Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Twinkle Twinkle

Updated 4/03/23

I was thinking for a few days now at a couple of things i once wrote. One is a post about Earth Precession that stands my today's reading test. The post is valid in its entirety. 

The other is about instant communication between relatively distant solar systems.

What's important to know is during rotation against its axis the Earth wobbles. Which means an imaginary line going North South and through the center of the Earth won't be pointing always at the same star or it will only for a few hundred years out of an every 23000 year cycle. Bright or dim.

Nowadays, with a peak at around year 2105 the Earth's rotation axis points approximately at Polaris, a bright star, visible with the naked eye. Which means that if we build within in the Northern Hemisphere an observatory with an optical device that points at it, we will have in sight Polaris day and night on a circle with an apparent diameter of about 1.5 degrees, which will get smaller and smaller until year 2105 when Polaris will be quite stationary and then it will all start to revert. (All data gathered with a planetarium app named Stellarium which is available free for Linux or Windows).

This didn't happen since approx. 23000 years ago and will happen again after the same period of time that is a cycle of Earth's precession. But they were always smaller stars aligned with the shaft.

But if you read the first post i pointed to you will realize that we already have such a device in the Northern Hemisphere, for many thousands of years now. It's called the Great Pyramid with its shafts, especially the northern shaft.

Much have been written about the pyramids. And shafts. We have the so called Star-Shaft theory which says shafts have been built to align with certain stars. However for the northern shaft the star in sight always changes slowly and for the southern there is no fixed star like Polaris to point at (right now and for the next 150 years or so).
(BTW. The diagram above could be the true origin of the main masonic sign. When were the pyramids first explored by Europeans?)

Photons coming from the brightest star in the area that is aligned currently with the northern shaft are pretty well separated from background noise at least during night time which probably allows a higher bandwidth, with a peak again in 2105. Who knows what percentage of those are entangled with some from the same source that arrive simultaneously in other areas of space. But at least in theory if someone can catch those too in a way similar to how they are caught inside our pyramid, voila. There are enough premises for that to happen. Instant communications.

When we look carefully at the shafts and chambers of the pyramid, we can think at all kinda resonators, maybe delaying, slowing down, storing of the photons etc.

It is of course a device that was built with low tech means, but with enormous knowledge. My guess is an automated alien ship with a modest technological infrastructure cargo (the eye of Horus maybe) arrived and possibly modified genetically some large animals, making them intelligent enough to help build those. Maybe they build two different variants, a higher class of supervisors, that is the "superior" beings and the workers. Cause i refuse to believe they could survive or really want to travel distances comparable with that of Sun-Polaris.

If the northern shaft is currently open and enough photons from Polaris get inside (maybe at an angle and reflecting from the walls of the shaft) and all or parts of those purely geometric, passive devices are still functioning, we should be afraid. Cause some may control using those everything that's happening on Earth.

Through extrapolation we can think the other shafts have similar roles though i can't imagine any right now. Calibration maybe, with a very limited amount of time (minutes a day) those being aligned with one star.

There is of course a cure to it. (Or there was). Cover the d...n shafts with a black velvet curtain or a boulder or something at least until we can figure it all out.

24 hours later.

However. I don't believe it can work the way described above. First, i don't know if a star can be a source of entangled photons. Second, it looks like the shaft is changing positions from one star to another in that area over millennia. And the other party has to be at the same distance from source in order to receive the pairs of the entangled photons in the same time. Could they possibly have a relay close to their world but again Polaris has been within a few degrees of the Celestial North only in the last few hundreds of years.

The only way this could work is only if they installed a source in that direction. A small ship, no need to move around much, only enough to stay in Earth's axis. Possibly having enough fuel to do that and also maneuver to keep a constant distance between both parties, for thousands of years. Possibly a laser like source that sends entangled photons in both directions. Maybe the true meaning of the equidistance principle symbolized by the compass in masonic symbolism.

If we take into considerations the other clues on Giza Plateau, like the alignment of pyramids figuring the stars in Orion, the Elvis shoulder move, we can think at the shoulder of Orion and can figure the distance to that beacon. It wouldn't help us much since we don't have the means to travel there.

But if we install a detector in the shaft we might find out that we can see a bright source in that direction, that could be focused enough not to be seen from anywhere else. Don't know if it's visible, infrared, microwave, terahertz, whatever. Whatever wavelength travels better through space.

No they can't shut it down. They can communicate in real time only with the other end of the compass that is us. It shuts down when the fuel ends or they can destroy it but they have to send a ship that travels to that distance at relativistic speeds. Probably double the number of years from the distance in light years, maybe more.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 28

1:40 Today i made a little experiment. Instead of plugging the mole holes which gives me at least a few hours of break from whatever is coming out of those, i enlarged them a bit so that the underworld will get some air and light. However, that didn't last long. The holes were closed to the same level they were before. The result is by midnight i was totally numb. So i just went outside and stepped on the little volcanoes. I think i should try to enlarge the holes only when it rains so they will get some. Water.

