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Showing posts sorted by date for query laminar. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2022

April 15

5:14 We both woke up at 3:30. And there's a reason to it. Two open holes/mounds both next to the place where the wall was hot the other day. I almost chocked on my own tonsils while yawning which btw are finally getting smaller. Could it be i didn't use the petrolatum adhesive for a few days. So i took one more augmenting (thought i would give it up last night after one week but i'm not completely cleared). The fan in the window is running with the window opened one inch. First i flattened one mound and came inside. I noticed a vehicle, most likely the red SUV belonging to the two guys who probably run that. Then as the smoke was still on i went and flattened the other mound that was around the corner, almost under that window. I don't believe smoke would get in here if it didn't come from near the ground, and through laminar flow (Coanda effect) would go under the siding creating pressure there and entering the walls. (talking about fractions of psi but it still has an effect). After i flattened the second mound (the soil in both areas is mixed with quikrete, and it's stickier and harder than normal soil, but moles or whatever from underground brought in fresh soil), the smoke was gone and then i started to remember who i am, where i am and what i was doing last night. Angela went to work, i try to gather myself to write down here hoping someone would understand what's going on.

BTW yesterday after i wrote about the AHA song played on radio i think i saw the AHA girl (who now is in her 60s) in an SUV smiling provocative at me. LPN 098 HER. It was one or two hours after the sinking of Moskva, which was finished being retrofitted in that year.

The AHA girl has an one line resume where it shows she works at Eaton, the same company where Angela works. BTW Angela left today before 5, she is doing overtime training for a new position, for two weeks now.

I suspect the AHA girl is one of my grad school colleagues, on of the 7 in my class called Mariana, 2 years younger than me and for the grade like most others. I think some things happened to her while we were were in the last years (grads), she looked sick (or very tired) for a while, it doesn't have anything to do with me except i was in trance every time i saw her. Back then they were exams for going to best HSs in the country and she wanted to go to Bucharest, then she went to Cluj and i deliberately went to Iași instead to end that imaginary relationship. I met with her by chance several times, once or twice in the whole HS, then once or twice at the beginning of college and that was it. But in the end she also became a singer in Hungary. The fact there was in Câmpulung a milk processing factory built by the Swiss, (where her mother worked btw) and me living across the factory which also had a small airfield in the back, where also a furniture factory has been built, were all not by my choices. I was as poor as she was or poorer. Though in 72 i was selected to go in that camp in Germany.

One year before that we both went to some sort if cine competition in Sibiu (for being members of the children cineclub, where instructor was most likely Polanski), where she asked for a cigarette from my mother and when we once danced. She was probably 9 or 10 years old at the time, but posing for 11 or 12.

It could be all these years i am being punished for something that allegedly happened to her which probably was real and traumatizing, for the purpose of dramatism, but it did not have anything to do with me. I would never have harmed her in any way.

6:14 Black Hole Sun...

6:37 They were three mole mound in front of living sliding windows inactive for days. Suddenly the place filled again with some sort of smoke (different from before but still noxious). The smell was not coming from the corner but from somewhere else so i just stepped on those holes (planning on adding water with borax later) and the smoke disappeared. It means somebody passed earlier and put something in those. Or do they have tiny underground robots that go and to that. No the smoke is not gone completely which means all the other holes in the backyard are now smoking...

11:07 After that the apartment filled with dust, i put some wet towels on top of filter, behind the fridge and fell asleep. Woke up with nausea, probably from fresh dog poops, can barely concentrate to write a few lines and add a few links before i take off. Weather was supposed to warm up today, instead temperature is the same as yesterday at this hour. Neverending winter that is.

11:31/9:31 România putea să facă asta și de pe teritoriul ei oriunde lângă Marea Neagră. În plus, tot rușii spun că nava s-a scufundat ca urmare a unui incendiu la bord, urmată de explozia muniției. Nava avea apărare antiaeriană și antirachetă. Eu merg pe ipoteza sabotajului. Nava a fost contruită și îmbunătățită timp de 8 ani în Ucraina.

