Tuesday, August 22, 2023
August 22
Să vă povestesc ce am văzut eu într-un cazino de pe o rezervație indiană (majoritatea cazinourilor din SUA sunt pe rezervații din motive de taxe cred).
Nu știu dacă înlocuiește complet AC-ul sau doar îl complementează atunci când nu face față în zilele foarte călduroase, dar temperatura era plăcută.
Multă lume nu înțelege, problema nu este temperatura aerului ci încălzirea pereților și a tavanului iar în mașină, a bordului. Am calculat odată că un bord de mașină care stă sau merge în soare poate da căldură între 500 și 1000 wați cu care cu care se luptă de fapt AC-ul.
Deci într-un cazino de 80x40 metri am văzut două sau trei ventilatoare uriașe (fans) cam de un metru diametru fiecare având în spate, nu în față, două găleți cu gheață. Gheața ținea cel puțin o oră cred, dar nu am văzut niciodată momentul când o schimbă.
Suprafața este enormă în comparație cu un apartament sau o cameră. În SUA se vând pungi de gheață de exemplu cu trei dolari punga de 5 kg. Cred că poți în felul acesta să răcești un living cu câțiva lei pe zi și cred că se merită, câteva zile pe an, ca să nu te sufoci de căldură.
Cred că poți să faci gheață și în congelator, noaptea când e mai răcoare fiindcă frigiderul va lucra mai mult și va încălzi camera, mai ales dacă ai o bucătărie cu geam e super ok, iar legile fizicii care guvernează pompele de căldură sunt mai ciudate și sunt sigur că aparent încalcă legea conservării energiei, având o eficiență de mai multe ori decât cea unitară.
5:00 The reason i did not talk to her in the park is with those glasses she really looked Hungarian to me. German Hungarian to be more precise. Though through physical IP location of her site she was in San Francisco. Then she entered the alley into the narrow wooded area and she was just staying there checking her phone but i did not want to follow her, just wanted to make sure she was safe so i looked through the branches of the trees and then left my way.
However, she brought the best in me. In the last few days i scored some of the biggest points in my life.
Other than that. Yesterday i would have been happy just to talk to her, today i am happy i found her, like all the others. I am such a... n idiotic strange incurable animal. But i have some excuses. She was "personalized" just for me with the videos uploaded and waiting.
Also. Been up all night, yesterday i started the bluetooth just to listen to some videos (like 10 times each), i forgot and now i got again pains in all the known areas and that is from head to toes. I brought the meter near it and the signal was 1-2 mW. Though the receiver is real close. I stopped the bluetooth and started it again and now it was at negligible levels.
I think in this case and the whole 6 months when i overexposed myself beyond any recoverable limit with the wi-fi from the laptop that i kept in my lap someone probably got inside my computer via Internet or router or whatever hardware backdoors they have and put the levels to the max.
I will never get better again, only worse. I keep asking myself. How could i have been such an idiot and not realizing where the pains were coming from in that period and the previous one when i was using it sporadically while exposing mostly my feet to the PCs wi-fi for years and most important, the jaws to the phone.
11:11 Pains still present in closest areas. Hands, belly, legs above knees or where i've been in contact. 3-4-5 (depending no areas) on a scale of ten. I think the microwaves are not absorbed by the fat in the belly because fat is an insulator and goes right trough to the fascia and even intestines.
Went outside and moved the truck to a 24 area (which means it can't be there on 24, because of the paving, sealing whatever) that starts tomorrow on the other half. However i don't believe i'll keep it there through most part of day, if i have to leave because the noise, dust and smell of asphalt.
11:40 Three came about 10 minutes ago and started to play on or around the green cable box when i was ready to eat. I shot the blinds. Now i can hear them in front or the other side of the building.
2:20 Da apar imagini dar ochii sunt acoperiți întotdeauna de ochelari. Nu sunt imagini care pot duce la identificarea unei persoane, sunt doar pentru entertainement (cu multe complimente din partea autorităților și media).
