6:58 Rude awakening. They came with new tricks. Right after i woke up i heard my neighbors having a "dialog" proving you can hear anything from them however they never talk to each other (so far). Probably audible from outside the building and had to write it down so people would know it's not coming from me. Like the previous ones, who usually were alone but never heard them talking on the phone. You who read theses should not be sorry for me. It's just your obsessions, personified, at work.
The old man though was watching porn with the TV so loud you could hear it from the alley. In fact this is was his undoing, i one time knocked really hard on walls he then left in month. He was also smoking and the when he was drying from the drier exhaust was coming cigarette smoke instead of detergent perfume etc.. There was a few weeks of silence after he left but then hell followed. One month of remodeling when i could not stay here in the morning.
Last guy who lived upstairs told me he never heats, and he also take only cold showers etc..
However when i started to again do searches to write my next paragraph of make corrections to the existing ones they started to make noise in sync with my brain waves.
BTW everybody who read what i wrote so far knows that sometimes i go back and make corrections. But this post has been entirely re-written so far and i'm still working on it. That is because all are so knew to me i discover things while i write. Why i don't wait to finish it and then publish it. Because every time i write something i think it the last think i write. And let's clear out something. There is no need for photons (particles) to explain certain aspects of light, like photoelectric effect which made me presume there are no other particles. From now on i will refer to quanta or quanta "agglomerations" like bigger particles without quote signs cause it's really hard to write it that way.
Claustrophobic? Now, since last time i wrote or last night, an idea is haunting me but was too tired to pursue it. From the first paragraph that i put on top of everything else after i realized how the quanta are being created and the difference between natural EM emissions from electrons moving to lower orbits and artificial with resonant circuits whatever, i get a very weird conclusion:
There was no need to invoke the aspect of reality known to us as space. Everything could be explained without it. Could it be space does not exist at all as some say, though fewer than those who say time does not exist, and we all are still in that initial point that never expanded and separateed between different configurations of our reality only by time?
I never needed to say what is the direction of turning in 90 degrees jumps of the pulsating quanta of light which can be either right or left. Could that mean right turn is an advance in time and left is going back and we are all moving only in time and not in space, where we can meet with different past present or future configurations of our reality we know as space. That could also explain easily the fact the speed of light is greatest and also constant for any observer.
We might perceive as distance the time needed to move from one configuration to another and back. Time as we know it is a measure of motion though because our conscience as our clocks are stuck on moving only forward in time.
Eminescu, the visionary poet of whom i already said he described the big bang, once wrote. For being constrained by poetic means my translation was not that accurate. I take it now as he was trying to explain the equivalence space-time.
7:37 They upstairs move energetically right on top of where i sit on the couch and not in the kitchen as they should, at every of my thoughts and by now there is already dust in the air and in my throat. They are preparing me for breakfast and sickness after. Torture is not only mental or "spiritual" after all.
7:51 Viktor Orban, un regizor care se contrazice pe sine, iar și iar din motive de psihologie inversă. Europa acum nu mai e o prințesă ca în filmul său ci un campion de box în vârstă.
Now they restarted upstairs, after a brief pause. Now they left leaving me with dust from ceiling in my nose and throat and some palpitations.
8:16 It could also be light only can move back and forth in time but we cannot perceive it because we are stuck on moving forward, governed by the laws of gravity which is dipoles attracting each others. That is because when time advances normally light operates in right hand magnetism and the other way around.
1:50 When Angela came she said they did it one more time, at 2 AM. On the floor cause furniture came in today.
One more thought before i leave. Can space exist in a vacuum Universe? With nothing to measure it and nobody to comprehend the abstract concept of it?
11:00 More thoughts from the road about light quantum transfer. Obeying the law action reaction in time though transversal, that gets balanced after one period, the void provides a reaction to light quanta very similar to that of elastic media to a wave of sound.
I would like to take my word back. I think the Nazis did discover something though they might have not know it. Except for the few (infiltrated) poles. If you can't guess scroll down to find the answer.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
July 22
Friday, July 21, 2023
July 21
1:33 Not written in the best way for sure but i just wanted it out of my head as fast as i could so many others could get the idea.
7:23 Finally fell asleep a little after the last mods i've done at the post linked above and when i woke up i wanted to know how much i slept by looking at the history of my browser (like i always do), however nothing has been recorded after 3:09 PM or for almost 3 hours when i worked only at that post and this is the first time it ever happened to me. Link for history for Chrome here. Then i looked with this Chrome extension and i got the same result.
