Thursday, February 3, 2022

February 3

12:47 Late this evening i went to look at something under the car. As usually, i took pictures with the phone, in places i don't have direct sight. I left the door a bit open and then after spending a few minutes outside, i noticed the smell of a dog poop. I looked for, haven't seen any. I thought the smell might come from inside and got used to it. As i was laying in front of the car, taking pictures with the flash, they dispatched some kidos, some planes, the usual.

A few minutes ago i noticed the smell inside is getting stronger. And then suddenly i realized what happened. When the temperature reached 80 inside i stopped all washing and drying. Got some pillows in the washer, that were spun and ready to dry. But i also forgot to pour some water in the drier, just in case all water from the s valve was gone due to siphoning. Or was stolen. Whatever. Then they shook the building for one hour to bring in both dust and sewer gas from a sewer where they throw in dog poo. I filled the valve and now attempting to air in here, in several stages, as i search for one more guy, but it's been a lot of smell. A towel soaked in water with a drop of chlorine on top of heater.

8:44 This morning, again a number of coordinated actions, including seeding burning pellets loaded with biological material into the ground by an unknown person, and bringing a big engine during quiet hours under some pretext to vibrate everything at 6:30. I think someone let a car on an No parking on Tuesday spot, 21 Century Towing, the same that almost ran me over when i was taking the garbage having with my truck on tow and would not release my truck under promise of payment, they were not equipped with taking cards, nobody uses cash no more). In a few words this morning in an act of retaliation they (dominicans) acted deliberately infecting someone with a live biological agent (T Gondii) by performing a religious ritual in public.

2:10 The ultimate craft, an invitation to another world. Since no physical phenomena exists without an observer, so the whole Universe which may be the creation of our minds agreeing upon (nothing new).

Thus the number of parallel universes is infinite or at least equal to the number of observers, but what if a number of observers agree to converge to a separate Universe, that could coexist (paralel) with ours, that both us and they might call Unum (The Dreaming)?
2:52 Food production requires one quarter of the whole energy the world uses or produces. However. I think letting rot or throwing away food should be made a crime. Or at least establish quotas. Limit.

3:04 Electric sweepers are in great demand, instead of price going down, like for any mass produced items, it goes up. (By example my Bissell vacuum cleaner with bags cost 40 dollars at Walmart). When i bought my sweeper, a few years ago online it was 22 bucks. They are very useful little things, in between vacuuming. With a tiny motor and three small rechargeable batteries, it is amazing the speed that brush rotates at and how fast you can sweep a limited area, be it in the kitchen after cooking or under desk after eating. However. In a year of use it gets so dirty it becomes unusable, though still in trend, still necessary. 

Especially hair getting in the little bearings, dirt covering transparent, unreachable areas. Built well enough to last indefinitely, after that point where it slows down and/or stops rotating being clogged with dirt or hair there is no option for the average user but to throw it away. This morning i took the thing apart (about ten screws, one connector, handle, wheels, etc..) and cleaned all the parts, basically rebuilding it, in a couple hours. Was it worth it? That depends on how much an hour my own maintenance cost. It works like new, even the batteries are holding.

Here's an example of designing things that are not easy to maintain and prone to be thrown away after being underused. A waste of materials, energy, while increasing the pollution burden. I've once been told. It's not the engineers, it's the accountants who decide. Why put more effort into designing more maintainable items when the pressure is to sell more?

10:29 I've been very busy within the last few days searching. One thing was leading to another etc.. Wasn't paying attention around except at times, when i was going to stop the smoke. But right now the smoke is so bad inside it is intolerable and i just don't know what to do anymore. I went outside briefly to take something from the car. A guy with a car parked next to mine on red curb with flashing lights came promptly from a building. The smoke outside was so thick i just could not stay in the car and search for those things so i just came inside. Now my clothes smell like smoke. Earlier. After a week of silence, with car parked outside, i heard the guy upstairs. Made a few noises earlier and a couple of squeaks. Interestingly, the noises made me forget what i wanted to do next. Feel like i don't want to do anything no more anyways. Disgusted with everything. Maybe one more thing worth mentioning. Not only Americans are flooded with hidden symbolism aka subliminals. From top to bottom. From the eye of the pyramid. By, then.

