Showing posts sorted by date for query didgeridoo. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query didgeridoo. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April 30

12:55 Ok ăsta a fost mai mare. La 15 km, pare a fi însă tot magmatic. Nu știu dacă pânza freatică poate coborî până la acea adâncime. 44.637°N 22.390°E.

Priviți aceste două diagrame în longitudine și latitudine care arată locul și adâncimea tuturor cutremurelor de grad mai mare de 4 din România începând din 1940 sau până când merge baza de date. Dacă puneți mouse-ul pe o bulină arată și numărul într-o locație.

De ce a fost azi în Banat și ieri a fost în Vrancea. Pot fi și alți factori. Vântul de exemplu scade presiunea statică, cea care este cea afișată pe hărțile sinoptice, deși presiunea totală este mai ridicată.

Eram ieri la Indian Head și am văzut pe cer un fenomen destul de rar. Pe vânt puternic care spre seară a adus și zăpadă la peste 900 de metri, trecătoarea era la 1300, era să rămânem pe acolo. De ce nu am făcut poze. Eram prea sictirit de niște faze. (Au mai urmat 100 de alte faze în cazino, care au culminat cu apariția celor 3 din film, etc.).

Deci bătea vânt, poate 30-40 km pe oră de-a lungul văii iar pe cer pe direcție perpendiculară au apărut un fel de valuri paralele, perpendiculare pe direcația vântului, care sunt datorate unor unde sonore de frecvență foarte joasă, sub 1 Hz, datorate vântului, rezonanței, nu știu. De fapt se vede puțin și în poza postată, dar era la început.

De fapt de ce m-am enervat. Eram în mașină, făceam poze la nori și a venit un tip din spate și și-a băgat fundul în poză, pentru mine, evident intenționat.

Deci bate un vânt, se lovește de un obstacol, ca un munte, apar vibrații și rezonanțe la frecvențe foarte scăzute (ca un didgeridoo dacă vreți, dar la frecvențe mult mai joase), care poate contribui la declanșarea unui cutremur, atunci când sunt îndeplinite și celelalte condiții.

Chiar mă întrebam. Oare așa ceva am văzut pe cer în noaptea cutremurului în România, și nu niște nori obișnuiți mulți și pufoși? Poate a fost o deplasare masivă de aer peste Carpați care a creat niște valuri atmosferice uriașe care s-au tradus prin variații mari și bruște de presiune la suprafață, ceva care nu a fost înregistrat pe harta synoptică pe care am găsit-o pe întreaga zi (de fapt la amiază cred).

Poate că de fapt zona seismică este doar o zonă deosebită doar din punct de vedere meteorologic?

Un tren încărcat trece la un macaz cu o anumită viteză și șocurile de la fiecare vagon creează un nou vârf de undă care la rezonanță se suprapune peste primul până când ajunge critic.

De ce sunt neglijate toate acestea de atâta timp? De ce sunt neglijate toate de atâta timp? De ce dispare grosul bugetului? De ce pleacă românii din România?

Vă mai amintiți din cărți sau articole.

Astăzi toată lumea știe despre eclipse, deși sunt convins că mai mult de 50% nu le înțeleg. Însă cutremurele sunt păstrate pentru elita acestei lumi.

Sunt convins că declinul României a început din 1977 când data și locul cutremurului au fost transmise înainte de alții.

9:35 AM Meme du jour

9:40 Da, sunt sigur că o va face.

9:50 Adolf Hitler

12:17 Deși Soarele exercită o atracție gravitațională asupra Pământului de 177 ori mai puternică decât Luna, deformația Pământului datorată acesteia este mai mică. Din cauza distanței, Soarele atrage în mod uniform tot volumul Pământului.

Forța gravitațională este invers proporțională cu pătratul distanței. Soarele se află la o distanță mult mai mare de Pământ decât Luna. 150 milioane km vs 385 mii km (medie). De ce apar cam la aceeași diametru unghiular pe cer? Pentru că Soarele este de asemenea și mult mai mare decât Luna.

Deci diferența de forță gravitațională exercitată de Soare în partea apropiată (ziua) și cea opusă (noaptea) este mai mică decât diferența de atracție a Lunii în partea apropiată și cea depărtată, fiindcă diametrul Pământului, de 12 mii km, este comparabil cu distanța până la Lună, de 385 mii km în medie.

Și totuși Soarele contribuie și el la deformarea Pământului, cu 46% din cea a Lunii, bineînțeles rareori în aceeași direcție, Pământul fiind deci mai mult ca un cartof decât ca un ou. În acest grafice se pot vedea mare lunare și cele solare (mai mici) (uneori suprapuse), în două locații diferite, la două date diferite.

Imaginea din acest articol este sugestivă, dar nu este completă. Deformația se produce și la mijloc, în sensul că diametrul Pământului se micșorează acolo, pentru păstrarea constantă a volumului.

Pentru prima dată aflu că deformația din partea opusă a Pământului se datorează inerției sau mai bine zis forței centrifuge. Pentru că și Pământul este atras de Lună, și ele de fapt se rotesc în jurul unui centru de gravitație comun.

Această deformație realizată de forțele ce alungesc și în îngustează Pământul se traduce printr-o scădere de presiune în scoarță și manta în zonele elongate și o creștere în zonele îngustate.

O parte din aceste forțe mareice, care ridică și coboară Pământul în fiecare zi (îl frământă) odată cu rotația lui sub atracția Lunii se transformă prin frecare în căldură, iar o altă parte sunt elastice. Din acest motiv viteza de rotație a Pământului ar trebui să se micșoreze iar cea a Lunii să se mărească ceea ce se traduce printr-o îndepărtare.

Această căldură poate să topească magma în anumite locuri unde ea se află la echilibru sau aproape de punctul de topire, care în anume condiții poate să înghețe la loc (sau să treacă mereu dintr-o fază în alta).

Iată o imagine din perspectivă realizată cu acest soft științific extraordinar la îndemâna oricui care se numește Stellarium. Se pot vedea până și continentele și poziția lor în momentul ultimului cutremur din Banat, deci unde se afla România în acel moment.

A doua imagine realizată după un "zoom out" cuprinde și Luna, pentru a se vedea unghiul. În acel moment România putea să fie pe acel diametru minim care este reprezentat greșit în poza din link-ul de mai sus. (trebuia să fie mai mic decât diametrul inițial al Pământului nedeformat).

Nimeni nu s-a gândit la acestea până acum fiindcă ele nu își au locul, nu putem vorbi de presiune în interiorul unor  plăci tectonice rigide în cadrul modelului (teoriei) plăcilor tectonice, antică și acceptată.

