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Showing posts sorted by date for query old men. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24

7:00 Today will probably be the last day of construction here. Last Monday they came and removed the old windows which are not  yet sealed from the inside. The smell of litter dust from the wall is prevailing here. I can imagine what's inside the wall if the sawdust smells so bad it contaminated me after i dusted the rear side of the building yesterday.

So i'm sick and nauseated. After four hours of sleep i took Angela at work so i can keep the car, get inside or go in the park if i can't bear it no more.

Took some charcoal, watched some videos, ate something, waiting to fall asleep. And then i saw something in a video and couldn't stop but post it. You judge for yourselves what you see.Then i fell asleep and thought i heard a noise like someone knocking at the door. I went to see, they were two guys and i asked them if they were going to enter today inside and they said no, maybe next week, they are working now at the next building, and then i wrote an email to the office to ask when are they going to get inside and when are they going to finish the project. 9:17 Last night i tried to escape the last hours of dust and noise and i convinced Angela to go to Spirit Mountain. She had a 10 dollar food coupon and went to the 10 barrel bar to order some burgers.

She made the order on her name and she left. As this not so tall body builder went to the bar to pick something, the attendant called her name and he was in front of me at the bar and i was extremely irritated (pain all over my skin) because of the dust, but know i recon, the biggest problem is not the walls cause i sealed the windows with tape pretty well, the biggest problem is the pile of garbage that keeps growing for 10 days outside door. I also craved real coffee and had some and i started yelling at the guy, Are you Angelica, and he looked prepared, he said no, you are Angelica and i told him You look like Angelica. He could have probably taken me with one finger, but he chose to leave me alone.

One hour later, Angela was playing one dollar hands at the High Limit area (smaller area, fewer cameras with easier to asses angles) when a group of men, all looking athletes, started to make a big noise and yell, and one of them put his butt on Angela's face at which point i grabbed the phone and took a picture, as he was straightening his bowed position. Then i started to record the yelling guys and uploaded a few recordings and they left soon after. I recognized one of them as...

10:07 I think one of the guys i spoke with this morning when i opened the door looked like... Not sure cause i'm half asleep. But definitely saw him through the window Monday when they had some sort of meeting and he was acting like the supervisor or owner of the company. A compressor for powering tools constantly vibrates the building, bringing dust by the windows that i sealed with packaging tape that leak in places.

BTW, if they asked me i'd say it's not bad they replace the moldy aluminum windows, but the biggest problem with the building is the basement.

I remembered about 5 years ago they did the roofing in the whole complex, it's been a continuous nail beating sound, with thousands of nails (about one nail per second on average) for each roof for almost one year. Before that, they fixed the pavement, another couple of months of misery. After roof it's been the siding @ May 2019.

2:18 I ran to Best Buy to buy a sim card for my phone. Many people simulating getting in front of me, the guy with the blower in the parking lot. On my way back i had to stop behind a guy who stopped too early at a stop sign (incoming traffic not close enough, last stop before intersection and was saying now "incoming traffic has no stop", really weird, car coming from North). Then he moved when he shouldn't (traffic still coming) while a big white SUV Discovery from the right came to 1 ft distance, where the driver could not control (see) the distance no more. I got back thinking to take a picture, but she backed up at once at the line of the intersection and at once extended her head through the window, making it impossible to take the picture. She also didn't have a front LPN. The rear LPN showed something like MNH (My New Ache). I hurried to write this because last time when something similar happened the cops came at my door "to make sure i will not retaliate to the poor guy" who was also present at my door dressed as a cop. Yesterday in the intersection following stop sign a cop was watching with serenity as a gray KIA almost ran me over as i was crossing on green.

From 20 ft away where she moved back she looked like Ariana Grande, thought with short, curly ash blond hair.

When i got back here two guys were blowing the dust in the parking lot all the way to the sky, somehow the dust made it here (under the door i guess) and made me sneeze. By writing this i know i will supersede myself the information i put when complaining about 10 days of dust in the apartment, this is how they work, they usually blow dust in this location about one hour later. I didn't catch the image at the peak of the dust though.
4:13 It was nothing like yesterday. Didn't need the car to run away since they haven't worked at this building at all. After they finished at the next side facing ours, almost same amounts of windows in less than half the time they did here (they had a bigger team i guess), they moved on the other side of the next building, made less noise, less dust and i fell asleep and slept several hours. But what did i witness when i went to pick Angela? I parked, like yesterday, on the other side of the alley where she usually parks and Angela (who slept 4 hours, worked ten) was coming towards me in the middle of the alley, without looking behind just being happy she gets home and i watched with terror when one of the two "Chinese women" (Fang) almost ran her over with her big SUV (small Chinese woman, big SUV, can't see near or in front maybe up to 20 ft) (again, superseding the information above, missing her by inches).

Then we went to her garden only to find there a woman who left looking embarrassed, with a bag with something in it. When Angela looked, several pounds of tomatoes were missing. She talked to Angela the other day, saying she comes there to relax, not having a lot of her own. The good news is the kitchen compost in the piled bags has fermented, is not stinking anymore while there are still left a few weeks of "crops". (Yeah i know phone camera was on manual, WB is screwed).

There is another expression for this type of information superseding: If you complain, i'll bully you some more.

5:45 After about one hour of the AC working, the room filled with dust. A mixture of siding dust falling from the balcony above that has been swept but probably like mine, with finest dust remaining, and the one from the blowing of the parking lot (Wednesday blowing, picture above).
I went and tried to hose the AC, the concrete patio, screen, etc.. Some guy from BZ came to throw away garbage. I mean, literally throwing boards on top of other, raising more dust. He had a mask completely covering his face at 90+ degrees. Three Japanese teens as tall as me passed, slowly. But then i realized i need to hose the balcony upstairs as well. However when he went to vacation, like never before, he left a pair of shoes which i tried as much as i could to avoid. (BTW today i remembered he had a pair of miniature boxing gloves attached to the central mirror). Dust and bigger chunks of debris fell so i had to do mine one more time. Trouble with these small window ACs is the inner (cold) area communicates with the outer through the water collecting pan which is not always full. While i was hosing the balcony a guy with glasses was fixing a bicycle tire while i was virtually hosing him (he was in that direction but too far away). Guess the symbolism?

When i was about to finish i realized they didn't fix that piece of siding everything started with (though i'm not sure cause SAGE inspected the buildings before that). It looks like the other siding under is wet, needs to dry. All i want to say is when i discovered it two years ago i didn't have the  hose, it was not my doing.

Monday, August 1, 2022

August 1st

3:18 Came home. At Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City they were giving away empty cardboard boxes at the check-stand and Angela grabbed one. Numerous vehicles with modified lights, times the power of a regular high beam, blinding me. Red light at first camera in Sherwood turned green just for a second or two, though no other cars were in the intersection, the guy following us had to stop. Should he had passed on red, would have caught us and left us wondering all evening morning what it was. Before the one on Avery some other guy was tailgating so i pulled right and let him pass. He took a right without stopping and got flashed, should have been in front of him, would have been flashed too and let us wondering... etc.. Here at the building some shirtless guy crossed the alley in front of us and went to smoke at the other side of the alley and the guy upstairs left his trunk open made me wondering if i should call the Police, etc..

