9:23 Just looked on Google Maps. The newer West Wing of Peppermill Hotel in Reno is next to a busy street. Though residential, a lot of the utility vehicles pass through. Even a small car like ours can be heard from inside while passing, if you get a room with windows at that street. The noise was louder than at Comfort Inn Motel in Yreka which was next to high 5 (we booked first at Baymont by Windham, which was... under construction work, with debris on the hallways and even on the door knobs).
But it all differs. If they choose to send those at 6 AM like they did yesterday then there's no way you can sleep anymore. How the others did. I believe there was no one in the whole building that night except for us and the guy next door who did not come there to sleep.
Who are they. In this case, the mob that control all of Reno (I'll talk about later, here's an example). Why. Because of my bad review last time when i slept in the tower and all AC vents and pipes were clogged with dust and nazi gas room symbols on the walls. The reason i chose the newer West Wing.
But there's one more thing. They gave us a room that connected with another through an inner door. Actually there's two doors with a dead bolt on each side. That is if you lock yours there is no way someone could get inside. But i believe the guy in the other room had it opened on his side and at 5 AM he started coughing. I'll talk about later.
Also they gave us a notice saying they will start the next day at 9 a "seasonal window cleaning" and there will be some "minimal noise" between 5 and 9. So i realized i might not be able to get anymore sleep during the day or the following nights and days (we booked for 3 nights), especially with the smell in the air that continued in the morning and was keeping me not necessarily high but alert.
So i just checked out thinking (after two suspiciously bad nights) i could get closer to home with those 4 hours of sleep and took the Susanville route which is one hundred miles shorter with much less traffic. However i was able to drive all the way home which is also weird, probably again connected with the smell in the air in the whole city.
Yes i regret the more southern sun and the beauty of the outer architecture of the city and the noisy and flashy games and also the 1200 miles i drove for that nothing. But i'm also happy because right now i'm not on a hospital bed with hands and legs on pulleys. After all that happened on the road. About that, later.
Yeah i know. All hotel industry today is leading the losses on Wall Street. I guess they knew what i was about to write today.
BTW there is something up today and that is T-mobile. (smells like fried teen spirit). The corporation that together with the others kill people with their cell towers and subsidized give away phones. But people don't believe me, they believe in Dracula and Jekyl and Hyde and all the s... they they were Fed for a hundred years in media and before that who knows how which is good cause it keeps the market and the inflation high for them.
11:00 Finally figured. The reason the Peppermill hotel which is about 52 years old (built 71) is Italian themed, with Tuscany tower and Florence suites. There are also numerous statues and other decorations, the whole thing is pleasant to see and nice for a vacation however i could not understand this statue.
11:45 What law? What Police? Local Police belongs to the mayor. FBI?
1:07 Susanville, a small town east of Sierra Nevada Mountains, some 86 miles north of Reno. Some would say there is no life east of the Sierras and then Cascade Mountains at the North, but there is some, with cities like Reno, Susanville, Bend, Madras, Warm Springs which i all crossed yesterday. Susanville is a deep valley and if you want to go further North you have to climb some 1200 ft until you reach the high desert (Northern California, Southern Oregon) with elevations between 4000 and 7000 ft. I know cause i turned to the gps page that showed the altitude.
Close to the end of the steep climb north of Wilsonville on 139. Close to where the picture was taken from. Too bad that was a day with smoke and the camera on the google car is way up high and can't show exactly what happened. I was alone on the road and was following the rail and from the low height of the car i wasn't seeing the curve was continuing to the left.
Especially because from the right was coming a truck or SUV that distracted me. Or maybe it saved our lives. In the last tenth of a second i saw the continuous yellow line going left otherwise i would have jumped in the deep chasm ahead. I think they should put some of those arrows signaling a left curve there.
5:52 Last night before 10 i had 20 more miles to go and was really low on fuel. I was telling the attendant at the 76 gas station in Boring, i've done 450 miles (Susanville) with 11.3 gallons. Then i had this vision at the car's window with planet Venus and i told him that it looks really weird because it's currently on the third or waning phase. When you look at it you can't really see the shape and it feels like your eyes are blurred.
Then the other attendant came, a woman with a blazer with a 76 (planets) sign on the back and she pulled a phone and showed me an app that uses phone's positioning sensor and when the phone is pointed at a certain area of the sky it shows the stars and planets and stuff, named, etc.. She was red headed, tall and thin.
She came and showed me the phone with the app in my face and told me there should also be Mars in the vicinity of it and that was visible on the app, but not in the sky. I think she was right, i just could not see it cause i was tired and it wasn't dark enough (about one hour after sunset and city light pollution). In this video it is not shown the phase of Venus, only of the Moon which was not up at that hour, and also Mars which is one sixth the diameter of Venus which is similar in size with Earth.
I did not realize until later who she was. Last time i saw her was again at a gas station in Florence, Oregon.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
June 15
Monday, June 20, 2022
June 20
Last night we left Seven Feathers Casino in Canyonville Oregon at 2 AM. I said to Angela i will try to drive as much as i can to get closer to Reno and stop somewhere. That somewhere turned out to be Ashland still in Oregon i guess. First i looked at a Holiday Inn, but scared by the shape of the ACs at the windows. Best Western was sold out. There was an Ashland Hills accross the street but there was a VIP bus iddling its engine in the parking lot and usually where there's such a but there's also a VIP or more. So i passed and stopped in the first rest area and tried to sleep there. Slept 4 hours in the car and wokeup in a big noise from a van. Biggest trouble falling asleep was from the smoke from Casino coming out of our clothes (Second night with only 4 hours, first was at the apartment after i came in contact with an irritating substance that created pains all over my body). Tried to move the car and saw a warning light on the dashboard. It was the left rear brake signal, in plain English. I didn't know that car was that smart. I took it part. It was oxide in bulb's terminal, bulb was in a good shape.
The car was stinking like dog s... big time. Drove the most part of the 500 miles from Canyonville to here with windows a bit lowered but still. BTW this Elantra handles much better than the old one at high speed. (Angela just made some noodles soup and that one stinks also because they absorbed the smell from the apartment. Grabbed the last poop from outside the door just before i left)
All the way from there to here a number of big trucks and SUV approached at high speed from behind and had to pull literally out of the way. For a while Angela drove and it happened to her too once. She got to save my life this way also.