Fridge started, i started to sneeze. Moved the fridge and found a hole in the thin 3/8 (10 mm) aerated gypsum wall near fridge's fan and filled it. Over the years, i found and fixed many holes like this. As i was fixing them, new ones popped. This one was a tiny hole was within a hole i covered before, i refuse to believe i did such a sloppy job that was ok for a long time and now it popped back. Now the fridge started back up, so far i don't feel like sneezing.

2:04 In the last few days, weeks, i saw a small dog coming around my windows by itself. Today i saw the dog together with a long leash then the dog disappeared in the direction of my door. My first impulse was to open the door to see who was at the other end of the leash, but i hesitated, and then the dog came back in the scene, together with a girl, maybe 15, looking Japanese or Filipino, unusually good looking, dressed in pajamas pants, sitting for a while on a cable box and browsing casually through her phone.

Earlier i realized i fell asleep with the door unblocked (got a wooden blocked), maybe unlocked.

8:32 A weird persistent smell outside and it's not coming from the ground. Closest. Welding or burning a propane torch.

One thing these news can do. Confuse the hell out of me.

Energy, climate change. Just removed the two mate glass bulb covers in the kitchen area that i had on for inspection. They cut about 50% of the light. I know now i got very low consumption LEDs but still.

10:28 Some distraction on the road, a white BMW with a panel under that was intermittently touching the ground, exiting late, almost colliding with another car, i almost touched the left line while watching, when a wide ambulance was passing me. Great cooperation and synchronization, doubling what i said in an email that was not supposed to bee seen except by one person or his colleagues. Later i saw a blond young woman in a red car driving staring absent in front of the car, like she was extremely bored in a self driving car.

The choking smell earlier got me into shortness of breath and then partial heart failure, with coughing and very cold hands.

10:42 There was/is a crack at WinCo Foods facade for more than ten years, i felt the dust coming out of the wall when getting in and out the store, but never raised my head to actually see it.
There was not one single time not to have problems at the bottle drop center at Fred Meyer (Kroeger). Never knew the center closes at 8 PM. Why, since it's all automatic. A Police SUV was surrounding the place.
A little something i saw at Fred Meyer parking lot.
At the checkstands at WinCo i was surrouned by "Mexican" kids from two families while paying and bagging. Other many weird scenes in the store, including the "Code service one". It's a deja vu. Always after some "compromising" scene(s) there, i nearly get into an accident on my way back.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 9

1:23 I thought i once solved the problem that plagued Constantinopole at the time of invasion by Turks simply by mentioning of the word Sodoma.

1:50 What other problems did i solve lately. My grade school (V-VIII) chemistry teacher. At the end of VIII grade i took pictures of all my colleagues and teachers and made a panel and then i photographed that panel with a borrowed expensive camera and gave everyone an A3 size picture with the panel, made at least 30 copies. But i don't have that anymore, not one copy or the film. That panel could prove the following. My math, sketching and class master (diriginte) was Liz Taylor. Schools' principal was Austrian actor Karlheinz Böhm etc., of course all a parody of Palatine class made especially for King Michael.

But most traumatic of all are the memories of physics/chemistry teacher who was Italian actress Laura Antonelli. How many times i was staring at her legs in her mini-skirt when she was walking in front of class or writing on the board. In her bio, it says, before gymnastics, she had an early passion for math and that explains the coherence of her classes and lessons in the brand new lab in the brand new school, one of the best teachers i ever had, when compared to all the others, (even in HS where physics teacher was Shatner and chemistry, Fonda) or the math teacher (Liz), who was reading all the time from the book. But i never understood until now some of the mishaps. At the end of the VII grade she invited me to a "reunion" for the kids that were finishing VIII grade. In the old school building, with few windows in the large round hallway, was kinda dark, she brought a pickup. They were just a few girls from VIII grade, can't remember any boy, and me. I think i danced for the first time in my life with two of the girls (i remember some of the details, one of them had a blue dress), and she was in her prime, 32, standing there, by then shorter than me (i grew up real fast, was 6 at the end of grade school), with her always serious (or maybe sad), intimidating face, but never crossed my mind. To invite her to dance. Yeah, that boy looks like me when i was that age.

