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Showing posts sorted by date for query sun. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16

I ran into something i forgot and never understood well from an application since 8 years ago. A diagram showing tidal variations over the  years, in Seattle.

I did not have the time to fully understand that and the rest of the page, but i already have a conclusion. Tides are highest at solstices and lowest at equinoxes, because of course of the Earth distance to the Sun, but also because of the exposure of different faces of the Earth to the Sun, due to seasons.

According to this, and the fact that tides are a measure of all combined gravitational forces exerted by Sun and Moon, there should be another correlation with earthquakes. That of points of Earth on the ecliptic.

So what do i have so far?

Distance to the Moon (or apparent diameter of Moon).

Phase of the Moon (alignment Earth-Moon-Sun).

Solstices and equinoxes. I hope i will have the time to verify this in the next few days. I am almost positive a correlation will be found.

And  then, the questions. Why am i the first to show this? Why people back in my youth have tried to embed all these information into my life, so i will remember it later? Who is suppressing all this knowledge?

I think by combining all 4 charts, tides and and weather predictions, one could pinpoint precisely enough when an earthquake should occur, since ancient times. And we know ancient Egyptians were both mathematicians and astronomers. I wouldn't be surprised if some would have that knowledge plus everything that comes with modern mathematical formulas, supercomputers, AI.

8:52 Orban, meddling in Romania's EU Parliamentary Elections. Not that it matters. Being a UE MP is like a sweet retirement for used Romanian politicians.

I remember the times of Ceaușescu when heads of states were visiting each other's countries on invitation basis.

9:11 Von der Lie-on, Disinformation.

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26

3:40 AM Vitamin C deficiency. Oops! That's me. The reason for all the pains and infections.

3:45 I use DIY patches. The reason i do this. Whatever patches are available, they have a very small amount.

However absorption of vitamin C is much slower than let's say... aspirin. Aspirin with my patches goes away in about 12 hours, vitamin C, it takes days, up to a week. How do i know. Aspirin tablets in a patch turn to dust and have no sour taste in about 12  hours.

How i do. I use 2x3 inches. Then i apply some whatever hand lotion or anti-itch lotion i have handy to coat the pad in the middle of the patch. Carefully  not to contaminated the adhesive area. I use coarse sandpaper (yes, sandpaper!) to flatten the oval 500 mg tablets on one side and remove the coating, sandpaper on the table, face up, then i rub the tablet a bit against it. A few times will suffice.

Then i apply the tablets parallel to each other with the side that has not been sanded on the lotion (i use the whole little pad for 4 tablets of 500 mg each). The purpose of the lotion is to keep the tablets there until you can apply them, otherwise it is very difficult with more than one tablet, they will fall. 4 tablets will create a contact area about half the size of a regular patch.

Very important. I rub with alcohol an area twice as big on a shoulder to take the skin oils out. No need to do it if you just took a shower. This way, the patch will stay for days.

If i taste the tablets after 4-5 days, the sour taste is about 1/4 the intensity at the beginning. So it looks like i get 3/4 of 500 mg a day or something like that.

But absorption rate varies a lot depending. If you sweat, water will dissolve whatever active ingredient and will go faster in your boy. Or if  you take a shower and wet the patch which is semi-permeable, etc..  

12:18 The pink stain. On top of astronomical factors of course (Moon at apogee, full moon) and already low pressure.

1:26 How about... (Again when the conditions are right).

2:32 Gata știu. Cutremurul din România din 4 martie 1977 care a fost un cutremur de adâncime, generat nu de fierberea apei termale la o scădere a presiunii ca la cele de suprafață (Banat (lat), stânga în diagrame, Grecia) ci de o schimbare de fază în magmă la o creștere de presiune (posibil înghețare).

Luna se afla la apogeu (362 mii km) adică cel mai aproape (aproximativ), și era plină, deci pe partea Pământului opusă Soarelui. Pământul era în elongație maximă pe direcția Soare Lună, cu vârful "oului" îndreptat spre Lună, coborând în același timp scoarța în zona din mijloc (pentru păstrarea volumului), adică în zona de apus de Soare și răsărit de Lună, mărind presiunea și declanșând o înghețare într-o bulă magmatică din zona seismică, cu mărire explozivă de volum.

Condițiile sunt exact opusul celor pentru cutremure de suprafață. Presiune relativ ridicată, greutatea precipitațiilor. (Temperatura la limita înghețului favorizează precipitații la presiuni mai ridicate). 

4:21 Da știu bulevardul Maghieru.

11:36 Two millions in 2024.

11:41 According to this USGS site, tectonic plates that make the crust of the Earth are single gigantic pieces of rock. Up to 200 km in height and the size of continents. According to this theory, they are like ice on a lake. However in other sites the crust is described as rocks, plural.

Volcanos are bubbles of lava that are pushed up by convection currents that burst on the surface.

Stratovolcanos,  the most common type. According to this image, the "oceanic plate" coming from left bends and gets under the "continental plate". But how can it bend if it's solid rock?

And how can a stratovolcano like Yellowstone can exist in the middle of a plate?

Yes, if they were solid plates they would not change the pressure in the bubble of magma due to factors like gravity of Moon or Sun or changes in atmospheric pressure.

According to other theories, crust is a semi-solid agglomeration of rocks and some areas of it move against others due to horizontal convection currents. Again, in this image the "slabs" get bent.

The reason the curst cannot be made of such gigantic pieces of solid rock is simple. They are not like ice floating on a lake but more like ice flowing in a river.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Steps Towards Predicting Earthquakes

Just realized something that made me rewrite everything i wrote recently about earthquakes.