3:56 Doamna Crăciun "polițistul imperial", asistenta de la mate din facultate, ?

8:53 Slept 4 hours (2 more in the car), opened  the living blinds only to see a girl leaving, but only from behind. In other days i saw in the backyard a girl who looked like her.

9:08 A nu se înțelege greșit. Noi nu avem o Companie Națională Pentru Construcția Autostrăzilor. Această firmă de stat care se numește la fel ca cea din Bulgaria doar semnează contractele licitațiilor trucate. Apropo, un miliard de euro pentru 37 km de autostradă înseamnă 27 milioane pe km (probabil un record mondial), de 9 ori mai scump decât în Bulgaria în jurul anului 2000 sau de 4-5 ori mai scump ca acum (dacă nu ne grăbim, autostrăzile devin tot mai scump de construit), deci ei construiesc 172 de km tot prin munți cu aceeași sumă cu care noi facem 37.

11:31 Ghivnici, șeful meu de la IMU?

12:37 Lunea Ciucă. Am mers la Liquor Store să-mi iau niște coniac. Mi l-au pus normal într-o pungă maro. Chiar când începusem să mă simt prost, normal, fiindcă nu lucrez și nu mergeam în pauza de masă, ci la Liquor Store, în parcare, era tipul ăsta, dar în realitate are capul și mai mare, chiar cât o baniță. Mult mai mare decât Căposu însuși. Și m-am trezit din vis. La plecare și mai ales la venire am avut ceva probleme în trafic (lume flămândă cu ochii scoși conducând ca nebunii în pauza de masă, cozi de mașini la drive in la fast food, slalom cu întâlniri neașteptate pe sens opus etc..).

12:38 De Nero, Mazzini autoriza. But what is that ornament on the left?

12:53 Feel like i need a drink.

2:12 Or maybe it was her in the backyard. Or both.

4:51 One thing they can do for Lake Mead or any shrinking lake is use monolayers extracted from vegetable oil, that are one molecule thick thus imperceptible, with little or no effect on wildlife and can reduce evaporation by 75%. Here's a quote from a study since 1959: "4. It appears that maintaining of a monolayer under the conditions found at Lake Mead during these tests would not be too difficult and that a significant coverage could be retained for reasonable lengths of time". One thing i can think of though is the lake is now cooled by that evaporation and i'm wondering how much the temperature will raise if they would do so. But of course authorities would not do so since they are controlled by entities that deliberately want to heat the planet so they can hurry the heaven on Earth that would happen after the Earth will burn of course.

7:45 How Ukraine war caused and maintained by two men, Putin and Zelenskyy, contributes to climate crisis. Coal is mostly carbon (and lots of other pollutants especially sulfur) while oil is mixed and natural gas like methane has 25% by mass hydrogen and the rest carbon. However hydrogen produces more energy per mass than carbon.

7:54 Have you ever heard kids yelling like a high pitch vibrato car alarm? This is what they're doing here for the last few hours.

8:03 I had a bad link and it was too important and i repeat it here (Noises often distract me and i forget things). By use of monolayers to prevent 75% of evaporation they could raise the lake 4 ft every year. But don't say that to a Dominican or Buddhist cause they won't like it. BTW. It always puzzled me like since i was a kid and heard for the first time of artificial lakes. Creating these gigantic lakes to store water lead to more water loss through evaporation, right?

9:20 Show of the evening, about 15 minutes ago. Angela wanted to do a load of laundry because she needed things for tomorrow (still had her day off today though we haven't been anywhere, it was a ruined vacation). I started to gather things from the room and basket and as usually the pants and shirt on me on me were the last items to go in there.

I was in the small hallway in front of the bathroom when i pulled my belt and unzipped my pants when i saw, around the corner of the wall, through the opening in the blinds on top of the AC (rest of the blinds were shut) three brown Japanese girls that just came around the other building staring at me from about 100 ft distance. It lasted one tenth of a second, they couldn't have seen anything, because i was around the corner, my head with only about 5% of my body visible, my pants still on and they should had look in that direction which they did, like waiting for me to do just that.

Behavior (mine) prediction by AI and synchronization on the ground, it's all i can say. I went in the bedroom, furious, changed my pants, when Angela found a spider that came out of nowhere and caught it in a transparent plastic glass and it was me i should had take it outside, but when i opened the door, this time there was a Hungarian clown talking on the phone, next to hydrant, like he only had signal from Budapest in that spot, where those girls just passed. So i waited for him to leave (actually he just went out of sight), took the spider outside and went to see what they could have seen. Though the clear plastic sheet on top of the AC covering the door opening is wrinkled, they had a pretty good view, from where they were standing, in the only possible point they could have seen me for that tenth of a second.

Just put a blanket in that area with sliding hooks on blinds' rail, that would stay there for the rest of the AC season. This morning when i first open the blinds i saw through that same area a girl with a dog, leaving from ft away from the balcony.

9:50 Just went outside to water the plants in the balcony. The timer at the light bulb with sensor at the same corner where the girls where went out and the yard went dark (like in the past one of the two broken lights at the building across that were going out when i was stepping outside). Started to pour water when the light came back on and turned my head to see this time a Japanese boy carrying a big transparent jug with some juice left at the bottom which made me salivate. He passed by me and went down between the buildings and the same way the girls left.

The normal route should be on the alley, google maps won't "let you" walk through the grass, where they usually come with the dogs, pass and sometimes play, starting point is where they sensor light is, and where the girls came towards the single white car (I think it's our old Elantra), our building covered by trees is in the middle, there is one more building at the left and two garage buildings enclose the yard.

10:55 Iepurică? (The little rabbit), my colleague at AVX (August 1999 - August 2000). I went to a party with him once. Also possibly the cop in this video and the male voice saying an impossible word "hmhmhm yeah eh" that reminds of a rabbit (sound). BTW the other girl in the video is Naomi Naga_ta from the Expanse.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

June 30

12:50 The reason i was not sobering up after i drank today and slept through the evening was a hole in the ground near the siding at the next apartment. Just a hole, no mound around it. Big enough for the smoke to get here, both through the siding and directly. When i finally felt the smoke, i went outside, poured some borax in it and covered it with soil from a mole mound pretty far away. While searching for the hole, soil, i smelled dog poop but could not find any. Curiously enough, today i thought of how the moles have given up since i pour borax (close to the walls, of course, there are enough further away). I briefly saw some kids, a girl, most likely Japanese, dressed summarily at the entrance of the building across when i looked the door. I looked at the bottles and when i came back i looked again. The bottles were not in the same position which means somebody has gotten inside and out while Angela is sleeping. And upstairs i heard again, after many weeks, a dog running.

1:10 A mall with 1000 people inside, 19 dead and 100 wounded? I only see a few people running around, one person on a stretcher, no cars in the parking lot, one ambulance and one guy with bandages on his head. This can't go on like this, there's got to be some sort of protection for the public from such lies that may lead to serious consequences.

9:54 S-a încheiat președenția Franței, fără nici un efort. Macron a fost foarte ocupat vorbind cu Putin la telefon. Poate intrăm în Schengen odată cu Ucraina.

