Monday, July 22, 2024

July 22

 Out of hundreds of millions raised for the campaigns, they don't have money to pay a couple of security guys dressed civilian to mingle with the people to see what The People have seen and took videos of. Or drones. A couple of guys in a van with ten monitors and ten drones above the event.

12:40 I think it was him. The guy from maintenance i had a conversation with at the bin last Friday morning.

12:45 And Vance's mother looks like the woman from upstairs who just took off when i started to get ready to post this entry.

12:47 They kept her in the fridge, for months if not years. Keep her out of scandals i recon. I once met a woman like her, in Romania, just before i left, she was then acting as the Italian owner of a firm i was working for (accounting software).

11:30 People sometimes forget too soon about old technologies, one more cause of global warming... We wish we see more of these... I know, they would have trouble passing under bridges and will be limited to a number of ports, however transport could get cheaper.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21

6:50 I was curious to see how much daylight we lost since June 21, or approximately day 171 or the longest day of the year. I found a desmos function that does just that (scroll to second slider, left panel). Being still on the top of the sine, we did not loose much (less than half hour) but we just got in the area where the slope is steeper.

6:55 Sunt niște chestii ce nu le înțeleg în toată povestea asta cu Lajos. Cum l-au prins în flagrant? Au venit mascații, vreo zece, păș-pâș la ușă, au spart-o dintr-o lovitură cu berbecele de spart ușa și au mers zburat în dormitor și i-au prins în flagrant?

Mama copilului când a "bănuit ceva" "de ani de zile", poliția, nu au întrebat copilul mai întâi, l-au lăsat să mai meargă odată (sau încă "două săptămâni") ca să "fileze" și să prindă ei flagrantul (ca în filmele cu "polițiști infiltrați")? (Asta printre altele înseamnă tăinuire sau complicitate la ultimele acte).

Poliția, dacă știa, trebuia să prevină, să pună capăt, nu să lase să se mai întâmple, de mai multe ori, doar de dragul probelor, care probe mie mi se par imposibil de obținut în asemenea cazuri, așa cum se scrie în presă citând mereu "surse din anchetă" ceea ce înseamnă iar un număr de infracțiuni comise de procurori și jurnaliști după cum am spus de multe ori.

De aceea mă gândesc că totul este inventat, cu un scop anume, ca să creeze iar o psihoză în masă, așa cum fac ei mereu și se pricep atât de bine. Mă rog fiindcă toată lumea ia "de bune" ce scriu bandiții.

Unul din motivele pentru care avem atâția olimpici al căror geniu se topește la primul contact de gradul III cu autoritățile infractoare și promovate de media oficială.

7:40 În timp ce am pus aluat de-o pizza la crescut înfulecând o supă de noodles (cu ceva bone broth și brânză presărată pe deasupra) mi-a sărit direct din subconștient un vers (așa cum mi se întâmplă totdeauna cu melodiile care le pun postesc aici) și l-am prins de-un capăt și am scos bobinat din memorie toată poezia, imaginându-mi ce s-a întâmplat după sfârșit.

"Nu te cred și nu se poate!".

Așa că mai lăsați-mă cu Lajos când avem un ditai Coșbuc (și un Creangă din Humulești printre alți olimpici, Eminescu fiind Zeus) în manualele școlare. Vai vai vai.

10:55 Vremea codrului trece.

10:55 Minciuna zilei. Heaven's Gate.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20

6:30 PM Make Trump look great again!

11:05 Heaven's gate. Grand, Rond, Ni Sun.

12:12 As i said before, some of the rats on this cover figure dogs, some kangaroos and some wall climbing ninja. The white cubes suggest ice and rats coming from NW and NE.

Yasmina could suggest Yama and the louts flower under the image, of course, Buddha.

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19


It may be a trap but something made me look back at the first picture shown with Trump before he was tucked down by the agents some with dark, narrow glasses (no wonder they could not see the shooter) for dramatism. Why was blood on his face if the bullet came from that direction (suggesting at first sight his face was touched as well). Why there was none on the shirt.

Also. The speed of the bullet that comes out an AR15 at nozzle is at nearly three times the speed of sound, more than two at 100 yards etc.. Just flying, also by impact with outer ear should have created a shockwave in the ear, nearby tissues including inner ear that probably would have created some hearing problems, a blown ear drum maybe.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18

12:05 AM Revista presei. În România, cultul personalităților a ocultat de mult cultul personalității (venerarea excesivă). E mai bine fiindcă sunt mai multe personalități de cultat decât persoane iar venerarea excesivă se distribuie.

11:20 Der Leyen. May the circus continue.

Iovanovici, 2013. Did i say a dog savior? De unde ne vine tot aurul

Cum se face mentenanța (2019).

Presidential momentum in the US.

What i really don't understand about American democracy is why is so important if someone candidates for the Presidential nominee if there's a vote, in the case of democrats, one month from now. There can be more than one candidate, right? Though in practice it rarely happens and the (only) candidate is known in advance because the vote is known in advance due to the system of alliances inside the party.

And now they simply can't sop him.

I do understand that once a President is in function it cannot be easily removed, by several reasons. He was elected (usually out of two candidates) by the American general public. He then becomes one of the three concurrent powers (legislative, executive, judicial).

The real elections occur inside the two parties. But do they.

The first democracy ever becomes antiquated. In all other civilized countries the President (with some exceptions) is elected by direct elections, with a short one month campaign before and anyone can participate (sustained by a party or with a number of signatures). If no one has enough votes to win, there is a runoff between the first two, within weeks and that's it.