Some would say. Bodnăraș (who had a brother in Câm_pulung) was responsible for all these. Both Bodnăraș and Maurer, two old adventurers, died in 76 when i was in HS, but it didn't stop. Some would say, the "task" has been taken over by Iliescu who was then in charge at Iași, over Ceaușescu's head.

Last night i was seriously thinking about getting a lawyer and suing the State of Romania for what happened then. Could this get in the category of imprisonment (in a fake school, unsanitary home), torture (especially Liz was kinda bitchy and she hit me once), these are crimes that are not affected by the statute of limitations in any country. But when thinking about the judges in Romania that i know of...

9:48 Am văzut acum dimineață după reacția bursei că lumea nu prea mă crede. Când povestesc chestiile din școala generală. Nu au fost făcute pentru publicul general, s-ar părea. Probabil pentru scientologie. Nu trebuiau decât să sucească capul la scientologi, care la rândul lor sunt foarte influenți și pot face multe chestii pe care noi nici nu le știm. În orice caz. Am avut dreptate. 4 ani am avut-o în fața ochilor, matematică, desen și dirigenție. Am fost la ea acasă și ea a fost la noi. Soțul ei, vice primar, se pare că era chiar Richard Burton (nu, nu am nici un chef să mai pierd două ore și să-l caut și pe el dar mai mult sigur e tot ungur). Asemănarea asta explică și numele dirigintei, Șuhani (Shoo hunny). Cântăreață de operă. Liz Taylor însă a cântat foarte puțin, specialitatea ei a fost fața și ochii. Nu prea era încântată de ce făcea acolo și era moody și mofturoasă, îi sărea țandăra ușor. Nu-mi amintesc acum numele mic. La 40+ de ani era destul destul de trecută. Prin clasa a VII-A și a VIII-a am mai lipsit de la școală, fiind de câteva ori bolanv (Meningită virală, hepatită, infecție respiratorie, mână ruptă). Îmi amintesc când m-a scos la tablă să demonstrez teorema celor trei perpendiculare, pe care practic am învățat-o în fața clasei, fiindcă lipsisem.

10:43 Da m-am cam plictisit săturat și nu am găsit asemănarea cea mai bună. O să mai încerc. Însă o chestie. Când am ales să traduc cu google pagina Wikipedia cu biografia ei în ungurește, la titlu mi-a tradus Orosz ca și "of Russia". Tipa a studiat și la Leningrad (mai știu eu pe cineva din anturajul meu care a studiat canto la Moscova, deci așa trebuia să fie, ele să fi fost pe acolo) a fost, este, inteligentă (probabil are pe undeva prin bio un eveniment corespondent atașamentului de mate a personajului, Laura), a fost în politică, a primit în Ungaria numeroase premii și a fost membru al Societății Nemuritorilor? Și încă o chestie. Când am fost în Italia și am lucrat la Tormar (o mică firmă care vindea marmură și care nu mai există), a apărut ca și Clara, soția unuia din cei doi fii al patronului. În 93 ar fi avut 51+3 ani, dar arăta ca și de 40. Ce chestie, când eram în școală probabil ea se chinuia să vorbească română, acum mă chinuiam eu cu ea în italiană pe care ea o vorbea ca la mama acasă, cu accente și stiluri (deci a stat mult prin Italia) și părea încântată...

1:30 What? Nothing. Something i ran into. Is this for real or an advertisement picture with actresses?

2:03 Apropo tipul ăsta mi-a trimis un email, aproximativ cu o săptămână înainte de moartea lui Vadim, și mi-a cerut să scot de pe blog postarea aceasta.

