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Showing posts sorted by date for query head. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9

1:30 AM

I hate to refer to an image that i know is not correct, but look for yourself and see the multitude of theories as what a magma plume is. But i do not have any drawing or illustrations making capability right now so i have to recycle whatever i can find and then refer to it as nearest...

According to the charts i plotted using raw, real data, a seismic magma plume is dendritic, or has branches, like those represented under volcanos (lower image) but short of being volcanos. Temperature inside the branches varies from hot near the plume to colder near the end, and phase from liquid to solid. There is always some point on the branch that is at equilibrium on the phase diagram.

All that a branch needs is a trigger that can be a change of pressure that may be orders of magnitude smaller then the pressure inside that branch, but enough to trigger a wave of either crystallization or melting which happens with changes in volumes, in a very short time, generating the shockwaves we know as earthquakes.

But it can happen both ways, it can turn from liquid to solid like when Earth is squeezed around a diameter perpendicular to the direction of the Moon (compression), and when pressure decreases on the lobe, this can revert (decompression) creating replicas.

There should be of course a hysteresis which keeps the branch stable for a while, but also accumulates energy.

The differences in pressure in the high/low daily cycle that are accompanied by ocean tides are greatest with Moon at perigee (closest) and smallest with Moon at apogee.

11:15 Putin's next aim, Transnistria. But unlike Eastern Ukraine, the Russian minority there is only 29%. And unlike Eastern Ukraine, Transnistria has no border with Russia. Transnistria is internationally recognized as being Moldovan, however they have declared themselves independent.

Moldova has a 82% Romanian population. Historically, at times Moldova was part of Romania. Note that at the last census, only 7% of the people there declared themselves Romanian.

Actually Romania was created in 1859 by unification of Moldova and Valahia, and by that time part of Moldova was under Russian Empire.

It is true that Russian Empire, as Christians, helped both Valahia and Moldova from being liberated from the long ottoman vassality. But this came at a price and that is today's Moldova, that fell under Russians.

There is absolutely no doubt Moldovan language is Romanian. I have been there shortly after 1990. Despite an accent, Romanians and Moldovans can talk to each other with no effort. All vocabulary and grammar are identical.

Problem is many were still speaking Russian, the language of the colonists during Russian Empire and Soviet Union and many were still shy to speak Romanian. The situation and my presence there was visibly awkward to the Russian speaking people.

Back then Russia was still seen by many Moldovan as the metropolis.

Before the fall of Soviet Empire many Romanians had antennas so they could watch Moldovan TV mostly because our TV program was only 2 hours a day, showing mostly Ceaușescu, without any other forms of entertainement (Russian and Moldovan TV was much more "liberal", compared to Romanian) and besides an accent, at the Moldovan TV they were speaking Romanian.

Putin, Zakharova is playing on Russian people's feelings who are considering Moldova, Transnistria part of Russia and gets on everybody's nerves.

But i suspect this prompt intervention has something to do with what i posted above, they (who control all countries, including Russia) want to get out of people's mind the images of dendritic ramification of magma under seismic areas by bringing the image of Transnistria into focus.

2:06 Could it be the loss of vitamin C synthesis played a key role in conscience development in humans, as closed loops in neural pathways, with increased stress as a main factor?

3:42 "Nobody has been there yet to see!". Ok what i've done is i downloaded the USGS data for Vrancea only, with all recorded earthquakes which means above 2.5 and again plotted the charts. That took me like 15 minutes. Do you see what i see, and that is strings of eqs?

4:03 I've been searching ever since, though google sheets is impressive, it won't allow customization of tooltips, so one can see the date and magnitude while hovering mouse on each blue dot. Right now it only shows the two axes of the chart. Found some workarounds, working on.

Found something here but do not understand how it works. I am too immersed into earthquakes subject, Moon is still turning in my head, vitamin C is also on my mind, got to switch to IT mode. I'm taking a break.

4:55 Also can't flip the Y axis so i can put the plume in a more "natural" position.

8:20 I first published this in 2016, together with all the ideas, and this in July 2019. Currently working on this.

Was it before the "pandemics"? Before the war in Ukraine? The President of Romania was Tuesday in Washington while i was working on it. Today Maria Zakharova threatened again neighboring Moldova, which is actually made of 82% Romanians.

Thinking of all the torture i've been enduring all these years which intensified starting last July. We all know who was involved. Hungary and Japan. Me being gassed in early 1996, turned into a vegetable. No more jobs after year 2000. One botched oral surgery in 2006. Angela taking all the heat all these years.

3 botched surgeries (forgotten wires), mutilation. Being smoked in Lake Oswego for 5 years. Radiation from the hacked laptop, phones. All the attempts to get us in an accident on freeways, several per each trip. The 2021 accident.

I had all these in my mind though i didn't know. I now remember each instance when they embedded the messages in my life before i came here. I was Dacians' messenger to the gods.

10:53 One clear example of a string of earthquakes begins with the yellow dot right under the 100 km line. 2005, 2006, 2007. It looks like at first the branch was filled with molten lava, which would go upwards (the chart is upside down), and then it started to freeze backwards. There are many like these in the whole chart. QED.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April 30

12:55 Ok ăsta a fost mai mare. La 15 km, pare a fi însă tot magmatic. Nu știu dacă pânza freatică poate coborî până la acea adâncime. 44.637°N 22.390°E.

Priviți aceste două diagrame în longitudine și latitudine care arată locul și adâncimea tuturor cutremurelor de grad mai mare de 4 din România începând din 1940 sau până când merge baza de date. Dacă puneți mouse-ul pe o bulină arată și numărul într-o locație.

De ce a fost azi în Banat și ieri a fost în Vrancea. Pot fi și alți factori. Vântul de exemplu scade presiunea statică, cea care este cea afișată pe hărțile sinoptice, deși presiunea totală este mai ridicată.

Eram ieri la Indian Head și am văzut pe cer un fenomen destul de rar. Pe vânt puternic care spre seară a adus și zăpadă la peste 900 de metri, trecătoarea era la 1300, era să rămânem pe acolo. De ce nu am făcut poze. Eram prea sictirit de niște faze. (Au mai urmat 100 de alte faze în cazino, care au culminat cu apariția celor 3 din film, etc.).

