Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24

After Angela left, the place started to fill with smoke. I went outside and stepped on the frozen but bulged ground. Found several holes half inch diameter, several inches deep. Tried to air, but smoke went out only partially, it will take some time until it gets cleared by filters. Unless if they don't come back and push some more burning pellets in the ground.

7:38 I think i saw the guy passing! Blinds were off in the living and i saw one middle age male Japanese guy looking like on million others, round, brown face, black hair and a winter jacket, walking parallel with the long wall of the living room. I went and saw a few holes, also the ground starting to bulge, stepped on those, don't know if i can stop it.

8:00 The guy upstairs left right after i posted  this. They will start a war (a few fireworks in Ukraine so far) just to cover everything.

1:25 I ignored the smoke and went to sleep. When i woke up i realized this is not a nightmare. Putin invaded Ukraine. There is only one small question that bothers me ever since a few hours after "invasion". 44 million people in Ukraine, must be there 20 million cell phones, and though the majority of people was away from where the bombs fell, a small percentage, let's say 1% of the population must have got in the crossfire or pass by and witnessed something, bu chance. 1% of 20 millions is 200k. 200k people with phones must have been close enough to some war scene. Of these, most probably chickened out and hid or ran or something but 1% of those, let's say 2000 must have dared and shoot video from around a concrete wall and take pictures or something and share them and we by know should have seen thousands of videos and images of war. However all we see in media is a few images and those are very not convincing. Why are they not convincing? Do you wanna see how a city looked after being bombed in a real war?

And of course i got a theory on this. None of these happened. Could have been pyrotechnics in areas not so close to cities, even maybe in airports. Some of the airfields and airports should be destroyed, shouldn't they. (But the're talking already about retaking the Kiev airport). And that's all. Everything else is staged by journalists and the governments of those two countries and the great conspiracy of the world. I see now news saying Ukraine recaptured the main airport in Kiev. Could the Russians have been so crazy they sent a few paratroopers or whatever they sent to hold an airport deep in the "enemy" territory.

Everybody knows what Trump said yesterday and today. At the begging to some it seemed a smart move. Seize the territories where Russians are majority. This way Putin would have done a favor to Ukrainians themselves and to everybody. Without a few million Russians in the east, their troubles with Russian minority and bid for NATO would have been much easier. With some territorial loss which might not even be theirs,  historically.

Putin was wrong. It was not Lenin who created Ukraine. It was the end of the Soviet Union. While Ukraine was still in the Soviet Union, it was just a province or just a "Republic" of the Union (USSR or Hunion of Soviet Socialist Republics). It became a sovereign country after the dissolution of USSR which started, let's be honest, with Chernobyl (i also heard stories, from the beginning of the internet, that Chernobyl reactor was empty at that time and the meltdown didn't really happened). And Gorbachev.

Then Putin went nuts and bombed the "Ukraine's infrastructure" (still need to see some proof). Should have stayed defensive in those two territories, some people of the world, like Trump and like him probably a whole bunch of Republicans, others, would have respected him. If they were already under attack by government forces in separatist regions, he should have waited and provide some proof (however the good people of Russia don't need to show any proof when they're right). But the attack needed to happen on or around 2/22/2022. For attaining maximum paranoia of the world, and that is a Great Conspiracy business. To keep the world under terror.

However, the reaction of the world is mostly illogical, as we are used to. With weeks of paranoia in the news, when rumors of invasion rolled from one day to another, now that it happened, everybody is going after their business. Market went up 3% from its lowest (NASDAQ 6%) today when Biden announced US will not get involved. Why, are they scared of the hyper-sonic missile? Then why the market went up? Just because now they believe Putin won't use them? There are weapons, like particle weapons, reasonably cheap, (invented by Nikola Tesla), mostly defensive, much stronger than those or any missiles, but nobody even wants to talk about. Why? Because they are not so scary, at least during peace times.

I remember how the war in Iraq started. The allies bombed first all airfields and airports with missiles and Saddam could not raise one single plane. Did Putin wanted to take his revenge, copying and pasting that type of strategy used on that Soviet Union's former ally? That seem childish. Or maybe he wanted to show the world how that felt back then to Iraqis? But why did they occupy Kuwait in the first place? To show the world its own foolish addiction to cheap oil?

Soviet Union and its allies, as well as US didn't win any war after WWII. Both retired inconclusively from Afghanistan. US left Iraq in chaos, allowing ISIS to be created in the process, which was reused in Syria. Korea ended divided. Never heard anybody saying US have won in Vietnam though we see Vietnam made clothing in stores. Syria, a great human tragedy. All they did was fight in each of those wars for many years, loosing who knows how many people. Inconclusively.

And now Ukraine seem to be bouncing back after most of its military infrastructure "was destroyed"? Has Putin shied off when he saw the sanctions and/or the reaction of the world and his own people? Didn't he know precisely all these would happen? Could he be so short sighted? He must have had something in his head if he gathered all that wealth and came to leadership in one of the great countries of the world?

