Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July 19

8:26 Se întâmplă în Ungrovlahia. Ca să se deplaseze navetiștii mai ușor.

10:25 BTW there are a number of Japanese women dressed scantily (it's 71 degrees outside) roaming around the complex usually when i work on car but today she came from the other side of the complex while i was driving in and then around the building not stopping anywhere and going back. I went and picked some poops, she was basically walking "with me", tried to stop and let her pass but she turned around, stared back at me and went the other way.

10:41 The confusion around Einstein's theory of relativity arise from the fact that people don't really know what an electric field is. To be honest, i think i don't know either. It manifests as an attraction or repulsion force between two electrically charged particles or objects. Two electrons will repel each other etc.. Electrons will move in a field from negative to positive side like in a battery (the real, not conventional direction of flow), but only when the outside circuit is closed.

In a vacuum tube the electrons will flow freely from a negative to a positively charged electrode etc..

There are people saying the electric field propagates at the speed of light, arguing it so happens because is a carrier of light. E field is not necessarily carrying light but according to current theories it accompanies light as one of the components of EM field. Photons or particles of light do not interact with EM fields as they don't have a charge.

There are people who say the electric field lines start from a charged object and end at infinity for a positive charge and from infinity to the object for a negative charge. This is a very interesting enunciation.

Let's say we turn a switch on and let a small sphere of metal be charged through a wire from another one already charged negatively and shielded. How long it takes for the field lines arising from infinity to reach the sphere? By the definition, it should be instantaneous. Also by experiments. However we know from other experiments that the speed of light is finite.

But there is another consequence of the fact the electric field extends instantaneously to infinity. It also should extinguish instantaneously if the sphere is connected to the ground and loses charge. Same with magnetic, we cut current through the coil, the magnetic field collapses (after a transient phenomenon called self induction).

Vacuum is not an elastic medium. It is nothing at all. It has been argued for a long time and many including Tesla but not Einstein believed that vacuum is filled with a very fine matter called ether that acts as a medium for propagation of light analogous to sound in an elastic medium (air, water, solids). Within an elastic medium a wave will travel though losing intensity with the square of distance long after the source (disturbance) has ceased.

How come a photon that according to Einstein must travel together with a hypothetical EM field can travel indefinitely (if it doesn't reach an obstacle), long after the event that generated it, the orbital lowering of an electron which happens very fast, ceased and EM fields collapsed?

Another very interesting observation here. Since photons can travel for billions of billions of years, will they.... leave or some already left our Universe which is "only" 26.7 billion years old?

It is said EM field has two transversal, electric and magnetic components, which means the electric field is not parallel to the direction of propagation but perpendicular. I really don't understand how a transversal field can be spherical (or how an electric field that may extend to infinity can be transversal).

Quasi spherical or spherically deformed closed lines alternating lobes (loops) they say, and if they expand with the speed of light, the fields should also loose intensity with the square of distance as the same lobes that "somehow" maintain selves occupy more and more space. Speed of "closing lines" in the same direction with advancement shown in the animation above on top or bottom of some alternating lobes at speeds greater than light, consistent with... The formulas and the other animation here suggest the waves accompanying  a photon do not loose energy while they advance.

(iVan the man was kicking strong way before Vandama. I believe Lady of the Night is Eiffel Tower, and the kicks and punches in the air are earthquakes and ionosphere manipulation (Tunguska). At a certain moment he says radio like in French etc.).

12:00 Being away for three days did me good but also tired. I also became sort of insensitive to sound because i traveled 600 miles in a car that has at least 70 dB of low freq noise level inside. After coming back here i got sick again. Dog dung smell, now some wildfire smoke, and a high pitch sound that followed me throughout the whole entry above. I had other ideas in mind from during my walk but i give up for now.

3:30 Metsubushi. I'm pretty sure the guy who was driving the huge mower today that raised dust to the skies was him. How can one renounce his/her divinity.

3:47 Due to recent problems i went and smelled the exhaust of the car. Very much like the other but less amounts of ammonia detectable by smell in the exhaust.