A și o chestie. Dacă ar fi plăci tectonice rigide, ele și-a schimba de două ori pe zi unghiurile dintre ele din cauza acestor deformații, ca și coaja unui ou fiert crăpat în mai multe locuri când este rostogolit pe o suprafață.

Friday, December 29, 2023

December 29

7:35 Fire on Mt.Meru.

One of the messages could be. Johnny seem to be using more straight, discrete notes than the devil. In today's western music, inherited from Ancient Greek music notes are employed which are discrete (each has its own frequency or pitch) with some exceptions like bending notes when playing guitar or sliding when playing violin when there is a continuous or analogous pitch change.

In Asian style music there seem to be more notes bending then in western.

AS for the Greek Mixolydian system used today. Thee are twelve semitones in an octave and there is frequency doubling for each octave. Thus the formula to calculate a note's frequency. The A4 (at 4 octave distance or four frequency doubling from A1) note's frequency which is the base for the whole system has changed slightly over the millennia but it all depends on the definition of a second. The Ancient Australian instrument didgeridoo seems to be tuned in A1.

Other messages. His weight... Matter made of strings? Pyramid's Gold top? Could anybody win a bet with the devil (old Sun)? As for the House of the Rising Sun...

4:44 When i first saw this, my heart skipped another beat. I thought it was Tom Cruise. However it is yet another "famous actor" i haven't heard of. I looked and in some pictures he even reminds of Frakes. But i think the real reason for being replaced was he would have made a too strong, (slightly) humorous Riker, too distracting and possibly overshadowing dramatic Stewart.

5:00  Today i ran into a familiar face (eyes eyes eyes) i once saw in a car with makeup melting like after crying and also in a haunting video i don't wanna link here. Charlie Daniels nephew. Within a minute a number of people ran from upstairs including one Indian tall woman and got into the white older Hyundai with LPN CUF that hasn't been moved since the day i said i thought the short man with goatee driving that car is a woman. But look at her friend!

I also believe i saw Daniels for at least for years walking in the park, after he lost all that weight (probably lipo). But last time, after i said about the short man, he looked very upset.

The thugs had them all.

8:12 A couple of persons are back upstairs. That's how long it took the thugs to get the reactions, analyze and reboot.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

September 3rd

10:12 Atenție, număr de circ care vă poate afecta emoțional... Începând de la secunda 40. Două persoane lipite una de alta "umăr la umăr" țin cu mâinile care nu se văd și agită ceva, o momâie, după care un tip vine precis pe direcția mașinii din stânga și lovește iar momâia nu se mai vede din cauză că imaginea a fost încețoșată (blurred)...

Pentru a vedea mai bine. După ce pornește video-ul mișcați mouse-ul sau degetul pe video, faceți clic pe cele două săgeți dreapta jos (full screen) și apoi pe bara timpului la secunda 35 și uitați-vă cu atenție la cele două persoane lipite una de alta...

10:40 Had 12 hours of quiet time... The man upstairs is back in business, after i posted the above. Low freq sounds the intensity of thunders... Longly dragging the dreaded chair in kitchen...

In the video, (the voices are) imitating a didgeridoo...

11:00 No religion too...

3:00 I tried to call Providence Bridgeport Urgent Car to ask them if they can do an X-ray to rule out a hip fracture and they said they have the capability but it is at the doctor's discretion (if the doctor wants to).

7:17 Angela got bursitis and tendinitis in the left hip. Got an injection with steroids and pain killers at the pain site, should get better in two hours with the pain and two days with everything.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

August 30

5:50 It was more than a month ago. The day before i wrote this. The guy looking obvious Japanese was standing next to a cash machine. Actually leaning on it. I asked him to move along so i can cash my ticket. I was pretty drunk and also irritated because i ate something spicy earlier. He looked like he was under some influence either or was simulating.

We started to yell at each other. He did a karate move, while smiling at me (watch the date on the video). I left. One hour after i saw a commotion with several security guards in the area where Angela was playing but do not know the reason.

Later in the parking lot. We were about to leave. Two security guards followed me at the car. One of them asked me for ID. I told him that in US only Police can ID me. He said that "technically here you are in a foreign country". That is according to treaties with Indian tribes and stuff. Then he said that if he called the Police i would be arrested. He didn't say why.

Then i got in the car with Angela and left. One minute later, at Safeway, Angela wanted to drive. She drove all the way home.

I can't remember how many times i was there since that day until last Saturday. At least once, cause i remember the episode when there was this 5 miles long line of cars coming from Lincoln City ending right in front of Spirit Mountain when i took a right coming from Grand Ronde Rd. (went to the convenience store there).

One car left the line and took a left on Grand Rd (i was coming from North on the map) when i was about to make a right, masking the incoming traffic from my left (or East on map on the only available lane) which was a speeding big black pickup with a Japanese driver.

Almost didn't see that one and would have probably been crushed to pieces by it if i took that right. The accident would have blocked the only lane available for an ambulance and i would have probably died an excruciating death.

I know in that day i drove to Lincoln City and went to Chinook Winds. Can't remember now how many times i went between the incident with the guy leaning against the cash machine and last Saturday (25) but i would guess every weekend.

Last Saturday again i went in there (call it routine or ritual) played for one hour at a poker machine in a corner like i usually do when i first go there, didn't loose or win much, when one of those little security guy looking Japanese from the parking lot and a tall older guy looking Hungarian with the name Jerry on his badge came at me, asked for my ID, they wanted to follow them to the security room, which i declined, and then told me i was banned from the Casino for 6 months, for the incident on July 23rd, after going there at least 3 more times since.

But it wasn't only that. I went around looking for Angela and they came after me and told me i have to page her from the security desk next to main entrance instead of searching her which i did. Then we walked through the whole casino all the way to the elevators that lead to the new parking lot with them following from two different directions, from a distance.

One more thing. When i entered the casino Saturday, or the day i was banned (can't remember precisely if it was Friday or Saturday but it think i was Saturday August 26 and i was parked on the highest level on the new parking lot, because the main one was occupied with a car show, i usually avoid that parking which i very convenient, because of the very high signal from the tower near were the Grocery Outlet store is), i saw on the left at the first machine you see on the left when you enter from that direction a guy with an unusual big head i saw in one of Alexa's videos and he was kinda staring at me, like waiting for me to recognize him (trying to see if i can find that tik tok clip).

I took this picture on August 11, so this is one more time i can prove i was there but probably went one or two more times until last Friday August 25. Then why ban me one month after the incident and after i went there several more times?

6:50 I think it was this guy, saw him briefly at the end of one of her clips then it disappeared, should have took a screenshot instead of just staring at his picture, and the account now shows private and can't see or show his face no more.

