Thursday, August 17, 2023

August 17

8:25 I woke up this morning to the old smell of sorcery that may come from the paper cup lid i found last night on the red wood mulch under door, new dog poops and thought about the unexplained urges i used to have in Romania in the years before i left, where a guy was always walking his she dog around the condo building and an idea came to me.

Both Pama Nyungan "family that took over the whole of Australia and dingo that drove the local marsupial Australian tiger or wolf to extinction came in the same time or roughly about 5000 years ago.

This also coincides with the starting of slavery based agricultural "civilizations" in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Could the Nyungan knew of new types of witchcraft based on dog excrement (and parasites), others, and use them in competition with the locals?

Witchcraft that survived as the cult of Anubis in Egypt and later in Rome and as the Dominican order within the Catholic Church? Was it used by the Huns of Attila to gain military advantage over Romans?

But of course the biggest question is where they came from in Australia. We could use as direction the resemblance of the Afghan hounds, that may have lost their hair in the hotter climate of Australia.

10:45 Intentionally put more aside in this Wikipedia page, the etymology of the word Kshatriya or the name for warrior caste in India, established within the caste system after the Aryan invasion of India is clearly derived from Satrap.

12:05 I'm so tired of mentioning these things and nobody is doing anything about. Again i came from WinCo and the Japanese child actors are ft away from my window, staring at me as i type. She is actually executing poses with hands above head and stuff.

I had to go the second time at WinCo because i forgot to get half of the suff the first time from being too distracted from the road and stuff and i think i've been there three times in the last couple of days or since i mentioned the ninja invasion of the US.

They produced in there the tallest men and women they could find, some of them dressed in black. I would assume it's an allegory or the language of mute and deaf for the masses, but it would only make sense if the surveillance video stream is leaked on the internet. They could have wireless cameras that can be captured by other people or they could use internet to centralize streams from all store, i don't know buy i'm positive everything is being watched by a large number of people.

Also in all three occasions they tried funny things on the freeway, with huge semis passing on the left at more than 65 in the same time with people driving in my blind spot on the right, etc..

At the end of writing all these, the children are still here. 30 ft away from me, in my sight.

Anybody could step in to stop the madness?

12:50 I think one of them could be... I also saw her brother several times around here and in a couple of occasions he threatened me...

After posting the above paragraph they finally left inside. They were still yelling though the open door.

1:27 I went to throw away the usual number of dog droppings. However this time though numerous they were tiny and hard to see. Got nauseated. The two Japanese girls acting smaller than their age went inside and two smaller more quiet Hungarian blond girls came to "camp" right next to my door with a blanket and everything.

Thinking of going somewhere but i don't know where and it's 87 degrees outside.

Ok they all left. It's quiet now.

1:50 Got lucky after my first search. Where all Aryans came from. However...


8:48 Another lead. Pama Nyungan, Nguyen is a common name in Vietnam. I think i'm getting close to solve the mystery of where the Dingo came from. Guinea, Nyungan. Australia during last northern Ice Age.

I started the ozone generator earlier to kill some of the smell here. But the smell won't go away and went to pick items from outside. But when i went to throw those in the SW bin, i saw again the pile of garbage behind the bin that was yesterday there too, ignored by the garbage company which emptied the bins today. Some of them were now under the bin.

There is a fence around the bin that won't allow you to enter that area and what i did was i climbed on the bin, got down on the other side (and almost slipped with slippery shoes from the garbage) and started to throw those inside.

I wouldn't have bothered to write about but from the other side of the fence i heard the distinct groaning exaggerated sounds of a man having sex with someone in a car next to the fence. For the whole period of time i was there, he was doing that. Since i disappeared from view, if they have cameras with sound and stuff that could say it was me.

As soon as i got out, he left but i could not see the face. I think it was all simulated. Got stinky dust all over my clothes, took a long shower and the apartment now smells like vomit. Most of it was dirty wet clothes but also food and other stuff i could not see in the dark up to one ft thick. I think it was there for weeks or since the heat waves started.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

August 16

10 I spy... And here comes the Sun

12:05 It was over 78 degrees when i decided to take the walk cause i haven't in more than a week, with Angela's vacation. I knew temperature would raise to over 80 towards the end of the three miles as today we are expecting again over 100. Last heat wave of the year i suppose. That's why i was intrigued when i saw again this van this time in the other almost empty hospital parking lot cause i quit going around the hospital.

This van belongs to a business nearby and was stationed in the other parking lot for weeks in the last months and years, especially in the days when new waves of COVID were making waves in the news. But this time i was more annoyed then scared and took a picture.

Not long after that i stepped on Borland sidewalk and saw on the right a guy on a mower that started to mow the grass next to road going in the same time with me walking, making noise and dust for as long i walked on Borland, and that was more than a quart of a mile.