Earth's higher crust temperature varies. Which means, exactly like in the case of bridges, railroads and freeways, it may be dilating or contracting. Imagine what happens when the crust expands. Will probably raise up, reducing the pressure underneath. Here is everything i knew before that:

Tectonic plates theory says the Earth is made of a mosaic of plates, big and small, of which number varies according to different authors, all rigid or each made of one piece, and earthquakes occur at the areas where they meet and... rub against each other, being pushed underneath by concurrent or divergent horizontal convection currents.

The phase changing theory says bubbles of magma are slowly raising to the surface in areas where there are descending or ascending convection currents again pushing vast areas of semi-loose rocks floating on magma (continents, ocean bottoms) against each other or apart from each other. Some of the bubbles may erupt  at the surface as volcanos, but some may freeze before that.

However, magma is a complex mixture and has several freezing points. Put scientifically, it has a complex phase diagram (of lower mantle), with several different solid phases, each with its own volume.

When magma in a bubble (which may have the size measured in miles) changes phase progressively with high speed, starting with one point, it expands or contracts suddenly but progressively until the whole bubble has changed phase. The phase change is ultimately triggered by a small but sudden change in pressure.

The surface earthquakes occur when water from the aquifer trapped in deep caves at near boiling point at that temperature and pressure according to the depth and other factors, boils suddenly, again triggered by a change in pressure, thus changing phase from liquid to vapor.

One can argue that atmospheric pressure is very small compared to the pressure in those bubbles. It may be, but the pressure is distributed over a large area and if the bubble is at that tipping point, it can make a difference. So it is a factor.

Other obvious factor may be the weight of precipitations, which may be enormous on the whole seismic area, or the lack of it.

Position of Earth in the Sun Earth Moon triangle. Gravity forces between these celestial bodies is enormous. The Moon pull is in the range of 10 to the power of 15 ton-force.

Thing is, it is not the same on the whole Earth, but greater on the side of the Earth where Moon is closer, because gravitational force varies with the square of distance, one Earth diameter being about 1/6 to 1/7 of the distance between Earth and Moon.

We have much greater forces between Earth and Sun, but those do not vary as much because the distance difference between those of the opposite side of the Earth is much smaller than distance to Sun.

As a result, Earth is being deformed by the combined actions of the two which is translated in lesser known ground tides, which can be in the order of 1-2 meters and more visible ocean and smaller seas tides.

Pressure inside the crust due to gravity forces described above changes daily with Earth's rotation and exposure towards Sun and Moon and also with seasons, due to the tilt of Earth's axis. After billions and millions of years, Earth has stabilized which means those variations alone do not cause earthquakes anymore.

Or pressure and/or maybe speed of pressure changes due to gravity is outside the range for producing an earthquake.

The immediately accessible measure of combined Sun-Moon variations of gravity pull on Earth's surface is given by tides.

We now have pretty accurate predictions for atmospheric pressure, temperature and precipitations, also for tides in or near major seismic areas. Just by looking at those, one can get an idea when an earthquake may occur. Temperature (of the crust) rising, recent cease of precipitations, barometric pressure drop, high tides.

For this reason, i recently put on the right side of my blog links (last in list) to those charts for the seismic area of Vrancea, Romania. Until someone using those or more advanced mathematical models than using tides as measure for gravity influences, can make a chart just for earthquakes probabilities in known seismic areas.

Though one cannot make an accurate prediction for an earthquake using the linked charts, one can easily figure the time when it cannot happen (rule out).

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April 16

12:15 When i described the latest version of the catch can (there's a new one in my head already), i forgot to say one more time what i said before. The modern cars have the intake manifold under the level of the engine's head and the out ports are above the throttle body. For that reason, it is possible for oil from the PCV to pool in there.

When i got my first Elantra in 2018, a  2013 model which i still like a lot as body stile, much nicer than the 2018 anyway i used a normal vacuum cleaner to which i attached at the end of the hose a thin 5-6 mm piece of PVC flexible tubbing about two ft long (that was not so perfectly attached, allowing air to get in that hose anyways, which helped with functionality).

With the engine off, i was holding with one hand the throttle open, and with the other i was inserting the flexible tubing downwards, making sure it reaches the bottom of the intake. I pulled so much of it, to my engrossment, it coated the whole vacuum hose on the inside.

Must have been ounces of it. But i must confess: i poured earlier a full can of valve cleaner. But it was black which proves the intake was coated on the inside with oil mixed with soot from EGR that was still trickling up the ports getting to the valves after the cleaning.

And because more oil kept getting in there and could not do the stunt too many times, i invented a small vacuum for that purpose only. Again a piece of tubing connected to the other (suction) side of a pneumatic mat pump that works at 12 volts. Of course the air that gets out of it has drops of oil when you hit the puddle inside. I encased the whole pump into a one gallon water bottle.

However after i got tired of periodically vacuuming the intake, i built the first version of the can. Which actually was an inline filter that was clogging fast. Then i found about catch cans on forums.

The 2018 model had the valves cleaner, however is very sensitive to the smallest amount of oil it gets in there. I also did not pull much from the bottom of the intake.

But if your valves look like this, a catch can won't help. I thought it was understood. You need to clean those first. Get a can of Seafoam or whatever, spray it in the intake through the throttle or a vacuum port while someone presses on the gas pedal to keep the engine running.

You will see black smoke coming out of the exhaust until those are clean, and then can vacuum the intake for the remaining cleaner trapped in. Or wait until it trickles up and get burnt in the engine (maybe). And then the catch can will help with the tick.

And of course if you think this method is nuts, there's always R2D2.

Pour... Les... Roumains. Încercați totuși să faceți un efort de imaginație ca să realizați cât de fioroși sunt ăștia și cum încearcă prin subliminale care de data asta sunt foarte subțiri (criza) să distrugă munca oricui deși Dinescu se dă de partea celor cu nădușeala pe piept. Mai înlocuiți mai devreme în poezie cuvântul talanți cu talenți. Telefon cu fise. Bine oricare din ei se dă de partea cuiva, ca să-i ducă mai repede în prăpastie. 