2:45 Am întrebat mai ieri, WT... are doing all the teachers and students in universities with all those trillions in grants and the answer wasn't late. But if we apply an extrapolation of Moore's law (the only one of the kind i know of), will have double that time in 30 more years. How long till it will work indefinitely? 1000 years?

Wednesday didgeridoo terror is here so i will postpone what i wanted to write by an hour or so. C_Rackets?

2:58 Ok they're gone so i will say it. Why built utopical machines which supposedly contain temperatures 10 times like in the center of the Sun when we can use heat pumps at near ambiental temperatures, following the idea stipulated by Szilard in 1929, which lead to the great depression and WWII, showing the world wasn't ready for it or the great conspiracy (which included Einstein) worked against it like they constantly do in my case? Like with this "breaking news"? There is a constant "dialog" between what i'm writing and what they come up with, but they will never acknowledge it. They got their own alien laws we can't understand.

Szilard's ideas apply to heat pumps which coincidentally and independently worked for decades producing (transferring from one place to another whatever) 3 times more energy they use. And i'm gonna tell you why. We need to heat the planet so after we end our purpose here (send all the gold) there will be no trace of what happened. Illegal mining of gold using billions of slaves, against galactic laws?

A question to google lead to an ambiguous answer. Yes they require an initial input of energy, which again, is three times less than than the final result.

9:48 Under the influence. Literally. I was still working on the right wheel of the car, trying to solve the mystery as why all the suspension nuts i worked on now come loose. I saw a tall guy, Asian, looking like an athlete, maybe young sumo, coming towards me, then he veered and supposedly enter the building, i didn't look, was too busy with the car. Following him, the smoke.

What moles do. They divide their territory in networks that are a few meters across where they dig tunnels under the grass. Tunnels are filled with aerosolized mole enzyme that zombify the worms that go by themselves in the larder awaiting to have their heads bitten and then kept alive to be eaten (pretty much like conspirators drive the rest of the people crazy mainly with entertainement). So the "hunting" area needs to be very little ventilated at the time, so the enzyme won't be wasted. Maybe sealed.

What ninja do. They come with special shoes and push some burning pellets into the ground, prepared by ancient recipes, that worked to these day. The whole network bulges, and finally pops in one of the bulges and the smoke start coming out. If there's little or no wind, the thermal laminar flow that is driven by the heat of the heated buildings takes the smoke towards the building and inside through any opening. The surplus washes the walls and goes up in the sky.

Half hour later i finished with the wheel, thinking to go and wash battery's terminals with alcohol, reconnect battery and add some adhesive on the screws so the nuts won't come out, like they do. It was then when i figured a number of things.

Why old cars are not like the new ones. The secret is the battery. When it's time to change the battery, the car finishes its first life, and starts another one, with less performance. Why? Simply because when you unscrew the nuts on the connector for the first time in 4 or 5 years, you contaminate them with grease from the screw, that is always present in detectable amounts under a car's hood, no matter the brand. One drop of oil at oil change would contaminate all contacts and connectors that are not covered, and even those that are covered. A screw contaminated with even tiny amounts of oil or grease won't hold, no matter what. Will get loose with vibration.

Many people on forums with digital voltmeters in lighter's plug, like me, theorize the hypothetical existence of a "smart charging system" on newer cars. "The alternator stops charging when the battery is full", etc.. Wrong. When the connectors are contaminated, the more voltage the battery has, the close to the alternator's output voltage and if there's not enough difference, it will indeed stop charging, but with some flickering of course. That flickering drives all the powered sensor crazy but especially the fuel pump which works at lower voltage, with difference in fuel pressure, in newer cars with no pressure regulator on the line.

So i was thinking (a way of saying, my brain was, is, in some sort of fog otherwise pretty scary now that i think) that the same thing must have happened with all the suspension nuts i messed with. By untightening the nuts, the grease from the screws got into the threads, and then you can kiss your torque goodbye. It's that simple.

