Showing posts sorted by relevance for query patch. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query patch. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26

3:40 AM Vitamin C deficiency. Oops! That's me. The reason for all the pains and infections.

3:45 I use DIY patches. The reason i do this. Whatever patches are available, they have a very small amount.

However absorption of vitamin C is much slower than let's say... aspirin. Aspirin with my patches goes away in about 12 hours, vitamin C, it takes days, up to a week. How do i know. Aspirin tablets in a patch turn to dust and have no sour taste in about 12  hours.

How i do. I use 2x3 inches. Then i apply some whatever hand lotion or anti-itch lotion i have handy to coat the pad in the middle of the patch. Carefully  not to contaminated the adhesive area. I use coarse sandpaper (yes, sandpaper!) to flatten the oval 500 mg tablets on one side and remove the coating, sandpaper on the table, face up, then i rub the tablet a bit against it. A few times will suffice.

Then i apply the tablets parallel to each other with the side that has not been sanded on the lotion (i use the whole little pad for 4 tablets of 500 mg each). The purpose of the lotion is to keep the tablets there until you can apply them, otherwise it is very difficult with more than one tablet, they will fall. 4 tablets will create a contact area about half the size of a regular patch.

Very important. I rub with alcohol an area twice as big on a shoulder to take the skin oils out. No need to do it if you just took a shower. This way, the patch will stay for days.

If i taste the tablets after 4-5 days, the sour taste is about 1/4 the intensity at the beginning. So it looks like i get 3/4 of 500 mg a day or something like that.

But absorption rate varies a lot depending. If you sweat, water will dissolve whatever active ingredient and will go faster in your boy. Or if  you take a shower and wet the patch which is semi-permeable, etc..  

12:18 The pink stain. On top of astronomical factors of course (Moon at apogee, full moon) and already low pressure.

1:26 How about... (Again when the conditions are right).

2:32 Gata știu. Cutremurul din România din 4 martie 1977 care a fost un cutremur de adâncime, generat nu de fierberea apei termale la o scădere a presiunii ca la cele de suprafață (Banat (lat), stânga în diagrame, Grecia) ci de o schimbare de fază în magmă la o creștere de presiune (posibil înghețare).

Luna se afla la apogeu (362 mii km) adică cel mai aproape (aproximativ), și era plină, deci pe partea Pământului opusă Soarelui. Pământul era în elongație maximă pe direcția Soare Lună, cu vârful "oului" îndreptat spre Lună, coborând în același timp scoarța în zona din mijloc (pentru păstrarea volumului), adică în zona de apus de Soare și răsărit de Lună, mărind presiunea și declanșând o înghețare într-o bulă magmatică din zona seismică, cu mărire explozivă de volum.

Condițiile sunt exact opusul celor pentru cutremure de suprafață. Presiune relativ ridicată, greutatea precipitațiilor. (Temperatura la limita înghețului favorizează precipitații la presiuni mai ridicate). 

4:21 Da știu bulevardul Maghieru.

11:36 Two millions in 2024.

11:41 According to this USGS site, tectonic plates that make the crust of the Earth are single gigantic pieces of rock. Up to 200 km in height and the size of continents. According to this theory, they are like ice on a lake. However in other sites the crust is described as rocks, plural.

Volcanos are bubbles of lava that are pushed up by convection currents that burst on the surface.

Stratovolcanos,  the most common type. According to this image, the "oceanic plate" coming from left bends and gets under the "continental plate". But how can it bend if it's solid rock?

And how can a stratovolcano like Yellowstone can exist in the middle of a plate?

Yes, if they were solid plates they would not change the pressure in the bubble of magma due to factors like gravity of Moon or Sun or changes in atmospheric pressure.

According to other theories, crust is a semi-solid agglomeration of rocks and some areas of it move against others due to horizontal convection currents. Again, in this image the "slabs" get bent.

The reason the curst cannot be made of such gigantic pieces of solid rock is simple. They are not like ice floating on a lake but more like ice flowing in a river.

Monday, August 28, 2023

August 28

12:26 Așa arăta "stația GPL" în 23 iunie când a trecut o mașinuță google pe acolo. Așa cum spunea patronul al cărui ghinion e că avea o față rotundă (și că era puțin tâmpit, nu putea să facă depozit într-o zonă nelocuită), nu e o stație, ci un fel de depozit sau parcare, unde se pare că transferau gaz dintr-o cisternă în alta. Chiar lângă o clădire de locuințe sau birouri ce sunt alea. Aia era firma de deștepți?

A și cisterna cu șuruburi ruginite și unele par vechi cu tot felul de improvizații. Aveau și camere. Poate erau conectate la internet și au rămas imaginile undeva.

1:02 I came back home at @10, he came soon after and now it's one AM he and keeps on making senseless noises upstairs.

1:06 That is my right arm, with a patch with 2x500 mg Amoxicillin, on the right there is a bit of adhesive from a previous patch that stayed there after a shower, above the patch there is the scar that healed months ago.

In the last three days or after they took the blood sample from inside the elbow where the adhesive is, i had all kinda pains starting in that area, moving to the back, right then left shoulder, other arm, but now it's back there under that parch all the way to the hand and only when press against something or let my weight on that hand.

The antibiotic acts also locally inches around the patch through the lymph. I realized that when i first had the wound and was moving the patch around because of inflammation due to adhesive. I expect everything to be over by tomorrow. It all depends on what the real cause is.

1:16 At Indian Head i was staying in line to get fish and chips on my 10 dollars free coupon, and was kinda far from the next person and a guy with a woman got in front of me and he looked like round face Hulk Hogan.

I told him i was in line and he let me back in front of him. Didn't have the chance to take a good look at her but she looked much younger and familiar. I haven't been drinking but was barely awake from the Zyrtec i took the day before and driving one hour through thick smoke.

10:00 Ok i think most of it is gone. However last night i passed again next to that tower and i got things going on in other areas, but that was like before the blood test.

10:03 Toată lumea știe adevărul în afară de miniștri iar poliția trecea pe acolo în fiecare zi.

10:10 Kali. I've been excised by the news, other things, also been stimulated by all kinda noises, been breathing harder because of nose congestion. When noise and excitement stopped i found myself with shortness of breath by exhausting my body limits before that.

11:04 Kali. I ate and i choked (dysphagia). Got out of the breathing thing though.

11:05 The Empire strikes back.

