. Asta explică și limba lor "maghiară" de astăzi, care a acumulat din toate 3 limbile și au atâtea cuvinte pentru același noțiune (ex. 20 cuvinte pentru roșu). Secuii și maghiarii și-au păstrat cu mândrie numele istorice.

Ungaria Mare, ca parte din Imperiul Austro-Ungar (oare de ce Austro, care înseamnă de la sud și nu de la răsărit, Osterreich) era un stat heterogen, multi, multi-etnic, care cuprindea pe lângă cele 3 nații fondatoare și români, sârbi, cehi, germani, croați, etc..

Articolul din Wikipedia a fost cârpit de când m-am uitat eu ultima dată, au apărut printre cei ne-reprezentați și unguri, sași, secui, un singur lucru nu pot face, nu pot să schimbe numele tratatului.

Monday, February 7, 2022

January 7

1:49 I was intrigued ever since i saw those non-human characters in "Dua Lipa" "Elton John" old new song. Accidentally ran into something similar, an anime made by a dead Japanese voice actor. Then tonight i realized where it might be coming from.

10:00 Uncomfortable, inside, together with the smell of animal dung. Finally figured where the smoke is coming from. I saw dozens or hundreds of fires along Hwy 18 during a time of air stagnation (no winds), mixed with fog. I don't believe it's legitimate agricultural activity, but a religious one. The dominicans or others who manipulate them have lit a large number of fires in the area. I didn't stop to take a proper picture of them, as i was in a hurry to escape. However there was no escape, except in the casino at Lincoln City, as they did it on the beach as well. Two of these at one mile distance kept all the beach "in check". When we came back we entered Spirit Mountain and their AC systems was overwhelmed by the smoke outside.
(Car was just washed an hour before that trip, those were undried drops from washing the windshield with the sprkinklers).
The index for Tualatin is 70 at least from one private network that uses their own sold detectors that are hooked on wi-fi, but the perceived index here at the apartment is 100 and inside is bad enough to notice it like every time you breath in and i think there is extra smoke coming from holes. While in bed (i forced myself this morning to stay again as much as i could in the "pod" made with metalized polystyrene insulation). Last week, while i quit drinking (except a few glasses last night) i slept several nights inside which raised my temperature and reduced my whole body spread infections. If i didn't do it, i think i would have been really sick today. While in there as much as the smoke let me, i read some pages on the laptop. The Orion alignment theory and its critiques. I didn't know the Sphinx was representing constellation Leo, or forgot. Then i remembered i saw on the Stellarium representation of Orion a few days ago a constellation, Canis minor, right next to Orion, across the Milky Way (which may represent smoke, fire). Orion the hunter, and a dog. Then i figured. That's where all (my) troubles come from. Dominicans could have something in common with this constellation as Orion is the most important constellation in many religions, including Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan.

I read about Ed Krupp of Griffith Observatory who said he used "planetarium equipement" to prove the three pyramids were not aligned as Hancock, Bauval, Anthony West and others stated. Then let me tell you a few things about planetariums. We are not in 94 anymore and some people made efforts and provided with a really impressive (free) planetarium software, Stellarium, which has a 400k stars database. However, there are problems with planetarium softwares as with any "planetarium equipment". Good enough for some purposes, they use simple mathematical models (3D ellipses) to describe stars and planets movements, and do not take into account gravitational interaction between those. For what's worth it, i will go to the other computer and input the data into Stellarium to see how the three stars from Orion's belt where laid 10000 years ago. Krupp's "planetarium equipment" which i believe is math based mechanisms and optics cannot be possible better then today's software planetariums.

12:54 I went to Stellarium and did a bit of time travel. What is obvious is the angle between the two apparent lines formed by the three stars of the belt changes in time. While i saw everybody was concerned with the angles with maps' coordinates system (N-S, E-W), i would say more important is to find the time when the angles were coinciding, if we were to figure the time of the buildings of the pyramids, and found this pdf which seems a serious work on the subject, confirming the theory, that was not even mentioned in the Wikipedia page.

1:14 How is this important. I already used once Stellarium and accidentally figured that the northern shaft (of the Great Pyramid) is pointing at the Polaris all the time, day and night. While some theorize the whole Egyptian setup including pyramids and the Nile was an allegory of the celestial image with Orion, Osiris, Milky way, Canis etc., i found it hard to believe. Why build a 300 meters pyramid and shafts pointing at stars for that? For the soul to travel, they say. Or deconstruct and teleport them all back to Orion. I had once a different idea. The northern shaft could be a channel to collect and filter photons coming from Polaris only. In the idea all photons created naturally come in pairs, and some might end on different planets. And we all know that entangled photons can be the basis for instant (much faster than light speed) communications across, in this case, galaxy. Like if an alien spaceship was stranded or landed on Earth, they could have used mass manipulation (starting a tradition that followed to this day) to enslave local population to build a low tech (using available material and workforce) but (using) advanced science communication device with their homeworld. That communication device stopped being used long time ago, when the enslaved population disappeared due to inbreeding by imitating the aliens, something they had to resort to since they were severely limited in numbers (a few), and the pyramids were partially buried in sand. Again, other shafts could have been openings for particle accelerators partially (re) using what they had on the ship, and they sent back materials unavailable on their planets. Uncovering by Napoleon and the followers, could have literally opened Pandora's box, by activating at least the communications again. BTW, i'd like to use the opportunity to call to put a lens cap on that shaft asap at least for now.
2:30 While i was slowly getting drunk standing alone in the kitchen and eating Doritos, was staring at the screen of the other computer with Polaris in the middle. And even thinking. What seems indeed strange as coincidence is that this planet we call Earth rotates around an axis that points to a major star, something needed indeed for communications with the asteroid miners stranded on this penal colony. Or their supervisors (big brothers) whatever.
2:53 Angela just came from work, a flock of birds (or a drone) pooped the car all over, including the windshield. The whole universe is against us. Can you please shut that damn pyramid down?