7:30 Today an idea came to me and i did some searches to confirm it. Infections are common with cancer and until recently they have been considered opportunistic but some started to ask themselves if they are not the cause. Since i have seen so many lies about so many things and the faces of the impostors everywhere i started to ask myself if this is another case of suppressing information for some reason like human sacrifices to the goddess Kali on a planetary scale or simply destroying the sinners (godless) of this world or both.

They might be as well common or not so well known bacteria.

Cause if so cancer could be treated with a longer course of antibiotics, like TB. Could this be the reason antibiotics are not sold over the counter in most countries? So they can control us, infect those who want to get rid of and then give them fake treatments that don't work like surgery, chemo and radiation?

8:43 Didn't know! However i know that now, after WWII, somehow they got to control the whole of Romania (can ask the soviets how that happened) and nowadays 8 million people out of theoretically 20 have already left because of lack of jobs, infrastructure (freeways) and crazy acting leaders and media.

11:11 Urmărind clipul de pe tik tok (ca și cum profesioniștii de la b1 nu ar avea un server să pună acolo un video) ne dăm seama că acele șuruburi nu sunt esențiale în susținerea podului ci doar a șinei de protecție (și poate nici acolo, din cauza tipului de îmbinare perfect) iar ascultând comentariile ne dăm seama că podul e încă în construcție. Chestia cu șuruburile a fost selectată special în legătură cu ce am văzut acum două zile pe google maps.

Dar s-ar putea să aibă legătură și cu faza asta, constructorul fiind japonez. Apropo, cifra 9 este asociată și cu zeița.

E posibil ca și constructorul să vrea să ilustreze imposibilitatea de a pune piulițe la un asemenea tip de îmbinare (pe care nu am inventat-o eu), ceea ce este fals. Piulițele se pot suda puțin pe partea din interior din fabrică la capetele profilului pătrat, sau lipi cu adeziv, doar pentru a păstra poziția și preveni învârtirea în timpul înșurubuării după care pot prelua toată forța de strângere.

7:45 I am trying right now to find a guy i saw for a few seconds more than a month ago. Closest i could find so far but i'm not done. Shinobu written 史靖. The ironic part is... you guessed it. Shinobi written 忍び is the old word in Japanese for ninja written 忍者.

9:00 Santinelă și patrulă... Nimeni (din politicieni) în România nu poate face nimic din cauza celorlați.

9:42 The Six Kalimas and a didgeridoo. Does he turn and then do they make a wheel moving like a clock symbolizing time passage? Kali Bali

Time, Calend, calendar, call...

10:52 Talking about etymologies... Is it possible that Shinto may come from Hindu...

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 1st

7:20 Reverse psychology, with a twist.

7:28 Aud_umbla.

2:35 Internal Afaris. Do you stress out when you think?

Ok i lost a few paragraphs while typing. I must have typed too fast and touched a number of keys i wasn't supposed to in fast sequence. Now i will try and re-write those.

I knew it. That's why i googled it. Thinking and stressing don't mix. Why would your thoughts follow a different path than the one thought in family or school. Why would you try to end up doing things differently when everything is ready for you in this life, if you make the right choices.

Talking like Fred Mercury. I made a few mistakes and wrong choices, always encouraged by others, but i still pay way too much for those. Or like David Gilmour. I don't need their thought control.

I believe you start developing this thinking pattern when you feel something's wrong. It's a natural response. I always felt something was wrong in my life and never knew why. By example i had no idea the math teacher in school was Liz Taylor and made every effort to understand. Only she wasn't teaching, she always had this book she was reading from. As a result, i always had trouble with math and in college i failed the exam several times and i almost got kicked out.

How much stress i put in when i found myself alone in a room in building A of A.I.Cuza University of Iași, in front of a green computer monitor compiling my first programs in Fortran 4 or 77 whatever. Not knowing how to use the libraries, i build from scratch subroutines for multiplying, adding, whatever matrices. I spent many hours alone in front of that terminal until i got it somehow. It was all based on stress.

Pretty much like everything i ever done after. It payed out cause before i left Romania i was making money with programming. Not knowing of course who i was working for. Like the accountant of my last customer was Malin Berggren from Ace of Base.

They know very well that. The enemies who raised me up and brought me all the way here. So they developed this system trying to prevent me thinking. Under the pretext that thinking under stress is not healthy but also maybe because i'm polluting the Universe with my stress thinking or who knows what else pretext, maybe linked to Scientology, they put this feedback on me.

They record and analyze every of my thoughts or maybe just stress level with some sort of wireless e-meter and every time i'm stressing out they start making some noise. And of course, they wouldn't have to use humans for that, if only for precision. They just bring in some stepping robots, maybe from Corvallis, maybe from something else.

I woke up at 5, was feeling sleepy at 8. Exactly when i went to bed he started his morning routine. I fell asleep maybe 5 times until 9:20 when i got out of bed. He left but then she started.

When i went out the first time, under a pretext, i went and looked from the yard in the upstairs apartment. For the first in months the blinds were cracked and i could see a silhouette of woman, looking like a world class actress. Now what would a woman like that do in a place like this, squeaking and stomping for hours.

The temperature outside is 92 degrees and upstairs or under the roof is probably the same but she was doing it for at least 4 hours today or until i wrote the first time (and lost those paragraphs). And then stay all day inside in that inferno with no AC with no car in the spot to move around. My guess is she only showed when i looked, otherwise she goes around the corner or in the next apartment through the attic and the robots are doing the job.

I remember when i first moved here. Upstairs there was a guy resembling Pacepa and maybe Cornel Patrichi, and one day i had an idea and tied a super-magnet to a wire and did rotate it real fast in circles almost touching the ceiling and then i heard a big commotion and i was noise free for two weeks. I guess it was an early version with some magnetic sensors and must have knocked those out.

So i just left, thinking for a walk, buying some stuff from WinCo (had a list). Second thing waiting for me in the alley (will skip the first, too complicated).
Yeah i know the alley is at an angle. The reason they call it Rolling Hills (maybe). A Penske truck flashing yellow lights with a trailer behind. It will be there for several hours, blocking one way of the alley. Penske for pansy. It's really easy to rent one of those and then abuse others with the name of the brand. Whenever wherever is handy.

So i passed it. However in the parking lot at the street. There was this tall enough guy with white hair reminding from behind of Biden. He was patrolling in the lot, i only saw him from behind. So i went on 65 then on Nyberg. But the park's parking lot was full because of the urban camp and i went further to the Community Center.

However just before i reached it i realized i forgot to look at the sign at the door (a couple of empty plastic bottles that set every time i close the door in a different position). So i came back only to see the man again patrolling, like preventing me to get in that parking lot though i never had the intention. But this time i saw him from front. It wasn't Biden.

So i just went back, entered inside, verified a couple of things, in the deafening noise of squeaks and stomps from upstairs and left again.