Deci bătea vânt, poate 30-40 km pe oră de-a lungul văii iar pe cer pe direcție perpendiculară au apărut un fel de valuri paralele, perpendiculare pe direcația vântului, care sunt datorate unor unde sonore de frecvență foarte joasă, sub 1 Hz, datorate vântului, rezonanței, nu știu. De fapt se vede puțin și în poza postată, dar era la început.

De fapt de ce m-am enervat. Eram în mașină, făceam poze la nori și a venit un tip din spate și și-a băgat fundul în poză, pentru mine, evident intenționat.

Deci bate un vânt, se lovește de un obstacol, ca un munte, apar vibrații și rezonanțe la frecvențe foarte scăzute (ca un didgeridoo dacă vreți, dar la frecvențe mult mai joase), care poate contribui la declanșarea unui cutremur, atunci când sunt îndeplinite și celelalte condiții.

Chiar mă întrebam. Oare așa ceva am văzut pe cer în noaptea cutremurului în România, și nu niște nori obișnuiți mulți și pufoși? Poate a fost o deplasare masivă de aer peste Carpați care a creat niște valuri atmosferice uriașe care s-au tradus prin variații mari și bruște de presiune la suprafață, ceva care nu a fost înregistrat pe harta synoptică pe care am găsit-o pe întreaga zi (de fapt la amiază cred).

Poate că de fapt zona seismică este doar o zonă deosebită doar din punct de vedere meteorologic?

Un tren încărcat trece la un macaz cu o anumită viteză și șocurile de la fiecare vagon creează un nou vârf de undă care la rezonanță se suprapune peste primul până când ajunge critic.

De ce sunt neglijate toate acestea de atâta timp? De ce sunt neglijate toate de atâta timp? De ce dispare grosul bugetului? De ce pleacă românii din România?

Vă mai amintiți din cărți sau articole.

Astăzi toată lumea știe despre eclipse, deși sunt convins că mai mult de 50% nu le înțeleg. Însă cutremurele sunt păstrate pentru elita acestei lumi.

Sunt convins că declinul României a început din 1977 când data și locul cutremurului au fost transmise înainte de alții.

9:35 AM Meme du jour

9:40 Da, sunt sigur că o va face.

9:50 Adolf Hitler

12:17 Deși Soarele exercită o atracție gravitațională asupra Pământului de 177 ori mai puternică decât Luna, deformația Pământului datorată acesteia este mai mică. Din cauza distanței, Soarele atrage în mod uniform tot volumul Pământului.

Forța gravitațională este invers proporțională cu pătratul distanței. Soarele se află la o distanță mult mai mare de Pământ decât Luna. 150 milioane km vs 385 mii km (medie). De ce apar cam la aceeași diametru unghiular pe cer? Pentru că Soarele este de asemenea și mult mai mare decât Luna.

Deci diferența de forță gravitațională exercitată de Soare în partea apropiată (ziua) și cea opusă (noaptea) este mai mică decât diferența de atracție a Lunii în partea apropiată și cea depărtată, fiindcă diametrul Pământului, de 12 mii km, este comparabil cu distanța până la Lună, de 385 mii km în medie.

Și totuși Soarele contribuie și el la deformarea Pământului, cu 46% din cea a Lunii, bineînțeles rareori în aceeași direcție, Pământul fiind deci mai mult ca un cartof decât ca un ou. În acest grafice se pot vedea mare lunare și cele solare (mai mici) (uneori suprapuse), în două locații diferite, la două date diferite.

Imaginea din acest articol este sugestivă, dar nu este completă. Deformația se produce și la mijloc, în sensul că diametrul Pământului se micșorează acolo, pentru păstrarea constantă a volumului.

Pentru prima dată aflu că deformația din partea opusă a Pământului se datorează inerției sau mai bine zis forței centrifuge. Pentru că și Pământul este atras de Lună, și ele de fapt se rotesc în jurul unui centru de gravitație comun.

Această deformație realizată de forțele ce alungesc și în îngustează Pământul se traduce printr-o scădere de presiune în scoarță și manta în zonele elongate și o creștere în zonele îngustate.

O parte din aceste forțe mareice, care ridică și coboară Pământul în fiecare zi (îl frământă) odată cu rotația lui sub atracția Lunii se transformă prin frecare în căldură, iar o altă parte sunt elastice. Din acest motiv viteza de rotație a Pământului ar trebui să se micșoreze iar cea a Lunii să se mărească ceea ce se traduce printr-o îndepărtare.

Această căldură poate să topească magma în anumite locuri unde ea se află la echilibru sau aproape de punctul de topire, care în anume condiții poate să înghețe la loc (sau să treacă mereu dintr-o fază în alta).

Iată o imagine din perspectivă realizată cu acest soft științific extraordinar la îndemâna oricui care se numește Stellarium. Se pot vedea până și continentele și poziția lor în momentul ultimului cutremur din Banat, deci unde se afla România în acel moment.

A doua imagine realizată după un "zoom out" cuprinde și Luna, pentru a se vedea unghiul. În acel moment România putea să fie pe acel diametru minim care este reprezentat greșit în poza din link-ul de mai sus. (trebuia să fie mai mic decât diametrul inițial al Pământului nedeformat).

Nimeni nu s-a gândit la acestea până acum fiindcă ele nu își au locul, nu putem vorbi de presiune în interiorul unor  plăci tectonice rigide în cadrul modelului (teoriei) plăcilor tectonice, antică și acceptată.

A și o chestie. Dacă ar fi plăci tectonice rigide, ele și-a schimba de două ori pe zi unghiurile dintre ele din cauza acestor deformații, ca și coaja unui ou fiert crăpat în mai multe locuri când este rostogolit pe o suprafață.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April 17

2:27 PM La fel ca și faza cu Donald Trump care a adormit, probabil pe bune, la proces, ca să demonstreze că nu e actor, a venit Mazăre cu o cerere de eliberare condiționată Mazăre nu e în pușcărie pentru că l-am văzut eu to toată echipa de dans într-o seară înainte de ora închiderii la Trader Joe's in Lake Özvegy.