11:00 It's the same though on a different scale than what's happening around this building. Anybody believes me now? Just remembered something.  Another burning hell in Centralia,... TranPennsylvania, less than a mile away from... Ashland. St.Ignatius? Now i remember something. My first job at Sheridan was on MLK, close to... Ash and Burnside Bridge and Street. In the fall/winter of 95/96 i was crossing that bridge every day twice with my 83 wooden Fairmont Ford with 306 VCZ? (With Z figuring an overturned N) LPN. Some Romanian Christian "friends" were telling the year of birth of Christ was miscalculated and 1996 is actually 2000, year of the Apocalypse. How many Apocalypses have been since? I can't remember, they've been a lot, but i think it's only one and it started at least 100 years before year 2000, with industrial revolutions and the world led by religious fanatics who literally want to set the world on fire (climate crisis), and we are now in the year 2022 closer than ever from their goal. (We just passed 2/02/2022, beware now the date 2/22/2022).

Question. Who's gonna clean after, if ever? My guess. After all the gold from this planet will be pumped up on  in Orion constellation with particle accelerators, this planet will burn pretty much like Venus so nobody will remain to remember anything or God forbid. Grow taking advantage of all the resources here and go after or challenge them.

Many would say. Concentration of carbon in the air on Earth increased i don't know, 0.4% in 150 years of industrialization and there is a long time since will reach 99% like on Venus. Wrong. That concentration is merely the final effect, not the cause. All it takes is melting completely the ice caps, which are planet's "air conditioning". After those are gone, it is possible the temperature would go high enough for all the vegetation to dry up and then of course burn and that would be your runaway effect, and that will probably consume much of the oxygen in the atmosphere, without possibility of regenerating, capisci?

BTW anybody asked themselves why the world's biggest particle accelerator is in Switzerland where world's most numerous gold bunkers are. Instead of directing two beams with vaporized gold ions into each other at near the speed of light, you can redirect the beams to a direction in space.

6:20 Just took Angela to work, i needed the car to work on it a little today. As i pulled in the spot, a teenager from Apt.4 popped in front of the car, coming from where? at 6 AM. The smoke was rather vague, and the soft spots and mounds were moved away from building. No, nobody is bothering me when i go to step on those, doing the rain dance, when there is smoke there is nobody in the buildings, they probably got tunnels to move people in and out. But when i stepped back towards the door, i saw a black cat with a bell running away scared from under deck and i can only guess what it was doing there. Kinda absent minded, not necessarily hight. Ok, a bit high.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2

12:42/10:42 Încă o mie de soldați americani în România, la solicitarea acesteia.

12:55/10:55 Noi în anul 2000...

1:02/11:02 Dogs of war... Orban, Putin's only ally within NATO... A friendship in heaven...

1:06 After being on chat with Amazon CS, they agreed to do the refund for my phone in "3-5 business days".

7:31/5:31 Mayor of Bucharest. Chestia e la mișto, nu? Tipa în video aproape că nu a nimerit locul cu flacăra. În România majoritatea celor care au murit în numeroasele incendii din spitale au murit din cauza intoxicației cu fum. Chestia e cam așa. Un partid mic pe cale de dispariție nu are de salvat nici o reputație, deci pot face ce alegorii vor. Iar cele mari bazate pe stereotipuri, urlă, unii mărirea pensiilor, iar ceilalți mărirea vârste de pensionare. În realitate sunt toți aceiași.
În SUA, în spitale, hoteluri și multe firme sau chiar locuințe sunt instalate stropitori. O simplă supapă cu un mic element de sticlă plin cu un lichid instalată pe o țeavă de apă rece (sau chiar furtun), care se deschide cu creșterea temperaturii (sunt de mai multe tipuri, la 57° C, 68° C, or 121° C) și care costă în jur de 10 dolari bucata. Apropo, tipii ăștia doi vorbesc într-adevăr cu accent britanic.
A ok m-am prins de ce le-au luat. Death star. Weirdest înseamnă cele mai ciudate. În video-ul de mai jos, americani adevărați, nu unguri deghizați, ca să știți cum arată și cum vorbesc. Bilele conțin același tip de praf ca stingătoarele cu praf. Sting, alt cuvânt de adăugat la listă.
8:22 Earlier today. After doing laundry all day (comforters) and drying, temperature in here raised to 80 degrees. Exactly when i opened the window they (the Japanese) under the pretext of a dead battery at the white van, started it and let run the big engine with broken exhaust for about one hour (also tormenting Xenu with an eternal battery of course). Shaking the buildings and rattling my nerves. I got overheated already, tried ear mufflers, didn't work, so i went outside to cool down and tighten a couple of nuts at car's suspension i was postponing for days (that i never loosen or taken apart, just routinely tightened them, when working around). But outside there was dust from shaking the building for one hour with the big exhaust. Dust means inflammation, and it reduces body temperature especially from the inside out (getting in the digestive system). Nuts were loose again (ball joint), could not stick a torque wrench with the wheels on, my 7/8 or 19 mm is to short for that kinda torque, still have to figure a way cause they will get loose again. I was all wet with sweat and then was sprinkled and breathing dust and now there's a cold prowling me. Lit a candle, for clumping and shorting electrified dust with soot, took a shower, now i'm fine. I wouldn't have bothered if not for again trying to expose mastering of the use of dust of the part of hikikomori turned ninja with missions abroad.

