Sunday, July 24, 2022

July 24

9:40 Eu nu înțeleg o chestie. Se spune că Ucraina a însămânțat anul acesta 4,8 milioane de hectare cu grâu iar România 2,1. De unde scot ei 75 de milioane de tone de cereale? Ok să spunem că dacă noi pe 2,1 milioane hectare am scos 10 milioane tone, ei pe 4,8 milioane (dacă au fost norocoși) scot 10*4,8/2,1 adică 22 milioane. Sunt aceste milioane tone toate exportate prin Odesa? Ei nu consumă nimic, nu exportă pe uscat în alte țări?

11:48 Phoenix care în versiune românească pare să fie un liliac, sunt și ei de fapt un fel de friari?

12:24 Went to the liquor store. Several kids looking Japanese and an adult driver who looked like the singer The Weaknd came in the alley in the same time from the building across got into a small grey Chevy i haven't seen here before. I was backing up but had a longer distance to back up then them. He started to backup way after me and did so for several feet when i saw him moving in the rear view camera and he stopped and i did in about the same time with feet to spare. However when i looked i saw he had a flat in right front which he went to fix at "the garage" across the alley. I was thinking to stop and wait for him to tell him and was looking in the mirror when i saw him stopping at the first bump.

On my way there and back people with Teslas were ostensibly saving the Earth. 4R Erth, Friars. At the liquor store a guy with long black hair but no moustache working there was waiting for me doing something at the brandy bay. At the checkstand a woman possibly from one of the videos (could be from Pop Muzik). I didn't look at her face but couldn't help and saw her legs (she was wearing shorts) when i grabbed the bottles from the counter. A car alarm cycled for about 5 times.
12:50 That alarm cycled for 5 more times.

10:37 Right on. Dogs and friars in the same time.

11:28 I was thinking about going to sleep when the guy upstairs started his march that released a noticeable smell from a hole somewhere. But right now there's a vehicle in the alley with a big sound that penetrates the building.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

July 23

9:21 Remember what we were dancing jumping around on in discos back in the early 80s? Besides Funky Town, there was also Pop Music. Never saw the video or the artists until today (no it's not another Frank Frian or even Falco project though it sound like). Have a nice weekend everybody wherever you may be

(And the Buggles. Can't forget the classically inspired Buggles.)

11:20 To me the weekend didn't start very well. Last night got a mysterious sickness that probably arose from the redwood dust i inhaled yesterday combined with bad strawberies (couldn't find apricots at WinCo and strawberries were bad). After they planted 5 dog poops next to the hydrant at the beginning of the week as punishment because i used the word b...t, a profanity as masons would say while they screwing us all, politely, i let the sliding door open all day yesterday. However large amounts of redwood dust this time came through that door. Last night or this morning at 1 AM i discovered the source. A bad sprinkler that was creating a flow of water that washed the dust into the alley and from there, was milled and raised in the air by WHEELS. But i suspect the "natural" release from the alley is supplemented from somewhere above in the building. Because of the pain, i drank a lot and a Sheriff's deputy was waiting for me last night in the same spot at the border between counties where i got fined 2 years ago by the Hungarian son of Terri Davie. Back then he caught me on radar some 1 mile away. Not last night though i almost went over 65 down that hill. As i was sobering up i became more and more sick and barely drove back home, especially that the tires' pressure went down to 34 (though the temperature was not that low) and  the car was slightly drifting making it difficult to drive which means i have an alignment problem (now that i wrote it here i will have to fix it). Main symptom. My stomach was full and refluxing while i was driving and refused to empty, for hours.

The irritating dust finally went down in my digestive system. This morning when i went for my walk i met with a ninja who was bent showing me his butt while hammering something in his tan Nissan Frontier at the Meridian parking lot, fist row where i could see him clearly. Right after at the hosptial back alley i saw in a black SUV with illegal tinted windows and LPN JND (and a number) a guy who looked like "Mircea Baniciu". During the walk a group of 4 small identical planes where flying very low on diamond formation over the residential area, passing me twice, hoping i will take a picture of them. Related to the post with Earth Magnetic Field. I don't know why they did it so i didn't take the picture.

