Friday, July 29, 2022

July 29

6:35 Got back home after Angela hit a 1500 dollar jackpot (biggest in all these years) enough to par the recent losses and also because i was not 100% sure i stopped the AC, locked the door, etc.. Without the AC here temperature is 86 degrees and heat is radiating from the long living wall. I don't think the little man upstairs has any AC and he just left, temperature there must be 10 degrees higher, and dust lingers since Wednesday trimmers. Dust contributed to being very irritated and leaving in a hurry yesterday.

Actually we changed our minds several times between getting back here at 100 degrees or driving on beautiful 101 at 70 degrees all the way to Coos Bay.

At the beach, parking lot and and casino, much symbolism and pantomime.

On our way here got almost hit by a blue semi with an empty trailer from behind. As i was watching forward, absent and tired, i saw a shadow getting closer in the mirror and i was getting ready to accelerate when he was like 10 ft away and then he fell behind. Minutes later he tried again then he exited before entering Washington county. Tried to fall behind but this KIA was following very closely and couldn't squeeze. Angela said it did not have a LPN. This also confirms they have a feedback on my reactions.

Didn't really want to write about this, but right in front of the complex there was a wet dirty towel reminiscent of the one i left at the motel. I used that one to wash the screens that were stinking like pickled smoked algae, in the tub using much water from the showerhead cause water was coming dark green yellow. So we could air and sleep. Screens were also very loose, one with a bent frame and ready to fall by design, making me now wondering if it wasn't a sort of trap. I wash these here for years and never got loose or bent. And yes the kitchen blinds. First they broke by accident. I washed them to be able to fix them reattaching the broken parts like i did  before in several places but didn't have time.

There was an unusual number of older Hungarians acting like pissed older Americans at the beach today.

Getting ready to eat, the young woman with the dog came in front of the windows and stumbled, which made her...

7:37 Tried to use some superglue to attach the broken blinds and probably some chemicals got released and the little man upstairs came and started to hit the walls and floors and released something in the walls in retaliation.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

July 28

10:30 Set an alarm, woke up at 4, at 4:50 i found a spot for my truck cause i forgot it on a No parking on Thursday spot and today it was Thursday and at @7 AM towing is here to tow vehicles parked on such spots, to make room for the garbage truck.

Around 7 i put one of those warning signs for picking dog remains on the hydrant, cause wall is covered with a bush in that area. However, after i slept one more hour, i found 2 more dog poops right next to it.

Garbage truck has passed and i moved the truck back and when i came back i found ft away from the building a lighter (no that one i found earlier and  threw it in the bin before they emptied it) and a vaping took which i threw in the empty bin, as we are getting ready to leave for a few days vacation.


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

July 27

10:09 Nu știu ori am îmbătrânit eu, anestezia de la dentist a durat, după, vreo 5 ore. Postarea asta o las, gata, nu mai adaug sau modific nimic sau îmbătrânesc și mai mult cu ea.

11:13 Faptul că în județul Călărași în acest moment este cea mai mare poluare cu particule indică proveniența din sud, posibil din Sahara africană. O posibilă corelație cu numărul de cazuri de COVID? S-ar putea încerca, dacă site-ul acesta pe care s-au plătit niște bani de la guvern, ar merge. Un lucru e sigur. La nivelul ăsta de poluare, masca e necesară pentru particule.

3:14 Three major news today, and  the market rallied. Fed rate increase, CHIPS bill and Manchin agreement.

6:44 Am înțeles că în România sunt mulți patrioți care n-au ce face, în mare parte din cauză că partidele, statul, ca oriunde și întodeauna, sunt deturnate sau mai bine zis controlate de alții, știm noi cine, chiar la vârf și din plictiseală mulți se gândesc prea mult la mine.

Vin cu o propunere, cei mai bravi dintre ei să înființeze o firmă o societate comercială non-profit numită Naționala de Construcții Autostrăzi, să-l pună pe Gigi Becali ca manager (a nu că ăsta a umblat cu valiza cu bani), pe tipul ăla din Suceava care a făcut un metru de autostradă, fiindcă are experiență, să angajeze pe cei mai buni absolvenți de facultăți de profil din România, foști olimpici care încă nu sunt blazați (burned out) dacă se poate, să obțină toate licențele și permisele necesare și sunt sigur că birocrații vor tremura în fața lor când vor merge pe la ghișee, după care să participe la licitații și să le ia fața bandiților.

Primul km ar fi mai greu până se învață inginerii aceia să compacteze teren și să toarne beton. Dar nu poate fi mai greu decât...

Fiindcă doar autostrăzile vor mai aduce întreprinderi, job-uri și pe românii exilați înapoi.

Sau să-i invite la licitații pe bulgari. Firma aia din Bulgaria care a făcut autostrăzi acolo prin munți cu 3 milioane euro pe km, și fiindcă e la o aruncătură de băț de pod.

10:41 Licitația nu a avut loc, dar banii au fost puși deoparte. 1.18 miliarde de euro pentru 77 km, adică 15 milioane pe km, cu toată lungimea la șes, de 5 ori mai mult pe km decât la bulgari. La fel ca în cazul autostrăzii Bechtel, primul tronson se face la mijloc. 112 poduri și alte structuri, bănuiesc că majoritatea sunt pasaje. Mai mult de unul pe km?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

July 26

6:33 Have you ever heard a raven on steroids going crazy? It just stopped when i plugged the phone in the charger, ready to record. Now the guy upstairs started his job, early,

6:34 Numele și personajele George Simion (Sim_ilarites, Ion) și George Bunici au fost create special și sunt folosite în mod alegoric pentru a mă discredita.

