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Showing posts sorted by date for query saved. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2nd

7:35 Yeah i guess it was google's way to celebrate April 1st. They changed something in google searches that my blogs was heavily relying on. I tried to fix it manually in similarities post by post and went all the way to the beginning of February but then i told myself i should be smart and do it on more rational basis.

Thinking of all the links affected by google's change (thousands) that won't work anymore in my main blog (friends) that i will never be able to fix. But who's gonna read the old posts.

So i downloaded the similarities blog, edited it in Notepad with search/replace all, and imported it back.

It is where the surprises started. Blogger (google's free blogging platform i use) imported all modified posts and kept the old ones. I duplicated all the posts. Did it one more time. Then i tried to delete them all and import again. However it didn't work.

Then i tried to create a new blog by importing the theme which i also saved and then importing the modified posts. That didn't work either. Then google told me i exceeded the number of imports for the new blog, "try again later".

Then i tried to restore the blog by importing the unmodified version (first, before editing which i kept just in case) and that didn't work either.

Then i restored my deleted old blog (had the option for 90 days) and started to manually delete the duplicates, one by one, trying to keep the newly modified ones with search/replace. However the addresses of the duplicates are not the same anymore so all links in my other blogs won't work anymore if i go with those.

I have two options. Either to manually delete the duplicates and triplicates (a few thousands posts) and keep the old ones with the addresses and then go and manually do the necessary changes according to google's modifications to search on images, or keep the duplicates which have been modified (but not all work, some needing more manual adjustments).

But for now i will keep everything, the first 100 or so manually modified, with the old addresses, the duplicates and triplicates and go and try to get more sleep cause they started to make noise right after Angela left so i could sleep no more after that.

I think i'm up to go and modify manually all the posts (as i said, a few thousands) and then manually delete the duplicates and triplicates during my free time.

But for now the impact on the reader of all this roller coaster is minimal and most important i did not loose any content.

8:02 Eu nu înțeleg o chestie, dacă banii suplimentari se dau pe carduri care se reîncarcă în momente ca atunci când le scade rating-ul, de ce nu are fiecare pensionar un card cu care să-și scoată banii și care să fie reîncărcat cu pensia în fiecare lună. Astfel, ar ieși poșta din circuit, cu tot ce înseamnă asta (mărunțișul).

Gândiți-vă câtă pierdere de timp și energie pentru poștași, cu încălzirea planetei, ca să meargă în fiecare lună acasă la pensionar, să se așeze și să numere banii. Da bine cu opțiunea ca la acei care nu vor să meargă să rămână pe sistemul vechi cu poștașul.

9:55 So they tried to parr my post with US Ambassador to Romania being a (now disappeared from the scene) local politician with different ID with this event involving US Ambassador to NATO (as for why member states have ambassadors i have no clue).

I would go and search for her right away if i knew her age. Amazing how for second rank politicians, such as sheriffs, local chiefs of police, ambassadors etc. it is nearly impossible to figure their age, even though they have Wikipedia pages like this Julianne... Smith. Shadow Government?

Knowing the age limits the search to an area of about 5 years in the lists. Very few are outside this magic interval.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

September 14

1:10 Was our beloved Beau de l'Aire on absinthe when he wrote the poem? I don't know, maybe only when the ideas hit him, i know it takes sobriety to do such a job. I will try to work a decent translation until tomorrow though the guy upstairs just hit me with a kami of smoke and one of dust. And the coincidence. He is the only French poet i ever read from, except one or two fables by Jean de la Fontaine.

This poem now almost translated, features one of the most famous important quotes of all times. "The Art is long and The Time is short". However a major in Art or French only takes a few years (if you have your own money or win a scholarship, i don't get any stats from google, i don't know how many people are reading this) while doctors in the US work like slaves. Canada is very close where you can be taught by native speakers.

2:42 Tristan Tate got this one right, in Romania indeed family bonds are very strong.

3:30 Other business. That i can remember from the long list today. They scheduled an empty cistern to pass right in front of me at the stop light in Lincoln City. One more black truck with no LPN in front or rear and was too dark to even see the brand, passed after that one. So i got to drive behind those too all the way to the first passing zone which is in the middle of the forest with no other traffic.

The cistern went on the right though (as usually) accelerated and the black truck passed it, slowly and i passed both but i think the truck accelerated after got into my blind spot when i changed lanes cause the passing zone was ending anyways.

It was no small surprise when i saw it in the mirror ft or even inches away, right after making me thinking the surprise could have been much bigger, like finding myself in a rolling vehicle with broken limbs after in an area with nu much traffic and far from hospitals.

The guy tried to stay behind, i slowed, he accelerated, i matched speed, wanted to see at least the brand of the truck but guess what. At Spirit Mountain, i stayed behind in an area with more light to let him pass and take a good look, but he pulled... inside the casino area. Then he casually went to pick someone and it was  the perfect situation to go and see the guy but Angela didn't let me to. Now i think he could have simulated a road rage incident and do whatever.

At food court. Angela had a coupon, bought one fish and chips which at that hour was enough for both. They gave us a pager and we were waiting when i saw something really weird at the check stand. They were two stacks with pagers figuring two towers and somehow they got synchronized and they were flashing all one after another creating the illusion of light moving upwards.

Then i remembered what i saw in Lincoln City. Angela went inside, i am banned and not interested to appeal that decision. Tried to go for a walk, changed my mind, went to Grocery Outlet, was with my mind somewhere else like usually and grabbed a 6 gallons box with Crystal Geyser (we did that many times, and bought water from that store). The store now was moved and i asked the cashier why, i thought because of the tower that was in their lot but now they had a bigger one on the hill across the street, and she said no, for a different reason.

Forgot to get the only decent brand of bone broth which BTW has many benefits in any healing process, i started to climb stairs again with no pain after a severe tendinitis at the knees, the results are visible after one serving and a day passed, got instead some soda and nuts and went at Roads End round about, accidentally saw the sunset, then some cars moved, i was the last in line, i advanced and now i could see the hill and on the highest position and tallest building i saw a fire on a roof.

First i thought it was a reflection of the sunset in a window but it was still there when i moved a bit. After 10 or 15 minutes was not changing intensity and though could have been a BBQ in a balcony or whatever and left. Could be this one but for some reason i thought it was higher. No, it was this one.

Believe it or not that kami worked me all night. Constantly thinking now and forever of other types of business and names and persons and veterans i saw at the beach and how people come to the US.

