Monday, September 18, 2023

Septembrie 18

7:06 De SRI auzim numai în contextul "scandalurilor și intrigilor" de show menite să demonstreze că dacă există lupte intestine, totul e real. La bugetul lor de aproape 5 miliarde (din care 1.6 salarii) sau un miliard de euro, nu sunt în stare să urmărească niște bieți traficanți de droguri care au împânzit România.

Apropo, oare ce fac cu restul banilor în afară de salarii, își cumpără echipamente?

1.6 miliarde, la un salariu mediu de 5000 de lei ar ajunge pentru... Chiar la un salariu mediu de 10000 lei pe lună, tot ar fi destul pentru peste 10000 angajați.

7:28 Collect, disseminate. Like most casinos, Chinook Winds has a number of cameras that is comparable with the number of slots and casinos, typically they have 2 slots per camera. I would say, one camera per 10 machines would be an overkill if for security purposes.

I don't know how many people are needed to look at those monitors but i would think one person per 20 cameras would be a hell of a job to do. 25 people per shift would double the personnel expanses and the need to get more money for the players. I never saw, in about 7 years since i go there a single security incident (except mines of course).

And one time when i dropped a 60 dollars ticket and the same short bald guy came to give it me (and made me fill a lot of paperwork). I once maybe 5 years ago i found an over one hundred dollars credit at a machine at Spirit Mountain and they came right over like they knew and told me that was theft and had to fill out paperwork. Angela once forgot a similar credit inside a machine and could not retrieve it.

However there are cards in the machines and cents forgotten in the machines almost everywhere i go. Last week at Spirit Mountain after i sat i pulled a card from the machine and threw it between machines like i sometimes do.

One Japanese looking woman (acting as such) came at the machine next to me, asked the guy next to me but not me, talked on the shoulder walkie talkie like cops to like pressing a button and bending  head and then ceremoniously pulled a 2 cents ticket out that machine and tore it to pieces while looking at me. All to dissemitenate.

They would say, the presence of the cameras prevent those. Whatever.

Obviously the cameras have a different reason and that is watching in real time the faces of the players, feeding the stream from hundreds or thousands of cameras in the AI which calculates the level of emotions and other parameters for each player and generate each hand in the machine, with the purpose of keeping you there the longest time, mostly by giving you something back when you are about to give up, etc..

Things got out of control because most of the people don't go there and don't care and probably say in their mind that the players deserve their fate. That is, most of the people gave up interest in lawlessness in their own country and they collectively don't care for the vulnerable.

Some would say, it's all for a food cause, it finances the tribes and stuff. I would dedicate some of my time in the next days to see if that is the case and i think this would be a good place to start. BTW i wish i could go to a "commercial casino" in Oregon but they only have "tribal casinos". Like the ones Trump lost. Like in Reno or Vegas. All the big casinos in Oregon are tribal on tribal territories with their own jurisdiction and law enforcement.

BTW every time i go to Indian Head i hear on their radio complaints about how they can't arrest white people, because tribes have jurisdiction only over their own. If that is the case, why they told me yesterday at Chinook Winds that if i don't leave their property, which included the parking lots i would get arrested?

But disseminate? This incredible declaration is a blow in the face though typical for what i personally encounter daily and shows the total disrespect for the people who go in there and total dis-concern for privacy and laws. Disseminate where? Leaked on the internet? Probably. And that is because there are no laws on their "territory", only security who does whatever it pleases whenever it pleases serving the political interest and purposes of their foreign investors.

I shall add here the screenshot just in case they think of changing it.

And the Blue Lake incident. There, i did not have to deal with security, i called Police but they asked me if i was on a private property and then the guy left with his van and i hanged up. But i pumped so much adrenaline within that minute, my kidneys were hurting.

And i didn't even get to talk about the biggest problem. Biggest problems is i see in those every time i go a number of Japanese people, some acting as such and some disguised in Mexicans and other latinos, fewer in Native Americans (mostly at Indian Head), either as players or staff.

8:50 I have been thinking for the last hour or so if to write the following or not because it might bring more confusion to the one i already created in may people's mind with the above. Mostly because they do not hear every day this stuff, especially from the official media.

So here it goes. All the people in the casino, starting from whites (fewer and fewer) and ending with very short Japanese old women disguised in Native Americans and playing.