Gândiți-vă, dacă toți aceștia, Mazăre, Udrea, Cherecheș și alte celebrități etc. ar fi în vreo pușcărie ar apărea tot timpul știri cu ei, cu gardienii, filmulețe, etc..

Sau ăștia care merg în Parlamentul Europei. Mai auziți ceva de ei, de vreo ispravă de-a lor? Țin ei România pe umeri în UE?

2:44 I was getting ready to eat and they came with the mower (Wednesday) and i think i saw Abare Pink on top of it moving her head up and down. I had no idea she was married (however as character). I hope she didn't mow any dog poop though.

I did not realize it was her until she left. Is that the prank of the day or there are others to follow?

Yes i still believe she is/was AlexaCrush. The short video i once posted has enough sexual clues to prove she specialized in that kinda things early in her career.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April 16

12:15 When i described the latest version of the catch can (there's a new one in my head already), i forgot to say one more time what i said before. The modern cars have the intake manifold under the level of the engine's head and the out ports are above the throttle body. For that reason, it is possible for oil from the PCV to pool in there.

When i got my first Elantra in 2018, a  2013 model which i still like a lot as body stile, much nicer than the 2018 anyway i used a normal vacuum cleaner to which i attached at the end of the hose a thin 5-6 mm piece of PVC flexible tubbing about two ft long (that was not so perfectly attached, allowing air to get in that hose anyways, which helped with functionality).

With the engine off, i was holding with one hand the throttle open, and with the other i was inserting the flexible tubing downwards, making sure it reaches the bottom of the intake. I pulled so much of it, to my engrossment, it coated the whole vacuum hose on the inside.

Must have been ounces of it. But i must confess: i poured earlier a full can of valve cleaner. But it was black which proves the intake was coated on the inside with oil mixed with soot from EGR that was still trickling up the ports getting to the valves after the cleaning.

And because more oil kept getting in there and could not do the stunt too many times, i invented a small vacuum for that purpose only. Again a piece of tubing connected to the other (suction) side of a pneumatic mat pump that works at 12 volts. Of course the air that gets out of it has drops of oil when you hit the puddle inside. I encased the whole pump into a one gallon water bottle.

However after i got tired of periodically vacuuming the intake, i built the first version of the can. Which actually was an inline filter that was clogging fast. Then i found about catch cans on forums.

The 2018 model had the valves cleaner, however is very sensitive to the smallest amount of oil it gets in there. I also did not pull much from the bottom of the intake.

But if your valves look like this, a catch can won't help. I thought it was understood. You need to clean those first. Get a can of Seafoam or whatever, spray it in the intake through the throttle or a vacuum port while someone presses on the gas pedal to keep the engine running.

You will see black smoke coming out of the exhaust until those are clean, and then can vacuum the intake for the remaining cleaner trapped in. Or wait until it trickles up and get burnt in the engine (maybe). And then the catch can will help with the tick.

And of course if you think this method is nuts, there's always R2D2.

Pour... Les... Roumains. Încercați totuși să faceți un efort de imaginație ca să realizați cât de fioroși sunt ăștia și cum încearcă prin subliminale care de data asta sunt foarte subțiri (criza) să distrugă munca oricui deși Dinescu se dă de partea celor cu nădușeala pe piept. Mai înlocuiți mai devreme în poezie cuvântul talanți cu talenți. Telefon cu fise. Bine oricare din ei se dă de partea cuiva, ca să-i ducă mai repede în prăpastie. 

11:04 PM Hai să lămurim o chestie. Din când în când, cam de 2 ori pe an săptămână Fürjes Dinescu se bagă în seamă cu câte o poezie, scrisă cu ceva meșteșug, care le fac atractive.

Fiindcă s-a luat iar de mine și i-am răspuns, s-a stârnit acum în media o frenezie legată de subiectele deschise de meșteșugul dlui. Una din "știri" vorbește iar despre punerea sub acuzare a foștilor lideri revoluționari (un banc răsuflat) iar pe mine mă face iar să mă gândesc cum să demonstrez că zâmbărețul Iliescu, capo di tutti capi rivoluzionari, sărac dar curat, e mort de mult iar ăștia îl țin așa în vila aceea de lux ca să îi încaseze Ionuț Vuliescu, valetul lui se pare, pensia.

Ultima poză a lui György Illés înainte de a muri în 2006 îl arată cam așa.

De când e poza asta? (ultima cunoscută, datată 2022). După calitate, e făcută cu un telefon foarte vechi. Alfred Moses era mai chel (care aici avea un mic moț în chelie) și în 2018. Alfred Moses e născut în 1929, teoretic cu un an mai în vârstă decât Iliescu.

Ar fi multe metodele de a demonstra că el trăiește, cea mai modestă ar fi un scurt video cu el în pat sau poate doar audio vorbind gângurind despre un eveniment curent. Îi știm cu toții vocea. Sau dacă nu poate, măcar să miște un deget, să ne bată cu el în microfon?

12:42 Black holes are hypothetical entities. Of them, the biggest in our galaxy is thought to be at the center and it has several million times the mass of our Sun. However, from time to time, they discover big ones, 32 times the mas of our Sun, and really close, 2000 light years away.

They call them stellar because they think they were initially stars. Not like the one at the center of the galaxy which was formed by dust. How do they know it was not a star covered by dust? Dormant, stopped feeding. Why would a hypothetical dormant black hole stop feeding? Does it have diabetes?

3:12 I came from my walk, wanted to make some corrections in the last posts. 3 supposedly Spanish little girls came and started to hit the cable box. However i think one of them is a 20 years old who poses as a 10, which is not difficult for some Japanese. There was a red Nissan with the LPN PPY parked on the red line next to mailboxes. Pulled the blinds, went to cook and eat. 

4:57 Two hours later, the girls, the papy car are still there.

8:36 Tocmai m-am prins la o chestie. Site-ul wunderground are grafice inclusiv cu presiunea atmosferică pe următoarele zece zile. Portul Constanța este destul de aproape de zona seismică Vrancea ca să fie în aceeași zonă de atracție a lunii și soarelui, iar mareele, deși sunt foarte mici din cauza dimensiunii Mării Negre comparată cu cea a oceanelor și a mareelor terestre simultane sunt o măsură a atracției acestor corpuri cerești.