Angela wanted to make a stop at Win River Casino in Redding which we did. While driving on 20 close to 49 gas yellow warning light came on. I didn't know i was so low on gas. Was lucky enough to make it to the first Chevron on 80. But there, trouble. The pump grabbed my card and had to go inside. The man (i think Iranian) came outside, pressed the clear button and then the machine released my card. But i done that myself earlier and it didn't work. He then grabbed my card t and asked me how much gas i wanted. Fill i said, but he kept asking how much and i know the car has a capacity of 13 gallons and i said @12 and took it inside and said to start pumping which i did. T'hen i went inside and he showed me my card on the counter in hard to reach place and had to extend my hand under the plastic protective window to grab it. Then i gave it to him and i payed for... 12 gallons. When i asked him, he said it was a fill-up which the needle was showing it. When i calculated the mileage, it was 34. Never made with this car so low on highways only. But i figured i was on top of the mountains and mileage would have recovered while going down.
A traffic jam on 80 right after and i followed Google Maps and Google maps sent me in a loop and got back exactly where i exited, in the same jam, only one hour later.
For the whole trip our phones were crazy. First think i'm doing when i get back to Portland is i get rid of Hello Mobile by T Mobile (25 dollars a month). Will try now with Mint (15 dollars a month)
I knew from past experiences. When getting close to Reno the craziness begins. This time with too many cars tailgating. Too many cars touching the line between lanes. A guy in a huge truck waiting on the "dead space" between lanes then and then exiting suddenly just when i wanted to exit at exit... 32 in Reno. Had to go on shoulder to avoid it. On Moana and... Virginia avenues. a Panske van was following.
At hotel. Didn't want to park on the main multi-floor parking. Last time when i did so i got to step in some silica absorbent material in the only spot i could find. So i parked in front of the casino (Peppermill). But there is a long way from that parking to the hotel check in. Got there and they were one hour long lines. But they were these machines where you could check in for yourself. Which i did however from the 30 dollars mail offer i started with for a queen now i got without knowing until i got in in a 2 king.
Hotel here has an Italian theme and towers are named Toscany, Milan, etc.. Got my mistake in the Milan tower were a woman with a kid was waiting for her husband in front of her room. Being both so tired, i was sitting in a chair by the elvator, Angela asked her and she of course didn't have a clue. But she still wanted to see the receipt. And the she said she doesn't have a clue. While i was watching the scene, on both screens at hallway entrance scenes with food were unfolding. But what's on the receipt? Nothing except the room number which we finally found in an area of the hotel with rooms for conferences and stuff (VIP i guess). Dialed 0 on the phone and tried to ask the woman then and she passed me to the check in which was busier than usual. Now i'm way too tired with all that driving and no sleeeping so i'm just going to wait to see the final invoice.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
June 18
7:33 AM PDT I'm in Reno, Nevada, after a 700 miles (1125 km) drive in a bit more than 24 hours, with a one night stay in Medford, Oregon. Many things happened on the road, but i have other priorities now.
8:50 Nu am știut că date meteorologice ca de exemplu presiunea atmosferică să varieze atât de mult de la site la site. Presiunea curentă pentru Focșani, Vrancea, așa cum este afișată de Institutul Meteorologic este mică și nu am nici o idee cum va fi mâine sau zilele următoare. Mai caut. În cazul zonei seismice Los Angeles există date de la un site oficial, NOAA. Mai caut.
10:16 PM California Grrrl
I uploaded the picture at full resolution. Anyone can right click, open in a new tab and zoom on it. She is much younger. Alexa Crush does not exist. She herself stated in a video, she rarely comes out (of the mockup apartment in a studio in Japan). I didn't know i caught her in the frame. Later during the trip some well wishers let me figure it out (when i was staying on the same bench with her, though several people apart.
At some point a guy on a lower deck was yelling a rap, for about a minute. "I'm the craziest dad!" and things like that. Then i moved on a different bench. When i got out the guy with the two girls, most likely under 20, came after me at the restroom.
A whole team of Japanese actors however were present on the boat. Some are in the same picture. Note how only her shows her face and a guy too far away from my 100 dollars Kodak.
Those are responsible with taking my picture and hers. Could have been in the same frame, i never looked at her or recognized her during the 2 hours trip. A helicopter passed by just before the boat started. When we left, the Japanese, all dressed in dark clothes, were walking in front of me. One of them was featuring a black backpack (the turtle Earth) with a red Sun on it (red Sun on black is the ninja flag).
About 100 drivers, most Asian (as far as i could see), more than half with dark tinted windows followed me on my way back to Reno. My suspicion is when i show up somewhere, none of the locals wishes to appear so they push their own actors with cars with local LPN and all kinda a symbolism, including brands, colors and loads. Me and Angela planned this for months. It doesn't matter it came out this way. It would have been something else if not this theme.
10:56 On a second thought. It could have been her. Michi Nishi.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
January 25
4:30 Went to the truck to see if i don't have a ticket (no parking on visitor's spots) and they were ready with a woman that showed out of nowhere (blonde, top knot) who was passing slowly to maximize the time of the scene and turned her head after she passed to see if i'm not attacking her. They wouldn't let waste any of my moves.
5:56 Circulă o știre cu un copchil bubos din Phoenix Arizona care are un Lamborghini. Pe pagina lui de fb scrie că a fost la Harvard, dar lista de prieteni nu o confirmă. Mai scrie că a lucrat la aer condiționat/încălzire (instalator) și la o firmă de construcții. Putea să facă banii dacă stă la părinți, poate nu chiar pentru una nouă.
Un Lamborghini nou se cumpără cu 200000 iar asigurarea (obligatorie) costă între o mie și 2500 pe lună. Orice reparație și întreținere costă pe măsură.
În Phoenix, la fel ca și în Portland, sunt foarte mulți români (pocăiți în general) (cu miile) care au afaceri (business) de babe (după jargonul local). Adică. Își iau cu un împrumut în bancă o casă mare cu 7 camere din care în 5 țin bătrâni, majoritatea cu Alzheimer (adică nu mai știu de ei, stau acolo toată ziua într-o cameră). Îi spală și îi hrănesc pentru sume deloc neglijabile. Își mai aduc o rudă din România care face toată treaba 6 zile pe săptămână, zi lumină timp de 6 luni după care aduc pe altcineva.