5:23 Începând din 2000 Tratatul Schengen a devenit parte integrantă din Tratatul de Aderare la UE. Toate țările care au aderat după sunt membre în Schengen, cu îndeplinirea doar a unor formalități. Consiliul nu trebuia să mai voteze încă o dată pe acest subiect. Chestia cu declarația de dragoste față de România a Ursuley von der Leyen e o vrăjeală menită să șteargă această imagine.

Just figured something important weird. Americans with Disabilities Act varies from state to state. Not all questionnaires regarding a potentially disabled employee are the same in all states. So far i can tell the one in Florida by example is much more complicated and precise than the one in Oregon.

11:45 Got chills and pain from an infection that started because of the kami dog.

I wanted to write earlier but i forgot. A possible explanation for the belief of the Japanese that not having sex before battle is bad luck. Because nutrients accumulated in prostate and seminal vesicles for a longer time are constantly under assault from all kinda pathogens and there is an extra burden on your immune system and heavily using your body's resources.

Getting rid of those seems an easy solution.

Also a storm of hormones also get released in your blood stream during sex with a woman making you way more alert and motivated.

However, in the first hours your prostate goes in overdrive trying to replenish those again stealing precious resources especially proteins from your system and in a few days you are back at the starting point. Producing sperm is an absolute priority and a burden on your system especially during wars or  in people with poor nutrition that i was during my youth.

But when you got diabetes things are much worse because of the presence of sugar in all organs and tissues that feed pathogens that may easily enter during unwanted pre-secretions through unscheduled hyper stimulation creating infections beyond your body's defense capabilities especially when living in an unsanitized environment. Infections in prostate may quickly spread around to adjacent organs and the whole body putting you at risk for sepsis.

11:52 Haven't looked at the stats of my blogs in a long time. It all started when i put a DIY post about painting walls years ago using lime which is much cheaper and a much better choice than "latex" water based paint, if you know how to do it that was very common in Romania before i came here. However there was an unknown factor i could not figure, materials here are different, could not get (at the time) lime in paste (CaOH) used instead CaCO3 in powder, sometimes the paint came hard as rock, sometimes soft as a piece of chalk.

Looked at those and i was getting like 100 hits per hour. However after 4 hours it all stopped and never saw since more than a few hits at every post. That is good because it spares me the emotions, but bad because i can't make any money from it. Today i started again google analytics to see more.

Also in my particular case making money from commercials or sponsorships may not be a good idea because they may alter in subtle, unintended ways the perception of my posts, especially in areas that critical, with ideas that in time got so radical (wasn't planning, just got carried out).

Latest and most important, it is my constantly inevitably renewing perception that at least Oregon, the west coast of US is occupied by millions of foreigners and all the politicians are again actors from a different country.

With those present and running things around here nothing is going to ever work for me or other people like me or ordinary Americans though the US is one of the richest country in resources and debt to those in the trillions.

And BTW real time conversations in English if they go beyond light still give me enough surprises to freeze me at times and twist my intentions interfering with the process of choosing my confessions which may at times be very embarrassing. As for play i am still considering the other hypothesis case in which it may prove a catastrophic unrecoverable mistake.

Word play here online where it's safe is the only possibility. 

Besides. I live surrounded by them. They knock on walls when i go to the the restroom to block my transit for God's sake. Or simply when i get excited by something. It's hard to catch a window to view a movie online. Same happens to any hotel i've been during my trips. They call it "influencing".

Nevermind just figured. We usually go at least once a week, mostly Saturdays at Indian Head. However 90 to 100% of the people there is THEIR people, playing different roles. I saw somebody with a girlfriend there before. Longer road, safety concerns. Usually a last minute decision done together.

1:00 I looked again today and i am puzzled by contradictions between different reports even on the same page though some have changed a bit, i see now hits in the thousands per day in one report, still insignificant if you intended to make money of it. I re-started data collection with google analytics and will check in a few days.

I know is hard to understand but money making, negotiating, was not part of the culture i grew up with. While other people, skeptical of the system, secretly and partially passed it to their kids, though it was too outdated when the revolution hit us in 89, and didn't really worked for them, (as the world in the meantime turned into a one by the known model), i am simply illiterate at it (or there are too many watching every of my move and sabotaging me) and one of the reasons i moved to the US was hoping to learn however THEY had different intentions with me.

I even had an Ameritrade account where i put 2000 dollars and tried to use some common sense algorithms to make very short term speculations. It worked only a few times at first and then i sensed some intervened and totally changed the evolutions of the stocks i was picking. By the sheer number of people and resources i sense they use around me, i think for them doing that would have been nothing as they regularly manipulate the market during one day, spending trillions in high freq trading, with fake news, Musk's perceived mood, manipulating oil price and live shows with Dracula and Xenu.

More than that. Oregon DMV gave me a LPN in 2018 that was saying JKB i din't pay attention to. Ever since, everywhere i go i see around me an unusual number of cars with different similar combinations. One of my bosses in Romania resembled an ex KGB director. The reason i have a personalized LPN in the line ipsum lorem bla bla (ERGO), that still has some significance to some (pretty girl Era).

1:17 An alternative way of seeing reactions to my posts (and especially seeing when i screw up) besides numerous indirect responses in official media is by looking at the stock market reaction. Unfortunately market goes down when i'm not making mistakes. Because all companies listed are mostly owned and run by THEM and everything i write down is coincidentally against them. However they tied the mass of people to the market through retirement funds. Could this be the time of her last post? But can she even see my posts? I have no proof of that.

1:30 Now we're simply fighting to keep Angela's job. They were at least two more letters in her myChart from her doctor to HR recommending limitations that may qualify as disability by ADA definitions but never treated as such by the company though they accepted the limitations. There was never an ADA questionnaire before last week.

Those are now gone and instead there is only the more recent ADA questionnaire Angela had to give to her doctor last Friday that basically when returned said she is disabled by ADA definitions. However we have downloaded them. However doctor said Angela may recover from her foot problems within a month which we think is possible and the lifting limitation to 20 pounds never changed in 5 years while the company accepted it, until recently when they asked her to do a job lifting more than 40 pounds.

However walking more than 5000 ft or one mile every day without rotating every few days or the way that work station was manned before her is not acceptable by any standard, disabled or not. She did that for more than one year and a half, and that started her feet problem.