Atracția nu se exercită la fel în partea apropiată de lună relativă cu partea depărtată, din cauza diferenței de distanță. Forța gravitațională este invers proporțională cu pătratul distanței. Forța de atracție medie dintre masa totală a lunii și a pământului este 10 urmat de 15 zerouri, în tone forță.

Partea mai apropiată e atrasă mai tare iar Pământul se lungește, ca un ou, cu până la câțiva metri (mareele terestre și oceanice), deci se deformează.

Dacă se combină predicția presiunii atmosferice cu cea a mareelor, putem avea șanse de cutremure în zona Vrancea în momentele cu mareele cele mai ridicate și presiunea cea mai scăzută.

Începând cu 23 aprilie, sunt 5 zile cu maree ridicate și două cu maree duble (Soare-Lună). Avem deja presiunea până pe 26, este ridicată, stați liniștiți. Poate doar unul mic pe 24. Dar a plouat mult recent.

9:47 PDT Am început să cred că și precipitațiile pot avea un rol. Dacă de exemplu avem presiune scăzută dar 2 cm de ploaie (20 kg/m²), greutatea apei pe suprafața mare a zonei seismice, (4,863 km² sunt 4,863,000,000 m²) contracarează presiunea atmosferică scăzută și mareea terestră (care este însoțită de cea marină). (Presiune scăzută împreună cu umiditate mare declanșează automat precipitații).

Deci cutremurele se pot produce la presiune atmosferică scăzută combinată cu umiditate scăzută, precipitații recente scăzute (secetă) și maree terestră (atracție soare-lună), deci și marină, înaltă.

11:15 Asta a apărut după ce am scris eu cu bătutul în microfon, chestia de mai sus, nu? 9:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ora pe coasta de vest, este 7:47 AM ora de vară în România) Gropița singură dintre sprâncene, ceva unic ce nu am mai văzut decât la el. De obicei, au două. Da, nu știu, alunițele mai migrează sau se pot acoperi la machiaj. Da, politicienii și actorii (bărbați) se machiază tot timpul. Discret.

12:21 (17).  Not included which means the thing is only the vacuuming part. Wondering if it can be used for vacuuming the intake, after using spray valve cleaner. Yeah i know. Too expensive for the ocasional user. My invention is much cheaper though, @20 bucks.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March 19

1:40 I love British cartoons but Rowson tops it.

2:00 Aveți ficatul în pioneze? Încercați cu scaieți.

11:30 PM Can't find his match, after more than one day of searching. I thought i had him but i didn't. The reason i am frantically searching for him is i saw him again at Indian Head, after more than more than a month since i could not pass the mountains there. Acting as head of the security.

There are two more days to annual inspection and i think i saw in the parking lot on March 15, with the handy woman or the person who did the inspection in the last years and at Ilani a guy reassembling Janos Ader, ex President of Hungary, dressed in a T-shirt with a red cross or white on red, saying OFF DUTY physically getting in my way, looking for trouble. In the past he was acting as "Sargent Sparkle" at Lake Oswego Police Department.

Hungary, in a feat of reverse psychology, are now against European Union, as it wasn't them who control it entirely.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

February 15

1:10 I saw something in Resident Alien movie that i started to watch before the news with Mike Turner who does look a bit like Alan Tudyc and it's all another one of those weird coincidences and the alien was in a library reading a book about Buddhism and ninja and he said something i didn't know Buddha said. However it reminded me on the "reactive mind" of Scientology and the almost perfect anagram.

Ok so it is not the same. Scientology works with reactive mind during audit. However the reactive mind influences or can even take control of the conscious mind. However i conclude that Buddhists don't think the way we do. Probably one of  the reasons we are in a such a mess these days.

1:40 I said yesterday that ninja steal. They do not steal in the literal sense, for a direct benefit of the value of one object or another. It is much worse. They steal information. And i will give you one example. In the beginning of car manufacturing in Japan they reverse engineered and copied all they could from Europe, for decades.

But they also steal you mind and thoughts literally. Even right now and for many years they deliver all kinda smokes to me. Nowadays they have a whole team of people that take turns upstairs and make noises and don't let me think when i write. I was their slave for a long time and they made a fool out of me.

8:38 Woke up in the smell of dog poop. Went and picked one from the grass but there was one in an open green bag (not knotted) hanging on the rim of the bin. Got nauseated by the smell. I saw two Asian women outside doing whatever and it was not for the first time i realized they were from Philippines. So are the people upstairs, so was the guy with two dogs i saw yesterday.

Then i remembered something. The logo of the management company of the complex is similar to the cross of the Dominican order (chapter, whatever) of the Philippines though combined with Mitsubishi logo type diamonds. I did a search to look and the first thing i saw was the 8 points star on the front of one of many depiction of the Saint Dominic, the founder of the order. The name of the management firm is CTL suggesting catholic.
Eight points star is mostly related to Babylonian goddess Ishtar or Innana bur also reminds of the Buddhist darmachacra or Scientology cross. His face is part Asian.

The other logo of the organization has a swastika but also shivalingas embedded in it. Diamonds symbolize the third eye of Shiva.

St. Dominic was a catholic priest who lived in the 12 century. While pregnant, his mother had a dream that she will give birth to a dog that will set the world on fire. He is oftenly depicted with a dog on his side holding a torch in its mouth. In Latin, the word dominican is a playword that can mean dog of god.

He id credited with the invention of the rosary within Catholic Church, a Buddhist and Hindu tradition. St.Dominic's head is partly shaven, like of Buddhist monks.

Dominican Order is an organization within the Catholic Church named after St.Dominic which is responsible among other things for the birth of inquisition. Inquisition's punishment for "heresy" was burning at the stake.

Philippines used to be a Spanish colony, hence the name and religion. A small percentage of the population still speaks Spanish.

The orders of Friars within Catholic church were established after the arrival of Buddhist Magars and Shakya in Europe, in 9th century and forming of the new Catholic Kingdom of Hungary. The name was borrowed from the older Hun settlers not to raise suspicion.

9:15 It is the first time when i realize four of the corners of the Scientology cross also reminds of shivalingas.

