Showing posts sorted by relevance for query no right to work. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query no right to work. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2022

April 21

3:07 Like yesterday, got awakened by something at 2:30 AM. Came at the computer to read the news. About 10 minutes ago i started to feel a mold smell and then sneeze without stopping. Then i went outside and found another hole under the deck in front of door and one in front of sliding doors at the living or in front of hottest areas where air squeezes in under door and by the sliding doors. The hole under door is a few inches away from the yesterday one which was a few inches away from the one the day before etc.. No other holes in the whole yard. I poured about half gallon of water with borax in each. Closest perceived smell, both inside and out. Heated stove. Or whatever is coming out of those exacerbates my own sense of smell and i actually feel the smell of the stove. I read about the trick with borax on a site, but from what he was saying, and the amount i poured in a large number of holes (about 20) the moles should have been long gone.

Last night i wanted to take a bath. I was sitting there watching the tub getting filled (it takes about 2 and a half minutes) and then i saw something dark coming from the faucet, for about half second, and that cut my appetite. So i just let the tub cool and heat the apartment instead of letting it flow.

3:32 As usual in the "news" most subjects are related to what i just posted. I'd be safe and warm if i was in LA.

3:50 One hour later, the smell outside is long gone, still present inside. Or maybe there is one more hole at the bedroom. My keyboard or hub (that let me turn the Chromebook into a PC) seem broke. I restarted the whole system and that didn't fix it. If i think of something one day like "how well this work" usually the next day it brakes. Aparigraha? Anyways it's enough distraction to make me forget things as what i had in mind to write next.

3:57 Right shift doesn't work (hackers, humoristic). My cold is not completely gone. Wanted to make some tea but the electric kettle broke two days ago. Again i was thinking that it worked nicely for me over the years. Tried to fix it, but the screws at the base are rounded. Was it me, did i fix it before? In the microwave it takes twice longer to boil the same amount of water and it's noisy. Stove is out of the question. Ordered a new one. Switched keyboard in a different port in the hub, the same problem. Num key doesn't light, right shift doesn't work. I had one more... USB port in the Chromebook, plugged the keyboard directly there and again it's not working. So they hacked the Chromebook. Nevermind, it started working now. For how long? Lost about 15 minutes and all my momentum.

4:14 It looks like alarm didn't sound at 4, Angela is still sleeping. It means her overtime ended, like her training yesterday. I wanted to say a few words about and now that i got pissed by the keyboard i found the courage to say it.

About a year ago a new temporary handyman showed here to fix something. He told me he was born in Germany from American parents stationed there and went to HS there and there was one thing he liked. "In Germany, you have to go to school for everything".

As opposed to the famous "on the job training" institution in the US. Which also opposes the equally (in)famous "job security" institution.

On the job training means you get trained to do a new thing like a different workstation, by a colleague, who sometimes has training skills and sometimes doesn't, he just knows how to do the job but can't teach others.

Job security means people competing unfairly at work, even outside work hours. Rumors, secret complaints and alliances, blackmail, short-cutting chain of management, secret or open alliances included.

One makes everything possible not to show selected colleagues what he/she knows, that brings him/her and their friends more chances of keeping the job. Which means your colleague that trains you can pretend he can't teach you. Or worse, that you are untrainable.

4:32 Went to pick some pieces of garbage from the red mulch that are known (to me) to create a mold smell. One was next to a SUV's left front wheel (again, humor), like many times before, but when i went to pick it i saw the red SUV had a flat in the left rear. Once again, they laid a trap based on my previous behavior. BTW ever since i took that IR picture of the building, keep asking why there is a fan in a closed window and why the wall was hot in that day which prompted me to buy the IR camera. On August 20 last year i had a flat again in the right rear at my old Elantra that triggered a chain of events that ended in me being hit from behind on I5.

BTW, Tuesday afternoon i fixed again the car's battery connectors. Not long ago i doubled the connectors by drilling holes in battery's terminals. Angela said in the morning voltage was again low. No heat, no vibration, from evening to morning the connectors got loose. Two connections per each terminal that both get loose? It only works for one trip no matter how long but if i make that trip right after i fix them. Thinking to fix them right before she leaves.

4:46 And one more thing. Now that i reviewed yesterday his picture, i started to believe the guy that was yelling at me two days ago from the back of the alley, who replaced him, was again Pitbull (or George Borlai), while "his wife" could have been a man in disguise, like maybe again Tom Cruise, hiding his hands behind cars.

5:04 Angela awoke a while ago (used at 4 AM for weeks now) and started TV. Biden is coming to Portland today. Nevermind, i won't fix anything today. Angela passes this place every day in her way to work and back. And BTW, i believe besides nitrogen, they also make (scavange from air) Xenon, one of the most expensive gasses as well. Nitrogen in elemental gas or liquid form is inert, in fact it is used as fire extinguisher.
Did you notice the symbolism in the above video? Blue for cold, which will freeze you, red for hot which will thaw you back in the spring, silver for the morphing metal. See what i mean? 12:11/10:11 Nimic original sub soare.

1:40 Was thinking. Aparigraha applied to war. We go to war for attachment to one idea or another.

1:56 About 15 minutes ago was getting ready to go for a walk. Grabbed my coat, phone, looked at the temperature, looking for a cap. Opened the door and saw the "child" of the "family" with the dog at the mailboxes. She made a pirouette, acting like she saw me. Then she went one the lawn on other side of the building to leave her signature. Waited for 10 minutes, thinking if it's not too late too ready. Tonight, Tom Cruise with a gun will be again behind some cars, ready to shoot me down while Biden is still in town and "Air Force One security took over all law enforcement agencies". Thinking. Is she still outside the building?

2:51 Besides numerous hidden (subliminal) gay messages, this video has an obvious pro-alcohol theme. Or even mixed gay and pro-alcohol, the way he throws the bottle by his back. (Always missing his kisses, falling back first, grabbing  her by the back).

It's been bothering me since i first saw it, because Scientology claims it is against and has this program for addressing drugs and alcohol. It thought i made sense since Xenu brought them on Earth frozen in ethylene glycol, which is an alcohol.

At the apartment. After i posted two days ago those IR pictures showing empty buildings and kept asking myself if that is not the situation in other complexes or maybe the whole Portland area, though rents go constantly up, they sent us yesterday the offer for lease for one more year, with a 100 dollars (ten percent) rate increase to 1140. However, it is still much lower than other complexes in the area. Today i got an email saying the office "was closed due to unforeseen staffing problems", got a power washer at the building, unannounced, making a big noise.

Friday, August 17, 2012

August 1995

A day i should celebrate. As Yolanda said. Yolanda is a friend of Mart-Maerz-Mârţ family. She and her son came in Oregon just before us. They stayed at the Marts just before us.

With borrwowed money and some little other money i had i went to Tarom with my yellow envelopes with the Green Card Lottery documents to buy two tickets to New York. They only had tickets for a Sunday at the beginning of August. Tarom flight nr. RO13, with a DC10 rented from a Belgium airline replacing the Airbus that crashed at Baloteşti. Captain Michel.

We arrived in New York on August 6. They kept us for 3 hours at the INS. Ron, my new friend from the plane was still waiting for us. With a native american guy. But i already made up my mind. We're still going to Oregon, at my ex-colleague Iulian Mârţ from Bacău. Ron was really disappointed. I still had $600 dollars. (There was a guy in the plane that said he had 100.000 dollars and needed help into smuggling those money through the customs but i refused).

I went to an airline counter in the airport. The price to Oregon, tickets bought on the spot was double of the $600 we had.

