Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24

7:00 Today will probably be the last day of construction here. Last Monday they came and removed the old windows which are not  yet sealed from the inside. The smell of litter dust from the wall is prevailing here. I can imagine what's inside the wall if the sawdust smells so bad it contaminated me after i dusted the rear side of the building yesterday.

So i'm sick and nauseated. After four hours of sleep i took Angela at work so i can keep the car, get inside or go in the park if i can't bear it no more.

Took some charcoal, watched some videos, ate something, waiting to fall asleep. And then i saw something in a video and couldn't stop but post it. You judge for yourselves what you see.Then i fell asleep and thought i heard a noise like someone knocking at the door. I went to see, they were two guys and i asked them if they were going to enter today inside and they said no, maybe next week, they are working now at the next building, and then i wrote an email to the office to ask when are they going to get inside and when are they going to finish the project. 9:17 Last night i tried to escape the last hours of dust and noise and i convinced Angela to go to Spirit Mountain. She had a 10 dollar food coupon and went to the 10 barrel bar to order some burgers.

She made the order on her name and she left. As this not so tall body builder went to the bar to pick something, the attendant called her name and he was in front of me at the bar and i was extremely irritated (pain all over my skin) because of the dust, but know i recon, the biggest problem is not the walls cause i sealed the windows with tape pretty well, the biggest problem is the pile of garbage that keeps growing for 10 days outside door. I also craved real coffee and had some and i started yelling at the guy, Are you Angelica, and he looked prepared, he said no, you are Angelica and i told him You look like Angelica. He could have probably taken me with one finger, but he chose to leave me alone.

One hour later, Angela was playing one dollar hands at the High Limit area (smaller area, fewer cameras with easier to asses angles) when a group of men, all looking athletes, started to make a big noise and yell, and one of them put his butt on Angela's face at which point i grabbed the phone and took a picture, as he was straightening his bowed position. Then i started to record the yelling guys and uploaded a few recordings and they left soon after. I recognized one of them as...

10:07 I think one of the guys i spoke with this morning when i opened the door looked like... Not sure cause i'm half asleep. But definitely saw him through the window Monday when they had some sort of meeting and he was acting like the supervisor or owner of the company. A compressor for powering tools constantly vibrates the building, bringing dust by the windows that i sealed with packaging tape that leak in places.

BTW, if they asked me i'd say it's not bad they replace the moldy aluminum windows, but the biggest problem with the building is the basement.

I remembered about 5 years ago they did the roofing in the whole complex, it's been a continuous nail beating sound, with thousands of nails (about one nail per second on average) for each roof for almost one year. Before that, they fixed the pavement, another couple of months of misery. After roof it's been the siding @ May 2019.

2:18 I ran to Best Buy to buy a sim card for my phone. Many people simulating getting in front of me, the guy with the blower in the parking lot. On my way back i had to stop behind a guy who stopped too early at a stop sign (incoming traffic not close enough, last stop before intersection and was saying now "incoming traffic has no stop", really weird, car coming from North). Then he moved when he shouldn't (traffic still coming) while a big white SUV Discovery from the right came to 1 ft distance, where the driver could not control (see) the distance no more. I got back thinking to take a picture, but she backed up at once at the line of the intersection and at once extended her head through the window, making it impossible to take the picture. She also didn't have a front LPN. The rear LPN showed something like MNH (My New Ache). I hurried to write this because last time when something similar happened the cops came at my door "to make sure i will not retaliate to the poor guy" who was also present at my door dressed as a cop. Yesterday in the intersection following stop sign a cop was watching with serenity as a gray KIA almost ran me over as i was crossing on green.

From 20 ft away where she moved back she looked like Ariana Grande, thought with short, curly ash blond hair.