5:30 Is Tesla the most volatile stock ever? Today it went up 6.22% or 40 billions. 20 billion dollars is enough to end homelessness in the US.

9:11 I will go tomorrow again at Trader Joes on Bangy Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 just to see if it's the same team stocking the shelves like half hour ago. The man did Radu Mazăre (peas), a colorful right extremist (no, those are not parodies, are displays in the open) who is supposed to be in jail in Romania like many others (none of them are realy in jail). Not because he was involved in my mother's death and me being tortured in Lake Oswego.

I was looking for some type of bread (they usually keep next to the door, Angela told me but i did not listen) on the area with breads and he cut inches in front of me and started stocking. Then he and his team members kept following me in the store moving unusually fast. One of them kept yelling "watches, wallets...". The place was surrounded with the same type of smoke like some times at the apartment. I was stunned, incapable of reacting.

Useless to call the Police in Lake Oswego. When i was living there and i did this guy kept showing in  uniform under the name Sgt. Sparkle, who once nearly arrested me, after they drugged me with smoke while i was working on the truck. It was during that time President Obama put an interdiction for entering in the US of a number of Hungarian politicians.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February 14

Half to midnight, i use the new date. Want to know the real history? Listen to real people.

However. Mahabharata was written in Sanskrit (the supposed language of Aryans) which story happened long before 1500, the date mentioned by Aryan invasion theorists.

Arianism (superior race) theories confuse even the people in India however they were always good motivators for some. Most people agree the supposed Arians originated in today's Iran.

11:39 I was looking earlier at a representation of Norse Gods (another realm of Arians, Svarga loka) where Odin with a trident on his head wears Shiva like horizontally flying hair. Shiva also holds a drum in the shape of a hammer that could have been featured on the Soviet flag but also by Norse God Thor. Audumbla who has similarities with Egyptian celestial cow Nut.

Just figured something. The horizontal straight wings of Acura Ahura Mazda (present on Nazi insignia) could also represent the hair of Shiva flying horizontally. Japanese word for woman, Ona, could come from Innana who also has a leg raised and a lion under. And sumo (wrestlers who are said to be from a superior race) may come from Sumer, though the cult of Sun surely from Egypt.

Both Sumer and Egypt where slave labor based societies. Arians started the castes system in India mainly to preserve their genetic makeup (no intercastes marriages). I would assume. If Germany won WWII we would have had something similar in Europe today.

The word "steal" is mentioned 41 times in Bansenshukai, The Book of Ninja. Capisci?

Thursday, January 11, 2024

January 11

12:48 Could it be the 4 disks on the djed represent the four energy levels of orbiting electrons, the oval "head" of the Ankh the semi-closed eccentric magnetic or electric field line following the fall of an electron from highest orbit level, the Sun above representing the light (photon), etc..

2:15 I think i might have found something to work with in GeoGebra. Pharaoh's crook and flail? Earlier the image was available as google search result, it is now gone however in the meantime i downloaded the file it came from so i can do a screenshot (have to download it to see it). There are some interesting enunciations in the article too. "For the principle of conservation of energy to be hold true, it is necessary to add an extra term to the equation of motion as the radiation reaction force."

8:24 As for self induction of a single electron, it is very simple. Similar with self induction of a current made of many electrons eventually moving inside a conductor (self induction, the magnetic field created by a current generates back a current that opposes its cause).

However the problem gets more complicated and also more captivating when we consider a single accelerated electron moving in vacuum also on a curved trajectory which still fits the definition of an electric current. Then, we might have eccentric self induction and an electric momentum away from its cause which i call a virtual particle.

9:47 E=mc2 also means mass is energy. The photons which move at the speed of light only have mass in the sense they carry energy. However. Speed of light in glass is about 2/3 than in vacuum (BTW, way or infinitely outside of the scariest part of the Lorentz curve, or almost non-relativistic).

I understand the photons might be (instantly) slowed down when they enter glass. However. When light escapes glass it accelerates back to full c (c is always the same bla bla). Where do the slowed down photons get the extra energy to accelerate instantly back to c? (head scratching emoticon here).

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January 10

11:25 "Eu centrez, eu dau cu capul" (I center, i score). Here it goes :

I think i found a way to visualize the falling of an electron on a lower orbit, after i figure the equations. Probably the most overlooked phenomenon in history of science. For the accelerated phase, it should be a parabolic spiral. No need for supercomputers or anything. Except maybe if there was some AI software which you could verbally ask it to do so and spare all the work.

Why is it important? Well, a falling electron is (the smallest) electric current, right, which generates a magnetic field, right, which accompanies the emitted photon (or is the emitted photon).

Nevermind that. They just sent in a team (made of little "Mexicans") who started hammering to finish the walls of the fallen stairwell (about a month ago, remember). There will be between 1000 and 10000 hammerings today. Like in the days when the emperor was here, and did the windows. Or a few years earlier when they did the roofing for the whole complex, with an average of one nail a second for 6 months.

11:30 Was thinking earlier. If the religious thugs of Japan force their own people to work to death to partly finance their covert ninja type operations abroad, what will they do to others. Like what they are doing nowadays with Americans and they don't even know it.

4:00 Thoughts from my walk. If we were to calculate the trajectory of a falling electron we need to know first position and speed of the electron, which according to German physicist Werner von Braun Heisenberg it is not possible. I bet this is  the main reason they never adventured to do it.

So we must to get rid of this theory first, also with the help of deeper quantum mechanics, and that is the quarks i bet Heisenberg didn't know about.

Ok, Heisenberg published his uncertainty theory in 1927 and quarks were discovered in 1964 and he died in 1976 and he never corrected his theory. Why would had he, since he already won a Nobel prize in 1932 and was already the father of quantum mechanics?

For the most simple atom, hydrogen, with one single proton which is made of quarks we can see the proton has a spatial asymmetric dipole charge. More than that, to form the nucleus, the proton is paired with a neutron which has no electric charge at all, only mass which adds to the off center asymmetry.

Since both nuclei and electrons have mass, there is a tiny gravitational force between them though the electric force is prevalent.

So the normal circular trajectory of an electron around a nucleus, better said around the center of its electric charge is perturbed by the electric asymmetry of the proton and the position relative to its mass center.