So the next day we took the Greyhound, as Iulian told me on the phone. After all i've read the book, Greyhound America. It should have been fun, we're gonna see lots of places. I remember the face of the woman at the counter when i bought the tickets. She gave me a look that in a way defined all that happened later. Bad sign.

Three days, two nights, 8 drivers, 5 buses. And the accident that almost happened that night when i and the guy behind the driver were the only people awake in the bus. The driver fell asleep the bus drifted on the freeway's shoulder and the black guy behind him gently taped him on the shoulder awaking him. He didn't panic and brought the bus back on the second lane. I remember something that really shocked me. He started laughing! Never stopped to catch his breath. Now i know why, the fear of being fired was bigger than his need for a comforting break.

On August 10 there we were, at the Greyhound station in Salem. Veronica was waiting for us, she took a little time from her work at that high tech silicon foundry (i forgot the company name, Wafertech i think), gave me a hug and another bad preview, whispering condescendingly in my ear: Gigi, Gigi... And then she took us directly to the Social Security office in Salem, watched everything we wrote in the applications, went with us at the counter and told the clerk that we're only temporary here... Although we had on the passports the stamp from INS at the airport that said "processed for I551", that is permanent residency... Which i told the clerk in plain English. The Mexican woman at the counter with the passports and applications in her hand looked at me, looked at Veronica, at me again then wrote something on the applications and two weeks later the cards came with the inscription "No right to work" on them. Veronica said something that she had a friend somewhere who's gone help us to get permits for work but the next day under some pretext i secretely went with Angela to Portland (fearing that they wouldn't let us) straight to the downtown Social Security office, i explained them the whole situation, they gave us new applications and in another two weeks new cards arrived, this time the right ones. And i was exercising my signature in English with the first name first on some yellow pieces of papers at the Marts so i could sing the cards...

And since then, daily, hourly and weekly hundreds, or thousands of similar situations... Yesterday i called Oregon State Bar Association asking for a referral. Every once in a while i do so. They asked me what i needed a lawyer for. And i told them, in any area of non-violent crime, i think there is no law that has not been broken in our regards.

And then yesterday at the WinCo store, this younger athletic tall blond guy standing at the other check stand checking in the same time so i could see him, with a 6 inch blade hanging on his waist belt. By the way, for many years after we came here WinCo was called Cub Foods...

And i just remembered while staying at the Marts, one day Veronica received the negative result for her breast cancer test...

And i really made my attempts to work around here... Until August 2000 i had 23 jobs... The longest one year... The shortest one day... Some of them are in the Resume with the link in this blog on the lower left area... But that is another story, hope i will be able to share it here...


1996, George's (Hirsovescu) House, Salem, Oregon. Cloe (wife), his daughter, Dan Onu, son-in-law (Boeing), Julian Mart, Angela.

Later i found out he was also associated was Associated with Aristotel Popescu, Iaşi, possibly with Peter Kiss, Portland Oregon.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 7

1:53 Just remembered something. When i walked over 2 miles to pick the car that i rented at Enterprise rent a car location, so i can have something to drive Angela at work while my truck is in the shop for alternator, possibly radiator, at @3:30 yesterday, i was on the right side of Tualatin Sherwood heading for the green light button and when i was exactly at the corner a big empty trailer took a right turn from Tualatin Sherwood to Teton kinda fast and his rear wheels briefly climbed, about one foot on the sidewalk, feet away from me, but now i know the lesson, i only walk on the outer side of the sidewalk. Until i brought camera app on my phone it was gone. Noise disturbances? A guy whith a big base in the trunk just drove by.

2:20 A modified exhaust.

2:52 Ran into a face that could again have been the cop last night.

3:20 Wouldn't have find her if i didn't look at this guy first... Tomorrow i will try a match, i'm too tired, got to wake up in two hours to drive Angela to work...

6:16 Slept two hours, coming back from Eaton. They switched back to 8 hours, 6 to 2:30, so there was some traffic. Almost got into 2 accidents with the rented car, (a 2019 Kia Forte with 40 k and water in the headlights), of course, when alone in the car, with no witness. Coming out of the back alley at Eaton on Avery, a big SUV or truck came from my right @ the curve real fast so i didn't see it at first, a car coming from opposite direction, still kinda far, so i just didn't go into the lane, staying in the middle of the road, both could have pass, however, they both stopped, while i got honked by the vehicle coming from the opposite. Further away, they were some cones on the right white band, a jogger dressed in dark clothes choose to pass those on my lane while i was kinda blinded by cars coming from the opposite so i just stopped and let him pass.

11:58 The Noongars (by expression of recessive genes - if i believed in DNA theory).

3:21 Coming from Eaton. I remember i once went for one day trip in Turkey, probably in 92 and for the first time i saw trucks carrying anything were covered. Probably the same in Europe. However this fashion never made it in the US. Though the trucks have covers, they never use it. Dust from all kinda materials, notably gravel, flies for the people in vehicles behind to breath (picture was taken during a stop). Though the trucks do have a cover, which in this case is rolled on top of the truck, they never use it.
As i got closer to home, at the hospital one guy in a black Prius came onto the road, simulating cutting in my way, made me brake real hard but he stopped in the middle lane. The whole thing was a weird recreation of what happened this morning when i left Eaton. They always do that, at the earliest opportunity.

Differences like night and day, the man in the truck coming from right this morning was speeding, i was not, this morning he came around a curve with no visibility for me, they were 3 cars involved, here i was in a line with many cars going real slow, here there was a middle lane, there it was not.

I call these type of "doubling" events "ingannare" which in Latin and Italian means deception and in Romanian mocking and i believe the word comes from "Noongars", an ancient people from Australia which probably were the ancestor of Huns (Hungarians) who invaded the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD though they "spared" Rome itself (saving it for later, which is around 1000 when they started to infiltrate the Catholic Church) and lived to this day in the area where Hungary is, their main occupation being exploiting the rich gold mines of Transylvania and infiltrating the whole world by replacing leaders, elite. Mongols, another wave, a branch of the last original migration wave that first wondered in Asia, coming late? Magyars, the last of them? Ninja of Japan?

By mocking a certain event they introduce confusion about it. It is one of their most powerful tools, which can effectively destroy information about the first event and create confusion to any casual observer.

4:44 This guy eludes me. Also because in the lists of their actors there are many of the same generation who look much alike, or like (half) brothers. A breeding program? After many searches during the last years got 6 of them who look close but he is none of them. They must have been real careful when choosing the guy, given the importance of the function, especially now during the "pandemic".

5:56 "No bigger than a golf ball", the guy at Enterprise said. Just discovered another barely visible dent about that size under driver's door handle, there are a couple more on the other side, done by grocery carts, opening door next to something. Caught them both on phone camera, at the site. Water in the left headlight, and some sort of film on the windshield that is visible only in sunset when it blinds you. At Fred Meyer, a brand new card wouldn't work with the chip, done it three times than striped it, at the Liquor store they tried the chip like 10 times, in the end it worked. They gave me the estimate for the truck, pending radiator arrival from Amazon which now had changed schedule from 6 to 7-12 of October. Which means i'm going to drive the rental through the weekend and next week or until radiator arrives. Though i'm soaked into car's deodorant, it smells like dog poo, i went outside, bumped into the lady with yellow coat. Got to go back to finish searching.

Also. Have you ever been ashamed of using things that you don't know how they work? Do you know variable valve timing is? How about VW TSI. Or GDI, used by many manufacturers. Do you know what timing is? Do you know what a crankshaft or even a piston is? A strut or even a ball bearing?