2:28 Before Angela people who did SMT at Eaton were rotating every few days. Because the SMT machine is old with improvised conveyors that sometimes get stuck, there is a lot of walking to be done.

But she had got to do it continuously, alone, for a year and a half, walking on concrete covered with some rubber mats more that 5000 steps a day, she developed plantar fasciitis which means she started to have pain in one heel when she walks. How many steps can you do in a casino, moving from one machine to another.

The lifting limitation appeared after Angela had 3 more surgeries after her heart surgery, two to retrieve the forgotten wires and one to fix the hernia that occurred after the first two.

Ever since she got plantar fasciitis, she did other jobs waiting for her doctor to give her one more limitation "less walking, and more sitting" besides the old one for lifting under 20 pounds and only at chest levels.

Friday, Steve Eaton (coincidence of name with the name of the company) probably intentionally gave her a job that involved lifting over 80 pounds by2 people pounds, which Angela and the other person also with limitations refused, again ruining her weekend one more time and preparing for what came today.

Today the doctor have her the letter, she printed she took it to HR and the HR manager said she need a time limit on it which Angela agreed to ask the doctor again and then told Angela she is going to keep in touch "to do a job evaluation".

Ever since we keep asking ourselves what does that mean. I think it's a form of bureaucratic harassment and threat (bully) because job evaluations by the definition do not refer to people but rather to jobs. We now fear that if they are going to "reevaluate" her job they may find she could be no more fit in there because of her limitations.

There are no job evaluations in there, never been. Everything is done by Steven, the de facto leader and manager of the whole place, informally and that is scheduling (that is which work on which station on a day). HR, supervises (when there have been) listens to him. There was a supervisor, Dee, lesbian, an ex drug addict that was missing half of the time and HR didn't say anything about until i wrote about her, several times, and then they finally fired her. The two Chinese ladies were feeding him, etc..

There is not a single job she did at Eaton. Beside SMT operator (most important job in the team) for one year and a half she did many different "jobs" in there and some of them were easier than others and other people with bigger limitations and older than Angela do those all the time. But there are some easy jobs only for the people older and with more limitations than Angela that she intentionally never got trained to.

Also did not have an opportunity lately to write about Angela's "colon cancer" surgery in 2004 when they removed a part of her colon and also destroyed adjacent organs by wrongly directed radiotherapy leaving her with the impossibility of having a normal life after, contributing to going to casinos and my activities online including blogging cause i have no one to turn to.

4:55 Today they did a big noise with three trimming, that unlike the coat sealing of pavement, was unannounced. The Japanese child actors came to make their show with big yelling at the windows. Though they usually yell in English, today they are breaking a few words in Spanish, with heavy Japanese accent.

6:48 Today, last night i figured something important. The way Kali's (as goddess of time) worshipers act. To them it is ancestral and might come from the timing of the boomerang, which is a slow weapon and needs calculation or intuition to be thrown ahead of target's moving position.

I go to a casino for a free meal, breath some air, lose 50 bucks, they send all kinda screwed ups to come in the same time with me and do little tricks while i'm around. To them it's no crimes, no conspiracies since they act on religious grounds. Some call it "wrong place at the wrong time". Same upstairs or at the stores or everywhere.

The results on cameras for those who fall low enough to start watching this kind of show are disastrous, for all of Kali's enemies.

7:21 Seal coating on August 23 and 24, appointment for drawing blood the next day resulted in yet another infection that may lead to sepsis.

7:20 Today i accidentally ran into her age on a site and then i was finally able to look for her in the list and hopefully get over with. Trying to remember if there was a time for me in the last 20 years or so.

8:03 All these toponyms and my last 28 years of my life tell me that the Japanese, others, may think they have a claim over the western US territories and started working on it a long time ago. Millions of Japanese disguised and/or acting as Mexicans are already here.

9:40 Una e să nu știi alta e să te faci să nu știi. Dacă faci mult timp pe prostul s-ar putea să rămâi așa. Și pompierii treceau pe acolo, fie numai ca persoane private. Eu dacă eram pompier și treceam pe acolo în ultimii 10 ani sau de când au chestia, poate cu mașina și aruncam o privire mi se zbârlea puținul păr pe are îl mai am pe spate.

Dar mai e posibil ca nivelul corupției în România e așa de mare încât nu mai este nimeni în stare să facă o reclamație, toți sunt unii cu alții.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12

12:25 Turn the face to strange.

9:20 Was laying in bed for ten minutes when i decided to rise. I went and opened the door and patio sliding door to air the room. He was there "unloading groceries" accross the alley. The short muscular Buddha who shows here about once a month. Most likely a Japanese fighter of sorts.

1:10 Lots of bad news from my walk. I left through the back and first i saw a dog poop (didn't see those in a while, a new wave is starting?). Then i saw the hole in the wall, exposed again after the rains. The problem? The problem is it rains inside the wall which rots and then the whole building smells like mold. Also insulation dust is coming out of it. Was not inspired enough to take a picture above the plank separating the first and second floor, where all the patches i put resisted. This one that is in within reach i repatched twice. No i can't re-patch it because it's wet.

Almost one year has passed since last April when i did  those. They did the windows. They did some of the siding around windows but didn't fix those. Where it rains inside the wall.

They knew i saw it and waited with a load of laundry to dry so i got exposed while taking the picture. Which reminded me of the vents next to our apartments. Took some pictures just to show that at Apt.2 where mold smells come during drying something weird is going on, probably drying without the mesh. Strangely enough, the anti-poop announcement (xeroxed from the one they put on all dors after i complained) which i taped with scotch tape resisted. The patch on the hole was made with white Duck tape. Most of the redwood dust seen on the blue walls is made by the Wednesday blowers though.

Good thing i took pictures so i can look relaxed. It could be the forgotten rat trap under that vent catches mold inside too because of the vapor. Now i know why the put the lid of the extinguisher box there. To distract from perceiving the box.

1:35 I take the microwave meter with me everywhere. The alarm is set at 1. So far i discovered on my 3 miles loop "only" two "hot spots" in two different points around the hospital. One is at the end of the west parking lot. One is at east of the east parking lot. First one shows as tower, though unseen. Second is unidentified. At the first one i'm getting readings around five. But at the second which is next to a visibile tower, but not near it, where i didn't get much readings (i pulled the meter on purpose, alarm didn't sound), today i recorded up to 20 which is a lot. As much as from a cell phone at 1-2 ft distance during a call.