At the community center there was a guy in the street with a didgeridoo (blower) making a big noise and dust that made me sneeze. After i passed the man, on the wide concrete "trail" i felt quite ok under the shade of the big trees on the bank of the river until i saw the praying mantis. The praying mantis is a tall woman with thin legs and arms i see sometimes in the park. So thin i am afraid she is going to fall at every moment.

With shorts and stuff, her legs are a couple of inches thick at the thighs. As tall as me, she was talking very loud at the phone. "I love you"! "I will see you tomorrow!" she said when i passed her. It is not the first time i thought she was the wife of Henry Kissinger. Only this time i was committed to write and remembered when i got in front of the laptop.
It is .5 miles concrete trail.

Near the other end i met with a guy with a whitish middle size curly hair. He went the other way and i caught up with him when his dog pooped and he didn't pick. Right from behind came the mantis, like to spoil the moment. Later in the parking lot at Fred Meyer (Kroger) i parked next to a blue car that has this SPOILER KING sticker on a side, with LPN PDG something.

WinCo quit years ago to bring spring water. So i have to buy it from somewhere else. Today i went at Fred Meyer and bought 6 gallons of Crystal Geiger with red and blue labels. But the bottles have a different shape. They are long and narrow, figuring a newborn baby. They used to have pieces of tapes figuring handles but those are gone either so you can only grab them by the neck where the lid is. Never would have thought of that but at the Fred Meyer at the check-stand did not want to take them from the cart one by one.

So i called the captain attendant and he said he cannot do the magic thing of multiplying the scanned item by 6. So he took one of them in his arms like one would take a baby and scanned it 5 more times, doing moves like rocking the baby and stuff.

Ok so i left for WinCo. On I5, the show. A guy with again a blue car with the word JeDUN on it. Romanian word Jidan deriving from the Hungarian word Zsido is offensive in Romanian but not in Hungarian. While i was taking the picture the guy with a van saying Student driver on it moved from the lane on the left in front of me and then they all slowed suddenly. I honked and from the right came this big semi, overloaded with something that came half foot into my lane, but i already put the camera away getting ready to exit.
On 72 right before WinCo. First i saw again for the 1000 time the logo. Then i got behind this guy. Pick something brown? But look at the LPN of the guy next to him.
Yeah i know. If you take any of the scenes above separately it wouldn't mean nothing. But when they happen one after other, in sequence, starting with the lack of sleep, they all come in the same pattern.

5:45 Angela told me last night they walked for one hour in the bedroom, after midnight. Back and forth, with no apparent reason.

7:10 I am psychologically dependent on cigarettes. Back in the day i used to take the edge of stress with a cigarette. Since i can't anymore i drink instead. But the effect of drinking is not so immediate and instead lasts for hours.

7:12 About the washer. It works with the new clutch and stuff but the rpm for spinning is much higher and the thing is out of balance, maybe the springs, i just don't know what else to do, it vibrates like crazy.

Should have asked them to replace it which in the end i would do since the thing is 20 years old.

However i learned important things about those. The hose inside and outside was full of slime. As soon as i get behind it i start having chills. I removed the slime, a little bit fell on the floor and now the whole apartment stinks. That stuff is grease and dirt from laundry that escaped detergent and got stock in the plies of the hose and is so virulent it gets you sick right away. I remember at Fox Pointe in Vancouver when i went crazy the first time the apartment was next to the laundry room, at Sussex the same.

This things, no matter the brand, after about one year of using or less got slime in the evacuation hoses and in between the walls of the basket assembly and are a health hazard, even if you keep them in the garage.

7:44 So they stopped upstairs, now there is a big base coming from outside. Can't record it the frequency is too low.

11:22 I was ready to go to bed. I put some earplugs when he climbed the stairs. Now "he" stomps heavily, maybe 2 or 3 times i would with my weight.

11:32 I also noticed he climbed and started when i closed the sliding door so i opened it again and he stopped. It may be the door keeps the noise inside so it can't be heard by others. However now there's some dust in the air. A very loud base started in a car outside.

Monday, July 24, 2023

July 24

7:07 After Angela left for work before 5 i started to have trouble breathing and having palpitations as my heart was trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen as one million times before. It took me an hour to figure what happened. Another mole hole broke under the main door filling the place with a subtle, pungent smell, creating nose congestion and asthma-like symptoms. Next to it a piece of glass from a glass i once threw in the garbage.

Amazing how these things happen in response (reaction) to when i publish things important.

It could be a mechanism through which moles are attacking and trying to kill older and sick animals that sleep in vicinity in order to fertilize the soil for their worm farming.

No it can't get upstairs, not in the same concentration. After two hours since it started still can't catch my breath. Can this be qualified as torture, similar to waterboarding?

7:20 Orban's storm may come from his friend from the east. I bet you can't see this in US news.

Could this be in response to my trip yesterday invading a foreign country? A security guard at Chinook Winds told me that technically being on their reservation which happens to be within Lincoln City limits i'm in a foreign country.

Google and any site i've opened avoid to answer this question but according to treaties that seem to be in force the whole Lincoln City is built on Indian territories. Actually 1/3 of Oregon including Tualatin.

I believe there is something foreign about the Indian casinos. Big money that may come from Japan bribe or coerce the few remaining tribe members and act in their name for purpose of tax evasion but that is the least of it. They create subtle propaganda, letting or inviting people like me (got fliers in the mail all the time, free lodging, food, etc..) so they can create all kinda ambiguous situations on the over 500 cameras in there that are then leaked on the internet.

Half of the employees and casino goers last night were Japanese and the other half Hungarian, all trained actors. There was only one who looked obviously Japanese though. The machines themselves are used in this, not obeying the randomness required by the definition of gambling but creating reactions on my face to match with the improvised live scenes from a continuous show generated by AI.

7:55 Is that synth reminiscent of a didgeridoo

8:23 Last night i forgot to re-plug the microwave meter and it ran out of battery. This morning he upstairs left for about half hour and when he returned i started again to feel pain all over like after the last time at the garden so i just plug the thing but i think it was too late. In the last few days i caught on it here inside bursts i hanven't before but they are not coming from upstairs cause i raised the meter next to ceiling and the signal didn't change. There is also a constant smell of dog poop on top of anything.

Now he dragged a heavy furniture so hard i felt the vibration coming from the couch i sit on.

8:56 Google spune că afișează știrile în ordinea numărului de accesări.

8:43 Heaviest stomps of the day. Usually there is a continuous series of knocks on low intensity that becomes very strong when i post or read something.