9:10 Could they use the (much bigger) spheres for extinguishing wildfires (scale up). Heard of this idea before. In fact, since i was a kid. I think it should work.

11:52/10:52 Monumente de bun simț. Întrebarea e, ne-am descurca fără ei, la o adică?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February 1

12:29 On December 15 i activated a new phone, a moto e6 with Hello Mobile (T Mobile, Deutsche Telecom). Exactly one month later i went to the Whole Foods store in Lake Oswego and returned the phone (the return was started earlier and was good through the end of February). He told me he can't give me a receipt and it will be two weeks, and i will get an email which i found on Angela's computer (Amazon account is hers). Didn't hear anything from them since. I moved the SIM card to a new phone, a moto e7 which is better and cheaper.
1:22 Man's best friend is of course a dog. Was wondering how many other allegories or predictions are embedded in the movie. Besides, well, Leia (Yulia), was Luke (the rebe el) Skywalker's flight into the death star predicting the flight to Kremlin of that German pilot? I know where the force is coming from.

9:54 Who can keep with the dozens of reactive (subliminal) "news" thrown on all media channels trying to wipe or supersede information from independent sources. I'm just watching in disbelief because i don't have the kinda time and resources to answer them all. However, sometimes i get more motivated like right now.

I don't know if there was anyone on that plane, cause of course we can't follow it at the end of the video. No word of who was the expert pilot or AI software that did the stunt. However, i can point at the connection with my latest "campaign" against the dominican sect that obviously dominates the Catholic Church as we know it or mostly as we don't.
Figured it yet? No?

10:18 Didn't have time and opportunity and motivation to tell what happened yesterday during my walk but now i do. Left right after posting the list of shame or Romanian presidents done by Hungarian (and even Japanese, Horiuchi) actors, first it was a noisy reciprocating (as opposed to more quite turbine) engine helicopter preparing to land at Aurora, sound that as i walked blended into the sound of a huge generator in the back of hospital, in the same area where the incident with those cars occurred a couple days ago. All to create the sound illusion of a helicopter was landing at the heliport in front of nearby ER which of course if it happened i would have turned around. Market went down after my post with the presidents than back up during the helicopter sound. Finally on Borland (and earlier) i noticed the pungent smoke in the air. Didn't' have any mask (COVID masks catch more than 3/4 of smoke particles in the air). Don't know the exact ninja s... they're burning but later, as those particles cleared my lungs and went into the stomach, first had more discomfort in stomach area and today intestinal pain, simulating pancreatitis. Also it is almost a week since, after could not standing the sewage smell inside that now is finally clearing, i finally remembered and thrown some water at the bottom of the washer, because probably the S shape valve was empty because of the speed and siphoning effect during evacuation. And guess what. This morning i heard from bed the sound of a sewage vacuum from the city, suggesting the sewer was partly clogged and putting more sewer gas upstream. Yes the old obsession with gassing of the far right which they are simulating. Was this sewer clearing a reward for my post with Snoop? Like the big smiles the handywoman always gave me after posting something "bad" about blacks or jews, making it look like something else? This is not about white and blacks as they're trying to make my whole effort strand into racism. It is about the whole phenomenon of generalized imposture in politics and entertainment and elites but mostly of how much this world is a simulation. Earlier. The guy started to read on the phone in the balcony. Could not stand it and started the radio. A torrent of muffled profanities came from it, as Doja Cat was singing. Then i turned to... Kink (not King) FM. And guess what i hear. (Next project, Tom... Petty, think i got him already, need to brush a little, next, Bob Marley himself).

My Fair Lady. Here Adele trying to simulate a British accent. It would have tricked me... About 5 years ago or when i started to go deeper into this
Otherwise, and older idea.

11:37/9:37 Svarga Loca. I bet all that billion cigarette butts are thrown only by immigrants. (Please come back in a year or so and tell me if it worked).

12:21 Just opened the door to go outside, the usual warning noise (this time was a long air horn blow on I5) however don't feel like going, wildfire like smell, of a perceived IQ index of about 70. On this comercial air quality page (better then others, official), AQI index is 40, good but 2 times above WHO guidelines.
I know where it's coming from. Last time when i passed the Refuge in Sherwood i saw several garden fires on the hills west of the Refuge. I don't think it's fair for the benefit of a few farmers 2 million people in Portland should breath dirty air.