7:54 No matter how much i tried, i couldn't. Measuring  the angle between the two lines made by the two stars. Stellarium has a primitive angle measuring tool which does not snap on objects or something. Looks like i also ran into an inconsistency. Every time i go back, the angle is slightly different, though the app (rolling of time) is paused.

Or maybe i don't know how to use it. Gotta go ask for help in their forum which may last days. Keep asking myself. Why am i the only one doing it? Or at least i tried... What the... are doing all the teachers and students in the universities, not solving one of the easiest and most important problem, too busy using all those trillions of dollars in grants? Time of building of pyramids? Why are we all wasting our time here on this planet competing like hell against each other instead of being happy? BTW got to go in the back, i spotted another poo earlier and it stinks and nauseates me and gives me a chilling sensation in the lower colon, like always.
8:05 Was thinking of the "theory" behind novels like The Invisible Man or The Man Who Walked through Walls (an idea also found in a Fringe episode, Season I). Space between molecules in our body is so big, it would allow matter or light to pass (if it wasn't for the fundamental forces of the Universe, of course). So it happens with the visible culture of the world and contemporary cultures that are out of this world, like of Japan or even Hungary which resides in the middle of Europe. They are so different from mainstream, they simply cannot be seen by majority with the example of the Anime linked earlier on this page with Mr.Ando. But i provided for you an example (with the windshield) on this page.

9:32 Only trouble is our culture could be a simulation or subset of theirs.

11:00 There goes another cardboard billionaire. Was it worth it?

11:24 Vroiam să spun de mult chestia asta. Da arată foarte flashy, aceste supermașini de sute de mii de euro cu motoare de peste 500 de CP ce pot face 0-100 în 2 secunde, timp în care te lipești de scaun ca o mămăligă de fund și nu poți ridica mâna să apeși butonul de radio. Pentru a obține acest tip de accelerație, dar și din alte motive, aceste mașini sunt de obicei construite din materiale ușoare, compozite. Chiar dacă autostrăzile din Germania sunt cele mai bune din lume, mult deasupra celor din SUA, eu personal nu aș accelera pe nici o mașină, în afară de cele construite pentru curse, mult mai late, mai lungi și cauciucuri și suspensie speciale și cu aripioare ce te împing în jos, dincolo de 150 kmh. O pală de vânt lateral sau o mâncărime în palmă te pot trimite pe o orbită joasă în jurul solului.

Monday, September 6, 2021

September 6

5:50 I slept 6 hours, awoke at 3 a bit confused probably by the dust pushed the fridge that is there since last days when dust came in most likely being caried on the stairs by the shoes of the guy who take shortcuts through chips. Or another smart ninja synched move. A drunk guy was yelling in Spanish in the distance. I put a wet towell behind the fridge, things got better. Then they came to pick the recyclables at 5:20. Unusual, cause they normally come at 7 (last time i can remember).

Besides the annoying noise from the big engine that lasted for about 15 minutes, somebody came with a dog and left a some pee puddles and also probably stuck some burning ninja pellets under the chips, some next to the wall where i am inside, cause the place filled with smoke right after recylclables truck left.

Thought they gave up this smoke thing for a few months, after i installed the mole chasers (buzzers), the batteries went out and/or the buzzers broke and i just reinstalled new ones, and ordered some more but last time it took weeks until the moles disappeared, without moles they can't just come and make holes in the ground i guess, they use moles's holes as cover. I went and tried to step on those, not sure i found them all. Besides other things, they create nose congestion and a bit of high and disorientation.

7:17 The right side panel of my blog disappeared, though i can see it in the layout.

 7:42 I reset the theme to one of the templates (simple blog), can't add any widget. I used a bit of chlorine gel in the room which killed the dog urine smell and then i suddenly felt very sleepy and fell asleep.

12:15 I don't know what happened to my blog, suddenly all my widgets on the right disappeared, they probably were on the bottom, i panicked for being so tired, and reset the whole theme, was too tired to figure why they went on the footer, now i don't have time to fix it. Not that it matters so much.

Before i forget. Please note the expressions Dominus Dios or Dominus Deus, ruler of gods or Lord God, which is supposed to be at the origin of the name for god in Romanian, Dumnezeu, pronounced, yes, doom nay zeoo which sounds so weird for the English speaker. (I personally believe it comes from Sumerian god name Dumuzid, god of shepherds). Latin word dominus which means ruller coincidentally similar with Dominic. In Buddhism, Buddha is considered a teacher of gods and men. St. Dominic is shown partially shaven, with rosary, which is of buddhist and hindu origin, lilies, and "his" cross resembles Chinese radical 32, Earth. All these elements, together with the tilted cross on top of a globe are found on Hungary's coat of arms (1896-1915). Hungary's capital for centuries until the 19 century was Buda.
7:07 Labour day News. Poor People, Frugal Philanthropy, Bit by Bit.
7:39 Earlier i decided to leave the place for the evening, though the cause/reason is not here anymore.