Many people don't know. Because at 4G the signal travels in all directions, the power decreases with the square of distance. 1000 mW next to the cell phone, 20 at 1 ft, next to nothing at 15 ft. Don't get me wrong. 20 is 20000 higher than normal "natural" background which is one though my meter cannot show less than that. How many calls do a cell tower simultaneously handles in average? I'd say it depends on the size, and this was a small one.

I don't know but today at 500 ft from it i got 20 mW which is enormous. A reading similar to the one at Safeway parking lot in Lincoln City and the upper level of the new Casino parking (and again not next to the tower near Grocery Outlet). But today the meter didn't identified the signal as cell tower. More like a... microwave oven? Which again, if it leaks like mine, should show almost nothing at 15 ft.

Could it be a defective microwave oven in one of those RVs parked in there?
Today i didn't get more exposed on some areas of the body like from making a 1 minute call, but for me it was enough. All the painful areas were activated and i think i solved the mystery as why lately after passing that point i got several times, within minutes, diarrhea symptoms. Because that signal irritates my bowel. Do people really live in those nearby houses? I bet some of the older ones have "irritable bowel syndrome". At least to say.

9:13 Billy Idol and himself.

9:18 Opportunities bestowed in heaven. Azi ninja nu a venit acasă la timpul obișnuit, s-a autopedepsit fiindcă am descoperit faza cu cutia de sub răsuflătoare (poză mai sus). A așteptat momentul să deschid știrile și a izbit tare ușa la mașină ca să mă facă să am o reacție negativă (practic am tresărit) exact când am deschis știrea asta. Astfel și-a construit intrarea înapoi. ("Vedeți, v-am spus eu că e așa").

S-a dus direct în baie și a început să meșterească ceva.

9:34 I wrote in the other day about different roles he (i think he is actually a woman) fills around here. Resident at Apt. 3, 4 and 5. He also does a woman across the alley. But his main base is the floating van, an old white van with JBQ LPN figuring a homeless van. About a week ago i started taking pictures with numbered spots the van occupies, but he realized and stopped after 3 positions. 

First it was next to garbage bin, where there is not a spot, then 11, then 7 and now  the van is there for a few days.

It is much easier for the ninja to get out of the van at night pretending peeing and roam around and arrange things like the rat trap than if he was inside one of the apartments or peel the tape of  the wall or stick burning stuff in the ground etc.. Moving the van in different positions every day ensures there are no traceable patterns in regular activities like sticking burning stuff in the ground.

9:50 Faptul că România având un președinte bozgor (ca și toți cei dinainte, cu excepția lui Constantinescu ce a fost ninja) care pretinde că e neamț nu ajută. "Werner" mimând ceea ce unii cred că sunt "apucăturile" nemților a preluat probabil de la "Mazăre" "conecția braziliană", justifică aceste contraatacuri pe teren, care în realitate blochează (încetinesc) ceea ce fac eu cu blogul, asemănările. Eu îl sfătuiesc pe Werner să facă pasul înapoi acum și să-l ia și pe retardul de Ciucă și toată gașca de retarzi cu el.

I remember the first time when i complained about the van (on the blog) the next day a Police SUV came and a blond or read headed young tall Hungarian actor (which is weird cause all cops in Tualatin are bearded) figuring a Police officer went and talked to the same guy who occupies the van, acting as resident at Apt.3 who probably said the van was his which is true but in a different identity.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Must Have Been An Angel

Focal lenght=27, wide angle. Wanted to catch more of the trail.
Focal lenght=27, wide angle. Wanted to catch more of the trail.
Darker in color, clearly shaped on the sky, much lower, surely a hawk.
Focal lenght=27, wide angle. Wanted to catch more of the trail.
Another hawk, most likely
Focal length=30, wide angle. Wanted to catch more trails.

Balloon, i saw it dancing in the wind. It appears below too, in the croped version in the left.
Focal lenght=30, wide angle. Wanted to catch more trails.
In the lower right, a darker patch.
Not hawk, not balloon, not plane. Could be a drone. Hiding in the jet trail.
Focal length=105, 2x zoom. Took pictures of all dissipating trails after discovering what is above with zoom at maximum. Some of them are badly shaken, out of focus. Could have been more.
Blue grey. Looks like a drone to me. Light from above - left as it should. With wings.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Re-edited 08-29-14. (It was really hard after almost three years of blogging because there are too many problems with this post, especially too many ideas packed in it, but did not want to completely rewrite it, so i did my best trying to patch it according to my current level of "publishing experience").

I was thinking. I cannot afford the luxury of a bilingual blog and since i read the Romanian online press, i will always be tempted to write postings in Romanian because some subjects to me sound better that way. I don't know, i didn't see bilingual blogs yet, i don't know what is going to come out, we will see. :)

And while editing this posting, i remembered the unforgotten words from the unforgotten dr John's song, Such A Night: If i don't do it somebody else will.

I read today in the Romanian press about the emanation of the methane somewhere in the Ocean of Siberia... . I remembered one of my favorite thinking subjects... And i tried to put together here some ideas about the subject before i say anything...

Within the article a comparison that doesn't say much, "is comparable to the amount coming out of the entire world’s oceans." A subliminal metaphor. Let's put this aside. We don't know the amount. We don't understand from the article other that there are other sources to blame for the hypothetical green house effect, others then cows belching methane. Let's put this aside too.

I found a while ago a strange idea on the web, as an important cause of the fall of the roman empire being lead poisoning from the plumbing. I didn't know the Romans had running water. With lead pipes. Wondering from where, who thought them, where they assimilated the idea from. But this is another subject as well. The important thing here is they had it. According to this

But even us, the Romanians, had it. During Romans, they were Thermae in Romania. In modern times, the "soviet" style buildings that are still the norm and for about half of them, the quality norm.

But the pipes under the kitchen sinks for all of them were made of lead.

I looked in Wikipedia in the article about lead poisoning and saw that they don't know the lower level for lead intoxication in humans. Any level is considered toxic. They just don't know. The big scare with lead. But i've been asking for and nobody in any doctor's office doesn't have a test available. Although there are tests for detecting the presence of lead in old paint. (But i tried and it reacts with any paint, probably they need to sell the new paints.) Let's not forget the dental fillings which in Romanian are called plombe. Made of an amalgam of lead... (Alloy of lead and mercury :mrgreen:).

