8:37 De ce să fie România prima țară cu așa ceva, în mijlocul celor mai importante zone urbane și turistice, aproape de o zonă seismică? De ce nu le fac întâi în Coreea sau Japonia. Centralele nucleare nu se construiesc lângă sau între zone urbane. Un proiect multinațional, de acum sub umbrela lui Biden, aliatul nostru strategic, care să mineze la propriu România, acest tip de reactoare fiind mult mai vulnerabil la un atac cu rachete în caz de război decât cele clasice.
O nouă cheltuială aparent irațională dar strategică a lui Biden, chiar înainte de ridicarea plafonului de îndatorare a SUA care ilustrează puterea distrecționară pe care o are președintele SUA când e vorba de a chelui banii publcici doar pentru a-și ajuta "partenerii" (citiți stăpânii) să bully partenerii rebeli.
6:20 Had no idea she could also play the guitar. Don't Know Why, i always had the feeling that she never reaches her potential except for that song. She's singing/playing jazz like she's playing a never ending finished game. The sadness is from for blues though. Is that a real toilet plunger he uses to mute the trombone LOL?
7:21 Talking of playing games. This song is so nice is surreal. It doesn't sound like New York but like a quiet sunny warm afternoon in the West (except for the weird diminished chords on the piano). So much better than You're so Vain. In my mind right now it comes dangerously close to Bryan Ferry's More Than This.
7:55 Worth mentioning... Players only love you when the're playing or the sound of Flitwood Mach... I think i was leaving under the wrong impression... Blame it on my HS physics teacher. Apparently there are voices saying the speed of gas coming out of a pressurized container is not the speed of sound...
1:10 I believe with a little push we can go beyond glucose.
1:11 Ce părere am eu de greva profesorilor. Arată încredere în sistem, în EI. Cred că se înșeală. Profesori fiind, ei ar trebui cel mai bine să înțeleagă felul în care ei ne fură masiv direct de la buget, nu să le dea un vot de încredere obținând prin acest demers ceva mărunțiș de la ei.
4:18 They were winds up to 30 mph in the weekend. They brought down from the east garages lots of leaves left from last fall, rotting and stinking like cabbage. I took four laundry baskets packed with those to the NE bin and one to the SE. Got more infections at the hands but used the prescribed antibiotic right away and they did not progress.
I didn't know where they were coming from so yesterday i took a look and saw more on the top of the flat top garages. Where the pine needles came from but at the other end. So i emailed the office, but they said they cannot do it before the end of the month. I used a stepper and took another picture and saw a big pile of them near the edge. This morning when Angela went to work i went and pulled the bulk of them near the edge down (without climbing on the roof). Then i realized those were from one or two of the baskets i picked myself and threw in the garbage and somebody must have put them back on the roof. Now they are back on the ground where i picked them from.
Today in the park i saw some signs warning of poison oak that may cause severe dermatitis in sensitive people. I googled and saw those are shrubs, not trees. However there are some shrubs in the area as well. Going back to look.
A bunch of kids ad the entrance next to post boxes are making the biggest noise i heard so far including using of vuvuzelas. But they are Asian, not Spanish. There is this guy with a red old Corvette that makes a terrible noise at times, and smoke when he passes. Have you read Kafka or Clavell (Shogun)?
4:40 There are more dried leaves under the balcony of the next building since last fall. They were more that i picked next to the other garages. Those might have come from the shrubs and are of course mixed. I remember there was one or two years when i filled half garbage bin at the time gathering the leaves from the whole yard and never got any skin problems but i guess i got myself "sensitized" by the wi-fi of the laptop.
5:05 Angela had some coupons for beef and Doritos at Safeway and when she came i saw her parking and opened the door only to see, in the same direction, behind the car, a Japanese woman made to look Latina staring at me with a baby in her arms.
BTW she paid for 6 pounds of decent quality beef the same as for 3 packs of Doritos, all with coupons.
Somebody again changed the programming of the sprinklers. They now start in the afternoon. Yesterday there was only one Japanese girls about 10 who as taking a shower under those. Today somebody (probably her or others or bigger ninja) changed the direction of the the nearby sprinkler 90 degrees left towards my balcony and AC. Went and tried to fix it, did too little, now they came back and occupied the area.
5:40 So far i identified one occurrence of poison IV.
Extremely dried leaves (almost dust) under balconies
Aucuba Japonica next to bedroom window. Don't know if the're visible but when Aucuba leaves die they turn into a black brittle thin foil that when touched turn into dust. I bet there are no studies as what those can do to your sensitized skin.
I still remember the episode when one day, being really high from something in the air i went and picked the half dead leaves from branches and from the ground and put them in a bag and when i was crossing the alley to throw them to the bin William Shatner came downhill with an idling diesel towing truck (was used to the sound, he was stationary for minutes), he just released the breaks, RPM dind't change and if i didn't look back he would have ran over me. He did it a couple of times just in case. I mean, i looked, he stopped, turned my back and walked in the same direction, he tried one more time.