We went to Safeway, Walmart and WinCo. Each has something cheaper and better and fresher than the other. We came back home, some Japanese kids were playing on our stairs. Got inside and started to cook and drink with radio on, 3 Japanese kids started to have a party outside our windows, in our view.

Then,  Angela died her hair, ammonia smell came out, i cooked for about half hour some chicken livers that usually were fresh, this time were frozen. Watched the girl from the one leve building drinking probably juice, with lascivious (trained) gestures. One of the kids threw to the ground. It was then when i decided to leave for the evening, just not to see them anymore. However, when Angela finished dying her hair and we ate, they were gone. The most amazing thing, people in 21st century North America do believe in vampires and cannibals and other people know how to speculate their fears.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Un magician într-o lume relativă

Am vrut de multe ori să postez pe fb informații despre politicienii sau celebritățile mai vesele sau mai triste uitate de știri. Ce fac celebritățile atunci când nu sunt în știri? Oameni care ocupă știrile timp de câțiva ani buni dintr-o dată dispar și sunt înlocuiți de alții. Ceva nu sună bine. Stelele nu pot apune așa deodată pentru totdeauna. Și totuși se întâmplă.

Azi vreau să amintesc cazul lui Bivolaru. Wikipedia spune că a fost eliberat condiționat și a dispărut din țară. Este căutat de Interpol și justiția din Finlanda. Oare mai există român care crede că cineva se poate evapora în lumea digitală în care trăim? Care sunt veniturile lui, cardurile, permisul de conducere? Chiar și talibanii aveau conturi de fb pe care fb le-a blocat. Interesant pentru subiectul acestei postări este acest fragment de biografie.

Am o explicație foarte simplă. Omul este mutat în altă identitate, sau mai bine zis în cea originală din Ungaria, acest cap de pod al Asiei în Europa.

Până mai ieri, sursa majoră de informații despre Ungaria, maghiari, erau tipi gen Vadim Tudor. Într-o postare am încercat să arăt însă că și el e maghiar. Acum zece ani mai erau români care credeau că ungurii țineau carnea sub șeaua calului și beau din țeste umane iar asta era ceva rău, chiar abominabil. Carnea ținută așa cred că era o rețetă foarte interesantă. Se frăgezește. A bea din țeste umane este o practică cabalistică ce se trage din vechea Indie.

Cred că nimic nu este mai gigantic în România decât ignoranța noastră despre limba și cultura unei țări cu care am fost vecini cel puțin 1000 de ani. Astăzi, cu miliardari de carton actori maghiari, scriitorii lor cu identități românești precum și toate belețele, Romania, românii sunt astăzi un fel de subset al acestei culturi și țări care este pentru ei încă o enigmă.

Azi am deschis pagina de Wikipedia cu lista lucrărilor scriitorului maghiar László Czike. Am scris ca în românește sau engleză, cu numele mic în față, pentru că în maghiară numele se scriu cu numele de familie în față, ca în chineză. Titlurile selectate sunt traduse în engleză cu ajutorul lui google chrome. De remarcat că el a început să scrie târziu, la 50 de ani, cam pe când guru a început să dispară din România.

The law of love . Cairo Publisher, 2004.
The lowest part of hell - The Hungarian public service television . Gold Book Publishing House, 2006.
András Sándor, the free thinker . Heraldika Publishing House, 2006.
At the crossroads of infinity . Edition Nove, 2009.
Interstellar core in the Earth Grail . Edition Nove, 2009.
For petty believers about the inexhaustible . Edition Nove, 2010.
The golden rose cross . Edition Nove, 2010.
Superstar Viktor Orbán - Miklós Fenyvesi, Miskolc Printing House 2017.
Freemasons of the regime change - Miklós Fenyvesi, Ceglédi Nyomda 2017.
Digital reincarnation - Miklós Fenyvesi, Ceglédi Printing House 2017.
The occult a priori - Miklós Fenyvesi 2018.
Heavenly Jerusalem - Miklós Fenyvesi 2018.
The Sumerian Annunaki and the Holy Grail - Miklós Fenyvesi 2018.
Mesopotamians - Miklós Fenyvesi 2018.
The Cinderella light railway - Miklós Fenyvesi 2018.
Historical Portrait Gallery (Regime Changing Freemasons II.) - Miklós Fenyvesi 2018.
The Antichrist - Miklós Fenyvesi 2018.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sami, Sumerian and Semitic

Yet again starting to write something that i don't know where it's gonna take me to. I had a hunch about a possible similarity between Sami people and Sumerians but mostly from personal experiences. Sami people live in north and exhibit features of all Nordic people. Skin, hair and eye de-pigmentation due to lack of much UVB, an adaptation necessary for living at high latitudes.

I once found a whole Pinterest page showing blue eyes of... Egyptians, who were a civilization parallel if not related to Sumerian. But here is a page showing... Sumerians with blue eyes!

"Scientists at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have tracked down a genetic mutation, which took place 6-10,000 years ago, and is the cause of the eye color of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today." Exactly. One mutation can occur only once, on one location of planet Earth.