2:48 No matter how much i wanted to go take a shower i must write here first a couple of things. One little girl with her gray hair father in the park. Pointing at some area behind me but actually right through me and saying: "I remember, he went that way!". A guy from maintenance entered the apartment upstairs in the same time with and i think it's not the only time since they moved, and that makes this apartment the most pampered one, after a month of fixing before they moved in. One more addition to my theory.

When i finally got into the bathroom i heard the shower upstairs and some tools knocking. Apparently he was fixing it.

Also remembered. There was again this long line of cars parked on the shoulder of Nyberg and i asked a guy in neon vest and he said the park is closed for some event at the camp. Actually the parking lot with the restrooms. The area under the trees beyond restrooms is occupied for the whole summer by Willowbrook camp. To me organizing a camp in a park sounds like raising a tent in the middle of the living room.

10:08 Another one they got wrong and in turn they thought us in schools for so long and made us lose our time and now at 63 i have to untangle them all. Or maybe it was all deliberate. BTW, one world. 70s wide leg pants were inspired by ninja costumes too?

Abia acum înțeleg după 44 de ani de ce în dormitor la TR la Galați au pus la interfon doar două melodii timp de 9 luni zile, de zeci de ori pe zi. Eram atât de obișnuit cu ele încât nici nu le mai băgam în seamă. Una era We Don't Need No Education (Another Brick in the Wall) cu Pink Floyd și alta era Ring My Bell cu Anita Ward. Ok, aia cu Ring My Bell am înțeles-o mai demult, e vorba de manipularea ionosferei.

Dar nu aș fi bănuit niciodată că ăștia (chiar tot ei) ne învață prostii la fizică în facultate, până când am început să văd că totul e minciună, mai ales faza cu asemănările și să mă îndoiesc de orice.

11:40 Sunday i wanted really bad to go to a beach where i can soak at least my feet in the water. Eventually in a bay with no waves, like near the rocks i went to last time but they were stinking with rotting mussels.

So i looked on the map also for a place near the final destination, Lincoln City and i found something. One mile north of the junction 18 with 101 there is a street called 3 Rocks that after a few miles leads to such a place. But after a 2 hours drive i was a bit tired. Could have set the GPS to the exact location but i was too lazy for that so i just relied on my memory after seeing the map on laptop.

Earlier when i left i found the engine's oil cap somehow loose and there was a fine layer of oil with dust on the whole engine cover which could end on the exhaust manifold and create carbon monoxide though i wiped most of it.

Driving 3 miles on the narrow road off 101 got to me. Too many drivers cutting corners and getting into my lane. So i ended up in a parking lot some half mile where i should  have been. Got out of the car, everybody seemed to looking at me aggressively. People were crossing the river in boats figuring ferries. Made a few steps, a whole family was coming towards me like ready to step me over. Inside the car i turned the GPS on but i was somehow tired from the trip and could not find the route to the beach.

Started the car, tried to take it on a gravel road, a SUBARU that was parked there started to move towards me, would not stop and had to back up, got back in the lot and then something really weird happened. A black pickup with a boat attached to it almost run me over, probably the driver in a high position not able to see in front of the car pretending he could not see me. Whatever i don't care what was in his mind.

Good thing i had the engine started, just got out of his way, forward and right. Then Angela wanted to turn back to known places which i did but at the first curve to the right some huge RV came, with his rear wheels in my lane. Again the Japanese driver would not stop and on the right shoulder there was a pedestrian and i just put the shifter in rear, looked in the camera and backed up until the pedestrian moved ahead and his wheels got more into his lane then mine and then he finally stopped.

We ended up close to where it says Logan where we walked from Roads End. Unsupervised kids everywhere that were in the dozens making noise and yelling like they were in the hundreds. Both on Zyrtec, we slept at least one hour on the beach. A blue helicopter passed and looked at what we ate. When i had a drink of brandy a band of kids passed, on purpose.

11:55 The person upstairs woke up, squeaked a bit over my head, awoke Angela and went to the bathroom which is in the opposite direction. I don't believe young people need to go to the bathroom one hour after they went to sleep. I myself last for 6 hours nowadays. Nevermind, Angela said she heard them riding each other earlier.

Now i got palpitations from the guys walking upstairs and the cigarette smoke that came from the parking lot (or from upstairs).

12:12 There must be a much simpler explanation to this. As i said we have lost ourselves in unproven hypothesis and then buried in math. If gravity  is reoriented dipoles for attraction, an added net charge to one of the bodies, and i think for practicality of the experiment, the G force will change. But it's hard to predict exactly how because the extra charge might interfere with the orientation of the tiny dipoles.

12:58 Reaction, faster than a ray of light. The terrorists.

4:24 It looks like the grapefruit juice we bought last time at Fred Meyer (Kroger) tastes bad and lately got worse.

After i watched the movie were i saw a reference to it (they cut the limbs of their enemies after they killed them during sleep and boiled them and used the resulting grease to grease the skin of their children) i was curious and asked google a question.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

On the Origin of Huns

Alt History. Altaic shaman drums vs ancient Australian cave paintings. Mongol, Magar, Noongar, ninja is the same root. Corroboree.

Why the didgeridoo?

12:00 Kali (kylie) protruding tongue. Elvis was one of them. Gorbatchev had on his forehead a map of Italy that stopped at Rome.

The reason Attila "spared" Rome was because they knew they were too few. They settled for Pannonia.

But how could so few defeat the mighty Romans?

Unconventional warfare. Psychological, possibly writing or financing the Book of Revelation, which was written in "barbarian style".

Boomerangs can be converted in carrying incapacitating smoke over enemy troops or prey (or maybe that was the original usage). Throwing bodies of people who died of highly contagious diseases in enemy's camp. Lighting fires containing hallucinogenic plants from wind's direction etc..

How come we didn't know any of these? Later after XII century, when the Buddhist Magars of Nepal, of the same origin (nowadays Magyars) have already joined the party, they infiltrated and started to control the Catholic Church and removed any relevant information from the archives, including anything concerning Dacia, etc..

Two pieces of information remained in people's common knowledge. Attila called himself the "The Scourge of God". A man throwing a boomerang may indeed look like he's handling a whip.

The verb inganare in late or vulgar Latin which means deceiving. With the Romanian version which means "mocking by imitating or doubling". Something they do to me on daily basis. Everything i write gets doubled with selected or fake news. The whole war in Ukraine may be an allegory.

But let us not forget that Elvis in a different version of the song clearly points at Orion.

In this early painting Attila is shown with a curved sword, like Kali, that resembles a boomerang and a crown that resembles a...

In this one he has a penguin on his shield. Penguins live only in Southern hemisphere including Australia. The shield is at an angle, the bird stands or walks and its image got corrupted after a few centuries when no Hungarian saw a penguin, when this painting was done.