10:34 I am not sure but it looks like the "photons" coming from a single radio antenna during a period of the frequency are all entangled. If so, the applications for surveillance and hidden, undetectable faster than light communications are endless. All you have to do is place a receiver in an area where "photons" come from the same oscillations or same "burst of photons" of a radio antenna or at exact same distance from antenna with the target or manipulating/receiving (of entangled photons) communicating devices again forming a triangle with two equal sides. Undetectable faster than light full duplex communications and undetectable passive surveillance that is.
Radio communications are barbaric when we look at the resources unveiled by my blog post. But they are necessary for different reasons like maybe the one above and also as sources of physical and mental degradation in case or cell phones. Cause we don't have to think or live a happy healthy life but work and drive to fulfill Buddha's sermon or St.Dominic mother's dream.
But there could be others as well i can't think of right now. Free energy. Wormholes. Shielded bubble space drives. Reason is the pain.
Earlier we went to our garden bed which is inside of a yard of a local church that got a cell phone tower on the roof top "to help pay the bills" and like any cell phone towers it puts some microwave (a type of radio) radiation around which is normal operation as being the carrier for voice and sound.
That is the reason i only go there with my friend "the beeper" which is a microwave meter with alarm that beeps slow when radiation is above 1 mW or what i think i the danger level and fast when it's above 10 which to me is painful with only one minute of exposure. That is because i probably reached the exposure limit for a lifetime which exposure is cumulative because it permanently destroys the capillaries in tissues and now i got what they call "radio-sensitivity".
Every time i went with the meter i found the signal is strong or above 10 in the parking lot and then it almost disappears near the bed and i figured it was because of a tree in between, and never got any pain.
Tonight, i forgot the meter also due to my brain being scrambled by the new neighbors with their fast steps slow moving, the pain is present, hours later, in areas most exposed in the past, like eyes, around eyes, ears, hands, mandible, thyroid from cell phone and wi-fi and legs, pelvic and colon from wi-fi from laptop, with some paralysis of some sciatic nerves from keeping my phone on in jeans' pockets.
But the exposure must have been bad tonight, the pain is at a level of 4-5 on a 10 scale on large areas of the body many hours after.
The exposure to immediate areas during a phone call like head and hands can be up to 3000 mW or 3W or 0.3% of total power used inside of a 1000 W microwave oven, on max (automated) setting level for the phone when the relaying or connecting tower is distant.
So be advised.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
July 20
12:10 Auguri.
1:47 Upstairs. They entered in full service yesterday with squeaks and stomps. While people do enter and leave the apartment and probably pass through the attic in the other and go for their business, inside they have heavy stepping robots. "So you know it's got soul". After more than a month break, after they left me for dead, they brought upgraded ones with quicker reaction time (if possible) and upgraded artificial intelligence. What they do is they drive me nuts for hours and nothing else. Trying to prevent me from thinking that is.
With a feedback on my bio-readings, they start making crisper and quicker squeaks and now heavier stumps indiscriminately when they detect certain brain waves. The result is they interrupt all my thinking processes.
I read not long ago about Michael Jackson not being able to sleep. That is having REM sleep because he was basically sleeping on anesthetics that literally stop your brain. In a way it is similar, they simply don't let me think.
Combined with the dog smell that comes in waves, dust from compressors and blowers and noise from modified exhausts, can this be qualified as torture. SOS from Tualatin, Oregon.
2:10 Went and picked 2. A fresh one that may have come from the Buddha like looking short guy who passed about an hour ago and one that was turning white, from the same dog or person.
There was this purring modified exhaust that was also driving me nuts. Could there be a new one from the man i just saw when i wanted to go before this.
After a brief silence, shy, short squeaks are coming back. So i get used, slowly and don't complain about.
I already forgot what i wanted to type here, and what i had in mind during my walk yesterday, when i stopped after i realized the stupidity with closed electric fields. Ok, i remembered.
2:48 Am scris odată, poate acum 10 ani, despre avantajele unui grup etnic care trăiește la altitudini mari și apoi migrează la șes. Șerpașii din Nepal de exemplu au capacitate pulmonară, piept mărit, sânge mai subțire dar și alte adaptări fiziologice dobândite prin selecție care le-ar da un avantaj dacă se mută în zone de șes, ca rezistență la efort mărită dar poate și inteligență superioară. Ce am scris s-a dus, poate cu dispariția g+.