Other time i found an image of an ancient statue of Thor (as in Thursday, remember) exhibiting an ank-like object. Thor could also be at the origin of name Horus.

If there is a link it can only be of North-South direction. Sumerians (and Egyptians) came from north and not the other way around. Because they show these northern features.

After a few searches i found some very interesting facts. Sami people, formerly known as laplanders, are unique among northern people both from genetic and linguistics points of view.

"In Norway, however, Sámi were still called Finns at least until the modern era (reflected in toponyms like Finnmark, Finnsnes, Finnfjord and Finnøy), and some northern Norwegians will still occasionally use Finn to refer to Sámi people, although the Sámi themselves now consider this to be an inappropriate term."

"Though they speak a Finno-Ugric language, they are genetically distinct from other Finno-Ugric and Indo-European people."

So were Sumerians in Near East. Genetically distinct, there is a great and yet unsettled debate about their origin.

"The Sumerians, and their neighbors the Elamites, as well as groups like the Hatti and Hurrians & Urartian, pose problems for this thesis. None of these groups seem to be Indo-European or Semitic, the two dominant language families of Near East by ~1,000 B.C. You have in the ancient Near East then a situation where the light of history reveals before us not the diversification of Indo-European and Semitic speaking farmers, but rather a host of unique and disparate peoples, all simultaneously lurching toward literate civilization, one after another."

Then an idea came to me. The linguistics argument. And here what i found. A (non-linguist) historian researched for eleven years on this (as i said in the past, future of history and all sciences belongs to interdisciplinary studies) basically going against all academics, establishment, mainstream, name it.

"Juha Jantunen, professor of East Asian languages and cultures at the University of Helsinki, summarizes the linguists’ horror at Parpola’s findings: saying that Sumerian is a closer relative of Finnish than the Finno-Ugric Sami is like saying that humans are not, in fact, that closely related to apes but find themselves rather somewhere between the horse and the donkey."

"Donbaz said the most important dialects of the Akkadian language, which is a member of the Sami language family, were Assyrian and Babylonian"

How about Semitic?

If we do a google search on phrase "origin of the Sumerians" we get an... Akkadian description. Anybody knows why? Because Akkadians where those who displaced Sumerian from the fertile lands between the two rivers and a delta (modern day Iraq). Akkadians are actually Africans. You can see from the picture of their bronze heads.

What i guess it happened was Sumerians were overcome by their own African slaves.

Survivors in the North of last Ice Age, mainly because they relied on fire and other technologies, but also the proximity of volcanoes in Iceland to survive (average temperatures during last ice age where about 12 degrees Fahrenheit lower), they were thousands of years technologically more advanced than the rest of the world. And they choose to colonize the naturally most fertile places on Earth like Egypt and Sumer (southern Mesopotamia, The Fertile Crescent).

As written in one of the first links in the post. Ice Age in Northern Europe ended about 8000 BC. Indo-Europeans, Cro-Magnon, whatever, started to advance north and Scandinavians could not have stopped them.  Europenization of Scandinavia (skanda nava, New Kingdom in Sanskrit) started. Few of the Sami survived to this day. Some of them, the elite, moved way south, in an area where less developed Africans and SW Asians would not pose much problems to them. Sumerian civilization started to peak about one or two thousand years later.

They brought in many peoples are slaves among them the Africans but they eventually got smarter and being numerous in the end took over. Or it might have also been a climate change that contribute it to their return... back North. But they could not find their way back all the way to Northern Scandinavia and started wondering and putting bases to new civilizations throughout Eurasia, from Ireland to Ural, Turkey, Mongolia and Japan, mainly creating the Aryan (master) race. But forever they will remember and hate the Semitic Akkadians who drew then out of the garden of Eden.

What. I was searching for pyramids in Scandinavia.

Climate change due to Earth precession drew the monkeys North?

Could this 13th century representation from an English manuscript of St Eustace 2nd century AD be an attempt to describe eccentricity of Earth's orbit around Sun.

There is a similar depiction of Christ in the page of "Saint Hubertus [who] was widely venerated during the Middle Ages. The iconography of his legend is entangled with the legend of Saint Eustace." Hibernus as adjective means winter in Latin. More answers to this mystery here.

Could this be an attempt to describe the eccentricity of Earth's orbit around Sun.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Russia and History of Linguistics

My frustration only grew when i tried to search for more aggressive instances of looking into history from the point of view of linguistics. As with many possibly interconnected scientific fields, there are not even established definitions or work protocols and methodologies. Nothing strong i can refer to in what follows.

There are many scientists (in Romania we use the French term "savant" in a rather sarcastic sense) in all areas of study. In fact so many in each area no one could drop one needle in there (another Romanian expression trying to describe extreme occupancy of a narrow space). There are also suspicions (from my part) that they actually cover each other in stagnation and all kinda time wasting heresies. (We saw so many useless studies and claims like about healing cancer and AIDS in the last decades while nothing really happens in reality).

Narrow specialization leads to some sort of monopoly of scientific branches over certain areas of study. The savants get so good in their field no one can even dare to say a word. They become supreme authorities and nothing can be done anymore without the approval of the leader of the clan towards whom all hosannas converge. But who knows what really happens under the curtain of specialized terms and works and barrage of biased media articles. That is how much work and progress is being made.