But let us jump from the ancient history to the recent one. Everybody in Romania knows about that strange, mysterious and esoteric statement, streamed from the wind of freedom and change by The Last One On The List, and the apparition, "with your permission" of the emanated ones from the revolution, the bulk of The List. La crème de la crème, the emanated, word that suggests something unstoppable and unfailable in the same time. The Emanated Ones.

Cause what is an emanation, but something unstoppable. And i kept this word in my memory, like a hidden treasure within my soul, like a key that can unlock the chains that freedom has been kept in.

But later i discovered the word subliminal. And the manipulation of ideas. And the false, the imaginary and the fabricated news. Unverifiable. Sensational and forgettable. That always warn us of something terrible that's about to happen.

Even more tragic. Events being created for the only purpose of generating news.

Things so embarrassing that you would wish to make time stop or to hide somewhere where they cannot reach you.

Cause what is an emanation but something unstoppable. The speech of someone that makes you wish you to close your ears if you could. And you cannot and only strain yourself. A faucet of a Roman bath like the one above that probably was leaking because they didn't have the today's standards and machining capabilities. The emanation from near the column of pipes in a communist style condo in Romania. The car alarms. The formaldehyde from the walls and floors. The smell of the dumpster. The neighbor's yelling and door slamming. DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM FAN. Anything that is annoying and unstoppable, sounds, smells. Unverifiable and Exagerated news. Do these unstoppable flows are really toxic per se? Maybe. But anybody knows how annoying is a faucet that leaks in the night and cannot be stopped. And the picture above suggests permanent leaks. It's The Emanations.

All these have psycho physiological effects not by their direct toxicity but by the straining of the mind to the point of really affecting the physiology. Most likely by blocking the intestinal transit, especially gases, with all the effects on short and long term like shortening and acceleration of breath, anxiety, hyperventilation. Bile blockage. Raise of histamine. On long term, pancreatitis, fatty liver disease (by blocking of the bile), high blood pressure. All generated by the increase of the abdominal pressure due to unconscious, involuntary, temporary and intermittent transit blockage or holding.

These are the real toxic effects of the annoying emanations. And like any toxins, they can create addictions, especially if they are unconscious. Any toxic action on the human body create endorphins in the brain for protection on the short term. And your body can get used to them and not avoid them anymore.

Could "annoying emanations" be the missing link between the words tension, pressure, stress and depression?

And let's go back to the news. If the mentioned pseudo news from the information channels occur at a calculated pace you don't have time to react, to digest them before a new one comes and take their place. The addiction to news. The thirst for the light from the TV and the computer monitor.

I was thinking. The only difference between me at 50 and the one 30 years ago is the number of addictions and conditionings.

Let us all hold our breaths until the methane emanations of the Ocean Of Siberia stop. Or until the Gemini meteor shower passes. Or until all the 012 combinations of these year's dates will pass.

May the Force Be With You... [saying smiley]

Thursday, May 11, 2023

May 11

1:24 It had to be glam rock and precursor of punk. A type of minimalist rock with a lot of authenticity, featuring short "dazzling" rhythm guitar chords and very short solos, violins, mellow vocals and sometimes unexpected extraordinary compositions that created one if not the best song ever. And yes it clashes with all religions as we know them.

9:41 Last night or better said this morning, just after i posted this video at 1:34 i heard a very faint noise at the door like a professional inserted a key in the door and tried to open it a couple of times but could not. The backyard (balcony) door is again unlocked like yesterday though i have been careful about locking it last night. Woke up again with bandage off. My heart problem caused by doxycycline is slowly reversing.

My hand is healing, slowly. While the wound is now closed and have no more chills, there are blisters on top of the new tissue, the areas around it are sore, deep into the muscles (or bones), especially after i took more Amoxicilline. The fingers are sore and stiff at both hands when i close a fist.

Soreness or heat again due to antibiotic are present in the bulged areas next to my ears where the hair is missing due to overuse of cell phones in the last ten years and many areas of the body including palms of my hands with cellular damage that are prone to and infected because they were close to wi-fi and phone.

I once wrote a blog post titled "Method of Diagnosing Infections Using Antibiotics" but can't find it anymore even in my blogger dashboard. The idea is very simple. If you suspect having a chronic infection in some area of the body or your white cell count is in the upper range of "normal" (which depends on the lab), take an antibiotic (best as patch).

If you feel within half hour soreness or heat in an area of the body, it means you have one.

The soreness comes from inflammation caused by dead bacteria in the infected tissue, as effect of the antibiotic. Continue with the antibiotic until the soreness stops and/or white cell count gets back to normal normal.

But if you had cellular damage by various reasons to the point the tissue can't regenerate or is very slow to regenerate your infection will eventually come back, maintaining the cellular damage.

Antibiotics patches are not yet widely available but you can improvise one using capsules. Spread a bit of vaseline (pure white petrolatum) on a square inch on your arm. Sprinkle half capsule (every three hours). Cover with sterile patches and wrap with bandage (i use pieces of women stoking which i wash regularly). Do not use tape on your skin next to antibiotic cause it may cause rashes.

10:02 Landscape day was yesterday, today is garbage day. While the garbage truck makes its thunderous sound, a landscape guy went around and sprinkled the mulch areas next the buildings with something and got at my balcony exactly when i was writing the word door above, staring at me.

11:40 Friar Tucker?

12:52 Antibiotics red tape in the US.

Besides "unofficial" use of Amoxicillin i also use prescribed Mupirocin, for the wound only. I had it prescribed Tuesday two weeks ago, refilled on 4, requested on 2nd  ran out of it, used Neosporin to which i'm allergic, got the rash again, reset to day 0. Though the doctor said Tuesday at the appointment i need to continue with it, he wrote it on the instruction and in myChart, he didn't give me a refill, it's a small tube, 44 mg, i used it all in 7 days and now i'm having trouble again in refilling the prescription.

BTW the doctor told me Tuesday i did a great job in healing the wound. Then i told him about the sprinkling of Cephalexin leftovers which finally closed the wound in about 2 days (had three capsules, ran out of it, continued with Amoxicillin). But there was left a small dot on the wound that now moves around.

Asked for it on myChart yesterday, no response, trouble identifying self at the dermatology in Bridgeport, as everywhere lately, the receptionist told me it may be too soon for a refill (after 7 days), i insisted, she said she will send the request to the doctor.