Mulți visează la Amarica crezând că e măcar ca Europa de vest sau Dubai unde supermașini de un milion de euro sunt uneori abandonate pe străzi.
Deși SUA are cele mai numeroase și lungi autostrăzi din lume (peste 70000 mile sau 100000 km), iar în orașe bulevarde largi perpendiculare cu 4 benzi și bandă la mijloc destul de aerisite (libere de trafic) dar cu multe semafoare, în general ne-sincronizate, pe ele ai să vezi foarte puține supermașini. Lumea preferă mașinile ieftine și confortabile sub 50000, cele mai în vogă fiind SUV-urile gigantice care uneori pot merge până la 100000, în principal din motive de siguranță în caz de accident, pentru care ai nevoie de o scăriță să te urci și un periscop să vezi în fața mașinii în parcare.
Marea majoritate a americanilor trăiesc în case din panouri care costă cât una din Europa din cărămidă sau beton, luate din împrumuturi cu mașini din împrumuturi, de la un salariu la altul.
O mașină joasă și foarte joasă cum sunt supermașinile, uneori fabricate din materiale compozite pentru a fi ușoare, nu e nici confortabilă (îți trebuie o macara să te ridice din ea, dacă nu ai 25 de ani), suspensia e destul de rigidă, pentru că nu este prea mult loc de mișcare a arcurilor, iar despre siguranță, se urcă ăla cu SUV-ul cu suspensia modificată (supraînălțată, așa cum le place) peste tine fără să rămână cu o singură urmă pe el.
Chestia e foarte nașpa și cu viteza, te ia poliția de nu te vezi. Acum mai sunt și camere de viteză. Deci nu ai ce să faci cu mașini rapide, în afară de demarajul la semafor, ca să ajungi primul la următorul fără să depășești limita legală.
De aceea sunt foarte rare pe străzi. Eu numai în ultimul an am condus aproximativ 40000 km și nu îmi amintesc să fi văzut vreuna, nici măcar în parcare la Ilani, cel mai mare cazino la nord de Reno (10000 locuri max). Am fost și la San Francisco, Reno, Las Vegas și Los Angeles și nu îmi amintesc să fi văzut vreuna. Poate în total de când sunt în SUA (din 1995) am văzut vreo 10?
Cazul meu e particular. Am aflat recent (în ultimii ani) că în toate job-urile în care am lucrat am avut colegi doar actori, bineînțeles până la urmă unguri, iar totul a fost un show, probabil filmat.
9:45 Why Romania doesn't have enough freeways/motorways. Too many contestations to auctions solved by a state authority led by... a Hungarian ballerina?
10:06 România, adusă în centrul atenției prin așa zisul refuz al Austriei, într-o procedură a UE inventată special pentru acest caz, pentru țări care nu știu că sunt în Schengen, un prilej pentru guvernanți de a se hârjoni de-a plagiatul în timp ce câini imaginari omoară persoane imaginare care n-au făcut fitness în viața lor (Se vede pe schilodenia corpului ei firav. Aia dacă aleargă un metru mai mult decât dimensiunea podiumului de modelat leșină).
2:25 I slept while the guys were finishing painting the building.
Ce e asta, sper că nu autostradă.

Parcarea cazinoului și hotelului Peppermill din Reno, Nevada (cel mai mare mic oraș din lume), cel mai mișto cazino din SUA. Puteți trage și roti imaginea, la fel înainta, etc.. Din păcate, toate au fost construite în anii 70, cu aer conditionat central, unde aerul de la toate camerele este recirculat și se amestecă, iar conductele de aer sunt pline de praf. Da bine lumea bună vine acolo cu avionul, mașinile din parcare sunt ale localnicilor și nebunilor care vin din Oregon cu mașina (dar ce priveliști).
Ok dacă tot am ajuns până aici... Hollywood Blvd. în Los Angeles (da, ăla cu stele pe trotuar, într-o zi cu fum de vegetație cred) și The Strip în Vegas.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
June 21
June 21. Summer solstice. Longest day of the year. Official beginning of summer. Woke up after midnight after 4 hours of sleep (i decided to count those hours for yesterday and make 8 in total), turned the AC off and Angela wanted to go "a little" on the floor downstairs then she fell back alseep and i wanted to go and search something to eat and go on the floor and woke her up.
First time i really warmed up in the car and had to briefly use the AC but that was close to Reno. At 1 AM my blood sugar is really low, close to normal (and my feet almost white again). Or it has something to do again with the environment in the apartment. Two days ago at Seven Feathers for some reason i was craving burgers and ate 3 and a half double cheeseburgers at the Burger King nearby (All that beef must have done it ?).
This room is bigger than our apartment with bathroom bigger than our bedroom and a restroom of its own with door. Brand new carpet, i think room has been recently refurbished, it doesn't smell like anything expect ourselves.
An acute weird feeling of missing time fuel. This car does constantly 42 on the freeway (on dashboard) but there was only one occasion where i parked after i filled in only one place (Little Creek, Washington) and the mileage at the pump was 40 (miles divided per gallons). Rest of the time is 35. Yesterday the only place where it could have happened was at Win River in Redding. Where i only spent about one hour and tried to sleep in the car and in the end went after Angela inside but she came at the car in the same time. It was a ten minutes window of opportunity. For someone to siphon a gallon or two of my gas. Not for the gas but for the mileage. The guy in the red t-shirt in the car next to me was smoking all the time and the smoke came inside. Now that i looked at the news thought his face was familiar.
Second thing after getting rid of T-mobile when i get back home would be washing the carpet with my wet vacuum, like i did last year, twice. But that is not going to help much. If they leave only one poop at the door the place is going to be contaminated again in 24 hours. The stuff is ...evolutionary.
9:37 Reno. Mother and child waiting on hotel hallway. Summer solstice, heating up in car etc.. Kalama. Polution. Stefania Moldovan. Abject failure. Severely severed donuts.