But how could we possibly have savants in two different areas in the same time if (artificial) competition and time needed to be each on top of his game in a certain area does not allow one to specialize in two areas which sometimes are not apparently related, like by example history and linguistics?

We have an "official science" called "History of linguistics" which as the title says, takes care of history of linguistics. Very few people would even thing about that. However much more useful would be one that would study History of Languages, not even dare to think of a branch of history named Linguistic History, or history studied from the point of view of evolution and transfer of words and languages.

Probably on the opposite side is the holistic approach. I say probably because i rarely see attempts to look at things from more than one narrow point of view so i can only imagine. With much less resources and bibliographies to read, sometimes simply putting together basic facts from two or more disciplines (which i have to admit, i've done a lot lately) reveal things that no one can even dream or maybe could have never been discovered.

We all at least in High School are though lots of basic facts from different disciplines. However there is a total lack of integration between them and forgetting all those, either after specialization in faculties or having a full life is the general idea).

So here comes the example. One simple etymology reveals and attempts to state tantalizing facts that are not (strongly) implemented in current history of countries. And confirm the whole story i wrote about so far. And reveal controversies arisen from contradictions between two sciences on the same subject. Or lack of harmonization. Or lack of integration.


Europe in the 9th century. Roslagen is located along the coast of the northern tip of the pink area marked "Swedes and Goths".
The etymology and semantic history of the word Rus' has been a highly contentious topic, on which debate is ongoing. This is partly because of a widespread assumption that by identifying the linguistic origin of the name Rus', scholars can identify the origins of the people whom it described. This assumption has, however, been criticized in twenty-first-century scholarship.[2][3]
According to the prevalent theory, the name Rus', like the Finnish name for Sweden(Ruotsi), is derived from an Old Norse term for "the men who row" (rods-) as rowing was the main method of navigating the rivers of Eastern Europe, and that it could be linked to the Swedish coastal area of Roslagen (Rus-law) or Roden, as it was known in earlier times.[4][5] The name Rus' would then have the same origin as the Finnish and Estonian names for Sweden: Ruotsi and Rootsi.[6][7]

In absence of any other attempts Wikipedia has become the only scientific multidisciplinary integration tool we know of. Here because of the way it was designed, people of different backgrounds can write and edit articles. It is the only place where, in this case historians and linguists can come together and talk in the view of public. However there are others who are watching and interfering. Occasional politicians. Wannabe quick fixers of this upside down world.

The above section. Obviously lacking necessary level of English. This is a sign somebody with strong convictions but little refinement has written parts of it. Word scholarship is used nowadays in English mostly for financing of students and very little as describing the scientific establishment. Or maybe the statement is sarcastic.

The fact one theory has opponents however does not mean it is not true. Probably those who don't like very much the fact that Russians and Swedes have a partially common origin. And those would not be necessarily the swedes who probably don't care except if they are polarized by politicians and lunatics that can speak and write. Those who are part of the anti-Russia propaganda machine at work in western countries for at least one century. Enemies of both people or all European native people. As for Russians, they even didn't wake up yet from one century long imprisonment in their own country or space or whatever.

First. It is unclear to me what Finish are. There are claims they are related in the western hemisphere of our planet only to Hungarians. The so called ugric connection. However, since i've been studied lately extensively but on isolated issues (it's really hard to study as a whole something that doesn't seem even been put together, like histories of all countries) the history of Hungarians which by the way is again full of controversies arised by their own historian and others who looked into it, i fail to fully understand it. Could it be a pre-Magyar relationship from a simultaneous migration to the north, both coming from Mesopotamia. (Sumer).

One thing is clear so far. Finish in northern Europe are as aliens as Hungarian in central. Vaguely connected linguistically and culturally with each other, heavily influenced and influencing including genetically in the last thousand of years their reacting hosts, they lost, until recently, a strong connection with each other. (Finland influence in the whole world nowadays is enormous for such a small country, if it was to talk only about Helsinki Accords, Linus Torvalds or Nokia).

But what do you do when you have strong contradiction scientific statements made in view of public within the same field of science which is history?

"A part of the Kingdom of Sweden from 13th century until 1809, it then became an autonomous duchy of the Russian Empire until 1917, when it declared independence." (New world order which started after WWI or earlier after Tunguska event).

First entry in this one phrase history of Finland from google is since 13th century when it is said it became part of kingdom of Sweden. Obviously, in the other page quoted above it is said that the name Rus, or Kievan Rus kingdom starting in 10th century was given possibly by the... Finish!

Not much better in Wikipedia. First written account, 12 century. Though, through linguistics, that is etymology of the word Rus, they existed and have been highly influential before 10th century.

It came at no surprise to me when i read this.

"This would also imply that Finno-Ugric languages in Finland were preceded by a North-Western Indo-European language, at least to the extent the latter can be associated with the Cord Ceramic culture"

"From 3200 BC onwards, either immigrants or a strong cultural influence from south of the Gulf of Finland settled in southwestern Finland. This culture was a part of the European Battle Axe cultures, which have often been associated with the movement of the Indo-European speakers."