I know it was him cause i saw he was towing my truck and ran after him and talked briefly. He wouldn't take a card, i had to drive 20 miles with Angela that day to recover my truck, for 300 bucks.
Common ivy.
Don't know what these are.
9:36 It was only after a few hours Angela told me. She was again mad for the weekend. First, they canceled her overtime tomorrow. Building maintenance reasons. She had a free night for Monday at Chinook and wanted to make some money, though dead tired. Never happened before. Then this "Russian" guy Sergey gave her a news which i don't think is necessarily bad, but in such a way she did got mad.
All weekends for the past years have been like that. It was Hao, Steven, Sergey, others, by rotation, who did or said something right at the end of the week, it always ruined Angela's weekend (and mine). Though i saw him briefly, a few seconds, one time only, i think Sergey is this guy.
Judging by his face, he is not necessarily a bad guy, none of them are, but the roles... and the script must be obeyed...
But i started to ask myself, how is helping me by putting everything that crosses my mind here, cause people do react, sometimes unpredictable but don't remember the next day what i said today. Obviously because they have their own worries.
12:40 I noticed people liked my yellow/green pictures. There's more where those came from (on my nail size micro SD card). When i took the picture i also thought of a comment:
"Though this paradise beyond the barriers is artificial and all the (decorative) trees are planted, they do still become green and glorious at springtime (More precisely at the beginning of May)". And yes there is an always empty parking lot beyond the red far light Emergency sign.
12:40 Această bătălie a fost deja pierdută, tot ce poți auzi acum pe posturile cu muzică nouă sau vedea în listele Billboard este IA. Bineînțeles că lumea nu știe, cum tinerii nu știu măcar că se expun la niveluri nocive de radiații cu microunde de la toate device-urile, și în curând ei nu vor mai ști nimic.
Am dat câteva exemple acum câteva zile, de atunci mă gândesc că am spus mult prea puțin și am venit cu exemple nesemnificative și căutam un prilej. Dacă ascultați cu atenție orice piesă, veți auzi tot soiul de instrumente hibride, fantastice, imposibile, vocea este complet artificială și modulată cu un tremolo artificial, melodiile sunt însă suficient de antrenante și rezistă unei analize grăbite deși cuvintele sunt de o evoluțieabsolutdemoralizatoare. Cât despre cuvinte, unele (de top) sunt de-a dreptul ceea ce acum zece ani ar fi fost la categoria porno, deși pe posturile de radio ziua se aud bip-urile și nu cuvintele respective. Kill Bill.
La fel și muzica lui Sting, care numai rock nu e. New wave post punk, dar un punk și mai minimalist decât punk-ul așa cum îl știm noi de exemplu de la BillyIdol. Idolul neo-naziștilor, ce auzim de la el în afară de vocea șuierată a unui bas de operă (care a studiat la conservator canto, chitară clasică, contrabas etc.) pe post de rocker (toți sunt) și o chitară bas, uneori făcută tot de el? Ia să vedem. În piesa asta nu e nici măcar bas, e o chitară acustică ce umple spațiul unui bas, și un sintetizator care uneori sună ca o vioară. Piesa sună aproape ca una realizată de IA de azi. Mă rog, au trecut 6 ani.
Ar putea fi un folkist de la cenaclul Flacăra dar nu e. E omul orchestră.
De ce a prins și a intrat în istoria prezentului? Și atunci ca și acum, DJ-ii pompează piesele până când te obișnuiești cu ele, paparazi pun imaginile pozate pe foile lucioase, MTV, etc., până când ajung să-ți placă bineînțeles în lipsă de altceva.
Pe locul I din Bibleboard acum de exemplu e o piesă, un fel de country (cu aluzii la prieteni și normal tărie), de asemenea complet fabricată de IA.
Însă Sting mai are ceva, foarte "special", ce trebuie menționat. La fel ca și Phil Collins, el e unul din cei mai virulenți rasiști din muzica pop, deși, repet, din grabă și neatenție lumea nu îi recunoaște ca atare. Și pentru că de exemplu Every Breath merge așa însă numai până la refren, unde o sucește pe lovey-dovey, ca să nu se scandalizeze ascultătorul. De remarcat micimea celor 4 figuri cu vioară din video în fața marii figuri implacabile cu contrabasul.
Asculți, uiți la refren, mergi mai departe, circumvoluțiunea (pata pe creier) se sapă. Eu dacă aș fi FCC sau CNA whatever aș interzice cel puțin aceste două piese, cele mai. Every Breath, Police (Sting) și In the Air Tonight, Phil Collins.