3:51 Templars

Went at Eldoraro on the small floor. In the parking lot some were pressure washing, blocking lower floors, had to climb higher, had trouble finding a spot and when i did i found one next to a big transformer, probably a 6kV right close to the building (probably breaking some codes). First i thought it was an abandoned wooden pole, but when i got out of the car i saw what it was and moved the car into the next spot. Inside a bunch of older people were practicing line of site game, everywhere i was sitting or standing there was someone right in my front. We were constantly loosing and finally left. Went to the liquor store across the street from the hotel to buy some brandy. The seller now was the same guy who was acting as a customer and almost got into a fight with last year. He had to come and unlock the brandy for me but at the counter was waiting a black woman so sad she was looking like she sold her baby. Climbed with the elevator on the North entrance, walked on the long hallway. AC was off for the most part which means the hotel is mostly empty.
St. Hubertus. It was a trap, saw it today on a Nevada type of LP in a place where i went to buy food and remembered that i posted about years ago but for a different reason. (Hubertus name starts with Hu and the stag is in the main legend about the creation of Hungarian state). Whoever posted that clip knew.
8:40 Relaxed, smiling, maybe Ukrainian speaking guys were waiting for me at the hotel North entrance. Not the aggressive type. But who knows. While driving back here (got really sick at Atlantis, almost agonizing there, that place indeed smells bad) something came to mind. Straight from hRdaya sUtra. Then i looked into a dictionary and found more. Yeah i know, everybody thought, including myself that is a Spanish word (The song, for God's sake). But where that word came from in Spanish because the Spanish word for birth is nacimento.
Arizona too cause it's got the root aria or arya which we all know what it means in Sanskrit. Could be Arya sama or something like this.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
June 20
Guys like the owner of a big aerospace company that believe in UFOs and spent large amounts of money on the subject. The hypothesis of crashes and reverse engineering (where do we got all the chip technology from).
But there was one thing that caught my eye (better said ear) during the interviews. Someone said that CIA was created because of the Russ, well, incident. Can't find anything right now with searches to confirm. However the chronology seems right. CIA was created in September, 3 months after Roswell which occurred in July 1947. But there's more. CIA seal.

12:54 My internet is taking a break right now.
12:56 Back online. Edelweiss. Reno Arch. Nevada, Area 51.

Sia. Reno flooded with meth. I am awake.
Isten. Szia.
Sciantology Cross.
4:02 The fridge was empty, i only had one bag with frozen battered fish and some potatoes. Perfect, i said to myself. Fish and chips. I took the deep frier in the balcony, i poured half pound of oil i keep in a jar for frying fish in the pan. When i went to fry the chips the German Shepard which looks like a retired Police dog that supervises the area between buildings from the height of the upstairs balcony was barking all the time. Fried two loads of chips and came inside for the fis.
When i started to eat, kids came and started to yell at the balcony of the one level building. Was about done but sill eating, i went outside to bring first the chair i was sitting and the one dressed in bright red jacket ran. One minute later i went to pick the frier, the other one ran too.
Monday, May 24, 2021
Selected Pictures From The Road Trip
The pilot car came and the flagger asked me to follow. At least one mile of dust. Didn't see any work. When i looked back the 3 guys i saw looked like they were finishing the job for the day or going to lunch or something. Angela turned the fan too early after that and some dust came inside despite the cabin filter.

Sierras at Susanville.

Sunday, June 23, 2024
June 23
He made me nervous and i accidentally opened the trunk instead of the gas door.
Morgan is the name of a mason who wanted to publicize a book about their secrets. Ever since it is synonym with erethic (or erratic whatever). Erratum. Eras. Is the term fata morgana coming from his story maybe, Morgan's fate?
No it doesn't, the syntagm fata morgana which means a type of (optical) illusion is much older than Morgan but the whole Morgan story could have been invented by the masons themselves, following that idea. As a warning to wishers. Also the name Morgan includes the root morgue.
Could it had been a warning (for what happened next after Chemult), credit taking in advance, simulating some preventing (defending) action of the gas station, a threat, a sorcery. Saving me from her, only to be sacrificed on a higher symbolism. Any of the above, depending on one's point of view.
Please note the contradictions on this Wikipedia page, apparently written by the masons themselves. He could not have known the passwords and other secrets if he wasn't one of them or pass the initiations. Pretty similar with the contradiction in their main slogan, "make good people better" (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). Also their main touted virtue, that is "to have character" implies some sort of acting something you are not.
I agree that if people were acting within society by principles instead of their own natural impulses would be better for all, there would be no need for laws etc., but it is in a way, cheating karma and there is always the (collective) subconscious which cannot be cheated.
And then there's always the possibility that people say they are doing something, and everybody believes them, and actually doing something else simply by choosing the moment or the time when their declared action can have the exact opposite effect, something nobody realizes.
I believe the only way to make this world better is by cognitive therapy. To make people understand what they are doing, to themselves, others.
It has become obvious to me that masons are very influent in Reno. There are all kinda symbolism in hotel rooms. Atlantis, where all Aryans come from. There is a Plumb street (parallel with Moana, intersecting Virginia) and the Peppermill (or Papermill) casino, a place of perdition, where we profanes (or those who speak in profanities) are being milled or given lessons, is on Virginia Street of which name is also associated with Morgan.
1:31 It is very hot in here (80 degrees), didn't want to start the AC at this hour, i have the kitchen window open, a woman talking aloud apparently with her dog passed on the alley and awoke the woman upstairs who started to walk and squeak the floor etc..
8:20 yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata sa rupam.
9:28 I really do not understand why these negotiations were secret. There is not a threatening third party interested in this issue who might have intervened. Secret from Congress, maybe? From Republicans? From We the People?
9:35 NWO by Slaughter.
A while ago i plotted these graphs, not knowing what to do with them. But it just occurred to me these quick, bubble charts done with simple spreadsheets derived from raw data downloaded from USGS reveal interesting well like vertical structures.
11:00 Memes. Diamonds in the sky. Re-cognition. Columbeanu's daughter.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
June 23
6:53 Yesterday for the first time i saw a group of men that seem not be actors but real local people. They were so different than what i saw until today. However they were well integrated in the show.
