8:00 Woke up in pain. There are two possible sources. The AC at Apt.2 where the wall is also dusty (never cleaned after cuts done during windows installation, can't get close because of too much junk that also scares me) or the windows across the alley where insulation have been left exposed since yesterday and they went to work on the other side of the building already. Building 3 or C has been left like that for more than a month.
Read the news. I just wrote about T.Gondii and they came up with something. And something else.
8:57 Războiul lui Putin servește încălzirii globale. Arzând mai puțin gaz metan și mai mult cărbune, se degajă mai mult bioxid de carbon, ce reține mai multă căldură solară în atmosferă.
9:16 Biden wants to build small scale nuclear reactors in Romania before testing them in US, with first near the capital, Bucharest while the war in Ukraine has just proved what a big liability those are during a war. All investors in this business are either from Korea or Japan. Wandering what EU has to say about it.
10:04 Perfect storm. City has sent a vehicle to do the annual servicing of the sewers (i guess) making a big noise and vibrating the buildings making more dust available while they were picking the garbage, shaking the huge bins (Thursday or thunder day). The first time when i went to look for dead rats i was almost ok, but the second when i went to film this, got pain all over again, it's a few seconds video, it takes google drive forever to process (downgrade) it. Yeah i know the two bushes look like a gigantic human butt.
2:21 Am pus ieri un link la animația NOOA cu imaginile construite digital cu date de pe radare doppler meteo răspândite în toată țara și integrate cu cu cele din Canada și bieînțeles a apărut în România un scandal legat de un radar, radarul din imagine este tot un radar meteo, m-am uitat azi iar și am văzut la canadieni niște formațiuni ciudate, perfect rotunde și mă gândeam ce dreq, un mothership ceva, de fapt sunt doar niște radare izolate, ei fiind mai săraci nu au să cuprindă tot teritoriul care nici nu este foarte populat. De asemenea, s-ar părea că apare în sfârșit o furtună (un sistem de vreme) mai clasică așa pentru timpul acesta (sfârșit de septembrie), adică venind din Pacific pe aripile jet-streamului care de asemenea nu apare încă pe radar.
3:45 Picture ninja. Was thinking earlier. It's not that Buden doesn't want or his predecessors or Congress or local authorities whatever. The only reason they can't legalize the tens of millions of Mexicans in this country is because they're not Mexicans (or other Latinos). And that would show on the pictures on their ID photos or in a database.
8:14 Two hours after they finished hammering at the building accross (D) i still have trouble breathing, pains everywhere, but i'm better. One image triggered my imagination.