Showing posts sorted by relevance for query german shepard. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query german shepard. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 16

12:00 Mai vreți să vedeți cum arată un dac, o dacă (aici, capturați)? Dacii suntem... noi! 

11:40 Dacian shields. Nobody in Europe has better proof of their noble origin yet we were always kept aside. Schengen treaty was included in European treaty since 2000 or way before Romania became part of it yet they pretend they still have to vote and Austria which probably thinks has claims on some of our territories like Bucovina where i'm from opposes her veto in an unnecessary invented vote.

The claims may be also based on the name of our president, Klaus Werner Iohannis, who comes from a city named in the past Hermannstadt. However the city name and its hypothetical German minority (they all have left for Germany because of communism hardship decades ago) comes from the German immigrants who came here from Germany proper by invitation from Hungary, trying to top the Romanian majority as seen in Unio Trium Nationum which BTW is described in totally biased manner in the Wikipedia page, don't even wanna read it it makes me sick.


12:11 Au ajuns că nu le mai pasă de nimic. Poate avea media acces la dosarele procuraturii și apoi să publice mărturii, părți din acele dosare? Adică, poți să spui că unul e cercetat, poți să-i faci o poză cu cătușele la mâini între jandarmi (poți?) pentru că îl poate vedea oricine în stradă (oare de ce?) dar să publici dosarul, nu cred. Și totuși nu am auzi niciodată pe nimeni din sistemul judiciar sau din publicul interesat să protesteze sau chiar să formuleze acuzații fiindcă mi se par fapte penale.

12:15 Tiktok, copiii. Nu-i pasă nimănui de datele confidențiale. Problema este nuditatea, lascivitatea, înjurături, invitații la prostituție, conținutul aproape porno al multor conturi. Eu am pus odată un link pe fb cu o tipă mai dezbrăcată deși nu prea, luată tot din media "legitimă" și mi-au blocat postarea. Pe tiktok se pare că merge orice.
Acum 20 de ani Eminem avea probleme pentru doar aluzii obscene, astăzi sunt cuvinte explicite unele repetate la infinit aproape în toate melodiile noi pentru tineri repetate de multe ori pe zi pe posturile de radio și nu-i mai pasă nimănui. Ce contează că auzi un bip de mascare de 100 de ori într-o melodie și știe oricine ce înseamnă.

7:48 E sărac și n-are maniere!

8:43 Figured last night. Hosier-Kushner (not so) refreshing baritone diversifying trend/experiment actually started much earlier...

(Curious about on thing. Could your electricity powered AI actually predict karma). Now it all went silent cause AI is rebooting. Again.

And BTW why the effort. There is no market today. Though i'm happy to see you again.

10:30 There is no way they didn't know about this when they chose the stage name for their crowned princess.

This morning instead of Autumn Moon they used something with hot pepper in it. Awoke with shortness of breath and pain all over my skin that woke me up after two and a half hours of sleep.

Are you all gonna sit and entertain yourself with these presented here on this weekend too?

1:40 Flooded with smoke, feeling much better. Familiar familiar familiar...

5:54 AI is rebooting again.  For a few hours now.

I wish i knew who the SOB with smoking asphalt came at that hour on a Saturday on Borland. That black stuff restarted an dormant infection and as a result i got progressing chills again and i'm back on antibiotics. Yes i pressed the button a bit too early being afraid i'm gonna loose it and the camera was too slow for a second shot.

Seconds after, the street was filled with smoke that lasted for minutes as i was walking in the direction seen in the picture. For the last month, every time i went in there they were guys mowing the grass on the right though in never seen them before.

Lately everywhere i go there is paving with asphalt going on. Towards Mt.Hood, near McMinnville, parking lot here, parking lot at Spirit Mountain, etc.. I think they are asking for the help from the goddess.

BTW when i came back i found a bag with a poop on top of the bushes under that apartment with the German shepard. I saw  them "accidentally dropping" stuff from that balcony before, including debussing of a plate once, cams from a broken sack, etc.. I saw it earlier but didn't pay attention because it was in a blue bag. But this one was stinking really bad in the bag with a loose knot under hot sun rays. 