2:51/12:51 Iulius mall se extinde, așteptând spaniolii, acum Iulian Fota, totul pentru numele prințesei.

3:15/1:15 Chiar mă miram, ce i-a apucat grija, până când am ajuns la cuvântul Timoc. Ce să mai vorbim despre pierderea identității milioanelor de români plecați la muncă, unde au serbat ei ziua lui Eminescu, sau despre sutele de mii de români din Ungaria (o țară formată din minorități, aproape la fel ca fostul imperiu), de care nici măcar nu vorbește cineva vreodată.

8:05 Phone return status on  Amazon, unchanged.

8:22 See what i'm talking about? Was Down Syndrome a type of artificial selection based on appearance and on a religious belief? From what i know, we have dog people, turtle people (with very short legs) and penguin people (those who walk like a penguin), switching weight from one leg to another and sweeping  the air left right left with their bodies.

Arogant humans.
10:34 Angela forgot the bedroom window open when she left this morning and i didn't know. There was a weird smoke all day in here. I was already sick, but then got sicker (hospital sick) with belly pains and went to bed after i cooked. Luckily i got better after (stopped drinking for a couple days), took a shower, and when i took a t-shirt from the closet in the bedroom (that was opened on my side) i started to stink like some sort of yeast combined with a chemical smell, so i grabbed all the shirts and a couple of jeans, everything i could fit in one load in the washer and put it on a cycle. Then i remembered, it was the same smell they were all stinking like when i came from Lake Oswego and washed everything like up to 5 times just to get rid of that smoke smell.

Though i threw that shirt in the washer and put a hoodie on (that was not in the bedroom), now my skin where the t-shirt was on emanate the same smell. Every time i smell one of the things exposed, i get like high. Angela finally agreed to take the comforter cover and put it in the washer, but the smoke went through it the and the comforter itself got contaminated. On Kink FM they just played The Gasoline, by the Weekend.

11:48/9:48 Scaramouche, răspuns. Every time i plant a seed,...

Monday, January 31, 2022

January 31

10:39/8:39 Scara mâței (Scaramouche will you do the fandango) Ion Iliescu, Ceaușescu, Constantinescu, IohannescuGay or gai Gay or geeoo Dejescu, Antonescu.

5:03 The heat is on... (scroll down to see something).

9:23 It's a dog eat dog word out there, please believe me.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 30

5:05/3:05 Adepții dragonului străvechi

5:22 For some weird reason i clicked on the second picture here only to realize i forgot to put the link, though i'm sure i did. While searching for the image so i can restore the link, i ran into something even weirder. The face of a woman i saw tonight. In the parking lot at Chinook Winds, i went to try to sleep a little, but couldn't, too many people and cars moving around, the occupancy of casino according to google maps was 30% higher than usual, with many people yelling like crazy inside, moving fast and unpredictable though kinda absent, like the actors would. And the Kudi truck, again. It was cold in the car, started the engine only to see in the rear mirror a couple including a woman i thought familiar and when i searched for images to restore that link i saw her, though with different hair color. An actress from one of her movies.

12:28/10:28 Zsofia of the Festival of the Dominus Cannes?
9:00 I was tired, took a Zyrtec, slept for about 3 hours, went for a "relief walk" to lower my blood sugar, i can't believe what they keep doing. My route (trying to avoid sidewalks) include going through an always empty parking lot at the hospital, then in the back of the hospital towards Borland, sometimes i go on Borland and come the other way on 65. At the first intersection after the corner, a number of cars simulated i went there where they slow trying to catch someone?, all on security cameras. When i came back in the same intersection there was a Security SUV.

I looked under the car and i saw a drop of oil on the oil filter, which i've done at the Jiffy Lube. I wanted to tighten it but then i thought, what if the thread is crossed, so i went around to look for another one i bought from Amazon, thinking to unthread the one on the car and put a new one, however, i can't find it.

Nov.14, after oil change at Jiffy Lube, after cleaning their mess.
Jan.31 Fresh drop of oil showing a leak
Jan.31 after re-tightening
Ok i grabbed my tools and went under and could easily with the 6 inch ratchet on a special tool to turn the filter about 1/8 of a turn when it became harder to turn, could have done it more, but thought, if there was one tiny drop as it was, that 1/8 of a turn should have done it, now i was staring at the guys at Jiffy Lube from the little room with glass doors tightened and then another guy checked it by hand. Exactly when i was done, a truck came ft away from my trunk with its headlights on, idling on high RMP exactly until i started to write this paragraph. Also a small grey car, Hundo or Toyiota, with windows tinted to black (don't think he can see at night through those) with the loudest exhaust just passed by.