Due to great stress from the controlled environment i live in i will cut this very short for now:

My hypothesis (ans is built mostly on linguistic but integrated with known historic, cultural and archaeologically confirmed facts and especially with modern history and events) is after the fall of Ur, first state city in the world and great Sumerian Civilization which began due to climate changes around year -2000, Sumerians started to migrate north and went all the way to Scandinavia, Mongolia and Japan but some remained as south as Turkey, Iran, Iraq. Etymologies like Ural Mountains, Ukraine - ugric, Sami people, Samurai, Sumo wrestling, Orkhon River, but also Europe, which is recent, countless others are there to prove it. In India they came from back south starting around Aral Sea and became known as Arians (Aryan Invasion Theory, around -1500). Culturally, linguistically and genetically opposed to Indo European as Scandinavia and obviously Europe and India originally were, they were/are persistent people, with much extraordinarily ancient knowledge, of which some was un-accessible even to them until they re-gained more tools to look into old Sumerian and possibly Egyptian or Indian writings they might had have access to which suddenly brought to us all the technologically advances of the last century that seem to converge all to a great deception. From a different moment or time or different world.

Are they about to restore their ancient possibly advanced civilization this time on planetary scale (and of course eliminate all non-Aryans).

For all these reason they don't need a branch of history called Lingustics (based) History. They don't need anything new in science cause they already got all they need.

I am not completely satisfied with this blog post but i think i touched the important points. Also have some surprised in searches which compensate for not being able to write it the way i wanted due to great interference from outside like synchronized noises (which may seem to an observer normal).

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Nin-ninna or Divine Lady Owl

(Yeah for some reason is much harder to write here on the blog than on fb. There i start with an idea and fill it with details in comments. No need for much care for style though sometimes i am surprised myself of the outcome that is due mostly to relaxation and the familiar environment. Here the vast white space of the editing page is somehow intimidating.)

At Hogwart Academy Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad...

Who saw the movie was moved by the scene where students were given the option. At Hogwart, a fictional escape from the rigors and barriers of a still largely Christian society who lived by the Word of God and the commands of feudalized Church, ancient Sumerian and Egyptian real animals which were actually revered as gods back in those times and places were grafted on the exotic scenery suggesting an escape from urban England as well, a mythical greenish northern decor populated with characters pretending reminding of ancient people of northern Great Britain which to me raised politicanists or even subversionist suspicions.

Well i don't really know about old times in northern Britain as i know more of Mesopotamia and Egypt, past civilizations i have been interested with lately. I assume owls are native to that place as the whole of Europe but most likely not revered as gods in ancient or modern times. As for cats, i don't know so i'll have to pause and ask Google on that.

Pre Roman Times. Totally unexpectedly Google's answer brought more information than i hoped for but i was thinking of earlier. Pest control. Cats were used in ancient time not as pets but mostly as pest control (agents). Like eskimos' dogs which in time became pets in Northern America many hundreds of years after they ceased to be used for sleighs traction.

I don't know if i'm gonna put here again the bass-relief with Inanna and the owls. I think i will better put a Google link and let people pick their own ideas.

Both Sumerian and Egyptian civilization were based on the cultivation of grain in special places on Earth with hot climate and predictable floods. I assume they had granaries to deposit the grain. Also in the fields main problem of course would had been mice. Both owls and cats were probably blessings for the granaries keepers and they were probably encouraged to live by and in the end cats in Egypt were domesticated, then revered and the proof is the mummies of cats we find today.

Quite straightforward facts and speculations, nothing special so far. However there is a reason i started this and went so far.

I believe useful animals leaving nearby can influence a society. I always thought shepherds borrowed some traits of behavior from their herds. A special relationship with the animals was needed for optimal communication. After all, in the Bible Hebrew/Christian/Muslim God is sometimes called Our Shepherd. Ancient Hebrews who were first herders then farmers thought of their God as a Shepherd.

The image of an owl on a pole in the middle of the grain field around crop time or in special boxes inside barns must had been a familiar one to the ancient Sumerians. Both cats and owls can act at night when the keepers back then were helpless especially inside a barn full of grain.

So after hundreds of years they might have borrowed something from them. They were probably mentioned in many conversations and started to be represented as images on clay tablets or reliefs like these. In the end they proved so useful by saving a large percentage of their crops they gained a place at the left and right of their Earth-Mother-Goddess who turned her legs into owl legs and grew owl wings and of course long legs (to catch the mice with).

However. Inanna or whatever was her name in different periods who was also a goddess of war might had borrowed the magic powers of owls. Night vision. Excellent hearing. Stealth.

See where i'm getting at already?

Then Buddha meditating. Anybody thinks what i'm thinking?


And the cherry on top of the pie. A Romanian word for owl.*.ro

Monday, February 4, 2019


"Although the author of the Bansenshukai was influenced by Chinese thought, and even indicates a connection to Chinese military traditions, he presents the material as the ultimate accumulation and perfection of Ninjutsu knowledge--as the name Bansenshukai itself suggests."

There is little doubt to me now there are deep connection between Babylon and the far east. Cuneiform writing lead to kanji, sumerian wrestling to summo, there is even a form of Japanese writing identical to the Hebrew one. The Japanese main god is also a goddess. 8 corner star appears in many of their symbols. But they are coming back to us.

Make way...

Friday, January 4, 2019

Hungarian Names of Mesopotamian Origin

Mesopotamia. The place between rivers in Greek (potomas, river). Which sits on many waters as the Bible would say. At competition or in parallel with Egypt, both cradles of "civilization" as we know it. In both lands, regular floodings of rivers made possible first agricultural slave based economies of the world.

