Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July 18

 12:34 Metsubushi. It is very strange how they announce in emails and on doors the gutter cleanings which are a half hour disturbances with little noise and they do not the re-building of curbs. With a pneumatic hammer (got it, mcIIammer), compressor and pouring concrete ingredients with a shovel from tall trucks.

First i did not realize how bad it was but when i got at the gas station i could not speak (laryngitis) because of the dust that stuck on my throat. Pain all over. Worst is the compressor shakes insulation dust from attics. Is it possible they come unscheduled without the approval of the office, like "volunteering" and stuff.

12:54 I thought it was my original idea but others said it before. Taylor Swift really is an incarnation of Barbie.

2:05 It happened again. A whole entry with 6 pictures just disappeared. Could it be me getting lost in versions in different tabs. But this is really bad. I wrote things very important during last half hour time.

I was saying. SOS Oregon. 101 things that happened during the weekend that taken separately mean nothing but when taken together make them really suspicious by being so many, basically one after another.

On 101 people got in front of me, with smoking vehicles and driving with 10 mph under speed limit in continuous line areas for miles and miles while others pushing from behind and then when i finally had an interrupted line and a chance to pass them they were accelerating to 70. But if i did pass them, another one was waiting for me further down the road.

A truck suddenly showing 3 ft behind me and i had to accelerate real hard to avoid collision from behind in a remote passing area of 18. A guy waiting for me at the motel stairs and climbing the stairs right after me. Others doing the same when entering one place or another. Two bikers riding while standing. Staring at them and traffic suddenly stops in front of me. One  minute later, another one. A fire vehicle with flashing lights. Trying to pull, almost got hit by a huge truck from behind that continued. Hard to estimate the number of people involved, most likely hundreds. Etc. Etc.

Lincoln City. Coming here for years every weekend to buy groceries and then we go at Road's end to eat. It is a plaza with many stores and big parking lot. However the entrance from a busy road does not have a stop sign, for about the same amount of time, after some paving work. No stop sign and no line, though an nearby alley (above) that comes into it has.

If you don't now or forget you are in trouble. Cause you don't see the line where to stop, especially in the sunset, and coming from down hill you may go to far. Yesterday i got bullied by a huge truck entering briefly in my "lane" (there are no marked lanes) and forgot and stopped too far and almost got hit by traffic like shown in this picture).

The rotting mussels. We stopped at a beach with parking lot on 101 to go eat and lay a bit in the sand. But there was this strange smell and i saw a dead starfish into a ravine but the ravine was too deep so i went into another ravine and around a rock when i saw the real problem. They were literally tons of rotting mussels attached to the rock at 3 ft under the high tide line. I caught in the picture just a few. When comming back i saw a woman i didn't see at first also coming from behind other rocks. Still have that smell in my nose.

9:00 Could this be the first known (to us) correct representation of a quantum butterfly? Unlike the current one, which is dualist wave/photon, mine is wave only and it moves in jumps, discrete, not continous.

9:38 Didn't need to do this...

10:58 De vreo câteva zile stau și mă întreb sau merg și mă întreb sau conduc și mă întreb. Oare ce-o fi vrut să spună Eminescu în următoarele: "mândră-n toate cele / Cum e Fecioara între sfinți".

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