There is also the issue with the mass of the electron. The electron has enough mass to move the atom around a bit, like Moon vs Earth. At those speeds, this thing will also contribute to instability of many possible orbits or "energy levels" and in the end their are only a few permitted or "quantified".

Since we now know quarks are made of strings that vibrate, i bet this model is too complicated for any mathematician and they came up with this uncertainty theory instead.

Though they have so many "idle" (they do not apply to anything) theorems in math no one single person on Earth can review them all in a single lifetime.

But nowadays we have giant supercomputers, let's feed them this model. However i bet they already did and only a few know the results.

I remember i once applied for a grant to pay to use a supercomputer to come up with a method of predicting earthquakes. Based of course on a different theory than tectonics plates theory. But applying for a grant is a complicated job in itself which i screwed and i bet they have one guy in every grants hogging team that to do just that.

BTW do they ever give Nobel prizes to guys who dismantle old theories that have been given Nobel prizes for? I believe they do, Bohr made substantial changes to the previous two models, Thompson and Rutherford who also received Nobel Prizes.

However big money don't need Nobel prizes (which come with one million each), all they need is a good working theory that will allow them to peek into tomorrow's market. One thousand times per second.

BTW is head scratching stimulating blood circulation inside brain?

530 Like i remember during that time when i opened an Ameritrade account and put in 2000 dollars from a credit card. At first it was working but after a few days it was like some big entity with big money was intervening and screwing the prices of my picks so i gave up. But i was there long enough to see they were every day 2 o 3 startups dying there.

They all seemed the same. Gathering a hundred or two hundred million capital, real or not, around a chemical formula for a new Alzheimer drug that never made it past a couple years of studies. But guess what. How many grants where they sucking besides the initial investment?

Big money, big schemes nobody looks at. Nobody cares cause it's government's money.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 20

1:30 Last Christmas

Many people are saying this year they had it with the song. Motivating it's annoying by repetition and probably outdated as style and genre.

I'd say it's worse than that. Much worse.

I put under the category "gay making songs" in my own classification. And anti-Christian of course.

Last Christmas, like Careless Whisper ("i'll never dance again"), though it's such an upbeat melody featuring an uplifting near perfect soprano voice, it's a very sad song. Beginning with the title. Last Christmas in English can have too meanings.

Of course from the beginning it outlines the promiscuity if not ferocity of the woman. "The very next day"... And then repeating "it doesn't surprise me", "what a fool i've been", "you'd fool me again" "once bitten". "A shoulder to cry on" goes well with "to save me from tears".

Then the weird coincidence of the casting in the video. She becomes the partner of his real life partner,  "A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man under cover", the "someone special"?

Not obvious, full with the cheers of the jingle bells like Mariah Carrey's song (is that a solar symbol) and (again) pizzicato of the synths, very subtle with many double meaning phrases, like many of George Michael creations it induces sadness in your subconscious. I'd say, subversive and holiday detouring and hacking, if only for mood.

9:15 O știre de acum 5 zile. Nici un cuvânt încă despre cum a fost folosit bugetul pe anul acesta.

1:05 How many Teslas do you see in this picture? Four? At Walmart, the cheapest store in town with everything on the shelves. The only empty space in the first row as i entered the parking lot.

BTW there are unused free charging stations seen in the picture, but no, they chose to park there in my view.

It is not an isolated incident. It  happens every minute of the day. They control everything that moves around here and there (including Șoșoaca) as part of the same Truman show.

How many wobbling Santas do you see in this video? I did not pick the moment, i waited for him to start a new song and then some people came and then i took the short video.

I believe today was the last push for the return of Amaterasu at solstice. They woke me up after 6 hours of sleep. Crashed already because of lack of stimulation i was used to for weeks, months or years.

Though there is some stink mostly inside. One hour and a half of squeaks and stomps. One for every thought. The squeaks and stomps stopped and blowers started (they never waste two (re)sources in the same time). Three guys caroling with loud didgeridoos blowing the last of the leaves. Maybe, cause i see some in a tree. By far not so many as the last time.

They caught me at peak or under the window while i was eating. Here is a sample (with cracked window).

I ran outside only to meet with a FedEx van that was smoking badly. Then i could not remember if i shut the burner of the stove after i boiled the eggs. So i returned, taking about 10 minutes more of their dB and exhaust (how themselves can stand it?).

Can't tell how many people or cars interfered with me during the walk. Many. Enough to say all cars, LPNs, people on the streets are all on AI that coordinate their moving. There was even a car with an Oregon LPN saying the word RULE.

Got back home after one hour and a half, by far they're done. So i took the truck and went to Walmart. Came back, it's been three hours, still not done. Too much noise and stink and dust to do anything that involves thinking. Trying to open the sliding window to air, got a good dose of dust falling from walls and attic do to vibration of didgeridoos.

2:00 Times Square and the ball of light. Țeapa. Capisci?

10:00 Got so many things on my mind, don't know what to start with. Ok this one cause it is linked with the above.

I can only write it in Romanian.

Ok deci știe cineva de ce s-a dus Iohannescu al nostru cel puțin în Tanzania?

At Spirit Mountain. Angela had a kilo of change from tickets she cashed in a few months (at the cash machine they give you in there change if  the sum has fractional values at the end, in other casinos they give you sub dollar tickets) and we went to the cashier where they have a machine that counts change and got 37 dollars on it.

While staying in line there was this guy in front of us who when he turned i thought he looked like... At the other window there was thig guy who looked like... And even the big T was in there with a MAGA  hat playing at a machine (sitting that is, his age), with head bend forward so i could not see his eyes. And probably the big Z too.

Then i had this terrible craving for gummies. I went to the convenience store at the gas station and bought some. Exotic fruits flavor. But they had this extra flavor like the dishwasher detergent i just bought at Walmart yesterday and had an accident with it...

Then we bought burgers, fries for Angela and salad for me but i ate it at home and tasted like... fish?

10:12 One more on pyramids. Anybody read Asimov's book The End of Eternity? As i remember from the Romanian translation. Some guys from the very distant future on planet Earth called Eternals ran out of resources and they were so advanced they figured and time travel. And  they started to move back and forth between centuries for trade of course (author was a Jew, LOL, he died in 1992).

