8:38 This is a first. Got a back pain so severe i just can't sit so i write while laying in bed on a side. It's about officer Sparkle from Lake Oswego. One day i could not stand the smoke no more and called the Police. It was then where i met him. While waiting for him i popped the hood of the truck ad dropped the keys in a hard to reach place. When he came he just reached and grabbed them for me. In that moment the dog of my next door neighbor (Apt.9) came and he got nervous and asked me if it was mg dog. Anyways, he left and he said the smoke was from leaves.
In a different day again i was working on the truck and got so much of the smoke and irritating dust i just left and drove around like crazy on Boones Ferry. But he was not ready that day. The day after, again i went to get gas from Chevron at Boones Ferry and I5, i was driving normally that day, but when the attendant was supposed to give me the receipt officer Sparkle gave it to me instead. Then he pulled me out of the truck, gave me a sobriety test and a frisk when another cop came, a woman, and he finally left me alone.
I wrote this because yesterday i discovered another possible etymology for Lake Oswego. Widow is a major theme in Freemasonry.
8:54 Carmen Bejan?
11:32 Had a pair of jeans that i used for at least a week before i finally threw them in the washer and put some water on top because they were stinking. Today i wanted to wash them, put more stuff in the washer to make a load, but when i tried, nothing. The washer wouldn't start. Then i remember the whole process i went through a couple of times since i moved already. Shall i call them? It would probably take at least one day. I would probably have to remove the water and the laundry to let them fix it or replace it. So i just went and looked at the lid switch which was broken and temporarily fixed by me about 5 years ago. The spring in there jumped or something broke (a piece of plastic came out). I shorted the switch and started the load, however, have to fix them better. Or call them.
Also last time when i fixed the water heater (after inspection, the distribution box was full of water) i set the thermostat to 125 degrees and today i saw the water is a bit too hot from what i was used to but when i went to adjust it i saw it was already down like 10 degrees from my last set, so i wasn't sure what to do, i moved it a little lower anyways.
Both water heater and washer/dryer are 20+ years old but since i messed with them i'm afraid to call them to have them replaced. Water heater had some sort of mud under, i lifted it and partially cleaned it in the first year or so, but that was after i replaced the thermostat and was again afraid to call them.
All these might have something to do with the fact that last night i forgot the door completely open? I mean, it was closed but not all the way, unlocked and without the block (i use a piece of wood) but if somebody would have pushed it with a finger... Also yesterday when i left for the walk i forgot to take the picture of the two rotating bottles at the door. Those bottles rotate when i open the door and set in a different position every time and if i take a picture when i leave i know if somebody's been here when i come back and take another picture which i do every time except when i forget.
8:28 I'm kinda late with this post. Figured it too late. The reason for the construction site was the public toilet. It started a few months ago, not sure, maybe last year. A point on my 3 miles loop. A big mystery to me. What were they trying to build? There was even a small excavator on the side of the road, for the same amount of time. Then about two weeks ago i became intrigued and took a picture of the site. The next day teams were working. First they cut the asphalt. Then they poured asphalt. What they did was a couple of gigantic speed bumps, maybe 30 ft long each. Both on the right side of the road as leaving the residential area. Then i realized. Every time i passed that public toilet there was a man walking towards it (and then passing of course). Today instead they made me rendez-vous with that plane.

8:45 This "fitness trainer from Ukraine" landed in Romania a few days ago and became an instant star after an older man who realized who she was gave her a small amount of money for her to fill her car with gas.
9:31 No there was not that sort of damage at the car, only optical illusions created by the puddle of water created by a clogged sewer the car's been sitting on for weeks before they started to work on it (until i got the parts i ordered myself). I washed upholstery, vacuumed the dog food from heater core but the AC got contaminated with mold and/or bacteria. I accidentally releases some Freon when i refilled it and it was smelling like mold big time. Ever since i've become sicker and sicker especially after walks upstairs. In the morning solid tiny pieces like sand come from my eyes. This morning my tonsils were so big i started to have breathing problems. Keeping Augmentin in my mouth ever since and i got even better than before in half day. But when i tried to stop, after a walk upstairs, my eyes, throat, ears and everything started to hurt again.