They all move around like driven by an invisible hand and create the most awkward situations like the one with the ticket at Spirit Mountain, others, mostly involving me passing other people. They make me look on cameras like i' m a villain chasing either their open bags or unprotected necks. Nothing ever happens (except the encounter with their own coordinator, the movie director) but the mere seconds where they see the potential is enough for those possibly watching the stream on a dark web site.

They had all summer long at Indian head these huge fans with ice behind to supplement the IC, I haven't see those in other years before, never. My guess is they are supplementing the AC to spare electric power, and with that and more and more machines down they are diverting more power to the upgraded AI. The part of each that control the actors and extras that make for all the people present there when i go.

At 7 Feathers last time i went they simply shut a whole section of the casino and also started the backup generators, to make up for always increasing AI demands.

The actors and extras receive moving and more rarely talking instructions in ear prompters like they do in reality shows.

This is my perception and to me was confirmed hundreds of times, i have no doubts about it but i can't bring any proof other than my testimony.

9:06 Mole mounds popped back after last rain, and there is a couple right at the corner of the building. I keep plugging them and they pop back up in a few hours. But i always have to bring soil from somewhere else cause somehow it disappears under ground, leaving just the hole. Then some smell comes out of it which may be smoke or concentrated mold or whatever stuff from the mole galleries. I already plugged those 3 or 4 times today and it's useless and will just go back to sleep cause i only slept a few hours last night (2 to 6).

9:40 Iar m-am pierdut în versiuni și am pierdut o însemnare destul de lungă.

Playback este un termen din limba engleză folosit în România iar în dicționar se scrie play-back. În SUA se spune lip sync.

Problema era cu versurile. Nu înțelegeam versurile și din cauză că persoanele care cântau nu erau vorbitori nativi de engleză și mai ales nu știam cum să le dansăm. Dar dacă aș fi știut ce știu azi, probabil nu aș fi dansat pe această piesă de Boney M.

Eu am avut mari surprize când, prin 2012 am început să înțeleg masiv cuvintele din melodii, și asta numai după ce am început să scriu în engleză. Multe din versuri sunt de natură religioasă, filosofică și nu sunt intenționate pentru dans cred.

Melodia Funky Town a fost cântată de altcineva. Funk este un jazz syncopat, repetitiv, direct precursor al disco însă melodia de mai jos este 100% și emblematică pentru era disco. Lipps Inc. este un joc de cuvinte (lyp sync) abuziv, de natură sexuală.  

12:40 L-am văzut miercuri seara și ieri seara (8 ora locală 17 septembrie, 6 dimineața ora României 18 Septembrie) jucând poker la o mașină aproape de unde jucam eu). Mi s-a părut curioasă fața lui în contextul unde eram eu, faza cu japoneza care a rupt tichetul de 2 cenți care era în mașina dintre noi. M-a deranjat suficient de mult ca să fac o poză la mașina aia după.
Nu putea să fie în România la ora la care a fost arestat. Sau poate l-au adus după, într-un avion special poate militar care poate ajunge aici în câteva ore, cu realimentare. Sau poate au alte mijloace de transport gen hyperloop-ului lui Musk. Sau poate arestarea a fost fake ca la toți ceilalți iar el a fost aici cel puțin de miercuri. Teleportarea solomonarilor? Genică?

1:42 Over the years i saw in my vicinity people that were officially in jail in Romania but i don't believe i wrote much about beause of risk of become not credible for the other stuff i write. Elena Udrea is one i can remember, i once saw her at the beach.

I remember one thing, i don't remember if i wrote about, At Chinook Winds they once tore the floor apart in the middle of the casino were table games are now and poured some liquid adhesive that was puting out VOC, while people were in there, not at a very late or early hour, on a rather wide surface (about 1/4 od the whole floor) . Can they do that? Or before the ban, or maybe the same day a couple of women rubbing the machines with something that was emanating a very strong smell. I tried to move out of their way, they kept coming in the same driection. Could it be that stuff drove me nuts?

BTW i read on some forums about bannings and stuff, what i did to that Japanese guy and that was after his karate move was i told him he might pick his glasses from the floor. Though faster than me, he was much thinner and less muscular and about the same age. But i didn't do one single gesture towards him and left. For that most casinos would just have kicked me for the night. But they didn't do nothing until i got in the parking lot where they were few people. But in that day i refused to identified. One month later and several times being there, they told me about the ban again in a corner with very few people. Yesterday they again waited for me to clear the areas with people and cameras.