I am ashamed of having to use all these technologies bought by dealers from Japan or Germany. Mostly because i don't know how they work and i will never be able to contribute to designing or perfecting those.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

November 20

4:30 At Lucky Eagle i went to the Main Street bar and asked for a double brandy (which i later shared with Angela) and poured it in my cup with soda. But the bartender gave me a plastic cup because they don't let people drink alcohol from paper cups. My paper cup which for a few seconds had the soda-brandy mixture in it remained there. But it was red and i didn't like it and i put it altogether in a white paper cup. Later i went to the other bar and asked again for a double brandy (i didn't have any with me in the trunk) and she gave me a triple of the same brand i usually drink which i didn't mix with soda and charged me accordingly. At a certain moment i thought a drop of rain fell in my brandy (i was inside) and threw about 1/3 of it in the garbage. So i had a total of 2 shots of brandy at maybe 8 PM and left at 2 AM.

Just before we left Angela was playing at her favorite machine next to a "Chinese" woman while i was having another cup of soda (drank a lot of that tonight). An Asian woman dressed in blue uniform came and took my cup mumbling something i didn't understand but it didn't have any alcohol in it, haven't been drinking alcohol in hours. The "Chinese" woman went to the restroom, left 850 dollars and a card inside the machine and asked Angela to watch it.

In the parking lot was smelling heavily like cow dung and when we left like coal smoke. At gas station there was a receipt for 5 gallons of gas that came together with mine for more than that (can't remember).

There was heavy smoke in the smoking area, brought some on our clothes, had some difficulty breathing (shortness of breath) but as we passed Terwilliger curves we met with a van with black luggage box on top that was putting a smell like unidentified animal dung that combined with the smell inside the car gave me palpitations (probably atrial fibrillation) that got worse when i got closer to home. I passed it at 70 but a few miles later when going downhill he passed me at high speed and the smell and fibrillation started again. On the radio they were playing You can call me Al with that ridiculous hu hu sound and reverted bass line.

10:41 Slept 5 ours, maybe. Woke up in smoke. Installed new brand of filters yesterday advertised as 0.1 microns but are the worst i ever had. Previous were unwoven electrostatic and much better. My monitor later showed 4 micrograms of 2.5 inside and 11 outside. Can't understand why 4 micrograms smells so much like smoke. I thought my heart was sort of vibrating after the first contraction. Like shaking the whole body. Again waiting for the rain next week to see if that's gonna fix anything.

I gathered my courage and listen with the stethoscope. I thought the second beat is kinda quiet when compared to the first. I once read somewhere that is normal in elderly but it's worse than last time i heard it. Went to sites and listened to atrial fibrillation sounds, nothing like it. Could have been like that last night when i came. However my blood pressure was so high i don't have the courage to write it here.

At a certain time in the casino i started the phone and read the news. Within the hour i had pains in my face, hands and all areas that were closer to the phone. Not as much as other times, i used only 4% of the phone's huge battery. And yes i had regular coffee when i left home.

Went outside, covered a number of mole holes but that was not it this time. Smoke is wildfire smoke. Part of the reason i have heart problems is i haven't been for walks in months because of smoke. Believe it or not i have an old unpowered treadmill that i bought at Walmart i guess for 100 bucks 15 years ago. I installed it and started to use it. Particulates in here are 3 times less than outside anyways. I'm gonna check my blood pressure later again.

However, two things. Noises again like flushing toilets every time i go to the bathroom. Which reminds me. Last time i went to the toilet at Lucky Eagle i used for some reason paper towels instead of regular toilet paper and it didn't flush (though the same one was working minutes earlier).

BTW last night (early morning) the passenger airbag sensor wasn't working again. I fiddled again with one of the connectors and made it work. Thinking about shortcutting the whole thing, making it work all the time even when there's no passenger. That car has been totaled twice already anyways.

Temperature when i left there was 26 degrees (-3 C). On the two lanes road to freeway i passed one guy that was going 10 under speed limit. But it took me too long to pass and i had to come back on the right lane on the continuous line. Within five minutes two vehicles passed me on high speed on continuous  lane.

On the freeway i was staring in the mirror to see if that vehicle i saw earlier was still approaching. In that moment i touched the right line. No other cars were within one mile. Within a few minutes a Dodge resembling those of Police came and passed on the right at high speed while touching the line or even crossing in my lane. Instant justice in both cases? Except one all male drivers including of semis i saw last night where either Japanese or (poorly disguised) Mexican looking Japanese. Same in the casino.

One more thing i forgot to say about last night. I figured the steering problems (pulling left or right with any side slope due to road irregularities) come from the EPS (Electric Power Steering). The alternator connector was loose and after i tightened it is was steering much better.

Outside an engine is idling at high RPM for 10 minutes now. It just stopped before i had a chance to finish this entry.

11:50 Oricât de dureros ar fi. Da în România există o adevărată cultură a minciunii care este, a fost promovată timp de decenii de de media, politicieni și oamenii de cultură vizibilide pripas. Un mic exemplu recent. Impunitaea plagiatului care-și face și reclamă, aproape zilnic.

După multe generații de muncă intensivă ea acum a pătruns și în familie.

Vreți alte exemple? Păunescu, poezia Rugă pentru părinți (multe multe altele din cele 50 de volume pe care le-a scos din care probabil nu ai ce să alegi). Strofele se contrazic între ele, într-o strofă poetul se roagă pentru o întârzâiere, în alta pentru o grăbire cu referințe la reîncarnare.

Marea majoritate a lucrărilor literare sunt similare. Misoginia lui Eminescu, Sorescu, alții. Viața inversă la BlandianaCorola lui Blaga îndeamnă la ignoranță și închiderea ochilor. Viața absentă a la Minulescu. Contradicții și îndemnuril la ipocrizie dar și multe alte păcate la tot pasul.

Da, nu am știut de toate astea pe vremea când am făcut traducerile din acești poeți prezente pe blog. Știam poeziile pe de rost dar niciodată nu le-am privit în felul acesta. Între timp am mai îmbătrânit și m-am mai deșteptat. Prea târziu pentru mine.

Toată cultura românească dar nu numai (nu există alte refugii) este virusată. O pot demonstra cu orice lucrare, aproape în orice paragraf. Nimic serios. Nimic care să urmărească o logică de la cap la coadă. Nimic care să construiască pe solidele idei ancestrale ale românilor care între timp au devenit o amețeală generală.

7:06 180 million dollars "bureaucracy".

9:45 Aztec decorations.

11:05 Today all day i kept wondering who who that black guy at the bar who gave me my first drink. Until i saw a show on ABC.

With thin lips indicating loss of collagen in his body, thinner face, he was unrecognizable to me. Especially after 2 hours driving 120 miles in hostile traffic with all kinda crazies or simulated crazies blinding me, and one drink of wine in the car.

I won't say much about it, but one word. Circus. Also need to emphasize, it happens all the time when people are about to pop in a show. They come around me the day or night before. As i told Angela, wouldn't have gone to that place if i wasn't under the influence of that smoke from outside all day Saturday morning.

I spent some time today at Angela's computer from where i type right now and was ok. She put her phone to charge next to me in the same place where she always does and i paid no attention to it. About one hour later i started to feel pain again in the right hip, right abdominal, hands, face. Then i checked and realized the phone was on.

Was thinking of buying of a more preformant device for checking microwaves (wi-fi, phone, etc..) but then i thought there's got to be some apps that does the same since the phone has a wi-fi microwave receiver. So i found the app but then i thought how the phone is going to measure its own emissions.