2:10 Coincidence of the day. Mitt Rom-nay. Welcome to my silly life, quantum dragă fly.

2:50 Asta e faptă penală, trebuia arestat imediat

5:23 There are a few "children" in the yard and yell as Angela is sleeping. Got the AC unit and a foil in the open sliding door and sound gets in here like the door is wide open. I went in the kitchen to grab a drink and a snack and they were yelling every time i was grabbing or biting or sipping something. Like they knew. Or like getting commands from AI via ear-prompters. I did record it and saved it but there is nothing in that file.

6:00 Writing here today was most difficult. Having too many things on my mind and with all the noises i made numerous mistakes. As anyone may see, i write through re-editing or by adding time stamped entries in the same post during one whole day, and had by mistake at certain times several tabs open with the same post and got lost in versions, writing one thing in one tab and one in other, ending loosing some of the notes etc..

I feel like i'm drunk though i'm not. Some sort of weird mold smell coming from rapidly mutating microbes due to tanins of the redwood mulch coming from all kinda "casually" thrown garbage, the bins are full, they will be emptied tomorrow, combined with animal waste make me feel that way. Considering of going and buying liquor because with that one at least i know i'm drunk.

7:22 Like in many older people, General Petraeus's appearance has changed as he got older and predictably, by his fast (healing) metabolism and high energy, thinner, especially when looked at from aside for half second  while finishing climbing, at the top end of stairs at the beach. Now i know who staged the chase with the cistern on hwy 18 last night. Some of the other times? August 20/21 2021?

8:30 Angela did not approve a run to the liquor store, it smells like hell in here, wanted to go outside to throw those, any time i tried the child actors were eyeing me. But i'm pretty sure they will bring more right away as things got very intense these days, they are throwing at me everything they got.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 3rd

5:24 Aceeași aroganță sfidătoare cu care ne-au obișnuit de decenii. Au găsit o față necunoscută până acum, cea mai aproape de figura lui Nicu dintr-o poză (care nu seamănă cu toate celelalte) pentru a o supraimprima peste cea postată de mine. Prilejul. Discuția zilei.

Și scandalul cu pensiile speciale și cu taxele. În mod tradițional, hoții de stânga măresc taxele și impozitele iar aceștia abia ajunși la putere și-au început rolul.

Apropo nu vrea nimeni să se uite la buget. Am pus link-ul de atâta timp pe blog. Nimic. (Singura chestie e că dacă alegeți un minister din link, suma va apărea doar pe pagina a 2-a, prima sau a doua cifră dintr-un tabel, au știut ei cum să prezinte ca să facă pe omul obișnuit, necontabil, să renunțe să cerceteze).

Ministerul Dezvoltării (ce o fi aia, nu am văzut nici o dezvoltare până acum) are un buget astronomic pe anul ăsta de până la 94 miliarde de lei. 19 miliarde de euro. Ministerul Transporturilor. Până la 59 de miliarde sau 12 miliarde de euro. Să ne arate ce fac cu banii înainte de a ne cere alții. Sau mai bine nu. Vedem noi cu ochiul liber.

Agricultură, 28. Ăsta e cu subvențiile la fermieri (ca să avem mâncare ieftină LOL), dar chiar așa? 5 miliarde de euro? Alimentele nu vin gratuit din aceste subvenții, deși la suma repectivă așa ar trebui, le mai și plătim!

5:46 Am pus ieri două link-uri cu medicamente experimentale pentru cancer, cu rate de succes 100% dar va mai trece un secol sau un mileniu probabil până când FDA le va aproba. Posibile efecte secundare. Și ce. Chimioterapia cu medicamente aprobate de 50 de ani are efectele secundare cele mai devastatoare din toate medicamentele.

Și au venit ei cu o contră. Până mai ieri de Ozempic nu am auzit decât de bine. Acum, dintr-o dată, s-a scrântit. Și apropo. Dacă vomiți atât de mult, le mai iei? Și cum dreq poți să-ți pierzi dinții dacă vomiți?

5:54 Reacție la Crystal Geizer.

6:46 AM PDT După ce am citit știrile și m-am enervat și m-am zbârlit puțin aici m-am dus să-mi încălzesc pizza de ieri seară și mă tot gândeam la ce am citit și am ajuns la concluzia că și faza asta probabil complet regizată pare o contra la ce am postat acum două zile, tot din frustrare.

Concluzie. Ăștia cu media lor super profesionistă vă îmbârligă mințile de nu mai știți ce e cu voi. Iar politicienii crează show-urile pe care media le exploatează în timp ce grosul banilor dvs. din taxe se scurg undeva, poate chiar pe apa sâmbetei.

La fel cum faraonii, rasa supărată, whatever în Egipt i-au dus cu preșul pe ăia să construiască niște munți în deșert, așa ne duc și pe noi acum ne iau mințile de pe o zi pe alta, de la un an la altul, cu te miri ce, ca să mai încălzim puțin planeta.

7:04 Sau cum banii de la buget pentru programul rabla se scurg de fapt la alianța Renault Nissan Metsubushi, alții.

9:22 Still have the old pan under the water heater that is contaminated (or got re-contaminated, i have reasons to believe they have been in here when i was not home) that stinks. So this morning after i ate i got nauseated and i lost the bottle with charcoal caps so i decided to go to Walmart to get some. At the first intersection a blond gypsy lady coming from the opposite direction almost ran into me, had to pull right to avoid.

At Walmart they had none on the shelf though the site said they had two. So i moved forward to Grocery Outlet in Tigard some 5 miles away. A nice day to drive on Hwy 99. Only trouble was i had to pass twice through two red light cameras. And on the streets they come in hordes and they lay all kinda traps and distractions for me and all traffic is loaded with symbolism and directed by AI so they can easily trap me in all kinda situations.

Going downhill in another intersection with no camera doing 45 i saw yellow and thought i can't stop safely but red came too fast and i think i saw red before or right when i entered the intersection.

When i was coming back there was this younger guy with a long blond pony tail under is German war helmet on his Harley who first distracted me with his noise from behind when a Japanese driver in a van got a bit into my lane and then he squeezed between me and that van and had to slow down to let him pass.

Right at the last camera he took his German war helmet off, shook his long hair, i looked for a second and now i can't remember how i passed through that light though i saw after cars before and after me. That was the elaborate retaliation for the red light with no camera.

Don't know how many accidents and lives they saved with those but i know they are illegal. In fact it was when i wrote that post that i realized many things could be illegal around here. I mean, what can be more illegal than having as the chief of State Police an actor from Hungary?