10:05 Partea din față aduce într-adevăr cu Porsche iar partea din spate aduce cu Citroen DS19 sau cu Tatra 87 (cea mai avansată mașină până spre anii 60) sacrificând puțin look-ul pentru aerodinamică deci consum (Perșu, Porsche?). Hyundai a fost prima firmă care a încercat depus toate eforturile să construiască mașini ieftine cu un consum mic care să aibă formă de mașină și să nu semene cu niște bucăți de săpun rotunde pe la colțuri, ca cele japoneze de până atunci și s-a inspirat de la mărci precum Maserati și Lamborghini, aducând puțină bucurie în ochii posesorilor atunci când și le văd parcate.

1:40 Din păcate și astăzi bursa mi-a dat dreptate după ce s-au lămurit minciunile de dimineață. Dacă totul e pe un edificiu fals și se arată aceasta, ce credeți că se va întâmpla cu acel edificiu? Am plecat în plimbarea mea pentru că aici înnebuneam (fum, mucegai, zgomote) dar abia mă țineam pe picioare, pentru că am băut ieri prea mult (parcă-mi amintesc, vin, bere, coniac, vin, bere, coniac) fiindcă m-am cam săturat de toate. La colț un tip de vreo 20 de ani îmbrăcat în negru a executat niște gesturi obscene care m-au enervat atât de tare încât mi-am revenit, brusc.

Dar la sfârșit. După aproape 5 km cu gantere de 7 pounds (3.5 kg) în fiecare mână și fum în aer eram puțin obosit și visător. Am apăsat butonul (aici pietonii sunt rari) la semafor, s-a făcut verde (adică alb) la prima ocazie și am trecut (trecerea din dreapta). Din spate, adică din nord (de la Naiba), virând stânga a venit un SUV sau van alb cu număr FYD (For Your Death) pe direcție de întâlnire cum mine, călcând legea (nu trebuia să treacă dacă era pieton pe trecere). Pe trotuar o adolescentă brunețică cu coadă împletită la spate, imitație japoneză sau poate chiar americană nativă (indiancă) se uita undeva în spatele meu dar eu mai întorceam oricum capul încă o dată (mult înainte de a deveni șofer, adică timp de 35 de ani, am fost pieton) la care tipa de la volan sau AI-ul care conducea acel vehicul a virat pe banda din mijloc, pe sens invers unde din "fericirea" (de simulare AI) nu era nici o mașină, aia cu săgeată la stânga și m-a ocolit. Tipa (șoferița) zâmbea ușurată deci nu avea nici o treabă, mașina era self driven sau pe remote control.

Anni Frid? Baba Nela? Bjorn. (Baba Nela îi spunea Nuți (șefa de oficiu de la cepele) lui Nela, o operatoare, aba acum m-am prins de ce). Întrebarea e dacă era și Carmen Dan și eu cred că era, fiindcă numele Carmen sugerează muzică, iar împreună Carmen Dan aduce a Madonna (Men Dan, Ma Donna).

Vă rog să nu încercați să mă faceți să înțeleg toate chestiile astea cu asemănările, deși încerc să le pun într-o singură categorie, care se numește Cabala, cuvânt pe care când îl pomenesc îmi îngheață sângele în vine.
5:40 It's much easier to concentrate when doing face searches while laying on the couch with the laptop still in the tray. The man upstairs must be high on something and keep yelling while watching TV. Just before i tried to switch from one side to another (got tired laying on left side) a girl maybe 12 passed twice in front of the glass door, ft away. Nevermind, i'm moving the chromebook back where it was in the tray at the desk. Had to power it down and back up in the new configuration to load the drivers, and that was enough to create in my lap pain that lasted for an hour or so.

8:08 Today i found an app that shows you the cell phone towers on a map and the one you are connected to. A great idea, Beta means still in development, thus buggy. Could not find an app to simply measure the total amount of wi-fi signal in the air, the ones i found only measure one network at the time, and it's supposed to be under 100 something, and i got like 20 with an average of 50 that together make 1000, however i found my old microwave detector made of a diode and a meter, totally passive, and it shows nothing though it moves the needle when i put it next to my cell phone and make a call or next to the oven and start it, about the same.

12:00 Culeg cu stupoare "știrile" în ton cu ultimele mele postări.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

June 23

6:53 Yesterday for the first time i saw a group of men that seem not be actors but real local people. They were so different than what i saw until today. However they were well integrated in the show.

Got at Canyonville after about 9 hours on the road, 8 driving, @500 miles from Reno. Needless to say. I was really tired. We went inside and put together 30 dollars in rewards and points and bought some burgers at the Stix restaurant. First one make waiter came who again seemed real. He took the order but in about 10 minutes he came with a younger woman saying he is going to lunch brake saying she is replacing him. While waiting there i showed Angela what Styx means in Greek Mythology and put the phone on the table, after. When she finally brought the food i realized i didn't have my partials so i ran to the car. On my way there i realized i don't have the phone. An utility truck made some noise while arriving and a number of what i thought they were real local men passed talking aloud. Went inside, ate and Angela got me 5 bucks to play which shortly became 41. Soon i realized i don't have the phone. Ran back at the restaurant, at the car, could not find it. At the car, a white Cadillac with big speakers parked next to it which is unusual etc.. Went for the third or fourth time with Angela and found the phone on the driver's seat. This time and SUV with 4 people in it was making again a big noise. They left as we did and met with them at first crosswalk but insisted they will pass first. I didn't want to see next to them, like having a party with someone.

Soon after i went in the car, moved it close and fell asleep. I slept until Angela came and said she again won 300 dollars playing at a 10c machine which she thought it was 1c. When i started the car, i saw a blue flash in front of the car at the left side. Saw again a warning on dashboard. This time it was left low beam.

I tried to remove the bulb which was difficult, when a guy came at the next car and asked if i needed help. I told him about the bulb. Slightly drunk, he told me to go to the truck stop across the freeway. "They got bulbs" he said.

Finally left. Driving at 3-4 seconds behind the last of a line of vehicles. After a few minutes i asked Angela to pass me that decaf she took from the Casino. In that moment i think i raised my foot from gas pedal for half second to grab the coffee (don't like to accelerate when i do things in the car) and i saw a rabbit coming from left, where the bulb was missing (still plenty of light from the other one) and passing in big leaps in front of the car. Should i have not slowed down, by accident, i would have hit it at 65 mph. Don't know what could have happened, but certainly would have been a mess in front of my car. But if you hit it with a wheel, i think you could skid and loose control. Thinking at the symbolisms, rabbit, truck stop, phone lost and then found, etc..

12:20 Mount Shasta. Oregon

12:40 Back home. Predominant smell is mold, second, sewage. Left an UV light on the living all night. Woke up and came at the laptop. Squeaking brought in mineral sulfur smell. TV on. Wondering if he's been here the whole time. Thinking of the hundreds of weird potentially dangerous interactions on my way here. Most happened when i was approaching a semi about to pass it. From behind that truck a car or another truck, waiting there, was changing lanes and started to pass, right when i was about to do the same. Must have been hundreds of them. One guy with a trailer with two gigantic barrel like objects, could have been 10 ft in diameter, came all the way from near Reno to here. I saw it passing from the parking lot at Burger King in Canyounville. I saw some faces. They were either old Americans or Japanese, the kind with duck face and mustache.