Shall i tell i suspected for a longtime mechanics change parts many times because of contaminated connectors and bolts and nuts?

So i went to Wilsonville, second exit, about 6 miles, did 47 mpg (on dashboard, probably 43 for real) in open loop (computer was reset, needs to do all the test cycles) but i had trouble keeping myself on the lane, because, of course of the smoke i inhaled unwillingly earlier.

10:45 As i said, recipe 94, saltpeter and sulfur and probably other stuff that takes care of your mind, body and soul. Click on 29 for more info.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 6

7:55 Left without driver's licence yesterday. Too many things to worry about. Had to fix something at the car (loose battery connectors, eternally, like Xenu's battery), face a hosts of shows in the parking lot. The cops knew. Somebody came here and saw throw the window my wallet on the desk. At some point in the middle of nowhere (I think in Sheridan's surroundings, next to penitentiary) a Sheriff's deputy with a radar, something i haven't seen in a long time (like one year ago when i got fined for speeding in the same area by State Police one mile away where the cop was). I was on the ending right lane doing 60, everybody slowed down to 55 bla bla. I discovered i didn't have my wallet a few miles after i left Chinook. Turned around to check with Security desk. At the Casino, as usually, a number of celebrities. One of them was her which prompted me to do the search, after seeing her face in the news, again (In Romania, she was dead for days, don't understand why people don't understand all these women dead recently, killed by their lovers, husbands, look to good to be real). Don't ask me why. Who can understand the aliens' minds and their ways of influencing ours. Last night after i got home i ate a little and had a cup of herbal tea. After an hour or so i woke up with severe reflux, probably the worst episode i ever had (the other type of choking i'm experiencing, though not recently, first being dysphagia). Couldn't breath for about one minute. Haven't been drinking in a week, don't wanna die before i see how all this ends. Now i woke up in smoke, got to go outside to check. Knowing i will do so,  they already started an ambulance siren. (It stopped the moment i wrote).

As usually, after spending 5 minutes outside, when getting back inside was choked by the thick smoke with an animal dung component. Laminar flow at the surface of the ground towards and inside heated buildings with smoke not perceived outside. But "normal" people don't understand this, right, just a tiny minority who studied hydraulics and engineering.

Outside. Met with the black cat i saw under door a few days ago. Cracks in the ground from where the smoke comes from. The empty cans thrown carefully arranged on top of bushes, fow some weird reasons.
10:26 A apărut numele Ana, au venit și ei cu o știre cu Ana, Ana are COVID numai că Ana nu poate să aibă COVID fiindcă nu există.

1:48 Alien ingenuity. They got at least two guys in nighborhood, who both speak real good, real fast, one in English and one in Spanish "while on the phone", to be heard in all microphones and "prove" the area is populated. Now the "Spanish" guy yells real real fast at my window and i was sleeping after i took a Zyrtec because of the smoke with animal dung. In my dream it entrained my brain and i was dreaming i got mad in traffic and was racing with some guy and i we were driving real fast on the sidewalk (i passed him on the sidewalk, it was a dream sidewalk) and got flashed by a red light/speed camera.

2:10 I feel so dirty both on the inside and outside, took a shower, could not feel the smell of shampoo, so the clothes. Off i go for the rest of the day but can't take Zyrtec anymore cause it makes me too sleepy.

Both Angela and i like the steering wheel in the lowest position, and because of that we can't see the speedometer. So got moving my head to look around it, i will order, for evaluation purposes, a 20 bucks thingy that projects your speed, other parameters on your windshield, for evaluation purposes (too see if it's not to distracted)

Monday, January 24, 2022

January 24

11:00 I went to the dentist for an emergency extraction, however, first appointment available was tomorrow at 8. I let them my new number (by caller ID calling at 9:30, cause i gave up memorizing my fast changing phone numbers) just in case there's a cancelation.