Got at Canyonville after about 9 hours on the road, 8 driving, @500 miles from Reno. Needless to say. I was really tired. We went inside and put together 30 dollars in rewards and points and bought some burgers at the Stix restaurant. First one make waiter came who again seemed real. He took the order but in about 10 minutes he came with a younger woman saying he is going to lunch brake saying she is replacing him. While waiting there i showed Angela what Styx means in Greek Mythology and put the phone on the table, after. When she finally brought the food i realized i didn't have my partials so i ran to the car. On my way there i realized i don't have the phone. An utility truck made some noise while arriving and a number of what i thought they were real local men passed talking aloud. Went inside, ate and Angela got me 5 bucks to play which shortly became 41. Soon i realized i don't have the phone. Ran back at the restaurant, at the car, could not find it. At the car, a white Cadillac with big speakers parked next to it which is unusual etc.. Went for the third or fourth time with Angela and found the phone on the driver's seat. This time and SUV with 4 people in it was making again a big noise. They left as we did and met with them at first crosswalk but insisted they will pass first. I didn't want to see next to them, like having a party with someone.
Soon after i went in the car, moved it close and fell asleep. I slept until Angela came and said she again won 300 dollars playing at a 10c machine which she thought it was 1c. When i started the car, i saw a blue flash in front of the car at the left side. Saw again a warning on dashboard. This time it was left low beam.
I tried to remove the bulb which was difficult, when a guy came at the next car and asked if i needed help. I told him about the bulb. Slightly drunk, he told me to go to the truck stop across the freeway. "They got bulbs" he said.
Finally left. Driving at 3-4 seconds behind the last of a line of vehicles. After a few minutes i asked Angela to pass me that decaf she took from the Casino. In that moment i think i raised my foot from gas pedal for half second to grab the coffee (don't like to accelerate when i do things in the car) and i saw a rabbit coming from left, where the bulb was missing (still plenty of light from the other one) and passing in big leaps in front of the car. Should i have not slowed down, by accident, i would have hit it at 65 mph. Don't know what could have happened, but certainly would have been a mess in front of my car. But if you hit it with a wheel, i think you could skid and loose control. Thinking at the symbolisms, rabbit, truck stop, phone lost and then found, etc..
12:20 Mount Shasta. Oregon
12:40 Back home. Predominant smell is mold, second, sewage. Left an UV light on the living all night. Woke up and came at the laptop. Squeaking brought in mineral sulfur smell. TV on. Wondering if he's been here the whole time. Thinking of the hundreds of weird potentially dangerous interactions on my way here. Most happened when i was approaching a semi about to pass it. From behind that truck a car or another truck, waiting there, was changing lanes and started to pass, right when i was about to do the same. Must have been hundreds of them. One guy with a trailer with two gigantic barrel like objects, could have been 10 ft in diameter, came all the way from near Reno to here. I saw it passing from the parking lot at Burger King in Canyounville. I saw some faces. They were either old Americans or Japanese, the kind with duck face and mustache.
12:51 It all started with a postcard with an offer for cheap rooms at Peppermill hotel. 30 dollars a night for a queen, from Monday to Friday they said. I called last week to make reservations but on the phone she said that if i wanted "guaranteed nonsmokers" was going to be 60. Plus tax, resort charges and surcharges. They gave as a room next to elevators, ice machine and service room (which means noises early in the morning) with dusty AC ducts and the total cost was 230 for two nights. Room was ok, bigger than our apartment, everything was clean, but there was a dust smell coming from the AC and no windows to open. This is what i saw when i looked through that grill. I think this is unacceptable, even from a guy like me who lives in a dumpster. I looked through some videos and it looks like the ducts have been cleaned but i believe the design is fatally flawed and in a few years or so you will have the same dusty ducts. In this video even after cleaning the ducts they don't look like something you want to breath air from.
There at Cisco on 80 i put in 12 gallons, the most ever. Unlike Oregon, in California all stations are self service. I put the card in and got no option for credit card. The card then was stuck in the machine. I tried all options including cancel in the keypad. Went inside and this guy came, pressed the Cancel button and took the card. He told me to start pumping and took the card inside bla bla i wrote this before. No i didn't watch CNN or any TV news in decades. Except when Angela has the TV on in the bedroom which BTW broke (got a vertical band on the screen) and i pass by. Of course i wouldn't have known if i didn't see his face today in the news.
2:54 Bengal, a place where Swastika still has its original meaning. Sweet.
5:25 I was trying to change the oil. Got Mobile 1 full synthetic at Walmart. Pulled it all out with a pump. Could not remove the filter though (when i put it in the tool caved and jumped one flute though i did not apply neither the recommended torque or full 3/4 of a turn after meeting resistance). Some kids came and triggered a fire alarm in the next building. I just put the new oil in with the the old filter. I went to a place nearby and they helped me with the filter and the bulb. (Removed the filter which was above the top level of the oil in the pan and put the new one in with a good tool which is at the same price i bought my piece of junk).
They also didn't want to charge me for the bulb or for replacing the filter.
While driving out of the complex the firefighters came in. Couldn't help but notice how smooth the engine was running with the new oil in.
To me, oil change was always traumatizing, that's why i try to do it by myself. However the tool caved in after only one use when it worked. Or two cause first time i tightened the filter put in by some shop and was leaking, then i successfully removed that filter and put in a new one.
Went to put some borax in some new mole holes. Big time mold smell coming from basement. While i was plugging those holes a kid was talking what i thought it was obscenities.
Next building seem deserted to me but sometimes people appear at the balconies or like tonight for a show. Every time i come home after a long and potentially dangerous drive they are putting up a fiesta.
8:04 Angela is at WinCo and i choke here with BBQ smoke, however i will not close the windows cause then i'm going to choke with mold and sewage.
8:24 Trouble. I checked the oil jug and the aluminum seal on top if missing. When that alarm ran i hurried and opened the jug and broke the seal with my thumb but made a hole in it, did not remove it like in the picture. (This is the first time when i see an oil jug. Actually it is not recommended to brake it like this cause you may create pieces. with a seal like this so it was a surprise to me). It was still there when i put the lid back on. No way it went inside the engine or break completely, it was strongly attached to the top and the proof is the glued part is still there. If such a big seal would go in there in one piece probably won't even pass through the valve cover hole and i would have seen it also.