7:26 Cancel_arul. Not the right time. Cred că Bucovina este motivul pentru care Austria, o țară care nu este membru NATO, îl susține deschis pe Putin. Deja vu.

9:43 I had this wild idea about an age range and did a search and i found a woman who resembles the current (a double of the) woman upstairs (based on a few seconds clear view from 30 ft away). Bucovina used to be under Austrian rule between...

10:18 Întrebare. A apărut Gheboasa vreodată într-un video porno pe site-urile principale, într-o pădure, cu tipă tânără cu ochi albaștri care părea drogată, cu încă doi tipi? (video care a dispărut fiindcă tipa are acum alt nume și alte roluri).

11:20 Ok m-am prins la niște faze dramatice. Povestea lui Salmoxis așa cum am spus-o este abia la început. Aștept reacții sau poate mă enervez dacă mai scârțâie sus mult și scriu acum. Sau poate asta urmăresc. Îmi dau fum și scârț ca să-mi scurtcircuiteze neuronii ca să meargă pe repede înainte și să vin cu idei trăsnite ca oracolul din Delphi.

Ok nu se poate opri. Prima fază.

(Ok se pare că a executat un dans și a spus o mantra prin care m-a făcut să uit ce vroiam să scriu. A ok gata mi-am amintit. (Not so) nice try).

De fapt asta scrie chiar în Wikipedia. Maestrul zidar era un fost solomonar care a ales să se întoarcă între oameni pe care îi ajuta împotriva solomonarilor. Solomon a construit primul templu care a fost prototipul templelor masonice de mai târziu și l-a înviat pe Hiram Abiff, arhitectul templului și fiul văduvei care a fost lovit în cap de trei rufieni.

Nu am înțeles niciodată din Biblie de unde și-a adunat Solomon bogăția cu care a construit Primul Templu acolo în Canaan unde curge doar lapte și miere dar în Biblie bogăția (și înțelepciunea) lui sunt legendare.

Întrebare. Să fie Solomon același tip cu Salmoxis care mai întâi s-a dus la Pitaguru, a învățat carte după care a venit și i-a vrăjit pe geți pentru a lua aur de la ei în schimbul iluziei nemuririi? (Prima țeapă luată de geți din istoria cunoscută). (Depozitele de aur din România sunt și au fost cele mai mari din lume, probabil fiindcă aici a căzut acum aproximativ 70 milioane de ani un asteroid metalic).

Da știu nu se potrivește cronologia însă datarea vieții lui Solomon este ipotetică în timp ce de Pitagora știm exact când a trăit. Circa. Dacă nu cumva toate sunt niște povești iar când sună clopoțelul știm că Ram_ses trebuia să fi murit.

Mai e o chestie. Pitagora a descoperit teorema cu același nume, iar în teoremă e vorba de un triunghi dreptunghic cu trei pătrate (squares) ce poate avea legătură cu semnele masonice suprapuse (compasul și echerul).

Deși compasul și echerul îl întâlnim și în mitologia chineză, Fuxi și Nuwa, cei doi șerpi frate și soră care după potop au reconstruit lumea cu un compas și un echer iar numele Nuwa pare să semene cu Noe. Dar și Noe a construit o arcă, acolo. Capisci?

1:00 Eu am (încă) o chestie. Ceva o permeabilitate în cerul gurii, poate de la vorbit prea mult la telefon (wireless, celular) sau mă roade placa dentară mai ales dacă mănânc alimente mai tari (nuci, alune, carne sau pizza arsă LOL) sau o combinație.

Dacă pun ceva dulce în gură mai ales seara după tot efortul masticator din cursul zilei dimineața mă doare capul. Dacă sunt într-o perioadă în care iau antibiotice faza nu se întâmplă.

