Thursday, September 22, 2022

September 22

8:00 Woke up in pain. There are two possible sources. The AC at Apt.2 where the wall is also dusty (never cleaned after cuts done during windows installation, can't get close because of too much junk that also scares me) or the windows across the alley where insulation have been left exposed since yesterday and they went to work on the other side of the building already. Building 3 or C has been left like that for more than a month.

Read the news. I just wrote about T.Gondii and they came up with something. And something else.

8:57 Războiul lui Putin servește încălzirii globale. Arzând mai puțin gaz metan și mai mult cărbune, se degajă mai mult bioxid de carbon, ce reține mai multă căldură solară în atmosferă.

9:16 Biden wants to build small scale nuclear reactors in Romania before testing them in US, with first near the capital, Bucharest while the war in Ukraine has just proved what a big liability those are during a war. All investors in this business are either from Korea or Japan. Wandering what EU has to say about it.

10:04 Perfect storm. City has sent a vehicle to do the annual servicing of the sewers (i guess) making a big noise and vibrating the buildings making more dust available while they were picking the garbage, shaking the huge bins (Thursday or thunder day). The first time when i went to look for dead rats i was almost ok, but the second when i went to film this, got pain all over again, it's a few seconds video, it takes google drive forever to process (downgrade) it. Yeah i know the two bushes look like a gigantic human butt.

2:21 Am pus ieri un link la animația NOOA cu imaginile construite digital cu date de pe radare doppler meteo răspândite în toată țara și integrate cu cu cele din Canada și bieînțeles a apărut în România un scandal legat de un radar, radarul din imagine este tot un radar meteo, m-am uitat azi iar și am văzut la canadieni niște formațiuni ciudate, perfect rotunde și mă gândeam ce dreq, un mothership ceva, de fapt sunt doar niște radare izolate, ei fiind mai săraci nu au să cuprindă tot teritoriul care nici nu este foarte populat. De asemenea, s-ar părea că apare în sfârșit o furtună (un sistem de vreme) mai clasică așa pentru timpul acesta (sfârșit de septembrie), adică venind din Pacific pe aripile jet-streamului care de asemenea nu apare încă pe radar.

3:45 Picture ninja. Was thinking earlier. It's not that Buden doesn't want or his predecessors or Congress or local authorities whatever. The only reason they can't legalize the tens of millions of Mexicans in this country is because they're not Mexicans (or other Latinos). And that would show on the pictures on their ID photos or in a database.

8:14 Two hours after they finished hammering at the building accross (D) i still have trouble breathing, pains everywhere, but i'm better. One image triggered my imagination.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

September 21

Autumn equinox. From this date on, the day in northern hemisphere is shorter than night.

1:47 It cost me lots of pain to bring this one, all the others here, so please don't treat this lightly.

9:13 Letitia James (an exception to the rule: Hungarians for visible positions). Donald Trump. Joe Biden.

10:09 I think this one brought some rain over the Cheddar Creek fire but the "northern branch" dissipated before reaching Portland. Smoke index outside is above 70 so i can't go for a walk, got to sit here and  hear the hammering.

11:21 About an hour after i ate i realized i've been contaminated with something from a dog poop outside (or litter dust from above), i smell like it, i feel nauseated, dizzy, sleepy lethargic, paralyzed, etc.. Though they say it's not airborne. Many people don't realize. These animals evolved to hunt using symbiotic parasites to make their prey easier to catch. Wolves, dogs, big and small cats. Domestication brought it to us. Some people like it, their pets bring to them happiness (dopamine from the parasite) in daily doses and everybody ignores it, but T Gondii infection is endemic (the numbers have changed from 30% a few years ago to 11%). I think they brought the so-called pandemic onto us when i tried to say it a few years ago. Could be all religious (Dominicans). There is even a semantic similarity, T Gondii, COVID.

12:00 Can't see fire plumes from satellites because of clouds. It did rain in Oakridge, however smoke is still present, could be from the time it takes to get cleared at a low wind speed. Lack of state involvement in at least providing real time information tells a lot about what states do for people. (Besides liquor stores and attended gas stations).