Right after, the irritating dust helped by the hammering ninja made its way to my lower colon and a initiated a severe diarrhea episode. Next 5-10 minutes was a time that could be meant to show me my life is not that bad, generally. Thinking. Is the restroom in the park's parking that was half mile away open? Imagining the moment i pushed  that knob and the door will be stuck. Seriously considering going in the woods, when i saw a brand new empty transparent plastic bag on the road. After a few more mishaps, meeting with all kinda clowns, forcing me to detour my way there, i finally made it. Probably the third time in 7 years in that restroom. Well maintained and clean. Got back in the street and at Stonesthrow i wanted to cross after a car passed in a spot i usually do. But from around the corner came another car, right after the first one,  that i have barely seen with the corner of my eye. Should i didn't see that one and crossed, it would have taken me on the hood. At the wheel, trying to cover his face with his hand, Billy Steel, chief of local Police here.

Right now, that door is open again (cause of the lingering dog poop smell) and the room is again full of invisible electrified redwood dust and of course i'm in pain again.

2:00 I think i got lucky with this idea of fog and clouds actually being maintained by electrostatic forces. Each droplet is electrically charged (missing electrons that is) according to the potential of atmosphere at formation altitude when emerging through the tridimensional gate of temperature, pressure and humidity which is the dew point (which is actually a surface) repelling the others. Without being charged with the same (positive) charge, droplets would coalesce and fall as rain immediately. I did a google search and the only research i found is since 1960 and that one is quite vague.

2:21 Earlier this morning i swept dust in the parking lot, but i missed exactly the area in front of the mailboxes. I tried several times to go and finish it but each time there was a car there. Just tried to go again but stopped behind my car where there was a pile of some white powder fallen from a car and took that one first and what did i see. Pitbull together with his writer landed at the mailboxes. I went back inside and he gave me a look with colored reflecting eyeglasses so i could see his face well. Ok now i grabbed the broom and dustpan to go again, opened the door and there she was with her dog in front of the door. Looks like her.

4:03 Western Robotics.

Friday, July 22, 2022

July 22

6:47 The unbelievable truth behind the spire.

7:24 Ok but why does it remind me of a didgeridoo?

7:36 Now they have to double the double.

Yes of course didgeridoo is a lot more ancient than flute.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

July 21

8:17 After i advanced the hypothesis that COVID pandemic waves were actually caused by something else, like dust from deserts, possibly mixed with highly inflaming artificial dust, and also talked about the dust created by 911 towers planned by design demolition which was blamed on "terrorists", two things happened in the news, involving highest level politicians.

9:10 I just reviewed this blog post and i believe this theory has some merit and needs to be examined further.

9:51 Of course after reading the above linked post many would say. Ok so if it is that simple how come nobody else thought about? It can't be, with all those scientists and academics saying something else.

And this is the biggest difficulty, it's, like Heart Sutra says, you have to fight the psychology to get to knowledge. Cut through bullshit. You are being taught in school. Clouds are charged positively at one end and negatively at another, by friction.

Let's made one thing clear. You can generate electricity by friction (of non-conductive solid things) but there's always a balance between positive and negative moved charges. Basically, by friction, you "steal" electrons from a surface, but those electrons have to go somewhere, or the other surface.  When two droplets bump together and produced electricity as current theories state, where the positive charge and where the negative one go? As for ice, it is 3 orders of magnitude more conductive than silica (glass) which is an insulator and can be used for generating static electricity. You can also try and rub ice in a freezing temperature environment to see if it charges or not.

You can't generate electricity by friction inside a material, cause you can't remove or add electrons there. Though there are exceptions, and those are solid materials like silica dust where the electric charges may move deep inside the dust particles, and stay there, like in a capacitor (by friction caused by vibration or even breakage and that dust starts flying around like crazy). But that is not the case with water or even ice which is with three orders of magnitude more conductive than silica. Also lightning does not occur in areas of clouds with ice but in those with water because it is the conductivity of water that shortcuts the different potential levels within the clouds.

Clouds form when humidity in the air condensates and forms droplets. The process takes place within a vertical electric field gradient and each droplet is already charged according to its position in the field gradient. The reason the droplets don't merge with each other (and also can't bump into each other to produce friction) is the fact they are charged with the same positive charge from inception.

As for academics, they're most fake and those who are real or teach in schools think about their paycheck more than the scientific truth. And what is the big fuss, anyways? Clouds are charged period and who cares why and why lightening and thundering occurs.

Truth in this matter is of utter strategic importance to those who know. On this are based weather manipulation, geo weapons, bullying (ionosphere is getting thinner), etc..

1:00 Pe mine mă enervau foarte mult confuziile astea de pe vremuri când făceam programe (aplicații) de salarii. Confuzia e preluată cred din sistemul de dinainte de 89. Există o Contribuție pentru Asigurări Sociale de 25%, CAS, pentru pensii care se duce la Bugetul de Asigurări Sociale, care însumează, împreună cu o subvenție de stat de aproximativ 9% un buget de 100 miliarde lei anual din care se plătesc pensiile și o Contribuție pentru Asigurări Sociale de Sănătate de 10%, CASS care merge la Bugetul de Stat prin Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate or CNAS subordonată tot Ministerului Sănătății cu un buget de aproximativ 44 miliarde lei anual (2021) cu filialele județene care se numesc CAS. Capisci?