Anyways i used my microwave detector which i built myself with a ME type of volt-meter stripped of everything and a GHz diode which i never used on this phone (Motorolla e7 power with 5000 mAh battery). All passive, no amplifier, no nothing. One has too imagine how strong a radio microwave signal has to be to move the needle of an ME (magneto-electric) type meter with no amplifying. You could have bought one of these 20 years ago at Fry's for 7 bucks under the name "microwave leak detector". I believe a new brand appeared recently.

The thing would move a bit when close to microwave oven when working, especially empty, a bit less next to a phone (barely moving the needle). But today when i tried next to Angela's phone, it went off scale. Which means there's something wrong with our phones. Here i used my phone to film Angela's while starting it up with the voltmeter next to it. I think this is crazy. Phone has either been hacked and wi-fi has been turned to max or works over the max allowable by FCC.

The video played in drive only once, then i got an error message. I tried to film another one, shorter, it happened the same. If you want you can download it from drive and play it on your device.

By starting the phone twice, i feel now pain the known areas. But i think it affects my vision (everything went darker), my brain and probably my heart, after such a long exposure (got them since January this year). On top of that, the laptop.

Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29

10:28 Just got home and had to move the truck because Saturday i found another warning ticket saying that it will be towed Tuesday.

In this complex we only have one designated parking spot. There are a number of visitors spots, about 15% of the total that people are competing over, to park their second car. However from time to time, if the car is parked for too long on a visitor spot, they will put a warning sticker on your car. My truck was on the same visitor spot since last Thursday, when i last used it, or for two days, however it was in that spot before Thursday as i could not find. Some people don't move their vehicles from visitors spots for weeks. Some just exchange spots with others also on visitor spots.

I write this because tonight the spot next to ours, belonging upstairs was empty (it was used by other people in the last few days) because nobody lives upstairs nowadays and i parked my truck there, for a few hours, or until 4:30 Tuesday morning. I used that spot in the past when that apartment upstairs was vacated and once i was told not to use it anymore.

The alternative is to move it at the Meridian parking lot at the street until morning when i can park it here after Angela leaves, but there i had a number of problems, including a stolen wheel and catalytic. So i have no emotions free alternative tonight.

Earlier. Yesterday and today i avoided a number of ready made accidents (highest on a 24 hours period so far). They all would have been my fault of course. But maybe the most interesting was in Florence Oregon. I came out of a street onto a boulevard. There was this gray older van possibly a VW but second generation (bigger, more solid, square at corners, maybe 80s) coming from the left, at least 300 ft away.

Until i accelerated to speed limit +10 it caught up with me, must have been speeding big time, as i saw it on the mirror only ft away, though the mirror was on night mode since earlier (a long story, somebody with an RV was annoying me when in a parking lot and turned not to see him anymore). In that moment i accelerated more and narrowly escaped. Would have been my fault (going too slow, getting in front of her).

At the intersection i was waiting for green (didn't make a right turn on red or couldn't because of traffic) and it caught up with me on the other lane and looked and guess who it was. It was the artist known as Lady Gaga though i didn't recognized her at first and gave her the finger in frustration and she tried to keep her cool and smile large at me as only she could, making a gesture with her hands claiming ignorance. "What?". I was telling Angela. No cop in his right mind would arrest Lady Gaga for trying to create an accident.

The combined crimes that describe what she did including conspiracy with others to commit those would total probably life in prison. However there is a possibility she was behind the wheel of a retrofitted self driving vehicle (the gesture with her hands above the wheel).

I now remember that yesterday when i left i got behind an SUV with a vine Oregon LP saying GAGAS.Also the car was messed with since i last drove it. All electrical connections to battery and alternator were weakened and contaminated. Had to tighten the battery connectors one by one, and stopped several times, and also cleaned the alternator connector with alcohol (did it only this morning) to make it work back at 44 mpg on a highway (without having to stop, a stop and/or idling would affect that).

Two weeks ago i took a picture of the left front brakes, and though i had at least two more mm or 20k miles to go until that angled part ends but today the plates look much more thinner, like i have to replace them right away. Amazing how far the original ceramic plate went (102kmiles). However last 30k were done by me mostly on highways (outside city) when brakes are not used as much per mile. No sound from the indicator. I'll see tomorrow.

Also, for months now, any vehicle that gets behind me comes too close. When i try to stop and let them pass and restart (that cost me on mpg), others come right away and do the same as they were organized (criminals).

We made a reservation a while ago at a hotel for the week June 11-27, Angela made a vacation request at the same time, however no response yet.

This morning Angela started the phone in the bathroom at the hotel in the same that i was with the meter in my hand next to the door trying to keep away from the oven while heating water for tea and noodles (that was much more leaky than others before). But i noticed the meter was not beeping or showing anything during startup of her phone, or one meter away.

I attributed that to the fact the tower was less than a quarter of mile away and phone was on lowest emitting setting.

I decided to use it myself (her phone not mine) to modify something on the blog on the post with... cell phones radiation (remembered about the polar lipid bylayer i once wrote in a post about). However when i started it (Angela stopped it as per our new rules) the beeper went crazy (never saw readings so high from a phone before, even from 3-4 meters away), probably got connected to another more distant tower and i had to refuge in the other corner of the room still getting high readings until startup and initial protocol with tower ended and then when i tried to approach it the emission power was still too high and i just shut it down.

The hotel room was reasonably clean except for the windows. There was a thick layer of pickled smoke algae on the outside. I think it happens only in building D. I tried to clean it but could only picked some of it. There was smoke coming from fires on the beach. A number of people on the beach but only in front of our room, and they all seemed Japanese. After eating and having a few drinks i fell asleep and woke up in an hour or so very sick, probably because of nose congestion. I almost could not walk to the casino to find Angela.

Gradually got better inside the casino where there was no smoke and after breathing on my mouth for an hour or so. Went to sleep at 2:30. In the morning the exaggerated, unexplained, most likely intentional noises from 5 surrounding rooms woke me a number of times. Could not sleep between 5:30 and 7:30 because my right eye was itching badly from cleaning the windows and because i was thinking of the polar lipid bylayer of my poor cells that have been exposed for so long. Slept maybe 6 hours in about 10 fragments. After that i drove for about 220 miles.

Won a little, for the first time maybe since Easter which confirms my theory. They set the machines loose on holidays.

12:25 Gaga, Giga (Hertz). It totally makes sense.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Jiffy Lube in Lake Oswego

At Sussex, the first manager, Cindy Dunster, Christine, Carol King, wouldn't let me change the oil in the parking lot. Back then you had to do it the old fashion way, that is remove the plug, drain the oil, etc.. Over the years it's always been a terror to me to go to change oil. Every time something happened, if not only the show.

When i was in there last time in November i thought i saw in there Mnuchin. Last time, last Friday i thought i saw in there Prince and Gerald Butler.

I told them wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to them to put 5W20 oil (as required) an OEM filter, .3 quarts less (that car has a tendency to "spit" oil through PCV valve), other indications.

In the same day i noticed the oil was above the upper limit on the dipstick. On the paper they said they put 4.2 quarts. I went to O'Reillys and bought a transfer pump and removed through dipstick hole unexpectedly easely almost one quart of oil. When i saw how easy it was i planned to change next time oil myself. (have to apologize for coffee stains on the invoice).
Anyways. I was in a hurry (in the manual oil change interval is 7000 miles, i was at more than 8, i went in there and during the weekend i noticed a decrease in performance, like 2-3% mpg drop, a drop in power. Then i looked and i saw they put an aftermarket filter. With a dried oil stain on it. Could it be they put an used one? In the end they charged me 47 bucks, most ever. The guy who printed the invoice pulled the mask and let me see him, and he looked like Prince.