11:04 PM Hai să lămurim o chestie. Din când în când, cam de 2 ori pe an săptămână Fürjes Dinescu se bagă în seamă cu câte o poezie, scrisă cu ceva meșteșug, care le fac atractive.

Fiindcă s-a luat iar de mine și i-am răspuns, s-a stârnit acum în media o frenezie legată de subiectele deschise de meșteșugul dlui. Una din "știri" vorbește iar despre punerea sub acuzare a foștilor lideri revoluționari (un banc răsuflat) iar pe mine mă face iar să mă gândesc cum să demonstrez că zâmbărețul Iliescu, capo di tutti capi rivoluzionari, sărac dar curat, e mort de mult iar ăștia îl țin așa în vila aceea de lux ca să îi încaseze Ionuț Vuliescu, valetul lui se pare, pensia.

Ultima poză a lui György Illés înainte de a muri în 2006 îl arată cam așa.

De când e poza asta? (ultima cunoscută, datată 2022). După calitate, e făcută cu un telefon foarte vechi. Alfred Moses era mai chel (care aici avea un mic moț în chelie) și în 2018. Alfred Moses e născut în 1929, teoretic cu un an mai în vârstă decât Iliescu.

Ar fi multe metodele de a demonstra că el trăiește, cea mai modestă ar fi un scurt video cu el în pat sau poate doar audio vorbind gângurind despre un eveniment curent. Îi știm cu toții vocea. Sau dacă nu poate, măcar să miște un deget, să ne bată cu el în microfon?

12:42 Black holes are hypothetical entities. Of them, the biggest in our galaxy is thought to be at the center and it has several million times the mass of our Sun. However, from time to time, they discover big ones, 32 times the mas of our Sun, and really close, 2000 light years away.

They call them stellar because they think they were initially stars. Not like the one at the center of the galaxy which was formed by dust. How do they know it was not a star covered by dust? Dormant, stopped feeding. Why would a hypothetical dormant black hole stop feeding? Does it have diabetes?

3:12 I came from my walk, wanted to make some corrections in the last posts. 3 supposedly Spanish little girls came and started to hit the cable box. However i think one of them is a 20 years old who poses as a 10, which is not difficult for some Japanese. There was a red Nissan with the LPN PPY parked on the red line next to mailboxes. Pulled the blinds, went to cook and eat. 

4:57 Two hours later, the girls, the papy car are still there.

8:36 Tocmai m-am prins la o chestie. Site-ul wunderground are grafice inclusiv cu presiunea atmosferică pe următoarele zece zile. Portul Constanța este destul de aproape de zona seismică Vrancea ca să fie în aceeași zonă de atracție a lunii și soarelui, iar mareele, deși sunt foarte mici din cauza dimensiunii Mării Negre comparată cu cea a oceanelor și a mareelor terestre simultane sunt o măsură a atracției acestor corpuri cerești.

Atracția nu se exercită la fel în partea apropiată de lună relativă cu partea depărtată, din cauza diferenței de distanță. Forța gravitațională este invers proporțională cu pătratul distanței. Forța de atracție medie dintre masa totală a lunii și a pământului este 10 urmat de 15 zerouri, în tone forță.

Partea mai apropiată e atrasă mai tare iar Pământul se lungește, ca un ou, cu până la câțiva metri (mareele terestre și oceanice), deci se deformează.

Dacă se combină predicția presiunii atmosferice cu cea a mareelor, putem avea șanse de cutremure în zona Vrancea în momentele cu mareele cele mai ridicate și presiunea cea mai scăzută.

Începând cu 23 aprilie, sunt 5 zile cu maree ridicate și două cu maree duble (Soare-Lună). Avem deja presiunea până pe 26, este ridicată, stați liniștiți. Poate doar unul mic pe 24. Dar a plouat mult recent.

9:47 PDT Am început să cred că și precipitațiile pot avea un rol. Dacă de exemplu avem presiune scăzută dar 2 cm de ploaie (20 kg/m²), greutatea apei pe suprafața mare a zonei seismice, (4,863 km² sunt 4,863,000,000 m²) contracarează presiunea atmosferică scăzută și mareea terestră (care este însoțită de cea marină). (Presiune scăzută împreună cu umiditate mare declanșează automat precipitații).

Deci cutremurele se pot produce la presiune atmosferică scăzută combinată cu umiditate scăzută, precipitații recente scăzute (secetă) și maree terestră (atracție soare-lună), deci și marină, înaltă.

11:15 Asta a apărut după ce am scris eu cu bătutul în microfon, chestia de mai sus, nu? 9:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ora pe coasta de vest, este 7:47 AM ora de vară în România) Gropița singură dintre sprâncene, ceva unic ce nu am mai văzut decât la el. De obicei, au două. Da, nu știu, alunițele mai migrează sau se pot acoperi la machiaj. Da, politicienii și actorii (bărbați) se machiază tot timpul. Discret.

12:21 (17).  Not included which means the thing is only the vacuuming part. Wondering if it can be used for vacuuming the intake, after using spray valve cleaner. Yeah i know. Too expensive for the ocasional user. My invention is much cheaper though, @20 bucks.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April 9

12:25 AM Can anybody understand the Moon?

That is. Why sometimes is big and bright and sometimes is like cut in half or just a parenthesis.

I did not until recently. I mean, maybe 10-20 years ago. In the later part of my life.

They call them phases of the Moon. The Moon appears in the sky like a ball of stone illuminated by the Sun. Because the Moon rotates around Earth (the only true part of the geocentric system before Copernicus). The only planet that rotates around Earth. Rest of them including Earth rotate around Sun.