6:37 Action and Reaction.

6 :48 I was reviewing what i wrote above like i always do after i cool down a little and when i was about to discover i missed the most important argument though i don't know how, i am convinced i put the right link, i heard a squeak above as they came. I also believe they chose the moment they "moved" so they can pretend are somehow behind all these. Similar things happened with the occupant before.

Today i saw in Romanian media a news about how a Romanian guy who discovered first insulin and some Canadian scientist that patented insulin after him took all the credit and i believe it was a reaction to what i posted yesterday. It so happens the man was a virulent right extremist. I believe something similar happened, he was tipped with inside information so he can patent it first to pretend he did it and then he was suppressed which would bring more "proof" for his extremism which was disastrous for Romanians.

Christians can never be extremists. Extremists never discovered anything. They don't even exist, they're just attraction poles created by THEM to divide us.

Insulin in diabetes is palliative anyways. I believe diabetes can be cured or the condition improved dramatically with the help of antibiotics, however administered by IV, intra-muscular or cutaneous (patches), last two being the best options as being time release, in order to avoid liver metabolism in oral administration and treat chronic pancreatitis behind diabetes, in the same time with elimination of indoor pollution sources (sick homes). 

However it takes a while, similar with treatment for TB.

7:47 Metsubushi. Violent, uninterrupted squeaks from above raised dust by means of ultrasound, especially from shoes. Got my nose congested, just threw my shoes outside.

8:23 So weird how the humidity in the air condensates into clouds within low pressure disturbances after hot humid air crosses the mountains and also cools down.

8:44 Mie îmi vine să o iau la fugă numai când văd sigla site-ului.

10:05 Action/Reaction. Complex semantic matches attempting to brainwash. Longview Nippon Dynawave. This was the smoke i was feeling today. And this. Abbandoned?

July 18

 12:34 Metsubushi. It is very strange how they announce in emails and on doors the gutter cleanings which are a half hour disturbances with little noise and they do not the re-building of curbs. With a pneumatic hammer (got it, mcIIammer), compressor and pouring concrete ingredients with a shovel from tall trucks.

First i did not realize how bad it was but when i got at the gas station i could not speak (laryngitis) because of the dust that stuck on my throat. Pain all over. Worst is the compressor shakes insulation dust from attics. Is it possible they come unscheduled without the approval of the office, like "volunteering" and stuff.

12:54 I thought it was my original idea but others said it before. Taylor Swift really is an incarnation of Barbie.

2:05 It happened again. A whole entry with 6 pictures just disappeared. Could it be me getting lost in versions in different tabs. But this is really bad. I wrote things very important during last half hour time.

I was saying. SOS Oregon. 101 things that happened during the weekend that taken separately mean nothing but when taken together make them really suspicious by being so many, basically one after another.

On 101 people got in front of me, with smoking vehicles and driving with 10 mph under speed limit in continuous line areas for miles and miles while others pushing from behind and then when i finally had an interrupted line and a chance to pass them they were accelerating to 70. But if i did pass them, another one was waiting for me further down the road.

A truck suddenly showing 3 ft behind me and i had to accelerate real hard to avoid collision from behind in a remote passing area of 18. A guy waiting for me at the motel stairs and climbing the stairs right after me. Others doing the same when entering one place or another. Two bikers riding while standing. Staring at them and traffic suddenly stops in front of me. One  minute later, another one. A fire vehicle with flashing lights. Trying to pull, almost got hit by a huge truck from behind that continued. Hard to estimate the number of people involved, most likely hundreds. Etc. Etc.

Lincoln City. Coming here for years every weekend to buy groceries and then we go at Road's end to eat. It is a plaza with many stores and big parking lot. However the entrance from a busy road does not have a stop sign, for about the same amount of time, after some paving work. No stop sign and no line, though an nearby alley (above) that comes into it has.