When i got back here two guys were blowing the dust in the parking lot all the way to the sky, somehow the dust made it here (under the door i guess) and made me sneeze. By writing this i know i will supersede myself the information i put when complaining about 10 days of dust in the apartment, this is how they work, they usually blow dust in this location about one hour later. I didn't catch the image at the peak of the dust though.
4:13 It was nothing like yesterday. Didn't need the car to run away since they haven't worked at this building at all. After they finished at the next side facing ours, almost same amounts of windows in less than half the time they did here (they had a bigger team i guess), they moved on the other side of the next building, made less noise, less dust and i fell asleep and slept several hours. But what did i witness when i went to pick Angela? I parked, like yesterday, on the other side of the alley where she usually parks and Angela (who slept 4 hours, worked ten) was coming towards me in the middle of the alley, without looking behind just being happy she gets home and i watched with terror when one of the two "Chinese women" (Fang) almost ran her over with her big SUV (small Chinese woman, big SUV, can't see near or in front maybe up to 20 ft) (again, superseding the information above, missing her by inches).

Then we went to her garden only to find there a woman who left looking embarrassed, with a bag with something in it. When Angela looked, several pounds of tomatoes were missing. She talked to Angela the other day, saying she comes there to relax, not having a lot of her own. The good news is the kitchen compost in the piled bags has fermented, is not stinking anymore while there are still left a few weeks of "crops". (Yeah i know phone camera was on manual, WB is screwed).

There is another expression for this type of information superseding: If you complain, i'll bully you some more.

5:45 After about one hour of the AC working, the room filled with dust. A mixture of siding dust falling from the balcony above that has been swept but probably like mine, with finest dust remaining, and the one from the blowing of the parking lot (Wednesday blowing, picture above).
I went and tried to hose the AC, the concrete patio, screen, etc.. Some guy from BZ came to throw away garbage. I mean, literally throwing boards on top of other, raising more dust. He had a mask completely covering his face at 90+ degrees. Three Japanese teens as tall as me passed, slowly. But then i realized i need to hose the balcony upstairs as well. However when he went to vacation, like never before, he left a pair of shoes which i tried as much as i could to avoid. (BTW today i remembered he had a pair of miniature boxing gloves attached to the central mirror). Dust and bigger chunks of debris fell so i had to do mine one more time. Trouble with these small window ACs is the inner (cold) area communicates with the outer through the water collecting pan which is not always full. While i was hosing the balcony a guy with glasses was fixing a bicycle tire while i was virtually hosing him (he was in that direction but too far away). Guess the symbolism?

When i was about to finish i realized they didn't fix that piece of siding everything started with (though i'm not sure cause SAGE inspected the buildings before that). It looks like the other siding under is wet, needs to dry. All i want to say is when i discovered it two years ago i didn't have the  hose, it was not my doing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

August 23

12:00 O ciudată legătură între două știri din România și una din Marea Britanie. Faptul că descrierile nu coincideau și poliția nu l-a găsit sugerează, la fel ca și în cazul lui Jack Spintecătorul, apărut cu o sută de ani mai târziu, o acțiune de curățire a prostituției (prin sperierea prostituatelor). Un lucru e sigur. Briții au o lungă tradiție în benzi desenate (cartoons). A și în România pare o campanie subliminală de discreditare a trotinetelor electrice care sunt foarte mișto. Am văzut odată pe o plajă în Los Angeles, luai una, mergeai unde aveai de mers și o lăsai acolo. Le poți comanda cu un GPS integrat în electronică (care nu poate fi deci scos) și găsi în caz de furt.

12:42 Ăștia mimează incompetența prostia pentru a jefui. De atâția ani și nu se prinde nimeni.

12:47 Am avut odată un aburitor care îmi părea mișto. Făceam și mămăligă cu el. Avea o cuvă mică, un capac, puteai să faci cartofi întregi sau tăiați în două, în funcție de mărime, în vreo jumătate de oră, etc.. S-a stricat, nu am mai luat altul, am încercat să fierb cartofi de exemplu în abur într-o oală cu capac cu 1 cm de apă la fund, și ieșeau exact ca în timpul de fierbere normal în apă de 15 minute, dar nu mai trebuia să arunc apă cu posibili nutrienți minerali. Metoda merge mișto la broccoli (5 minute) sau morcovi (10 minute). Poți să faci garnitură "ca la IKEA" adăugând succesiv cartofi, la 5 minute morcovi și la încă 5 minute, broccoli, timp total, 15 minute.

