Thursday, November 3, 2022

November 3rd

4:54 Woke up with a big headache, i think i got sprinkled by rain that passed through my hoodie yesterday, had something on the laptop, wanted to do some searches, but i got really really mad by cars with modified.

10:18 Slept till now. Smoke, with index 90. But outside the building it's much worse, and not wildfire smoke. Numerous holes at the corner of their bedroom. I covered most, smoke is still bad. Person upstairs also slept, just took a shower. There are several fires on the map, all surrounding Portland area, one of them i know for sure is manmade, i saw in the news, they are searching for "persons of interest".

10:32 That weird component of the fire (coal like) subsided after plugging a few holes and now it's only the wildifre component smoke left.

11:57 Da se vede clar că au făcut proiectul la mișto. Nu numai acolo. Toată autostrada e așa. Km în plus, să ne aducem aminte pentru totdeauna cine sunt stăpâni în România.

nacaz=naga=nunga=ninja cu manifestarea lor în Europa, Dominicani. Dar scopul lor nu este decât o diversiune de la scopul general al budiștilor de a încălzi planeta.

Asta să o creadă fraierii.
De aia cei ce au aprobat banii de PNRR de la Europa s-au făcut că nu au văzut proiectul.

1:13 Chiar eu nu am înțeles niciodată de ce ăștia care plagiază grosier nu plătesc niște amărâți să le facă teze complet originale. Poate ca să dea tonul la haos și impunitate?

1:16 România putea să aibă zece escadrile de Rafale cu banii cheltuiți nu se știe pe ce în ultimii zece ani de către Ministerul Apărării. Între 25 și 36 de miliarde lei numai în 2022, adică 30-40 Rafale.

3:18 Went outside earlier to finish a project at the car. The two bolts i installed on top of batterie's terminals don't work as expected (by me). Pushed by the spring action of the thick copper cables or maybe by the wrench a bit at the time when i was tightening, the soft lead terminals got bent. I was tightening them every time i was going to a longer trip but i always used two wrenches and tight the nut on the bolt squeezing the wrenches onto each other, not against the battery to create any bending momentum on the terminal. But as i said, they are very soft.

But at least on the right side i reached with the bolt at the end of the terminal and acid started leaking through the tread i guess. Or because the terminal got bent. Today i tried to put some rubber bands to slowly bend them back and also have some pressure on the contact by prying effect.
However i'm gonna need a new battery and as i said, i will try to solder some bolts on the terminals. There is a big difference in how the engine runs with or without the extra contact.

While i was outside attaching the rubber bands with my head in the engine compartment, the ninja started to hammer much louder at the building the're working currently (it's been six months of hammering and three months of wildfire smoke) brought an empty stroller on the other side of the alley and i also heard one baby crying (BTW didn't say how yesterday i was surrounded by old people and people with crying babies (old enough) yesterday at WinCo.

Also wanted to go for a walk, but the air is really bad, with index 120.

4:02 A weird thought came to me today. I heard the fires burning around Portland right now that may continue throughout the winter, are also burning underground. The roots of the trees, that are hard to extinguish, like in St.Dominic's mother dream.

Then the cops should not search for persons of interest, but for dogs of interest. BTW just remembered something. Now you believe me when i say that smoke is coming from underground around this building?

Let's burn the damn ball of mud so the sin may be eradicated from the Universe.

10:00 Timpul necesar pentru ca undele seismice de tip S (shear) să călătorească din Vrancea până în București este de aproximativ 30 secunde. Cu alte cuvinte, cutremurul începe în Vrancea cu 30 secunde înainte de București. Am calculat asta pe baza video-urilor de supraveghere cu timpul inscripționat de la unele camere de supraveghere din București la un cutremur de 5.4 din 2014. Din păcate nu mai găsesc acel video pe youtube.

În postarea de blog link mai sus am dezvoltat o teorie, alta decât cea a plăcilor tectonice, și aș putea dezvolta o aplicație de avertizare bazată pe date statistice și alte corelații, dacă cineva m-ar plăti pentru asta, care ar putea afișa procentajul pentru probabilitate de cutremur, și ar avertiza cu câteva ore sau zile înainte.