Let the almost empty jug in the door and ran at Jiffy Lube to do something about the stuck filter while Angela was moving around the apartment. Someone must have gotten hold of it and break it all and take it when she went in the bedroom or bathroom. They were many people around, mostly kids, with the alarm and stuff.

After, i took some pictures with the borescope camera under the valve cover. So far no sign of anything (thinking they might want to insert it there pretending it was me). One thing that could happen is if pieces of the aluminum seal get in there could break apart in the moving parts like valve stems and cams and get stuck in the oil... ducts (like they said about Hyundai in one of their big recalls) where debris from manufacturing clogged those and prevented oil from moving causing in same cases catastrophic failure with seizing of the engine. Or simply move around and cover one the ducts. If this happens at high speed, it may result in accident.
Invitation to Reno with cheap hotel room, gasoline missing, brake light bulb, low beam bulb, rabbit crossing the freeway at 3 AM, 1000 crazy drivers, phone lost and found, fire alarm triggered by kids and now this. It can't be happening like this.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
July 2
3:04 Câmpulung, Copou, Coposu. A song to cope with anything. Cage, son of Coppola. Etc.
2:08 When i got the car from the auction and paint shop i found. One bent drive axle (right). The other was severely rusted with a play. Two cracked struts. I replaced them all but never touched the big ball joint nut.
I instead removed the three smaller ones at the control arm. Cause i knew the ball joint conic bolt maybe stuck in the steering knuckle. However somehow they got loose on both sides. Kept tightening them. Before i figured i needed single use nuts i bought a whole assembly (ball joint, cheap, OEM, 30 bucks) on ebay on February 17 which i tried to unnecessarily replace (being constantly under influence from smoke from mole holes which has ceased after i finally plugged all holes with added borax). I put some WD40, untigthened the nut to bolt level and hammered them together but not a lot since i had no room to do it. Tightened the nut back by hand and with a new wrench i bought especially for this. I did not strip the nut, no way. I think that 12 mm bolt can take safely up to 100 pounds. Then i bought a tool on Amazon which didn't work. When i went to Reno i stopped once on the freeway and tried to tighten the nut again but was turning continuously and i figured maybe the conic joint got loose because of the WD40 i put in. Today i went in to see what's happening and found the nut and bolt are stripped period.
While i was weighing my options in disbelief and was ready to put it together (got the parts, but can't remove the old joint) the read head woman, the mother of veteran's daughter passed by and never came back. I figured she went to the office like she threatened once, because i was working on the car. But at the garages there's a guy who also works on a vehicle and he does it everyday like a business. Closest.
What i don't understand is why yesterday or any time before i retigthened the nut it was making a noise at the bumps and had problems steering at high speed which means the conic bolt is loose but every time i tried to remove it it was stuck. Right now since it's stuck i think i can drive it safely even without a nut on it. The nut is stripped but is very hard to remove and i don't think the bolt would pop up so i may just drive it like this for a few more days (Angela's got Monday off).
3:38 A drive to Les Schwab turned into a whole new adventure. I stopped at Jiffy Lube where they replaced my filter last time. They said they can't do it without an alignement. There is nothing to align at this car except for toe but that one wouldn't change with ball joint replacement. Nothing will change. Anyways, i know when a car is out of alignment. He gave me the "if you want to argue, i do this for..." (he's like 30).
At Les Schwab. Blake Shelton as customer, a kid that seemed familiar came when i was leaving, but i passed.
Some other mechanic told me what to do. A wedge, but that will destroy the old part in the process. Not so absolutely sure i got the right part on ebay. Though mine is stripped, it still works and if i do this i have to be ready to give up the car for a few days in case it goes wrong.
Now that is stuck (as for today) i don't hear any noises at the bumps.
Risking children's lives. When i came back, a grey silver Audi was coming real close, threatening to hit me from behind. I was braking slowly watching him in the mirror and pulled real fast in the alley, stopped and honked, without realizing there was a car trying to leave the alley with a kid in the back sit staring at me.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
September 12
Am greșit ceva mai devreme și îmi cer scuze. Postarea ce o pierdusem și care demonstrează pe baza unui video de supraveghere că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să ajungă din Vrancea în București era asta.
Însă faza e că mai sunt încă niște secunde până încep să cadă chestiile, cineva într-o clădire mai mică cu bulină roșie ar avea timp să iasă, dacă nu doarme și îl alertează telefonul. O alarmă cu sonerie în clădire. Testați dvs. în propria clădire, cât timp v-ar trebui.
12:57 Este asta o imagine violentă? Este asta o imagine erotică? Este tenisul feminin un sport erotic?
2:08 Din multitudinea de bazaconii prezentate în media de azi am ales una ptr. deliciul dvs..
Fantasme pline de simbolisme, minciuni scrise sau citite deasupra vastelor decolteuri, asta le întrece pe toate (căpușă = tick). De unde au știut polițai-ii că l-au oprit de 9-11 ori, au o bază de date pentru asta sau au învățat și ei să numere de acum? (ok trebuie să stau acasă vreo câteva zile de-acum că dacă mă prind ăștia pe drum după ce am scris... uitasem să iau untul și nu mai știu ce de la WinCo, forget about).
2:35 The man upstairs is not home tonight. I couldn't hear his heavier steps though the white car with BPM he mostly uses is here. Wondering what THEY are up to. Let me see if the black CJS one is here.
2:56 Ok both cars are here. My truck is here too.
3:15 Michael George Dick of Beaver-ton. Horny (Dick already had...). Yes i know there was a vice-president with that name. I think he lived upstairs for a while.
As i said before, THESE guys won't stop by themselves, uh-huh. However. I was wondering earlier. What would the world do without THEM. Like if all of them would disappear suddenly like in a Sci-Fi movie. Raptured or something. Go on a planet. Will the world survive for more than a month?
3:27 Every cell, slag wool.
9:18 Era nevoie de un moment, de o nevoie, de o sincronizare cu ceva. Au ținut-o în rezervă un an pentru un moment ca acesta. 4 link-uri, 4 ani.