Și m-am apucat să comand unul de pe Amazon, ca românul, cât mai mare, cât mai ieftin. S-ar părea nu are aceeași putere ca cel vechi, face de exemplu păstăi (ultra low calories) din congelate în 40 minute timp în care consumă mai mult de un litru de apă (ceea ce îți crește umiditatea în interior, poate fi bine sau nu, depinde). Azi am tăiat cartofi ca pentru cartofi prăjiți, am pus puțin ulei și paprica să pară colorați și am făcut ceva care semăna cu cartofi prăjiți, french fries,  cum spun americanii. Dacă aia mi-a ieșit, după 30 minute de aburit, mai târziu mi-am încercat norocul cu pasta. Dar nu așa, în tăviță, ci direct în tava aia cu găuri, ca pe legume. Am așteptat, am așteptat, în vreo jumătate de oră erau pe jumătate albe în interior, deci am panicat, am pus repede o oală cu apă la fiert, am fiert "clasic" vreo 5 minute și am salvat pasta. După care am citit online. Nu poți face pasta uscată la aburi, doar în tavă, ca pentru o orez, cu un inch de apă peste nivel. Chestia ciudată și motivul pentru care am scris toate acestea e că după fierberea de la sfârșit... a ieșit pasta mult mai bună decât de obicei. Tare, "al dente" dar mai gătită, nu știu cum să explic. Nu ca și cum ai mânca făină uscată fiartă în apă. Deliziosa. Umami.

9:22 Da, am vorbit despre scufundarea pastei în apă, după aburire. Am pus link la faza cu înțepătorul din Londra, a venit și Ciucă să spună o chestie similară. De fapt, ce fac ei toată ziua, în afară de declarații? (ei nu apar niciodată obosiți, după atâtea discursuri).

9:23 Da bine dar după injecția letală organele alea mai funcționează? (O scăpare a scenariștilor).

9:31 Am citit pe un site că Dugina ar fi ars complet fiind în mașină, pe altul că ar fi fost dezmembrată. În orice caz, acest eveniment a venit într-un moment când războiul începuse să stagneze iar pe unele site-uri apăruseră știri că Putin și Zelenski ar putea să se întâlnească.

12:00 Woke at 8, fell back asleep, woke at 9 again. Noise of a compressor, dust, didn't close the balcony door all the way because of AC cable. Later i realized there was exhaust smoke from a compressor or generator. (I did not awake fully not even one  hour later). They started working at the next building, before finishing this one, making extra noises.

So after i wrote above, eat something, decided to walk the 2 miles to Angela's work to pick the car so i can move around, go in the park, library, whatever, to escape all this hell that lasts for 10 days now.

But when i cross the street at Best Buy plaza, a guy in a gray KIA coming from the plaza almost hit me, breaking the 6 ft rule (shouldn't have attempted to cross a crosswalk while a pedestrian is in it or 6 ft away), i was on  the sidewalk just starting to cross the second lane when light turned to red with 21 seconds to spare) and, read carefully, a cop on a motorcycle watched the whole scene, while mumbling at me something "...takes time".

I was thinking about walking on the south sidewalk because of more shadow, however, can't go on it on the overpass, crossed at Fred Meyer, but forgot at Martinazzi there is no green light for pedestrians, though there is sidewalk on both sides, so i had to cross again and walked in the Sun bla bla.

I think after Teton there is a construction area, with some lanes blocked, i was walking on the crosswalk where traffic came from behind and i met with some blackberry vines. Several vehicles came real close to the sidewalk, with one big truck actually rubbing against it. But i was so nervous i dropped the phone and didn't catch it when it was close.