Anybody knows that you can't freely go back in time because any action on the past may affect present, including your ability to time travel. The grandfather paradox. Or simply create a flat to the car of a researcher that is about to go to a conference in which he was about to explain something important for the past's future.

Things would go a different way and a different future will be created in which some may not exist or things are different.

And here things start to blur for me at least at this hour at night. Would a parallel Universe be created, with the keeping in existence (or not) of the traveler he did the intervention. Would that change appear in the same Universe but it would take the whole time between intervention and departure which may be eons for the change to propagate?

In Asimov's book i think changes were propagating simultaneously and some times even mistakes were made when time travelers using their hypercomputes calculated the MNC (minimum necessary change to achieve desired reality) needed to go even further back in time to correct that mistake.

Do you remember that scene from Star Trek First Contact (one of  the 6 movies) when Data betrayed the Borg Queen who previously tempted him and intentionally miscalculated the trajectory of those three photon torpedoes that were supposed to hit Cochrane's first warp ship?

I bet everybody including Piccard thought it was a gesture of loyalty of the part of Data towards humans, but he would have disappeared too if Cochrane did not succeed, right? Data was born in 2336 on a colony built with he help of warp ships and Cochrane did his first warp flight in 2036). Without warp, there would have never been that level of civilization capable of building such androids with positronic brain (i personally now think photonics is the future).

Ok so i tried to make everybody aware of the paradoxes of time travel before i go further.

If the pyramids with their ability to split photons and wrap themselves in those (when they were working of course) were used for that.

I would think the far advanced humans from the future would again have ran out of resources (just like in the book) and would have sent first a probe or even one of them in a small ship capable of time travel with means of genetic manipulation and instructions convincing the apes it was all for God (didn't want to really teach them anything more because it would have altered the timeline too much i think).

Why so far in the past. Because anything closer would have affected too much their present. And so it started. It worked at first. Then something happened, the device probably wore out, they build a second and a third.

However there was a population on Earth that was isolated from the others and was not brainwashed by the guys from the future. They heard about and came over in Egypt and plundered it and put an end to it. However what they found there allowed them to gain enough knowledge of everything and that started to badly alter the timeline propagating all the way to that distant future.

Another version. As i said before, they might have created two versions of humans. One for work only and one of supervisors. Those are probably those who nowadays call themselves Aryans and try and are almost succeeding in taking over the world.

So they sent some to intervene personally, like Buddha and stuff so people would stop the alterations of history with devastating effects for them. At least until they found a solution.

So it happened the other way around. Left over pyramids and what was found around them brought too much advancement, too fast. Most of it happened after one of them (the isolated savage race) lead the French into Egypt. With all of it may be they don't (won't) even exist anymore (in this timeline or version of Universe).

BTW do you think you would feel anything if your Universe was altered like in an intervention in the past from present or future? No you wouldn't because the intervention would have happened long time ago and everything after followed naturally.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


We have come a long way since the first enunciation of quantum theory. Some got used to it so much is like a second nature. But today many people discuss about on forums and they have opinions and sometimes find inconsistencies if not contradictions.

But what it is. In the subatomic world, all quantities are discrete values. It is, in a way, what digital is vs analog.

The reason for that is simple. The state of the Universe was 0 before the big bang and that was one single event.

However, properties of quantum world translates to the every day world and the enormous number of quantum properties put together to form everyday objects make them look continuous and analog. Like composing bits from an wav or mp3 file into an analog wave form which is audible and recognizable.

At the time, all these of course came from observations and not postulates. They determined the properties of quantum world through experiments of which first and most important is the photon-electron effect. One photon is needed to displace one electron from a metallic surface.

They concluded the entire quantum world is made of such discrete particles of which every single one of the same class has the same properties.

One electron has always the same mass and electric charge. One photon travels always with the speed of light and it can never be found resting, one proton has always the same mass and its electric charge will be always the opposite of that of an electron.

More than that, they interact with each other to form what we call matter. Protons and neutrons together form the nucleus of atoms which is orbited by a number of electrons. For each element and isotope of  the Mendeleev table we have the same number of protons and neutrons.

Because electrons cannot be split in smaller particles, they are called fundamental, together with several others while protons and neutrons are formed by smaller fundamental ones.

This discretization of matter goes all the way to molecules. Atoms combine to form molecules by sharing orbiting electrons. Molecules with the same formulas or structure have always the same properties.

However. It has been found that light which is made of photons has properties similar to those of waves in elastic media, like sounds or a wave created by a rock or in a lake, of which one is diffraction.

After much head scratching of the scientists, they came with a solution. Light is not photons or waves but a combination of those they call dualism wave particles of light. That, to satisfy all observations and experiments.

One discrete photon is always accompanied by an analogous wave front and they came with the idea of electro magnetic radiation or wave. And that's where the first confusion occurred.

EM waves let's say emitted by a radio station seem continuous and analog and have all properties of those.

However EM radiation coming from a single electron descending to a lower orbit, which is a short lived electric current, generates a magnetic field and it is said that magnetic field pulse in turn generates and electric one and so forth, hence the EM radiation seems discrete because the speed, the start end end position of the electron can be defined only in quantum world.

And first inconsistency. Since the current generated by that falling electron is a finite line, it generates a magnetic field like a rectangular permanent magnet would, in the shape of a pumpkin that would be near zero at poles or in the direction of the pole. However we expect something more like a cloud, the same way electrons orbit the atom.

Anyways it is not a circular or spherical wave like field we are used to from elastic media. Same goes for a dipole antenna for radio emissions.

Another one. Falling of an electron can create only one front wave. After that, the EM field is not sustained by anything from behind.

Again the velocity of the fallen electron is a quantum affair. Electrons reside in discrete cloud like positions on different levels of energy around the atom. Thus it cannot be established a speed in classical or non quantum terms for that falling electron from one cloud to another. Thus we can't know for how long the magnetic field lives.

Another one. Let's say the front of EM wave created by the pulse of falling of an electron spreads, though not like a sphere but like a pumpkin, continuously, in all directions (with the exception of poles). The photon can only go in one direction out of an infinity (or a few following the uncertainty principle).