12:51 It all started with a postcard with an offer for cheap rooms at Peppermill hotel. 30 dollars a night for a queen, from Monday to Friday they said. I called last week to make reservations but on the phone she said that if i wanted "guaranteed nonsmokers" was going to be 60. Plus tax, resort charges and surcharges. They gave as a room next to elevators, ice machine and service room (which means noises early in the morning) with dusty AC ducts and the total cost was 230 for two nights. Room was ok, bigger than our apartment, everything was clean, but there was a dust smell coming from the AC and no windows to open. This is what i saw when i looked through that grill. I think this is unacceptable, even from a guy like me who lives in a dumpster. I looked through some videos and it looks like the ducts have been cleaned but i believe the design is fatally flawed and in a few years or so you will have the same dusty ducts. In this video even after cleaning the ducts they don't look like something you want to breath air from.

1:36 On 6:20 2022 after 3 PM i luckily found this gas station called Cisco. Was not supposed to run out of gas and the mileage calculated after fill up was 34 mpg, the worst i ever done on freeways only. For comparison when i came back, at the last fill up was 38 (6 liter per 100 km). I think the big difference is due to tire pressure that is driven by heat. At night in Southern Oregon i had 36 psi in front tires, and in California and Nevada at 100 degrees Faren-heit i had 40.

There at Cisco on 80 i put in 12 gallons, the most ever. Unlike Oregon, in California all stations are self service. I put the card in and got no option for credit card. The card then was stuck in the machine. I tried all options including cancel in the keypad. Went inside and this guy came, pressed the Cancel button and took the card. He told me to start pumping and took the card inside bla bla i wrote this before. No i didn't  watch CNN or any TV news in decades. Except when Angela has the TV on in the bedroom which BTW broke (got a vertical band on the screen) and i pass by. Of course i wouldn't have known if i didn't see his face today in the news.

2:54 Bengal, a place where Swastika still has its original meaning. Sweet.

5:25 I was trying to change the oil. Got Mobile 1 full synthetic at Walmart. Pulled it all out with a pump. Could not remove the filter though (when i put it in the tool caved and jumped one flute though i did not apply neither the recommended torque or full 3/4 of a turn after meeting resistance). Some kids came and triggered a fire alarm in the next building. I just put the new oil in with the the old filter. I went to a place nearby and they helped me with the filter and the bulb. (Removed the filter which was above the top level of the oil in the pan and put the new one in with a good tool which is at the same price i bought my piece of junk).

They also didn't want to charge me for the bulb or for replacing the filter.
While driving out of the complex the firefighters came in. Couldn't help but notice how smooth the engine was running with the new oil in.

To me, oil change was always traumatizing, that's why i try to do it by myself. However the tool caved in after only one use when it worked. Or two cause first time i tightened the filter put in by some shop and was leaking, then i successfully removed that filter and put in a new one.

Went to put some borax in some new mole holes. Big time mold smell coming from basement. While i was plugging those holes a kid was talking what i thought it was obscenities.

Next building seem deserted to me but sometimes people appear at the balconies or like tonight for a show. Every time i come home after a long and potentially dangerous drive they are putting up a fiesta.

8:04 Angela is at WinCo and i choke here with BBQ smoke, however i will not close the windows cause then i'm going to choke with mold and sewage.

8:24 Trouble. I checked the oil jug and the aluminum seal on top if missing. When that alarm ran i hurried and opened the jug and broke the seal with my thumb but made a hole in it, did not remove it like in the picture. (This is the first time when i see  an oil jug. Actually it is not recommended to brake it like this cause you may create pieces. with a seal like this so it was a surprise to me). It was still there when i put the lid back on. No way it went inside the engine or break completely, it was strongly attached to the top and the proof is the glued part is still there. If such a big seal would go in there in one piece probably won't even pass through the valve cover hole and i would have seen it also.

Let the almost empty jug in the door and ran at Jiffy Lube to do something about the stuck filter while Angela was moving around the apartment. Someone must have gotten hold of it and break it all and take it when she went in the bedroom or bathroom. They were many people around, mostly kids, with the alarm and stuff.

After, i took some pictures with the borescope camera under the valve cover. So far no sign of anything (thinking they might want to insert it there pretending it was me). One thing that could happen is if pieces of the aluminum seal get in there could break apart in the moving parts like valve stems and cams and get stuck in the oil... ducts (like they said about Hyundai in one of their big recalls) where debris from manufacturing clogged those and prevented oil from moving causing in same cases catastrophic failure with seizing of the engine. Or simply move around and cover one the ducts. If this happens at high speed, it may result in accident.

Invitation to Reno with cheap hotel room, gasoline missing, brake light bulb, low beam bulb, rabbit crossing the freeway at 3 AM, 1000 crazy drivers, phone lost and found, fire alarm triggered by kids and now this. It can't be happening like this.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 15

5:48 Constant, același tip de răspuns. Au organizat acest eveniment, această știre, pentru a dubla pe postările mele recente care conțineau mai multe referințe la dharmachakra. Acel pachet a fost văzut doar de câțiva membri ai poliției din Londra

5:51 I have to tighten the battery negative connector every time me or Angela go for a trip. If i don't, the voltage will drop to battery voltage and will start to flickr  between battery voltage and alternator voltage (2 volts difference, 12.6, 14.6), giving false signals to many sensors and systems, putting out bad emissions, especially when the catalyst is cold. If i tighten that, the effect is not immediate. But today i will fix that forever when i'm gonna get the new electric screwdriver that i'm gonna use like a drilling machine to drill a hole through the lead connector and put a screw.

Yesterday when Angela came from work, the car was in the low voltage state, with fuel pump working with 2 volts less, not washing the valves, also not spraying uniformly. The night before was working fine. After 2 or 4 miles working like this (two trips to work) car was vibrating, making a noise, etc.. So this morning i woke up and tighten that one again thinking that at least one trip to work will be ok. However, they dispatched some guy from the opposite entrance (building D) who went right after Angela, in an older car, suggesting there are some sensors or people sniffing in the complex he was trying to confuse. Yesterday all day there was the biggest amount of smoke here ever. I was dizzy and groggy all day until i went to bed.

1:55/11:55 Își mai amintește cineva comedia aceea franceză cu un bandit care avea creierul atât de greu încât îi pica scăfârlia într-o parte când se stresa și trebuia s-o susțină?

Yes i had a few more drinks after avoiding a few more accidents waiting for me in the streets when i went to buy beer and wine. Kink FM was kind enough to play a song that i heard so many times before. Crhis Isaak always sounded so washed up to me until tonight, when for some reason, i was listening more carefully to the virtuosity of crying guitars and to the lyrics of course. Strumming away with his fingers the story of my life. No that there was a single chance for me to have a normal life.

Ok just remembered. Before that. A guitar classic like passage that reminded me of a Romanian band that was so away of its time, they dismembered for being disregarded by official DJs. I don't care if all of the above are Hungarian born from genetic material stolen during abductions from selected men and women in all countries, i want to forget for a while, i'm too old to assimilate all this information and reconsider all my life.