De jucat tenis putea încă să joace dar cred că nu mai dădea așa de bine ca altele mai tinere în poze. Eu am întrebat atunci, întreb și acum.
Cum poate o organizație internațională să recolteze probe biologice într-o anume țară, unde numai sistemul juridic este abilitat prin lege să o facă. Organizație care are chiar și "tribunale".
Cum se poate face analiza pentru sute de substanțe care sunt pe lista celor interzise dintr-un singur eșantion și cât ar costa.
Răspunsul e unul singur. BS. Este o formă de entertainement iar dopajul un element care îi dă sațietate la momente oportune.
9:50 0 frază care se contrazice singură. O linguriță are 5 ml, o lingură 10. Apropo nu cred că Halep a fost testată de USADA care are cât de cât jurisdicție in SUA. Apropo, la cât timp s-a făcut testul B la Halep?
Nu există studii referitoare la cât de mult se schimbă concentrația de Roxadust în urină după 3 luni de congelare (freezing) (apropo la ce temperatură a fost congelată proba?).
12:10 Got two hours of sleep so far. Been breathing on my congested nose for hours and suddenly got a series of palpitations (irregular heart beats and/or fibrillation) that BTW get longer every time. What i wanted to say. I know i will regret this for the next 20 hours or less but here it goes.
I was in Reno and the whole section of the hotel (i know cause i asked to change rooms) was smelling like sewage and most likely it was all coming from one or a few rooms.
In buildings with central A/C including some apartment buildings some of the air coming from all units if not all gets mixed then cooled in the (central, single, huge) AC unit, recirculated again in all units (like in a car when you put the A/C on recirculate, but permanently, for cost reasons). So you basically you share the air with everybody in that building, young, old, healthy, sick, pets, litter dust, under fridge dust, cooking and burning smell, dirty laundry, dishes, pet pheromones, name it.
The room at GSR was also having fabric like woven dust inside the vents (when i looked with a flashlight through the grill) and with cold air, condensation, mold, bacteria. There was decades old dust on the armoire.
Combined with insulation coming from walls, there is no way you would have a nice complexion while living in one of these buildings, probably months after if you choose to move.
Also probably same goes for recirculating... There are different types of bacteria in different areas of your body and those should stay there (no matter how sexy you think it looks).
For immediate results besides immediate interruption of the cause, i recommend a course of systemic antibiotics with doctor's approval and supervision as they can have side effects like severe alergies. Avoid doxycycline or other tetracyclines cause they may cause heart damage. Augmentin would be a good choice, though more expensive. Should use probiotics during treatment cause antibiotics also destroy your beneficial bacteria.
Intramuscular (a bit painful but time released) instead of oral which can cause (serious in some people, gastric discomfort, liver overloading) but that is rarely prescribed in the US as you need an assistant for every injection every 6 or 8 hours (yes in your lovely butt). IV would be a good compromise but me personally i don't feel great about those either. Patches if you can find them.
At GSR i tried and stopped the AC and used an UV lamp inside (when i was not there) so i could get some sleep. (Should not look at while on, should not use with plants inside and only when you're not home). Cheapest is kinda awkward to use (it gets dragged by the wire, moves around).
But after i wrote about guess what. They sent me next year an invitation (Peppermill, built in the 70s) with a good price (that doubled when i got there) and put me in a duplex (room separated from next room by two locked doors, one on each side).
There was a guy next door on an otherwise empty floor in one of the newer buildings. He opened his door, making sound separation even thinner, turned the TV on and then coughed all night and after a few hundred miles driven and 4 hours of sleep i got so mad i drove 500 more miles, home, the next day.
5:10 Angela got since last week from her HR manager a letter she had to transmit in person to her doctor with the requirements of her job basically asking the doctor if she can do the job or not. The specified requirements within that letter are lifting 40 pounds, standing, bending, squatting etc. which she rarely did at SMT (her job title is machine operator) though sometimes is required at other work stations that do not include walking when SMT is not available. She already had a 20 pounds restriction since she got hired permanently first because of her fist heart surgery and then the hernia basically since 2016. But since, the HR manager changed several times.
The SMT machine she operated is 100 ft long and she has to walk alongside that maybe an average of 100 times in one day (with more partial walks, stops etc.). Both Angela and the doctor are puzzled as Angela nowadays got bursitis in both her legs but there is nothing specified about that in the job description. Because if they did they would basically acknowledge she got sick from the enormous amount of walking every day, for one year and a half.
For a while she was wearing a pedometer while working at SMT and that one counted over 15000 steps or 6,7 or 11 miles a day.
Before that, people working in SMT were rotating in less demanding stations every few days. But when they recently rotated Angela after she got hurt she got to lift over 40 pounds and she got the 20 pounds restriction because of a hernia created during surgeries post heart surgery (retrieving of forgotten wires). Angela says that Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company) her de facto supervisor, the leader who survived several supervisors since she got hired did that on purpose cause he knew well about her restriction.
5:53 Today they picked the time to call her form dr.'s office probably because i wrote about a few medical things and drug tests on the blog and they asked her what limitations they will write down and Angela asked to keep the permanent 20 pounds limit with occasional 40 and 5000 steps a day for walking, for one or two months, or until the next appointment with the doctor.
The first person who called her and then put her on hold had a very familiar voice i could hear from the other room. Then after waiting she got to talk to somebody else in same dr.'s office.
Angela tried to explain the bigger picture but all that person wanted was Angela to tell her what to write in that paper they will email HR tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So all the dilemmas were on Angela. At a certain time Angela told her that maybe the company wants to get the tax deductions for hiring disabled people.
Angela also had a hard time concentrating because last night she slept in smoke. There was a large hole at the corner of the living outside i fixed in the morning. There is a filter in the living but none in the bedroom (it broke) and smoke concentration in there was higher. There is smoke in here as i write.
6:31 Non essential duties of the job. They recently hired in there a person who does not hear or talk. There is at least one person with similar lifting limitations that do not do SMT. Angela might be able to do SMT several times a week like other people did before her, after a one or two months restriction.
7:05 I opened the door trying to figure the cause for the persistent smoke in here (we both perceive it as such though it could be very concentrated mold smell from underground mole galleries) and the kids invaded the area and caught me outside. There was a white kid (a novelty) yelling at the other "stop it" "stop it" while facing me as i tried to retire inside.