As seen in the video above. Earth rotates around self 365-6 times while it rotates around Sun once. Moon rotates around Earth every 29.5 days. Earth's rotation angle is tilted at 23 degree, hence the season (some rotating parts are illuminated more than others six months of the year)

Can see from the video above. When Moon is farthest to the Sun or aligned with Sun and Earth on the far side of it, it is fully illuminated. However, the plane of the Moon rotation is tilted some 5 degrees from the plane of Earth rotation around Sun.

Because of that, when Moon is aligned with Earth on the far side it cannot be eclipsed by (in the shadow of) Earth except in a few narrow periods called nodes. Same when Moon is aligned with Sun and Earth on the closest point to the Sun, it cannot create eclipses except in the nodes and not always or every year.

If the plane of Moon rotation was the same as the plane of Earth rotation around Sun, we would get eclipses every month. A Moon one and a Sun one. Though they come in a position pretty close when new or full. Within up to 5 degrees that is.

By dividing 365.4 to 29.5 we get 12.38 or the number of months. Of course the noun month in English comes from Moon. However, it is a bit more than that. How much more? 0.38 months or 11 days. So the calendar needed corrections, otherwise the months would not coincide with seasons, and after 30 years March would fall in fall time etc..

First calendars where of course Moon calendars. It was much easier to count new moons or full moons than days within a year. Why would earliest civilizations need a calendar. Simple. Because they needed to know when to sow.

In Northern Hemisphere sowing time was critical and the ever drifting lunar calendar would not work. So they learned to build structures like Stonehenge.

When the shadow of the center pillar reached a certain stone at dawn, they knew is was time to sow. I won't get into the details of it, it's quite a bit of astronomy and geometry. They didn't know that, it was a process of trial and error and of course they tried at lower scales first. Bored already? Watch a video or read a poem.

Just figured. It is no joke. 23% of the young women have their cycle synced with the Full Moon while being fertile at the middle of the cycle or @New Moon, or during the darkest of nights. Anybody can guess why? So they can go unseen and have sex with people other than their own tribe, for increasing gene pool.

Though they were no noises upstairs  tonight, i forgot why i started this post (entry whatever) so i will continue when i remember.

Nevermind, i remembered (and forgot again) but i'm too tired, bored and pissed and out of diet caffein free soda. I go to smoke a cigarette (second or third or better said first of the day (it's past midnight), i am addicted already).

2:05 Ok i haven't smoked yet by i decided how to finish this. First. I am not so much tired as my eyes hurt for having the ozone generator on for many hours the night before.

I will never forget the night of the 1977 earthquake. I was at Iași, after a week of being in bed with a cold. I went outside and met with one colleague and a teacher (class master) who came from home in the area where we were living to see how we were doing?

We walked on the streets like many others and i looked at the sky and saw a full moon among some fluffy clouds that today i learnt are associated with low atmospheric pressure ahead of a storm. According to Stellarium, Moon was close to Earth.

Three of the conditions met according to my theories. One more could have been heavy machinery cause in Romania at that time we did not have freeways and it was late in the evening anyways. A few trains heavily loaded braking simultaneously in the area above the epicenter? (at that time trains in Romania were going up to 120 kmh).

Monday, April 8, 2024

April 8

2:14 Research Gate is a serious site with articles written by real scientists from around the world. Here's a diagram with distance Earth Sun. I knew the distance varies due to gravity pull of the Moon when it rotates around Earth. Actually it varies a lot or by 2.5% on average. There is another variation of Earth-Sun distance which happens yearly, with a low at the beginning of the year and you can see the two combined in this diagram.

It is  the only one i could find on internet. However i wish the diagram would allow me to see more precisely the distance in a certain day of the year. It will be logical to have a correlation between the phases of the moon and this diagram.

Earth-Moon distance is changing because Moon also rotates around Earth on an elliptical trajectory, like Earth around Sun, with Earth in one of the two foci. While the axis of alignment Sun Earth Moon rotates 360 degrees during a whole year, the two axis of the Moons ecliptic do not, hence the one cycle difference.

Thus changing distance does not coincides with phases of the moon. There is a shifting phase difference.

Here is a list with the major earthquakes in 2014. You can look for correlations and it looks like most occurred when moon was closer, either near full or near new moon.

By looking at this diagram which is a 2D projection of the plane at an angle which is most familiar, one can easily understand why i mistakenly said earlier Earth is closest to Sun at equinoxes.

However, tides which are again a measure of the gravity pull of Sun and Moon combined, are indeed higher during this period. And northern hemisphere is indeed closest to the Sun. Though it keeps inclining towards it, after, due to the tilt, the distance increases due to ecliptic.

7:56 Barometric pressure history in Hunterdon County NJ (where the April 5 earthquake occurred). Tide levels in the same period. Higher tides indicate a more significant pull of Sun and Moon gravity with lowering of the pressure in Earth's mantle.

Friday 5 (earthquake day) saw a rise after a very rare low barometric pressure.

Tide levels in Atlantic City, NJ around April 5 earthquake.
Spring tides in Atlantic City, NJ. (Max display on the site period is 30 days).

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7

1:35 AM I wish i figured this one out by myself, because i made lots of correlations of earthquakes with Moon orbit, distance, whatever.

But i least i can say why is happening. There are a number of factors  that combine and result in highest tides, tide being a measure of total gravitational pull of Sun and Moon combined.


Earth - Moon distance. It varies by about 10% with a period of about 100 days. But i did not realize until today there was such a cyclicity. During the current year, shortest distance is around equinoxes.

Sun Moon alignment. Moon orbit plane is different than ecliptic plane. Sun eclipses cannot occur during certain periods of the year when Moon is not aligned well with the Sun when in conjunction.

So when a Sun Moon alignment will occur around equinoxes with shortest Moon distance you will have the perfect storm.

