Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24

4:33 Woke up at 4 AM  with smoke coming from the bulged areas of the frozen ground behind the apartment, with clean air wind blowing from that direction. They were steps in the snow around the bulged areas made by the moles. Smaller human steps and some small dog steps. Overall, the smoke nauseated me.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

No Contact Martial Arts

Martial Arts is a phrase that has a bit of GNotUnix, a bit of semantic redundancy in it don't you think. mArtial.

Martial is when our fight instinct gets channeled into a highly organized activity, maybe one at the apexes of human civilization. Cause most of us nowadays survive or do think so due to the highly organized, trained and endowed armies or all nations. Countries like US spend most of their (enormous) budget for defence of mostly other countries.

A balance of powers that brings prosperity.

But can it exist. As an unmediated link between our fight instinct (as in fight or flight) and fighting like a trained soldier. No i believe not. I think we delegate the power of our martial instincts to the politicians who control the armies. I think those who chose the path to let themselves be trained into soldiers, like in any trade, in the end are just applying their skills under the coordination of their generals.

During a war your unhinged fight instinct will get you killed immediately. Martial arts is above all discipline, but in the end war is an art governed maybe by the 36 stratagems of General Tsu.

Fighting by instinct is also an illusion that professional wrestlers, boxers, other entertainers are trying to maintain. The reason for its attractiveness. But everyone who ever looked into it knows it's all script and skills, more like acrobatics than fighting.

Did not really want to write the two paragraphs above until i saw the two words written together. Has little do to with what follows.

I've been wrestling with myself since this morning about writing this post. Literally. A persistent sharp middle back pain. Could not raise from bed to take the keyboard. Changed title in my mind several times (my mind, another little semantic trap, is our minds everything that's really us). Did some searches, only to get deeper in trouble.

Also an infinite feel of uselessness of an ant fighting the cosmic Godzilla. But i shall try cause you will see in the end, i have no choice. (This is definitely not one of those days when writing on the blog is fun).

There is a group in Bali, Indonesia that claim that can use no contact martial arts to knock an opponent unconscious. Yellow Bamboo. Others, all squeezed on a small Wikipedia page. From the category "self ridiculing". That sooner or later got debunked. The immediate question is, why and how to live a lifetime, like the "Kiai master" in the videos, ridiculing self? Could it be other things they are trying to cover? Now i vaguely remember is not the first time i saw the last video. Was searching for the same thing, from time to time. If there was something on the web documented, no matter how little, about the possibility of psychic martial arts. Or should i call it psychophysiological. Cause me personally i am more than convinced it exists and i spent a great deal of my life in this environment. Being remotely manipulated by such techniques, that are far from lethal, however, toxic (sometimes literally), debilitating and effective in manipulating (influencing) me and through me, others who happen to watch.

Most martial arts as we know them from competitions come from Japan. All so called competitive, recognized as sports, sometimes olympic "disciplines" that happen on a tatami start with a bow... Sumo wrestling which happens on clay and sand, also start with a bow, though somewhat more... complex (the purpose of a sumo match is to make your opponent touch the ground with things other than soles and/or push him out of the circle).

So we shall start (and probably end) with the bow. But what is the bow and where does it come from in Japan? The bow is so important in Japan that every newcomer knows that he started to be assimilated into the culture when he involuntarily bows during a phone conversation.

To me it looks like an unparalleled type of body language that is unique to Japan and lost its traces in history though it is a very important element of the culture, one more layer of ...overhead that makes it so hard to understand for the rest of the world. And since i took the picture and already posted it i will start again with it because i just realized i should have never posted it cause i may contribute to spread of toxic subliminal ideas as i did not understand from the beginning all of its elements.

Cause the two shores closing together by an apple or a sun or whatever may represent two people whose heads or minds are merging in a bow...

Cause i believe this is what it represents. A mind merge or melt that comes all the way from the corroborees of Australia... Towards a type of collective consciousness, maybe? Excluding the rest of the world maybe?

Like everything in Japan, the bow is taken to the extreme. There is a 15 degrees bow, 30, 45 and all the way to 90 and beyond...
But to me the most important part is just beginning. It is not only the muscles of the back that are involved in the bow. Holding of breath ensures some pressure in abdomen that helps with the posture. It is then where your organism becomes vulnerable. I do believe for the short time of the bow some psychophysiological synchronization occurs between the two. Something that would help mediate and place into the hierarchy the rest of the conversation.