They know where they come from. The ruling class of Europe used to dress themselves as penguins and with sticks and high hats figuring hairdos like during corroborees.
You may say i'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as unum.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 22

1:57 La steaua. O știre căreia i-a trebuit o săptămână să ajungă până la noi dar numai după ce am scris despre... I-au șoptit numai lui la ureche? În articolul Realitatea nu se precizează care Consiliu. Pe 13 au fost prezenți Miniștri de Externe și nu de Interne. Putea fi Consiliul European de pe 15 unde a participat Iohannis.

2:15 EU Mafia. Ernst Strasser. Cash for amendements. One of the reasons UK quit EU. If only one sting operation revealed so many corrupt MEPs, how many are still out there?

BTW 8-9 December JAI (JHA) meeting didn't make any amendments regarding Schengen (change any EU law). It was a fake vote of the Council in a non legislative procedure with only consequence it influenced the public (made believe). All 3 "candidates" are/were part of Schengen for 15 years though they didn't know. Nobody knew except a few. The writers.


1:53 Zoltan is a Hungarian name. F117 was a dead end especially after the fall of one unit into the hands of Russians and new programs like F35, F22 needed developed. In fact stealth (read low visibility) was its only capability. Due to the non-aerodinamic shape did not have speeed, efficiency (range) and manoeuvrability. And one major vulnerability. At certain angles was more visibile tham a round shaped aircraft so a following rocket could simply approach at one of those angles.
However, F22 proved too expensive at a final cost of 377 million per unit, (me personally don't think so), probably had other problems and was discontinued in 2012 with 187 + 8 units built for a total of 73 billions in favor of F35 and the world is now working at the 6th and 7th (hypersonic) generation fighters.

2:54 There's a tan You Con SUV that pisses me off for a long time now with very loud exhaust and a missfire driven by a woman who's only a few years younger than her "son".

7:00 I fell asleep and awoke one hour later only to see i forgot to block the door and Angela is sleeping also. Minutes after, the guy upstairs came home.

The reason this happened is when i wanted to go and check something at the car a ninja from the other building came out, ahead of me. I mean, when i opened the door he was already outside, in the alley, walking towards my car, and i was bound to bump into him and came back thinking to go later which never happened. Possibly the same person from upstairs, with a moustache.

The advantages of one single ninja playing multiple roles (i've identified so for 4 or 5 is clear). You don't need many people to simulate the appearance of a whole neighborhood. The others will be never to be found etc.. You can never find him in the identity or place you expect. He can design situations in which he participate in multiple roles with perfect coordination, the result being as described above, in the end i woke up with the open door, with him/her possibly being in the apartment, etc.. He has me complain of things that cannot be verified (the persons do not exist).

I got one piece of hard evidence. In the infrared pictures i took in April all three apartments upstairs where i suspect this is happening were not heated.

It is also possible he didn't do anything except have me fretting and change my mood for the rest of the day or until something else happens.

One thing i discovered when i woke up was i have pain all over my body like i've been exposed again to a cell phone or laptop but the laptop is 2 meters away and the monitor is not beeping. Feel like i want to go to the liquor store because of the pain and frustration.

7:40 There is a video with martial artist and writer Stephen K Hayes against an LA security team. I never knew if these secret revealing videos are not themselves misleading mind traps. The quality of the video though is too annoying and not appealing to me enough to put the link and it's also subtitled in Russian.

However during my searches for any other suitable video to show ninja techniques other than fighting which happens very rarely if ever to a real ninja i ran into something else. Thought projection. Most people would say i'm crazy to look into things like this but it's something i experienced. They can have you dream certain dreams or crave certain things etc.. They can anticipate what you will do next.

The picture on the cover suggests the use of kuji kiri, or hand seals or cuts, that belong not only to ninjutsu. Something a ninja turned Christian said is related to dark forces and anybody should stay away from it. In reality i think it's all about training to consciously use the vibrational communications, an ancient form of communication existing in all vertebrates.

I know it's real. It's not telepathy per se, as seen in sci-fi movies (Marina Sirtis or Deanna Troi having conversations in her mind with her mother). It's more like transmitting/receiving emotions and impulses. Many times when i'm awake and Angela is sleeping and i get mad with frustration because of things i find on the net or in my memories, Angela makes noises, moves around in her sleep and is having short nightmares.

Just a tool out of many in the ninja arsenal.

9:28 2022 was the year of the three swans.

I opened the door. It was peacefully snowing then a didgeridoo started to moo like a bison. BTW here's a crop from a picture with bisons i took in one of my trips through the western US:

Friday, July 22, 2022

July 22

6:47 The unbelievable truth behind the spire.

7:24 Ok but why does it remind me of a didgeridoo?

7:36 Now they have to double the double.

Yes of course didgeridoo is a lot more ancient than flute.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

June 16

12:55 They say that narrowing your focus while running or walking will help you run faster, which i believe it is true, but not by reasons of psychology. It's simply because you use less brain power that can range from 25 watts when brain is idling to several times more at peak which is comparable to all your muscle use in that moment. That would count in the balance of using body resources like oxygen and nutrients from bloodstream, liver and gut.

As i'm getting older and as i have been so stressed out and under influence of pollutants and alcohol lately i can feel my brain power is sleeping away. Narrowing arteries, reduced pulmonary capacity, name it. As i walk i have options. Walk very slow minding nothing. This help your brain rest and oxygenate. Walk fast and not think much. As you walk fast, your brain is slowing down, for the same reasons again loading slowly with oxygen.

But when they start with the weird LPN number and scenes all around me i get mad and that's when my brain accelerates. The rush. In a way, is an exercise, pushing myself to physiological limits and that helps for new ideas to set in as soon as the wave of adrenaline slows down, etc..

It's a matter of choice. You can choose to not think much and live happily ever after. If you can afford it. People with a very solid education and discipline need to think less to survive. But what to do when new and exciting technologies like internet and everything that comes with it are starting to challenge what you've learned during your very educated youth? Or when you discover your life has been the exact opposite of what you thought it was? Or what if you lived half of your life in a country where everything has been upside down?

3:23 Ministrul Apărării halucinează. Avioanele F35 sunt invizibile pe radar. Au alte tipuri de armament, radare, comandă a focului. Un singur F35 face cât 20 de F16 chiar dacă nu e integrat cu nimic. O dovedește prezența celor două F35 americane în România. Bani au fost și sunt la buget, cu o mică parte din bugetul pe un singur an al MAPN s-ar putea cumpăra tot necesarul de F35. Banii însă dispar pe tăcute iar la anul se alocă din nou ca într-un deja-vu film sci-fi prost. Anul acesta de exemplu ministerul a avut peste 7 miliarde de euro, din care doar unul și ceva cheltuieli cu salariile (de personal). Un F35 în funcție de opțiuni e maximum 120 milioane, iar noi luăm F16 expirate de la norvegieni, din alea conduse de o bătrână la piață o dată pe săptămână, "nu bate nu troncăne motorul trage foarte bine nu scoate fum", 32 de bucăți cu 450 milioane total, când o mai fi și aia, pentru asta se așteaptă o lege, nu se putea da o ordonanță de urgență ca de obicei.