But of course there have to be conditions for that to happen. Most shallow earthquakes happen because of explosive boiling of pressurized hot thermal water in vast closed underground pockets (may call them lakes if you prefer) triggered by gravity forces so the water has to be at the right pressure and temperature for that to happen.

It is in a way similar to when you heat water in the microwave at boiling point, it stops boiling when you pull it and boils again due to change of pressure when you put the cup on a table which creates a small shockwave in the water and initiates boiling.

The volume of crust above the water pocked is raised by the combined gravity action of Sun and Moon, decreasing the pressure in the pocket.

Fast changing atmospheric pressure. It can contribute to variation of pressure inside the deep pockets in the ground.

However, there could be extra man made factors. Like synchronized heavy machinery that make the ground oscillates at that seismic area resonance (each have a different one). Traffic going at the right speed during rush hour, etc..

According to Stellarium, during the devastating earthquake of March 4 1977 in Romania, Moon was at a distance of 371000 km, three days away from the minimum of 366000 on 7, full, thus aligned with the Sun though on the other side of the Earth, closest such alignment before equinox, pulling the Earth and elongating it from the other direction of the Sun.

At 85 km it was a deep earthquake,  which is usually done by an explosive phase changing with (changing the volume) in a pocket of magma. 

5:18 PM A few days ago i upgraded my catch can with an aluminum tube to prevent spitting oil in the out port and a lid made of inox (for spice containers) with an o ring around it (green, oil resistant), creating a new compartment in it, to catch the oil and keep it from splashing. I drilled 4x2 mm holes in the lid so the emulsion can get in there with car's movement and it cannot get back out, even if you overturn it when the car doesn't move.

Today i added the last thing and i think i'm done with it. An easy empty plug. I think it needs to be emptied every fill-up. I will call it Catch Can V 8.00 and hopefully the last.

This device improves the MPG, power by up to 10%, vibrations, steering. BTW anybody can tell me how many patents i got in here (including corrugated inox condenser done previously). We have a saying in Romania. "Să fie primit!" (May God appreciate it).

And yes, this is where the oil "evaporates" from you engine. Actually it does not. It goes through you PCV in the intake, contaminating the valves, spark plugs, spark plug threads, burning in the combustion chamber, catalytic, etc.. Catch cans can prevent all that.   
Șmecheria cu ghivent.

Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15

12:12 AM

12:40 And the subliminal reaction to my post. Somebody brought a beehive there just to create an (emotional) news to semantically cover my post.

12:43 More Shivlings in Budapest where actors are really a great deal. Is this woman having what i call an... Asian European attitude and looks? Of course, the Easter egg!

12:55 Contra candidați. This song was created in 2001 around the time Putin took power in Russia. The actress reminds of him. Yes he has been in power for 24 years. Note the Russian style.

2:03 Pe față, la persoana I-a plural. Eu știu ce proiecte au ei pentru România, sunt în desfășurare, milioane sunt plecați pentru totdeauna.

8:48 Medvedev nu e rus, e șarpe schimbător (shapeshifter, maga, naga, mongol, nungar, ninja).

Roadele diplomației băsesciene. EI centrează, EI dau cu capul.

Sovieticii an naționalizat tot ce era proprietate privată în Rusia în 1918. Rusia a câștigat în Ucraina din 2022.

10:05 Estimp...

11:57 Shiva (ling) illusions?

2:20 Came from the walk oh boy i got stories... First. In the mail. Got many letters in the past with names of old occupants. Of which one is Tony Bennet which i got today again. It's been at least 8 years since Tony Bennet or anybody else doesn't live at this address anymore. I believe the mail never learns when i put them back in the outbox.

A one gallon jug of milk with traces of milk in it rotting in the sun on top of a recycled bin, in wind's direction.

I met again in the park with the mysterious Russian guy and his wife. Actually i caught with them, i was walking really fast to erase from my mind and soul the images of open poop bags i saw earlier. I guess for doubling. Basically everything i said recently materialized today during my walk. And what i haven't yet. They were two brunet guys with moustaches. I will attempt to explain later. (BTW, if you click on one pic and enter slide show mode, make sure to read further after you close it). There is more after.

3:50 Can't finish right now. Just wanted to say that today i saw this guy together with this guy in the parking lot. Now i remember i saw this guy with a red cross on his t-shirt at Ilani with a big red cross and the inscription OFF DUTY.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February 14

Half to midnight, i use the new date. Want to know the real history? Listen to real people.

However. Mahabharata was written in Sanskrit (the supposed language of Aryans) which story happened long before 1500, the date mentioned by Aryan invasion theorists.

Arianism (superior race) theories confuse even the people in India however they were always good motivators for some. Most people agree the supposed Arians originated in today's Iran.

11:39 I was looking earlier at a representation of Norse Gods (another realm of Arians, Svarga loka) where Odin with a trident on his head wears Shiva like horizontally flying hair. Shiva also holds a drum in the shape of a hammer that could have been featured on the Soviet flag but also by Norse God Thor. Audumbla who has similarities with Egyptian celestial cow Nut.

Just figured something. The horizontal straight wings of Acura Ahura Mazda (present on Nazi insignia) could also represent the hair of Shiva flying horizontally. Japanese word for woman, Ona, could come from Innana who also has a leg raised and a lion under. And sumo (wrestlers who are said to be from a superior race) may come from Sumer, though the cult of Sun surely from Egypt.

Both Sumer and Egypt where slave labor based societies. Arians started the castes system in India mainly to preserve their genetic makeup (no intercastes marriages). I would assume. If Germany won WWII we would have had something similar in Europe today.

The word "steal" is mentioned 41 times in Bansenshukai, The Book of Ninja. Capisci?

Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15

5:30 I think i was right to believe the motion of an electron around a proton would look weird, because of the existence of 3 quarks forming the proton which obviously have a non-zero distance between them, of which 2 are positively charged. In mechanics there is a situation known as three body problem.