So i decided to change the oil one more time myself, just for piece of mind. I went and ordered online the filter (9 bucks cause i was in a hurry), a tool (10 bucks) together with oil, 15 bucks, Quaker State, Hyundai's prefered brand.

I went to the Amazon locker to pick the items, when i left there was smoke in the parking lot, had to cover a (man made) hole (moles don't come near the building anymore since i put the buzzers), there was a group of Australian looking people from Hungary, with several women and a man and the man released two kids with pink pants who ran in the light of the car, giggling. On the street more than half of the drivers were blinding me with high beam.

However when i went outside to check, i saw the filter they put in is smaller, probably with a different material in it which may explain the flow resistance, decreasing performance and possibly damaging the engine. So the tool i bought doesn't fit.
While i was outside, there was smoke all the time, that change into cat litter smell. Got nauseated right away, now my stomach hurts. The curly kid from the picture with Tualatin Police, also looking Australian passed twice, throwing arrogant glances at me.

Now i got to go somewhere, get a star shaped tool, remove that filter or go back to Jiffy Lube. In a different place. But where? If they won't screw something, there will be a show, like anywhere i ever been too.

Last time when i was in  Tigard on Hwy 99 i saw in there several guys from the Hungarian extremist party Jobbik.

But over the years, they never did what they did this time in Lake Oswego, only from what i figured out.

I said i'm going outside, they had like a 1 minute notice, they organized another show. This time i looked for thickness and i don't think oil is 5W20 which will explain also the drop in mileage.

Follow up 4/23

I asked Angela to get a tool at NAPA, based on what i measured last night (it's on her way from work. However that didn't work i think because of different flute numbers).

Went at NAPA myself but i could not find a tool to remove the no-brand filter they installed at Jiffy Lube. After many trials, i came with this idea and taped the tool that i bought with Gorilla tape to the filter and cracked it open.

With this i think you can open any filter that has a reasonable close diameter.

In that moment i thought i heard some people (kids) cheering on the alley (do i have fans).

I was right. Filter is smaller, has no anti-drain valve as  the OEM has and probably a different flow rate.
I haven't change oil by myself in a long time. So after i cracked the filter open, i tried to unscrew it and oil started to flow. Good think i had a pan under. For some reason i thought it was above the oil pan level. Or it was and there was some residual oil on the lines on top of the engine. Anyways i gave up and came with the pump. Pulling the oil was harder then expected. Pump did not work as easy as the first time. Next time i will use some PVC tubing which is larger than the thin rubber intake line i used (not the one shown in picture). That one is very thin and it takes a lot to pull the oil with it.

At this point i was explaining (yelling) to Angela who was watching TV and could not hear me, the door was one inch open and i heard outside the "veteran" yelling in the alley. "Should call the Inspection! He's working on car!" So i went near the door without opening and he said: "Yeah! To you i'm talking! Come outside!", while his "wife" was pulling him aside. He was obviously drunk. Haven't seen him in one year or so. Since there is a woman dressed in black who smokes at that entrance outside, i figured he passed away.

People in here work on cars all the time, there is a guy with a garage that works inside and outside the garage, i myself hate to change oil but this time i had no choice because of what Jiffy Lube has done.

Had no problems installing  the new filter, tightened it by hand, tomorrow i'm going to torque it (spec is 10). Finally went to pour in the oil. 5W20 Quaker State synthetic. On the previous invoice Jiffy Lube said they put in 3.7 quarts (i asked them .3 less). On the last one, 4.2 and was overfilled. So i first poured 3.5 quarts and was under the low sign. I put one more quart and after i started the engine to fill the filter it went down in the middle of the signs. Another surprise here.

Then i decided to take out half of the paper towels i used at one bin and half at the other. They predicted this move too. I passed by the truck and found a towing notice. Due today (Friday) at 1 PM. Reason: Stationed vehicle.

Since they cut my catalytic earlier this year, i tried to avoid using the truck. I go in (near) the park on foot. I keep it in one spot only. I saw many people doing that. I think i last moved about a week ago.

However truck was still there. I went to move it at the street. Brakes work worse than last time (had to purge the front circuit, purging screws are damaged), braking mostly on rears. i was squeezed between and SUV and a Nissan Z on a non-standard 8 ft spot. Steering wheel was moved to the right and i was about to hit the Nissan but i figured on time. In the back, the same sliver Tacoma that makes the biggest sound around here. I had to go back and forth about 4 times, it was almost impossible to get the truck out of there. Then when i finally did, to the left there was the bearded Hungarian painter who lives in a one level building, carefelly watching me, etc..

From this morning to this point there was smoke in here and outside big time. My brain is on slow motion.


I went to NAPA and O'Reilly's to buy a 3 inch 3/8 extension to attach it to the oil filter cap wrench i bought online. The 10 inch was the smallest i had and could not squeeze it together with the cheap dial torque wrench i got. with the 3 inch one i got to see the dial and everything. The guy at O'Reilly's thought i was joking. "Torque the filter? I do it by hand ". And i told him, "I don't want the filter to get unscrewed and loose all oil" and he said, "Yeah, it happened to me a couple of times".

On the filter it says 10 (actually around ten, it's in meters, have to convert) or 4/5 of turns until you meet resistance (after you oiled the rubber ring).

It was under ten when i put the torque wrench on it, i was again a bit surprised. After about half turn it went to 15 when i stopped. I must have done at least one quarter turn by hand, so i think i'm a bit over, but i think it's ok.

BTW, i know remember, i only had to turn it less than one quart of a turn when i took off the old one (with the Gorilla tape cap). It was way loose, probably dripping small amounts of oil on the exhaust.

I remember when i first looked at it i saw the logo of the "no brand" Champ or something in a different position then when i took the pictures. Could it be it was slowly unscrewing by itself?

Sunday, April 23, 2023

April 23

1:05 At 3:30 we went to Providence Sherwood urgent care. Lab was closed at 3 so they sent us to ER. We went to Providence St.Vincent and i got diagnosed with non infected brown recluse spider bite. Further biopsy needed to confirm the diagnosis. It will be two more months of misery before it clears out. Blood pressure was high at admission, then it went to 150/90 when we were alone in the room, then it went back high when i was standing just before leaving. Anxiety. All my blood work came ok except for liver enzymes that were a little elevated but better then the results in 2015. And blood sugar of course.

Can't describe the anxiety i went through until i found out the verdict. Too tired to sleep or talk.

7:34 Looks like it's gonna be less than two months. It wouldn't have looked that bad but yesterday morning when i woke up iti was itching like crazy and within the first couple of minutes when i was semi-conscious, i scratched myself until bleeding.

Amoxicillin is not the most efficient for skin infection, i was having chills and panicked and went to urgent care. The skin infection antibiotic they gave me worked, there's no more traces of puss in the wound in the middle, the Zyrtec i took last night helped with itching.

I was supposed to take the second dose after 6 hours but Walmart Pharmacy on Dartmouth is closed until 10.

9:32 I love the fries done in the oven with my new cutter. Just mix with oil and pour them on a cookie sheet one inch high in a scrambled pattern (so the hot air from oven can get to all of them). With coleslaw they are unbeatable. Too bad the potatoes Angela bought two days ago from Fred Meyer were half bad, had to dig through with my peeler. BTW the reason i panicked yesterday and went to urgent care was i grated a big piece of cold cabbage from the fridge that drew all the heat from my right hand allowing bacteria on the skin lesion to flare up and give me some chills.