The map. Subliminally superseding what i posted yesterday. But why in the world the map of Ukraine looks so much like that of US? How much planning and how far back it goes?
11:05 The war. The fear. Rolling the rumors every day one day further. If there's gonna be (another) one, would be the first time in the last 1000 years that we will know in real time who's fault is and what was and the reason. The reason of course is, like the pandemic, to forget so they can accomplish their business undisturbed, to the end.

12:15/2:15 Numai ce am spus. Poluare cu simboluri, referitor la un poster (sau cum să-l numesc, împănat cu scârboșenii), și au venit ei cu ceva. Nu bate vântul? (sky won't snow and sun won't shine). Nu vă mirați. Există supercomputere care modelează vremea pe tot pământul, și destui fluturi la Tokio gata să bată din aripi, la nevoie. Never? Ever ever ever ever?

2:04 Sun must go on. Was i posting a clip from Le Cerveau, with a jealous, paranoid, psychopath brother?

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Wise Men Say Don't Go Crushing

It was a couple of years ago at Spirit Mountain Casino when i saw a t-shirt on an older guy who seemed ex-military by face and allure saying "Go after the big ones". It took me a while to figure what that meant, back then i was high all the time from smoke coming from burning pellets in the ground around the mole holes, it took me more than a year and actually until recently to really start to go after the big ones, while refining my technique. Went over the shininess of not cropping or even uploading images, but only using links that were breaking too oftenly and images not being aligned and harder to recognize. But some did recognize enough, went past my mistakes and got all kinda discrete encouragements from all directions plus my own results kept me going.

I knew about Don S. Davis since long time ago, when i figured he was the manager at Brake Department at Les Schwab Aloha (actually Beaverton), next to the old Intel to be demolished for decades Intel factory, back during my job in 97, he was one of the first that triggered the whole process actually. (I didn't know who he actually really was, as Hungarian).

Yesterday for the first time i put a new brake caliper on my truck the way i did back then and saw immediately it was leaking, but only under pressure, with vacuum power on (engine started). Why did i do so? Because the caliper had the surface of contact with the banjo painted and i erased the paint with sandpaper and didn't see the grooves the old caliper had.

What else can i say. In front of my boss, all the others where my seniors, in four months i put hundreds of calipers on cars, never caring about crush washers and stuff. I mean. I thought i knew how to do it, i did it on my cars before, but never changed calipers, which involves one more thing, the connector (also called a banjo).

Truth is, i can't remember. If they were new washers in the boxes with calipers, if i used them. But i am pretty sure i was never cleaning the banjos. Nobody did. Most likely by fear of contamination of the fluid with dirt from the surface and never checking for leaks the way i did yesterday on my truck.

Would have been good enough if we were checking the banjos for tiny drops of fluid after the test drive.

There are numerous the reasons a leak like this may occur, including dirty banjo, re-tightening the old crush(ed) washers, yesterday i used the new ones in the box but for some paranoid reason i untightened them to see if if i didn't forget to put one of the two.
What happens is they put (they should) in the box with callipers new annealed copper washers. What that means. By annealing, or heating copper at about 400 degrees C it becomes very soft and when you tighten them or "crush them", the soft copper take the shape of the two adjacent surfaces and in the same time hardens under the pressure of tightening due to a phenomenon called plastic deformation. They become "crushed". Then you can't reuse them for the purpose of sealing, unless you anneal them and i think it can be done by heating them on a regular stove until glowing.

As i said, i did hundreds of them without a worry and nobody ever said anything. I apologize to anybody it may concern if they had problems after. On an occasion, he asked me to finish work on a car after another guy stripped a pin, i told him and he came with hammer and bent the pin to secure him place.

On another occasion i went for a test drive with an Astro Van. At the intersection at NAPA a 80 years old man by the name Albert probably terminally ill coming from opposite direction made a left turn without giving the right of way. I was doing 35 going forward through the intersection, hit the newly done brakes and skidded 30 ft leaving the marks and stopped exactly when he like in a slow motion sequence came and hit my van. There was not much damage, i tried to talk to the guy, the guy was deaf, here comes this woman saying why i'm abusing the old man by yelling at him, he gave me a Costco card when i asked to exchange information, and then he went straight to my  boss and spend the next couple of days talking to him and Bill asked me  not to report it to DMV because the old man could loose his driver. Right after the accident a couple of guys with a camcorder (how they used to be called) came to me and gave me a phone number to call because they had everything filmed. In the end i filled the DMV report but without the amount of damage cause nobody wanted to tell me, and the report didn't get through. A few weeks later i saw the van coming again in our shop, maybe for them to say i didn't do the job right.

They were others in there, i wrote about on occasions. The good looking colonel from Stargate, the vocalist from Creedence Clearwater Revival, Ivan Morrison, Bob Dylan (not so sure), bassist from No Doubt, with apparition as a customer of the diva herself, the manager who i thing was a Dracula actor, etc.. I mean. I thought i knew how to do it, i did it on my cars before, but never changed calipers, which involves one more thing, the connector (also called a banjo). All, together with previous and following good to write about on a new resume for a job in galaxy far far away.

And Eric. From what i remember, he looked like the head of the Police hear in Tualatin. Could he be the guy i spoke with on the phone today when i complained about a wheel being stolen by the same guys who are always trying to help me by fixing my karma. The way he pronounced his name sounded more like Hammer of Hammond. Could that be the reason he didn't show up in person. I mean, i called 911 for God's sake.

It may be all these guys being actors they were following instructions from micro earpieces and they themselves had no idea what the were doing.

It may also be that all the customers that came in there were also actors and the cars were second hand cars bought from dealers for that purpose only. I once spoke (2002 or 2003) on the phone with my ex class master in High School, the Romanian teacher and she said that i am here the only real person among hundreds of thousands of actors. She sais she was in Romania (i called a number in Romania) but i think she was in Greece by the time and i her other identities are Romanian soprano Marina Krilovici and her Hungarian counterpart Gabriela Szigomnd.

It was two years later, in November 1999, i was working at AVX in Vancouver (WA, USA) fixing small capacitor testing machines and i asked half day off from my supervisor, Orville Oster whom i think was actually Axl Rose (Oster can be anagramated as Roset). He was coming at work only hours a day, having somebody from the team punch his card and when he was coming, was pulling me for extended cigarette brakes which lasted more than an hour. I remember in december the night shift supervisor wrote on a board "All time production record" after i fixed all machines (when i came, usually about 5 out of 25 were down).

I asked from my very nice supervisor for half day off to go and do the brakes on Angela's car, the 93 Nissan, BTW, a very nice car for those days, and went to Aloha and spoke to Dennis, can't remember if Tom (Don), others was still there but i think most were gone.

He did brakes all around, for a moderate price, and i left, i think it was raining or there was a bit of fog (yeah, November fog), on I5 not far from bridge over Columbia an accident occurred, traffic stopped suddenly, i was doing 70 like the rest of the traffic and i hit the newly done brakes, the wheels looked of course cause the car didn't have ABS, the rotors having a rough surface from just being turned, and i skidded about 100 ft and stopped in slow motion one feet from the car in front of me and the truck with three Mexicans behind also stopped one ft from my rear, and we were all surrounded by a cloud of smoke coming out of tires.