2:27 Or this guy. Why was this guy there dressed as a security officer, for months if not years? I even talked to him once not knowing who he was, complaining about the smoke on the beach. Ok i got it another genie and he left after i recognized him. Got it. Cosplaying.

Or him. I saw him one day before or after his "accident" and arrest in the parking lot at Home Depot. Yes i was mad that day, he was staring at me and i yelled at him.
4:54 I thought i had at least ten more 500 mg tablets amoxicilin and they were just gone. So i asked my doctor and in the same time i went to Beaverton and back and passed three big towers two times each and now i really do feel it on my whole body but mostly the infected areas. No it wasn't the AC, it started before i turned that one on.

I think it's all personalized. Last night at the Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City. This time i had the meter and Angela went inside and thought i would say there and wait for her but as soon as she left the meter was showing me levels in the 20s so i went inside after her.

When i got home i found the prescription.

On my way back i remembered something, i once out of many times had free lodging on a Sunday night at Chinook and was watching TV and saw a younger guy featuring a credible picture with an oval shaped but fluffy like a cloud thinking fitting the description here and searched for it but could not find it though i found something better.

Angela went to sleep (they upstairs didn't let her sleep last night) and the well trained remote controlled Japanese child actors are making a big commotion in the back. Big one this time. To me is continuation from this morning. 24/7. Relentless.

6:28 What a pig. Oink oink. I hate tainted windows too but... He was a real black Latino by the way. Not the ninja i see around. Earlier this year a cop pulled me in Newberg for a missing sticker. Now i think he could have pulled it himself. Or stolen by my neighbor. He kept telling me that i turned into the far lane which i didn't. He let me go with a warning.

Almost two hours after passing by those towers i feel pain almost like i was pepper sprayed.

9:05 Ok. In the video with the UFO there's an actual weather balloon deflated and falling. They were not weather balloons during the time of the story in the link and it seems the peasants knew or heave heard about it.

Another idea. Could it had been a flying dinosaur, or a giant bird, now extinct (in the area)? Something that could actually catch a human?

10:38 Doar un mic exemplu în care apare cuvântul Ottawa, și ceva cu India, precum și cuvântul cheie sikh, subliminal pentru sick. Apropo mi-am amintit de o fază. Bucovina, București.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 17

2:50 A început sarabanda acoperirilor. Salmoxis a înviat după 4 ani.

8:35 I saw her again yesterday around noon on an alley in the park near the Community Center in Tualatin walking with the phone in her hands like following real time instructions for a cosplay session. She was walking in the same direction with me, i stopped and gave her some 5 minutes head start but she stopped at the CC like waiting for me.

Then she gave me an "eye contact" above glasses with her head down and i saw... a double chin? Maybe it was not her, my eyes are pretty blury these days cause i use the ozone generator on a low setting to get rid of all kinda smells in here. Also was very tired, slept around 3 hours the night before and probably under the influence of the smoke that came back these days after the moles are thriving again due to a rain two weeks ago that turned the grass green.

8:52 By the way, woke up early, there was smoke in the bedroom, went outside and plugged some holes, again by accident i found a blue doggy bag that probably was thrown from that balcony, another one with no bag, oily in the open air next to hydrant, i caught them early, it's 55 degrees (13 C) and cloudy outside, they haven't been hit by sun yet.

I also noticed that when i'm on antibiotics those "pheromones" don't have the same effect on me, could it be they are not pheromons but pathogens like protozoa?

12:20 Camera Defulaților are de fapt mai multe camere iar senatoarea Diana Șoșoaca vă șochează aprinde dragostea imaginația cea bogată ștergându-mi postarea din memoriile dvs..

1:06 Now i know what he's been through...

10:33 Today is September 17, day when i started my first job in the US, as box boy at Sheridan Fruit Co. downtown Portland. More about it here.

Expresia la cheu în port sigur aparține lui Băsescu cui altul (cel ce s-a retras la UE), se referă la România și unde a dus-o el dar eu m-am gândit la ea ca o la o aluzie (lacheu). Credeam ca întotdeauna că era voba de mine (me me me) dar acum când mă gândesc cred că era un mișto groaznic la adresa întregii Românii.