10:43 Got a new pair of glasses from the jar, the last from the 4 i bought at dollar tree. Cause i lost all 3 of them i was using. Don't know where they go. I constantly buy them and they disappear. There are two thunderous exhausts outside. They started when i got mad after i found a poop right in front of the car, when my fries and breakfast was done, to pretend i'm not mad because of poops by i'm mad because of that. Now i'm mad on both but who can tell? It's the same AI that guides people in stores or where i go, to make it look like i'm chasing them.

An example. At the pharmacy there was this young blonde Hungarian lady that jumped out of the blood pressure machine and started to play hide and seek around a bench. All the others start walking in front of me pretending i'm chasing them. Short muscle packed Asian crossing between me and a kid, etc..

10:54 I was waiting at Walmart for my prescription to take the medicine that was 4 hours overdued, on a metal bench and again drew the heat out of me and i started having the chills and was thinking. The person upstairs tries to edit my thoughts and what i'm writing like yelling No, no, no! when i'm thinking if to write or not the next phrase. The exhaust is still on, for more than 15 minutes now, preventing me from remembering other things. Ok i just did. Yesterday at the ER i waited for 4 hours before they got me in. I went to ask for a bandage (the one i had from home was left at urgent care) and when they saw my hand they decided to get me in the first room available. Half of my arm was deep red.

There in the waiting room the same pattern. Trained mime actors were getting in my way, in between me and other people. They were at leas 6 Russians spread around on all area, having conversations and talking on the phone in Russian. A myriad of other scenes while i kept asking myself if the're gonna put me through surgery or admit me or something, because the PA at Sherwood Providence told me that i could die from it.

When i got back this morning there was a lease renewal offer on the door for the next year with a 100 dollars rent increase. Still way lower than any prices in the area. I took the pill at the store but was too late, now i'm having the chills, probably developed resistance by now. Back to where i was yesterday before i went there. Angela says now she asked for one more pill at the ER (who's gonna go to the Pharmacy at 6 AM after leaving ER after midnight) and all pharmacies are close at that time anyways. but they wouldn't give it to us.

11:11 Went outside to check and he just left. It was this extra long camouflage pickup that did the same thing 2 weeks ago, more than half hour idling sounding like an old tractor from Romania. I really don't understand why they let them on the streets with those things.

8:53 Just got back home from Indian Head. We again had 120 in free play and 25 in food. On our way back i started to have pains in the body starting around that arm, like in wrist and elbow and i figured maybe the new antibiotic i got is good only for skin and i have something deeper, though last night they said my white blood count was fine so i started taking Amoxi as well. Soon after i took it i started to feel heat in my hole body.

There was a couple of things on my mind all the way here. One, the procedure. Since i couldn't make it at the urgent care, the lab closed at 3 on Saturday though the clinic was open till 6, i had to go to the ER where they have a different procedure for collecting samples. They insert a plastic tube in one of your veins and leave it there for an eventual IV and remove only when you leave. But after taking the samples the 6 inches clear tube is full of blood so they pump some "saline", like 25 cc or more back in your vein to flush the tube so it won't get clogged.

Last night right after they did it i feel heat in my whole body so i took one more half Amoxi and heat continued for half hour. I even asked "the doctor" and she said "that's a good question".

The other. The other. The person upstairs just squeaked and i forgot like i forgot a number of things that happen yesterday and wanted to write down.

I think one member of the Japanese Imperial Family was attending us in the ER last night when i pressed the nurse button to have my temperature checked again. A bit of trouble cause the temperature at admission was in Celsius, 36.5 and in there was in Fahrenheit, 98.6. In both cases i've been speaking and cooling my mouth just before they did, i know at home if i keep my mouth close, don't eat or drink for 5 minutes before, the temperature is about 1 degree higher.

9:09 Crown Prince of Japan Fumihito (first in line to the title of Emperor) was guarding the people in the area where i was playing poker.
9:57 Arm is much better now but i feel heat in my whole body and chills. Arms, face, areas that were exposed to lower temperature while i was driving. It's the inflammation due to dead bacteria and cells in affected tissues after i took the Amoxi.

They like to pass going uphill, just to show muscle. A 5.7 liter Toyota Tundra with a 381 hp (290 kW) engine going uphill, moving massive amounts of air (tall, no aerodynamic shape whatsoever) uses as much energy as 900 houses (the thermal efficiency of an internal combustion engine is 30%, 290 multiplied by 3), so it uses as much as energy as a 1 MW wind turbine generates to power 900 households (all numbers rounded for readability). After i was passed uphill by some of those when climbing on Mt.Hood, i was talking with Angela about those moving the air. Even my humble Hyundai uses about 1/4 of or as much as 220 households during that time.

When i left i had to again wipe with alcohol and tighten the alternator connector. Made a spark by touching the + cable to the ground while i was attempting to clean everything. I found no dirt on the little lid closing the connecting bolt of the alternator, but the screw and contact area underneath was dirty with black gunk after i cleaned a couple of weeks ago.

But here comes the interesting part. When we got back there was so much wind in desert area i almost got pushed out of the narrow road several times. At one point a semi came from the opposite way and moved so much air it pushed me a couple of meters to the right where the ridge with no rail was.

11:01 Around this place. Weird windy spring in the desert. Was very tired and distracted when i left so i can't remember exactly the place. (About half hour later i briefly fell asleep at the wheel). BTW i have some soda left in a 2 liter pop, it tastes differently from the soda in casinos.         

11:40 Just took another Cephalexin that has a weird smell and nauseates me. I started to heat up, i cursed in mind and an exhaust started, but by the time i finished this phrase it went off. Not before my blood pressure went off scale. Children are crying outside.

Friday, November 10, 2023

November 10

6:17 Și replica la ce am scris despre aurul dacilor. Și apropo, corectez a doua oară în fraza cu link-ul spre Tratatul de Aderare din 2005, formulării în loc de forumulării.

Ok i figured why there's an annoying fan running at night in his bedroom in November. So it can't be listen to ambiently, the fact nobody is there at night. Also note the fact "they" never talk and there are never two persons in the same time walking upstairs.

6:30 Un coșmar. Am spus de mai multe ori că partidul AUR, George Simion au fost create pentru a interfera semantic cu postările mele despre aur, similarities/asemănări. Acum, în contextul a ce am spus două zile despre o formă ciudată de polarizare a luminii.

6:35 Delir. Anul acesta se plătesc pensii de 110 miliarde în total. When you turn black...

6:40 A sărit și Isărescu, cel care spune că rezervele de aur ale României nu trebuie să depășească 100 de tone...

7:15 Ghinion. După cum spuneam, o țară cu 10 milioane de locuitori (Ungaria) sau Austria cu 9 are același drept de veto în Consiliul UE ca una cu 83 (Germania). Și România are, dar nu l-a folosit niciodată. De fapt cred nici Germania, care a devenit un colos economic și un pitic politic.

Am văzut recent retragerea Nissan din Franța. Poate s-au prins și francezii că mulți din funcționarii Nissan care se foiau pe acolo erau de fapt ninja. O situație asemănătoare este și în Austria, unde un sfert de locuitori sunt străini, care pot fi și asiatici.

7:42 Perfect storm. Among other things that prepared me for the crossing of the hospital alley event yesterday were the city leaves pickers. It took them several hours yesterday morning before i left and after to pick leaves from the tiny park with a gigantic vacuum on wheels that vibrated most of the dust from the building.

Just went outside to dust the door frame and mat  which i haven't done in two weeks and there was not much left. BTW keep hearing car doors being slammed, must heave heard 20 in one minute.