11:03 Today would be the first time i know of that America's addiction to their idols pushed the market up. Pragmatically on short term looks good but philosophically, this is so weird. I'm going to binge watch Fringe for the rest of the day. But after i figure the source of smoke outside.

11:17 One hole under wall, two under door. Burnt plastic like smell, probably meth. A utility machine from the city making a noise, probably canceling ambiental. After fixing the holes, i went back inside, the smell was so strong, i had to open the door.

It's hard to understand, buth the smoke from holes, though they are outside, go mostly inside, because of laminar thermal flow around building (Coandă effect). So the smell becomes apparent for an observer only when you open the door and the smoke literally comes out of your place, in which moment a siren went off. Hole is almost impossible to see in a 2D image. It's under the horizontal 4 inch pipe, 6 inches right of the joint.
11:25 What would you say if i told the sweetest woman (on screen) is even 3 years older?

12:15 More smoke, one hole just opened back up. I went outside to cover it, a continuous show in the parking lot.

12:25 Lecția pe care trebuie să o învățăm. Cred că o foarte mică minoritate de job-uri în firme strategice ar trebui, prin lege, să nu aibă dreptul la grevă. Dacă vrei să lucrezi acolo, vei ști de la început, va fi o condiție la angajare.

1:36 It is really scary. The way stock market goes up and down with no economical reasons. Stock market of course is not the majority of the capital in the US. Many corporation choose to sell stock, up to a percentage of their total assets or capital. However, many people have their retirement money in funds tied to stock market. But i bet they don't check it regularly to see how their money do.

After an unnatural constant rally since December 2018 (which happened during a so called pandemic) with a "hickup" at the beginning of "pandemic", following again another barely signaled crash back then in December 2018 of more than 20%, breaking record after record, triggering a yet unknown but solid, touchable inflation, with the weirdest part, shortage of... cars in dealerships and raising of prices of second hand cars, stock market crashed this month to a low of aprox. -11.3% at 9:30 PDT this morning which was really scary.

Than it has experienced the biggest rally i saw in one day over many years since i'm watching it, or over 4% until closing time, in two stages, last on Biden declaration of sending more troops, putting troops in allert but especially on him "changing his mind" in this direction which i was expecting cause his first decision on "minor incursions" was a bluff.

Also they never stand up to their decisions, for let's say, more than a while.

It's amazing how the sentiments of americans reflect onto their own money. It's also amazing how main media plays to ignore the most important economical and historical economic phenomena we are experiencing. It was not a crash, most are saying. It's all about Uk reign most will say. However, nobody knows nothing about what's going on in Ukraine. If you asked me, this is what's going on.

After fall of the Soviet Union, many Russians found themselves outside Russia, and some in historical communities where they are/were always majoritary. I don't know exactly, but i would assume some dumbass Ukrainian politicians have irritated those which happened to be on the border with Russia and they were crying for help to their brothers in mainland and Putin is playing on that feeling and masses troops. This is what's happening. Those people don't deserve a war except for their ignorance of what the west is feeling about Putin massing those troops right now. It is, if you like, climbing the ladder of illusions, where each rung disappears after just stepping onto the next (if you look down), like the stock market did today.

If it may lead to war. It would not be the first time when the ladder of illusions lead to hell, not heaven. 

And THEY may need a war right now, like they needed the "pandemic" which was not enough for the world which just started to learn who they are, to forget.

3:21 Ofsaid. A mai căzut o treaptă de sub picioare de pe scara iluziilor. După ce mulți ani media din România, încurajată de declarațiile constante de sprijin ale SUA au purtat un război cu Rusia mult mai intens (și necunoscut în vest) decât "războiul rece" însuși, acum... 4:29
9:04 You. Models in trenches. Faites l'amour, pas la guerre!

Look closer. Is she the darling who i think she is?

10:59 Just saw episode 7 season 1 of Fringe. Now i know what it's all about. Dr. Mengele's vindication. See what i'm talking about?