Nici o iluzie, ambele titluri și parte din versuri sunt aluzii clare la așa zisele camerele de gazare.
Însă dacă piesa lui Doja Cat sau a lui Sza stă pe posturi și în topuri, nu mai putem aștepta chiar nimic de la autorități, care, nu vreau să vă mai plictisesc, sunt tot EI.
11:40 I could swear i saw about 3 of these Friday night right in front of my eyes.
11:45 Can't find the stairs on a 2021 google maps street view but they look older than that. 1, 2, 3, 4...
11:54 This morning they were working on the street lamps completely blocking the sidewalk on both ways, had to detour on grass. They raised the crane right when i passed and tried to look and got blinded by the Sun. One hour later they were 4 gigantic vehicles + one in the Meridian parking lot plus signaling vehicles.
12:00 Two dogs barking viciously at me on Borland, after i passed the school.
2:10 O campanie menită să combată ce spun eu, adică totul e fake, care vrea să arate cât de dificil e să faci poze unor asemenea celebrități. Cu alte cuvinte, se bagă în seamă. Cu participarea bineînțeles a autorităților.
Multe alte "știri" de azi, din aceeași categorie. Darius Vâlcov. La fel toți ceilalți. Ei sunt toți acolo, fac prezența la joburile lor de zi de actori modești în Ungaria.
It was almost 28 years ago. Still dizzy from the life i lead in Romania. Building programs, drinking, movies, most important Italian channels on TV, not a care in the world. Except i didn't want to die in that apartment at the 4th floor in a condo out of many decent ones built by the communists in Bacău, a bit crummy to my taste.
In 1994 i applied to the Green Card lottery. I remember i wrote the application on my 286 PC and printed it on a CDC clone printer made in Romania i used for my accounting programs. I won and next year i landed in Alameda St., Dallas, Oregon, in a small rented house with my ex colleague from Bacău and his family. The extraordinary end of summer mellow dry weather with the Pacific blue bright light in central Oregon. Nothing to tell me that was the beginning of a personal hell that lasted to this day.
One of those dream days i went with Julian to a drug store in Dallas. I think it was called differently, nowadays it's Rite Aid. He made me stick my hand in one of those automated, free blood pressure monitors. 120/80 of course because of the athletic life i was leading there. I mean, besides 10 hours a day at a computer monitor, much walking to my clients and stores because i had no car which i was craving so much.
Believe it or not, i was not familiar with the numbers. It was very uncommon to people my age from Romania of those days to be looking for those kinda things.
Moving in time. 2022. The Expanse. The best ever Sci-Fi movie. And i know what i'm talking about, i'm a big fan of those. Very realistic in projecting the near future (though still impossible without a breakthrough in space transportation). Good looking actors. Convincing evolution of language. Cinematography to match the rest. The fantastic part of it, the rings etc. however, not to my taste.
But the cuffs from the future. On ship automatic medical devices that would tell you how much you have to live, can't find right now the picture with that scene, main character, forgot the name, i remember the device told her about the collapse of her endocrine system, untreatable (at the time), 5 more years to live. Belters. Whatever.
Treat you by known procedures in known diseases from loaded databases. Obviously at least semantically inspired and an extension of the one in the picture above.
Never realized those are doable with today's knowledge and technology minus the bureaucracy and prejudices and lobbyists and stuff until the last few days.
I once wrote a short entry about administering antibiotics through patches that is being studied nowadays. Patches are known for a long time, for administering nicotine or other drugs or medicines.
There is an even better way than patches. You can administer a medicine with a surgical rubber glove. Wash your hand thoroughly, put a glove on and slip your medicine in. Any tablet or capsule (broken) that is not time released will completely get into your blood stream within an hour or so, only about 2-3 times more or in higher concentration than orally. It is called osmosis. It happens in the same way it happens in your intestine though it does not have to fight (and kill or eradicate) the intestinal microbial flora and your liver. Venous blood from your arm goes to your lungs first and then it goes to all the organs in your body.
The opposite. Let's say the machine can isolate or seal a piece of your arm with a couple of inflatable rubber rings, wash it and keep it warm to the point it perspires. Your perspiration contains everything your plasma does except of course for living white and red cells in blood, maybe in different concentrations, but with the necessary known corrections and correlations made by AI you can probably do all the tests in the world, within a few minutes.
Then AI can administer drugs within the next hour or so, a one dose antibiotic from the future by example with half life a week or the whole time of recommended treatment and then you can repeat the tests and tell how much or what else you still need, while watching a movie. Without even the need for the barbaric procedure of puncturing a vein.
You call an ambulance. They come and stick your arm in one of those. By the time you get to the hospital they know everything they need to or you even got the needed stabilizing treatment. Same when going to the ER etc..
I always envied the guys from the future with their marvelous devices. What do you think.