12:50 Antibiotics resistance is a myth and a form of controlling of people by bureaucrat doctors. Lobbyists paid by medical associations enact laws for prohibiting people buying those without prescription. Thus, people have to pay for appointments times more than the price of medicine instead of trying as a first cheap form of treatment.

There cannot be antibiotics resistance, judging by the mechanism of which antibiotics work. The bacteria cannot change or adapt to antibiotics because they go after vital processes of bacteria. Bacteria are very simple organisms. Because of that they cannot evolve or change Their evolution process have stopped billions of years ago.

I don't believe they can sacrifice any of their minimalist structure to change function in producing enzymes that break down antibiotics by example. And if they did, they would develop other vulnerabilities that would not make them viable. Otherwise we would all have all been eaten by the mutants after discovering of antibiotics, a long time ago.

1:24 Balcony door last night was locked. I was (miss)judging only by the position of the handle i was used to. However somebody changed the position of the strike plate in the frame and now it locks at a different, more "permissive" or more "opened" position of the handle giving me the illusion it was not locked, for a couple of days now.  Which makes me think. Was it possible to open when locked before that?

Judging by the trace left in the paint by the screw, there are at least 4 different possible positions in which the strike plate was moved since installation but in reality there is a two dimension continuous range (wave function). Nothing at the other screw however which is not tightened all the way. The strike plate moves up and down when upper screw is loose.

Yes there was a missing screw at the latch at the kitchen window, for which again the emperor himself went after. The doubling. When they came to fix what they screwed last summer.

2:00 I do appreciate the coming of flash cards but the micro SD card, due to its size and difficulty in handling is the most stupid invention ever.

First time i tried to leave was before last entries. 12:52 i guess. Then, as right now, they produced an ambulance with a siren. Try to feel what i'm feeling . About to leave, an ambulance whining. If not, a low flying plane, an air horn or whatever. Geese at night. Something, after hours of silence. Every time.

Nevermind, i'll try to look in the news for something to write about.

2:10 There is no accounting backed evidence for reaching of the "debt ceiling". They never produce an end of the fiscal year accounting balance or sheet. Correction. What do you know. They do produce that. Good luck with reading and understanding it.

One or two cars have arrived, or about to leave, i heard at least 10 very loud extremely loud doors slammed within 30 seconds.

2:37 First i heard some crystalline voices. It was too late when i went to close that door (it's a nice day). Three unsupervised small children (under 5) just passed by when the door was opened. Yesterday during my walk i also saw a number of them on bikes on the street.

So you think i'm crazy but in the meantime i made friends with the monsters under my bed. Then how about this, from the first visit at dermato, next to the only convenient parking spot available in the lot?

5:20 Just put the screwdriver on both screws of the strike plate of that door. Both screws were loose to the point the plate could have been moved up and down from outside with a tool like a slim jim or with other trick.

5:32 My last job. 76 gas station at Cedar Hills and Walker in Beaverton. On July 28 2006 i had scheduled an oral surgery with dr.Boyd. He did everything wrong and left me with the bone of my mandibula exposed on a surface of about half square inch, right under the front lower teeth. I kept taking antibiotics (back then the doctors were still giving me prescriptions, washing my mouth with body temperature salt water every time i was eating (with a straw) and after about two months the wound finally closed. Could have ended like him. But back then i did not have diabetes.

Back then it was the other president, Băsescu who made a visit the day before to the US so he can later claim my head. And yes, about a month before i started a blog which then i abbondonned in terror.

Today after Angela came, out of her mind, after another bullying session with Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company), her de facto supervisor, he usually does it before weekends, so we both feel alright, today he was early, this week she wasn't working in SMT, due to missing parts so she was more exposed to his "supervision".

I had to clean and cook. It was pretty hot inside, have used no jacket, my hand was exposed to cold water and bacteria from doing dishes and now i feel some sort of pain deep inside to the bone and chills all over.

11:00 Does it make any difference if i mention these? Tucker. Tucker. GGG

BTW Eastern European countries are complaining about cheap food from UKraine, why the UK is not buying from her?

Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1st

9:05 Last night i was driving from Lincoln City and while trying to beat the boredom (when not struggling to keep on the road while being blinded by the numerous vehicles with off specs headlights) i thought of the question the cop Boston Draper asked during the night of 20/21 2021. "What happened at the moment of impact?"

My answer was "i sped up an he slowed down".  That was what i saw and it is explained by the transfer of momentum by the equation m1v1=m2v2. Actually, should be m1deltav1 equals m2deltav2 whatever where delta is the difference of speed before and after impact.

Was that a rhetoric question during a staged, allegoric incident, or maybe an opportunistic rhetoric question after the main purpose of the staged accident was not achieved, suggesting exactly the problem i talked about yesterday. When hitting a reflecting surface a photon turns back at the same speed of light, though in the opposite direction and the speed component of the momentum changes sign. It appears though there is a changes sign the above equation is satisfied.

Ok now i woke up after 4 hours with the same questions in mind and i asked google a few things just to clarify.

What i found out. According to  Saleh Theory Photons do not travel straight but on a 3D helical trajectory. The straight line in the middle of that helix is the direction of light. Though they have no electric charge, apparently they ride on the electric/magnetic field or the other component of their dual nature, fields that constantly (re)create each other as the EM wave progresses. (BTW can there be an EM wave without a photon or more riding it). Attached to that motion there is the frequency of both field and photon or the wave length or pitch of the helix or color of the photon in case of visible light.

If the projection of the speed of the photon to the line in the center of the helix stays the same (the speed of light), on an intrinsic coordinate system or tangent to its helical trajectory the speed of the photon should be greater than the speed of light.

It appears the momentum transfer during a reflection event applies to that helical speed only since the speed of light or its projection on a straight line in the middle of the helix cannot be changed and there is a shift in frequency together with a reduction of photon's momentum and energy in the intrinsic coordinate system due to the transfer.

Now i got puzzled again but on a different level an need to take a break.

1:40 For those who ask themselves what i have done all morning under the car, is i removed the failing clips for the panels and installed zip ties instead because the panels were vibrating like crazy making a sinister sound. For some i had to drill extra holes ("return" holes) so i can close the zip tie loop. I had some before since last few days, when i ran out of big ones, put small ones instead, today i replaced those, i have in total maybe ten of them.