9:36 Woke up in smoke, after only 4 hours of sleep, can't think much but i just realized there is an article at NASA site that says things similar, posted in 2020. My blog post (and the claim to the patternity of the idea) is dated back in January 2015. But what else is new?

9:55 As i said yesterday, i came back with a picture with the fine white lines of dust high on the roof tops. Not those from yesterday cause it rained and washed them, probably a complete new way of killing the moss, pouring detergent something before the rain, but the new ones.

11:30 The eye of Horus, nostalgia of the superior race, guardians. Black Velvet. How to use your old crimes in your own favor, when time is right.

2:10 (After 11 years) CVM is over, long live the Pilot!

Monday, March 27, 2023

March 27

6:43 Three small Japanese Spanish speaking children came to play talk and yell under my kitchen window. Earlier they knocked on my door.

6:55 Now they're at my door. They're climbing the stairs up and down. Now they're singing something at the door. Earlier the building was surrounded by smoke.

15 minutes after that could not take it no more and went and yelled at them. The biggest, a 5 years old with long hair so black it was almost blue was staring at me and i saw they were overly excited (high) and coughing at times and i was also stoned incapable to react. It looks like she knew some mantras in Spanish she kept repeating.

I tried to take a pictures of some of the mounds (they were many more) with the replacement of that camera i bought online but the camera was suddenly malfunctioning (after i did some pictures inside the casino). Had to do a factory reset and all the customization settings to make it work again.

Earlier. There was scheduled a gutter cleaning and they came and put some white lines of dust on the roofs. But then they also came to trim the trees and had one of those machines right in front of the building that mills the branches that made a terrible noise all they long so i could not do much on blogs or anything. Still kept searching for one person all day long after i think i found him.

9:18 Un obiectiv comun. Nu în iunie sau octombrie dar în 2023. Pilot dar să știm și noi.

11:20  A fost o zi ciudată. Cu oameni pe acoperiș și în copaci în orice direcție. Am făcut curățenie, eu mut totul din casă când dau cu aspiratorul ca să dau peste tot. Multe găuri de cârtițe, fum, linii albe pe acoperiș (mâine vin cu poză), colindători, etc.. Asta e tot ce am putut să găsesc după ce am căutat de mai multe ori prin toate listele. Un operator film. Mai caut.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

March 26

12:57 Am actualizat iar postarea despre Schengen. Nu știu exact pentru ce a dat Tomac Consiliul în judecată, bănuiesc că aș putea să caut, însă motivul ar fi trebuit să fie Consiliul nu și-a respectat propria decizie de a vota statutul de pregătire (readiness) în septembrie 2011 (no later). Rămân la părerea că și Consiliul nu are nici un rol constituțional prevăzut în tratate în verificarea pregătirii (readiness). Pe de altă parte Comisia are numeroase roluri în implementarea și verificarea implementării legilor (tratatelor).

3:56 Last night on I5 i had problems with steering (it happens when the connectors of the battery get loose). In the parking lot at Ilani i found a loose connector which to me seems impossible in the newest setup. Last night i stayed at the car, fixed the connector, and and went to search for Angela inside. It's a two football fields size rectangular place with thousands of machines and people  and that's why i hate it. After about half hour i found her but the signal was strong in all the casino and i tried to convince her and left alone and waited in the car.

Next to me there was a pickup Youcon with and actual orange cone in the bed. Some guys passed and took the cone but the owner of the truck, a Japanese guy came and put another one. After a while they left and another car came, i didn't really pay attention. Before 6 the guy came to stay in the car. They were several guys all around waiting in cars for their partners to come from inside.

About half hour later Angela came, upset because she lost and pulled more money from a card. The guy asked her for a light for his cigarette. He was looking tall, thin and dressed with a flashy jacket. Blond but probably Japanese.

I started the engine and started to backup when he got out of the car, distracting me with his flashy appearance. After i backed up several feet and still taking glimpses of him i saw something in my peripheral view and hit the brakes. Another car that was backing up but coming from a side, parallel with the alley suddenly occupied the space behind me. Then the guy with the flashy jacket standing between my car and his made a sign, trying to stop me when i was already stopped.

Truth is he interfered because i was backing up very slowly being concerned with hitting his open door with the mirror.

Then we left while i was trying to tell Angela that was not a coincidence but some sort of cooperation between several people. And we had a tank 3/4 full of gas. On the freeway all the way to Portland all i did was pass stinking cars. One of them, a smaller SUV, had again a horizontal red light behind but was not a Police car. Again another blond guy who could have been Asian.

After i passed him, i realized he had very bright aftermarket lights and bad sho-shocks and his car was jumping and his lights were flashing as he drove behind me all the way home. Figuring a Police car escorting me while i passed all those cisterns downtown Portland?