Pot fi însă și alte infecții cronice nediagnosticate în zona capului, ca de exemplu urechi, gât, sinuzită cronică etc. sau un "tratament pe canal" la un dinte care de fapt înseamnă un os mort înfipt în mandibulă/maxilar. Încercați cu antibiotice de curiozitate. Tetraciclina, doxiciclina și tot neamul lor sunt nașpa pentru inimă totuși.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 25

12:38 Fear factor. I thought i fixed tne noise (vibration) coming from under car. Being totaled twice, when they did the body work they didn't put the panels back right with new clips or whatever, they make a big noise at highways speed. I bought clips more than year ago but they don't work so yesterday i tried something i saw on a forum. Zipties. There are places where the're easy to install, other places where i had to drill holes. However there are places where i can't put nothinug i know yet.

So i went outside to look under car and see where panels vibrate and saw again something i saw before but ignored. Maybe because at the apartment above there's a huge German shepard overlooking the area with the two parking spots for me and for the above and grass between building, where children were playing yesterday while i was trying to fix those, other things, for hours.

1:20 It's amazing how every time i go to pick (and bend) to pick something from the trunk they came with a car or even walking to catch me like that. Or every time i open the hood a woman passes (probably the perception of an wide open stinking mouth). It's like they know. Or put my brain patterns inside an AI supercomputer and can predict every move, minutes in advance.

11:35 Shivaism with 70% of followers in India, Buddhism that fell out of grace, Australian dreaming, they all came and found a home in the middle of Europe in medieval and today's Hungary. But they never stood put. Attila, Hungarian (magars) raids in Europe at the turn of the millennium, secretly taking over of catholic church, creation of states and controlling those to this day.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 4th

10:28 The Force of July

10:28 ComoFest, no shooter's face yet, when they will release it it will be too late for erasing the stain on everybody's brain. I mean the false subconscious association. They won't give us a break. The ninja have the Americans' and the whole world's mind tight on their grip and they intend to keep it that way.
10:29 Angela went to wet the plants, buy groceries. Slept few hours, tried to sleep some more, a barking dog woke me 3 times when i was about to fall asleep. I opened the door to see if it was the German Shepard in the balcony next building, i saw a truck i haven't seen around here parked rear first.


10:50 There's a tiny park south of the complex and close to our building (direct line of sight) where every year they do fireworks. We came home and there's so much fireworks smoke outside you can't breath. Inside there's 81 degrees and can't start the AC because the smoke gets in by the leaks. By the noise and height i think they are illegal and after half hour since i came home they start to piss me out.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June 20

12:30 Last night i decided to take Angela's advice and watch another movie or two on Netflix. Was browsing the titles, with Expanse in mind, when i saw a title, something about UFOs and clicked on it just to see what it was. It's a new documentary about professional UFO hunters, (non)disclosures, interviews with abductees and implantees, things i heard (On Coast to Coast) but haven't seen before.

Guys like the owner of a big aerospace company that believe in UFOs and spent large amounts of money on the subject. The hypothesis of crashes and reverse engineering (where do we got all the chip technology from).

But there was one thing that caught my eye (better said ear) during the interviews. Someone said that CIA was created because of the Russ, well, incident. Can't find anything right now with searches to confirm. However the chronology seems right. CIA was created in September, 3 months after Roswell which occurred in July 1947. But there's more. CIA seal.

12:54 My internet is taking a break right now.

12:56 Back online. Edelweiss. Reno Arch. Nevada, Area 51.

Sia. Reno flooded with meth. I am awake.


Sciantology Cross.

4:02 The fridge was empty, i only had one bag with frozen battered fish and some potatoes. Perfect, i said to myself. Fish and chips. I took the deep frier in the balcony, i poured half pound of oil i keep in a jar for frying fish in the pan. When i went to fry the chips the German Shepard which looks like a retired Police dog that supervises the area between buildings from the height of the upstairs balcony was barking all the time. Fried two loads of chips and came inside for the fis.