Yesterday when i drove to Lincoln City after first variant at Nyberg and almost an accident. A big red Dodge SUV with a woman at the wheel pushing, i made me stayed a few seconds longer at the intersection for the second variant, from forward was coming speeding a small car, i miscalculated the distance and almost got hit by it while making the left turn.

After that i found myself behind a cistern, unmarked and had to drive behind it, speeding, no chance to pass until Sheridan when it pulled right. The i stopped at Grand Ronde and saw it pass, like 15 minutes behind me,

1:50 I went to take this picture and the guy that had his car next to ours last night and this morning came and started the car then he waited for his wife in the middle of the alley who came from building D, again looking Japanese pretending Latina. So i waited a couple of minutes for them to go and went and took several pictures when i saw a white unmarked Police car (most likely Washington County where i'm residing (not to be confused with Washington State, another name coincidence i forgot to write about)) passed by

It was dark under car and had to use the flash and almost flashed the camera in his face when he passed. First pictures did not come right so i had to go and take some more.

Yesterday morning. I knew there was going to be some retaliation after i hosed the building Thursday night and they got in my jet's direction, on purpose. Yesterday morning after i went to WinCo to buy aspirin (yest it works as patch) because of pain from dust, i left for a walk and they were these guys ready to apply herbicide on the mulch areas. Three of them with manual pumps in their backs figuring ninja turtles. I saw them in the past, but only one at a time, around the building.

The wind was blowing towards me from their direction and they were just starting so they were at the edge of the parking lot, at a distance from each other, next to the children's playground and caught all three of them one after another, spraying. At the last one i felt something getting in my eyes, maybe drops that dried out and aerosolized, i looked at them, they weren't wearing any protection like google or gloves. they were cars around, so i said to myself, most likely is not toxic.

However when i fell asleep in the evening and woke up my eyes were hurting and dripping a bit but did not realized what it was and then i went to Lincoln City with the same jeans a T-shirt bla bla. When i came back my eyes were hurting and had enough time to think while driving and remembered the three sprayers of Friday morning.

Things like these, like with the cistern, the sprayers, etc. always happen before holidays like 4th of July. Today as i was under the car i saw a classic car putting much exhaust, others, there was this irritating smell coming from a laundry exhaust, etc.. Wondering what lies ahead, getting ready to go near Olympia, WA.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July 12

1:43 Pe vremea lui Antonescu, am mers la Stalingrad fără armament corespunzător. Pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, ne-am tras industrie grea, dar nu prea aveam comenzi și mâncare, Dacie din Franța, Mig-uri să ne jucăm cu ele de la sovietici, avion fără motor, tanc fără tun iar acum cumpărăm avioane de la fier vechi. Nu vi se pare prea mult, nu vi se pare că cineva ne sabotează iar acel cineva este chiar statul român care este, întotdeauna a fost, de la primar în sus, controlat de alții și am spus de atâtea ori cine sunt încât m-am plictisit să mai repet.

8:40 Replicile au venit imediat. Turnători și securiști, adevărata cauză a nefuncționalității și autosabotării statului român.

8:41 A 10 billion dollar telescope with artifacts ("star like" patterns in images).

8:51 Poate ne dau o listă cu numele lor? Acesta ar fi într-adevăr un motiv pentru care parchetul militar ar trebui să se sesizeze, fiindcă ei riscă să tragă România (și NATO) în război.

9:10 Ambasadoarea SUA la NATO. Nu-i găsesc vârsta. Căutând, am găsit în schimb alte chestii interesante. Shadow Governement.

Ok am găsit. 53.

5:55 Jill BidenBilly the Kid and Pat GarrettBilly Steele. Terrie Davie. Kate Brown.

This morning when i went for my walk a Sheriff's SUV was parked on the other side of the alley, engine started and someone inside doing some paperwork? When i came back they tried again the trick at Nyberg and 65, with a red car coming from again north and a sexy woman dressed as medical assistant. She was like 30 seconds ahead of me, crossed (right crosswalk in the image, north to south), should have run a bit behind her to catch green, but i didn't feel comfortable when i saw a red car coming from behind me that was stopped, turning left, crossing on red (there were 6 more seconds after, i ran and i passed in time) after she passed exactly where i should have been if i followed her. Similar situations in the last few days and weeks.

Earlier i felt insulation smell and went to re-patch the hole in the wall on the other side of the building (someone did tear the tape i put, SAGE construction came to inspect about 10 days ago but never started to fix it) but didn't finish because some kids were approaching. A few minutes ago felt again dust and went to check on the AC, added more joint compound in the gaps.

I thought i fixed it earlier when i put a piece of foam under, like in the last years, to align it better and realized it wasn't transmitting vibration to the concrete floor so much, so it wasn't raising so much dust.

I came inside to grab more duct tape for the hole but when i opened the door, and that was predictable, right in front of me there she was, as tall as me, dressed in some sort of long night gown, the veteran's daughter, passing with her dog in the 100 degree heat. So i just closed the door, never made one step outside, but while i was sitting here at the computer i thought i heard him cursing and yelling outside. She did that several times in the last week, that is appearing when i opened the door. She used to look different, but after i identified her, i think she is someone else now, taller. The veteran who used to be a shaven headed opera singer, these days looks like the singer known as Pitbull, they switched from peeing in front of my door to simply threatening using the young woman as a bait and is way more aggressive.

Though temperature outside is 96 degrees (on my sensor), there is again, like in the last few days, a party of teens at the end of the lawn, within line of sight.

10:32 Ok. Cred că toată lumea își dă seama că tipul ăsta bate câmpii. Pentru că am pomenit iar de găuri în pereți zilele astea. Temutul general însă știe, că dacă vor face asta, vor atrage probabil represalii în zone în care nu au mai fost.

Tot căutam un prilej să repet ceva ce probabil nu s-a înțeles de toată lumea. Armatele rusă și ucraineană dau cu bombardeaua (de obicei pe lângă) în zonele unde există un amestec de populație pentru a clarifica lucrurile (operațiunea militară specială). Unii se vor refugia în Ucraina, alții în Rusia iar la sfârșit vor exista zone cu numai ruși și numai ucraineni, după care Ucraina (ce va rămâne din ea) va fi primită în Uniunea Europeană, dar fără prea mulți ruși în teritoriu. Rușii vor rămâne ruși și bau-bau-ul Europei și omenirii în continuare pentru că numai astfel șerpii vor stăpâni în continuare lumea, prin diviziune. Mai e posibilă o variantă. Rușii vor pierde războiul și vor rămâne în teritoriu numai ucraineni.