Am mai repostat această imagine, cu șeful Poliției (de atunci, 2018) Bill Steele, care s-a retras în iunie 2022, cu niște copii latino nevoiași din zonă. Am mai scris și alte dăți, nu știu, pe fb, nu mai stau să caut, pe unii din ei (cel puțin doi) i-am văzut pe aici pe la clădire, apăreau mai ales când reparam mașina și se foiau odată sau de două ori prin spatele meu, mergând nu știu unde, de fiecare dată mai înalți.

De mai multe ori m-am abținut să nu intru în conflict cu ei. Câteodată deschideam ușa și unul din ei trecea pe dedesbut ca și cum ar fi știut. După cum am mai spus, când lucram pe la mașină eram high de la ceva fumuri care apăreau pe afară și după ce terminam nu reușeam să-mi amintesc ce făcusem. De fapt și acum sunt dar puțin, cred.

Eu nu cred că cei care treceau erau latino ci niște țigani din Ungaria dați la vreo școală de actorie. Nu știu câți ani puteau să aibă pe atunci. Să zicem 13. Dacia brothers.
Videoul pare a fi din România.

1:20 Got at Chinook Winds around 5:30. Parked on "the roof", wanted to go for a walk on the beach.

Took the shortest way, behind the casino. I went that way several times before. The short bald security guy was by the employees entrance together with more guards, several SUVs. I passed those and i think when i was out of any camera's range they came at me telling me to leave the premises because i am banned and also restarted the count of my six month ban.

I was not aware that i am not allowed in the parking lots as well. Wednesday i was there, Angela went inside, i went all the way to the beach for a walk, then i changed my mind and turned around, met with a guy looking like gen. Petraeus at the end of the stairs, there was a military/veterans event near the casino, several military vehicles on display.

Just before that i went inside and asked the guard at the door if i can go to the restroom and he acted like i asked where is the restroom, posing like he was not aware i was banned.

I am positive that if i didn't wander in the area with no cameras and people they wouldn't have showed cause i was in the car on the highest level of the new parking lot for 10 minute, i saw them there, when i went down the stairs but they were waiting on the ground, let me pass and the followed me behind the casino.

Like in the day when i got into a verbal fight with that Japanese movie director, i ate some very spicy food and was very irritated and i think they knew and were hoping again from a bad reaction from my side of which i was very very near however this time i haven't been drinking in weeks.

However in the last days i have been exposed to a lot of smoke, something that didn't happen in years.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 16

12:00 Mai vreți să vedeți cum arată un dac, o dacă (aici, capturați)? Dacii suntem... noi! 

11:40 Dacian shields. Nobody in Europe has better proof of their noble origin yet we were always kept aside. Schengen treaty was included in European treaty since 2000 or way before Romania became part of it yet they pretend they still have to vote and Austria which probably thinks has claims on some of our territories like Bucovina where i'm from opposes her veto in an unnecessary invented vote.

The claims may be also based on the name of our president, Klaus Werner Iohannis, who comes from a city named in the past Hermannstadt. However the city name and its hypothetical German minority (they all have left for Germany because of communism hardship decades ago) comes from the German immigrants who came here from Germany proper by invitation from Hungary, trying to top the Romanian majority as seen in Unio Trium Nationum which BTW is described in totally biased manner in the Wikipedia page, don't even wanna read it it makes me sick.


12:11 Au ajuns că nu le mai pasă de nimic. Poate avea media acces la dosarele procuraturii și apoi să publice mărturii, părți din acele dosare? Adică, poți să spui că unul e cercetat, poți să-i faci o poză cu cătușele la mâini între jandarmi (poți?) pentru că îl poate vedea oricine în stradă (oare de ce?) dar să publici dosarul, nu cred. Și totuși nu am auzi niciodată pe nimeni din sistemul judiciar sau din publicul interesat să protesteze sau chiar să formuleze acuzații fiindcă mi se par fapte penale.

12:15 Tiktok, copiii. Nu-i pasă nimănui de datele confidențiale. Problema este nuditatea, lascivitatea, înjurături, invitații la prostituție, conținutul aproape porno al multor conturi. Eu am pus odată un link pe fb cu o tipă mai dezbrăcată deși nu prea, luată tot din media "legitimă" și mi-au blocat postarea. Pe tiktok se pare că merge orice.
Acum 20 de ani Eminem avea probleme pentru doar aluzii obscene, astăzi sunt cuvinte explicite unele repetate la infinit aproape în toate melodiile noi pentru tineri repetate de multe ori pe zi pe posturile de radio și nu-i mai pasă nimănui. Ce contează că auzi un bip de mascare de 100 de ori într-o melodie și știe oricine ce înseamnă.