12:30 I can't believe they sell in the US on Amazon phones that are not US compatible. I can't belive the phone was found compatible by T-Mobile back in January, but then later started to malfunction ("nework busy" error, need to restart many times, but still working after) and then after i canceled that account (that was canceled days before billing cycle) it was found incompatible by all carriers (Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile).

12:23 Angela had one day free lodging at the Chinook but on Thursday, she took Friday off, however, an unexpected work order came and she doesn't know anymore. The guy upstairs also took a vacation while they make most noise and dust here.

12:44 Răspunsul la "Got a man but i want you".

What's happier than hairy styles? (Saturday, Lincoln City, Liquor Outlet).

Monday, August 22, 2022

August 22

6:48 I don't listen to radio too much. But when i drive at night i turn it on and when i turn it on local Z100 that can be heard all the way to the beaches all i can hear is Doja Cat, Weeknd and Pope Mallone. Except for the pope, i can't understand much of what the're saying, haven't paying much attention either but it starts to get me on my nerves (what is she saying caracha, boracha?) So i searched for the lyrics this morning it realized it's more than that. Listen and read. Really was considering adding more videos but i risk again getting the post unpublished by google, though they play this stuff on the radio all day long, hundreds of times a month. So i invite you to search for more "doja cat lyrics" on youtube. 7:10 What do you expect? Doja Cat (Keiko Tsuji) has been Miss (Universe) Japan in 2014, can't you all see this? (If you choose to see the video on youtube, you can see lyrics on captions) 7:20 I can feel the energizing dust floating around. The sprinklers at a certain time wetted the bin with garbage at the door but it dried again. Slept 4 hours, feel rested and alert. I remember how many times i crashed after not sleeping for days, went to the ER, psychiatric wards, not knowing the cause? How many bills I paid which led to my financial ruin, and generally completely ruined my life?

9:06 Excite în limba engleză are sens destul de diferit față de română, unde a fost preluat din franceză și are o tentă sexuală. În engleză nici vorbă de așa ceva, cel mai apropiat cuvânt în română este (a se) entuziasma. Verbul din engleză corespunzător lui excita din română este arouse.

1:00 BMW engine assembly vs Pakistani extreme mechanics. (will it work?)

Puteți recunoaște diferitele componente? Chiulasă, supape, tacheți, axe cu came, lanț de distribuție, arbore cotit, etc.. Se pune ulei pe fiecare component la asamblare, până la amorsarea (priming) a motorului, când uleiul care iese din pompă începe să circule. De asemenea în aceste video-uri puteți vedea fețe de nemți adevărați, obosiți, munciți, ceva imigranți pe acolo, la fel obosiți, munciți etc.. 


Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 21

8:56 Should i apologize to other casino goers for what happened last night? I had no idea this would happen. I thought there would be not so much dust on our clothes. To have this effect on others. Yesterday before we left i tried to wet the activated carbon filters, like i did during wildfires, which was stopping most smoke. Wet filters are the only way to filter particles 10 times smaller than the smallest a HEPA filter can get. Or electrostatic, but that one has not enough capacity.

It's all BeeZee's construction fault. They put all the garbage they extracted from around the windows in one huge open bin right at our door and left it over the weekend. Some of those pieces of wood are full of dust from inside the wall, dust that may contain sharp silica nano-particles. Not talking about trying to seal the exposed holes in the wall with pieces of flashing too short. Noises like from cars with modified exhaust, cars hitting the bump outside the building easily raise that dust. I developed a feel for it in Lake Oswego, when i went several times in the attic to fix exhaust pipes. I know when huge amounts are present in the air.

I think it happened before, but not at this scale. Dust is constantly falling from the roof through the airing vents, again at noises and bump hitting.