They had many gods. The name of their oldest of the newer generation, Dumuzid or god of shepherds, bears a strange resemblance with the Romanian name for God, or Dumnezeu. Dumuzid was married to Inanna/Ishtar who became Isis in Egypt and Rome, goddess of love, sex, politics and war.

There is a list in Wikipedia. But that list is not complete. There are many other sources on the web with lists and family trees of gods in Mesopotamia.

Also could the word onanism from the Bible be symbolically derived from the name Inanna, the older (Sumerian) name of Ishtar (Akkadian). As we all know, the followers of Ishtar had to go once a year and have paid sex with one of the priestesses in temples or with any of the other women who had to the same. 

"Herodotus, a Greek historian, wrote that every Babylonian woman had to attend the temple of Ishtar/Inanna and agree to sex with any male that asked her. Once she performed this ritual, the male visitor gave her money to donate to the temple. Scholars have called this sacred prostitution"

Yesterday i found out, from that list, that Yahweh was a guest god in Mesopotamia. Who returned to Israel (Samaria) with his people. And a representation of Him. Also yesterday i found a wonderful modern representation of the Goddess on a commemorative plaque for two Hungarian scientists who BTW are so many, as their actors.

I have always been intrigued as why in today's Hungarian the word for God is Isten (pronounced Ishten). One can here the pronunciation clicking the little speaker icon in Google Translate.

There are also dictionaries on the web showing many resemblances of modern Hungarian with Sumerian.

For comparison, the most known ancient representation of Inanna. The clay tablets were mass produced using negative cylinders, an early form of Playboy? Does she have in the left hand some sort of ankh, as those known in Egypt or maybe in Ancient Australia? It also reminds me of another naked goddess of sex and war that sits on a demon.

A picture of a Hungarian musician named Eszter Balint

And here is one of the genealogic trees of Mesopotamian gods.

But why was i interested in this list? Because i once had a glimpse into it and i thought i recognized unmodified modern very common Hungarian names in it.

Some of them are. (List to be completed).

Bela from Bel of Babylon, "Bel", meaning "lord", who was a syncretization of Marduk, Enlil, and the dying god Dumuzid [god of shepherds]. (Dumnezeu is the name for God in Romanian. Older than Bel?). Also Balint, Balasz.

Birtalan - Birtum, an obscure minor god, the husband of the goddess Nungal

Emesz - Emesh is a farmer deity in the Sumerian poem Enlil Chooses the Farmer-God

Eniko - Enki god of water, knowledge (gestú), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (nudimmud)

Eszter (a very common woman's name in Hungary) of course we have a few deities, like Ishtar etc..

Gergely said for Gregory but linguistically could come from... Gilgamesh?

Geszti - Geshtinanna is the ancient Sumerian goddess of agriculture, fertility, and dream interpretation

Also Geza, a very common name in Hungary reminds of the city of pyramids but this time in Egypt.

Gyula - Gula (God of healers, interestingly there is also a city in southern Hungary at the border with Romania, also many Hungarians of Romanian origin are named so).

Isten (pronounced Ishten, name for Christian God in Hungarian) - Ishtar.

Kiss (pronounced kish) - Kish was an ancient tell (hill city) of Sumer in Mesopotamia. Also, Kishar the female principle, mother of Anu (Earth Mother Goddess). (Yes, as in Anunnaki).

Kinga - Kingu, guardian of the table of destiny

Lakatos - Lahamu, first-born daughter of Tiamat. (Also goddess Lakshmi, consort of Vishnu in Hinduism, via Buddhist Magars)

Magyarország is the name of Hungary in their native language. Hursag means lord in Sumerian. I think the name is a synthesis with a name of a people from a later migration to Hungary @year 900, that of Magars from Nepal (mercenaries of the silk road).

Orsolya - Girsu.

Further reading.

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Most of what i call "enhanced" or extended or attempted exhausting etymologies i wrote so far are in Romanian and for a good reason. They really need them because of the chaos in dictionaries and hierarchically directed misinformation for the public by the academics themselves. And i got them ready anyways inevitably from the process of assimilating new words. But is English much different in that regard?

Let me make myself clear. I am not a linguist. But in the process of learning and using English while looking at dictionaries i can't help but compare words to the ones i know from Romanian and other languages . Some are semantically close but have totally different definitions. Some have similar definitions but write and pronounce totally different.

Why etymologies. Because the etymological definitions are a hierarchical and easy way to acquire new words. Instead of simply memorizing words and all the phrases that are being used into, (English after all is a language of phrases not individual words like most languages and can't use them like in Romanian where phrases are arranged totally differently). Etymological dictionaries and etymological method of learning a new language is best because it lets you, instead of memorizing words, just o put then in the right place in a hierarchical tree of words starting with linguistic roots and pick them form their place when needed instead of simply trying to remember a phrase. (Can't help but to mention here a semantic suggestion by the word etymology itself with seems to evocate the acronym ET and the english word mole).

Then after looking i realize that there are more than one definition, many definitions are incomplete and sometimes obsolete and after a while i start to be tempted to come with my own, at the beginning for myself and since that has already happened for a long time now i am willing if not compelled to share.

Here is one example. I just looked in a self proclaimed online etymological dictionary obviously for gathering information in an attempt to solve the the task chosen by the title of this blog post. Demi is pretty trivial so i tried, just because it's there and it's intriguing, the word dim.