7:48 E sărac și n-are maniere!

8:43 Figured last night. Hosier-Kushner (not so) refreshing baritone diversifying trend/experiment actually started much earlier...

(Curious about on thing. Could your electricity powered AI actually predict karma). Now it all went silent cause AI is rebooting. Again.

And BTW why the effort. There is no market today. Though i'm happy to see you again.

10:30 There is no way they didn't know about this when they chose the stage name for their crowned princess.

This morning instead of Autumn Moon they used something with hot pepper in it. Awoke with shortness of breath and pain all over my skin that woke me up after two and a half hours of sleep.

Are you all gonna sit and entertain yourself with these presented here on this weekend too?

1:40 Flooded with smoke, feeling much better. Familiar familiar familiar...

5:54 AI is rebooting again.  For a few hours now.

I wish i knew who the SOB with smoking asphalt came at that hour on a Saturday on Borland. That black stuff restarted an dormant infection and as a result i got progressing chills again and i'm back on antibiotics. Yes i pressed the button a bit too early being afraid i'm gonna loose it and the camera was too slow for a second shot.

Seconds after, the street was filled with smoke that lasted for minutes as i was walking in the direction seen in the picture. For the last month, every time i went in there they were guys mowing the grass on the right though in never seen them before.

Lately everywhere i go there is paving with asphalt going on. Towards Mt.Hood, near McMinnville, parking lot here, parking lot at Spirit Mountain, etc.. I think they are asking for the help from the goddess.

BTW when i came back i found a bag with a poop on top of the bushes under that apartment with the German shepard. I saw  them "accidentally dropping" stuff from that balcony before, including debussing of a plate once, cams from a broken sack, etc.. I saw it earlier but didn't pay attention because it was in a blue bag. But this one was stinking really bad in the bag with a loose knot under hot sun rays. 

7:26 Cancel_arul. Not the right time. Cred că Bucovina este motivul pentru care Austria, o țară care nu este membru NATO, îl susține deschis pe Putin. Deja vu.

9:43 I had this wild idea about an age range and did a search and i found a woman who resembles the current (a double of the) woman upstairs (based on a few seconds clear view from 30 ft away). Bucovina used to be under Austrian rule between...

10:18 Întrebare. A apărut Gheboasa vreodată într-un video porno pe site-urile principale, într-o pădure, cu tipă tânără cu ochi albaștri care părea drogată, cu încă doi tipi? (video care a dispărut fiindcă tipa are acum alt nume și alte roluri).

11:20 Ok m-am prins la niște faze dramatice. Povestea lui Salmoxis așa cum am spus-o este abia la început. Aștept reacții sau poate mă enervez dacă mai scârțâie sus mult și scriu acum. Sau poate asta urmăresc. Îmi dau fum și scârț ca să-mi scurtcircuiteze neuronii ca să meargă pe repede înainte și să vin cu idei trăsnite ca oracolul din Delphi.

Ok nu se poate opri. Prima fază.

(Ok se pare că a executat un dans și a spus o mantra prin care m-a făcut să uit ce vroiam să scriu. A ok gata mi-am amintit. (Not so) nice try).

De fapt asta scrie chiar în Wikipedia. Maestrul zidar era un fost solomonar care a ales să se întoarcă între oameni pe care îi ajuta împotriva solomonarilor. Solomon a construit primul templu care a fost prototipul templelor masonice de mai târziu și l-a înviat pe Hiram Abiff, arhitectul templului și fiul văduvei care a fost lovit în cap de trei rufieni.

Nu am înțeles niciodată din Biblie de unde și-a adunat Solomon bogăția cu care a construit Primul Templu acolo în Canaan unde curge doar lapte și miere dar în Biblie bogăția (și înțelepciunea) lui sunt legendare.

Întrebare. Să fie Solomon același tip cu Salmoxis care mai întâi s-a dus la Pitaguru, a învățat carte după care a venit și i-a vrăjit pe geți pentru a lua aur de la ei în schimbul iluziei nemuririi? (Prima țeapă luată de geți din istoria cunoscută). (Depozitele de aur din România sunt și au fost cele mai mari din lume, probabil fiindcă aici a căzut acum aproximativ 70 milioane de ani un asteroid metalic).