Much of that dust came inside and got to breath some (forgot the ion generator off the night before) while i was still sleeping at 8 AM and that got me sick and it continues to this moment. Got some very bad microbes in my gut and i was late with the charcoal and now i am dizzy and nauseated, breathing and vision problems.

11:08 I slept (8:37 to 11) but i remember someone climbing the stairs... Then leaving within half hour.

The market just got another purrrfect oil day.

1:10 Are you sure that is a... pussy (riot)? (the only time you are allowed to use the word pussy on (social) media is if you talk about pussy riot, right?). And i bet easterners don't know what that word means. BTW i figured a new etymology for it cause puss sounds too weird. 

Yeah my browser crashed again last night when i tried to put the above timed link and i was too tired to do a workaround but today it didn't so i start asking myself if this is not some sort of dynamic timed censorship.

Have a nice weekend yall.

5:35 "get ready, 'cause this s...'s about to get heavy" (Eminem).

As we're about to eat the kids are back in the back, after an absence of almost one week I guess they didn't want them to see people agonizing. So the ninja do have some moral ethics though not as much as the samurai. Cause daimyo would hire ninja to do the things samurai wouldn't, as per Bushido, remember. Samurai were more into killing, and ninja more into stealing (information) and influencing (lying).

But why am i not agonizing no more. Finally after at least since last vacuum, or about 2 months ago, today i did so. Got my electrostatic bags from Amazon, i already re-arranged some of the stuff and i did it today. But something wasn't right. So i started to sweep with the electric sweeper the kitchen area (it does a very good job and lately i was tempting to just use i and not mop) and what did i found. Right next to Angela's desk a line about one feet long one inch wide of organic fertilizer.

Made of ordinary chicken droppings but also some from some exotic birds from an island (forgot the name) complete with shrimp shells and other goodies (if i remember right).

In spring i bought a bag for 10 bucks at Fred Meyer, i think it was on sale, didn't use it all at the garden and i put the rest in a jar with sealable lid for the plants here. And today i found that jar next to entrance door where i left it ever since. My fault. But the lid was still sealed.

Then i remembered about one week ago Angela found something under her office chair with wheels that to her looked first like mold, then ground coffee and to me, that i remember now, the same stuff from the jar. I swept that one right away without bothering to figure what it was (i was in a hurry to go somewhere, probable). The whole idea was that when she moved with the chair the stuff was ground finer and finer and gain flight capabilities.

I was getting sicker and sicker and today i started to cough as my lungs started to get affected and i think i was about to die, if it wasn't for large amounts of charcoal caps probably again saving my life my life.

No i did not give a key to no one. No one was supposed to enter here period.

Yeah i think it got something to do with the gasoline smell that was covering it.

I have only one question. For how long this was happening, best answer would be, since last time i swept which i can't remember but could be more than a month, but Angela did it last time maybe 2 weeks ago but only the trails (narrow passages between boxes and empty water bottles and stuff.

And yeah i started to believe the videos youtube google, whatever, pushes to me are all made up by people with something in their minds, i don't know what.

7:15 I once was talking to a guy who fixed something in the apartment and he said he lived in Germany and over there everything is taught in schools. As opposed to the US and Japan where everything is taught in companies.

But how and at who's expense?

People working in big corporations like Angela are supposed to train the newcomers. That is while doing their regular job. And the trainee is supposed to do the job he/she is paid since the first day at work. Easier jobs first. And the trainer is responsible for the quality of the work of the trainee period.

All at no extra pay. And BTW due to inflation and everything a new temp trainee now has just a few dollars less than her who worked there for 9 years.

And you know what? Most of them quit after training because they find the job there is kinda difficult.

Angela just finished training for weeks a deaf mute and she done a great deal of effort because while doing this and working her normal job in the same time she had to write down everything cause the deaf mute of course could not hear the instructions and now she's got another one after one in between who acts kinda burned out and screwed something and put it in the stack without giving Angela a chance o verify.

Now, at the meeting, Steve (Eaton, coincidence of name with the company), the always acting supervisor, the man who schedules himself overtime at the easiest jobs, because last supervisor (out of many since Steve and Angela is there) quit in April, brought the issue in a meeting with pictures and everything. Without telling Angela first.

Angela took a day off Monday because of her birthday but she is already emotionally screwed up for the weekend and her birthday while i was already screwed up emotionally. And yes, he always does this before weekends, holidays and vacations.

For a while i tried to keep up with her mishaps. Some of them are written on fb, and i centralized in this spreadsheet but i quit doing this in 2020 and now i have to try and gather in that file everything i wrote in the blog ever since. But i can do a search since the name Steve Eaton, the big man who knows everything there but never accepted a supervisor job because then he could not schedule to himself overtime appears in any of my entries on the subject.

Biggest problem by far is not Steve though but the sisters. Two Vietnamese sisters that are friends with Steve (for reason of food, small gifts) were bullying Angela who was so happy to get rid of them while working in SMT). But since she cannot work there anymore because of the enormous amount of walking required and her legs problems, now she is facing them again and one of them retired at 70 but is coming back from retirement in December.

I can do a query on the name but then you have to sort and search the results, again Eaton with CTRL/F.

9:22 Malta is the least populous country in the EU with a little over 500 thousands citizens. However it has the same veto power in the Council Germany has, with 83 million. The Council configurations that vote on specific problems unanimously are made by unelected ministers from each country.

9:54 Speranța de viață.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Last of the Hyundai

April 2018. We bid on a car at Copart. Like IAA, it's a place where insurance companies sell the totaled cars after they pay their customers the market value. They usually specify the areas where the car was damaged. This one has been listed as  "minor scratches and damages". We saw the car prior at the auction lot, together with one hundred others. Did not realize the car was actually in an accident, partially fixed and put back in auction and sold again at a higher price. I paid a total of 45 hundred dollars, including Copart fees.

When i went and picked it at the auction site, the car was driveable, but was making a weird noise at the engine. The mud cover on the right front was damaged, the fender was not holding in place, battery was almost dead and 5 years old. Serpentine belt was bent by a foreign object that gut between belt and pulleys at the time of the accident. When i got home i found in the trunk the broken windshield washer reservoir and the right headlight. Car was painted on the right side, with the right door and fender damaged. It was unclear if the right door airbag was still functional, though no dashboard light was on.

They were some sort of crystals on the windshield and hood, maybe from car being driven behind a de-icer that did not go away after a year or something, impairing visibility. Nr.1 and 2 cylinders had spark plug loose (0 torque) and there was oil in the cylinders and on the threads and inside the spark plug wheels. The shoulder at the bottom of the spark plug wheels  where the washers of the spark plugs seal sit was damaged and it was impossible to seal the spark plug when torquing it. Exhaust was leaking by the spark plugs in the engine compartment. Hood was bent (never fixed) and was not touching the seal with exhaust coming through the air intake grill in the cabin. There was oil in the the cylinders and on the spark plug threads.

3 years of struggle followed, with me working at the cars for hours, several days a week.

First went to Beaverton Hyundai and bought a battery and had it installed. Bought there a serpentine belt and installed it. Bought on Amazon a 6 mm diameter camera (about 20 bucks) to look inside the cylinders where i did not see piston slap damage but oil.

I tried to wipe the spark plug threads with balls of cotton soaked in alcohol, but they were not holding.
Designed and build in a machine shop a tool to resurface the shoulders of the spark plug holes. Finally torqued the spark plugs. Ordered a mud cover for right front on ebay and installed it. Ordered a windshield washer reservoir and installed it. Straightened the hood by stepping on it while hood semi-open, several times over the years. Did not realize the plastic grill was still leaking in several places by design, until about a week before the accident. Over 3 years i drove the car from 35 k to almost 100, while breathing exhaust inside the cabin, though less and less.