And here are quotes from some of the results. "Perhaps". "Not known outside Germanic [languages]".

Linguistics is far from being an exact science. Though language is the only thing that binds us together. And suddenly came in mind the newly discovered by me today syntagm. "Free Negro Bond". No. Unfortunately language for most of us today is only a mean of tricking and hiding things. We rely mostly on different type of social cohesion. Social, (not linguistic) hierarchy. Though we pretend not to.

About 200 years ago a new linguistic theory emerged trying to... well, finally starting to turn linguistics into a science (Maybe because it was the first modern complex theory in the field of communications marked by lack of reliable interconnections between languages). A theory called Indo European Theory which stipulates a link between European and Indian languages that of course implies migrations and contacts not previously known or acknowledged. That Eurasian continent is not divided by the Caucasus Mountains, Caspian and Black Sea, etc. It is a continuous, gradually changing cultural whole with far more important links between East and West. And how could it had been different?

More than that. It seems that Sanskrit is the only known language that encompasses them all. Sanskrit in India is known to be thousands of years old, probably all the way to the war described in Mahabharata that apparently took place about 3700 years BC and beyond.

"Mikhail Lomonosov compared different language groups, including Slavic, Baltic ("Kurlandic"), Iranian ("Medic"), Finnish, Chinese, "Hottentot", and others, noting that related languages (including Latin, Greek, German and Russian) must have separated in antiquity from common ancestors."

However, though universally accepted, the theory has never been put in practice. That is there is not one single Sanskrit etymology in the dictionaries i know of. Not direct, not through Latin and Greek. In other words, theory is dead since its birth. And i have a few explanations for it.

First, it implies Russian is a language related to all European languages. Then the heresy that Hindi by example is related to... i don't know, English "perhaps"? Latin and Greek being descendants of a language still spoken natively in small parts of India, Indonesia and Malaysia and other Southern Asian countries and being the liturgic language for Hinduism? And last but not least, the more common, "incorrect" or "countryside" style of Romanian has the most unmodified Sanskrit words of any known European language and probably comparable to Hindi?

Because of that. It is very difficult for someone to work at an etymology so important trying not to neglect Sanskrit without raising a number of hypothesis and let the reader to choose or decide what scientists should have been done longtime ago. But i will still try because of the last part of the word and the definition from Wikipedia.

"In the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy, the demiurge (/ˈdɛmiˌɜːrdʒ/) is an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe." Intriguing and motivating enough? No? Than think of the root ur present at the end of the word that seem to come from what the historians call today "The birthplace of civilization" [slavery based civilization that is]. Most known to us from the word ziggurat, which again has the same root in it though not so stated in the definition.

But let's filnally bring up the definition from Wikipedia:

"The word "demiurge" is an English word from demiurgus, a Latinized form of the Greek δημιουργός or dēmiourgos. It was originally a common noun meaning "craftsman" or "artisan", but gradually it came to mean "producer", and then eventually "creator".

But what... Google Translate has to say about the Greek word demi or dēmi?

My GT though cookies was setup to Hungarian. With the last phrase of the second paragraph of the Wikipedia page about the Ziggurat of Ur (the Palace of Ur-Nammu (the E-hursag). and even the name of Hungary in their language, Magyarorsag, where orsag means country, i tried by some sort of intuitive urge the word or the root named above, ur, in Hungarian, or Magyar as it is called by themselves and here is the result.

Got into deeper trouble with my little etymology that seem to get even further from being finished that i thought at the beginning. I'm not going to go much into that direction except to mention that some Hungarian scholars agree that one of the main source of Magyar language is Sumerian. Here are a few more words from Hungarian. And a few words from the neighboring... Romania.

Quite... the opposite of Hungarian?

Ok. Now let's get back to demi. Which by the way is part of another, closely related word, demigod and another one closely only semantically, demagog. In both, the component demi and dema have a totally different meaning than in demiurge. Not even trying to talk about democracy.

Though all these words starting with dim are supposed to be composed of Greek words, two of them don't even have a correspondant in modern Greek. For the other two we can see clearly the root dim which supposedly means people in Ancient Greek.

One is completed with kratos. Ok. Here is a first for me. I found a Sanskrit etymology in Wiktionary! Ways to go! Let me the try in Wiktionary... demiurge itself! Nope. No luck here. Demiurge cannot be a craftsman who works for the people, according to the widely accepted definition, that of the creator of the Universe!

Calque (loan word) from Latin? Then demi here is just a morphism of semi from Latin back to Greek?

Here is a better explanation from the origin of demi from demigod.

Hence the confusion of the first part of demiurge and that of demigod. First is from Greek where it means... people. Second is grecized Latin (yest there is a such word at least in a definition on the web) where it means half.

Apparently we won't be able to solve this if we don't go to Sanskrit. Where we have dhimat, which is a synonym of... bodhisattva ("one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge")! "

Could it be in the end demiurge is actually the God of Ur, who actually is an enlightened one? And that is acceptable as hypothesis only if we can get closer to the idea that in the beginning all languages on Earth were really close?

And since in French the word appeared the first time in 1546 In French we can see the word appeared for the first time in 1546

And in English in 1670

It is still a mystery who created this word if out of Sanskrit and it is possible we will never know its true origin.

Also should mention the Sanskrit Urja, a possible source for both the word urge and work in English.

And last but not least. Oregon.