After a while the intensity of the EM field decreases by a law similar to the square of distance, and will become insignificantly small while the photon can travel theoretically 11 billion years if it does not encounter any obstacles, (and depending on where it was emitted, can exceed the limits of the Universe and there will be no more dualism).

Another one. A number of photons emitted by a compact source are each created by its own electron so we cannot talk of a coherent analogous EM field but of a cloud of overlapping out of phase short lived fields.

From all the above observations one can realize the precarity of the whole EM theory as we know it today.

Without going into postulate mode yet, or without any changes to current theories, i want to make a first observation. The wave nature of light which is a bunch of photons coming from a single compact source like those used in experiments can be explained much easier if we could consider some sort of resonance between traveling photons emitted by falling electrons or a statistic grouping of in phase photons.

That is there will be always a number of photons in phase with each other, creating a virtual front wave.

But the front wave can only be electric, magnetic or both, and we'd have to accept the photons are carrying each its own pulsating field while the energy of the photon will always depend on its... (pulsating) frequency, field that of course is not spherical or pumpkin like and does not loose intensity and travels with the photon for 11 billion years.

Ok so here comes the postulate. In the same line of reasoning, we have to admit that the falling electron does not produce a quasi spherical magnetic field but transfer its energy to only one pulsating photon that is made of both magnetic and electric fields. Or better said, only electrical.

And that pulsating field can only be an infinite series of successive reactions of the void to the initial disturbance created by the falling electron, following the only universal law and that is action/reaction.

First reaction to the disturbance will occur in such a way it will not interfere with its source, and that is at 90 degrees in space and time to its cause. In turn, that first reaction will create the second, etc.. in an infinite cycle creating a cross traveling quantum we call photon.

However there is not a B wave but only E disturbances which pulses once transversal like in the animation below and then jumps 90 degrees ahead longitudinal and pulses again at 90 degrees transversal.

Though each transversal pulse is made at peak of two quarks that have mass, the total transversal (electric of course) momentum is zero while it's still photon, the pulse balances self after one cycle of four pulses as if those four pulses were emitted at once which makes us thinking if longitudinal time has any significance in its own reference frame.

I think the mass of the two quarks may come from the electron also falling into the gravitational field of the nucleus which is very weak when compared to the electric but it exists. (we cannot not dismiss any amount in quantum).

Even in this animation one starts to ask self if the fields are balanced. But we are talking here electric and magnetic line fields, not mechanical yoyos with inertia and stuff. Why should they be anchored at one end? And here another question for the EM theory. If one field causes the other, then why are they always in phase?

The representation does not apply to EM fields emitted by falling electrons because those can only exist for the time of the electron falling, that is one half period, and hence the first confusion. We don't have such things in nature (dipoles fed by oscillators).

The deducted appearance of the moving quanta would be a succession of lines at 90 degrees each in a succession of parallel planes that seen on the direction of propagation will look like a cross. The apparent rotation of the quantum is its spin.

Depending on the frequency, or the difference in levels of energy of the origin electron (or possible other sources) we will have light, microwaves, radio waves etc. or all the EM spectrum as we know it.

According to this theory, light can be bend when an electric field is applied in the direction of the quanta where is moving away with the help of a very high frequency high voltage stimulation (maybe not at every cycle) that may be created with the help of so called Helmholtz resonators or other type of very advanced "stone age" device inside pyramid or simply with the help of a very strong electrostatic field applied from very close when light generated at the top of they pyramidion moves down the gold faces.

Also light quanta could be accelerated or rushed from behind down the pyramidion by other in phase quanta.

Again using the hypothesis the pyramid is a indeed a photonic device capable of splitting light quanta created at the top in its four components. By doing this in a fast energetic successions it may bring anything contained inside or in a focused area to its frame reference and the time inside may slow, space dilate (According to Einstein time stops for anything that travels at the speed of light).

By bending light around pyramid light could be slowed down by the angle effect or accelerated by other quanta pushing from behind thus time can be reverted. But you need to revert time all the way to before that region of space was inside the expanding Universe to create a wormhole.

Or maybe they didn't want to. BTW, i was thinking yesterday, i don't see any restrictions to traveling into the future if you are about do die inside that pyramid anyway and never to come out. Or maybe if you abide a few simple rules. Or if you don't care about creating parallel universes and stuff.

We know this is possible in the microwave or even terahertz range with today's electronics. Did i mention vacuum creating mechanism for the Helmholtz resonator inside the pyramid?

All these and probably more were known of course to Ancient Egyptians, who build the pyramids to manipulate quanta, possibly others. By forcing the cross quanta down the slopes of a pyramid they split it into a square (in a way similar to opening a 4 blade iris) (final stabbing of Christ on the cross) using high voltage electricity and the shape of the gold pyramidion they could basically bend light, induce speeds much greater than light, stretch space, revert time, etc..

I know where they got their ideas for the string theory. But do they know what the strings are made of?

Ok i think i got it. When an electrons falls to a lower orbit and creates a photon (void reaction) that is too energetic, it can break down in two other particles, which are open strings too small to create their own void reactions and in turn start vibrating. Because the reaction to void is dynamic, the split creates two charged particles.

Here are (named only) a few ancient and modern symbols reminding of this model of Universe and demonstrating knowledge of it. I won't add the graphic symbols because in some countries are banned.

Square and compass.

In Ancient Chinese mythology there is a story of two half snake half human brother and sister, Fuxi and Nüwa, who supposedly rebuilt the Universe with a square and a compass. In this representation they look surrounded by strings made of rings. Their modern continuation seem to be the freemasons.


Toyota logo

Audi logo

Subaru logo

Also. The striking similarities of these fundamental scientific findings with major themes of the four main religions of the world, possible other religions, suggest these themes were popular in the past, possibly carrying symbolic informations about lost knowledge belonging to advanced ancient civilizations that ended in a global conflict conflict, possibly the one described in the oral epic story (that has been later written) Mahabharata.

Wild turkeys, split pyramid, pyramidion and a solar symbol (left) part of a museum across Indian Head Casino, last night, inside Warm Springs reservation, Oregon.