9:48 I added a bit of garlic in the pizza last night now they flooded this whole part of the complex with garlic.

2:00 Sleepy and nauseated, i gathered all my will and went for a walk. Not before i realized something. The pan under the water heater was stinking again, though it wasn't yesterday and i think i know the reason. Last night i felt for hours the very pungent alchol like deodorant of drying laundry. But it was probably not washed enough.

Maybe the washer is like mine was, with a slippery clutch. Then outside i found a black one, stepped upon. Was thinking to pick it up but then i remembered about the UPS van on the road. And i forgot to turn on the ozone on the ozone generator which i just did.

Literally stumbling for the first 2 miles. Then i got a bit better. At the park, a woman, tall, with yellow T-shirt and an attitude got in front of me. Could not or din't want to stop to let her go a bit further. About 100 ft behind her when i passed the alley next to the park's lot that is comming from Stone's Throw. A Police like car, Dodge, white, unmarked, with yellow LPNs and a couple of big antennas was coming from the alley, waiting for me to pass.

Then it took a right and passed me on the street. I had a chance to look at the passenger when they passed, the car was very low for a Police car and there was this good looking Asian woman on the passenger side. Didn't see a number or anything on it.

Further, at the red light at the intersection with 65. There was this red Mazda with a Japanese driver coming from Nyberg ready to make a left turn. The weird part about that intersection is light turns green for that left turn coming from Nyberg before the count down for the cross walk stops. Like 25 seconds before. But i learned my lessons from the past, looked at him (dejavu) and he didn't start until i was like 6 ft away from my sidewalk.

As i crossed the bridge near the complex the big "sexy" woman slowed down (she was moving always in the same direction where i was going) as two Japanese gypsies, one holding a pizza, passed me.

2:15 This article from the Oregonian is contradicting self. Read this and this paragraph.

2:34 More garlic smell coming from somewhere that made me hungry. As i was thinking to warm up some pizza, the Japanese child actors came to camp in the yard.

2:43 Adevărat conflict de interes! Își votează păstrarea propriilor pensii.

5:47 In the opinion. Discretionary.

6:14 Doing some research on why cigarettes taste changed so dramatically since the 80s and so far i found some very interesting facts.

Kent believe this! Kent together with Marlboro and coffee which was not imported anymore were indeed used as payments especially to doctors (bribes, cause they were already payed, but poorly, by state, health care being officially free) but can't remember seeing it being sold in stores, except a few for tourists, in hard currency, rest was all smuggled.

But lately Marlboro started to be manufactured under license in Poland and lots of Polish tourists were bringing it and it was not so much different from the original one.

Westerners who read this will never understand how important this was.

I think if Ceaușescu allowed buying of a license for Kent or Marlboro or an equivalent and/or allowed the import of coffee, blue jeans, video players, he would have never been so much hated by Romanians. And he also exported all meat, cheese, butter, we had big processing factories and farms, but could not find anything in stores. Bread, vegetable oil and sugar were rationalized, all per reason of paying off external debts.

Many people were getting around with relatives who worked on state farms and had around their houses a few animals. In late 80s food also became means of payment and bribery.

The only things widely available was liquor and beer and poor quality wine. Cause the good one, you guessed it. All for export.

Local cigarettes were terrible also because they used very old recipes and poor packaging and now i see, low quality, cheap tobacco.

10:15 As time goes into the night i can confirm. There was an event yesterday, washing dog clothes or clothes contaminated with dog smell in a machine that is defective or broken like mine was. The smell from the dryer's vents under the windows blowing towards ground got into the walls. Walls were heated by the high temperature of the day, some of the smell got inside.

Nausea never stopped for me though i had an ozone generator that is turned to the maximum. Today i can't even feel the smell of ozone that yesterday was overwhelming. As i wrote this paragraph like all the others today the robot upstairs got very agitated. No normal person could have survived the smell upstairs.

11:35 Ceaușescu și nimeni nu putea să facă ce a făcut fără să câștige încrederea mereu naivilor naționaliști români din care mulți l-au ascultat inclusiv în perioada plății "datoriilor externe".

Noi am făcut foame și am fost umiliți 7 ani pentru "10 miliarde de dolari", fază din care nu ne-am mai revenit niciodată, 8 milioane lucrează acum în străinătate, anul acesta numai misteriosul minister al dezvoltării a avut la dispoziție 19 miliarde de euro, iar România a plătit prin Ministerul Finanțelor dobânzi de 5 și s-a împrumutat încă 5.

Și de ce Ecaterina când în limba română avem și Cătălina. Nu ar fi fost convingător.

Acum unii români care se cred naționaliști speră uitându-se la AUR și la George Simion. Treaba lor. Un lucru nu vor putea face. Nu vor putea spune că nu li s-a spus.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15

9:23 Just looked on Google Maps. The newer West Wing of Peppermill Hotel in Reno is next to a busy street. Though residential, a lot of the utility vehicles pass through. Even a small car like ours can be heard from inside while passing, if you get a room with windows at that street. The noise was louder than at Comfort Inn Motel in Yreka which was next to high 5 (we booked first at Baymont by Windham, which was... under construction work, with debris on the hallways and even on the door knobs).

But it all differs. If they choose to send those at 6 AM like they did yesterday then there's no way you can sleep anymore. How the others did. I believe there was no one in the whole building that night except for us and the guy next door who did not come there to sleep.

Who are they. In this case, the mob that control all of Reno (I'll talk about later, here's an example). Why. Because of my bad review last time when i slept in the tower and all AC vents and pipes were clogged with dust and nazi gas room symbols on the walls. The reason i chose the newer West Wing.

But there's one more thing. They gave us a room that connected with another through an inner door. Actually there's two doors with a dead bolt on each side. That is if you lock yours there is no way someone could get inside. But i believe the guy in the other room had it opened on his side and at 5 AM he started coughing. I'll talk about later.

Also they gave us a notice saying they will start the next day at 9 a "seasonal window cleaning" and there will be some "minimal noise" between 5 and 9. So i realized i might not be able to get anymore sleep during the day or the following nights and days (we booked for 3 nights), especially with the smell in the air that continued in the morning and was keeping me not necessarily high but alert.

So i just checked out thinking (after two suspiciously bad nights) i could get closer to home with those 4 hours of sleep and took the Susanville route which is one hundred miles shorter with much less traffic. However i was able to drive all the way home which is also weird, probably again connected with the smell in the air in the whole city.