Guvernul va adopta legea?

Și dacă tot m-am uitat la bugetul MAPN. Ce bunuri și servicii cumpără ei într-un an de 3 miliarde lei? Dar ce știu mai bine miniștrii noștri decât să spună că nu se poate și să se plângă că nu au bani? 4 miliarde asistență socială? Militarii au alt fel de pensii, separate, plătite din bugetul de stat și nu cel de asigurări sociale?

5:05 Tenori, mușchetari, cum vreți. Cu Iohannis, coada lungă de la trident, 4.

9:59 Thomas McNight

10:50 Went to bed at 5 when Angela went to work. The man upstairs has yelled all night. Woke at 10 after five hours. Stomach was hurting from the cheap wine i drank last night. One or two glasses. I think it's better this way. I'm gonna drink less. All i did in one hour was this. The man upstairs woke too. While i was finishing, a girl about the age of the girls supposedly killed by Dincă passed one ft away from my patio with open door, with a dog and a leash entangled around her body and a martyr expression on her face. Thinking the whole case was made up. Need to go to Walmart to return the high mileage oil i bought by mistake last night and buy another type, need to change oil before i go in the 1000 mile trip next week but first i got to get some breakfast. Bone broth, last health craze, with noodles, maybe some eggs. Gotta keep the recording app on, otherwise the man in the balcony, the man upstairs start acting. Thinking at the show they will put at returns at Walmart last time. Thinking if i will find a place for my truck when i get back.

2:10 Teenager day. Today everywhere i went, thin or thick bodied teenagers, at Walmart, when i got back here by example at one time they were like ten of them in two-three groups where i parked. No major events when i walked the 3 miles, or can't remember (my brain was asleep, need more sleep). But some ideas again did come to me. First one.

Dincă, Dîncu, Dinescu.

4:03 Titi Pasnicu?

7:22 Mahabone

Could never figured in any other way were the incredible exotic attractiveness of Boney M music comes from. For the most of this timeless happy song, the "picking" synth that does the job of a rhythm guitar played in the air by the bass singer Bobby Farrell done in black face by a Hungarian opera bass singer is tuned to sound like a didgeridoo. Yes, from were women glow and man thunder plunder.

Everybody knows. "Bobby Farrell" "died" in a hotel in Sankt Petersburg probably after performing this act one last time.

7:49 By chance just saw one more time the face of this guy who looks like the owner of a shop in Beaverton called All Automotive. I used to hang in there for maybe up to a year because again i was choking at home. During winter time he was heating the shop with an (car used) oil burner that looked like a barrel and was somewhere under the roof. There was this Taco Bell right behind the shop where i was buying food during lunch time. However in the summer they tried to set me on fire.

A bit earlier. A number of teens came in the backyard. Two of them, one with a backpack went this side of the building and made some noises like climbing the 7 rungs and touching the rail of the stairs.

8:07 Thou shalt love thyself.

8:18 Ice cream van was here, the teens now are back in the yard where i can see them while working on laptop on the edge of the couch.

10:17 Da viața ar fi ușoară dacă ăștia s-ar lăsa dar continuă să scrie istoria, nestingeriți.

Brain power reaction. Counting down neurons. Am fost la plimbare și m-am focusat cu privirea înainte și nu am văzut nici un neuron pierdut pe stradă. Professor my a...s.

tryadha vyavasthita

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 9

1:23 I thought i once solved the problem that plagued Constantinopole at the time of invasion by Turks simply by mentioning of the word Sodoma.

1:50 What other problems did i solve lately. My grade school (V-VIII) chemistry teacher. At the end of VIII grade i took pictures of all my colleagues and teachers and made a panel and then i photographed that panel with a borrowed expensive camera and gave everyone an A3 size picture with the panel, made at least 30 copies. But i don't have that anymore, not one copy or the film. That panel could prove the following. My math, sketching and class master (diriginte) was Liz Taylor. Schools' principal was Austrian actor Karlheinz Böhm etc., of course all a parody of Palatine class made especially for King Michael.

But most traumatic of all are the memories of physics/chemistry teacher who was Italian actress Laura Antonelli. How many times i was staring at her legs in her mini-skirt when she was walking in front of class or writing on the board. In her bio, it says, before gymnastics, she had an early passion for math and that explains the coherence of her classes and lessons in the brand new lab in the brand new school, one of the best teachers i ever had, when compared to all the others, (even in HS where physics teacher was Shatner and chemistry, Fonda) or the math teacher (Liz), who was reading all the time from the book. But i never understood until now some of the mishaps. At the end of the VII grade she invited me to a "reunion" for the kids that were finishing VIII grade. In the old school building, with few windows in the large round hallway, was kinda dark, she brought a pickup. They were just a few girls from VIII grade, can't remember any boy, and me. I think i danced for the first time in my life with two of the girls (i remember some of the details, one of them had a blue dress), and she was in her prime, 32, standing there, by then shorter than me (i grew up real fast, was 6 at the end of grade school), with her always serious (or maybe sad), intimidating face, but never crossed my mind. To invite her to dance. Yeah, that boy looks like me when i was that age.

Some would say. Bodnăraș (who had a brother in Câm_pulung) was responsible for all these. Both Bodnăraș and Maurer, two old adventurers, died in 76 when i was in HS, but it didn't stop. Some would say, the "task" has been taken over by Iliescu who was then in charge at Iași, over Ceaușescu's head.

Last night i was seriously thinking about getting a lawyer and suing the State of Romania for what happened then. Could this get in the category of imprisonment (in a fake school, unsanitary home), torture (especially Liz was kinda bitchy and she hit me once), these are crimes that are not affected by the statute of limitations in any country. But when thinking about the judges in Romania that i know of...