I had the camera in my hand taking pictures of it making dust, but i was too sleepy and absent minded thinking of things i have posed lately and pictures didn't come right when from a road on the left came this Acura.

It was going slowly towards me, did not stop at the crosswalk and i raised my camera and took the picture. I thought she saw me and and indeed she slowed down a bit, enough for me to cross however when i was right in front of it acclerated. I used my old pedestrian reflexes from Roamania and jumped aside and i'm pretty sure i took another picture with her face or at least i pressed the button, but the picture is not on the card.

12:50 What was i thinking. Just before that, in the noise of the mower, i kept thinking on how faces of models do not express anything. Some would say because of botox. Or maybe is a reflex to keep all face muscles unstrained for conserving (of massive makeup work). Or maybe they don't want to show any emotion, for an obvious reason.

Or maybe they simply don't want to ruin the magic moments they don't really know how long are going to last, of having the whole world at their feet, by bursting into some stupid smile or laughter. So they just keep it neutral, like raw, sour, Chardonnay.

And in those moments like in others i thought beauty may also be a curse because of the multitude of men that would constantly pressure those one in a thousands girls of which one in a million had made it on the scene. Meeting one of them is also embarrassing because you usually find yourself on the bottom of the list in the competition.

Only later after thinking of writing and re-opened the article i realized the coincidence with the four threads or stitches depending on whatever language you are thinking in.

Some say the remedy to all these is...

6:56 I self defined one of my posts that included a discussion about swastika as educational, they just came with this. Unverifiable like most news related to the war. While researching for the authors, i also ran into this...

10:57 This woman could have been the driver of that Acura... 11:03 Nu sunt absolut sigur de tipul ăsta, în ultimul timp am făcut mai multe greșeli, aștept reacții.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

August 15

9:45 I was wondering... When will they start doing this... Coming to the laptop and the beeper starts beeping like fast crazy like there'a a phone nearby that was just turned on, trying to establish contact with the tower.

Had big problems last night with breathing, palpitations, after they left a number of items outside. Sunday one of the child actors dressed in long thin sparkling yellow strings figuring a Sun. Some of them were left on the grass, together with other items. One sock. A sorcery item, i think some chicken waste in a small zip-lock bag all put in a thick Walmart bag.

10:10 I've been moving around, the signal is strongest next to ceiling and sliding doors (balcony) and weakest next to kitchen window. It started today like yesterday in the moment i grabbed the laptop so it is obvious they are trying to prevent me from reading news, writing, etc.. The signal is way inside the allowable range approved by FAA but who believes them anymore.

It is very confusing as my meter is showing levels in mW per squre meter and OSHA regulations are in mW per square cm, that is 10000 more permissive. I have a reference card from the manufacturer of the meter saying...

Right now where i sit in the middle of the living the signal is up to 10 and i already started to feel it in the most sensitive or exposed in the past areas. Never had this level of signal from sources other than mine since i bough the meter in January.

11:50 I have filed a complaint with FCC describing my issuer However i lost the text in their web based mail form. This is what i got in reply.

1:12 This is the most i got on camera. The most i got undocumented was 34, about a minute ago.

Monday, August 14, 2023

August 14

7:20 In some countries like Romania you cannot speak or use representations of swastikas (except maybe for "educational purposes"). I hereby declare that anything on this blog post is written only with educational purposes.

First i thought it was a joke on an Indian blog, but i googled and found it is true. In the US there is a building that has been revealed as a giant swastika only after seen on Google Earth. Since, the building has been modified (a little).

Until Hitler, who dragged it to infamy, swastika has been one of the oldest if not the oldest symbol known to mankind. It has a large Wikipedia page showing it was present in virtually all ancient cultures. But it may have survived a different, more elegant age.

All translations from Sanskrit i've seen so far seem wrong. I believe the true translation of the word, composed of sva, which means of self and asti, which can mean stay, is self standing or self existing.

Everybody i know of was wrong about what it may represent. I think swastika represents a self standing pulsating quanta or the very building piece all particles and matter and Universe or the smallest of all particles, the equivalence of mass and energy, the swirls of Nikola Tesla. I also believe Einstein and Tesla are two faces of the same deception and there is a huge work to cover the scientific truth about the building blocks of the Universe.

Light pulsating quantum is the moving version of it.

Don't ask me why, but if you did i could say is the classic inertia, or built momentum of a whole bunch of people who relied for so long on false beliefs. Or a bunch of savages that accidentally ran into true knowledge and kept it for themselves trying to enslave the world. Or a bunch of well intentioned trying to keep it away from all us savages. Or maybe aliens that also enslaved us. I don't know.

12:20 One of the weirdest weather patterns i saw since i'm looking at. A jet stream like high altitude wind going east to west on a very large area. As a result, the temperatures predicted in the area for the next week are in the 100s (40s in Celsius). Probably the last heat wave of the summer.