If you don't now or forget you are in trouble. Cause you don't see the line where to stop, especially in the sunset, and coming from down hill you may go to far. Yesterday i got bullied by a huge truck entering briefly in my "lane" (there are no marked lanes) and forgot and stopped too far and almost got hit by traffic like shown in this picture).

The rotting mussels. We stopped at a beach with parking lot on 101 to go eat and lay a bit in the sand. But there was this strange smell and i saw a dead starfish into a ravine but the ravine was too deep so i went into another ravine and around a rock when i saw the real problem. They were literally tons of rotting mussels attached to the rock at 3 ft under the high tide line. I caught in the picture just a few. When comming back i saw a woman i didn't see at first also coming from behind other rocks. Still have that smell in my nose.

9:00 Could this be the first known (to us) correct representation of a quantum butterfly? Unlike the current one, which is dualist wave/photon, mine is wave only and it moves in jumps, discrete, not continous.

9:38 Didn't need to do this...

10:58 De vreo câteva zile stau și mă întreb sau merg și mă întreb sau conduc și mă întreb. Oare ce-o fi vrut să spună Eminescu în următoarele: "mândră-n toate cele / Cum e Fecioara între sfinți".

Monday, July 17, 2023

July 17

10:05 My model of everything relates somehow with the asymmetry of a type of jellyfish or hydroid called Velella Velella which i saw in large numbers once or twice on the Oregon beaches but the quanta of energy also moves or jumps sort of like a butterfly or a chicken's head. That's why tonight i remembered a couple of things.

The only opera performance i went to during High School was Madama Butterfly, with the whole class.

I once, before 2015, chatted on a group chat (gave that up a longtime ago) with a person in Romanian who called him/her self The Quantum Butterfly (fluturele cuantic). He/she said a phrase that at the time seemed intriguing enough for me to involuntarily memorize, at a time when i didn't really know much about Buddha and stuff. "Let's not forget that before being Buddha he was Gautama Siddhartha". Buddha in Sanskrit is a common word meaning among others the enlightened one.

Madama Butterfly premiered in 1900 (New York) and 1904 (In Italy) or one year before Einstein published his theory for the first time. Tunguska Event took place in 1908 etc..

Yesterday before i left and done everything i could to fix the airbag, i think somebody brought in from somewhere a large amount of dog urine and poured it on hot ground or grass, most likely in the space between the buildings across the alley where the wind was blowing.

The aerosolized stuff got into my lungs and slowly released in the esophagus, stomach and intestine including during eating, where it fermented. It started when i had the steering wheel apart, had no choice but stay there in the heat and smell and put it together, which took me one more half hour or more. BTW after being gone for more than 24 hours, in here it stinks like in a stable of dogs.

BTW the warning light went off by itself when Sun wasn't hitting the airbag anymore, i think it's a temperature related thing, the resistance of the resistive element in the airbag increases with temperature and the computer constantly measures it and when temperature raises it goes over a certain limit and puts the light. It could be a design problem of the aging airbag or a modified parameter in the computer which can be done with a special type of scanner (not the one for check engine light) or a more expensive "universal" one.

I don't believe it impairs the functioning of the airbag itself, being marginal like this. And BTW the airbag can be replaced in less than a minute with a pushing tool like a star screwdriver or hex wrench. It then clicks back in its place.

I had to take the steering wheel and steering column plastic cover off to clean all the contacts under.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

July 16

2:10 Electric. Last night i had to tighten again the battery's connectors. A while ago i got a dashboard warning light for the airbag. I replaced the spring clock under the steering wheel and it was fine until last week when the light came again. Last night was on and off intermittently suggesting a contact problem.

This morning after 4  hours of sleep they came home upstairs and could not sleep anymore. I took again the steering wheel apart, apart, cleaned with WD40 contact cleaner all contacts and sprang them back, no result yet. I also took apart the computer's two big connectors and cleaned them with contact cleaner, and that was done of course with the hood open, anything else was done in the car.