12:50 I was so dizzy was about to faint. Took a charcoal cap (500 mg) and went outside. There was another dead rat (this one, badly decomposed or maybe squished by a car's wheel), in the same area where i found the other 5 (where the wind is entering the space closed by the four buildings and trees), a big black dog poop and a half empty soda can (to accelerate those). Bagged the rat and the poop and grabbed  the can and took them to the garbage. There was some sort of unpacked pillow or big thick comforter there on top of garbage.

1:03 Yeah i was right, rain did something to that fire, smoke is now much thinner in Oakridge, can see some colors, it was all grey earlier.

4:55 Real time guess. I think the unusual storm that comes from east is melting on top of Portland area because of slightly higher pressure due to slightly higher temperature due to human activity. Here is an infrared image with temperatures legend (in Celsius) of a city by ESA (European Space Agency). I remember now a theory heard when i was a kid from old people saying that forests actually attract rain.

At first i believed it, i rejected (or started to ignore it, i only cared about computers) after i became a college graduate, now i started to believe it again, because trees might lower, by converting some of the solar energy to creating organic matter, the temperature, just enough to make a temperature/pressure difference in the very delicate balance of a weather system, that could allow water to fall from clouds.

6:00 Trick of the day. They are watching me continuously, 24x7, inside and outside. I poured myself a brandy as Angela went to sleep and wanted to go outside to look between buildings because i remembered i saw a big truck today (not the skyjack) full of garbage, and i opened  the door and in that moment he/she/it who was working at the motorcycle turned around and showed me a face more tanned than usual, with haunting big lips. I was so embarrassed i went back in. Several minutes later i tried again and again she was working at the bike. I started to eat and drink and she finally went inside and i stepped out to look. they took the garbage alright, also finished  building C, i assumed after i wrote about, but i heard a noise at the door upstairs. 10 minutes later i fell stingy dust all over me and started to cough.

I remember, before she moved here upstairs they were two women that were also sprinkling me with litter dust. I know for sure they had at least a cat (i saw it several times on the stairs at night). But after i recognized one of them as being a Hungarian writer with a passion for hiking, they moved out and brought in the Japanese.

No dead rats back then, only maggots. After i spent a whole day and put pieces of foam between the beams of the balcony upstairs, in the summer of 2020, they installed a bird feeder. But the birds were making a mess and seed fell on the balcony and the plastic canopy i installed under and maggots appeared and then died when the cold weather came and then they started to rot. So one day i pulled all the pieces of foam. They left not long after.

Today i hosed the patio concrete deck and the AC and wanted to hose the balcony upstairs as well but they were several items there. Exactly in the area where the bird feeder was, not there's a gas can. Yeah could have seen earlier in this picture they picked the garbage, didn't realize because i got mad because of that can.        I think it is pretty obvious for anybody. After letting the gas leak from the bike for weeks, now she put the can that may be open by the way that nozzle shows (wouldn't make sense otherwise, the obsession of the Japanese and all Nazi with gassing Jews). Yeah i have myself a yellow bucket (that used to be orange) some tools that have been in contact with oil that i can't keep inside and someone broke the seal of the bucket, but not much smell if any is coming out of it. And the soil in the bag i bought at Walmart smells like organic fertilizer. Is that my fault too?

8:32 Yeah i know pressure dropped enough for a bit of rain to fall over Portland.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Walk to the Liquor Store

When i saw AQI index dropped to 20 and i was late with the coconut oil and got all stung by dust and out of brandy, i realized that i could make it for the missed walk today. So i didn't think much, got dressed and went outside. First thing i saw again was the sliding doors they removed yesterday from Apt.3. Leaned against a tree. All moldy and dusty and stingy. I was familiar with the pile of garbage between the buildings across since last night. But when i walked farther, i saw more piles of dust between buildings that i saw before and ignored, some more than a months old.

Then the trick while i was walking towards the street. a blond woman, the same as yesterday was waiting at the entrance of a building. When i reached a certain point, she started to cross, right in front of me, crossed my path just a few ft away and went to her car. Exactly as she did yesterday (at a totally different hour). I turned around to look at the number of the spot to memorize it to write here but two Asian women in a small gray Japanese car that came behind me stopped next to her and invited me to cross. I didn't want to cross, i just wanted to walk back and note the spot number. She came around the car, smiling at me. It was 54. Looks almost like they were protecting her.