Am scris în repetate rânduri că maghiarii, penultimul val de imigranți cu afinitate pentru Panonia, ultimul fiind poate mongolii lui Gingis Han, provin dintr-o populație nepaleză, magarii, cunoscuți în antichitate ca războinici (poate angajați ca mercenari la drumul mătăsii), un grup etnic important și în ziua de azi în Nepal, împreună cu Shakia, clanul lui Buddha, posibili ascendenți ai secuilor de azi din România.
Vine acum Raphael Faiss, un cercetător elvețian care spune că efectul antrenării la altitudine sau altitudine simulată este similar cu cel al Roxadust și ar fi ilegal.
Ce te faci dacă sportivul/sportiva provine dintr-o populație care are gene nepaleze?
3:10 Apropo mi-am amintit de o fază. Întotdeauna am fost fascinat de aparența unor egipteni în pictogramele lor. În afară de faraoni degenerați ca Tut care a ajuns așa din cauza încrucișărilor excesive co-sangvine (statuia e standard), ei în general au pieptul foarte mare (lat). Oare să fie invers și anume egiptenii să fi ajuns acolo din Australia după un ocol prin Nepal?
Sau poate nungarii din Australia au venit din Nepal în căutarea aurului și s-au răspândit apoi în toată Australia după care au venit în Egipt și Panonia, în mai multe valuri cu ultimul val direct din Nepal, motiv pentru care și-au schimbat numele țării din Ungaria în Magyarország?
(Nu mi-am schimbat cu nimic opinia despre legalitatea testării sportivilor de către instituții neautorizate de statele în care au loc.).
6:12 How radio really works? The oscilating dipoles create a multitude of in phase or simultaneosuly created puslating charges in B plane as a reaction to moving charges in the dipole, we used to call photons, that travel individually at the speed of light while pulsating in time from minus to plus and between E and B plane, creating static spheres of charge figuring front waves even after the source has ceased to emit. Sort of like in this image but with shorter and spining "snake like" tails with other spheres following or left behind for the whole time of emission.
We can assimilate an electron lowering orbit with an oscilating dipole for half period only and we get the higher frequencies, including light where "photons" each coming from a different electron at a different time from the same soure object are not necesarily in phase or with the same polarization with others coming from the same source (generally heated materials) but they can be in resonance with others accross the universe or triggered when ready by crossing a plane of resonance.
More energetic orbit lowering electrons can triger bigger disturbances with faster reaction in time thus higher frequencies?
Though dipoles are simterical, wave length sized conductors, the in phase polarized disturbances depart in all directions suggesting repelling each and having charges at least at moment of "birth" when they all occupy the same place.
They will start to break apart from the original charge that appears in the center of the dipole when it reaches certain values, according to frequency and Plank's constant, thus the quanta. Since the charges get transferred back and forth between E and B field and plus and minus there is no net average electric charge for the disturbance formerly called photon and this is the reason they do not repel each other in lasers.
8:20 Could have missed the reason but in the moment i started to (re)search for a link between the Egyptian ankh and the tennis racquet i felt the smell of some weird smoke coming from outside and kids that seem overly excited invaded the yard making much noise. I found something but they are not talking about the ankh and racquet.
It makes sense because the official theory says it comes from a game invented in France in the 11 century called Jeu de paume (palm) that resembles more of today's volley. If they say racquet may have evolved from rahat than it is very possible Halep may have evolved from Apep. It goes well for a country already branded with...
8:46 Upstairs constantly interfering through stumps with my thought processes. Heavy stomps triggered this time falling of dust from the paint on the ceiling.
8:51 The JBQ floating van made again its appearance in line of sight from my living. Could it be they are the ones who collect the feedback signal for the robots upstairs?
I am not really sure, more i am guessing, the people that "moved" upstairs (they are only climbing the stairs up and down several time a day), so far i saw three of them and no furniture, are actors from the most popular Romanian serial TV show. With a huge popularity in Romania, they cannot be wrong for the millions who watch this show so they can do justice in here, after approval from "authorities" for some, and for others providing entertainment for me depending on beliefs.
10:15 Acțiune și reacțiune. Tenis, Câmpulung.
10:25 Viktor Orban și furtuna promisă.
10:34 Action and reaction.
8:15 The person climbing the stairs was gone for a while and i thought it will be for the rest of the day but he/she came back in less than an hour anciticpating me reading the news after eating and then trying to get some more sleep on top of the four hours and now the robots are stomping, heavily on top of me, releasing dust, to complete my meal and making a point at every title i read. I will try to move in the bedroom to see what happens.
Now draging a table on the hard floor.