Yes i regret the more southern sun and the beauty of the outer architecture of the city and the noisy and flashy games and also the 1200 miles i drove for that nothing. But i'm also happy because right now i'm not on a hospital bed with hands and legs on pulleys. After all that happened on the road. About that, later.

Yeah i know. All hotel industry today is leading the losses on Wall Street. I guess they knew what i was about to write today.

BTW there is something up today and that is T-mobile. (smells like fried teen spirit). The corporation that together with the others kill people with their cell towers and subsidized give away phones. But people don't believe me, they believe in Dracula and Jekyl and Hyde and all the s... they they were Fed for a hundred years in media and before that who knows how which is good cause it keeps the market and the inflation high for them.

11:00 Finally figured. The reason the Peppermill hotel which is about 52 years old (built 71) is Italian themed, with Tuscany tower and Florence suites. There are also numerous statues and other decorations, the whole thing is pleasant to see and nice for a vacation however i could not understand this statue.

11:45 What law? What Police? Local Police belongs to the mayor. FBI?

1:07 Susanville, a small town east of Sierra Nevada Mountains, some 86 miles north of Reno. Some would say there is no life east of the Sierras and then Cascade Mountains at the North, but there is some, with cities like Reno, Susanville, Bend, Madras, Warm Springs which i all crossed yesterday. Susanville is a deep valley and if you want to go further North you have to climb some 1200 ft until you reach the high desert (Northern California, Southern Oregon) with elevations between 4000 and 7000 ft. I know cause i turned to the gps page that showed the altitude.

Close to the end of the steep climb north of Wilsonville on 139. Close to where the picture was taken from. Too bad that was a day with smoke and the camera on the google car is way up high and can't show exactly what happened. I was alone on the road and was following the rail and from the low height of the car i wasn't seeing the curve was continuing to the left.

Especially because from the right was coming a truck or SUV that distracted me. Or maybe it saved our lives. In the last tenth of a second i saw the continuous yellow line going left otherwise i would have jumped in the deep chasm ahead. I think they should put some of those arrows signaling a left curve there.

5:52 Last night before 10 i had 20 more miles to go and was really low on fuel. I was telling the attendant at the 76 gas station in Boring, i've done 450 miles (Susanville) with 11.3 gallons. Then i had this vision at the car's window with planet Venus and i told him that it looks really weird because it's currently on the third or waning phase. When you look at it you can't really see the shape and it feels like your eyes are blurred.

Then the other attendant came, a woman with a blazer with a 76 (planets) sign on the back and she pulled a phone and showed me an app that uses phone's positioning sensor and when the phone is pointed at a certain area of the sky it shows the stars and planets and stuff, named, etc.. She was red headed, tall and thin.

She came and showed me the phone with the app in my face and told me there should also be Mars in the vicinity of it and that was visible on the app, but not in the sky. I think she was right, i just could not see it cause i was tired and it wasn't dark enough (about one hour after sunset and city light pollution). In this video it is not shown the phase of Venus, only of the Moon which was not up at that hour, and also Mars which is one sixth the diameter of Venus which is similar in size with Earth.

I did not realize until later who she was. Last time i saw her was again at a gas station in Florence, Oregon.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May 31

1:10 I had started in my mind a little project trying to compare the differences in military power between Celts and Dacians, starting with the Boudica revolt and ran into a page about Druids. Was getting bored and about to close that page when i saw this and then made a link with this which got me excited again.

1:38 Here it goes. The final battle of the Boudican revolt. 10 000 well equipped, trained Roman soldiers which in numbers are the equivalent of two legions, against 230 000 furious, poorly equipped and disorganized Briton civilians. Tacitus said... The battle saved the province for Romans, at a time Nero was considering retreat from Britain and Romans stayed there for aprox. 350 more years.

1:41 Now try to imagine the military power of Dacians. In the second Dacian war, Trajan built another over one km or almost a mile long stone bridge over Danube and crossed with over 150 000 soldiers or 30 legions and defeated the Dacians. It was worth it cause that brought Rome 200 tons of gold a year from Dacian mines for the next 170 years. But it wasn't only gold. 500 000 Dacians fell prisoners and were turned into slaves. Usually where there's gold there's also silver etc...

2:20 For those who still wonder about the origin of Romanian people and language...

2:28 There is little doubt that, like other times when supposedly nobody was upstairs, or in between occupancies, someone actually is, this time hidden behind those appliances. Some faint steps earlier changed my mood and a single shy squeak more recently made me accidentally delete the phrase above. Good thing i wanted to see something else and could not find the link and the phrase.

2:45 Iaziges, probably at the origin of (the name) of modern city of Iași...

3:02 Possible origin of the toponym Transylvania, different from the official theory...

3:20 First evidence of Christianity. Gothia... Gothia...

3:27 I didn't know! Dacicus Maximus, reconquest?

8:54 Ce fel de știre e asta? Un tip cu dizabilități care îndeamnă pe alții să meargă la facultate. Cuvinte cheie: Romi, inginer, medic. În fundal o stradă asemănătoare cu cea de pe coperta Beatles, cu Abbey Road (Strada Mănăstirii sau Abației). O compunere menită să vă ia și să vă macine ideile înfiripate recent de mine.

9:00 Apropo, Am avut o scădere dramatică a glicemiei după un tratament mai lung cu antibiotice administrate pe piele (tablete lipite cu plasture, bandaj peste pentru puțină presiune), pentru o infecție la un braț. Încep să cred din ce în ce mai mult că diabetul este de fapt o infecție cronică a pancreasului.

Infecția trece destul de ușor, cu antibiotice administrate intramuscular sau intravenos sau pe piele (patches), nu oral fiindcă îl irită mai tare, glicemia nu scade însă complet și imediat din cauza acumulărilor din țesuturi și micșorarea capacității pancreasului în timpul infecției (probabil cicatrizare).

Sursa infectării pancreasului este aproape întodeauna dentară, cu propagare inițială în glandele salivare și aproape întodeauna apare reinfectarea pancreasului după încetarea tratamanentului, dacă dinții nu sunt tratați.