Did not realize the battery connectors could not be tightened enough, and were constantly getting loose, again by design, with battery never fully charging, until i bought a plug in USB charger with a digital voltmeter and because of needing jump starts several times after exhausting the battery with radio and fan in parking lots i also bought a 40 dollars 10000 mah li-ion smart jump starter on Amazon.

There was foam in the oil indicating sticky valves and squishy lifters. Tried to use some valve cleaner for the noise and injector cleaner additive inside the tank. As that wasn't working, i tried to clean the throttle body when i saw the inside of the composite intake manifold, which was installed in front of the compartment, or the left side of the engine, which was oily.

I tried and used a 3/8 piece of vinyl tube connected to a vacuum cleaner and pulled from the intake ounces of oil. It was  then when i realized that oil from the PCV was condensing inside the cold manifold that was installed in front of the engine compartment and pooling at the bottom of the intake which was installed upside down, by design, with the bottom bellow the runners, unlike any car i seen before. From there, oil was trickling up the runners, burning on valves and making them sticky, especially at number one cylinder. More oil was getting inside the cylinder, lubricating the piston rings unevenly, contaminating spark plugs, etc..

I pulled the injectors and tried to clean them applying voltage and some solvent from a spray can. Can had twice the pressure of the fuel and blew the injectors microfilters. I had to buy new injectors from dealer, for 400 bucks.

Over the years, i designed and installed several versions of catch cans on the PCV circuit, trying to minimize the amount of oil that gets in the intake which i was vacuuming "regularly" with a device i designed myself, made of a piece of tubing and a mat pump. With the last version of the catch can i could not vacuum oil from the intake anymore, there was none left.

A few months ago i bought an Exide battery and installed it and the noise was gone for a few hours. That was until the nuts at the connectors got loose again. Weeks before the accident i degreased the connectors together with the 8 bolts and nuts that were around the battery connectors and sealed the nuts on top with some adhesive. The voltage on the plug in charger with digital voltmeter was finally showing 14.3 volts while driving, 14.1 while idling. In the day of the accident, the noise was almost gone.

The noise was coming from the nr.1 cylinder or the furthest on the fuel rail, where fuel had not enough pressure because of low voltage at the fuel pump and injector was dripping,  causing uneven washing of the cylinder, with probably some slap while the engine cold, and not enough fuel washing the oil condensed on runner and trickling on valve, which was not getting washed enough because of low voltage at the fuel pump, making the valve stick and the lifer squish oil which was foamy. One cylinder working less than others meant vibration at the engine which meant poor driveability at high speed.

When i did rear brakes, a couple of years ago, i saw the indicators for pad wearing were bent and acting like springs, pushing the pads on the rotor, diminishing mileage.

Over the years, the car was doing an average of 35 mpg on the freeway and @20 in stop and go traffic. The car was quite comfortable to drive, due to soft suspension and many options, including working AC, bluetooth and satellite radio (which we did not subscribe for). In the days prior to the accident it was in its best shape ever, with smooth running engine, good driveability and almost no noise.

On August 19 Angela told me on the phone she had a flat. On the same tire there was another, several months ago when i got it fixed at Les Schwab in Lake Oswego. When she got home, i found low pressure in right rear, enough to trigger the sensor, put the tire in the tub full of water and didn't see any bubbles. I took the tire, for precaution, at the same Les Schwab shop in Lake Oswego.

There i spoke to a guy who resembled the current Finance Minister of Romania. Of course i didn't realize right away. Inside there was this Hungarian opera singer who acted like Phil Wick, Les Schwab's CEO after the death of Les Schwab.

The Romanian guy called me inside the shop which didn't happen in a long time, i went reluctantly after he called me a couple of times and showed me a tire similar to mine that had a damaged rim for about 1/6 length of the whole rim. He told me if it was from a previous installation which was in the same shop and asked me if wanted a new tire, i asked him if he had Michelin, the brand that was originally on car when i got it, he said no, if he can get it by tomorrow, he said we should talk in the morning, he had the number on my record, he then put the tire back on the wheel, inflated it and the wheel in the trunk. He insisted to put it there himself. This car doesn't come with a spare, though it has the space for it in the trunk. I found one at the junkyard, from a Ford that fitted. Though spare was new, the car was not driving the same as with the original wheel, especially at high speeds on the freeway. In the same evening i re-ordered a couple of tires similar to those in front which i changed more than a year ago, similar to the original ones. They were scheduled to arrive Monday, however they came Saturday morning or the day after the accident.

Friday evening i drove to Ilany, after both of us changed our mind, first Angela, then me, not to go that evening. 40 miles one way, had some difficulty driving, the car was drifting a bit, they were lots of drivers with weird LPN like KGB harassing us, as usually in the last few years. So i had to go with the speed limit.

In that day when she came from work she said she saw a light on the dashboard, it was the light showing something wrong with the airbags.

At midnight 20/21 i was coming back doing 60 in a 60 area on cruise control (which is kinda slow i recon). I was in the middle lane, because i was close to the interstate bridge where i don't want to drive on side lanes. Suddenly i noticed i was surrounded by a group of cars, left, right and behind. I saw in the mirror the lights from behind approaching at high speed, probably 20 over the speed limit. I could not change lanes, though the cars left and especially right might have slowed down in that moment, living me alone. Thing is i can't remember, because it all happened very fast. All i know is in my mind i had few options except to tell Angela to brace for impact and probably i accelerated in the last few seconds, reducing the difference in speed between the vehicles. For one second i thought he gave up then he accelerated too and i felt the impact. I was pushed forward at higher speed while all the other cars in the group fell behind. When i realized i still had control of the car i looked, the right lane was free, i veered right, stopped on the shoulder and tried to see his LPN. However when he passed he was surrounded by the other cars. All i could see was the tail of a huge white Ford pickup with the letters 4x4 on the tail. I took a picture of the car which was pretty damaged but still driveable (in the end, after talking to the cops who called a towing company who didn't want to go that far, calling our own towing that wasn't calling back, i drove the 22 miles from there to home, on right lane, and i had to pull over at least one time because of a truck that was coming again threatening from the rear).

The Washington State police came within 5 minutes. The cop looked bored and interested in a car that zoomed at high speed. He left the front lights on onto my car and i could not see his face. He said i should not drive the car back home cause it could not take another hit like that, which in the end almost happened. However, i do remember he looked like this guy.

He then agreed to drive before me (while another Police SUV came from behind, following me) and pilot me to a safe place. He exited the freeway than choose a street with poor illumination, near a property called G&G in the Minnehaha neighborhood of Vancouver, Washington, 2 miles away from Columbia river and Oregon.

There he asked me to write on a form called SUSPECT/WITNESS statement what happened and sign it. Then he asked me this question. What happened right after the impact? Because only those who survived such impact know what happens. The speed of your vehicle increases and that of the vehicles who hit you decreases. I think it was a test question. However, he did not write on the report "hit and run" which could have triggered a call for potential witnesses in the media.

Then he called their contracted towing company which came but refused to tow us "because of the distance". So i called the insurance, but the menus where such designed i had to file the claim first which meant an almost one hour conversation with the insurance claims rep. The cop left, the towing left and we were all alone on the dark street. I had to pee in a bottle i had in the thank that was crushed by the accident. The towing was not coming, i tried to call insurance again, got lost in menus and then i decided to drive back home. As i got on the freeway at around 2 AM, towing called saying they are within 10 minutes distance.

to be continued