When i started to eat, kids came and started to yell at the balcony of the one level building. Was about done but sill eating, i went outside to bring first the chair i was sitting and the one dressed in bright red jacket ran. One minute later i went to pick the frier, the other one ran too.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26

2:02 Unwell.

This man is trying to heal a system that is dead and buried. An injection to a wooden leg as we say in Romania.

Yes indeed the British unified the world and gave us the English.

Trying to imagine what would have been without it. Would we have all spoken the French that is so complicated it tires the brain before one can really finish a sentence or Esperanto cause i refuse to believe we would have turned to not so pretty grammatically and sometime lexically weird Sanskrit. Latin like in the early Habsburg Empire? I don't know.

English has a great quality. It is a very sexy language but honestly i would have preferred German cause it brings rigor and seriousness in a conversation and in a whole country.

There is no more British Empire, there has not been one for a long time. What we got instead is the Empire of the Sun(ak) and now are watching back at the karma line that brought all us here and we start to ask ourselves. For who did they work to unify the world?

Other than that i have never seen a more elevated attempt to step over what i write. A near perfect though a bit bitter and uselessly biased carefully written scholarly camouflaged article using all the keywords i used recently.

I am not trying to re-write history, i only try to establish long ignored basic truths so we can attempt to jump out of the pit and he is using nostalgia of the brits against themselves while stepping over me.

But why a "Cambridge fellow" would need to bring upfront an almost forgotten idol (a little god). A name that resonates (with mine) however the quoted phrase is plainly stupid. Wondering how many i would find if i start reading him. Nobody can control the past, especially the nostalgic, no matter how frustrating it might be, how big the name or how pretty the word sentences play; it's the laws of physics, universe and philosophy.

Rest it's all reverse and double and triple reverse psychology done mainly through the above association.

I have long pioneered the criticism of false local cultural and political revivalism for the benefit of the new (to us) Empire.

The true new live relentless and unbeatable global culture is tiktok.

10:05 Magic Expensive People

Statul nu a fost al nostru, nu este al nostru și nu va fi al nostru în vecii vecilor! Noi suntem Ungrovlahia, țara guvernată de navetiști unguri (maghiari whatever).

Dar cele 4 decenii de comunism marcat în principal prin secretism "de stat" au introdus în cultura românească o aversiune pentru  a ști despre tot ce înseamnă activitate financiară sau fiscală a statului. Nu este o pată pe creierul nostru. Totul a fost învăluit în mister timp de 40 sau 50 de ani cât a durat catastrofa așa zis comunistă, treburile la început păreau să meargă "bine" fără nici un fel de implicare a cetățenilor, până la un moment dat când Ceaușescu a devenit furios și s-a întrecut pe sine.

Toți lucrau practic la stat, multă lume s-a mutat la oraș iar cei "ajunși" și-au tras rudele după ei. Lipsa unui mecanism de dare de seamă și control a condus la vraiște. Toți își făceau servicii unii altora folosind resursele pe care le controlau.

Astăzi pur și simplu nu știm. Nu știm ce este Parlamentul, Guvernul și Bugetul. Nu a fost treaba noastră și a intrat în reflex să nu fie. Deceniile de lipsă de știri concrete și rapoarte false cu un singur politician pe televizor au dus la un reflex de aversiune.

Azi vedem că treburile nu merg deloc fără implicarea noastră. Însă pur și simplu nu știm de unde să apucăm această unealtă care ar trebui să fie statul.

Primii miniștri vin și pleacă și pozează până când obosesc în oameni folositori. De multe rezolvă probleme false sau chiar probleme pe care le creează ei înșiși doar pentru a se afla în treabă. După ce pleacă vin alții, timpul lor de inflorescență fiind de aproximativ un an. După ce se duc în general nu mai auzim de ei. Dar dacă nu știm ce fac și ce trebuie să facă, cum putem să verificăm ce fac sau ce au făcut? Nu există dări de seamă la sfârșit de an și mandat.