Da știu nu se potrivește cronologia însă datarea vieții lui Solomon este ipotetică în timp ce de Pitagora știm exact când a trăit. Circa. Dacă nu cumva toate sunt niște povești iar când sună clopoțelul știm că Ram_ses trebuia să fi murit.

Mai e o chestie. Pitagora a descoperit teorema cu același nume, iar în teoremă e vorba de un triunghi dreptunghic cu trei pătrate (squares) ce poate avea legătură cu semnele masonice suprapuse (compasul și echerul).

Deși compasul și echerul îl întâlnim și în mitologia chineză, Fuxi și Nuwa, cei doi șerpi frate și soră care după potop au reconstruit lumea cu un compas și un echer iar numele Nuwa pare să semene cu Noe. Dar și Noe a construit o arcă, acolo. Capisci?

1:00 Eu am (încă) o chestie. Ceva o permeabilitate în cerul gurii, poate de la vorbit prea mult la telefon (wireless, celular) sau mă roade placa dentară mai ales dacă mănânc alimente mai tari (nuci, alune, carne sau pizza arsă LOL) sau o combinație.

Dacă pun ceva dulce în gură mai ales seara după tot efortul masticator din cursul zilei dimineața mă doare capul. Dacă sunt într-o perioadă în care iau antibiotice faza nu se întâmplă.

Pot fi însă și alte infecții cronice nediagnosticate în zona capului, ca de exemplu urechi, gât, sinuzită cronică etc. sau un "tratament pe canal" la un dinte care de fapt înseamnă un os mort înfipt în mandibulă/maxilar. Încercați cu antibiotice de curiozitate. Tetraciclina, doxiciclina și tot neamul lor sunt nașpa pentru inimă totuși.

Friday, September 15, 2023

September 15

12:08 Herodot a scris numele lui Zamolxes sau Zalmoxis cu s, adică Salmoxis și a mai spus că el a fost un om care a trăit în casa lui Pitagora (da, cel cu teorema). A devenit filozof (pitagorean normal) și bogat după eliberare.

Textul spune mai departe, că atunci când a ajuns la geți (traci, daci whatever), a construit o clădire mare în care să benchetuiască mai marii locali după care a dispărut într-o locuință subpământeană, ca Dumuzid, după care a apărut ca înviat din morți și a fost declarat zeu iar geții au început să creadă în nemurire.

Tot Herodot (după Eliade) spunea că dacii (numele dat de romani geților) mai aveau obiceiul ca odată la 5 ani să tragă la sorți pe unul dintre ei pe care îl aruncau în trei sulițe. Pe când își dădea duhul, îi spuneau mesajul pe care să îl transmită zeilor (alții decât Salmoxis înțeleg). Înțelegem din text că poveștile care Herodot le-a auzit de la niște greci care trăiau în cetățile de la Marea Neagră pot fi mai vechi și pot fi contemporane cu regele biblic Solomon.

Bine toate astea sunt cunoscute, noutatea cu care aș vrea să intervin este că la huțuli, a căror etimologie a numelui pare să vină din sanscritul hut (sacrificiu), până mai ieri exista obiceiul ca persoanele mai înstărite să-și ia "băiat" adică un argat care lucra ca sclav și care le aducea noroc și bogății.

Și să amintesc de cuvântul solomonar sau solomonit care nu cred că vine de la Solomon din Biblie deși a cerut și el de la Dumnezeu înțelepciune, a devenit bogat, a construit un templu și a pornit o religie care începe de la învierea lui Hiram Abiff, fiul văduvei.

Stau și mă întreb ce se întâmpla cu dușmanii casei care avea băiat sau cu cei care-și băteau joc de copiii lor.

Se potrivește și cu ritualul de inițiere în yoga Sadu, unde ucenicul (vrăjitor) trebuie să facă un job pentru al său guru.

Faza cu săgețile trase în nori se potrivește cu Solomonitul. Maruții călăreau balauri și cauzau grindină (adică trăgeau geții în nori așa, de nebuni?) și înainte de Salmoxis, după același Herodot, iar după el acest rol a fost preluat de solomonari, dar și faza cu balaurul folosit în luptă de daci.

Apropo, noroc de sursele grecești din care mai puteam afla ceva despre daci, tot ce a fost la Vatican rămas de la romani a dispărut.