Ei sunt foarte avansați în psihologie și orice știință fiindcă provin din altă lume, cu o evoluție paralelă și nimeni nu le poate sta împotrivă. Însă această întreprindere finală a lor, folosind actori pentru a crea personaje publice în țări pe care de altfel le controlează ca state se transformă acum în dovezi, datorită internetului.

6:43 He left early as i commented and some guy started to again dismantle furniture and blow with an electric blower the space around garbage bin.

11:00 E adevărat, am muncit 2 zile non-stop la această postare, am început cu ceva și nu m-am mai putut opri. Mașina în stare de funcționare este vitală în SUA, unde distanțele sunt mari și nu ai alternative, deci am avut ceva experiențe în 27 de ani. E adevărat, piese și scule ieftine se găsesc, mai ales acum pe Amazon, mecanicii sunt foarte scumpi iar lucrul în alee la apartamente pe unde am stat eu mai ales până în 2010 nu este foarte tolerat.

Astăzi în știri au apărut însă o mulțime de accidente, moți, etc., România campioana morților pe șosele (apropo și de ce am spus eu, că am văzut un mort la volanul unei mașini probabil condusă remote), ca să treacă unora cheful de autostrăzi, statistici care ca și COVID-ul pot fi reale sau nu. De multe ori însă accidentele se întâmplă și din cauza drumurilor înguste, nesemnalizărilor (marcajelor) corespunzătoare și de ce nu, a lipsei autostrăzilor dar și a mașinilor în bună stare de funcționare la părțile de siguranță.

Tocmai din cauza lipsei drumurilor de calitate șoferii amatori nu conduc mult și nu au experiență.

Apropo de COVID, a venit valul de căldură din Africa, odată cu el și praful vizibil sau nu de Sahara, l-a măsurat cineva? Moderat nu înseamnă bun iar pentru praf mineral (nu mai poate fi polen în timpul acesta al anului, 65 este mult).

11:18 Et que la faim

2:30 It's done. Today it starts a new period of my life, with no canine teeth.

Nu prea înțeleg site-ul acesta, chiar la început la București scrie 82, iar mai jos la Real-time Romania city ranking pentru București scrie 132 ceea ce e mult mai nașpa, comparabil cu atunci când sunt focuri de vegetație. (Scara este inversă, cu 0 calitatea aerului cea mai bună, da, am văzut în Portland când bătea vântul dinspre ocean). Poate prima e o medie, pe ceva. Să zicem că în București e trafic mult mai mare, dar sunt date și pentru alte orașe și toate sunt prea mari. Site-ul este al unei firme private care vinde monitoare iar aceste monitoare se conectează la wi-fi și raportează înapoi la firmă.

Monday, July 25, 2022

July 25

12:20 Got an appointment for a tooth extraction.

12:55 Got nauseated after i ate. Went outside and smelled a dog poop in the back, probably in front of the other balcony, where dogs are living. Went at the truck, nauseated. But my truck wouldn't start though it worked perfectly last time so i lost my appointment. Looks like it's the fuel pump that was replaced relatively recently though i was hearing the pump hissing. I panicked and didn't listen for the regulator hissing though i could hear the pump. Tried and swapped the fuel pump relay with another one with no success. Sounds like another of their doubling schemes cause i just wrote something similar in another post. Came back inside, moved the appointment for tomorrow.

I grabbed a tool that in the end proved useless. I went outside, saw the white bearded guy who was doing his round. Took the picture with the bottles at 1:01. Went at the truck, opened the hood with the pliers (handle is broken), touched the inspection valve of the fuel rail with the car key and a few drops of gas came out (earlier i swapped the relay with another one). Fuel pump regulator came to mind (though i replaced that one myself again a few years ago). I went and turned the key and listened and the fuel pump was hissing. Fuel pump regulator was hissing too though kinda pulsating (like maybe having air bubbles from being emptied). I removed the key from ignition and waited for the bearded guy to pass.

One older Japanese guy who from a distance seemed like a teen came and passed between cars. Waited for him to pass too to test the fuel pressure again (empirically), by opening the line with the car key which i did when nobody was around. Drops of gas climbed 4 inches high. Went and tried and truck started. At 1:10 pulled the phone and tried to call the office a couple of times with no success. Left the truck with engine on and came back to grab other shoes, but couldn't get in cause i didn't have the keys.

Drove over there. I barely squeezed when i merged on the freeway, while the traffic on that lane suddenly stopped, forcing me to brake very close to the grey car in front, worrying if i'm not going to get hit from behind. Was thinking about changing the lane when i saw a few big trucks some with chrome bumpers zooming at high speed. Finally changed lanes and looked. The guy at the wheel of that small metallic gray car with a black beard and a yellow shawl around his head, oriental style, who wouldn't move his head, looked either very sick, dying or already dead. It is not the first time when i thought i saw dead guys at the wheel of probably retrofitted self-driving or remote controlled cars. Thinking what would have happened if i hit that car.

Got there at 1:30. I saw a couple of Japanese guys covering the windows for the offices in the building, like preparing to paint, with dental office windows already covered. Yesterday or earlier today remembered for how many years i was watching the planes in the sky from the office while sitting on that chair. I wanted to call but changed my mind. I think i checked the phone for time but not sure. Came back home, was in line at the red light camera, 5th or 6th but can't remember if i looked when i passed. I looked behind a few seconds later after taking the corner and the light was still green which was odd.

I can still hear the crows or ravens that were cawing all morning, very loudly. Could it be they are attracted by my diabetes smell, hypnotizing or entraining my breath or brain, putting me in a light trance, thinking maybe instinctively hurrying my soul on the other world so they can feed on my body?

5:24 While i finished cooking dinner, some kids first stated to yell like crazies and now are crying in the distance. No, yelling again. No, crying.

11:50 Scorpene-le franțuzești (care sunt de 4 or mai scurte).