Telefoanele Android au printre altele senzori numiți accelerometre (seismici), care pot depista și separa de alte mișcări, ca cele ale unei persoane care pășește, undele seismice în câteva secunde, iar o aplicația curentă poate  transmite, pe baza faptului că Google știe în orice moment locul unde este fiecare telefon, timpul calculat în care seismul ajunge în alte zone la cei care au aceeași aplicație. Totuși se pierd unele secunde cu depistarea.

Bucureștiul are avantajul că e destul de departe de zona seismică. Dacă DSU sau orice agenție de stat și-ar face un sistem propriu bazat pe un seismograf profesional instalat în zona seismică, nu pe baza telefoanelor care au instalată aplicația din zona Vrancea, care ar putea depista cutremurul din prima secundă, ar putea trimite alerta cu 30 secunde înainte, iar în secundele următoare gradul, cel puțin celor care optează sau locuiesc în clădiri cu risc ridicat, "pentru a nu crea panică în discoteci".

De asemenea o astfel de aplicație ar ajuta publicul să stea mai liniștit în cazul cutremurelor mai mici, nepericuloase, deci să micșoreze panica în cele mai multe cazuri.

12:00 Că nu este corect e ușor a spune, mai greu e să demonstrezi, imposibil să-i oprești să inventeze știri doar ca să umble pe la subconștientul dvs.. Atâta timp cât frumoasele alogene/genii care vorbesc răspicat pe televizorul dvs. agregă prin media viața socială precum și cea intimă, psihică a românilor, vai de dvs..

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 2nd

7:00 Musk awe! 8 bucks is an infinity of hate. Are you calling me KG Bird?

7:23 Best and only movie i have seen in years. Warning. Some anti-nudity.

11:46 Angela still can't move very far. At 11 she had a video visit at Providence, didn't understand exactly with who, a person named Mary Beth, not her doctor, i cleaned Chromebook's lens which had tape residue, at 11 she clicked on the link and got into a screen that was saying your video appointment would begin soon, however it didn't happen, Angela called, a guy said they will send her a link in a message, Angela asked if she needed an app for the visit, he said no, though he said it was on Zoom which i installed and around 11:15, Angela clicked and was seen briefly by Mary Beth, but her voice was breaking (Angela's phone is one wi-fi and got good speed, just installed Zoom earlier). Mary Beth said she would call, Angela tried later to call them on my phone, they said to wait, she never called back.

12:20 Ok she got called. Her visit just finished. Got to go pick her meds.

10:30 Scoateți capra (dacă mai puteți). (Am căutat o capră și am găsit un... țap!)

Monday, October 31, 2022

November 1st

4:10 După bâlbele amestecată cu o propagandă semi-analfabetă din timpul comunismului pe care le-am azit la școală, am crezut că exagerările cu privința romanizării dacilor au fost niște exagerări "în sus".

Citind acest articol foarte important pentru informațiile conținute, m-am convins că a fost de fapt invers.

Sunt mult mai multe elemente rămase nedescoperite și necercetate despre lumea daco-romană decât ceea ce știm noi. Am scris de multe ori cu frustrare despre lipsa documentelor din arhivele romane, transferate bisericii, care după apariția Sfântului Dominic, cu influențe clare budiste, a fost controlată de dominicani, dar am știut prea puțin despre tot ce e scris aici. Păcat pentru unele greșeli de tastare și limba rămasă puțin la nivelul celei de propagandă din timpul comunist, evoluată din cea interbelică bazată pe limba, cultura și lecturile din limba franceză.

11:38 A self checker supervisor at Fred Meyer i haven't seen before tried a grand slam on me tonight (trick). Staring at me while i was checking and after, i got so mad i almost forgot to pay before i started to load the checked stuff in the basket. What a scene would that have been. I was lucky with the machine which told me to pay in plain English.

Again when i came i had to pick something from the Amazon locker, two guys met with their car in the bottleneck created by my car parked for one minute in front of the locker. Though i hurried, i know i closed the little door after i picked my item, but when i looked back from the car just to make sure, the door was open so i turned at the locker to close the door again.

I've been real busy today with Angela being stuck in bed with a bad back pain, but my mind was functioning. I was thinking mostly at this poem written by second ranked Romanian poet, Lucian Blaga whose face is present on the 200 RON currency.