However i came lately to discover that they also have what i call the "reverse bow". Available probably through oral tradition within ninjutsu, the trick is part of what i call the true no contact martial arts. One gets on the street in the way of the subject, catches him in a moment of stress, like crossing the street or a busy parking lot etc.., or in other busy place, like inside a casino, and  then bends... the other way, under a pretext, like tying shoelaces, searching for something in a car etc. while probably saying a mantra in his mind. Subject will be annoyed for a second maybe and then forget.

It happened to me for the second time within a week, for a dozen times in the last few months. I don't know exactly what happens, but your body has an urge to block back muscles and/or intestinal transit. The pain comes the second day and if not debilitating, it's scary because at this age you start thinking. Organ damaging diabetes, kidneys, pancreas, etc.. It may come with a true blockage of the bile.

To me, statistically proven enough. Don't have direct evidence and probably never will because it's all in their "national" oral tradition of a few. A tradition and a culture defended with the mighty power of US military and paid for the American people.

There is also shin shin shin gan. God's eye and mind. An area of ninjutsu training where they literally learn how to read to you mind (for what's worth it), through awakening of the ancient vibrational communication, common to all vertebrates, an atavism to humans. The bow may be based on that one as well, but just at the beginning of a conversation.

Based on that that may interfere with the subject, guess his next actions, force him to synchronize or out of his thinking cycles like through annoying sound, some coming constantly from as far as the apartment above. The squeaks. Slammed doors in the parking lot. Loading/unloading junk in pickups with unnecessary noise, kids specially trained in yelling for hours, etc.. Unnecessary noise during emptying the bins on Thursdays, with the 20 ton trucks. Blowing the parking lot for hours on Wednesdays with power blowers. Modified exhausts. Trailers going around the complex and hitting all 20 bumps etc..

Basically all activity in the complex is exaggerated, coordinated and targeted towards one single person with the purpose of constantly knocking him out, like in contactless martial arts.

February 23

3:42 Yesterday was the worst day of smoke around here. Don't know what it is but it made me dizzy and turned my urine dark. Probably because of low temperature, the smoke is coming from the ground flowing linearly towards the warm building. This one, cause the other isn't heated. In the evening it got cleared, but after it snowed a couple of inches, it came back. Went outside and found a few little "volcanoes" and black patches where soil was also bulged which confirms smoke is coming from the ground. In the background a ninja was sounding like an owl (pretty poor imitation), just to make me nervous and give up investigating.

But now i'm worried about something else. About two years ago it snowed about the same amount and the day after, after the snow melted for the most part and there were no more problems, they came and spread gravel on the alleys. Trouble was they never swept the gravel after that and was getting constantly ground by cars and blown on walls and roof by blowers on Wednesdays and from there inside. So i had no choice and after about 4 months i went with a broom and dustpan and a mask and swept all the remaining gravel, in a couple of days. But there was enough left in between cars to be blown for the next few months without rain.

Now i'm terrified every time it snows, thinking they will do the same.

4:15 Went to check and i saw that one of the little volcanoes i stepped on popped back into a crack.

5:07 Raided the mole holes outside, enlarging little holes in near frozen soil with my fingers, pouring borax so i can go to sleep. Thinking of the mole mounds as models for pyramids.

We all know at the initiation into the third degree (and last non-honorary) the candidate is asked what he searches for and he must answer "the light", and one condition for all is to believe in one supreme being.

Freemasons claim their knowledge from Ancient Egypt above anything else.

There is only one living person on planet Earth right now who is declared god, and a Sun god (and light) and it looks like he is related to the gods of Ancient Egypt like Ra and his manifestation, Horus.

We can safely conclude that the freemasons' god is the Emperor of Japan.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22

1:00 A apărut și în România o știre cu un împărat. Au băgat în știre și tocănița. Nu înțeleg însă cine din România mai poate crede asemenea bazaconii. Adică l-au omorât pe ăla cu ranga în fața apartamentului în pustiul numit Irlanda și au fost arestați abia acum, în Neamț?

Sunt multe chestiile despre justiție pe care nu le înțeleg. Adică acest Ioan Anton comandă o crimă care este executată în 2014 de complicii săi, toți aflați pe teritoriul Irlandei și nu este arestat decât în momentul în care România emite, la 6 ani după crimă, un mandat europol, moment din care el începe să lupte cu procesul de extradiție timp de 18 luni? Adică irlandezii îl protejează timp de 18 luni pentru a nu fi trimis în România, pentru a fi procesat pentru o crimă pe care a comis-o în Irlanda cu 8 ani în urmă?

