Saturday, September 22, 2012

La Raison

Le Loup et l'Agneau

par Jean de la Fontaine

La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure :
Nous l'allons montrer tout à l'heure.
Un Agneau se désaltérait
Dans le courant d'une onde pure.
Un Loup survient à jeun qui cherchait aventure,
Et que la faim en ces lieux attirait.
Qui te rend si hardi de troubler mon breuvage ?
Dit cet animal plein de rage :
Tu seras châtié de ta témérité.
- Sire, répond l'Agneau, que votre Majesté
Ne se mette pas en colère ;
Mais plutôt qu'elle considère
Que je me vas désaltérant
Dans le courant,
Plus de vingt pas au-dessous d'Elle,
Et que par conséquent, en aucune façon,
Je ne puis troubler sa boisson.
- Tu la troubles, reprit cette bête cruelle,
Et je sais que de moi tu médis l'an passé.
- Comment l'aurais-je fait si je n'étais pas né ?
Reprit l'Agneau, je tette encor ma mère.
- Si ce n'est toi, c'est donc ton frère.
- Je n'en ai point. - C'est donc quelqu'un des tiens :
Car vous ne m'épargnez guère,
Vous, vos bergers, et vos chiens.
On me l'a dit : il faut que je me venge.
Là-dessus, au fond des forêts
Le Loup l'emporte, et puis le mange,
Sans autre forme de procès.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Real Thing

The good news. Today i finally saw in the news a real political issue of the campaign (Wich by the way comes from the Latin word Campania or the current Italian word campagna with the root campo which in English means field (of battle) and in English the word has the root camp which is often associated with a military campaign). How much Mitt Romney paid in taxes last year. 14 million dollars. Real money. The real deal.

After or in the middle of a campaign that projected on us a different reality, that of politics, which seems to have to have a life and rules of its own, that has nothing to do with the apparent social reality, but maybe the underground of it, since it looks like there's an apparent connection between the delirium of the campaign and the society, that eludes apparent logic but keeps it going on. It has to do with projected images and their feedbacks, the polls, that guides both candidates forward. Or the ghost of it, if nobody believes it anymore.

The other real tangible issue of the campaign that also catches attention is the reality of Barack Obama's birth certificate.

Anything else?

We'll all live and see.

Turn Signal Lever.

Wednesday i decided to go to Beaverton Police to make criminal complaints regarding the situation described in the two previous entries, Computer Age Auto Service and Easter 2008. That night i only slept about 4 hours and i was very tired. When i left from the parking lot i realized the turn signal lever was broken, it was still working but very big play and when signaling left the windshield wipers were turning on. I went yesterday to Steve, my mechanic at Lucky Autobody in Beaverton and he said only the parts are more than 300 dollars, money i don't think i have to spend.

Wedndesday at the Police Station in Beaverton, around 9 AM i picked the phone in the hallway and told the dispatcher what i was there for. They dispatched an officer name Rountree?. I also had in my pocket a sample of the padding from under the carpet that is smelling very strong like chemicals to show to them.

In the Police hallway there was this long line with people that were paying fines and a tall African American officer with badge number 614 that later said he was officer Chris Warren who also looked like a known celebrity. After waiting for more than 20 minutes, no policeman showed up sent by the dispatcher and officer Warren took me to a room downstairs near the hallway and took my complains. Basically i was complaining that two different celebrities, before and after 2000 as described in the linked above were impersonating other people pretending they were living in this area and having business like auto shops or fence building around here. In the end he threatened me with putting me in a mental facility and called the Victim Assistance Person who turned out to be yet another celebrity look alike, a blonde female, not very tall, with a round face and blue eyes, just under 30 years old. But they changed their minds after i told them the story with dr.Sigurtsson.

My place, post date

Last year (2011) @ July 4th i wanted to change the padding from under the carpet. I removed the carpet and the padding. I tried to use some pet enzyme to remove the smell from the padding and almost died from the smell. Then i went to a store on 72 near 217 in Tigard and bought a big roll of a new padding. The new one was pink in color. After removing it from the transparent plastic cover, it was smelling worse than the one i had. I took it back to the store but it wasn't until several month later after i made a call in Tillamook? when they returned my money, @70 dollars. Couldn't find a less smelly one even at the Tigard Lowes or Home Depot.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Fall of Adapters

This morning the phone was off. The adapter fell from the plug. Again. Although it was held by a rubber band i put around the plug cover for that purpose. The adapter was hanging in the rubber band with the two contacts slightly off the plug. Then i went to Fry's to buy stronger rubber bands. And in the Office Supplies department here they were. In a bag about 8x6 inches for $1.65 they were about 500 rubber bands of all sizes. And then i told myself. What to do with 500 rubber bands? And i gave up. And said to myself again. The plug-in AC adapters are not supposed to fall from the plug. I'm gone figure out something. The plugs where i live are probably @30 years old but in fair condition. Everything else stays in there. The adapter for the modem never fell. And then i realized, for the first time in my life. The heavy adapters with a transformer inside are not supposed to be the plug in type. They should have a cord and sit somewhere not in the plug. They made a big mistake when they approved for sale something like that. The plugs were not designed to hold such heavy weight. I weighed the phone adapter. It's 100 grams. Almost 1/4 pound. And it only has 2 contacts. One regular plug with two contacts is about 10 grams. When they first designed the plugs for homes i'm sure they didn't have in mind something like that. And the two active contacts are not round like the ground one but flat with the flat side in the vertical rotation plan and they turn around under weight and fall when you use an adapter with only two contacts. If those adapters would use a third contact not necessarily for ground but just for mechanical stability, it would be better. But where were the regulators in this case?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dan Duncan

On February 9 2010 i moved to Lake Oswego. One month after i lived in both places trying to clean the new one, with no much success. Soon after i finally moved, i saw those devices that count cars on the streets. I can't remember exaclty when right now because i am too tired and have no time to sort things out but i will re-edit this post as soon as i have the time to accurately put all the data in. But what's important to me right now is i remember every time i was driving around especially on Boones Fery Rd i was seeing at least one police car. That didn't necessarily bother me. Then i saw this horrible news. And ever since things are getting rougher and rougher @here. Or it's just me that i can see more. Anyways, it was a bad omen. Police these days are after a misterious killer of a misterious murder descended directly from a movie. But the death of Dan Duncan was ruled from the start of "natural causes". I am just curious, how many people in the force are still from the old team since Dan Duncan's days in LO?