3:15 Nu sunt happy că am găsit-o ca actriță (deci era fake). Eram mult mai happy dacă nu o găseam. Deși ultimele postări nu-mi erau favorabile. Acum la ce dreq să mă mai uit, cu înfrigurare?
Și am uitat să spun de la început, bărbații nu ar trebui să se uite la contul (The) Alexa Crush (101) de pe tik tok, s-ar putea să le creeze dependență foarte gravă (account is highly addictive).
Nu, tipa de mai jos nu e evreică așa cum sugerează numele. Evreii nu pot fi așa de urâți.
7:55 Wouldn't be the first case i know of...
11:16 Orice numărătoare începe cu unu (justificarea teoriei lui Benford). Grindeanu însă va măcina până la 59 miliarde anul acesta.
11:25 Eu într-o noapte veneam, nebăut, pe un drum (ok, 18) cu Elantra cealaltă și aveam percepția că era apă pe carosabil iar termometrul de bord arăta 0 grade (32 F). De aceea mergeam cu 10 sub limită și în Sheridan mă oprește un polițai, puțin mai în vârstă decât un puștan.
"I stopped you because you were driving erratically from line to line and super-slow and wanted to convince me you are not drunk which you obviously are not", cu o voce și o privire complice (timp în care eu calculam, în minte câte ore erau de când nu am băut). Și ca într-un film i-am arătat termometrul la care el a spus că drumurile sunt ok și nu e nevoie să merg încet. La vreo câteva mile distanță, pe un pod am avut percepția că e polei și că am început să derapez dar nu s-a întâmplat pentru că totul era ca într-un film.
Monday, August 21, 2023
August 21
6:08 Two years since the hit and run accident on I5 north of Interstate Bridge that almost killed us. Got into 3 bad accident ready situations yesterday. First would have been in front of hundreds of drivers coming from the beaches caught in an artificially created (i think by a fender bender) 5 miles line @Grand Ronde. That would have also slowed down or block an ambulance cause an accident on the only free lane would have blocked the road completely.
6:14 For some reason i can't figure, every time i fill at night in Grand Ronde and drive home, i get over 48 mpg (4.9 liters/100 km) with this Elantra. The reasons are there is no traffic so i accelerate or use brakes very little, road is very smooth after new pavings and i go under 65. If i go with the same tank back there and back here, mpg goes down to maybe 44. Ok i'll do it on purpose some day to confirm.
6:20 Four
6:52 New Mexico flag
8:55 Choosing my confession. The worst type of allegory is the one they trick you in it. The day after i wrote about "puncturing a whole" type of manifestation of void they punctured one of my truck's tires. It goes down like more than one PSI a day but i wasn't sure, gave it some pumps (with a foot pump) and let it to see.
Today it was down again, i pumped it back up and went to Fred Meyer to buy water cause the tap water smells like chlorine. So i went and at the busiest intersection, right before MartinNazzi, like never before, no one was moving in neither direction and i was alone on my direction and for some reason i can't talk about (was thinking of something else, like where is she right now) i ran the red light.
When i realized i looked desperately in all directions, no one was coming (cause no one was moving obviously) and when i was half way through the light turned green. My only excuse is i never passed that one alone, they were always other cars.
Even boys do cry sometimes, isn't so... (When nobody sees them, alone with their Androids and other de-vices...)
When i got back home an Asian woman stopped right after the right turn into the alley (i hate when they do that). I stopped and was wondering what she was doing and i signaled and tried to pass when she started to back up but when it became obvious i was about to clear her she just stopped and took a right in the Meridian lot.
12:3 Metsubushi. BTW the van with the inscription Insulation is still there and i don't know if from that one or from somewhere else nasty insulation dust is making its way here. I can feel it and it's painful.
