Friday, October 4, 2024

Dominicani - Domini Cani - Lord's Dogs

7:47 I titled this blog post Dominicani which is plural for Latin Dominicanus. The English translation is Dominicans, or Black Friars. It is unclear to me what the word friar means in this context but i will clarify as i go. Dominican is religious order within Catholic Church.

Question is, what are religious orders and why the Catholic Church, which at the time was very well organized and hierarchized needed religious order and what are really those? Again i will try to clarify this as well but it will take time.

First thing first. The order was founded in 1216 by pope Honorius III at the request of Dominic, later St.Dominic. Here is an impression of that pope. But why is he curled in this image like a dog? He even has some garments suggesting a dog's tail.

At first i thought it stained glass work which was popular at that time. But then i read in the bottom of the picture. Contemporary.

I think i should try to solve this mystery, before even bringing St.Dominic into equation. Dominicani is a playword in Latin. The reason i wrote it like this. It can mean Domini Cani which means dogs of God.

It is very interesting how the word friar evolved in English yet into another playword. Coming from French frère - brother. Cause it goes against common sense. Why would someone consider himself a friar rather than simply a brother? Why invent another word for brother in English, one that sound kinda weird. French fries? Fry's brothers?

Why the need for religious orders inside (or maybe outside of?) an already well organized church which remains basically the same today, with bishops, vicars, pope, etc.?

Dominican order was officially founded by Pope Honorius III as mentioned above. But Dominic started preaching about 10 years earlier. Preaching what? Is that St.Mary or a nun praying to a dog with horns and a torch in his mouth? Which reminds of a Dacian Draco, or plainly a fire blowing dragon with the Sun or maybe even a Chrysanthemum on the background?

Why Dominic? It kinda overlaps with again the Latin name for Lord, Dominus.

Let's jump a couple of centuries to the times of Spanish Inquisition which was mainly directed against Jews. One of their main tools was fire, either to test or execute "heretics". Anybody sees already a connection here?

The "Cross of St.Dominic" (why so many types of crosses) may include a swastika in it.

How many were killed? How many confessed under torture and how many confessed in exchange for their lives? BTW, 32000 out of 341000 is not 2.7%

St.Dominic is often portrayed with his head partly shaven, like Buddha. All friers are supposed to practice ascetism and give away their earthly possession, similar to Hindu ascets or Buddha who gave up is princely status to travel the world and learn about sufferance. In this image, St.Dominic even looks plainly Asian.

Rosary did not exist in Christianity until St.Dominic though it existed in Hindu and Buddhism thousands of years before.

Dominican Republic. It is unclear to me if the name has something to do with Dominicans (as the religious order) though more than 50% of the population there is Catholic. But when i looked at one of their churches i first saw the lotus as architectural motif. Lotus is a major symbol in Buddhism and could also represent fire. Same goes for many European cathedrals or Hungarian Parliament in... Buda (pest).

The Pope. The current Pope has high regards for Dominicans. I think i have made a mistake earlier. Some Dominicans were members of the regular clergy and some even became popes (so much for giving up earthly possessions). But it is unclear to me what is their influence in today's Catholic church, especially in Latin America.

The reason i started this post. Could Dominicans still hold certain rituals (ordeals, exorcisms) in which they test if someone is human or the devil, using dog's excrements, redwood, stepping on someone's head like in a torture chamber, things like that? Like they did (energicaly stepping above creating thunder like sounds) soon after i started (to write) this blog post?

Buddha's sermon of 7 Suns. There are currently in Japan 3 emperors with the title Sun God. The one who abdicated, the one in title and one is warming up. Buddha's sermon message also coincide with St.Dominic dream.

Hungary. Domonkos means Dominican in Hungarian and it is a common last name in Hungary. Interestingly enough...