12:40 After 50 years of exporting goods to the US by the trillions, by enslaving their own people, Zen Buddhists of Japan gained total financial control of the country. Occult, that is hidden, because it is impossible to establish ownership of anything anymore, with clowns like Musk and Zukerberg and Buffet as faces. From media to law enforcement, there is no escape.

They own this complex like everything, of which logo is a combination between the Philippine chapter of Dominicans and the Metsubishi Corporation diamonds with initials CTL suggesting (Cahtolic).

They established control over South America long time ago, they keep killing their opponents under the mask of war between drug cartels and bring their own disguised in Mexicans here, by the millions.

They could also have eliminated anybody who even dare to think against them during the so called pandemics. But now after decades of cheap, affordable cell phones, they literally wash brains of the youth with those.

Upstairs. Officially is a Latino couple, but her is showing once a week and him twice a day. Rest of the work is done by robots and me i am in a prison of thoughts with 24/7 surveillance. As soon as i start thinking and they detect a certain brain pattern, they start the noises. As a result, i can't think in here. My brain gets some relief only when i'm driving or walking.

Last night by example Angela who started work today after a week of vacation, could not sleep at all. One of the robots was just standing in the bedroom, switching weight for one leg to another, for hours. Me, since i'm awake, i was only able to review and finish what i started yesterday, with things i had in mind since my last long drives, when the noise of the car also desensitized me to other noises. Not anymore, cannot bring new ideas in my tired head.

1:20 I only once or twice seen the current male occupant upstairs, last time the day when i was doing brakes on my car, me sitting low, and him passing, from a side, and this Japanese guy reminded me of him. Unfortunately could not figure his name, from the video.

1:50 Kept searching for a sequence in a video where Jinichi was filmed from close executing the nine seals, which end in zai, zen and found something else. This face reminds me of the previous guy upstairs, and of course Jinichi being the one before him in Lake Oswego (Apt.2) and possibly at Sussex. And BTW don't let yourself deceived by his title, he is not by any means the last ninja.

Nowadays they are in the millions. And as he says in the video the word ninja is recent, possibly to make it resonate with the Spanish word niño. This video was filmed in February 2021, or just before Yuji moved in here.

2:15 Iar contre subliminale. Șirul minciunilor sfruntate continuă. Audi, "puncturing a hole". În titlu se specifică "prin spate", în poză parbrizul a fost penetrat prin față, cu mare grijă ca mașina cu număr de Australia să rămână intactă (li se micșorează bugetul, poate). La Mamaia au murit 4, o mină a explodat la Costinești. Violul inimaginabil de fake din Cherbourg, etc..

2:50 The noises upstairs have been replaced by a loud, very annoying base, that goes for almost an hour now.

3:00 I see 107 degrees on the outside sensor of the weather station, highest i ever seen in Oregon and US could be the building effect as well, however they sent in briefly the children.

6:00 Dr. who?

6:07 Nici nu știți ce v-am lăsat aici...

8:40 I just went to the Liquor Store in Tualatin and at the check-stand i was assisted by Sabrina Ionescu. She gave me a small bag knowing i forgot about the grain alcohol which didn't fit in it etc..

Over the years i've been submitted to numerous abuses in that store and others... Just a few examples. Dr.Fauci refusing me for forgetting to put my mask on and then licking my dry fingers for not being able to pull the card from the wallet... Alla Pugacheva... Dead Gary Moore as "John the owner".... At the Zupan's market Queen Elisabeth in the day my father died, the guy from ZZ top, David Buffet and his father, etc..

I have a feeling that after gas station attendants they will get rid of liquor stores in Oregon pretty soon... And who knows... Maybe some day the ninja as well...

9:00 Show in courtroom... I think it's a bad idea and unconstitutional also because jurors are neither prosecution or defense, do not have a license to practice law in that state and may ask improper questions because of lack of professionalism.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

August 13

12:20 You only have to imagine how it would have all been if Trump only had a chance to go forward with his MAGA(r) concept. However some most times a slogan is just a slogan

1:18 Mircea Coșea

12:00 Theoretically it's a Spanish couple that moved upstairs about a month ago. He leaves around 9 and comes back after 12 hours with the only car and she stays here all the time. Saturday, Sunday too. How is that possible. Stepping and stumping all the 12 hours, depending on what i'm doing. I wanted to get some more sleep, exactly when i fell asleep she woke me up with big noises. Trying to get back to sleep, she keeps it like that for an hour now.

9:50 Pancha is the same as paJka, just a different Latin alphabet transliteration, same pronunciation of the same Sanskrit word which means five. Apparently Buddha knew 2500 years ago that the five forces are in fact just one which means he knew of a theory of unifying those.

11:10 Shiva lingam represents the first manifestation of void from which everything was created. Best analogy i can think of.

Satisfied, everybody?

1:07 (14) Back to the future.