In december 95 after i've kicked of from Mladin's house (the guy who looked like Osama bin (m)Laden and a  Hungarian singer) i moved to Vancouver hoping i will work to AVX which didn't happen cause they had other plans for me. Next to where Dan Costan was living, at Fox Pointe Apts.. A few nights after or just before New Year i read on local paper that a girls has been shot (in the butt) at the 7/11 nearby.

I did get work at AVX four years later, and got to work the sister of that girl or herself, now married with a Mexican and always pregnant, who in turn proved to be a Hungarian soprano, whom i also met in Italy, under another identity which i also don't remember and later became Minister of Health in Romania.

Still have doubts about the identity of Nelu Ciorba, the Romanian technician who actually helped me get hired. Could had been be Orban himself?

Star guests apparitions: Then minor (17 years old officially) not yet a celebrity Mădălina Ghenea. Italian singer Nino d'Angelo who in 2004 when i went for 3 months in Romania made a song for me though i am not who suggested i was in that song. Engineer Don Henley (who couldn't right correctly in English), etc..

Supervisor of the operators was Adina Prața.

More names for my intergalactic resume.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Whack a Mole

Since there is more and more evidence freemasonry, which modeled our modern world, culture, language in the last few hundred years while we were "sleeping" is a type of animism centered on mole, possibly switched from penguin, or both, and since we know moles are exclusively insectivores, with the ability to stun their pray (worms, other small insects) possibly with aerosols made of their salivary venomous enzymes, and their main slogan being "making good men better", i am currently investigating the obsession with race superiority and presumptive use of gas for mass extermination in WWII being tied to freemasonry, (hallucinogenic) smoke for harassing or stunning victims, etc..

First search, moles zombification of worms

First result, The British Trap

" They have good vision, despite living underground, and they have unbelievably adapted sensory abilities that cause them to be able to detect the smallest vibrations."

I never knew moles had good vision! moles poor vision

As for vibration, i knew of some of the stuff. seismic communication

Same British Trap: "moles are homebodies, and will live in a series of tunnels for generations before moving. They even have kitchens and storerooms for their food, which largely consists of earthworms, which gets kind of weird. They make the earthworms like zombies

by biting their heads off and a special toxin in their saliva keeps them (weirdly enough), alive and immobile and—fresh. As many as 470 worms have been recorded one chamber storeroom!"

I knew that, the interesting part is how they move the earthworms in there. If they were to carry them one by one, it would take lots of trips. I knew from previous searches that moles have to eat their weight in worms in 24 hours. Thinking of maybe that "special toxin in their saliva" which are evolutionary modified digestive enzymes and construction of tunnels to make that automatic for them.

Can't find nothing on a search like "do moles actually trap the worms". Cause there's the confusion with the traps for moles.

It is the first time on an very early Sunday morning with relative silence in here, with a mug with water and backing soda to compensate for stomach acid over production due to uncontrollable indoor pollution, stress and pancreas (common bile blockage) when i realize that. Moles actually could trap the worms and those enzymes actually present in the tunnels gets them zombified and make them crawl in the tunnels that would lead them to the "storeroom" where they go, eat them or bite their head to keep them for later use.

Honestely, i would have never cared for all these things if i didn't know, after spending lots of times inside in this place that "mole smell" has an effect on me.

These (including the one i live in) are very poorly designed buildings. Walls made with a wooden frame with inside and outside panels, filled with insulation, and one more layer of siding on the outside, there is a lot of air circulation between air from outside, inside walls and inside apartment, especially when there is a temperature difference between inside and outside.

When there's no significant wind outside, there is a constant flow of air around the building. Usually the ground around the building, summer or winter, is colder than the walls. In the winter the walls are warm because the inside is being heated. In the summer, they respond to solar heat, while the ground, due to grass and moisture, is kept colder. In both situation, colder air from the surface of the ground is attracted by the vacuum created by warmer air climbing on the surface of the wall. If the siding in not sealed in the lowers part or just above ground, there will be some dynamic pressure created by air that starts to climb exactly in that area that will push some of the air inside wall.

I noticed every time i overslept in the last years, i found in the morning openings in the ground next to door and alongside living room wall. But the smell. It actually do smells like earthworms, a smell i am familiar with since childhood when i used them for bait while fishing, but also like "fresh ground", probably given by mold also coming with that "air from the ground". So i figured, if that smell makes me lethargic, and after all the searches i did on mole kallikreins, it is possible that the air gets sucked from the holes close to walls due to effect predicted by Bernoulli's law, main actually contain some of that enzymes in an aerosolized form (tiny suspended particles in the air).
But it's not only that. Over the years, i noticed that many times there is smoke outside and inside the building that i could not explain. Also there was some evidence (though it's very hard to make an evaluation after you are expose yourself to it) that the smoke is actually having an effect on me. Mainly forgetting about everything, feeling satisfied when you shouldn't. Angela coming from work really mad at me and the whole situation and then within half hour changing completely towards being permissing and accepting everything, all when the smoke was present.

Situation was complicated further by the presence of dog waste around the building. People coming here from other buildings with their pets and leaving their waste real close to our building, in the same flow pattern of the air described above.

On several occasions, when making longer trips, including several trips of thousands of miles in California and other states, when i noticed the smell on our clothes, car, etc. A mixture of mold and animal waste mainly.

There was a link between the holes and the smoke as well. In the beginning i was just going outside and obsessively tried to step on all mounds. Eventually the smoke smell would go away after i stepped on a number of holes. I did that for years, spending up to one half hour at the time and bringing the dirty shoes inside which i had to wash. Lately, i figured  there is only a few of those that i need to seal, right next to the building, to get rid of most of the smoke. More recently, i used Portland cement to mix with the soil (in amounts that won't change color or appearance), which made it harder to moles to open the holes again, until they finally stopped.

But of course smoke cannot possibly come from the moles. The only way this could happen is if someone comes and sticks inside the holes or nearby some self burning material that may contains plants with psychotropic effects, including common drugs or legals substances, like maybe kratom, as i was suggested by some t-shirts in a casino. Again cement in soil made it harder for those and in the last days previous to date of this post the moved further from building, in areas i did not and could not possibly put cement.

More complications from other building materials. One is insulation dust constantly falling from the attic under the effect of vibration, either from the constant rumbling of the freeways nearby of the presence of cars with aftermarket mufflers or simply broken.

There was this particular purple Dodge with broken exhaust that was idling many times a day until i got desperate enough and went to the office after which it stopped. That lasted about a year and a half. Before that, there was this green truck again with a 5 or more liter engine coming out of one of the garages, each morning and idling for 15 minutes (legal limit) or more. Until after again, i talked to the owner and recorded the conversation.

Mineral insulation dust falling from attic is visible on the walls of this building only. Mineral insulation containing silica, other materials, besides being very irritant, especially to your digestive system, has a deodorant and antibacterial effect, making it even harder for me to realize the smells. Also dust falling from asphalt roofs. I noticed when i dusted the building many times of the years that the dust, mainly made of dead bugs, and the materials described above, with a touch of oil from exhaust from all cars, is extremely stinking. (Everything antibacterial creates even weirder strains that are very resistant and persistent with again devastating effect on your health). If i didn't wash my clothes and take a shower right after dusting, the dead bugs smell inside would become unbearable in the next few days.