Et tu, Iohannis?

Dacomanii. Vreți să vedeți cum arată un dac? Luați dvs. autostrada A7 și mergeți la Suceava (zuci = pure, clean) și întrebați pe unde mai sunt huțuli. Zona Voroneț parcă. Lupcina.

6:22 Just to illustrate how crazy insane these guys are. I thawed them since two or three days ago, prepped the chicken drums (veiled drummer) since last night, cooked them today and when i went to take the garbage (with the chicken drums skins) somebody played a really well calculated prank and put some warned out teared black denim jeans on the margin of the bin while some guy with a badly dented gray car blocked my way to the bin. I got mad and didn't think about and threw the jeans in the bin too and then i regretted it. But it wouldn't have made much difference if i didn't i guess. Yes that is backing soda on the bottom of the oven to prevent drips from sticking.

8:25 Was having this terrible craving for soda (actually for a drink but i subsituted it these days with soda) and went to Fred Meyer.

It was about sunset time (7:22 tonight) and i turned off the headlights when i backed up because of the kids in front of the car and forgot to turn them back on and at the first intersection in the complex some guy in an old white car wasn't stopping at his stop sign and had to honk to make him slowdown cause he was on a collision course.

On my way there all i could think was one thing. In my all contacts with them i notied one thing. They do not have a sense of humor that is compatible with ours and couldn't wait to get back here to search.

No major incident in there except i saw a (Japanese) girl about the age of those in the back, maybe one of them, with a phone, roaming around the store, kinda where i was.

When i came back a weird smoke was flooding the areas between the buildings and the bunch of Japanese child actors having a (real time AI scripted, every time i try to record they stop) yelling party.

They spared them for the most part, except the first year here, as children never mixed again with smoke but i guess tonight they passed that limit. Now like the whole afternoon they are here to yell at our windows, simulating being high from that smoke. Some days days speak perfect English, sometimes i think perfect Spanish (but won't mix languages).

What can you say about people who are doing this to their own children?

I went earlier before i could find my glasses to write here and opened the door to look if there is still smoke (filter in the living, the last type of elements i bought, with electrets is doing a good job, in the bedroom is broken) and one of them was there by the door saying with a tiny voice... Hi...

8:42 I think i heard an adult woman's voice and then they finally left (i hope so). Need to go step on holes near the foundation in the back at the other apartment.

9:00 They are back, for 10 minutes now. Wanted to do some reading and possibly make some corrections to what i wrote this morning but the yells and smoke is just too much. Ok got an idea if i shot the AC and the door maybe the noise and smoke will be less.

9:25 Ok but after they left the smoke intensified. I wanted to try and fix the filter in the bedroom but i just can't concentrate to take those screws out. I guess it's because of the smoke. Saw the news about the retirement of a star. Wanted to write something about that match but they started upstairs. 

9:30 Meditații la case mult mai mari ca alea 6 din Sieben (burger).

Upstairs, quiet though small reactions  (tiny squeaks) at every single thought. A firework just went out. Another one earlier. Now i forgot what i wanted to say.

I saw two days ago two planets nearly aligned. Wanted to go to the other computer where i have Stellarium installed but i just can't. My mind is numb. There's a void in it.

10:30 Proof that Angela had the same restriction before the ADA questionnaire where the doctor wrote she is disabled. There is a woman where she works who cannot hear or speak. There are others with lifting restrictions. Nothing has changed except now she has one more temporary restriction for one month (no walking over 5000 steps a day). It started right after her last surgery that was done to repair a hernia created by the previous one done to retrieve forgotten wires during heart surgery.

11:17 During the last run upstairs one of the most important links i added minutes ago disappeared.

11:27 Now he came home again when i was about to post something important and at once started stepping heavily right above me. I guess he creates a dealy for AI to prepare something in Romania to cancel what i will post.

Thursday, September 14, 2023


by Charles Baudelaire, 1857

To lift such a heavy weight,
Sisyphus, your courage would take!
Although we have hearts at work,
Art is long and the time is short.

Far from the more famous sepulchers,
Towards a remote cemetery,
My heart, like a veiled little drummer,
Goes beating on funeral marches.

Many a jewel sleeps buried
In darkness and disregard,
Far from the spades and probes;

Many a flower sadly pours out
Its sweet perfume like a secret
Within the deepest solitude.