Magyars and Szeklers. Currently Hungarians call themselves Magyars. Magyars arrived in Europe around 800, and after raiding it for about 100 years, they established in Pannonia, over the already mixed population there, with Huns being the last immigrants since 5th century, probably in the same time with Székelys (Szeklers in German, possibly in Latin).

Soon after, their (first) king Stephen the Great got baptized and with him a large part of the leaders. Two centuries after them joining the Catholic Church, the religious mendicant orders appeared, under umbrella of Christianity but of obvious Buddhist inspiration, by all the evidence posted above.

There are (were) two tribes in Nepal, Magars (could be a variation for Mongols which may also come from noongars, check the pronunciation in Magyar), who were among other things mercenaries, possible guards of the silk road and Shakya, the clan in which Buddha was born.

So after all Hungarians (noongars) and Magyars are related though they came in Europe some 350 years apart...

working on

October 4th

1:06 AM I did not know Sputnik means spouse or fellow traveler in Russian but i bet is not used in every day Russian in this way. It is most likely an artificial linguistic construction that nowadays is synonym with satellite. I did not know it had as root the word put which in Russian means path. Sanskrit pathika पथिक, the millennia old Indo-European connection.

With all these said i have to add it is almost an anagram of Putin. And nowadays it is used to name one of their main mews agencies and radio station.

On the other hand, in English we have the very common word spite, which means... The other word that sounds similarly in English is spit, with past tense spat.

I doubt those who choose it did not know the meaning in English. But not the regular Russians who never knew this until now... A very unhappy choice at least which means subconsciously antagonizing the Russians again and again and again... One more reason for the decades long cold war.

Another unhappy linguistic construction that i come across every day (through the license plates i see) is KGB, which in English pronounces cage be. GRU - gross, FSB - frostbite, etc..

1:50 Talking about linguistics. The origin of name Gaga. One of the reasons i don't go to see doctors anymore. And who is behind her.

2:30 More semantics? Iron dome or Iran doom?

8:18 Seen on MSN (Microsoft Network) as a paid ad. I saw many ads in my life but nothing like this. Who's paying for this? What's next? Alien sex?

10:10 Are those lotus motifs? Is that a swastika?

Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 3rd

12:25 AM I think he might have used botox injections to lower his lips, to make his face look longer and meaner. Nothing like the drunk fella on the right. The nose also appears longer for two reasons. Age and angle of the head (bend forward).

I have been searching for a longtime and all i could find is a gloomy Putin with head bend forward. THEIR photographers have indications as how to take (chose) pictures of any of THEIR characters.

Many of the "young Putin" pictures also are visibly fakes. Nobody is that ugly. But all these, falling of his face happened mostly after 2015.

6:22  Menirea lor e să dezinformeze. Din asta trăiesc. Da nu o fac întotdeauna așa cum vă imaginați dvs.. Foarte rar sunt simple minciuni. De multe ori sunt omisiuni sau mici "greșeli" care rezultă în mari confuzii cum a fost faza de ieri cu bombardarea punctului de frontieră.

Însă în cazul meu, ei folosesc foarte mult dublarea. Spun eu ceva, vin ei cu ceva asemănător și iau fața.

Deci eu am spus că Zelenski e jucat de un amărât de actor, care nu mai există în Ungaria de 26 de ani. Adică are și mormânt acolo. El nu mai poate face nimic altceva decât să se conformeze. Multe din faze se petrec în studiouri din Ungaria dar câteodată, el se deplasează pe teren unde face poze (alături de alți actori din Ungaria) sau dă interviuri.

Au venit imediat cu o rectificare. Lumea e interesată de alegeri. Au băgat un candidat (prostul de serviciu al alegerilor) să spună o prostie, care se va prelungi până lumea va uitat de Attila Pistyur.

Attila e un nume frecvent în Ungaria. Eu cred că vine de la muntele Attila din Australia (Connor în engleză), un fel de emblemă națională acolo. Attila, cel care s-a oprit la porțile Romei.