Mai sunt și alte tărășenii în toată povestea, ce pare cusută cu ață albă, din elemente are realității probabile din Irlanda combinate cu ignoranța irlandezilor despre cum funcționează justiția, dar cea mai mare ciudățenie este iarăși coincidența. Data primei lui arestări în August 2022 a fost chiar după ce l-am recunoscut în fruntea echipei care a schimbat geamurile în mod defectuos, cu luni de zgomot și praf inutil, ceea ce mi-a accentuat problemele de sănătate, pe însuși Împăratul Soare Zeu al Japoniei, Naruhito. Am scris abia pe 19 August dar l-am recunoscut de prima dată, ceea ce putea fi înainte de 3 August.

Au venit iar la aproximativ 6 luni, adică începutul lui februarie și au desfăcut și făcut din nou anumite chestii, în aceeași formulă dar cu alt nume de firmă, timp în care au creat o scurgere de praf din perete în spatele ceasului din bucătărie, alte probleme care iarăși împreună cu vibrațiile generate de numeroase vehicule modificate aflate tot sub comanda lor au accentuat deteriorarea sănătății ambilor.

2:35 Went for a walk on rain mixed with snow and during coldest day of the year. Many things happened, like on a stage, including getting choked by a SubRU missfiring badly, a modified Z car, but what's important was i nearly froze.

But before that happened i had a chance to take a picture of this banner, with smaller versions filling the whole neighborhood. Is that a an actual bridge over Aleutians? Thought it does not fit on thing, Amaterasu should pop from a tunnel, not a bridge, just to fulfill the myth. However the banner is framed with a pipe. When i got home, got mooned by a Japanese guy smoking in the street lot, another yellow biohazard ft from our windows, mixed with smoke from the ground.
Ra/Wadjet, Rei_wa. Teru, Horus.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 21

1951 Original low carb diet, Drinking man's diette.


1:03 E a treia sau a patra oară într-o lună când automatonul Zelenski preia ce spun eu despre ninja în SUA și o transferă în contextul Moldova. Războiul inutil din Ucraina s-a făcut și va fi menținut cu o complicitate clară între Zelenski și Putin, dar și Maia Sandu și toți ceilalți, cu singurul scop de a băga groaza în Europa de Est și în lume în general pentru a uita astfel de idei (că ninja ar ocupa cel puțin nord-vestul SUA).

1:20 Occidentul s-a pregătit pentru alt scenariu dar Rusia i-a luat-o înainte și l-a pus în aplicare. România cel puțin nu e pregătită să se apere pe sine, nu mai vorbim de Moldova, iar occidentului liberal și lui NATO îi tremură fundul în tip ce Biden face vizite secrete cu trenul la Kiev (cu garanții de securitate de la Moscova).

Toate astea sunt prea absurde fiindcă în nici una din țările respective nu e cineva la conducere din țările respective, inclusiv Putin, un judoka amărât din Ungaria (culmea de origine ucraineană) care a fost răpit și i s-a înscenat moartea de serviciile secrete din propria țară și Anglia și adus la produs la Moscova (sau într-un studio din Ungaria totuna), căruia au început în sfârșit să-i dea ceva tratament pentru Parkinson cauzat de prea multe izbituri de la judo. (Numai Kate Middleton încă face foame).

Ceea ce spune "Putin" că s-ar putea ca Rusia să dispară s-a întâmplat deja de mult, după Cernobâl, Elțin și Gorbaciov. Ca și în cazul Europei de Est și Vest a mai rămas doar fantoma ei.

Nu a fost nimeni și nu este nimeni pregătit cu nimic, toate declarațiile se scriu zilnic din condei în funcție de prostiile spuse sau făcute mai înainte. Europa, Europa de Est sunt niște deal-uri vechi și îngropate, miza mare acum e că ninja (noongarii, mongolii) vor să preia controlul în SUA.

10:00 Lukashenko.

9:35 (PM, 7:35 Ora României). Multă gălăgie în est pentru liniște în vestul sălbatic, unde împărații umblă liberi cu șurubul la ei. Biden de data asta a fost văzut de mii de oameni. Și eu am văzut astăzi sute de ninja, zona este complet depopulată de oamenii normali. Lumea nu mai e demult ce a fost. Se încearcă păstrarea vechilor imagini și stereotipuri în media, iar aici chiar pe stradă, dar se vede clar că ceva s-a schimbat profund.

Am scris despre încălcarea suveranității SUA prin prezența incognito a împăratului, au venit imediat cu ceva. Rezolvarea problemei transnistrene cu păstrarea suveranității teritoriale a Republicii Moldova, printr-un decret care nu a funcționat niciodată. Cum putea, scenariul a fost gândit după alegoria lupului, a caprei și a verzei. Un lup rătăcit de multe decenii între teritoriul moldovenesc și cel ucrainean.

Azi m-am gândit. Oare mai are Rusia altă armată, în afară de grupul Wagner?