În cazul meu reinfectarea a apărut din cauză că am mâncat într-o zi (duminică dimineața) fără proteză dentară, din lene (somn fragmentat) ceea ce a dus la iritarea gingiei, după care am mâncat (foarte puțină) ciocolată și mai târziu cartofi prăjiți dați prin ceva (pâine uscată sau făină de porumb) într-un restaurant gol, care a intrat sub proteză, urmat de dureri de cap moderate și frisoane. Infectarea pancreasului se simte ca o durere moderată de stomac, suportabilă, uneori constantă, dar mai în spate și lateral, apare creșterea numărului globulelor albe, dar în limite.

Am reluat antibioticele, după 24 de ore încă am ușoare dureri de gingie, cap, spate și frisoane.

11:25 There is little doubt (to me) that Rome was named in honor of lord Rama, the most popular deity in India, on a Rama Navami day or April 21, 753 BC. Latin language is close to Sanskrit (common ancestor of most Indian languages) and probably evolved from a language that was spoken in India at that time. Roman, Greek and Hindi pantheons are similar. Romans came from India. (Dacian language was also close to Sanskrit, but from initial Indo-European migration towards west).

11:36 Rama was born in the present day city Ayodhya, Utar Pradesh, some 400 km away from the much newer but recognizable Taj Mahal mausoleum. Did Ceaușescu try to leave us a clue by having a relaxed, happy picture taken near it (to point the location)? Is Zoia (a Greek name) featuring a simplified version of Ardha Matsyendrasana yoga pose? Elena dressed in orange could also represent a happy Buddha, etc..

Uttar Pradesh is neighboring with Nepal, where Buddha was born in @ -500. Also close to eastern border of India, where the snakes could have landed from Australia.

A small contribution to the future to help solve some of history's mysteries. Time travel.

I know Ceaușescu was not who he said or we thought he was but probably Romanian patriots at the time convinced them to go there and do this little scene.   

7:15 Pytaghora and Buddha, both founders of philosophy, lived in about the same period of time.

King Ashoka known Buddhist missionaries.

Monday, March 20, 2023

March 20

9:20 Is the Force real? So far the rule of ignorance applies to me every time i search something on the web and still have surprises. That throws me out completely of the original idea for the search. Wandjina - Jedi?

Could the Force have anything to do with the almost mythical Shin Shin Shinghan, possibly derived from kuji-kiri?

10:32 Was actually searching for more evidence of links between Egypt and Japan (gyp, jap) on Island of Shikoku, he smallest of the 4  Japanese islands and for that i traveled to Japan on Tesla's hyperloop on the web (which may be faster than you may think). It all started last night with the Mistubishi logo, which is said to come from the logo of Tosa clan, allies of Ieyasu, the unifier of Japan, somehow also reminding of the three pyramids of Geza. An intriguing similar shape can be also found on the Mercedes logo.

So far it turned out that the Tosa clan was a clan that has no traceable history before that moment.

Mistubishi was one of the first 4 major zaibatsu (conglomerate, corporate) way before the existence of corporations in other parts of the world and its founder Yataro Iwasaki claim descendance of this clan.

However i found this intriguing piece of architecture built in 1865, a lighthouse not visible from sea. And the shape of the roofs is also of a pyramid. Phonetic ideographic.

3:54 I remember the days when my stomach pain (pancreas, esophagus, whatever) (not intestinal) started to fade away. That was after i gave up the use of the old CRT monitors. People who don't know me don't understand. Since 86 i was using a computer with a CRT monitor at least 8 hours a day. Today's standards say the X-rays emitted by those are way too much. 

Needless to say. I could not drink anything during that period, not even soda. Water and tea.

It was after that when i happily started to drink again (after more then ten years complete abstinence). My favorite was Australian made Franzia brand Chardonnay at WinCo. Cheapest per litter, reasonable quality if you didn't mind it was stored in a bag. And that wine was sold in grocery stores and was ok. That was before 2010. 

Don't know exactly when that changed. Franzia has lost its wine taste and it's just soureness with alcohol since about 10 years ago. Liberty Creek brand the same. All of the others. But it also could be me who i may have completely lost my taste after overusing the cell phone. But Angela have barely used it and can confirm.

Then about 5 years ago (i guess) they started to add the flavors to it. All kinda berries and other natural flavors have been added to mask the terrible taste of the no-wine wine. I can't say nothing more except maybe it should not be sold as wine in stores but sour flavored alcoholic drink (with a terrible taste).

BTW last time when i was at WinCo i bought strawberries and grapes. Both bad. I ate two strawberries and they tasted ok and the third tasted bad and a few grapes and they all tasted bad and i spitted them out and then i saw they all had a white stain at the stem. Got really sick the day after and for the next few days. A yeast like smell came out of me. Main symptoms. Paralysis, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea.

Should have gone to the hospital with those symptoms but i really don't care anymore and if i went i would have had to interface (again) with fake doctors (while the real ones are monitoring from a distance). Charcoal caps probably saved my life. For what.

5:38 Mistubishi at heart. Why not Mercedes?

8:50 Three almost German stories. I was smelling like dog poop. The same with the toilet bowl. Which means bacteria, parasites and fatty acids from a fresh one just contaminated me (by breathing in the smell). Went and picked another health hazard right in front of the patio (which didn't happen in a long time). Found another one further in that direction. (Doubling the story above with the strawberries).

Was looking for more where the German Shepherd at G3 (a guest star that comes to bark at me once a month) came at the balcony and started barking very loud. Two kids behind him. What's up? were they yelling.

My clothes now smell just by being close to the poops i picked. Don't know how they do, dog owners when (if) they pick it up, or if they feel it since they live with them or maybe it's a specially prepared (fed the dog with something special) poop.

What a way to enjoy a walk that probably wouldn't even happen if it wasn't for the dog (the true benefit), having to bend over, smell and pocket your master's poop. What matters is the true love.

I just said a few days ago a bit about my 14 years worth of adventures at Sussex on Hall blvd and then about the speed limit on I5, driving several miles behind the Police car? not knowing i was under speed limit. They came now with this and the limit is at Pfaffle street or a couple hundred feet from 99, (to underline the German heritage in that area). Then why so many crashes? Not locals they will say. All the crazies in Portland area come to drive invade crash on their portion of Hell.

Another German story, probably because of the resemblance between Mercedes and Mitsubishi logos i just pointed at. After i picked the poohs (and took the last one to the other bin cause it was closer and "ours" was full, the only one not picked by services last Thundrsay) i went to pick the mail and here came this German looking curly blond/red guy with a small dog across from where the mailboxes are and i believe he didn't pick, like looking for trouble. Then he went at Apt E4 opening and closing the door multiple times, compulsively.