In last half hour i was assaulted again with dog pee smell, soon i will develop a new batch of parasite inside.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

July 15

11:10 Cât de dotat era Carol II de Claudiu Petrișor și dacă Peștilor li se face sete de Ștefan Tepăduș. Două articole stupide de azi aparent fără legătură pe site-uri diferite mi-au dat suficientă motivație pentru a încerca să lămuresc subiectul acesta cu Carol II-lea (anagramat colar) o dată pentru totdeauna. Că nu e adevărat, o putem vedea imediat din alt articol, de pe același site de Sorin Florea. Nu cred că cineva poate desfășura aceste activități dacă are priapism. Priapismul netratat poate duce la daune permanente și impotență.

Există însă unele chestii care v-ar îngheța sângele în vine dacă le-ați ști. Mult înainte de Viagra erau alte metode provenite din antichitate, poate din cultul lui Anubis din Egipt, de a face un bărbat nebun din punct de vedere sexual, ca de exemplu mirosul de kk de cățea în călduri, călduri care se declanșează cu anumite ingrediente în dieta cățelei. Nu știu exact ce conține, dar bănuiesc și pot să spun că prezența acestuia în apropiere, chiar în afara clădirii te face nebun.

În afară de feromoni, cred că mai conține și paraziți dar și fosfor iar prin expunerea la soare a specimenului ingredientele se transformă în aerosoli care sunt inhalați și apoi trec în esofag, stomac și intestin. Paraziții T-Gondii care se reproduc în intestinul uman prin divizare îți dau un high inimaginabil cum numai dopamina pură poate da. Toate celelalte droguri inclusiv alcoolul doar stimulează producția de dopamină care în final îți dă high-ul, dar acest parazit o crează el însuși.

Cred că mai conține versiuni câinești de acidofilus, mult mai virulente decât cele din iaurt care sunt plăcut iritante (gâdilă) pentru ultima parte a intestinul gros și contribuie la excitația sexuală nedorită.

Animalele de pradă ca lupii și felinele folosesc această simbioză și răspândesc paraziții, alte ingrediente prin așa numita marcare a teritoriului, care înnebunesc animalele și le fac mult mai ușor de vânat.

Deci acționează pe mai multe căi. Singura diferență între efectul asupra bărbaților și femeilor o reprezintă feromonii, când bărbații au porniri irezistibile iar femeile devin mai volubile.

Cred că este o nebunie și dezgustător să ții într-un spațiu restrâns ca un apartament un animal drăguț degenerat prin încrucișări co-sanguine dintr-un animal de pradă.

Strângerea reprezintă un exemplu de manipulare de substanțe bio-hazard și ar trebui tratată ca atare. Dacă îl vedeți sau nu (de obicei culoarea camuflează un asemenea specimen), strâmbați din nas dar nu vă scandalizați la fel de mult decât dacă ați vedea unul uman de aceeași mărime.

A fost o perioadă destul de tristă în istoria medicinii când kk de câine a fost folosit ca medicament. Uscat la soare, se transformă în ceva alb care se numea chiar așa, album graecum. Câinii consumă oase iar substanța respectivă eliberată parțial de parte organică prin expunere la soare era/este bogată în minerale, în special fosfor.

Cred că ingredientul fost folosit în secret în primele rețete de Coca Cola (rețeta a rămas secretă până în ziua de azi, care mai conținea la început și cocaină (numele) iar Cola se pare că vine chiar de la cozile patrupezilor iar mai apoi a fost înlocuit cu acidul fosforic, care înnebunește creierul dar mai ales al treilea creier, care este situat în abdomen și controlează digestia iar cocaina cu cofeină. Combinația iluminantă paraziți-fosfor este sinergică.

Cei care au văzut Coca Cola ca pe un înlocuitor nealcoolic al berii s-au înșelat foarte mult.