11:09/9:09 Terrra incognita

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

January 12

9:37 Yesterday i was thinking. Haven't seen the handywoman around here for a month or so. Actually, i know she's a man, an opera singer from Hungary, but i forgot which. Think i wrote on fb once, i will try to find out. Woke this morning about 15 minutes ago in a choking smell. Went to check. Everything i've done yesterday was in place. Stepped around the corner, in front of the sliding doors. I saw a mound right under the bedroom's window where i was sleeping. Blinds were closed. It would have taken me 2-3 minutes to flat level all the mounds but lately i decided to document every mound that i see so i turned around to get the phone. One ft away from the 7 stairs at the entrance, with a phone in one hand, a blue hoodie and jeans, was the silhouetto of the handywoman. Back turned on me, she looked up at the apartment above and then she left, never letting me to see her face. Went and took the pictures. They were actually 4 mounds.

They are very hard to capture on camera. First right under the left side of the window.
This image came blurry, i was anxious to finish to get back in line of sight (had the blinds open now, could see inside) and moved the phone.
This one is right lower side of the picture. Further away but still within the laminar thermal flow on the surface of soil and towards the building (now wind whatsover).
She was right at the begining of the stairs on the left of the picture.
12:27 Right extreme comes from the naive self righteous and tired from work "patriots" who delegate their "will" to always dubious leaders which always leads to most serious blunders. I can't believe those from Romania actually believe they can rent apartments here and act as they wish. It's all a trick, that beside proving their impotence, bothers me as well creating some more problems besides the problems i already have. I saw SSoaca endangering one of the feeble balconies a couple of times. There is a guy who talks aloud on the phone all day. A guy walking his white beard on the alleys. All fake, all meant to divert their efforts. My advice. Do something else right there, do not get involved in politics remotely, real politics requires rested, smart, desperate and comfortless people and most of all: do not delegate.

2:59 I know what "she" was looking at. The plastic foil i put under the stairs so red dust carried on his shoes won't fall on our deck and get carried inside by thermal flow under door. It was days before the guy upstairs disappeared, again. Or maybe at the dying plant, trying to suggest. All smells, smoke, mold and dust is coming from that plant. I was complaining of smoke and dust forever, the plant has been there only since last fall.
That has been there for weeks, i think it's retaliation because i took yesterday pictures on the streets and especially the bearded guy at the recyclables.
BTW, what's in that truck?
3:22 Today there was a choking smoke in the air. I thought it's only here around the building so i left for a walk but it lasted all the way until i reached the school on Borland. I knew about the shooting range nearby, but never heard anything like today. Semi automatic sequences, i think ten shots at half second interval, than 30 seconds silence, for about an hour. It was audible here, and one mile away basically all my 3 miles trip. When i crossed the alley next to stairs from 65th at the hospital, they were a number of cars that stopped trying to let me pass. But every time a person was falsely signaling me to pass, there was a car coming from the opposite direction. When i got back i saw 3 fighter jets flying above, rather quietly, at first one, then two others in close formation.

6:28 Wasting time, searching for fb posts. On March 4 last year @ the time the guy upstairs moved here i got on the door a notice saying that i have to remove the plywood box with two tires from the balcony. For weeks after, there was a piece of plywood in the street for everybody to drive over. Then i had the leak in the bathroom from upstairs and forgot bout. I threw the tires away because i had no room to keep them. One had an unfixable flat and one was still good, had like 20k more to go.

On August 19 i had again here in the parking lot a flat on the right rear. That tire was at the end of its life, and had the rim damaged (or so they showed me at les Schwab). There they couldn't find a similar tire in that day so they installed my spare. If i had that tire in the balcony, i would have used it and avoided the accident that happened 2 days later. The newly ordered tires arrived at my door the day after the accident. This was the guy who handled my tire that day at les Schwab.