In the meantime i had a chance to step on a few holes and the mold subsided a little.
7:40 I was intrigued by the whole story and took a better look at that questionnaire. I don't think Angela was supposed to transmit the letter to the doctor, see the questionnaire or answer those questions. I think the whole process was designed to intimidate us into me stopping writing here. Intimidation is a crime under Oregon and Federal law.
8:12 Sorry for the quality of the images but smoke or whatever this is prevents me from doing some of the things i normally can.
If this letter was for Eaton internal use only and was addressed to Angela then why they asked Angela to give it to the doctor?
What is the purpose of attaching the job requirements to the last page? The doctor does not determine if someone fits or not the requirements, he/she just evaluate a patient.
Also a doctor cannot evaluate if someone can setup the machine, read process sheets, etc.. Doctors can evaluate if a patient can see or not and this was never the case. But what tops it is the fact that an unknown to Angela non medical person asked her the questions on the second page after Angela saw the third page and knowing she does not fit in the job description with the 40 lbs limitation. Also she insisted Angela answered yes at the first question.
To make things more interesting, the HR manager is on vacation until next week so we will try and hold our breath until 18.
8:35 Maybe people keep asking themselves, if i am so smart why i don't have a job myself. Maybe because at my last more serious job in 1999/2000 at AVX Vancouver (formerly Kyocera) my supervisor was Axl Rose? He was coming at work for a few hours a day when he was coming and all he did was pull me from the floor into the launch area. Maybe he wanted to do something good for me, the air there was full of ceramic dust mixed with lead and the temperature was constant 65 degrees due to a broken AC.
No i was not drinking at the job there. I wasn't drinking at all during that time. We just had McDonalds and soda in the lunch room. However my stomach was hurting me all the time, probably because of that dust, dust at home, etc..
Never realized how much Kyocera logo looks like a panda bear head or who knows what kami when turned on a side. After all i know today i begin to realize who was the Japanese woman who came from time to time in there while people were whispering... "She tells everything". Though many people were missing a lot from work, people were punching for others etc.. I was happy to have a job, didn't really want to get in trouble.
Until one day i got mad, probably overloaded with dust and i went to see a lawyer i knew since 1996 and told him about the dust, the cold and people doing all kinda things to me that were getting worse by the day. The guy looked embarrassed and talked to me in the hallway. There was a woman who heard everything.
Typically Japanese style, they demoted me the next day (don't know who told them about the lawyer) from technician to operator and moved me into a hot area for cooking ceramic so i just quit. I was leaving in... Beaverton some 20 miles away.
And yes they put a little 1999 December 31 night show in there. Y2K bug, Putin's coup. The day before i quit. There was this huge antenna across the street from AVX. It is my belief that these huge towers, everywhere across the world can interact with ionosphere, making them geo-weapons. Someone took that one out in that day.
After i fixed all the machines in testing, a bottle neck there and they got an all time production record in December 1999.
If you don't believe me ask Don, the engineer. Nino D'Angelo, Ana Blandiana (Susan Sarandon), the guy from Inner Circle, Tom Green, Nidal Hasan, Cheech and Chong and probably Viktor Orban as John Ciorba.
Same goes for Angela, i think the Chinese woman there, Hao is really Victoria Principal from Dallas. Yes she was born in Japan officially an American from American parents but i think she is all the way Japanese, sometimes posing Chinese. But she doesn't really care.
10:06 Outside it smells really bad probably a huge one, went to see, the sprinklers started in that area, one sprinkler is broken and sprinkles on top of the garages and wets the laves that already fell there making them rot... Cannot pick it anyway cause now it got wet...
10:35 No it was "only" a pee coming from a really sick dog not far from the door.
10:40 De ce nu spune nimeni niciodată care sunt limitele legale și cum se măsoară. În SUA limitele legale sunt de 10000 mai mari decât nivelurile deja dăunătoare și de 1000 de ori mai mari decât în Rusia de exemplu. În acest tabel din Europa (ultima coloană) limitele sunt în W/m2, în SUA sunt în mW/cm2 deci de zece ori mai permisive decât majoritatea țărilor din Europa.
Dar sunt țări ca Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Rusia care au limite de 100 de ori mai restrictive decât cele mai multe țări inclusiv România și sunt doar de 10 ori mai mari decât e setată alarma pe aparatul meu de măsură.
Nebunia apare din faptul că politicienii care fac legislația nu se pricep la nimic. Inginerii care au făcut acest aparat de măsură au pus limita tot la 10 dar în mW/m2, de o mie de ori mai restrictiv decât în Europa care este totuși de 10 ori mai restrictiv decât în SUA.
Politicienii nu se pricep, se expun pe ei înșiși și pe noi toți, dar chestia e că dacă limitele ar fi cele reale de siguranță telefoanele nu ar mai putea funcționa ca atare, nu ar merge nici la 10 metri de turn. Și totuși nu înțeleg cum funcționează ele în Italia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Rusia. Înseamnă că nu au nevoie de atâta putere.
Normal că se pot seta din soft însă cine știe să le măsoare și cine garantează că nu o iau razna doar ca să arate fabricantul că telefoanele lor merg mai bune? Ca să nu mai vorbim de viruși și de hackeri care pot schimba setarea. Cred că telefoanele ar trebui să aibă un cip hardware independent ceva care să măsoare puterea de emisie în orice moment și să bipăie o alarmă.
11:20 There was a piece of garbage next to the black car than went and came minutes ago. I picked it up then i regretted.
12:00 Dacă vreți să vă luați un aparat uitați-vă după RF și setarea în mW/m2, EMF și ELF sunt pentru vânătorii de fantome.
Stau și mă întreb dacă acest pendant funcționează fiindcă seamănă cu un dipol în scurtcircuit de lungimea de undă respectivă și ar putea atrage și scurtcircuita undele, 99 de dolari? Aș putea să iau o bară de cupru rotund și să o tai la lungimea respectivă și să încerc apoi cu aparatul de măsură să văd ce face.
Însă nu vă va putea proteja de propriul telefon mai ales când îl țineți aproape de cap. Doar de turnuri sau telefoane la un metru doi distanță.