9:48 Am văzut acum dimineață după reacția bursei că lumea nu prea mă crede. Când povestesc chestiile din școala generală. Nu au fost făcute pentru publicul general, s-ar părea. Probabil pentru scientologie. Nu trebuiau decât să sucească capul la scientologi, care la rândul lor sunt foarte influenți și pot face multe chestii pe care noi nici nu le știm. În orice caz. Am avut dreptate. 4 ani am avut-o în fața ochilor, matematică, desen și dirigenție. Am fost la ea acasă și ea a fost la noi. Soțul ei, vice primar, se pare că era chiar Richard Burton (nu, nu am nici un chef să mai pierd două ore și să-l caut și pe el dar mai mult sigur e tot ungur). Asemănarea asta explică și numele dirigintei, Șuhani (Shoo hunny). Cântăreață de operă. Liz Taylor însă a cântat foarte puțin, specialitatea ei a fost fața și ochii. Nu prea era încântată de ce făcea acolo și era moody și mofturoasă, îi sărea țandăra ușor. Nu-mi amintesc acum numele mic. La 40+ de ani era destul destul de trecută. Prin clasa a VII-A și a VIII-a am mai lipsit de la școală, fiind de câteva ori bolanv (Meningită virală, hepatită, infecție respiratorie, mână ruptă). Îmi amintesc când m-a scos la tablă să demonstrez teorema celor trei perpendiculare, pe care practic am învățat-o în fața clasei, fiindcă lipsisem.

10:43 Da m-am cam plictisit săturat și nu am găsit asemănarea cea mai bună. O să mai încerc. Însă o chestie. Când am ales să traduc cu google pagina Wikipedia cu biografia ei în ungurește, la titlu mi-a tradus Orosz ca și "of Russia". Tipa a studiat și la Leningrad (mai știu eu pe cineva din anturajul meu care a studiat canto la Moscova, deci așa trebuia să fie, ele să fi fost pe acolo) a fost, este, inteligentă (probabil are pe undeva prin bio un eveniment corespondent atașamentului de mate a personajului, Laura), a fost în politică, a primit în Ungaria numeroase premii și a fost membru al Societății Nemuritorilor? Și încă o chestie. Când am fost în Italia și am lucrat la Tormar (o mică firmă care vindea marmură și care nu mai există), a apărut ca și Clara, soția unuia din cei doi fii al patronului. În 93 ar fi avut 51+3 ani, dar arăta ca și de 40. Ce chestie, când eram în școală probabil ea se chinuia să vorbească română, acum mă chinuiam eu cu ea în italiană pe care ea o vorbea ca la mama acasă, cu accente și stiluri (deci a stat mult prin Italia) și părea încântată...

1:30 What? Nothing. Something i ran into. Is this for real or an advertisement picture with actresses?

2:03 Apropo tipul ăsta mi-a trimis un email, aproximativ cu o săptămână înainte de moartea lui Vadim, și mi-a cerut să scot de pe blog postarea aceasta.

2:45 Am întrebat mai ieri, WT... are doing all the teachers and students in universities with all those trillions in grants and the answer wasn't late. But if we apply an extrapolation of Moore's law (the only one of the kind i know of), will have double that time in 30 more years. How long till it will work indefinitely? 1000 years?

Wednesday didgeridoo terror is here so i will postpone what i wanted to write by an hour or so. C_Rackets?

2:58 Ok they're gone so i will say it. Why built utopical machines which supposedly contain temperatures 10 times like in the center of the Sun when we can use heat pumps at near ambiental temperatures, following the idea stipulated by Szilard in 1929, which lead to the great depression and WWII, showing the world wasn't ready for it or the great conspiracy (which included Einstein) worked against it like they constantly do in my case? Like with this "breaking news"? There is a constant "dialog" between what i'm writing and what they come up with, but they will never acknowledge it. They got their own alien laws we can't understand.

Szilard's ideas apply to heat pumps which coincidentally and independently worked for decades producing (transferring from one place to another whatever) 3 times more energy they use. And i'm gonna tell you why. We need to heat the planet so after we end our purpose here (send all the gold) there will be no trace of what happened. Illegal mining of gold using billions of slaves, against galactic laws?

A question to google lead to an ambiguous answer. Yes they require an initial input of energy, which again, is three times less than than the final result.

9:48 Under the influence. Literally. I was still working on the right wheel of the car, trying to solve the mystery as why all the suspension nuts i worked on now come loose. I saw a tall guy, Asian, looking like an athlete, maybe young sumo, coming towards me, then he veered and supposedly enter the building, i didn't look, was too busy with the car. Following him, the smoke.

What moles do. They divide their territory in networks that are a few meters across where they dig tunnels under the grass. Tunnels are filled with aerosolized mole enzyme that zombify the worms that go by themselves in the larder awaiting to have their heads bitten and then kept alive to be eaten (pretty much like conspirators drive the rest of the people crazy mainly with entertainement). So the "hunting" area needs to be very little ventilated at the time, so the enzyme won't be wasted. Maybe sealed.

What ninja do. They come with special shoes and push some burning pellets into the ground, prepared by ancient recipes, that worked to these day. The whole network bulges, and finally pops in one of the bulges and the smoke start coming out. If there's little or no wind, the thermal laminar flow that is driven by the heat of the heated buildings takes the smoke towards the building and inside through any opening. The surplus washes the walls and goes up in the sky.

Half hour later i finished with the wheel, thinking to go and wash battery's terminals with alcohol, reconnect battery and add some adhesive on the screws so the nuts won't come out, like they do. It was then when i figured a number of things.

Why old cars are not like the new ones. The secret is the battery. When it's time to change the battery, the car finishes its first life, and starts another one, with less performance. Why? Simply because when you unscrew the nuts on the connector for the first time in 4 or 5 years, you contaminate them with grease from the screw, that is always present in detectable amounts under a car's hood, no matter the brand. One drop of oil at oil change would contaminate all contacts and connectors that are not covered, and even those that are covered. A screw contaminated with even tiny amounts of oil or grease won't hold, no matter what. Will get loose with vibration.

Many people on forums with digital voltmeters in lighter's plug, like me, theorize the hypothetical existence of a "smart charging system" on newer cars. "The alternator stops charging when the battery is full", etc.. Wrong. When the connectors are contaminated, the more voltage the battery has, the close to the alternator's output voltage and if there's not enough difference, it will indeed stop charging, but with some flickering of course. That flickering drives all the powered sensor crazy but especially the fuel pump which works at lower voltage, with difference in fuel pressure, in newer cars with no pressure regulator on the line.

So i was thinking (a way of saying, my brain was, is, in some sort of fog otherwise pretty scary now that i think) that the same thing must have happened with all the suspension nuts i messed with. By untightening the nuts, the grease from the screws got into the threads, and then you can kiss your torque goodbye. It's that simple.

Shall i tell i suspected for a longtime mechanics change parts many times because of contaminated connectors and bolts and nuts?

So i went to Wilsonville, second exit, about 6 miles, did 47 mpg (on dashboard, probably 43 for real) in open loop (computer was reset, needs to do all the test cycles) but i had trouble keeping myself on the lane, because, of course of the smoke i inhaled unwillingly earlier.

10:45 As i said, recipe 94, saltpeter and sulfur and probably other stuff that takes care of your mind, body and soul. Click on 29 for more info.