Și am mai scris despre perpetuarea prostiei. Aceste practici înșelătoare, preluate din stratagemele generalului mitic Sun Tzu, care speculează de obicei ignoranța, atât de practicate la noi, prin simularea prostiei (ei fac pe proștii) în timp conduc nu la scăderea acesteia ci din contră la creșterea ei. Cu exemplele care le știu, România post decembristă, dar și Japonia, unde a fost suficient un "asasinat" pentru ca balanța alegerilor să încline în favoarea partidului mortului. Ei nu numai arată ca niște copii dar și gândesc astfel, după 400 de ani sau câți sunt de stăpânire ninja.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29

12:25 Bănuiesc că nu au ales aceste nume întâmplător. În statul Washington de pe coasta de vest, capitala Seattle, abreviat WA care stat are o populație de vreo 8 milioane de locuitori, și același nume ca și capitala SUA de pe coasta de est de la 5000 km distanță și 3 fusuri orare, există o localitate Vancouver, care este la granița cu Oregon (fluviul Columbia), și practic face parte din zona urbană Portland (Portland Metro Area).

Vancouver WA SUA este un sfert ca mărime față de Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), Canada, la nord de statul Washington. Când am venit în SUA, după 6 luni în Oregon m-am mutat pentru 6 luni în Vancouver, în speranța unui job care nu s-a împlinit și am găsit în schimb un job tot în Portland și m-am mutat iar. Toate rudele și cunoștințele mele au fost destul de confuzate de aceste nume.

A și chestia cu Salem, capitala Oregonului care nu este mai cunoscutul Salem Massachusetts. A și mai există un Portland tot așa pe coasta de est, în statul Maine. Și Isle of Portland, Regatul Unit care a dat numele cimentului așa cum îl știm noi, Portland cement.

Cred că faza cu Madonna a fost concepută (designed, written) pentru a acoperi ceva din relatările mele despre accidentul din 20/21 August 2021, alte chestii descrise de mine ca de exemplu administrarea cutanată a antibioticelor, posibilitatea ca diabetul să fie tratat cu antibiotice etc..

9:00 The building wasn't hosed since i got the "new" car i guess and that will be two years in October. They were dust buns everywhere but because of the laundry vapor coming from partially washed clothes the dust was also stinking. I knew because the stink intensified when i was touching the hot surface (was alomst 90 again today) with the jet of the hose.

More than that. After the blowing yesterday much fresh dust settled on top of the old one. It became painful. My sleep was fragmented and woke in pain all over my body. I tried the unthinkable and that is two Tylenol tablets (generic, non time release, the simple tablets) and put it on my arm under a bandaid pad. It worked. I slept some more throught the day but i already have it in my digestive system.

While i was slowly hosing the building and patch of grass in front of the car which is too far from any of the sprinklers, people were getting in my way. But many of them were the same person. Actress Frankie Adams who actually is a Japanese ninja. She was dressing up in different ways and was showing at different times but only in the direction i was hosing. Not that it would have toched her. It was two far, just the symbolisim on camera.

However one of the guys who got in front of the hose was him. I'm also sure this video is sublinally directed against me. Saw him before here, bullying and cursing at me when i was working at the car but it was dark and didn't realize who he was.

10:00 Mă gândeam când am văzut prima dată o astfel de știre ieri în contextul bacalaureatului că aceste dispozitive merg pe tehnologia bluetooth iar sufleorul este undeva în apropiere. (Nu cred că se apucă nimeni acum să inventeze ceva nou doar pentru aceste curiozități). Bluetooth însă merge doar la câțiva metri. Dar ce spun nenii aici se încadrează dincolo și de wi-fi care merge până la vreo 50 metri.

GSM sau poate 4G. Nu cred că folosesc alte benzi decât cele nemonitorizate pentru wi-fi și celulare (2,4 GHz). Dar ce baterie poți să pui într-un nasture care să emită GSM timp de jumătate de oră cât durează acel examen. Presupun că nu au voie cu celular în sala de examen. Un celular ar putea acționa ca un releu. Nasturele este prea mic pentru a instala în el și baterie și emițător GSM sau 4G.

9 ani de anchetă pentru a prinde 25 de fraudanți care puteau fi prinși cu un simplu dispozitiv de detectare microunde (la fel ca și la BAC).

Asta de exemplu este wi-fi iar dispozitivul wireless atașat este de mărimea unui celular, nu cred că puteau să intre cu așa ceva la examen.

Orice tehnologie wireless începând de la inclusiv wi-fi emite niveluri dăunătoare de microunde, care sunt necesare pentru funcționare. Abrevierea wi-fi de exemplu are origine dubioasă și cred că e subliminal pentru cuvântul englez wife.

10: 23 Totul are legătură subliminală cred cu mitul lansat câțiva ani înainte de revoluție, că Elena Ceaușescu ar fi fost analfabetă. Actrița americană de origine austriacă Hedi Lamarr, care a jucat-o pe Elena a fost creditată cu inventarea unei tehnologie cruciale în telefonia celulară și wireless.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 28

I woke up after 5 hours of sleep. +1 in the truck last night.

Last night i went to fetch some coffee for Angela inside the non-smoking area at the Spirit Mountain. There was this incredibly thin and tall woman who spent like 5 minutes at the coffee machine moving very slowly and yawning. All of a sudden i started to feel very sleepy, just by watching her. Half hour later i think i saw the eyes of Șoșoaca, on top of a mask and big body, though shorter, i guess. She was accompanied by a tall, rather thin nervous blond bearded guy who turned his head when i looked even though he had a mask.

Then i felt an irresistible urge to sleep. I went in the truck but the truck was facing the casino and a guy two rows in front of me was bending and executing a dance with the open door on the passenger side until i got so annoyed i turned the truck to face the last row next to street. There, i was nodding, on and off on the cheap, uncomfortable seat when a very noisy truck passed and woke me and i thought i saw a shadow with a fabric on top, like some gray clothes, getting under truck.  I got off, looked under with my phone's flashlight, went back and kept nodding until the noisy truck passed again and then i saw a Japanese guy dressed in a greenish coat that could have been double faced, entering a car on the last row i was facing. A weird looking cat, thin with long rear legs passed by. It was then when i decided to go back inside, i got this diabetic crash hunger, went and ordered some chips and fish. When they called my number i saw an old and bald and short Japanese guy going to the counter, like he didn't understand, real close to my food. Then i didn't feel like eating anymore and asked the woman for a to go box, and she offered me a bag too. Then i realized what was that trick, me walking with the bag with the box in it, after seeing Șoșoaca, and ate the food. Nothing happened.