9:14 Our Commissioner?

10:19 Rog nu mai postați imagini de culturiști din Ungaria pretinzând că sunt așa ziși interlopi inexistenți în România. În pozele astea nu par, dar ei se deshidrateaza intenționat în ziua (zilele dinaintea) concursului ca să arate mai mulți mușchi.

10:29 I was wrong. Only if the payment is higher than minimum, the difference goes to cash advances. Now i only had a few drinks, yesterday i didn't drink, i was only under the influence of the smoke from outside and then i forgot to put the link to the search of which result i didn't even read entirely. That influence lasted for hours after, including while driving 2 hours to Lincoln City.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19

2:53 It is my belief that there is one person that acts as three people that live in the never heated (so far, to my knowledge) apartments upstairs. When at Apt 4 (the one with dog hairs on the drier's vent) she acts as a woman and she's talking on the phone in the balcony for hours. Sometimes with somebody on speaker phone and she let me hear it a few days ago, but in the past, alone because she's talking without breaks to listen the "other person", sometimes for hours, loud enough to be heard from inside our place.

But i'm pretty sure they can bring someone separately (a more real person) if needed or shift the entire paradigm (quiet down everything, etc.) (Wavefunction collapse). Cause nobody in the greater audience knows how they look like or what they really did here.

In a way, a similar situation with the place in Lake Oswego. We were at 10 and at 9 in the beginning for a few months it was Lindsay Lohan, and then came Kelly Clarkson, with same name, cars, clothes etc.. Of course they weren't there all the time, most of the times it was doubles. At times talking or yelling (partying by herself) with a loud bass at night, for hours.

I still remember the day (i will never forget) when we went for a walk at Sauvie Island. When we got home she was "talking on the phone" on the other side of her door and it could be heard from outside and when i got at my door she asked (the other, imaginary person) "Did you have a good hunt?"

Tonight someone was talking on the phone from a van in the parking lot in the spot closest to ours, some 15 ft away with the door open. Maybe filming cause she was kinda pointing the phone towards us. Our spot has a bit of a grade so the front of the car is a few inches higher than the rear and it's really easy to slam doors.

However i was careful not to. I'm pretty sure the stunt was for the "slamming" of our doors at 2 AM to be heard, maybe recorded. In the first place, it was very close. When Angela comes from work and closes the doors i can barely hear it from inside. But Saturday morning like every morning i heard like 100 slams real loud from inside and they weren't close mostly more than 50 to 100 ft away.

3:18 Earlier. We came home on 212 and 205 and as soon as we got on 205 i noticed a bad exhaust smell that was present on 212 as well. So bad it could be felt with the fan stopped and the vents on recirculate.

It was a compact group of cars (the only cars on the freeway at that hour) some 1000 ft away, one of them could have been in front of us on 212, and one of them had the dreaded red horizontal bar behind and the others were acting like they didn't want to pass it.

So i stayed behind in the stink though i was closing in at speed limit + 5 or something within 10 minutes or so. Who is ever doing 55 on a freeway? Not even cops. But i didn't pass and could not satisfy my curiosity and exited earlier at Stafford, took Borland and could finally get some fresh air in the car. When we got home in the parking lot we realized we had a 10 oz (300 ml) empty bottle of brandy and a 700 ml empty bottle of wine which we forgot to put in the trunk which we both drank (of course me more) some 10 hours (at the time this happened on the freeway) earlier.

Right under a surveillance camera at the Indian Head. Was wondering how convenient was that empty spot. Yeah i know a brandy at the bar is about 30 ml, double 60 etc. but costs 10 times more. We are Romanians. When i was young my record was 1000 ml by myself in one night and then in the morning i walked 15 km from Rarău back to Câmpulung. To me 200 ml is used to be just warming up. BTW, got very sick after i ate a burger at Indian Head, but hours later, when i was driving.

What literally saved my life was too charcoal caps forgotten in  the car in a small prescription jar, cause i forgot the whole jar at home. Clostridium bla bla. How do i know? I realized earlier inside and in the car i smelled like sewer.

Got exposed to sewer all night Friday/Saturday gas by forgetting to fill the washer with water after i washed two loads or from emptying the P trap at the bathroom tub or other P trap probably done through a master ninja maneuver in the neighborhood (last time i used the tub was when i took a shower Friday). Or maybe the smoke in the parking lot at Indian Head and last night here that smelled like coal or garbage smoke (had a sulfur component).

Other than that? If i stayed here all day i probably couldn't finish to tell what happened in the casino, like every time i get there. But i'll try the last thing. Just before we left i thought i saw this guy (the one with the goatee) but only from a side. I tried to follow him in the casino to get a better look but he entered an area (in front of the bar) that was immediately closed with a yellow ribbon. Now i remember. The Police was there too but hours earlier.

The same area where a couple of hours earlier we were waiting almost one hour for our burger while they were "out of propane" too cook it. And yeah, why they closed the main entrance after midnight or so and let us out on the other door? (next to revolving door). No, i think that was the main entrance, they were using  the other one only in the last years as main entrance.

Why i am so pissed with him? In December 2002/January 2003 he and the princess herself (now fat) were acting as my psychiatrist and therapist at Woodland Park Hospital (that was closed two years later when staff (beside me in January 2003) called 911 from inside the  hospital for a patient they could not help (the cover after i probably start to talk about) and in 2002/2003 they kept me in there for more than a month for a nasal congestion i didn't know i had and got too distracted to realize, after i had earlier that year (in September 17) two ribs broken during an endoscopy done by doctor Parent.

How do i know they were two? The pain started only days later, the sedation and whatever else he put in that IV. I slept on one side only for about a week. But i heard the horrible noise of bones breaking twice during endoscopy and felt it (not as a big pain), i think i was under light sedation. Which we both agreed i wouldn't get (he started an IV "just in case something happened to me"). Then he created 16 scars on my esophagus pretending he took biopsies and that hurt (the reason i counted them). Story is much longer.

There is no treatment for broken ribs (you simply wait for about one month) and i went to several ERs nobody gave me pain killers. One of the doctors (in Vancouver) compressed my chest making it worse.

Medical malpractice has a statute of limitation, just in case we are talking doctors. If they are not this goes right under torture and kidnapping and those do not have a statute of limitation.