Though written in an semi-humoristic pseudo philosophical style, there is something in that poem i think makes everybody raise their eyebrow for a second, just to dismiss it in the next one as a joke. God didn't know what the Serpent whispered at Eve's ear, placing the Serpent on an equal of not higher level with God. We all know there are cultures and religions on Earth were sometimes snakes are revered or even deified, like in eastern India or Nepal. In Nepal and  India there is this Holiday, naga panchami when snakes are celebrated. An entire mysterious social phenomena called Naga Sadhu in India, Naga meaning snake in Sankrit. Hindusim by example criticizes Shivaism for praising snakes.

But in a poem written in a Christian or Judaic context, with Eve and Adam named, Serpent cannot be above God. As for Eve's eyebrow, i can think of something.

9:03 Have you seen Old Enough? I also once saw a clip from a movie where children in Japan were taught ninjutsu since 5 years old of course without even knowing.

3:14 Three huge semi-open sacks with clothes wet from rain on the "NO DUMP AREA". Several dog poops fouling the air. Nobody here cares except for me who took them to the dumpster. A number of people too high to be random (nobody moves around for hours at this time) got in my way, provoking, making me nervous. Our T-mobile phones started to act crazy again with areas of no signal in the apartment.

3:24 Pedofilul olandez.

8:11 Ate something, fed Angela, was quite relaxed, grabbed the laptop to read maybe write something, he/she/it out of nowhere started to stump and squeak, the result is now i got a sore throat due to dust falling from the joint between walls and ceiling (talking about the 3/8 inch panels of the empty wall and ceiling).

9:05 Moving around heavy objects, could it be he's moving out. However in the rhythm of my thoughts.

10:28 Ce-ți pasă ție chip de lut...

October 31

 12:43 Some crayz is playing loud base in a building or in a car nearby.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

October 30

11:16 Gabor Torma, Adrian Mutu.

9:47 Am văzut titlul ăsta care persistă în "știri (stories)" de cel puțin 10 ori până acum, am citit articolul de sub poze, sunt niște chestii de fabricație, nimic pentru consumatori, dar există ceva ce poți să pui în bere și în orice băutură pentru a-i îmbunătăți gustul, iar acel ceva e o felie mică de lămâie verde (lime) sau chiar lămâie obișnuită. Da am fost șocat când mi-au dat bere cu lămâie, cândva, prima dată când cineva m-a dus cu forța (în șlapi, m-a păcălit să intru în mașină și m-a dus) acum 20 de ani la un restaurant american. Nașpa că berea e hipercalorică, o doză (can) mică de bere light (calorii reduse, 100 calorii) are tot atâta zahăr echivalent ca o Cola cu 20 grame de zahăr. Apropo. Whisky-ul fabricat după metoda originală e ca și vodka, foarte apropiat de alcool rafinat, înainte de a se introduce în butoaie de stejar. Problema e că orzul înainte de fermentație e afumat cu fum de turbă (peat) ceea ce-l face să conțină metale grele, ca orice lucru afumat. Coniacul e distilat din vin incolor dar cu un gust deosebit, iar culoarea e dată tot așa de la butoaiele de stejar. Pălinca galbenă e distilată de două ori din fructe fermentate, tot așa, are un gust deosebit, iar culoarea e de la butoaiele din leme de dud.

10:03 Are you calling me bird?

11:45 Just back from Walgreens. I think i'm high on something. When i left i stepped on a mole hole, but i'm out of borax and it will pop back right away. When i went at Walmart a few days ago, the web site was showing they have it, but they didn't. Same at Walgreens tonight where i wanted to buy some crutches.

I checked for holes this morning, they weren't but one creeped out right at the corner of the building (corner at the bedroom next wall). When i came back from Walmart the building was surrounded with smoke.

Angela took a shower earlier, and  probably from being on the same influence, she made a wrong move in the bathroom and she says something clicked at her back and now she can't move.

So i didn't buy crutches cause they weren't any left. The crazy woman who was acting high said they were stolen. So i just bought a walker for Angela. For now. Not that there is any room for her to use it in bedroom, the space between bed and walls is too small, this apartment is too small.

BTW when i unlocked the door i felt sewage smell coming out of the walls. Walls in the us are empty inside, made of panels and communicate between them.

12:00 Went, found and covered three holes under bedroom's window where Angela have been all day. The weren't visible, i found them by probing the ground with my finger. Found a scrap of borax in the box, put some, plugged those.