Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19

12:55 PM I am litterally so excited by the results after adding 225 rows of data from Stellarium (Moon illumination, distance, age for each event) i don't know if i can finish my project...

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16

I ran into something i forgot and never understood well from an application since 8 years ago. A diagram showing tidal variations over the  years, in Seattle.

I did not have the time to fully understand that and the rest of the page, but i already have a conclusion. Tides are highest at solstices and lowest at equinoxes, because of course of the Earth distance to the Sun, but also because of the exposure of different faces of the Earth to the Sun, due to seasons.

According to this, and the fact that tides are a measure of all combined gravitational forces exerted by Sun and Moon, there should be another correlation with earthquakes. That of points of Earth on the ecliptic.

So what do i have so far?

Distance to the Moon (or apparent diameter of Moon).

Phase of the Moon (alignment Earth-Moon-Sun).

Solstices and equinoxes. I hope i will have the time to verify this in the next few days. I am almost positive a correlation will be found.

And  then, the questions. Why am i the first to show this? Why people back in my youth have tried to embed all these information into my life, so i will remember it later? Who is suppressing all this knowledge?

I think by combining all 4 charts, tides and and weather predictions, one could pinpoint precisely enough when an earthquake should occur, since ancient times. And we know ancient Egyptians were both mathematicians and astronomers. I wouldn't be surprised if some would have that knowledge plus everything that comes with modern mathematical formulas, supercomputers, AI.

8:52 Orban, meddling in Romania's EU Parliamentary Elections. Not that it matters. Being a UE MP is like a sweet retirement for used Romanian politicians.

I remember the times of Ceaușescu when heads of states were visiting each other's countries on invitation basis.

9:11 Von der Lie-on, Disinformation.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14

1:00 Finally figured earlier today (actually yesterday evening) how magma chambers (with volcanos on top or not) form in subduction (and seismic) areas. Until yesterday i thought magma was coming from Earth's liquid core but that one is at 2500 km depth.

What happens is when a "plate" enters under another (subduction), there is lots of friction within the already hot, near melting, ductile (plastic) asthenosphere. And one more point against the rigid plates theory. If the plates were rigid, they would not bend like that. They would possibly break (fracture) but at the surface and producing much bigger earthquakes, something that would not allow human civilization on planet Earth.
10:10 Here are the tide charts for the 5 latest earthuakes >4 around Santa Monica plus the 7.1 earthquake in July 2019 in eastern California suggesting earthquakes occur at highest or lowest tides (possibly of the year) suggesting earthquakes may occur in both direction of the phase diagram of magma, both at highest and lowest possible pressure influence from above ground.

This is confirmed by the charts with Romania's earthquakes >2.5 since 1940 which usually come in pairs at few km and a few months or years distance.

10:52 România este datoare Ucrainei. Federația Rusă a profitat. Un răspuns la provocare.

Există un singur răspuns. Trădătorii cococsați în fruntea României vor să ne sperie bine sau să ne bage cât mai repede și fără rost (toate războaiele sunt fără rost) într-un război proxy, la fel ca cel din Ucraina, cum au fost atâtea în istoria dinainte și după al doilea război mondial care de multe ori au rezultat în desfacerea țărilor în două și/sau eradicarea oricăror urme de independență de ambele părți.

Există ceva pozitiv în toată tărășenia. Nu ne-au cerut să mutăm scutul de la Deveselu.

Un lucru ar trebuie să înțeleagă fiecare. Aceste sisteme nu au fost donate de Statele Unite României, ci au fost plătite cu 4 miliarde de dolari. Da virgulă acum înțeleg de ce România a cumpărat F16 de la portughezi și norvegieni. Sau de ce Ceaușescu a forțat România să plătească toate datoriile externe.

11:30 Hm. I didn't know US fought alongside Soviet Union during Tibetan uprising.

11:40 This list is very interesting. Have to study it more when i have time. Apparently, at times US was in the same time allied an enemy of the Soviets.

Q: Who is the guitar soloist and why is he hidden behind the bassist in the video?

A: He is good at playing but a turn off (sore view).

Q: Is this song gay?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12

9:50 While i was away i had this idea on how to improve my project and could not wait to do it. However, last night, after driving 500 miles in two days of which 350 only yesterday, i was too waisted. So i slept 4 more hours, woke up bloated and then i could not sleep no more.

Ok so i implemented my idea. I added a check box for each eq. I check that box, i only see that one in the chart. I checked like two years, 2007 and 2008 and put it in an html. Those were "rich years". The good news is it proves my theory. The eqs are grouped both in time and space.

The bad news is a ran into a serious limitation of google sheets. It cannot work as an app. I can share it with others but can't give general permission to edit so anyone can check the boxes, it would be a mess if two or more people would start to edit it in the same time. Fizzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Still thinking on it. Maybe i could give permission to edit, but not to save. No, editing a google sheet saves changes automatically. Still thinking. Could generate an html for each year. Ok, five years.

Of course, people with IT knowledge should have no problems downloading the sheet and making it their own.

Note that 0.1 degrees in both longitude and latitude is about 11 km.

No i don't believe two (or three) tectonic plates hundreds of km wide can only bump in two points within a few km radius area every year or two. Which area BTW is half degree (55 km) south from where "the three plates" meet in Romania.

10:21 2021-2024

10:24 2016-2020

10:35 2011-2016

11:53 2006-2010

12:00 2001-2005

12:07 1996-2000

12:12 I'm too tired to finish them all right now. But as usually, while looking for something i ran into something else. Why they were so many earthquakes in Romania starting with 2004 and ending with 2008?

In 5 years (2004-2008) 290 out of 700 total >2.5 for 84 years, though most small, under 4, those above 4 being similar to other years. 2004 is the year when Romania entered NATO and 2007 the EU. Something i've dreamed for but never expected is going to be this way.

17 years after signing the treaty and becoming EU member, Austria still doesn't want to honor her own signature and ratification and Romania is deprived of its legal right and most important part of the EU treaty, that of free traveling within EU.

Bulgaria and Romania are the only 2 EU countries that still need a visa for US.