9:30 By the strength of the stomps aparently he is the one doing night shift and coming in the morning to sleep. As he moved in the bedroom i moved in the living, but he changed his mind and went two times at the car that woke me when i was about to fall asleep and got me mad enough not to be able to anymore.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
July 19
8:26 Se întâmplă în Ungrovlahia. Ca să se deplaseze navetiștii mai ușor.
10:25 BTW there are a number of Japanese women dressed scantily (it's 71 degrees outside) roaming around the complex usually when i work on car but today she came from the other side of the complex while i was driving in and then around the building not stopping anywhere and going back. I went and picked some poops, she was basically walking "with me", tried to stop and let her pass but she turned around, stared back at me and went the other way.
10:41 The confusion around Einstein's theory of relativity arise from the fact that people don't really know what an electric field is. To be honest, i think i don't know either. It manifests as an attraction or repulsion force between two electrically charged particles or objects. Two electrons will repel each other etc.. Electrons will move in a field from negative to positive side like in a battery (the real, not conventional direction of flow), but only when the outside circuit is closed.
In a vacuum tube the electrons will flow freely from a negative to a positively charged electrode etc..
There are people saying the electric field propagates at the speed of light, arguing it so happens because is a carrier of light. E field is not necessarily carrying light but according to current theories it accompanies light as one of the components of EM field. Photons or particles of light do not interact with EM fields as they don't have a charge.
There are people who say the electric field lines start from a charged object and end at infinity for a positive charge and from infinity to the object for a negative charge. This is a very interesting enunciation.
Let's say we turn a switch on and let a small sphere of metal be charged through a wire from another one already charged negatively and shielded. How long it takes for the field lines arising from infinity to reach the sphere? By the definition, it should be instantaneous. Also by experiments. However we know from other experiments that the speed of light is finite.
But there is another consequence of the fact the electric field extends instantaneously to infinity. It also should extinguish instantaneously if the sphere is connected to the ground and loses charge. Same with magnetic, we cut current through the coil, the magnetic field collapses (after a transient phenomenon called self induction).
Vacuum is not an elastic medium. It is nothing at all. It has been argued for a long time and many including Tesla but not Einstein believed that vacuum is filled with a very fine matter called ether that acts as a medium for propagation of light analogous to sound in an elastic medium (air, water, solids). Within an elastic medium a wave will travel though losing intensity with the square of distance long after the source (disturbance) has ceased.
How come a photon that according to Einstein must travel together with a hypothetical EM field can travel indefinitely (if it doesn't reach an obstacle), long after the event that generated it, the orbital lowering of an electron which happens very fast, ceased and EM fields collapsed?
Another very interesting observation here. Since photons can travel for billions of billions of years, will they.... leave or some already left our Universe which is "only" 26.7 billion years old?
It is said EM field has two transversal, electric and magnetic components, which means the electric field is not parallel to the direction of propagation but perpendicular. I really don't understand how a transversal field can be spherical (or how an electric field that may extend to infinity can be transversal).
Quasi spherical or spherically deformed closed lines alternating lobes (loops) they say, and if they expand with the speed of light, the fields should also loose intensity with the square of distance as the same lobes that "somehow" maintain selves occupy more and more space. Speed of "closing lines" in the same direction with advancement shown in the animation above on top or bottom of some alternating lobes at speeds greater than light, consistent with... The formulas and the other animation here suggest the waves accompanying a photon do not loose energy while they advance.
(iVan the man was kicking strong way before Vandama. I believe Lady of the Night is Eiffel Tower, and the kicks and punches in the air are earthquakes and ionosphere manipulation (Tunguska). At a certain moment he says radio like in French etc.).
12:00 Being away for three days did me good but also tired. I also became sort of insensitive to sound because i traveled 600 miles in a car that has at least 70 dB of low freq noise level inside. After coming back here i got sick again. Dog dung smell, now some wildfire smoke, and a high pitch sound that followed me throughout the whole entry above. I had other ideas in mind from during my walk but i give up for now.
3:30 Metsubushi. I'm pretty sure the guy who was driving the huge mower today that raised dust to the skies was him. How can one renounce his/her divinity.
3:47 Due to recent problems i went and smelled the exhaust of the car. Very much like the other but less amounts of ammonia detectable by smell in the exhaust.
6:37 Action and Reaction.
6 :48 I was reviewing what i wrote above like i always do after i cool down a little and when i was about to discover i missed the most important argument though i don't know how, i am convinced i put the right link, i heard a squeak above as they came. I also believe they chose the moment they "moved" so they can pretend are somehow behind all these. Similar things happened with the occupant before.