5:10 Germans generally are smart people. But when are we going to see sick days for falling in love?
5:13 Unwell
11:37 Why most LED bulb brands don't work. BTW i have to find a level place at least 25 feet long with a wall to adjust mine that are stock halogen.
However i don't believe the situation on the road which now is out of control is going to ever change, unless the regulating authorities start stopping those from selling. I don't see cops ever pulling people and checking headlights.
Sunday, August 20, 2023
August 20
9:12 Încă nu a apărut nici o poză din față cu Matei Vlad Pascu.
9:15 Încă nu am reușit să înțeleg de ce unele persoane publice care mor apar în ziua respectivă sau imediat după în vecinătatea mea. A venit ieri și s-a așezat lângă mine unde jucam video poker (cu 50 de cenți mâna) și vorbea engleză fără absolut nici un accent cu alt moș (Bine și eu sunt moș dar nu de 100+ ani). Bine sunt actori care se retrag, dar de ce trebuie să apară așa înainte de a pleca.
11:00 BTW i saw the picture above (after i made it) and i remembered something. In April 2022 i bought a quite expensive IR camera from Amnazon (and returned it later for reason of misalignment between normal and infrared images the camera was taking simultaneously) and realized more than half of the apartments are not being used (though all parking spots were filled during the evening.
11:10 BTW i looked better at those and i realized what is on the pavement is not reflections because they are stronger than the source image and not perfectly aligned. Could that show they have tunnels and underground rooms as i also longtime suspected?
BTW i think those could be used for detecting leaks with city wide heating systems (that recycle heat from electric power plants) like in Bucharest. And know if the authorities are not lying when cutting hot water for half of the city for almost a month.
11:15 While i was searching for that post i found a video i posted a day earlier and i realized my question is still valid.
Instead of very expensive systems, why not use swarms of cheap drones with charges and proximity sensors as air defense around a big city. I would assume they have some warning since they have time to start the sirens. So you place those in the direction of the probable attacks and raise them when needed in a 3D matrix pattern at such distances between them that any incoming missile coming at any speed trigger at least one and go off in the air instead on the ground or or get damaged, loose their guidance, etc..
BTW i remembered something. Concorde flying at Mach 2 was heating up to above water boiling point, while in the images seen above the building was maybe one or two degrees above ambient temperature and because of that the whole fuselage was elongating by half foot.
Though conductive paint may absorb radar (and so the aluminum and titan the plane is made of), there is no way you would stop the IR cameras to "see" a "stealth plane" and especially the very hot exhaust that is expelled in vast amounts to push the plane forward.
I don't think it's like looking through a straw. IR cameras on Typhoons are probably way more expensive and accurate than the one i returned to Amazon and that one could probably spot an F22 from a mile distance.
And of course you could use some of those to narrow it down before watching through your straw.
I believe it's all a myth meant to stealth more money out of people's taxes.
12:24 I posted in the past gross cases of plagiarism in music, other infringements people were making money with and the authors didn't give a damn. One recent example is Miley Cirrus and Bruno Mars. Another recent is the old brand Tic Tac (toking about candies) which never sued Tik Tok site. But those of course would not be the case (it would simply be in-house recycling) if the logo of my blog is true.
4:52 Smoke index is 166 and they brought the little ninja to yell outside.
Saturday, August 19, 2023
August 19
In Romania they invented a whole story, with a driver that does not exist, trying to cover this, like many others in the last few days. This one just came in with the cable symbolizing the wings of Mazda Ahura. BTW these guys deceive themselves, heavily. In reality the Mazda Ahura figure derives from Onanna/Isthar/Isis.
10:20 One second he was stomping upstairs. I opened the door trying to leave, he was in the car with the engine started.
10:47 I was trying to leave but ran into this. One of the sources of my nausea, 25 ft from the door in the dierction of the morning breeze. Next to the front right wheel. Picked many other items left behind intentionally by the child actors.
