Thursday, September 13, 2012

Everything Bela

Today, Bellagio's Pizza, Tigard, Oregon

I've been there once, soon after 2004. Recommended by a friend. Who in my mind looks exactly like Jessie J.

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Computer Age Auto Service

Ran By David Diggins of now Texas?, who i met at Beaverton Church of the Nazarene (he had a breathing problem, he was wheezing) in 98 then we went together to a Bible study at Ron Boger in Beaverton, now in Vancouver, WA. Wally Johnston, chaplain of Beaverton Police, Robert (Shawn) Parker of Beaverton, OR, Carlton Smith of Aloha, OR and of course pastor dr.Dennis Swift now of Portland, Oregon. And many others. Can't remember when i last saw David, in 2002? He fixed my noisy truck (found a loose rocker arm bolt) and created a coolant leak that stayed there for many years without the coolant level to go down... Actually i found out about a year ago, it was an engine imbalance due to a spark plug or wire... And my wife's car many times... With his Mexican helper...

I remember David kept asking me "What for did you go to school so many years, George?" and now i think i can answer him, so i can now write this blog, David...

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Now i have to confess, i wrote this because of a picture i found on the internet and a voice in a video that looks/sounds exactly like David's. Part of the reason is i don't have cable and don't go to the movies at least since 2004. One day maybe @2009 the apartment manager at the other place in Beaverton (Sussex Village Apartments) came to our door and told us to remove the satellite dish from the kitchen window. And that was it we didn't get cable because back then the non HD cable had 240 lines, half of NTSC resolution then we got used to the antenna and now we have HD on the antenna and spend too much time and money on the internet anyways. A graphic artist from New York put a number of photoshop altered pictures of artists as how would they look those men/women if they never became celebrities but lived a normal life. This one below taken from there is supposed to be Tom Cruise, fatter, perspired and dressed casaually.

David Diggins?

Missaligned Intersection

Never go straight crossing the intersection between Kruse Way and Bangy Rd in Lake Oswego. Where Kruse Way Ends and 217 begins. Coming from Kruse Way going to 217 or the opposite. Why? Because the lanes are misaligned, by about 4 feet or the width of the dividers between the yellow lines showed above and there is no sign to show it. You have to seriously pull to the right or left in order to stay on the same lane. If you are on the left lane coming from Kruse Way you are at risk of being hit by the cars on the right lane if they go straight and the other way around.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Linia escu

Toţi românii au fost spălaţi pe creier, de la venirea lui Ceauşescu până în prezent. Este linia escu, cu un plan pe termen foarte lung, de a reduce România la nimic. Antonescu nu a fost altceva decât next level (probably last before game over). Nimeni incluzând pe cel ce scrie nu avea habar de nimic. Cu excepţia unui grup din care fac parte şi intelectualii şi politicienii oficiali. Am fost deconectaţi de restul lumii pentru decenii. Au profitat de comunism şi fiind deconectați de vest prin cortina de fier ne-au deconectat şi de URSS sub pretextul independenței, în spatele cortinei de fier bineînțeles. Am devenit ţara cea mai izolată din Europa cu oamenii cei mai ignoranţi (olimpicii, ca să-i izoleze pe cei mai inteligenţi în specialităţi, adică să le dea de lucru şi să ia ochii tuturor în acelaşi timp) iar în mod paradoxal Ceauşescu cel mai itinerant politician din lume. Şi cu sutele de mii de turişti care veneau în special la Poiana Braşov (Jurnalul Naţional, LOL, nu pot să-l accesez acum, ori e down ori internetul meu iar a luat-o razna). Dar asta e altă istorie.

Ne-am trezit dintr-un coşmar dar cu câteva decenii în viitor. Iar în timp ce noi descifrăm abc-ul vieţii în general, nu numai al democraţiei, ei merg înainte, integraţi într-o anumită parte a civilizaţiei universale, care în prezent are mai multe viteze şi direcţii. Iar faptul că nimeni nu înţelege mare lucru din ce se întâmplă e un semn bun al revenirii la realitate, căci nu e nimic de înţeles. Tot ce se spune sau scrie are alt scop decât cel declarat, titlul sau ce te-ai aştepta după primul paragraf. Fraze aiuritoare pseudo-umoristice cu trimiteri la alte fapte şi evenimente. Mai trist şi mai tragic e că se creează evenimente care să genereze ştiri şi buzz numai pentru a se interveni în psihicul colectiv la un moment dat când cred ei că e necesar. Este stilul sau metoda paradigmatică, care întotdeauna bate în altă parte. Rod al ştiinţei unor urmaşi avansaţi ai lui Freud pe care noi îi putem numai bănui că există şi lucrează, undeva în laboratoare populate cu maimuţe macaque sau în faţa unor monitoare legate la supercomputere pe bani ciudaţi. Exemplu, articolul care urmează şi care m-a inspirat să scriu acest post care îmi stătea de mult pe inimă.

Friday, September 7, 2012

DEQ - What For?

There was a fire in Tigard last night. I live in Lake Oswego in the area called Mountain Park. I can barely breath inside. Either that or the smoke is coming from the Gorge or from Vancouver where there was also a grass fire. I took a look at the DEQ real time readings from the stations across Portland. None of them reports anything unusual, the air quality looks "Good" according to them. One question comes to mind. Do they work at all or they are just another waste of tax money?