Aceste măsuri fiscale, reduceri de personal, se întâmplă în realitate? Se întâmplă de fapt altceva decât cheltuieli absolut necesare ca pensiile și salariile bugetarilor de rând ca profesorii, medicii, polițiștii care sunt sume importante dar ele reprezintă partea cea mai mică din buget. Unde se duc restul banilor?

De unde ar trebui să înceapă românii să-și controleze propriul stat, dacă nu au habar ce ar trebuie să facă?

Un loc bun ar fi Constituția și Bugetul. Există în Constituție unu articol care spune că nu poate exista nici o cheltuială bugetară (programată la început de an) fără să se precizeze sursa. Conform acestui articol nu ar trebui la 6 sau 8 luni să apară situații în care nu există bani la buget. Bugetul se proiectează și aprobă în Parlament la începutul anului. Nu e un timp prea lung. Dacă se respectă Constituția și se precizează sursele la început de an aceste situații nu pot apărea.

Ce surprize atât de mari pot să apară încât să existe programatele rectificări și iată așa zise măsuri fiscale, acoperiri ale găurilor și reduceri de personal, încălcând legile bugetului. Mai există și o lege a plafoanelor care stabilesc limitele acestor legi, care se dă de obicei în toamnă, mult înainte de apariția noului buget.

Pentru a alimenta confuzia apar tot ei și vorbesc despre găuri, împrumuturi de stat cu dedicație, pentru anumite scopuri, rectificări. Toate acestea nu ar trebui să existe, conform Constituției. Prin toate aceste discuții ei se acuză pe ei înșiși de încălcarea Constituției, a Legii Plafoanelor, a Legilor Bugetului.

De fapt cine știe dacă există cu adevărat. Găuri, rectificări. Există în schimb pe site-ul Ministerului de Finanțe și cel al al Camerei Deputaților fișiere cu Bugetul detaliat pe "ordonatori de credite" unde putem vedea ce cheltuieli are fiecare, care la unele ministere mari sunt enorme și inexplicabile. Link în dreapta sus.

Însă fără dări de seamă periodice toate sumele se topesc în liniște la sfârșit de an. E vorba de un total de peste o sută de miliarde de lei, care dispar. Toate conturile se reglează atunci și începe un nou an bugetar. De obicei apare și un guvern nou nouț cu un slogan croit pe problemele percepute de public în acel moment.

1:05 On a second thought. Would English be now a global language if it wasn't for the US and Hollywood?

1:47 Here is a Hungarian folk song that shows a link between Magyar and Chinese.

2:40 Please don't get me wrong. I love Brits and the English language. But their extraordinary skills as travelers and explorers and their attractive language have been manipulated into doing just this. Make in the end the world more controllable by THEM.

3:27 Tik Tok - ers. Relax. It's all been done before.

6:05 I went to deposit (sometimes a typo i just a typo) 20 dollars at the ATM near US Bank here in Tualatin because i went over the limit with 8 dollars when i went at WinCo. And didn't even get all the items, forgot some. A whole show at the check stands of course.

When i backed up there was this black Nissan partially seen in one of the pictures below that distracted me coming from my right when i was backing up. Then when i looked in the mirror i saw this blue car with dealer number backing in the same time with me but i stopped and avoided collision. No LPN on the blue car, WA LPN on the black. But i think her face is (barely) visible in one of the pictures. First image is with the balcony in the next building where the German Shepard lives and from where they were throwing blue doggy bags in the last week or so. There is a bin, sacks with empty soda cans that usually stink.

6:30 Of course both cars were gone when i got back here. Yes could have been expensive.

At the (US) Bank in downtown Tualatin, dejavu. I keep telling myself, first time when the branch is open when i get there i'm gonna open the door and say a few words in English to those guys like "fix the f...g ATMs!" But i never catch them open and i also keep forgetting (too many things going on my my life of course)

They were two Asian people at both ATMs and i waited like 10 minutes and then the woman on the right left with a big confident triumphal smile on her face and there was one one guy at the left who moved to the ATM on the right and i went on the left and again was not working, it just spit my money back like in the last few weeks or months when i wanted to deposit remainders from the casinos so we can actually be able to pay all the bills.