Acasă, la Bacău, era un vecin cu o cățea, unu pechinez cred pe nume Roxy, pe care o ducea cu religiozitate la plimbare în jurul blocului. Atunci nu am știut să mă uit dacă strânge, dar nu l-am văzut niciodată făcând gestul sau nu am remarcat. Nu era o problemă prea mare fiindcă aveam și tomberon în apropiere și mirosurile se acopereau. Mai și fumam, iar fumatul diminuează și/sau schimbă mirosul.

Cred că un singur specimen are potențialul de a influența bărbații și femeile (nu contează dacă știi sau nu știi, majoritatea o aud prima dată de la mine) din toate blocurile din jur pentru câteva zile. La apartamentul din Lake Oswego am strâns prima dată câteva kg din jurul blocului, apoi o dată la săptămână, aici persoane cu un aer foarte important, poate religios, îmi lasă ceva zilnic.

O chestie interesantă o reprezintă și prezența timp de decenii a maidanezilor în București care poate au creat efecte similare, dar în masă, în perioada de avânt ințial al mediei sociale, care a început de fapt cu chat-urile. Nu ai cum să te aperi, mai ales dacă nu știi sau chiar dacă știi. Probabil metoda a fost folosită de multe ori în istorie și poate avea legături cu ordinul religios Domini_cani, cei cu inchiziția, probabil un continuator ocult al cultului Egiptean al lui Anubis, continuat de romani ca Hermanubis și/sau Hermes.

Faptul că dominicanii sunt/au fost prezenți masiv în Ungaria o demonstrează faptul că Domonkos sau Domokos sunt nume destul de întâlnite.

Etimologia oficială a cuvântului caduceu, asociat cu Hermes, nu mă satisface deși aduce cu un cuvânt românesc pe care nu-l mai pomenesc. Mă gândesc mai mult la cauda. În lumea modernă acest simbol este asociat cu tot ce este farmecie și în general medicină. Dar sunt sigur că l-am mai văzut undeva.

1:50 Hollywood actors' strike is ridiculous and a symbolic gesture aimed to psychologically cover my list with matches. A list celebrities are not actually hired but they are in many cases producers (who finance movies) and in worst case contractors and act financially as companies not individuals and often have their own numerous employees. How i wish their strike could continoue for ever though...

2:00 Last night i had to drive in my truck at Spirit Mountain. When i came back i was dead tired, following Angela and in Newberg after i took the right turn on main street, a cop stopped me. He said i turned in the far lane which i didn't because in the far lane there was a black pickup. However, he also said my sticker to the licence plate was since... 2014. After he saw my insurance, he went in front and looked and saw the other sticker was 2024.

What i think it happened is someone peeled a few of the stickers which were stacked on top of the others for all years since i have the truck (1998) to give the cop a reason to pull me. He also said he wanted to see if i was drunk though i have not been drinking in 24 hours. In the end he gave me a warning and told me to fix the sticker problem.

When i came back i parked in the next spot which was empty. After 10 AM today my new upstairs neighbors came and brought some items and i think though i'm not sure one of the items was a cat cage and i think i already feel the deodorant smell from a litter box and the dust in my throat. This time they look European so they reverted the management of my case from Japan which proved disastrous, back to Hungary.

He also looked today a bit like a hypothetical descendant of the Hohenzollern family, but i know from the past they changed actors for the same live character so tomorrow he could look a bit different and with a goatee and with one glimpse is impossible to identify etc..

6:05 Ok i figured the stolen slices (planes) of bidimensional stickers represent going back in time. Could not have been myself more inspired to illustrate this.

Yes they brought the old hummer at Spirit Mountain. Like they always bring in celebrities to ilustrate my subject of the day. I was sitting crashed there in a chair, exhausted and wasn't carrying about anything except for safely going back home with Angela, and he passed, dressed in a majestic long white pullover and then turned around and started walking back to where he came from rhythmically pulling his pullover up and down his body, like in a gesture symbolizing m...n on a giant human p...s.

I think he still has a nice body and should try a new career like a male stripper in a guys club or something. Cause a song where he says "too legit to quit" the whole song on a single note didn't get him very far except for the initial DJs push... And BTW why was he wearing ninja pants?