He made me nervous and i accidentally opened the trunk instead of the gas door.
Morgan is the name of a mason who wanted to publicize a book about their secrets. Ever since it is synonym with erethic (or erratic whatever). Erratum. Eras. Is the term fata morgana coming from his story maybe, Morgan's fate?
No it doesn't, the syntagm fata morgana which means a type of (optical) illusion is much older than Morgan but the whole Morgan story could have been invented by the masons themselves, following that idea. As a warning to wishers. Also the name Morgan includes the root morgue.
Could it had been a warning (for what happened next after Chemult), credit taking in advance, simulating some preventing (defending) action of the gas station, a threat, a sorcery. Saving me from her, only to be sacrificed on a higher symbolism. Any of the above, depending on one's point of view.
Please note the contradictions on this Wikipedia page, apparently written by the masons themselves. He could not have known the passwords and other secrets if he wasn't one of them or pass the initiations. Pretty similar with the contradiction in their main slogan, "make good people better" (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). Also their main touted virtue, that is "to have character" implies some sort of acting something you are not.
I agree that if people were acting within society by principles instead of their own natural impulses would be better for all, there would be no need for laws etc., but it is in a way, cheating karma and there is always the (collective) subconscious which cannot be cheated.
And then there's always the possibility that people say they are doing something, and everybody believes them, and actually doing something else simply by choosing the moment or the time when their declared action can have the exact opposite effect, something nobody realizes.
I believe the only way to make this world better is by cognitive therapy. To make people understand what they are doing, to themselves, others.
It has become obvious to me that masons are very influent in Reno. There are all kinda symbolism in hotel rooms. Atlantis, where all Aryans come from. There is a Plumb street (parallel with Moana, intersecting Virginia) and the Peppermill (or Papermill) casino, a place of perdition, where we profanes (or those who speak in profanities) are being milled or given lessons, is on Virginia Street of which name is also associated with Morgan.
1:31 It is very hot in here (80 degrees), didn't want to start the AC at this hour, i have the kitchen window open, a woman talking aloud apparently with her dog passed on the alley and awoke the woman upstairs who started to walk and squeak the floor etc..
8:20 yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata sa rupam.
9:28 I really do not understand why these negotiations were secret. There is not a threatening third party interested in this issue who might have intervened. Secret from Congress, maybe? From Republicans? From We the People?
9:35 NWO by Slaughter.
2:50 PM It's quiet in California during current full moon, due to low atmospheric pressure.
A while ago i plotted these graphs, not knowing what to do with them. But it just occurred to me these quick, bubble charts done with simple spreadsheets derived from raw data downloaded from USGS reveal interesting well like vertical structures.
A while ago i plotted these graphs, not knowing what to do with them. But it just occurred to me these quick, bubble charts done with simple spreadsheets derived from raw data downloaded from USGS reveal interesting well like vertical structures.
11:00 Memes. Diamonds in the sky. Re-cognition. Columbeanu's daughter.