There was a period of about one year, that included one fall and one spring when they re-roofed the entire complex with hundreds of thousands of nails being inserted with pneumatic tools. It was then when i searched about the number of nails needed in an average size wooden American house.

I could not possible have tolerated all these if it wasn't for what i will call from now on the "mole gas" and the smoke. It made me lethargic and absent from my own life. Years of wasted life.

People smoking around. This complex is advertised as "smoke free, in transition". Which means people are allowed to smoke outside buildings. Even right now as i write, i feel cigarette smoke. It's coming through walls or by doors etc..

Litter dust. Most people living upstairs over the past few year had pets. Small dogs, cats, etc.. I would assume they used what they call litter boxes. Some of the weirdest stuff on Earth that if i had any authority i would ban it in the next second. "Diatomaceous earth". It's quarried fossilized remains from microscopic creatures that were neither plants or animals and lived million years ago. Made of amorphous silica, after being burned in oven at high temperatures to get rid of any organic stuff that may have been in there as a side effect that silica would crystalize, making it very dangerous to breath. Small enough to enter the lungs, it wouldn't be in amounts large enough to cause silicosis (filling of the lungs with silica, like it happened in the past to miners) but most likely contributing to many respiratory illnesses, including asthma and cancer. It has the capacity to absorb water and animal waste many times its weight. There are additives that make the absorbed urine "clump" and possible to be removed for the open tray, but that is after some if not most of it evaporates inside the room of course. But some of the clump will remain in the tray no matter what. Interestingly enough, those tiny silica carcasses have geometric shapes, a long time obsession of freemasons. This stuff is so nasty it is also used as pest control, to kill bugs.
Driers' exhausts under the siding. For some reason, this building has the driers' exhaust, (Tumble drum dryers that use much electricity to heat air to dry clothes, with resulting steam needed to be evacuated) under the level of siding. Which means some of the steam coming from it would penetrate siding and walls. Some of the exhausts, like the one from upstairs also opens near a basement vent, and pushes some of the steam inside the basement (after the exhaust have been modified, about 2 years ago). The result is the steam condensate on the wooden floor, penetrates and making it bulge, bringing moisture and mold smell inside).

But for steam to come out of the drier through the exhaust, an equal amount of air is extracted from that particular room. Air that may come from a window if it's open. But if no window is opened, air will come from under doors and even walls (there is a half inch opening between inner wall panels and floor)

I remember when "the old man" who lived upstairs (a guy which at times resembled actor Rodney Dangerfield (i know he's dead, but his Hungarian correspondent is or was not), other times Dick Cheney, others, who "was smoking" (probably not present there most of the times, with others doing "the job" like in all cases), the steam coming out of that exhaust was smelling more like cigarette smoke than anything.

I'm sorry i got carried away with all this stuff and deviated from the tittle and scope of this post. I also realized i probably could not finish describing all the ordeals i had to go through to figure these simple things.

It was in the day when i realized that mole mounds resemble pyramids when i started to think there might be a link between moles and freemasons, with everything mole being an inspiration for those, probably at the beginning, or in ancient times. After being exasperated with the multitude of mounds i thought i had to step on to make the smoke go away, i did a search and saw for the first time the inner structure of a mound which indeed reminds of a pyramid, including tunnels and chambers, though at a much larger scale. People living long time ago might have also been impressed with the proven architectural skills of the moles, small creatures capable of building a nest out of soil.
More than that, there is a resemblance between the appearance of wrapped mummies and earthworms. The fact that brain of mummies was discarded during the embalming process. Brain was an useless organ for immortality, since earthworms caught in moles' larders were living indefinitely with their head bitten off.

Another argument in trying to prove that life of moles is inspiration for freemasonry is the appearance of moles and some of the signals of freemasons.

One particular species, the "Star nosed mole" has a sensory organ developed around the nose, it uses to actually feel its dark environment.
Could there be here a similarity with the so called "masonic grips" or handshakes.
I even discovered, absolutely by chance, some frames in a video actually showing an imitation of that organ as a response to danger.
Other arguments of course would be also current or modern symbolism. The popular character R2D2 in Star Wars movie, Android logo, could also be inspired by the shape of moles.
Can't help here but ask myself. If the masons are the moles, what are the rest of us, the worms? There are enough signs that this is the case. Liberalisation of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, polluting buildings, transportation, psychiatric drugs, opioids, over medication, zombifying media, fake politicians and politics.

We should not care about pollution. Moles live most of their healthy live underground and never get to breath fresh air. But their galleries are filled with enzymes that break down most of organic polluters.

We are mostly living trapped in a many thousands years old model inspired by mono animism or the admiration of our ancient ancestors for a crafty animal.

Ashmole. I stumbled the other day onto the name of one of the most famous freemasons.

Jacques de Molay. One of the reasons or accomplishments of the French revolution was the avenging of Jacques de Molay. The favorite method? As opposed to burning of the stake as in case of Jacques de Molay, chopping of the head.
Immolation. There are mixed etymologies for this word out there. One of them claims the root mola, which in old English means flour or an improbable Latin imolat which means food sacrifice. I personally believe it's got something to do with skin moles as "witches sign". Anybody who had a mole, that somehow resembled the velvety fur of the animal, hence the name, would be considered suspect of witchcraft.

I really hate to ad a "most likely" to all these theories, but have to state at least my educated belief in the origin of freemasons. Most likely their current European incarnation of the freemasons comes from the Mamluk Kingdom of Egypt, before but mostly after the Ottoman Invasion of Egypt, around 1500 when both the elites - the moles and their Indian brought slaves - the worms, the Gypsies, came over in Europe during the confusion of the dark times @1500, similar to what's happening nowadays.

For some unknown reason, most immigrants in Europe during the last 1500 years, starting with the Huns of Attila, the Magyars, probably some Tatars, Mamluks, others all settled in Pannonia.

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year 2021

Angela is more and more agitated, every weekend or day off it takes half of the time for her just to calm down. There are a couple of Japanese women there posing as Chinese, rest are Hungarians, i've identified most of them. Apparently they pick on her really bad. Lately she just quit telling me what they do to her. It's too traumatic even to remember.

So she got a mini vacation starting the Christmas weekend until tomorrow.

I don't know how we got like this. I mean, we have nowhere to go. Me i was so busy with my blogs and most of the time under influence of both moles enzymes, carefully directed inside, and smoke, probably coming from burning pieces of stuff stuck inside the holes by someone, could be even from passing cars, cause some of the holes were next to the alleys, i forgot what fight it takes to keep the place sanitized. Finally installed a few days ago a UV light inside the closet. Contaminated steam from dog and/or cat clothes washed insufficiently (too little detergent) from vents under siding level is getting inside the siding, wall and inside there.

I am pretty positive most of the people we knew in the past, if not all, are from the same lists i use to search to find matches for my blog. I've identified already many of them but i hesitate since i don't want or can't break completely with the outside world, real or not.

After several month of taking antibiotics, i realized the cause was the new dentures that i started to wear at the end of July. They were literally bent, after moulding, probably using heat. Both upper and lower, moving and pressing unevenly on gums. Because of those got an infection at parotid glands on both sides. Didn't use them since Christmas. Bulges are at the lowest levels. A very interesting effect took place. While in the first days, weeks of taking those i had terrible stomach pains, at the end the stomach pains are completely gone. So i figured i can afford a few drinks, after a pause of several months. Not while driving, at the end of the trips of course.