My opinion? my opinion is they are staging the beginning of the end of Russia as we know it and mostly as we don't know it (no there is not Britney Spears of Kim Kardashian or even Oprah over there), if Ukraine starts to "bounce back" from the first strike as we already began to see, while having Europeans shaking their pants off in the process. Or at least a few serious steps back. Puting her back even further away from the civilized world before chewing her in.

4:30 Just went and added on solid brass connector and hooked the old one to it. Though i added one more contact, it is very solid, with two threads holding it. Brass on copper. The critical is the lead on brass one i just added. It has a bigger bolt and nut and much more connection power than the feeble copper one i just moved downstream. This battery is leaking, at least vapor, and the old connector, now just hanging there, was covered with a thin layer of oxide. Tomorrow i get the positive connector which is very similar (in shape) with the current feeble copper one, and i will put it in together with the new battery, the existing one is 5 years old. You can see in this picture the old connector hanging there unused, hooked at the end to the new one.

While doing so. Two or three helicopters passed. 3 kids as tall as i passed by, Japanese, as tall as me, one of them had a Walmart thick plastic bag and was making thunderous sounds by wrinkling it. Though heading towards building, one of them took the other way around the car, "surrounding it". Then 2 F15 fully armed with rockets and bombs flew by. Then the guy with the rice business (he's now having a newer van, with a firm name on it "Bags Inc.") started the van and let the smell of exhaust chase me away.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February 23

9:47 I don't know how much it's been since he was gone. More than a month, with the car in the parking lot. Last night he came back and today he awakened me with squeaks and now he left with the car. Last time when i talked to him, maybe in November, the day when i was vacuuming the dog food from car's heater core housing, he said he found a job in North Portland and he will move.

11:25/9:25 Dacă e CNN, e o mare minciună sau o invenție. Am scris ieri despre mineri în groapa de gunoi a imensului număr de medicamente existente care nu ajută la nimic, în timp ce bolile care macină lumea sunt nediagnosticate sau chiar nerecunoscute, și au venit ei cu o invenție, cu ceva, să facă lumea să uite.

12:06 Jet stream pushing polar air down the entire west coast. Could this be the last winter spell?

12:06 You know the reason superglue got such a bad reputation? The numerous cheap imitation brands. Try the original Scotch superglue. I glued with it broken dentures and used them for one year, after. Basically the same ingredient, it hardens slower, i think it's got an inhibitor that slows down the polymerization allowing longer polymer chains to develop. Cleaning the mating surfaces with concentrated alcohol is also very important.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Off Label Medications

If you looked into daily lists of biggest NASDAQ loosers provided by platforms like Marketwatch dot com or even yahoo finance you will see ever day mostly pharmaceutical companies that succumbed after a year or two or three of great expectations. Little pharmas with weird names created usually with one purpose only, around one patent, for developing one drug with an even weirder name or one method of therapy or both, with known or unknown promising CEOs that gather capital that ranges into the hundreds of millions (each), that is spent mostly for the creation of facilities, offices and labs. And then after one year or two, the news come. The clinical trial phase "did not show signs of intolerable side effects", "one out of three patients went into remission" etc. and then those companies become yellow bricks in the road paved with good intentions.

I was hopping for a nicer name for the vast category of existing medicines that are potential candidates for treating different diseases that those intended. This article instead has a longer, even harder to conceptualize name. Would cross disease medications sound better for you?

I remember long time ago when internet was much younger and thinner and new data was not already superseding older one, in so many directions, i ran into an article that was stating that antidepressant drugs were discovered by chance, by giving antihistamines to patients before surgery and noticing the sedation effect. When i did the search for that article today, i found that antidepressants and other psycho drugs were discovered by chance by administering anti TBC drugs. Whatever.

It is said that so called first generation of anti-histamines indeed had sedating effects, but starting with cetirizine (Zyrtec), loratadine (Claritin), the sedation effect was supposedly dismissed, which i think is not true, because in both me and Angela Zyrtec has a strong sedation effect that lasts for days. At least until like in the case of antidepressants "your body gets used to".

Lately i was concerned with T gondii (toxoplasmosis) parasite. When talking about this infection agent everybody agrees with to several things. Most overlooked, endemic, "vast majority of cases are subclinical", treatment was abandoned decades ago mostly because is almost asymptomatic in most infected but also because of side effects (toxicity) of "classic" or recommended treatment available then and still now.

Coming from our pets, cats and dogs which are actually domesticated prey animals, that are adapted to live with it as symbiont, infecting the older and immune compromised prey during the so called "marking of the territory", inducing behavioral modification of prey, making it happier and much easier to catch, but also, by example, from beef, where it may be destroyed by a proper cooking.

Why and how the most overlooked parasite modifies the behavior of the infected. By releasing dopamine, the reward chemical, one of the most crucial neurotransmitters that some of the anti-psycho medication go for. (Who would go searching for medical help during the initial phase and also the medium term telling the doctor: Doctor, this morning i felt too good for no reason just because my dog leaked my face!).

