Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15


Între timp poza a dispărut de pe site.


12:21 Yeah it was her. The woman at Wal f... Mart who didn't wanna give me my shirts in the store, she wants to teach me to park in designated spaces for pickup and then call and wait. If i go in the store anyways, she still wants to make a trip or send someone to waste 5 minutes to do that. But don't know who she really is and i'm kinda sick an tired of doing searches.

Ok i got something here but the second picture is very imbalanced as colors, shifted on yellow and the eyes came kinda green. Could be.

2:52 Ok the girl for breakfast yesterday (with glasses) wasn't her. Sorry.

5:05 That explains it...

She showed up just before i started to do this post and the guy with her indeed looked... like him? No, he was taller but the same type of beard and hair color. Ok if he is a bit taller than Putin, could be 5'8" and Billie Eilish is 5'3" and it matches.

5:40 Got a candidate already. Going to the "garden" with Angela.

9:09 Both sides?

Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14

1:15 AM I saw many times in the summer skies of Portland jet trails that were centered on the Sun's path that were slowly growing, turning into long, narrow, thin clouds and i think it cooled the place a few degrees under predictions. I even took pictures, some ten+ years ago, but don't know were they are and don't have time to search.

Don't know if it was intentional, but at the time i speculated it was. Jet trails, like clouds, reflect the heat back into space. All you have to do is find the right altitude where dew point is near and seed some clouds by tipping the balance with the vapor from jet planes contracted just to fly around on a certain path and altitude.

Another method. Catch a cloud with an electrostatic antenna. In places at high altitudes where clouds are low, you could attract one with a suitable antenna charged with an opposite charge.

In both cases there will be considerable savings with the AC and not loading the grid.

10:10 Ciu Cio Suns.

The insane had tried to re-enact what i just said about clouds seeding.
But they went too high and made some ice clouds and built a wheel in the sky. No, it is not Ezekiel's wheel.

12:02 BTW I think there's no need to join this club anymore.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 13

6:40 I know how frustrating for newer transmissions with no gauge is not to be able to figure the fluid level. But i think i found the only way to measure the transmission fluid level in a "sealed" transmission (no gauge). It should take less than an hour.

Get one of these or similar (i have used it for years) and one of these. Build an adapter using a short piece of oil resistant rubber hose of suitable size and attach the thin one from the second to the intake port of the first. The pump also works for oil changes, without needing to remove the plug, eventually the panel that covers it and replace the crush washer and to torque (resulting in what i call the plug torque anxiety).

Heat up the engine and transmission to nominal temperature (for better flow of transmission fluid, mandatory for oil changes). Remove the cap from the top of the tranny and insert the thin hose. Be careful not to add contaminants (wipe the hose with a clean rag before insterting). Most likely will not go straight down but at an angle. After it heats up at tranny temperature will become less stiff and easier to insert.

Carefully insert the black thin tube and twist it to change direction if you hit an "obstacle" until you reach the bottom. There might be electrical connectors in the way so be careful not to push hard.

Pump whatever you can, ideally about half of the capacity (the rest remains inside the torque converter) in a clean container (water jug). Look at the capacity in the manual, you should be able to pull about half. Measure. Look at the color. Should be red, not brown.

If it is red, just measure it and pour it back in using a funnel. If it is brown, pour in new fluid of the type specified in the manual, the same amount should be about half capacity from owner's manual, drive a few hundred miles and repeat the procedure until it becomes red. You need to drive because the newly added fluid contains fresh detergent additives that will dissolve the sludge from the bottom or filter and turn it brown.

A worn out fluid of the color brown will impact negatively the functioning of transmission, build up sludge in the solenoids, etc..

If you pulled less, should figure the reason you have less it should be only leaks, but those are rare in newer vehicles. Could only be a bad maintenance job done earlier.

In the case of my car (2018 Elantra 2.0 SEL) there is a compartment that do not communicate with the rest of the bottom of the tranny. I would assume if you hit that one with the thin hose, will not be able to pull all the fluid out (i mean the half that is not inside the torque converter).

11:00 Recunosc că am fost destul de vag în legătură cu posibilitatea unui cutremur săptămâna viitoare în România. Având în vedere că miercuri luna ajunge la 93% iluminație, cu distanța în ușoară scădere de la apogeu iar presiunea are un vârf de 30.8 (miercuri, 1043 mb, foarte mare) m-aș mira dacă marți nu s-ar produce un cutremur de până la 4 grade iar miercuri unul de până la 5.

Însă nu știu, nu am mai făcut niciodată corelații cu presiunea atmosferică din România, din lipsă de date din trecut. În sudul Californiei este mult mai ușor de prezis un cutremur, pe bază de maree și presiune atmosferică, mareele însumând atracția soarelui și a lunii.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12

10:50 PM I think the names Rihanna, Ariana Grande are an insult to the whole civilized world.

11:00 Au fost condiții pentru un cutremur mic. Luna este aproape de distanța maximă, cu apogeu mâine, la iluminație de 30%, presiunea atmosferică a fost de 29,94 inhg (inch coloană mercur) cu precipitații.

Condiții asemănătoare (cu iluminație simetrică față de azi de 60-70%) vor fi în zilele de luni, marți, miercuri săptămâna viitoare, cu presiune mai mare, distanța la lună 3-4 zile după apogeu și fără fără precipitații.

Cutremurul s-a întâmplat la 12 ore după culminația lunii (ora 19), care la ora aceea era exact pe partea opusă a Pământului.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11

1:30 AM Nu spera și nu ai teamă. Tot show-ul e ca să pară mai credibil.

8:50 Fixat.