We were carrying unknowingly tiny amounts of those particle on our clothes. Once inside, it spread everywhere. I think of the times when they were smoking inside the casino. Cigarette smoke would have trapped that dust.

Never seen so many people so excited in my life. They were swarming frantically in the casino, passing from one machine to another, twice as fast as i've seen usually. A woman won a hand at a table game and was yelling for minutes. More people than usual at that day and our were present, according to google maps. I think they owners made much money that night as people when they get excited tend to play and loose more.

I'm taking big chances in writing this but i think it's an opportunity to prove what that dust does in tiny amounts. Don't bother trying to analyze. You won't see anything in an optical microscope and in an electronic one you won't find the particles among others as they are very few with such dramatic effect.

Try to imagine what's happening to us. Not much to me anymore, cause i know. But Angela awoke and started to yell already.

I am also sitting here at the computer and the guy upstairs is raining contaminated litter dust on me. I smell like coming from a stable, though it's less then 24 hours since last shower.

Because of pain, yesterday i drank in the parking lot there about 500 ml of brandy and fell asleep passed out. Angela didn't want to drive, being too tired (after all the effort it took to loose 600 dollars). So i did it after i slept a couple of hours there, with doors unlocked. At Sheridan a Sheriff's detours took me on a very narrow road with no shoulder.

Pele's hair happens when a strong wind blows during a volcanic eruption. It is the design inspiration for mineral fiber found in most American homes. A good thermal insulator, very cheap to manufacture, all you have to do is heat volcanic lava inside a centrifuge machine, like for making cotton candy. Fibers are irregular and breakage is submicroscopic.

And yes, Rihanna was present dressed as a security guard. I talked to her and wrote Angela's name on a piece of paper in front of her cause i had to page her (got lost, gave up searching, she didn't hear the phone or whatever. The insulation in older homes is loose, the final product presented here is bound and packaged. However, my thoughts go to those the walking dead who work in there, without a breathing apparatus or even masks, especially in pre-binding and cutting areas. Not that it would make a difference, those particles are too small.They phased out and demonized asbestos because this is probably cheaper to manufacture, and no study has tied the effects on human health, which are more psychological than organ damaging, at least at first.

2:03 16 éves Nagy Adrienn

2:57 Dug-in for you. I think it's wrong to say: this guy started the war, or Putin or Rasputin or whatever. These guys live in some sort of collective consciousness they brought with them from Australia called "the dreaming" (yes, i believe now the American dream is just a part of it).

11:04 I think the significance of bowing in Japan is more deep that we all think. First, there is the bowing to the emperor, who is a god. But then the emperor bows back and all people bow to each other, head first (there is another type of bow, reserved to enemies, the other way around and  that also has some weird but negative power  to that person and i have experienced many times, like several times yesterday while driving). I think when the emperor bows back he transmits some of his divine power to the people.  Could it be a form of syncing their brainwaves, a form of deep communication like that of aboriginal Australians based on vibrational communications.
Then they all start to feel a bit part of it. Lesser gods. Their kami in connection to the emperor's kami. This and other supernatural powers, like shin shin shin gan (or maybe the same vibrational comms), other tricks of which some are plainly mundane to modern people, and some that deserve attention, known and used by ninja, all might have started the belief that Japanese are a superior race and also their extreme cultural isolation.

11:43 Hip and knees problems, debilitating pain, trouble standing and walking? Before trying hip replacement surgery i suggest you should try a few servings of bone broth (and removing the offensive pollutants source). Not exactly a fan of the taste, i mix it with noodles soup. Don't know exactly what it is and how it works but it does wonders on inflamed tissues. After being exposed for a whole week to again sharp submicronic possibly electrified silica based, sulfur contaminated mineral dust, i started to have that problem again and got relief after only one serving.

12:00 Scars, the dreaming and other ideas took from me. Their method of killing information and Dugina is not dead since she was not real but a tennis player from Hungary which for some weird reason chose to show in the parking lot at Safeway in Lincoln City tonight, though she ran away and was replaced by a double after i recognized her.