If they were only two positive quarks, the orbit would not be anything like a circle. In fact people have thought of that and there is a blog post that quotes another one and is showing the orbit of the Star Wars planet Tatooine that gravitates around 2 Suns. And no, it won't have anything like years, crop seasons, thinks like that.

And this is the case of an atom with only one proton. Think about bigger ones. How complicated would be to describe the orbit of 16 electrons (oxygen) by example that also repel each other when moving around 16 protons of which all are made of three quarks. A 64 body problem (not counting the neutrons)?

Ok so Bohr and even Heisenberg didn't know about quarks but they knew about protons. However in Bohr's atomic model the electrons all turn nicely around the nucleus like planets around a Sun of which masses are negligible (except for Jupiter) when compared to that of the Sun by means of gravity which is not polar like protons in an atom (and even those gravities influence heavily each other).

And one more thing. In heavier atoms electrons on lowest levels (of energy?) turn at speeds close to c and that according to Einstein can cause their mass (and energy) to increase dramatically. Could that stand for the (in)famous mass "defect" problem?

Thing is we are stuck in physics at a level not far from that of fuzzy math Heisenberg and confusing Einstein, at nearly 100 years since their theories and waste the time of the children in colleges with stupid inconsistent naïve theories.

And no, it is not a Jewish conspiracy. Einstein was not a Jew, or maybe he was, by the looks, but he was also made by an actor, like Tesla and all others. The conspiracy is much deeper than that and goes all the way to Ancient Egypt and their today continuators, the elite of Japan and the Sun God and their alliance with Hungarians who provide the European looking actors.

6:25 Statul abrupt. Una e să protestezi și să faci grevă ca profesorii care nu voiau să încheie mediile sau chiar ca cei din 10 august și alta e să blochezi capitala unei țări cu utilaje grele, ca într-un asediu. Se atentează la funcționarea ordinii de drept într-un stat iar eu nu cred că șoferii aceia sunt români.

7:10 PM Aplicați legile existente și nu lăsați o categorie dotată cu utilaje grele să terorizeze toată populația României acționnând ca și complicii lor. Câte încălcări de exemplu ale codului rutier au fost comise de așa zișii protestatari, prin blocarea șoselelor cu vehiculele lor private?

Thursday, January 11, 2024

January 11

12:48 Could it be the 4 disks on the djed represent the four energy levels of orbiting electrons, the oval "head" of the Ankh the semi-closed eccentric magnetic or electric field line following the fall of an electron from highest orbit level, the Sun above representing the light (photon), etc..

2:15 I think i might have found something to work with in GeoGebra. Pharaoh's crook and flail? Earlier the image was available as google search result, it is now gone however in the meantime i downloaded the file it came from so i can do a screenshot (have to download it to see it). There are some interesting enunciations in the article too. "For the principle of conservation of energy to be hold true, it is necessary to add an extra term to the equation of motion as the radiation reaction force."

8:24 As for self induction of a single electron, it is very simple. Similar with self induction of a current made of many electrons eventually moving inside a conductor (self induction, the magnetic field created by a current generates back a current that opposes its cause).

However the problem gets more complicated and also more captivating when we consider a single accelerated electron moving in vacuum also on a curved trajectory which still fits the definition of an electric current. Then, we might have eccentric self induction and an electric momentum away from its cause which i call a virtual particle.

9:47 E=mc2 also means mass is energy. The photons which move at the speed of light only have mass in the sense they carry energy. However. Speed of light in glass is about 2/3 than in vacuum (BTW, way or infinitely outside of the scariest part of the Lorentz curve, or almost non-relativistic).

I understand the photons might be (instantly) slowed down when they enter glass. However. When light escapes glass it accelerates back to full c (c is always the same bla bla). Where do the slowed down photons get the extra energy to accelerate instantly back to c? (head scratching emoticon here).

Monday, January 1, 2024

January 1st

2020 + 4 Temptation strong. Dualism. She's not the man...

The (always four) characters from the video above are undoubtedly taken from...

11:00 Is branching of the Universe the same as entropy?

As per action/reaction law, conscience was born with the first disturbance at the beginning of the Multiverse as a reaction to it and according to Leo Szilard, conscience opposes entropy. Heat pumps are the only known devices that do just that, but others could be imagined.

When an electron moves to a lower orbit it create an electric current or space/time disturbance that in turn creates a reaction in such a way it would not interfere with its cause, and the only way is at 90 degrees in space and time. That is probably the reason in many mythologies light is associated with conscience.

If that, the opposite could be imagined. False gods could nullify someone's conscience with bringing chaos, like noises or physical bullying which could take forms as unwanted sexual attraction from celebrities spread in society.

In Japanese mythology Amaterasu brother Susanoo brings chaos in the Universe and forces her to hide. In all religions there is a god of chaos. Egyptian mythology has Seth. In both mythologies the ruler is the sun god. It is not the first indications of Egyptian descendance of the Japanese which at this point should be obvious to any historian or even non historian.

The fact nobody acknowledges is due mainly to the fact they don't claim or even suppress this knowledge from main stream and this can tell a thing about their true intentions.

12:30 At this point i am tempted to say the perception of (tiny visible spectrum) of light built in our physical bodies as means of orientation through space is a mere coincidence with the true nature of it but i am not so sure, though they are separate things, it all could be some sort of closing or convergent loop.

3:40 Of course the 4 whatever the number great religions of the world starting with Judaism and ending with Scientology or masonry whatever all inherited some of the true knowledge however under the form of mnemonics and mysticism and rituals they continune to this day and will for a while.

Of them all Buddhism encoded best that lost knowledge but they themselves don't know what it is, most are interpreting the panca skanda as the five senses. Would it mad sense for the text to be embedded in the path of any Buddhist monk since the time the monks were just mourners of a lost world?

