10:16 Prescrierea în SUA funcționează astfel. Pentru viol, este în general 7 ani de la comiterea faptei, timp în care se poate face plângerea. După care procurorii au un timp limitat pentru anchetă totuși. În România, s-ar părea că singurul rol al prescrierii e să poată întrerupe o anchetă începută.
11:20 Just crossed my mind (the issues will stay a few days in my brain before they evaporate). If eqs (i hate the long word i typed so many times in the last few days) were caused by continent size tectonic plates bumping into each other, plates that are rigid and made each of one piece, the earthquake would propagate all along the plate, to the other end of the plate that sometimes is continent wide, with echoes back!
However because the crust is made of semi-loos materials, the s and p waves are dampened.
Everybody had assumed geologists (and all the scientists) are telling the truth (if they knew it).
But out of all mechanical engineers in this world how come nobody questioned this so far?
Moon has formed after a blob spit by Earth after a planetary merge (the last stage of Earth and Moon formation, should have seen that) entered a stable orbit, so they both had the same temperature at that time. However Moon being much smaller (surface to volume ratio much higher) it lost much more heat and became partly if not all solid. And the mantle, if Moon had one, now solidified, it is indeed made of one single piece. Ok with cracks maybe, because of the tension after solidifying. Or maybe not, the tension dissipated in time with solid plastic flow.
Now you're probably curious as how the two merging planets formed and why they were liquid. They formed by gathering of numerous asteroids caught in a solar orbit after a stellar explosion nearby. Star that turned into many solid objects made of different materials. The bigger the planets grew, the bigger the gravity and speed of merging asteroids. Their energy impact put together melted the forming planets.
These days i tried to use Edge since my Chrome on this computer has a bug that doubles links and i have to delete them manually after and did not have time to take care. However i was surprised cause at the end of search result there was an invitation to use their AI "copilot". Ask me anything! He said, very friendly.
Since i don't know yet how to share a copilot answer, here is the screenshot. However now that i think it sounds more like a ball.