Cred că era, este, o formă de bully-ism prin confuzie ireductibilă pentru a genera stupoare și obediență în fața a ce era atunci birocrație de stat iar acum bully-ism de stat.

Dar mai este ceva ce nu înțeleg. Ministerul Sănătății are un buget de numai 32 miliarde lei, sumă ce include toate cheltuielile, adică vizite, spitalizări și medicamente. A ok diferența de 12 miliarde este concediile medicale.

5:22 Dominium canis.
11:45 Was reading the news looking for the counter action that has come rigt in time. How to trample a Theory on Earth's Magnetic Field and Ligthening, Dominicani conspiracy, COVID, greenhouse effect, other informations published by me about ruling elite of the world originating in ancient Australia in one simple step. Leaving the roof covers open on a greenhouse. Pink lights from a growing marijuana farm reflecting in the clouds to create a story. Forget about the fact it scared the shit out of the inhabitants of that town (if the story is real and they were not all asleep and the lights only lasted for some photos). It looks like internet era has its advantages. One can publish his own theories bypassing the official bullshit. But they can counteract also.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

July 20

12:40 Today (19) it was too hot not to run the AC. I checked earlier and it was ok, no dust smell, but as the weather cooled and compressor was not kicking in all the time and the cold radiator dried and wasn't filtering the air anymore, dust appeared apparently falling from above, went outside on a hunch, it was in front and in the back of the building. Rock dust smelling like volcanic rocks. Upstairs it was quiet until i opened the news in the OK. And now i'm facing searching for PM (Penny More daunt).

11:10 No i couldn't find her last night. Too tired. Vacuuming Monday after going twice at Walmart was more traumatizing and disrupting i thought it would. Firstly, like today, none of the people on the streets or in the store were random or normal people. All actors or extras of the nagas. Synchronizing and getting in the way. When i came back again in entered the freeway in the same point, out of Dartmouth St. Not 72 as i wrote the other day. Ramp is indeed much shorter, the "mergeable" area marked with broken white line is only about 200 ft. Imagine that. Meeting with a 100 ft SAIA behemoth exactly in that area. Having to brake to clear the last of the three trailers to be able to merge. Also i want to say here about another big problem they created with marking the street at Nyberg exit. First two left lanes of the exit go left, but each is corresponding to two lanes on Nyberg and most of the people including the woman that drove behind me and me for years get confused and. Try and follow the curved broken white line here.

While i was vacuuming, at a certain point i saw the vacuum hose was disconnected which means there was not vacuum applied in the brushes area and much unfiltered (through the bag) dust was released in the air. Not sure for how long, i already did half the surface, went back and did it all again. I was sick to the stomach the whole day and next morning (and was out of green beans to fix that). But the smell did not go away until i washed the blue blanket with the polar bear 3 more times yesterday after i washed it once Monday. Apparently it had absorbed the smell that was coming out of the weird bathroom sink, with a "dead end" or useless piece of gutter (at the left of the pipe here). That sewage smell went away from there after i poured in chlorine several times and cleaned with a snake brush for about a week, but it was trapped in that blanket which i washed maybe every 2 or 3 months, Monday evening being last time.

But all these got to me. Yesterday i was drunk when i ate cucumber salad using my defective dentures and those created an infection in the gum that due to whole body inflammation due to inhaling dust while vacuuming spread to my head and got me a pretty bad sinusitis, with a terrible headache this morning which prompted me to take already 3 doses of Augmenting, vitamins and some liquids. Most people ignore the fact that dust is of many types and the worse by far is dust from volcanic rock made mineral insulation present in walls of most houses in the US.

I recently ordered a lens attachment that promises to turn you phone into a 100x microscope which allows you theoretically to see particle down to .2 microns, but i think i will return it and buy a cheap but real 1000x student microscope, to look both at my car's oil and all kinda dust around me and i hope that will end many speculations.

I knew i was going to be much better if i can go for a walk to pump blood in the infected area but it was like 66 degrees and took my Zero Exposure jacket and that made me perspire a lot bla bla.. Again many people breaking ORS 163.732 that is being there with the only purpose of interacting with me including many cars with KGC and KGA LPN but my brain was shutting down trying to save resources to fight illness so i could not positively identify any of them though i'm sure some were from the recent matches.