However i started to feel an itchy sting in my left thigh that in the truck was facing the floor, like bitten by an insect. I went in the bathroom and tried to take a picture of that area, i thought i saw two circles, though not inflamed. Now i can't see any trace of it, still feel the itch and got some chills.

There is a one by two inches rubber gasket right under my seat covering a hole in the floor, by design, i don't know why. Some years ago the truck got flooded with water, for years, i pulled the wet jut and  the plastic cover of the floor. I thought water was getting inside through that gasket and added some silicon around it. Today i put some water in that area waiting to see if it drips under. Nothing so far. While doing so, people started to move in the parking lot, like always when i go outside. Watching them in disbelief from under truck. The bearded nerd started his imaginary endless phone conversation. Good thing i looked cause i saw the pipe on the filter which has a thread on one side and it clips on the other, was not clipped on one side and so it wasn't a pipe line. Looked at the pictures i took that day, i wasn't drunk, in the pictures one may see the connector and pipe wasn't clipped. Where was my mind at? But there was smoke outside and people yelling and distracting me. Clipped those things on.

Still have to figure where the water is coming from, cause the rainy season is going to start soon.

As for mileage. When i left for the 100 miles round trip last night the needle was finally at the full line (was two lines over after last fill, with over 30 miles on the trip odometer). After just changing the 15 years old filter it got like 25% better (preliminary, by the gauge only) since last time or around 20, still have to finish the tank with the additive in. I remember several years ago i poured some Lucas fuel additive in the tank. Mileage got better for one tank and then got worse. Snake oil does work! Somehow. 

Gasoline is not perfectly clean, that's why cars have filters, dirt accumulate at the bottom of the tanks at the gas station and if you get gas when the level is at its lowest, or the mud has been disturbed by refilling, you get the most. What happens is your tank is really dirty and put some injector cleaner additive, the  the additive dissolves first the mud in the tank and then that mud clogs the filter and injectors. I believe it can't be that dirty right now after they changed the fuel pump that is in the tank a few years ago (did they bother to clean it?). Or if the filter is really old and dirty, the additive dissolves some of that dirt that ends on the injectors' microfilters.

No, the fact that the filters are clogged does not means less gas at the injectors. It is lower pressure at the injectors which drip instead of spraying and the liquid gas does not have time to evaporate and burn when it sould and passes in the exhaust and catalytic. Computer by analyzing the parameters, adds more fuel to compensate (opens the injectors longer).

I wish i knew all these sooner, that's why i'm writing it here. Think at the fuel economy done and parts spared just by replacing an old fuel filter and running some additive (At my truck, the cat is next to the tranny where the clutch is, it heats up the slave cylinder inside the clutch, the transmission fluid which one time literally boiled and because of that i replaced 4 cats and 3 clutches already and i'm holding breath for this one.

This Gum_out i bought says it's for "high mileage" and "the whole fuel system". Wait to see.

Yeah, so far got some mild "flue like" symptoms. But those could be just because of getting under truck and laying on the cold asphalt, with only some bubble wrap under. Leg is itching though deeper inside. Wait to see.

I opened the door to go and take some picture of that gasket only to see the guy upstairs at his car. He went upstairs and promptly started the loud TV (punish me for opening the door and looking at him) while the nerd quieted down (it's always only one source of noise). Took some pictures. Per google, after modification to blogger about a year ago. if i upload the pictures at X-large size, like i did, the resolution is poor but the pictures get in slideshow mode with much better resolution if you click on one. If i choose original size, the slideshow is at poor resolution instead. Yes i tried and you could squeeze an object like a pen or small diameter pipe inside the car by that gasket without damaging anything. This truck has been made by GM in cooperation with Isuzu.

3:49 I'm done scrapping and sanding the whole area. Next i'm going to cut a piece of zinc plated sheet metal and apply it with JB Weld on top of that hole. While scrapping with a screwdriver the rust (though wet) the man upstairs showed and passed really close mumbling something. Soon after the place filled with dust (not from me). I plan on covering the rust that i can't possibly scrap (i don't have a wire brush) with paint so rust won't fly away from my truck anymore. Blood is red because of the rust inside hemoglobin. Afte perspiring a lot while working under that rain proof nylong fabric coat i feel better.

4:35 Just applied the patch with the adhesive, went under to see how i've done it, he came and parked next to me while adhesive is still smelling of course and i ran inside. (He only went "to work" this week two days, Thursday and Friday, 8 hours each.

4:42 Ice cream truck is here, while adhesive still smelling. Anybody figures what i'm experiencing and why i keep saying the're best at playing victim?

5:28 I painted the floor and saw it was matching pretty well the color so i just cleaned with alcohol and painted the area of the hood that was peeling off. Far from perfect, much better than before. But if i don't apply some clear coat next it will wear out by this time next year for sure. Forgot to take the "before" picture, now is kinda useless to take the after. For what's worth it. The grill has been sitting in the sun for 23 years, this truck never saw a garage.
LOL was searching for Sirhan Sirhan and found somebody else... 6:57 In the meantime i remembered where the water was coming from... There are some cracks in the floor by the screws that hold the seats. I covered some of them with silicon, now i see new ones. Real interesting, one of the cracks starts next to what it looks like a blow with a pointed tool in the floor. While washing that area so i can take a picture, the hood of the car still vaguelly smelling like paint, next to it came (to talk to a much younger woman) this guy

7:47 Arts are a part of life. When mine started to smell like dog, i knew i had to go to pick the poops. I found several, more than a pound in total, in places slightly off the usual. In the meantime, the whole area of; the complex went silent. It always does when i figure new faces. I don't know, could be they have to pull some of the non "staff" from here, or those who got convinced, first hand, that i'm telling the truth?

5:15 29 I saw the news oh boy. Every time i plant a seed they say kill it before it grows...

Deci au venit și ei cu ceva.  Dacă vă uitați bine, veți vedea că e tăiată cu flacăra de sudură... Da bine într-o poză ca lumea, nu asta făcută cu un telefon de acum 10 ani...