Today i saw in Romanian media a news about how a Romanian guy who discovered first insulin and some Canadian scientist that patented insulin after him took all the credit and i believe it was a reaction to what i posted yesterday. It so happens the man was a virulent right extremist. I believe something similar happened, he was tipped with inside information so he can patent it first to pretend he did it and then he was suppressed which would bring more "proof" for his extremism which was disastrous for Romanians.
Christians can never be extremists. Extremists never discovered anything. They don't even exist, they're just attraction poles created by THEM to divide us.
Insulin in diabetes is palliative anyways. I believe diabetes can be cured or the condition improved dramatically with the help of antibiotics, however administered by IV, intra-muscular or cutaneous (patches), last two being the best options as being time release, in order to avoid liver metabolism in oral administration and treat chronic pancreatitis behind diabetes, in the same time with elimination of indoor pollution sources (sick homes).
However it takes a while, similar with treatment for TB.
7:47 Metsubushi. Violent, uninterrupted squeaks from above raised dust by means of ultrasound, especially from shoes. Got my nose congested, just threw my shoes outside.
8:23 So weird how the humidity in the air condensates into clouds within low pressure disturbances after hot humid air crosses the mountains and also cools down.
8:44 Mie îmi vine să o iau la fugă numai când văd sigla site-ului.
10:05 Action/Reaction. Complex semantic matches attempting to brainwash. Longview Nippon Dynawave. This was the smoke i was feeling today. And this. Abbandoned?
July 18
12:34 Metsubushi. It is very strange how they announce in emails and on doors the gutter cleanings which are a half hour disturbances with little noise and they do not the re-building of curbs. With a pneumatic hammer (got it, mcIIammer), compressor and pouring concrete ingredients with a shovel from tall trucks.
First i did not realize how bad it was but when i got at the gas station i could not speak (laryngitis) because of the dust that stuck on my throat. Pain all over. Worst is the compressor shakes insulation dust from attics. Is it possible they come unscheduled without the approval of the office, like "volunteering" and stuff.
12:54 I thought it was my original idea but others said it before. Taylor Swift really is an incarnation of Barbie.
I was saying. SOS Oregon. 101 things that happened during the weekend that taken separately mean nothing but when taken together make them really suspicious by being so many, basically one after another.
On 101 people got in front of me, with smoking vehicles and driving with 10 mph under speed limit in continuous line areas for miles and miles while others pushing from behind and then when i finally had an interrupted line and a chance to pass them they were accelerating to 70. But if i did pass them, another one was waiting for me further down the road.
A truck suddenly showing 3 ft behind me and i had to accelerate real hard to avoid collision from behind in a remote passing area of 18. A guy waiting for me at the motel stairs and climbing the stairs right after me. Others doing the same when entering one place or another. Two bikers riding while standing. Staring at them and traffic suddenly stops in front of me. One minute later, another one. A fire vehicle with flashing lights. Trying to pull, almost got hit by a huge truck from behind that continued. Hard to estimate the number of people involved, most likely hundreds. Etc. Etc.
Lincoln City. Coming here for years every weekend to buy groceries and then we go at Road's end to eat. It is a plaza with many stores and big parking lot. However the entrance from a busy road does not have a stop sign, for about the same amount of time, after some paving work. No stop sign and no line, though an nearby alley (above) that comes into it has.
If you don't now or forget you are in trouble. Cause you don't see the line where to stop, especially in the sunset, and coming from down hill you may go to far. Yesterday i got bullied by a huge truck entering briefly in my "lane" (there are no marked lanes) and forgot and stopped too far and almost got hit by traffic like shown in this picture).
The rotting mussels. We stopped at a beach with parking lot on 101 to go eat and lay a bit in the sand. But there was this strange smell and i saw a dead starfish into a ravine but the ravine was too deep so i went into another ravine and around a rock when i saw the real problem. They were literally tons of rotting mussels attached to the rock at 3 ft under the high tide line. I caught in the picture just a few. When comming back i saw a woman i didn't see at first also coming from behind other rocks. Still have that smell in my nose.
9:00 Could this be the first known (to us) correct representation of a quantum butterfly? Unlike the current one, which is dualist wave/photon, mine is wave only and it moves in jumps, discrete, not continous.
9:38 Didn't need to do this...
10:58 De vreo câteva zile stau și mă întreb sau merg și mă întreb sau conduc și mă întreb. Oare ce-o fi vrut să spună Eminescu în următoarele: "mândră-n toate cele / Cum e Fecioara între sfinți".