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Laws and Observations on Time Travel

By consequences of a new theory regarding the emission of photons and propagation of light, issued after observations of the current theory that seems impossible and of the design and existence of the many pyramids built in areas currently including in modern Egypt and Nubia (Sudan), time travel seems more than ever a real possibility and more than that, it seems it may already happened in our civilization's past and we may have been contaminated with knowledge from/of the future.

Though predicted by the current quantum and string theories, that possibility was so remote, nobody bothered to try and examine its consequences in our lives.


In macro or continuous or analogous world we have the following situation. We cannot make measurements of an electric circuit without interfering and thus changing the parameters.

In one of the most simple electric circuit, that can be a battery, a resistor and two conductors, by touching the ends of the circuit with the probes of a meter we will induce a change of the resistance of the circuit, by adding its own resistance (for functioning, the meter needing to divert a small but not negligible amount of electrons from the circuit), thus altering the results.

As principle, it may be inherited from quantum world, of which the macro world is made of, where we have the so called "observer effect", since the everyday macro world is made by a myriad but finite number of quanta.

Or the other way around, we could extrapolate the first experiment (two paragraphs above) in the quantum world, by limiting the number of electrons flowing through the two circuits (one original and one added by the meter) to a quantum scale.

Another very important idea, besides all fundamental forces are in fact one, derived from reading the Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Core Plan), is reality is being created by our minds.  

In the case of this classic quantum experiment the presence of an electron detector is changing the results. Some argue that it is not our consciousness that interferes with the result, but merely the detector.

However the detector was made by conscious beings with that purpose only and the probability of one being created by a random variation of reality is zero, and without the consciousness of the experimenter, even if there could be a variation of reality that could create it in an infinite time, the experiment is meaningless, or does not exist as such without the observer, but as a simple (un)recorded variation of reality.

The extra reality of the act of observation by a conscious being affects future reality of the Universe and possibly its creation since the beginning. Based on the decision taken after that measurement, the conscious beings as us may take an action that would change the future.

If two people witness the same experiment and they agree on the results and the action needed to be taken, in the hypothetical Multiverse there will be no two but only one future. (From this we also can conclude both society and human consciousness (mind) obey quantum laws).

From here we can come to the conclusion that the more people agree on an observation and upon the decision made by it, the more stable or strong the next Universe will be, thus the idea of convergence (of the Multiverse back into one) which seems to be again following the only universal law, that of action/reaction that created it in the first place.

In the case of time travel from the future (in need of resources), the travelers do not want the Universe they come from to be changed, so they have to take measures. One of them would be convincing all the conscious beings in the time of intended target that they and their occult leadership do not come from the future and the best way is to convince them they are super beings from the present, aka decision making gods and we shall surrender to them so they can make all the decisions for us based on fake or inexistent observations.

A Sun God seems a logical choice since it will ever be present in this form or a predictable one all the way to their time.

However since there are people among us who have doubts and try alternating way of thinking and start making their own decisions based on objective (repeatable, reproducible) observations, they decided to capture and institutionalize the trend, by adding extra false gods.

Those extra gods which are actually people invested with decision making power by the agreement of many have to be false and forgettable, totally diverting the reality of the observations and decision making in a way that would not affect their reality in the future.

So in the end, they came up with the idea of actors playing the role of leaders (decisions makers), which actors having absolutely no power and there is no real casual chain of events that can lead from the act of leadership done by travelers to the fake leaders.

Friday, December 29, 2023

December 29

7:35 Fire on Mt.Meru.

One of the messages could be. Johnny seem to be using more straight, discrete notes than the devil. In today's western music, inherited from Ancient Greek music notes are employed which are discrete (each has its own frequency or pitch) with some exceptions like bending notes when playing guitar or sliding when playing violin when there is a continuous or analogous pitch change.

In Asian style music there seem to be more notes bending then in western.

AS for the Greek Mixolydian system used today. Thee are twelve semitones in an octave and there is frequency doubling for each octave. Thus the formula to calculate a note's frequency. The A4 (at 4 octave distance or four frequency doubling from A1) note's frequency which is the base for the whole system has changed slightly over the millennia but it all depends on the definition of a second. The Ancient Australian instrument didgeridoo seems to be tuned in A1.

Other messages. His weight... Matter made of strings? Pyramid's Gold top? Could anybody win a bet with the devil (old Sun)? As for the House of the Rising Sun...

4:44 When i first saw this, my heart skipped another beat. I thought it was Tom Cruise. However it is yet another "famous actor" i haven't heard of. I looked and in some pictures he even reminds of Frakes. But i think the real reason for being replaced was he would have made a too strong, (slightly) humorous Riker, too distracting and possibly overshadowing dramatic Stewart.

5:00  Today i ran into a familiar face (eyes eyes eyes) i once saw in a car with makeup melting like after crying and also in a haunting video i don't wanna link here. Charlie Daniels nephew. Within a minute a number of people ran from upstairs including one Indian tall woman and got into the white older Hyundai with LPN CUF that hasn't been moved since the day i said i thought the short man with goatee driving that car is a woman. But look at her friend!

I also believe i saw Daniels for at least for years walking in the park, after he lost all that weight (probably lipo). But last time, after i said about the short man, he looked very upset.

The thugs had them all.

8:12 A couple of persons are back upstairs. That's how long it took the thugs to get the reactions, analyze and reboot.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

December 24

Most wonderful time of the year...

12:03 It's past midnight December 24. I am trying to upload a video and google won't let me. I am searching for a song with earphones on and upstairs never stop squeaking, like in the past weeks. Angela is trying to sleep and she hit the wall three times already and they still won't stop.