11:57 I wrote in several occasions about how i believe weather can be manipulated. One method, created by "Nikola Tesla" himself, is by using giant DC lines on the ground that may work in the same way electrostatic filters with no moving parts move the air in a room, but at much greater scale, with the example, Pacific Intertie which stretches for over 1000 miles (Dyson fans have hidden moving parts, sorry). I didn't know until recently that actually there are many high voltage DC lines in the world, including in Europe. There is another even older method which steers the jet-streams by raising or lowering the ionosphere with an antenna (Eiffel Tower) or even clouds. The newer, more sophisticated method, uses microwave phased array antennas to heat the ionosphere and steer the jet-streams and maybe the local winds and this one requires gigantic supercomputers to make the calculations and process the feedback from local sensors, like the Japanese Earth Simulator.

Weather control can be used indeed for improving agriculture and living conditions and counteract locally the effects of global heating, but also, if needed, for psychological pressure. But it wasn't until today that i realized it can serve one more purpose. By manipulating winds, they can raise dust from regions like Sahara and moving it over Europe and that can create... (announced) pandemics and this theory predicts that most southern countries like Italy will be mostly affected.

1:55 Metsubushi. It could be much simpler than that. Taking advantage of weather. When winds are blowing from the direction of a desert, some could simply fly a bunch of helicopters at low altitude or something similar over hot sand areas where there are ascending currents. That wouldn't draw much attention. It will be not visible at the destination. Only the finest submicronic dust will raise and fly 1000 km away. And yes, it could have been done in ancient times. Unsuspected. Undetectable.

Bob Dylan.

3:21 Doubling. While i was concentrated to search and write the last paragraphs he started his dance above. He's got a certain way, probably saying a certain mantra, so i won't react. After i finished i felt very tired and fell asleep. When Angela came i took the opportunity to look above. At the biggest patch, next to the pillar there was a bulge made from inside out in the still soft joint compound hiding a through hole (no it wasn't that soft to "fall"). Lost my temper and forgot to take a picture before i fixed it. Just took a shower. When i came back i realized the couch cover smells like litter dust and threw it in the washer.
6:25 I was editing the paragraph above and he started to yell only when i was thinking and writing, before i hit enter. But what do you expect. Each character i type here or on address bar or fb or everywhere else appears on the screen only after it is being sent to google and google then sends it back (otherwise it couldn't do spellcheck by example which doesn't happen on your computer). So it goes through their AI.

7:03 How many times i tried to say. There are all kinda dusts. Millions types of dusts, or actually how many materials are around on the surface of the  Earth times their combinations. Silica or silicon dioxide is one of the most common minerals found on the surface of Earth. Soil, sand, name it. But most of it, after billions of  years, is in rounded particles. Big and small. Mineral wool on the other hand is made of molten magma in form of fibers, in a process similar to the making of cotton candy. It is fibers of irregular thickness. Now try to imagine what happens when those tiny fibers break for various reasons, mostly vibration. 
The resulting dust is sharp. Inhaling that fine sharp dust in small amounts won't do much to your lungs cause it will be wrapped in mucus. But that mucus with the dust eliminates into your stomach and intestines and causes all kinda illnesses we call modern. I know from my own experiences (from when trying to fix things in the attic in Lake Oswego). After a noticeable exposure it will be days until it clears out, with a diet rich in fiber which entangles with the sharp dust, when it will create discomfort, mostly stomach pain, also bloating, mucus in stool and slowing of intestinal transit which in the end leads to constipation. In time inflammation from your intestine will slowly spread in other areas of your body. One of the scariest symptoms during acute exposure is nose congestion which without other symptoms you may not even notice, giving you a shortness of breath while trying to breathe on your nose.

Very few people or entities have the means or curiosity or interest to analyze dust but that could tell your future. That is the reason why i'm buying a microscope, the cheapest real one i could find on Amazon.

And the question of course. Can you hide this type of sharp artificial dust in a "legitimate" sand storm? (drop a few pounds of it from a plane). One thing is for sure. Current sensors used for monitoring pollution do not take into account the shape or chemical composition but only the size and number of particles.

Americans are also familiar with silica sharp dust from concrete (also mostly silica) breakage during the fall of the... twin towers and its effects. Though i believe nobody knows the real numbers.

11:00 He started to squeak again, after many hours of silence, took the dental probe and this time i realized the patch was missing, like it was taken or sucked with some tool from above, only a thin wet cracked layer still remaining. Now again i squeezed a large amount that should make for more than the 3/8 the thickness of the ceiling itself.