Pentru că toți mongolii se trag din populația noongar care încă există în Australia de azi. Cuvântul ungur, ungar, provine de la noongar și este înrudit lingvistic cu mongol. Iată o listă de actori unguri cu aspect aborigenal aleasă dintr-o perioadă de 10 ani. Pentru a afla numele, mutați mouse-ul pe față și citiți în stânga jos în browser. Din aceeași categorie face parte și Tamás Deutsch, aliatul lui Orban.

De aceea eu în blogul meu de asemănări am mulți Attila însă majoritatea nu sunt mongoli. Ei sunt (urmași de) imigranți capturați de Ungaria de prin Europa în ultimele sute de ani și puși la produs. Dar asta e altă poveste.

9:50 AM Spune-mi ce vrei dar întoarce-te-acasă. 78 miliarde de fantezii. Pe ce perioadă? Mai vin românii la spital cu mâncare, medicamente de acasă? (Nu puteau să facă un video mai nașpa, de câte ori ne încălzește Antonia cu iubirea ei, apar fețe de bărbați). Mai stau doi în pat? Mai iau spitalele foc?

Un spital mare costă 370 milioane de euro sau un miliard și jumătate de lei. Ministerul Sănătății a avut anul acesta buget de până la 28 miliarde lei (dreapta sus) din care doar 2 miliarde și jumătate cheltuieli personal (salarii).

Nici un prim ministru nu a făcut până acum o dare de seamă a cheltuielilor bugetare, măcar o dată, la sfârșit de an.

4:10 An hour ago. By Noonan.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

10:40 După cum spuneam, EI ai grijă să creeze o asociație negativă între tot ce postez eu și anumite evenimente care apar imediat după. Articolele care urmează sunt scrise aiurea, cu trucuri și capcane. În acest subtitlu este o paranteză care de obicei înseamnă echivalență sau precizare. Ar fi trebuit să fi fost scris Orlivka - Isaccea.

Pentru aproximativ 10 minute și chiar după ce m-am uitat pe hartă, am crezut că e vorba de aceeași localitate mai ales fiindcă nu am găsit nici o Orlivka (Există o Periprava pe malul celălalt). Locul a fost ales pentru că pe Zelenski îl mai cheamă și Oleksandrovych iar Isaccea normal pentru a crea o reacție în rândul cititorilor internaționali. Orlivka e câțiva km mai încolo.

Deci unde a fost atacul?

Privitor ca la teatru. Am precizat de mai multe ori că Putin este un fost judoka olimpic din Ungaria, asasinat în Londra, cu distrugerea feței (cu nume ucrainean,  Bujko!). Înălțimea corespunde, fața corespunde, ocupația corespunde. Putin s-a pozat de multe ori pe tatami.

Ieri am aflat că Zelenski este de asemeni un actor mai puțin cunoscut, decedat dinainte de anul 2000 în Ungaria. Acum 26 de ani sau când el avea 32 de ani!

Cel puțin în cazul celor doi, au avut grijă că nu vor exista dovezi ale existenței lor. În cazul lui Bujko, fața i-a fost distrusă. În cazul lui Attila (Tilu, Zele) pe internet există o singură fotografie, de pe mormântul actorului (un mormânt din granit, foarte scump pentru un actor necunoscut - a doua poză din galerie).

Însă el a jucat într-un (singur) episod dintr-un serial în 1996 (cu doi ani dinainte de deces) iar filmul se poate găsi. În arhiva televiziunii maghiare.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 1st

9:25 That statement repeated all over the news today is not true. Every time oil goes up the whole market goes up. In fact 5 of today's top 10 performers (scroll down here) on S&P 500 are oil companies while semiconductors are (again) on the bottom list. In fact, high oil price is what's keeping the market together today.

10:06 Kathleen Kavalec.

4:05 PM The biggest b...c Romania did see. She looks like one. Meaner than a junkyard she dog.

9:30 Visa waiver.