Rușii nu-și doresc hegemonie globală, ci doar Euro-Asiatică. Și ei au toți politicienii fake, provenind din aceeași sursă, adevărata putere mondială, auto-declarată în melodie. Like it's 75 again.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

August 20

12:25 Andorjan

1:30 Cum nu aveți teryaki (glazură în japoneză, un sos dulce cu zahăr ars), pot stickers (chiar mi s-a făcut o poftă, am în congelator, dar la ora asta...), egg rolls, sweet and sour, nu știu, întreb și eu poate astea sunt mai țărănești după cum articolul pare mai de hipsters, dar astea sunt de bază în SUA măi frate. Iar cât despre sushi, îl las pentru alții, am și așa destule probleme. (E adevărat, americanii pun zahăr în orice, până și zacusca importată din Bulgaria e dulce).

Bucătăria asiatică este într-adevăr sofisticată, ei având o tradiție mai îndelungată decât europenii. În timp ce în restaurantele americane există un fel de mâncare, similar sweet and sour dar mai condimentat și mai sărat care se numește Sun Tzu, după numele legendarului general chinez, noi trebuie să ghicim ce mâncau romanii la festinurile alea (suc de struguri îngroșat prin fierbere în vase de plumb), nu mai vorbim despre daci iar după ce au venit bucatele din America la 1500 (porumbul, cartoful, roșiile, ardeii etc.) totul s-a schimbat și am devenit mămăligari. Aceste ingrediente nu prea există în bucătăria asiatică.

8:08 În afară de titlu, care pare corect (în sensul că romanii au venit să fure aurul dacilor), acest autor perpetuează o teorie falsă, că dacii, "barbari fioroși", au trecut în repetate rânduri la sud de Dunăre, pentru a-i ataca pe romani, ceea ce contrazice titlul.

Roma a fost într-o continuă expansiune timp de câteva sute de ani, și asta nu pentru că-i atacau barbarii, ci pentru că așa erau ei genetic structurați, asta a fost menirea lor istorică, mereu îi atrăgea bogățiile altora. Înainte de Dacia, au cotropit Spania și Israelul pentru același motiv (da, timp în care l-au răstignit pe Iisus). Din Spania au adus specialiști în minerit, ceea ce explică unele cuvinte de azi din Ardeal, ca de exemplu felul cum pronunță ei noapte.

Faptul că dacii nu erau agresivi rezultă și din numele dat de romani țării, Dacia Felix (Dacia fericită).

Modul de apărare al lui Decebal, care nu este pomenit de nici un autor, era cu bile uriașe din piatră (sau poate un fel de beton antic, ca pietrele din piramide), care erau lăsate să se rostogolească pe văile râurilor, pe unde înaintau dușmanii, o metodă destul de folosită în antichitate, de unde îi vine și numele dat lui de romani, Decebalus, adică Zece bile, o metodă asemănătoare fiind folosită de Mircea cel Bătrân la Posada. Dovada sunt trovanții care se adunau la sfârșitul rostogolirii lor sau erau grămadă în locul de depozitare în munți iar în două mii de ani au început să se contopească. Nu este pomenit, pentru că era o metodă pur defensivă. Însă romanii știau și au ocolit acele văi.

(Elena Udrea, după această poză (chiar tipul din poză are chestia mărită?), a plecat în Costa Rica, fiindcă acolo se găsesc cele mai multe asemenea bile, pentru a șterge în mod psihologic teoria emisă de mine atunci din memoriile dvs.)

Romanii au extras din Dacia folosind metodele de minerit din Spania mai mult aur decât puteau să folosească (200 de tone pe an) și au început să facă importuri masive din China. Cu aurul romanilor furat de la daci, chinezii și-au construit cea mai mare parte a zidului.