I knew it must come from a different time. Too young to know of the Carpenters more than a couple of songs. Tantalizing on the radio, most playful yet elegant voice sounding like a celebration, excelling on lower notes and flying on high. They are playing her a lot on the radio these days making me always ask myself who she was. Lost almost one hour searching and when i found her and started to type of course they started the squeak again upstairs and Angela hit the wall for the fourth time. However i don't understand the lyrics of the song. What do they mean "Everybody knows a turkey"?

8:50 Windows. What a stupid generic name. How many times i thought i was stupid trying to use it and now after decades of using Linux and Chrome i see it wasn't me, it was Windows. If one could calculate how much we heated the planet trying to fix Windows problem, multiplied by the billions of users. Not only by heating our own brains but whole time spent in front of the computer that in the day was using hundreds of watts of electricity.

I had this idea to try and look and see when the Sun is exactly perpendicular to any of  the faces of the pyramids. It looks like thee are no online references about it. That doesn't mean somebody hasn't done it yet. It seems basic when talking about some of the biggest objects on Earth that are aligned so precisely North-South and are built with such a geometric near perfection shape. However it is not on any online searchable articles.

But i ran into something else. At its peak of use, and even after being abandoned, the Great Pyramid had faces covered with high quality limestone which they said it shone in the Sun and projecting sunlight on certain days on certain deity statues in temples at a distance. But can anybody imagine that it was also seen from space, maybe from light years away, like a cosmic lighthouse, as the Earth was turning, especially with the gold pyramidion on top?

For that i knew i could use Stellarium which is planetary software i used in the past to see the alignment of one of the shafts with Polaris. So there i went, jumped out of bed and tried to start Stellarium. First problem. Could not switch time to local time near pyramids. An old glitch of Stellarium. I searched on forums but then i realized i had an old version of Stellarium. So it was not updated automatically. What do you expect. Stellarium is a free software trying to run on a clumsy operating system which is Windows.

Windows is extraordinarily unfriendly with apps not made by Microsoft. So i had to go and manually download the exe file with the newest version and the download was extraordinarily slow. I did not realize what was happening, kept trying and started 5 different downloads that were now going even slower. In the end i realized of course, deleted those, started a new one, and i had to open again and again the file explorer to see the progress of download which of course was not showing in real time.

Finally it finished i started that exe and re-installed the app. Now i was asking myself if stupid Windows deleted the old files and went on that drive and checked and i still don't know,  however i did a manual disk cleanup that cleared half gig from it. I bet Windows is another reason behind the decline of use of PCs.

After doing all these i am already tired and not in the mood anymore. Especially that the guys upstairs awoke and the room filled with smoke.

There are changes in handling the Stellarium after maybe 5 years of new versions. Have to get used to it. However i found out one thing. The Sun becomes perpendicular on two of the faces of the pyramids, maybe three, for a few minutes, every day.

Why is this important. Because at that time and around it it may have been possible the pyramid start to resonate on the light frequency it was build to resonate beginning with the pyramidion and initiate a quantum vortex without need for any other source of energy. Maybe drawing energy through resonance from Sun, like in Asimov's book (not talking about the puny amounts captured passively by solar panels nowadays).

And the Sphinx looks like George Washington.

No wonder the main god in Ancient Egypt was Ra or Ramses or Rama, Amaterasu, whatever, the Sun God.

And thought of one more reason they build the two others. After hundreds of years, it was not aligning precisely anymore with something, maybe in space, maybe in time, because of variations in Earths orbit.

And yes one of those times is in the morning around 9.

And another question i cannot find an answer on the web right now. Is Mercydes logo a clock showing always 8:20? (And i remembered how it all started, with me staring at the clock on the wall while still in bed). I think i'll figure it later.

11:30 Mudras, o yoga a mâinilor folosită mereu de politicieni. Teoria mea mai veche că privind persoane in diferite posturi putem fi influențați. Yoni mudra (nu risc să pun link, încercați să căutați singuri pe google yoni). La fel și linga. Semnul ok (Thumbs up).

3:10 I guess all the freemasons are left with since the beginning of the world are their Sun God and the ability to synch with (other) humans, to screw them. And play victims.

3:45 Not funny. There has not been one single day lately to not get laundry vapor when i step outside though i never hear the washer, only the constant hum of drier. And i think i figured why i never hear them talking upstairs, except a phrase or two learned phonetically when they go or come. The man doesn't speak either English or Spanish as he poses, he speaks only Hungarian and Romanian.

4:15 What should i say now? Meru Christmas?

4:21 Black hole Sun. Not serviceable. I can only imagine what's in there.

However there was at least one guy who dared and then filmed.

5:10 O guess google had enough time to "process" this video i uploaded almost 24 hours ago. By processing they mean downgrading it to the lowest resolution possible.

8:00 They left the blinds cracked upstairs so i went in the yard further away and could see one younger guy, dark hair and complexion, Filipino like, moving, intentionally shifting weight from one foot to another, like a maniac, to maximize the noise. It's been like that for hours so we will just live cause we can't take it no more. Not the guys we saw moving here or "going daily to work".

At times he drags the table and chairs senseless over and over. I am nauseated by the dust. Angela kept yelling and hitting the walls for the last our with no results.

The room is also nicely decorated so if i call the cops our will look worse.

The moment we decided to go he stopped. I remember the old man and the last one were usually leaving the moment we decided to go.

8:30 I think it may be him. Of the Marcos family. When i get back i will start searching cause i'm pretty sure the're all Japanese.

12:30 We went to Spirit Mountain and managed to stay there one hour with 30 dollars. On my way back i was able to think and i think i found a major flaw to string theory. We are in the quantum (discrete) world and string according to their own theory seem to vibrate in analogous mode. I see sin like waves there...

Unless... unless sub particle world is again analogous. Yeah i know they have discrete vibration mode but that is because strings vibrate in fractions of length... Or we have again dualism like in case of light.