It has been years since one of those ATM haven't worked, usually the one on the left.

Earlier when i got back from WinCo with the groceries including candy, pretzels, munchies and soda, three kids passed behind the car when i was with the trunk open. Now they started to yell as the place is filling with smoke.

7:06 The white car with both guys upstairs pulled in the same time with me in a rare late afternoon appearance and i was mad enough to stop and attempt a good look at them and man did i ever see more lipstick on an Asian brown face, while he was hiding his under his hat's visor.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 29

5:31 Angela went to work, i am awake, upstairs they were squeaking ever since and stopped when i uploaded a file with the sound.

Memele zilei din media oficială românească.

Buletinul lui Cerecheș.

What it is gas.

ATMOS, Atman.

5:35 Miniștrii din România, mereu surprinși de ce se întâmplă în ministerele pe care le conduc.

12:37 Răsturnare de situație. Nu mai e Holanda, acum e iar Osterreich. Iar unul din ei este chiar el. Nu se va supune la vot? Votul este trecut pe ordinea de zi. Singura chestie e că e împreună cu Bulgaria iar România ar trebui să opună veto-ul la ordinea de zi pe chestia asta asta și pe orice problemă până nu se aplică Tratatul de Aderare care spune imediat hă hăăă taman din 2005! Se numește negociere.

Asta o poate face (e împuternicit de Iohannis) doar o singură persoană și anume surprinsul onoratul Cătălin Predoiu. Fără să dea cu ecusonul în masă, rugăm doar votul (veto-ul, whatever)!

Apropo Băsescu, ceilalți europarlamentari, ce dr.Dre fac ei acolo pe lumea cealaltă? De ce nu mai sună Băsescu televiziunile la miezul nopții să ne explice?

3:08 Went to WinCo. Upstairs it's a dance festival. When i left a guy or two speaking Spanish dressed in an uniform climbed upstairs and started to stomp and  yell in Spanish with the open door. As i said many times before, their main tool is synchronization. I hope they didn't get in here. One reason could have been me clean installing Windows yesterday on the new computer.

At WinCo one tall guy who i think is a Hungarian politician (tall, blue eyes, moustache) with a small kid who was everywhere around the conveyers. The man kept telling the kid in English not to touch (the stuff on the conveyers) but at a certain time the kid said something in Hungarian. I know because it started with the word mind pronounced meend. I think by the way he was looking he was referring at both conveyers.

Now i hear a power tool upstairs.

I know from lifetime numerous experienced It is best to avoid any contact with Hungarians. The moment they speak they will threat you sometimes with only one word said by a kid. Sometimes it can be just bullying and sometimes it can be real. And then you'd have to comply with their demands.

3:33 Now they came to blow leaves from the alley and parking lot in front of the building where i shall pick them again. Nevermind, they finally decided to take the leaves out of here. (Picture taken through the window).

Daily progress in fixing the stairs. I think the "structural" part of the work is done and the stairs ca already be used. I remember about a week ago there in the morning there was a black truck with some red trims all around. It showed in the street right after that moment when i had to literally run for my life at the 7-11 intersection.

4:47 But who are the frustrated monkey that lost its head?

Penguins or rats?

5:12 If air quality index is 61 right now and i don't feel anything and was 117 earlier and didn't feel much, how bad was last night around the building? It felt like 500.

7:14 I think after i figured who are the occupants upstairs they left and "sublet" the apartment to other, very aggressive persons. One of them is a massive woman with big butt and legs and the other is a thin guy both looking Latinos. Apparently they don't have any idea what they are doing here. They are constantly walking, especially the big woman and never talking to each other so they can't be recognized by their voices.

At first they were walking along the long wall of the living. I found cracks between ceiling and wall in there. Now they moved their walks in other corners of the apartment. They awoke Angela. Did i mention they use the same car with Washington LPN CJS4869 and furniture has never been replaced?

