Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 1st

12:30 AM De ziua națională a României, Iohannis o trage din volei. Cred că e vârful carierei lui, mai departe nu poate ajunge.

3:20 The sarcophagus in king's chamber was empty because Khufu, the Asian looking "pharaoh" was gone, not before he probably sent as much gold as he could gather. Could we be looking at the face of an alien here?

Everything that followed were imitations but they never worked. The fact they were built to mirror the Orion's belt. So could it had been space, not time travel?

7:00 It looks like i got it wrong or incomplete in my post about pyramids and wormholes.

We now know knot that each photon is made of a sequence of 4 virtual particles, that each figure a parabolic square of which two have a negative relativistic mass and two a positive which normally would attract together if they existed in the same time. Two of them are made of positive and two of negative masses. Negative mass has never been defined until now.

So if we look at shape of the great pyramid, we see it is actually made of 8 not 4 surfaces. Octahedron that is.
Two photons in opposite phase coming from the opposite edges of the sun will fall on the pyramid at an angle which is exactly the apparent angle of the diameter of the Sun. But if they come onto the edges of the pyramid while the sun is perpendicular on one face of the pyramid, they will first slide on the surface of the adjacent ones then will be pushed aside.

Just by looking at, one can understand the grand gallery is not just some purely esthetic part of an idle architecture with the only purpose of burying someone.

The blocks of granite that fit perfectly together everywhere within the working structures can be only cut like this either with a very heavy machine weighing dozens of tons tool or a laser. I'd go for a laser because is much smaller. Rest of the pyramid is made by irregular blocks of some sort of primitive limestone concrete.

The whole device seems to be passive (unpowered) though there is a subterranean chamber that might be some power device. So the king's chamber may be just a resonating something or the king's chamber is an emitter and queen's the receiver. There are several layers of irregular looking rocks on top of the king's chamber that could represent maps of used for calibration (to compensate for irregularities in the whole construction).

The shafts could be quantum entanglement faster than speed of light communicating devices used for synchronization with another one let's say in Orion's belt, some 250 light years away.

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