Abia după cucerirea Daciei și vânturarea aurului de către romani prin cumpărarea masivă de bunuri din China care veneau 4.000 km pe caravane de până la 10.000 de animale de povară, păzite de armate de mercenari magari, au venit din Asia goții și apoi hunii, în căutarea sursei acelui aur. Romanii îi numeau barbari pentru limba lor, barbar, un cuvânt de origine greacă, în latină însemnând străin, poate onomatopeic la origine, bâlbâit, vorbind o limbă de nedescris.

9:00 The source of electrified mineral nano dust is a fan in the next building, that probably pulls it from a crack in a wall. And the huge pile of junk next to our door.
9:40 Today is one year since the accident, and Thursday 22 will be the last day of BZ Construction on this site. I believe both dates have something to do with August 23. Curiously enough, they describe it as a coup, when Kink Michael who was the legitimate leader of Romania at the time took over, (with Sovies at the border and about to enter Romania), after two coups one led by his abdicated father and the second the taking over of Marshal Antonescu after second abdication of Carol II. By his choice, Romania entered the Alliance, (US, England, France, USSR) and tipped the balance towards the allies. Without that historical act, we today might be all blonds and speak German (or Japanese in Asia). The reason they brought me to torture here where they control everything. The man upstairs got a Japanese war helmet today on his bike.

10:20 Da am citit. Tismăneanu spune azi că Hellvig a fost elev de-al lui, la o școală de vară.

10:38 Topirea economicului în politic (a banilor în buzunarul politicienilor). Apropo de legea 153 și de aplicarea ei. Judecata primului ministru, nu o aplică pentru că se creează inechități. Nu se aplică dublarea alocațiilor pentru că nu sunt bani. Minciună și într-un caz și în altul. De când le pasă lor de inechități, uitați-vă la pensiile speciale.

Sunt bani cu găleata în buget, la Ministerul Muncii care ar trebui să le plătească. La începutul anului se calculează toate sumele, dar pentru legile mai noi, rămâne la mâna Primului Ministru, care aplicare de multe ori se pasează următorului Prim Ministru ș.a.m.d., sumele nu se plătesc pentru a nu se crea inechități, pentru că, mai spun spun ei, nu sunt bani, iar la sfârșitul anului, aceste sume dispar pe tăcute din contabilitate (în neant) pentru a le face locul altora, în bugetul viitor.

Toate aceste legi "sociale" au fost votate de PSD chiar înainte de pierderea majorității, pe care o așteptatu (alternanța) știindu-se că nu le va aplica nimeni însă totuși, grijulii, ei prevăd bani la buget în fiecare an, doar în cazul în care se aplică. (capisci?).

Eu cred că legile ar trebui să fie separate pentru populație, când se aplică de obicei unui individ, pentru corporații și pentru Guvern. Poți să urmărești penal o corporație, Guvernul? Da, teoretic, dar se duce corporația, Guvernul la pușcărie? Ar trebui o lege pentru neaplicarea legilor de către Guvern, cu pedepse specifice pentru Prim Ministru, Ministru, Secretar de Stat, etc..

Sunt curios însă cine o să-i aresteze, pentru că unii ar spune că arestarea Primului Ministru ar fi lovitură de stat.

1:53. Gata, am făcut aliniamentul. Cât am înjurat, pentru o operațiune de 15 minute pentru care nu vroiam să plătesc 100-200 dolari, urmat de bănuieli. Primisem cheia de 15 de pe Amazon de 2 zile dar pur și simplu nu am avut timp sau chef. M-am băgat sub mașină pe o parte, fără cric, am luat tija cu hexagon a bieletei din dreapta cu 2 chei simultan, aia de 15 și una franceză, și-a dat drumul, am rotit o jumătate de tură înainte, am strâns iar contrapiulița. Interesant este că burduful era exact la locul lui după această operație, am desfăcut clampa și am încercat să rotesc, dar nu era nevoie, revenea mereu acolo unde a fost după ajustarea unghiului. Poza e de la roata din dreapta.