Amazing how one or two cigarette butts at your door makes the whole place stink also like smoke. BTW there is a wheel behind this car for about a month know everybody is ignoring. Maybe because of the symbolism, covering semantically many of my posts.
BTW last night when i got home at 10:30 the famous tinted window Chrysler with Inanna wings that is parked next to ours came right after me and is not the first time he is syncing with me.
(12:35) Just took a look at his licence plates. They look all wrinkled like coming out of a car that has been in a bad accident, and he does not have a sticker in the back and the one in the front is for year 24, like the one missing from my truck since who knows when for which i've been pulled by a cop in Newberg (ordered one at DMV, waiting for it).
11:37 Ponta, cel mai bun dragoman. 4x4.
11:46 You can't get along with everyone in this world. Believe me, i tried and i'm 63. At some point, having your soul still won't satisfy them.
12:57 Just in case someone ask themselves what was the note on the door. BTW got to go somewhere Wednesday since 6 AM, Thursday and Angela does not have more vacation days she can spare.
3:55 Ok i figured it out. I enjoyed a few days maybe a week of more quiet days regarding the choreography upstairs. I believe is connected with opening the door at the patio or installing the AC with the covering of the door opening with only a thin plastic cover. My conclusion was the newly installed windows/doors are more soundproof and the sound cannot be heard from outside when are closed.
I would assume there are by now people in the houses in sight from here with cameras, ambiental and directional microphones that do just that.
However today it started again in full swing. And then i figured it out.
Yesterday i went several times to the SW bin to throw small things i gather from the grass around here or check for items thrown on the ground.
By example after i went Thursday night in the bin's cage and threw one ft by one by eight worth of garbage items, Friday morning there was a 13 gallons regular black bag (the kind i use) this time right in front, outside the cage, full with something including a cylindrical object like a cooking pot that was just too heavy for me to throw it in the bin with one hand.
One of the times i was there yesterday i saw this huge van with the word Insulation on it parking rear first, and i think the driver was Asian. Over the years, i saw it many times before, parked on an apartment number, way too big for the spot, but it never really bothered me, being right at the cul de sac of the complex, except maybe visually. It could be his permanent "business" spot, i don't know.
Bur i'm pretty positive right now it blocks both visual and audio line of sight between our apartment and those houses, tiny park and small portion of street. This picture has been taken from the opening of the glass sliding door of the balcony (patio).
Then i went closer to see on what type of spot he parked on, and a group of European looking teen girls, dressed according to the 93 degrees temperature outside cut my way back and slowly walked down the grass in the picture, passed our apartment and went to the mailboxes. The balcony on the right in the picture was until yesterday her domain.
Also besides the paving announcement for our apartment they blocked the Meridian parking lot as well, though it was paved 2 or 3 years ago, giving the guy with the truck with Insulation reason to park here, though i'm positive he was parking on the apartment number (not seen, more on the right, behind the one level apartment) most of the times.
4:30 After complaining for hours and writing about the van a real person came upstairs, did laundry and vacuumed again, after one week, which obviously awoke Angela who i think got a couple of hours of sleep after the three hours she since last night.
4:42 Better picture from bedroom window.
Friday, August 18, 2023
August 18
12:53 Dog poop is so nasty it can't even be used as fertilizer.
12:40 Uneori politica de scenă e arta de a prezenta propria mârlănie ca argument. Însă rămân intrigat de faptul că aceste reiterări suave apar numai când eu scriu ceva substanțial despre Australia. Au mai discutat cei doi și altceva?Și acest "eveniment" pare să aibă legătură cu ce am scris eu despre doctorul... În SUA luau cel puțin 10 ani. Assault, battery, resisting arrest, etc.. Dar sunt sigur că e invenție de media și francezii vor infirma....
12:50 I think they brought the girl from the video in the park, again. She looked coerced to me. Maybe it's time Americans start to protect their own? If they still can?