5:31 Angela went to work, i am awake, upstairs they were squeaking ever since and stopped when i uploaded a file with the sound.
Memele zilei din media oficială românească.
Buletinul lui Cerecheș.
What it is gas.
ATMOS, Atman.
5:35 Miniștrii din România, mereu surprinși de ce se întâmplă în ministerele pe care le conduc.
12:37 Răsturnare de situație. Nu mai e Holanda, acum e iar Osterreich. Iar unul din ei este chiar el. Nu se va supune la vot? Votul este trecut pe ordinea de zi. Singura chestie e că e împreună cu Bulgaria iar România ar trebui să opună veto-ul la ordinea de zi pe chestia asta asta și pe orice problemă până nu se aplică Tratatul de Aderare care spune imediat hă hăăă taman din 2005! Se numește negociere.
Asta o poate face (e împuternicit de Iohannis) doar o singură persoană și anume surprinsul onoratul Cătălin Predoiu. Fără să dea cu ecusonul în masă, rugăm doar votul (veto-ul, whatever)!
Apropo Băsescu, ceilalți europarlamentari, ce dr.Dre fac ei acolo pe lumea cealaltă? De ce nu mai sună Băsescu televiziunile la miezul nopții să ne explice?
3:08 Went to WinCo. Upstairs it's a dance festival. When i left a guy or two speaking Spanish dressed in an uniform climbed upstairs and started to stomp and yell in Spanish with the open door. As i said many times before, their main tool is synchronization. I hope they didn't get in here. One reason could have been me clean installing Windows yesterday on the new computer.
At WinCo one tall guy who i think is a Hungarian politician (tall, blue eyes, moustache) with a small kid who was everywhere around the conveyers. The man kept telling the kid in English not to touch (the stuff on the conveyers) but at a certain time the kid said something in Hungarian. I know because it started with the word mind pronounced meend. I think by the way he was looking he was referring at both conveyers.
Now i hear a power tool upstairs.
I know from lifetime numerous experienced It is best to avoid any contact with Hungarians. The moment they speak they will threat you sometimes with only one word said by a kid. Sometimes it can be just bullying and sometimes it can be real. And then you'd have to comply with their demands.
3:33 Now they came to blow leaves from the alley and parking lot in front of the building where i shall pick them again. Nevermind, they finally decided to take the leaves out of here. (Picture taken through the window).
4:47 But who are the frustrated monkey that lost its head?
Penguins or rats?
5:12 If air quality index is 61 right now and i don't feel anything and was 117 earlier and didn't feel much, how bad was last night around the building? It felt like 500.
7:14 I think after i figured who are the occupants upstairs they left and "sublet" the apartment to other, very aggressive persons. One of them is a massive woman with big butt and legs and the other is a thin guy both looking Latinos. Apparently they don't have any idea what they are doing here. They are constantly walking, especially the big woman and never talking to each other so they can't be recognized by their voices.
At first they were walking along the long wall of the living. I found cracks between ceiling and wall in there. Now they moved their walks in other corners of the apartment. They awoke Angela. Did i mention they use the same car with Washington LPN CJS4869 and furniture has never been replaced?
Went outside and again there is smoke above 200 though the index at the nearest monitor is 60.
7:42 All i want for Christmas...
8:28 Nebunia continuă. De mai mulți ani. Mandatul (nu e scris în articol) este din 2017 și e bineînțels numai de palmares. De lăsat l-au lăsat să-și facă treaba în continuare. Repet, dacă e adevărat.
8:30 I think i just saw the new guy from upstairs. Though i think is saw a guy like him in the balcony of the apartment with the German Shepard. Anyways, something in this direction.