To cut it short. Some miners of the vast landfill of existing, some forgotten medicines, identified a number of "compounds" that are good candidates for non-toxic treatment of T gondii (not indigo, bad google). Wondering how many others are still out there. But is it a coincidence the fact  that some are anti-depressant and some anti-histamine?

Could it be that T gondii, the insidious, feel (extraordinarily) good parasite, may be responsible for a much greater array of diseases, some of them mental, and those compounds used for their original, intended, known purposes actually kill or suppress the "subclinical" parasite which is the root cause of those most chronic diseases?

February 22

Boris Johnson sanctions oligarch Gennady Timchenko. Cause Joe Biden could not sanction oli_garch Oleg Deripaska.

Caught in a vise-grip between west and east, all controlled by the same entity, possible of alien origin (i don't believe humans can do this to other humans), with Russians not minding being the bad guys and westerners not minding thinking being the good the whole world has no other choice but sit and watch and hold breath.

Monday, February 21, 2022

February 21

10:45 Today, stock market, federal agencies, some companies (Not Eaton where Angela works today overtime) are closed because of George Washington's birthday.

11:43 Got awakened (can't write "woke up" anymore, that word has been confiscated) at 9:30 by a very pungent smell, reminding roasting hot peepers. (Over the night electricity was cut briefly, stopping one of the filters). Went in the back and stepped on numerous holes, cracks and bulges in the ground, then got away. As i came from walking, a super hungry kitten (with a collar) looking like a panda with white spots under the eyes (one night i saw a Dalmatian looking like a panda in Lincoln City at the Grocery Outlet), was following me on the alley. Didn't want to deal with it so i turned around, the cat was still following. Turned around one more time, the cat saw somebody else and went to him.

As i finished the last match, a girl ran around the building, passing my windows, yelling like crazy. "Oh my God! Oh my God" (the doubling). BTW do you know what kinda god George Washington became? A Shinto god! A Shinto god now painted on the highest point inside the Capitol dome. That's why i call him. White Shinto.

And this is why i came to believe that most of the time, most people don't really know what they're doing.

3:25 Forgotten countries, unknown (to most of us) history. Ruthenians, Rus, Kyiv, Galicia. Western Slavs (or Russians) are those descendants of vikings who never came under Golden Horde rule.

I had no idea that legendary Moldovan king Stephen the Great who ruled Moldova for almost 50 years and fought and won numerous battles against Ottoman Turks contributed to the history of Ukraine (whatever that is today).

4:24 Again the linguistic argument. In this map Kraków is shown not being part of Poland. There is a city in Austria called Graz. Croatia. Bel_Grade. U-kraine. Debrecen in eastern Hungary. All these suggesting a Slavic continuum against the idea of separate Western and Southern Slavs. Interrupted by what? Maybe by Romans, not by Dacians, who where there thousands of years BC. Then Romans ceded Pannonia (most of today's Hungary) to Attila, for the sparing of Rome.
11:02 Was that effective against spying? If it happened (i am not convinced by the scarce pictures i've seen) they probably sacrificed the poor and clueless like they do in today's Japan, to manufacture cars to continue to indebt US. 24,000 that were left outside would have sufficed to report back to Japan everything that was happening in the US.

11:53 Ok i lost last entry, will try to write it again. Just found an fb post since 2013 where for the first time i hypothesized the possibility of actors acting as politicians. Next list on blog is since December 2014 and has many mistakes. But i think there was another list in 2013 on g+. In 2016 i got a pretty good list, and i started the blog with matches in fall 2018, with many mistakes though, and a brief 20% market crash first occurred. But after a series of maneuvers putting me in a very bad light, market recovered in January 2019.

Today i got really mad when i saw the synchronization of what i wrote about the godhood of George Washington and Putin's two decrees. Wondering if they weren't pushing for it. Yesterday in the parking lot at Chinook i almost got into a fight with a couple of guys, one of them cursed of Christ, which made me remember today of George Washington apotheosis while the other, who wasn't speaking English, came out of a car, shirtless.

Peaceful Ukraine separation from the Soviet Union occurred more than 30 years ago. People living in between 2 worlds, with those in western Ukraine having less income than those in the east. 2014. Eromaidan. Unrest starting in the east.

Then the circus with Yanukovich and his golden toilets. I remember i wrote and spoke again before 2014 to many people about the huge amounts of gold taken by Romans from Dacia, about 200 tons per year for 162 years, gold that vanished on imported goods (tens of thousands of tons of gold).

Was it then when they started to use dog poop? I remembered i was gathering pounds of poop from around the building in Lake Oswego and from here, and nowadays they are burning it in the ground.

The accident on August 21 last year. My computer breaking down a few days ago.

And now after a month of market being low, On George Washington birthday Putin remembers of the Russians in eastern Ukraine.