Also switched from almond and coconut milk for coffee to soy milk, because those seemed bitter. Then i started to have a really bad reaction (pain) in my colon.

On December 23 while cleaning the place, i went to sweep the concrete floor of the balcony (the only concrete floor in the building). I saw the shower curtain i installed under was full sprouted seeds that turned into mud. I removed and i saw some of the pieces of cut foam i squeezed in there last summer had fallen and there was mud in the space between beams. I removed all of those and mud and maggots fell on me. There is a bird feeder in that balcony and birds made a mess and seeds fell and sprouted and maggots came to life. When cold came, the maggots died and as the weather started to warm up again, they started to rot, adding to the whole ecosystem.
If you can't see those in the picture, look closer.
So we just ran away first time at Red Winds in Washington State on Christmas eve, and then at 7 feathers last weekend (got to check fb posts, i got so many things on my mind i just can't remember exactly right now). I like to drive and after last mods i've done to the car, i registered 40 mpg from here to Eugene and an average of 38 for the whole trip, considering we had to climb above 700 ft. Us smelling like cats, dogs, mold and smoke eveerywehere we go that BTW is just creeping in as i write.

Playing at small amounts, we almost all the times make some of the money back so we end loosing 100 or 200 dollars per evening. Or like at Ilany, Angela in the last few times made her money back and even won something like 50 bucks in the end. My fun recently is mostly related to experimenting with the car, trying to optimize fuel consumption, after i accidentally run into some favorable modification. It's all happening because i have this mpg dashboard indicator. I learned to use an app that shows elevation from GPS only (don't have service on my phone) and look all the time at elevation and try to figure the link between climbing, going down and fuel consumption. Something that keeps my mind busy and away during long trips.

On Christmas morning at 6 AM while coming back to Portland, after i passed through Woodland, after a bridge and a slight right turn in my view of field appeared two cops' cars with red and blue flashing lights. I was in the process of passing a red van, in a slight curve to the left and downhill after the bridge, don't know exactly the speed limit in the area, probably 70, they were about 10 cars on right two lanes that BTW all passed me earlier making me uncomfortable (on the right, etc.), all with weird LPN, at the same speed with the van. Didn't figure in time the reason everybody was avoiding the left lane. At 32 degrees on the dashboard, the lane had ice on it. When i saw the cops i hit the breaks and started skidding, about 20 degrees to the left. I managed to stabilize the car as i saw a cop rushing towards his car, but my speed was already under limit and he didn't follow. Right after and to this day i am convinced it was all done deliberately. The red van was old and stinking and it just passed me a few minutes before. Cops' cars were hidden in a lower elevation after the bridge and not visible until the last moment, everyody hits the brakes when they see cops, etc..

Especially when i remembered that exactly one year ago i avoided in the last hundredths of second a bale of hay in Rice Hills, Oregon, while doing 80 in a 70 area, while going to 7 feathers.

As soon as i get somewhere i have a few drinks in the parking lot and then i don't care much about what's happening inside. Can't remember whom i saw at Red Winds, but at 7 feathers, a few days after, i think i saw Candy Dulfer, and a politician from Romanian government.

New Year's eve at Spirit Mountain. Because Chinook Winds is closed, the place was said to be at maximum capacity (i saw more people in there in other occasions). Because of that, we have been put in a line where we waited almost an hour and also had a few drinks. Just as i passed the "check point" and made it inside the parking lot, a couple of cars executed some weird maneuvers in front of me, trying to get me in a fender bender.

Inside, the promised live band was Sonny Hess and Kat Lady, apparently some street performers from Portland.

They were playing ok (i saw worse in there) but didn't really have any happy new Year Song ad midnight. Didn't stay much and came back after a couple of hours. Angela was loosing and was confident she would make her money back in the end we left with a 500 dollars loss (have to ask her again, she's sleeping).

But Saturday night at Indian Head. We like that desert area a lot and since we haven't been there in a long time we adventured on a dubious weather forecast. At 4000 ft at the pass i saw snow flurries and 34 degrees on the dashboard but didn't turn around. However in there something weird happened. Even at poker machines, i was constantly losing, like at Spirit Mountain the day before. There was this very fat lady at my right, figuring a Native American, that right now i suspect was again Kat Lady. I even spoke with her, cause i could not figure the version of spin poker i was playing. I went in the parking lot to get a drink from my brandy bottle and i saw, again, the same couple of men and a woman in a car. But those came back with me inside and i though one of them looked familiar and today i figured he might have been Pitbull the rapper.

Angela was loosing and again hoping she would make her money back but she didn't. I think we spent both our stimulus check in these two days, at Spirit Mountain and Indian head.

The weirdest part, something i got used to for a long time now, the way people are moving around us inside the casinos. Every time when i move and pass somebody, somebody else pops from around a machine and stares at me and those, like guarding them. If i stay for a while in a place, some woman comes and sits or stands behind me, while others start parading in between, again, like for protecting. Primordial gestures for cameras, to trigger primordial subconscious reaction. Which means some are watching (There are people like Pitbull that wouldn't go anywhere there wasn't a live camera). But how? that casino, in a valley in the middle of the desert doesn't even have fiber optics.

Intrigued, was looking the other day with google maps at the casino, cause i remembered i saw a weird structure uphill, like some transformers. Which means those lines are high voltage, at least 10 kV. There is a a cable going in the ground by a pole and i figured that is the power for the parking lot and the transformers on the hill are for powering the casino, which is not very big, maybe like 10 houses. Right over that hill there is a structure which i discovered after a walk last summer, when we briefly stopped in there after a trip for my birthday in the most eastern-southern spot in Oregon. Crystal Crane hot springs (i believe a place where all meth users gather, by the smell). After many hours of driving, my body was craving for a walk so i climbed on a trail after that hill and saw a building that now i know it's a local radio station, which seems linked, with some antennas and through a relay on top of a mountain some 10-20 miles to the outside world. God only knows what is the bandwidth for that link, but it could explain everything. I hesitated a lot to write this, i know those people could get in trouble, but this particular location could prove that something is going on, with the casino so closed to that data link, because at locations like Ilany nothing is visible, everything is underground, power, data, etc.
The structure on top of the hill that is marked as a radio station on Google Earth, has its own high voltage power line. The station is retransmitting OPB and hour or two a day, and that parabolic antenna on the pole is probably for getting that. But for that purpose, wouldn't an ordinary satellite antenna sufficed. But satellite connections have lags up to 0.2 seconds.
I hereby complain about all the casinos mentioned above, for the fact they host illegal shows that are broadcast somewhere, for violation of privacy, like intentionally broadcasting unauthorised video including my persoanal live image over the internet, and also that all the machines in all the casinos mentioned above being rigged, to the point of controlling from a remote location and/or local supercomputers the output at any hand level, and not having anything to do with gambling.

I also might have known personally, from a job at Quadramed the famous casino law-yerrr "Ronald J. Rychlak", the coauthor of the famous books written with "General Mihai Pacepa". In turn he seems to be a base guitar player from Hungary.
Is that a Dominican Double Cross at the end of the strings?