It's been several hours after the irritating smoke that was on since i woke up stopped (BTW had a dysphagia episode because of it when i had breakfast) but i'm still incapacitated by it. My eyes hurt and can't think much.

8:21 Ok this is what "she" was looking at... I put some tape between beams so dust won't fall off every time he comes or leaves or the wind blows etc..

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Ninja (Noongari) smoke

Woke up with a congested nose and after a while the place filled more with smoke. I went outside and again found some tiny one inch tall volcanoes under the siding. After i flattened those, tried to air the room but i think dirty socks smell comes from the wind's direction. After about ten minutes, smoke (different, probably kratom) is again filling the room. Going to the park. Hospital alleys. Whatever.

9:28 They speculate differences in perception. To me it's obvious what's happening. To most, they don't understand what i'm saying. What tiny volcanoes? Have he lost his mind this morning, again?

Everybody living in a house in the US has at least on bathroom fan. Ever wondered where the air sucked from the bathroom goes? Behind the fan, inside the ceiling (upstairs floor) there is a 3 or 4 inch flexible pipe or hose (flexible during installation, actually it never moves, for decades after) that goes through an (empty) wall all the way to the top of the roof. Made of a thin aluminum foil, with a coiled wire to make the shape, or something similar. It is not one piece from bathroom to roof. Pieces are joined with duct tape. Tape in time becomes hard and sometimes most of the times the pipe will leak at joints, inside walls. More or less. In time it also builds inside about half inch of dust on the thin foil. That may backflow in your bathroom, depending. Vibration, air flow. Airflow leaking from other pipes from other apartments, building pressure inside walls and inside your pipe. And had lots of that. Until:

I put on top of the regular bathroom fan a tiny computer fan that works continuously at lower than normal voltage (about 6 volts instead of 12) and ensures at least it does not backflow as it did. When the big fan starts, air flows through the small one, accelerating it. When it doesn't the small fan pushes constantly a small amount of air. But even if it didn't, due to regular thermal flow (warmer air goes up), some air will bypass the one way valve in the fan's box and flow upwards.

During drying. Vast amounts of air are being sucked from inside the room and pumped outside. Regular houses have driers installed in garages or other special rooms. But if it's not the garages, will suck air from where inside the house.

Believe it or not. Main fresh air supply inside a house comes from under main or back or garage door, washing the sills of those doors, one of the dirties places inside a home.

But there is another source. Walls are not sealed in most American houses. There is a big half inch gap between the "drywall" and the floor, other gaps and cracks, around windows, appliances, cabinets, etc..

Air goes in and out the wall depending. Some air from outside will bypass the siding (especially at bottom or where the siding starts) and cracks inside the walls.

And here comes the diagram of thermal air flow around a house. Cold weather here includes during night, evening and mornings, where house walls temperature is higher than outside air. All passive, high science, low teck, ancient knowledge.It's all self explanatory. If you stick (during let's say a casual dog walking) something burning inside the ground close enough to the building (most of the "recipes" in Basenshukai, or the book of  ninja, contain saltpeter, that has oxygen in the formula, other oxygen locking chemicals, saltpeter was not available in Japan when the book was written, and burns underground) the smoke, due to the pressure created by the laminar thermal flow will bypass the siding and the walls and get inside. Most of it will not get inside, but flow upwards around  the building and up in the sky and will not be perceived by bypassers. Since build up of concentration inside is gradual, the occupants will get used and after a while will start to change mood, feel happy, worry free, forget things, take weird decisions, etc..

And if you open the main door, smoke will come out, exactly like if the occupants themselves where using it, for all bypassers to smell. You will have it in you system, clothes, etc..

I apologize if the post is not 100 well formulated and concise, i am under influence, big time this morning, cause they are behind and getting really mad as more of their secrets (and deeds) are being revealed, everyday and pushing it big time on me.

Had plans for this morning, wanted to order online OEM axles for the car, can't do anything, can't concentrate, afraid not to order the wrong ones.