At the street, or Meridian parking lot, i saw the skyjack with a bin in its jaws next to the containers and i figured. Those containers are for garbage, while the other ones on the second entrance are for materials. But why they didn't pick all the garbage from between buildings?

I tried to embed this map in my blog but they were changing the route.

Didn't want to take the truck cause i was risking not to find a spot on visitors' (BTW i know get a ticket every week for parking in a visitor, usually on Monday).

How many times i had to cross the street to walk 1.4 miles away to the Liquor store? I bet most locals have no idea what it means. To be a pedestrian for such a long distance. Wasn't that bad cause i'm used to the distance and the sky was gorgeous, looking like California sky, if not for the occasional smoker (vehicle that is) and growler. Accelerating the 8 liter diesel with modified exhaust to catch the next green, making me turn my head.

There are two things i still don't master in the art of being a pedestrian in Portland area and generally in the US. One is the countdown. There is no green light for pedestrians, but the "oh so much better" white and red countdown. You press the button and wait until it turns white and starts to countdown. But you can't look in other directions like looking for crazy drivers or merely the scenery while you cross. You have to keep your eyes on the display with the countdown. Cause when it turns from white countdown to red countdown, than it means what? That you are in more danger of being ran over by (crazy) people with tall SUVs who can't see near because they are too high, who have green and turn, crossing the crosswalk? Legally, you are still protected by the crosswalk even if they have green. The other is the buttons themselves. Some are touch only, some are push, and they can have arrows in different directions. So you have to watch those each time before you push or touch cause if you don't you can press the wrong one and you'll have to waste like ten minutes until you learn how they work.

7:39 Later this afternoon i discovered another new pile at the end of the alley or building D. I grabbed the phone to take a picture, but right next to it was sitting on the curb and smoking, the veteran himself. So i did not dared. Then i forgot, the evening came and i forgot. But i have other pictures. The pile in the bin next to our door. The bin is still here, would have been the garbage too if i didn't empty it in a Saturday about 10 days ago, after sitting there for days. Same goes with the windows leaning against the garage, that were still there when i took the picture with the motorcycle, a few days later.

September 20

2:05 With 3.5 inches of rain, October is supposed to be one of the wettest months in Portland. However this year it didn't rain in August and September and Wunderground predicts no rain for October also.

2:41 Distragerea atenției. Face asta sau ceva asemănător de câte ori scriu ceva despre secui. Lucrurile sunt mult, mult mai grave catastrofale decât atât.

9:54 Woke up the second time, in smoke. AQI was bad last night (over 100) when i woke up the first time, chocking, after i forgot the sliding door a bit opened. Right now is 70, with dust, hammering, a saw or two running continuously and open walls exposing insulation. A rain (coming from land), part of an atypical Pacific storm that usually don't get so close to the land just missed the Cheddar Creek fire, east of Oakridge.

10:23 Remember when i said that Frankie Adams, my upstairs neighbor, acting as a Latino, man had a couple of miniature boxing gloves hanging by her car's mirror? All the obscenities yelling while watching boxing matches? A few days ago i also found a red collection boxing glove, like this one (didn't look for the signature) wet, thrown under one of  the balconies of  the next building.

Last night i was searching online for something about her and i found out she was a... boxer as well?

11:50 Afterglow... Antonio Gutteres.

11:00 Years after Romanians got fed with vast corruption and scandals, they were called by the Parliament at two referenda (out of total of 6 Romania had in its history) to dismiss President Băsescu and both of them failed, narrowly (they were organized years after Băsescu named mostly all judges and prosecutors in Romania and his prime minsters were in power).

Ironically, just before finishing undisturbed his second 5 years term, in December 2014 Băsescu countersigned a law, very ambiguously formulated, which effectively reduces the mandatory presence to a referendum to 25%, trampling the Constitution that implies a majority is needed, making possible for any referendum in Romania, a EU and NATO country, to pass with a 12,5% "majority". Will a referendum held by that law (one was already held, on the theme of (forbidding) gay marriages but that one passed with an overwhelming 91% out of 89% validated votes) be more legitimate than the planned referenda in the occupied Eastern Ukraine?