11:15 Saturday 6 PM. We left and i insisted to go and wash the car because dirt from the hood was getting on the windshield. However it started to rain again and after i got on I5 i went out of windshield fluid. (Tried to buy something later at the gas station but they only have ... summer fluid, above 32 degrees so i just put some water in). I looked at google maps traffic and there was no big difference between the 2 miles jam on I5 and that on 205 and i took I5 which is 5 miles shorter on my way to Olympia, WA.

When we got at the bridge jam started to clear out and i noticed a 10-20 mW signal inside the car and could not see the tower where it was coming from and the meter was showing a cell phone?

Towards the end of the bridge i was driving in the left lane next to a grey minivan, either a Honda Odyssey or Toyota Sequoia or something similar. Cars so safe nobody ever died in an accident in one of those. I think i saw kids inside. The ninja at the wheel got too close to me and the shoulder in that area is one or two feet wide. Got as far a possible from him without crossing into it (don't know if he crossed the line, could not see, but i think he did).

Have no words and time to described the multitude of vehicles that were harassing us for the 120 miles to Little Creek. But every time i looked and the windows were not tinted i saw Asian people driving.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 25

12:05 Cred că parlamentarii colegi ar trebui să voteze să-i ridice imunitatea și să fie apoi cercetată pentru instigare la violență și alte infracțiuni (crimes) legate de propunerea de invadare a unui stat suveran. Chestia e că toți parlamentarii și judecătorii sunt tot EI iar Șoșoaca face iar video show. În Parlament. Cred că de data asta a mers prea departe.


12:45 Chiar ce avea tipa aia în spate? Poză făcută la Portland Comic Con ...2016.

12:55 Mă uitam în urmă cu nostalgie la poze de pe flickr când iar i-am văzut scăfârlia lui Mizil. După o noapte de groază petrecută într-un hotel mizerabil din Florence, Oregon, s-a băgat în grupul cu mașina aceea care te ducea printre dune pentru o mică sumă. Mi-am dat seama după ani de zile, tot uitându-mă la poze. Cred că era cu o tipă care semăna cu Pink. Nu e prima dată când s-a băgat în scenă. În ziua când am făcut pozele astea sau poate în alt era la intrare și dădea broșuri și mi-a făcut o plecăciune.

10:10 Dacă vreți să știți. Tot scandalul cu majorarea vârstei de pensionare în Franța este o diversiune.

Și apropo. Plata contribuției la pensie știind că vei ieși la pensie la o anumită vârstă e ca un contract. Ai plătit atât, în anumite condiții, timp de 30 sau 40 de ani și ajungi la vârsta respectivă iar contractul se modifică. Da știu există inflație, însă plata se ajustează în fiecare an cu inflația (în România plata e un procent din salariu (25%, așa) iar salariul crește mereu). Există economiști care știu toate acestea. Dacă era să majoreze vârsta de pensionare trebuia să înceapă cu cei care abia încep să plătească.

Și fiindcă scandalul lâncezea, a venit Macron și a comis o gafă studiată, legată subliminal (subtil aluziv dacă vreți) de ce mai postez eu.

11:08 Eu am scris acolo Otopeni ca să marchez cu încă un exemplu altă folosire a cuvintelor ciudate pentru subminarea României. The odor. Sună ok în germană dar nu în engleză iar majoritatea spectatorilor Eurovision o rup într-o formă sau alta în engleză. Odor în engleză are conotații foarte negative, mai nașpa ca în definiție. Când spui odor, spui putoare. Au lăsat să treacă 2 zile și au mai băgat una, că merge. Pilotul a leșinat fiindcă co-pilotului îi miroseau picioarele. A plecat avionul, a venit avionul. A văzut cineva ceva ce s-a întâmplat în cabină? Și așa le îmbârligă alegoric de nu mai înțelege nimeni nimic și rămâne totul cum a fost sau mai nașpa.

Tipu de sus stă mereu acasă, lovește obiecte și urlă în funcție de (la) ce mă gândesc sau scriu. Oficial, face un lucru bun pentru unii. Acum pretinde că se uită la ceva la televizor și urlă.  Simplu, ca să mă distragă. M-am uitat înapoi la ce am scris când urla și am corectat greșeli.

11:36 Cea mai mare țeapă post aderare. Iohannis păcălește, Tomac tândălește și amândoi îl contrazic pe van Bellen care în poză e deasupra lui Nehammer în interpretarea lui Attila. În orice țară politica externă e un atribut al președintelui și nu al primului ministru. El semnează tratate iar Parlamentul le ratifică, dar aici ce să mai ratifice, au ratificat odată în 2006 intrarea României în EU cu tot cu Schengen.

Adevărul este că EI nu ne vor în Schengen de facto unde am intrat legal în 2007-2008. Mai complicat acum? Îmi amintesc când am postat prima dată ideea că suntem deja în Schengen și a apărut imediat diversiunea cu Eva Kaili. Primele știri sunt din 12-13 Decembrie (tuesday a fost 12), a doua zi după ce am postat dar în Wikipedia arestarea e antedatată pe 9.