Went outside and again there is smoke above 200 though the index at the nearest monitor is 60.

7:42 All i want for Christmas...

8:28 Nebunia continuă. De mai mulți ani. Mandatul (nu e scris în articol) este din 2017 și e bineînțels numai de palmares. De lăsat l-au lăsat să-și facă treaba în continuare. Repet, dacă e adevărat.

8:30 I think i just saw the new guy from upstairs. Though i think is saw a guy like him in the balcony of the apartment with the German Shepard. Anyways, something in this direction.

Friday, September 22, 2023

September 22

12:32 Ok no matter how lazy i feel after the posting marathon of the last few days, i got to write this to keep people updated with my side of the always new stories.

At @ 10 AM i left for probably the last walk of this summer. Facing one week of rain in the forecast. There is some smoke so i didn't grab the dumbbells because those makes me breath harder.

About a month ago noticed one of the tires of my truck went flat, slowly over the course of a week. Didn't feel like or actually didn't have the time to go somewhere the fix it so i just pumped it a bit with a foot pump. Actually a couple of times.

But after that, the next week it stopped deflating. What do i know. Miracles happen some times. Because this night i had a dream with a flat tire, this morning i thought to go check a couple of times but there was this woman talking on a phone for more than a half hour next to it so i just passed.

Left on the upper alley. After the usual Mexican wave, with people starting to animate as i pass their buildings, next to the street there was this brown UPS van flashing lights and beeping with no one next to it. As i passed it i saw a Police SUV passing on 65th and i started to have this bad feeling. I walked down left a bit where the button activated flashing yellow lights are because traffic was too intense to cross easily and then walked back up on the other side all the way to the stairs.

Only to see a brown skin guy looking like some of the gypsies in that picture with Tualatin Police next to Dutch Bros winged mill. Dressed completely in black, with i think a back pack and something that was looking like a thermos but 3 times bigger, like a three ft half 6 inch diameter black thermos, he was doing some stretching like moving with hands in the air. For a second i was tempted to pass him and continue on the road but i said, what the heck, and starting to climb the stairs.

I was at the middle of those when i saw two guys dressed in black climbing down towards me or that guy. For a second i thought they were cops but they were only Security Officers from Legacy hospital. I looked back down and the first guy was leaving with his giant thermos and the guys when they saw me went kinda dissapointed and turned around. On top of the stairs i saw two security vehicles from the hospital and one Police SUV. One more POLICE SUV was just coming.

I walked the usual way,  actually i crossed on their side cause i didn't want to walk on the grass as i usually do, and soon enough one blue Security truck passed me and i saw his LPN, was starting with NUX.

Wasn't that hard, but i still have to put the links. And figured one more thing, i will post it after i put the links here.

13:00 And the market started to go down as i was writing the above. And it went a bit up when i looked.

Yeah. What came to mind. Can you see what this guy has on his belt?

Have a nice weekend everybody!

3:54 Dinescu e uneori încă prea criptic pentru mine de cele mai multe ori nu știu dacă poeziile lui sunt lamentări sau mici triumfuri bine ascunse și mai ales nu cred că poezia e treabă de bărbat dar versurile astea acum le înțeleg. Normal că nu i-au alungat barbarii, i-au violat și alungat romanii adică proprii lor descendenți, după un tur de câteva mii de ani prin India, unde s-au amestecat în vest cu mongolii.

4:41 Chiar și de columnă se pare că și-au bătut joc, au pus draco lângă o cămașă de zale căreia pare că îi lipsește un cap pe care draco tocmai l-a mâncat.

Schița asta a fost făcută imediat după restaurarea din 1581 iar asta  în 1758. Cine are răbdare poate să caute zona cu draco-ul, cea cu fețele de daci. Cred că a mai fost restaurată odată fiindcă în schița asta de la 1758 lipsesc niște părți.