11:30 Reality check. Pentru prima dată am realizat azi, când am vrut să pun un link în interiorul articolului Wikipedia cu referendumul asupra articolului 48, cuvântul bărbat în românește seamănă prea mult cu barbar. Pentru un cititor din altă limbă, înaintea traducerii, fraza seamănă cu "între un barbar și o femeie".

3:32 One more missed Cheddar Creek fire, another one also of that storm's arm is brewing.
Another one.

Hard Rock Cafe.

9:35 Marele absent ne-motivat și repetent (de guverne) ne face inventarul la economii (de curent) în timp ce noi stăm și nu zicem nimic, pentru că românul întotdeauna se teme de mai rău.

10:05 Got it. This whole Ukraine war thing started in 2014 when i first said about the possible occupation of the US West Coast by tens of millions of Japan's hikikomori turned ninja disguised as Mexicans with Hungarians as whites in all visible positions. It's nothing but a (planetary) scare and cover and a distraction from that. Always thinking about all the wars and massacres these guys influencers dragged human kind into in the last few hundreds of years.

Monday, September 19, 2022

September 19

5:18 Oricât am căutat, nu am găsit nici o știre în New York Times despre România, după 24 August. În schimb am găsit știrea respectivă pe un site unguresc, care citează New York Times.


Don't know if the holes in the gates' "attic"are made for birds but i guess nobody would stop them from nesting there.

2:45 Nepal, Nippon.

3:15 Russians' dilemma.

4:35 What do you know. They never finished working at this building. I came from my walk was really hot, AC is not working for reasons of dust, was sitting at the computer in underwear, but there is too much light outside for someone to see me. A couple of them passed by the sliding windows. Then in retaliation they brought a diesel generator not far from the door, for charging the batteries at their tools and a compressor next to it and the exhaust is making its way here, giving me a headache. In other words, the are now playing Holy Mexicans gassing the "gay". Though they are all Japanese.

4:59 Maximum dust. I really don't understand, i thought i saw all windows and sliding doors finished in the back. Now they pulled another old one?

At the building D they stripped siding from around windows and cut siding under a couple of windows exposing 6 inches of insulation under each. Are they going to tape the Forte flashing on the insulation? Hammering, vibration already brought the painful dust inside though i heated coconut oil a couple of hours ago.

6:05 Breaking all patterns, after Kay another storm is sweeping through Northern California. I don't think it will make its way here, pressure is said to be increasing by tomorrow.

6:09 They just finished outside for the day, the disguised Japanese Olympic swimmer came, stopped his bike with a backfire and started its work.

6:56 Ok my phone was completely discharged when i tried to take a better picture. They left insulation exposed at the first windows and a pile of garbage, boards full of insulation dust from all windows between buildings.

They did that at our bedroom window, they left it like that over the weekend. It will be a few more days of hell. I put the coconut oil on lowest setting on continuous heating and can still feel the stings.

7:55 Și din banii restituiți de la goți hoți, huni, vandali, magari și secui să facă guvernul României, împreună cu toate guvernele lumii, o autostradă specială, subterană, cu două benzi într-un singur sens, până în Șambala, unde să plece drect în p... mamei lor originale adică Buda cei pe care lumea nu poate să-i mai încapă și care nu au minte, inimă și în general nimic omenesc.

(Câteva ore mai târziu. Eram beat când am scris asta și am uitat. Nu se poate fiindcă guvernele sunt tot ei.)

8:11 The dust today here is overwhelming so i came up with a little strategy, i grabbed four beef patios (a bit brown, just bought from WinCo) and the electric pan and went outside on the patio to do those hoping the beef fat will interfere with the dust. Exactly wen i was supposed to go back outside (the sliding door is blocked with the AC) on the main door to flip them, the woman upstairs went and started her motorcycle but didn't leave, waited until i got out and the white car from the garages slid between me and her like protecting her and then she left. Similar episodes during all my walks.