Apropo am văzut că mulți români iau verbul screw din engleză în sensul de înșurubat, ceva ce este imediat speculat în știrile absolut fake. Cred că vorbitorii tineri de engleză nici nu mai știu sensul original al cuvântului care e folosit în 99% din cazuri doar în sens de... Sexual congress? Sounds about right.

5:23 Must immediately stop believing laundry myths.

7:32 There is little doubt some entity is sabotaging my posts. There was a link to the picture with the hutsul horse that i verified several times and now was gone so i just put the picture. I posted an entry earlier and now is gone.. Something similar happens almost daily.

8:25 Ok tot căutându-l pe draco am dat de site-ul ăsta (încărcarea durează). Dar eu cred că cel mai bun ar fi un video făcut de o dronă. Ar fi ceva aici dar nu chiar ce căutam eu.

10:08 Eu am impresia că ăștia vă afumă cu ceva, ca pe mine în apartament. La mine ce este peste 40 particule 2.5 microni se simte și deranjează, dar în mod normal când nu sunt focuri de vegetație văd valori de 10-20 deși stau între două autostrăzi la sud de o mare zonă urbană cu peste 2 milioane mașini înmatriculate. În România văd constant valori de peste 50 și întotdeauna 80 în unul sau mai multe locuri, valori ce pot proveni numai de la fum (sau în cazuri rare praf de Sahara).

Am și link în dreapta sus la blog (real time particle pollution) și cred că nu se uită nimeni. Altfel nu-mi pot explica știrile de grădiniță evident false și tot ce face guvernul și voi nu vă prindeți niciodată precum  și amorțeala generală. Dinescu, unul din cei mai cinici și perverși scriitori din România și pentru că vorbește de daci la persoana a III-a. Deși cinismul LOR extrem, al tuturor în general, nu se poate măsura după standardele noastre.

10:25 Just went to figure where the poop smell was coming from. A huge amount of smoke was coming out of two closest holes to the building. After i plugged the second, the smoke remains at the level of the wildfire smoke. I finally figured why that woman was so busy talking on the phone next to my truck. Right in front of it there was a big one, probably from a huge dog, and i'im talking bigger than a German Shepard which i found the other day.

Woman because the women are not affected by the she dog magic. Yes i saw many times poops the shape of Nike swoosh. And yes they put it always where the wind blows from. Last graph here. It was at the left side of the building (garages) shown horizontally.

Half dried by the heat of the Sun today, still stinking, size like comming from a human though it was dog. Close to the edge of the enclosure so the guy could get real fast out of here.

When i was outside i was thinking. Why when there is thick smoke like this nobody's upstairs or walking around. Because they don't want to expose their own to the smoke, they got some ethics, what do you know. Children in the back today were only girls (out of ten i see recently there is only one buy and he is small). As soon as the smoke is gone, they landed upstairs, probably from the next apartment and from outside, through the attic.

10:50 Must be the smoke, i can't resist to post this one. F35s are so stealthy not even their owners know where they are... Ok mi-am amintit ceva. S-a întâmplat după ce am postat eu de AVX unde am lucrat în 99/00 care a fost deținut în totalitate de Kyocera.

11:05 A intrat sau numai l-a pupat?

11:07 Bob Menendez, Buzatu. Faza cu Buzatu a fost după ce am postat eu de Menendez, nu? A fost o știre să mai șteargă fazele cu aurul pe care le tot postez, acum una să șteargă faza cu Menendez. Ok nu găsesc unde am postat deși sunt sigură că am postat. Mi-a dispărut și aia?

11:16 Da dar nu cred că la sală unde pute a cauciuc de la benzile alea rulante și îți blochează respirația și nu mai intri în faza aerobică dominantă. Apropo m-am prins la o fază, particulatele ăia din aer pot să nu conțină nici un drog, dar vă diminuează respirația și primiți mai puțin oxigen la părțile superioare ale creierului responsabil cu gândirea, care nu mai este o prioritate pentru organism în asemenea cazuri și în general niciodată.

11:25 Iar sincronisme. Ceangăi, Changi. Shanghai.