Ok i know what happened. They didn't want us on camera exiting that door. Like maybe i was arrested or something, that could have happened for real (or maybe not real real) if i tried to pass that supposed Police car, much closer to home.

4:25 More slammed door raised the smell of sewage from somewhere. I know the floor is wet under and the upper fiberboard is bulged.

10:33 Good thing with the smoke last night i didn't remember the speed limit on the last 6 miles on 205 was 65 and didn't see the sign that could have been hidden by trees. The two remaining cars (of 4) were going under speed limit but i had to go a bit over to pass them.

10:38 Covers.

The lodge.

Putin's jacket is similar to my new one, also driving at night. I said it several times before, i think of it all the time, at every news i see about it. The war in Ukraine is being used as an allegory. Also the weird coincidence. Putin, Trump to be arrested.

10 milioane? Ăsta e pragul de intrare la fondul unde era CEO James Rudd, consulul României în Portland.

10:52 Goatee.

11:08 Slammed doors. I think the crocodile knocked on door with his protruding teeth.

11:40 Last couple times i went to Spirit Mountain played mostly pocker (maybe 50 bucks in total). Never finished 20 dollars at poker faster. I calculated the return was about 30-40% (was playing on a card) and i had a few big hands too including 5s at a time (playing deuces) and i think a royal flush (with deuces) but at 3 hands that is diluted by 3.

When i said the pocker can giver you close to 100% returns i was referring to Indian Head, because that is the furthest in Oregon. Last night we had a total of 120 dollars free play, one of the reasons we went there in the first free snow free day, a 100 miles drive over Mount Hood (but the weather will change back for the next month). Not many people from Portland go there, i can see it when i get back, the road is mostly empty and they were a total of about 100 cars in the parking lot last night.

But that is not the case anymore. Last night at poker it was like 70% over there too and all the other machines were much lower. I know they not only have settings, they can give you a hand whenever they want with the click of a mouse or something from the control room. That does not fits the definition of gambling by any means.

Spirit Mountain is closest to both Portland and Salem (under 50 miles) and they basically rob you of your money. It's the worse casino I've ever been too in the whole western US when it comes to winnings.

12:10 For what's worth it. Just remembered something from IMU. There was this guy Mitică in the next office who looked like Mick Jagger (at five ten he is not as tall as me, right?). Also a woman who looked like ONJ. And my boss who locked like... And Mitică invited us to a party ("his birthday"). After the first drinks we started dancing and ONJ who was dressed in a red velvet dress kinda wrapped her hands around my neck and i danced with the other woman too who was like visibly pregnant, and looked like Carla Bruni (first time realized today, not sure of eye colour though, can't remember, that woman was totally brunette, Bruni, duh!).

Then my boss asked me to walk him home (he was living nearby, he said he was once stabbed in that area) and i did but could not find my way back to that apartment (i guess first drinks did it) as all the buildings and apartments looked to me the same that night.

Over the years i realized, it would have been a special party that night.

3:33 We can still remember the times when a monthly payment for a loan were not going first towards cash advances. We can thank Mr. Obama for fixing that.

However banks are making all kinda "mistakes" and try to work around against that bill. Angela was somehow stuck with a 55 dollars a month for a "sticking" cash advance because she had different promotions to pay off and the computer was sorting them in a the order of credit request instead of expiration date (from what my poor microwave washed out drunken brain can understand). The two women she talked to at the bank for about an  hour were driving her mad and she started to yell as i haven't heard in a long time. But it was inside not in the balcony thought the man upstairs started to agitate and pace like i did  (one in one thousands time when he maybe had a reason).

No big coincidence, the offending statement came in the mail today, though Angela was expecting it, "knowing what they are doing".

It all reminds me of times when we were spending hours in weekends (somehow all screwed up bills always come in weekends) on the phone to fix those.

I was very nervous also because she was talking on the cell phone (though on speaker phone) and i put the beeper (alarm) next to her but she would not understand. I tried to make her talk from google voice on the laptop from the start but she wouldn't saying that she doesn't like the quality of the sound. I don't believe it's worse than a cell phone though.

4:10 When i got out of the shower i realized how much smoke is here. A component of the smell is garbage. Could be the reason Angela was yelling so loud on the phone? When i went earlier outside to search something in the car, the smoke was much stronger. I stepped on a few mole holes, it got better A car full of Asian chicanos passed and the driver was grining at me and yelling at the others: Cada vez... something.

Also the guy upstairs started to yell again and for the first time i realized he might be yelling both because he's "under the influence" of that smoke and also "he believes" the smoke is coming from us.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May 24

12:50 Deja vu...

13:00 I feel for the two thirds, all my life has been like that, and now i'm in trouble, cause every time i try to stop antibiotics, the hot flashes come back, infection was too old. BTW, one piece of advice. When in pain and waiting for that appointment, do not take painkillers, take antibiotics instead, the pain will go away the same, maybe like Augmentin, but these are expensive. Azithromycin, cause you only need to take one every 24 hours.

And i bet those charity clinics are not financed by Bill Gates, Bezos, or even Zuckerberg.

10:11 Da am văzut-o ieri pe Maia Sandu sau pe cineva care arăta exact ca ea într-un video. Nu mi-am dat seama pe moment. Putea să fi fost CGI? 3:10 Newest but not so. Lately, when i work at cropping images (most critical ones) with Pixlr, sometimes, randomly, they get saved in drive instead of my computer.

Monday, February 28, 2022

February 28

12:48 Just went outside to put out some smoke from a hole, and after a few minutes smoke is on again. Earlier i picked and threw a fresh poop. Sunday Morning at 11 there was a slot tournament at the Chinook Winds Angela signed up weeks ago. Never been so early at a casino. Almost missed it, last few times i went in there on the last 10 miles or so a very slow vehicle that goes 10 mpg under speed limit slows down everybody or delay, for some reason, the arrival. I was somehow curious. A number of slot machines were reprogrammed with a game that involved touching the screen and play button as fast as possible for a few minutes. I was watching in disbelief a bunch of crazy people heating those machines that were actually moving around because of the force of hits. Angela didn't make it in the first three position or something and got a 40 dollars food coupon. Which we later used at their excellent buffet. However she lost a few hundreds today and yesterday. But eating that much and being exposed early to dog poop got me really really sick. Saved by charcoal and Zyrtec again. After the tournament i went to play poker and sat next to an older Japanese actor who under mask might have looked like a known character from news. When we left again almost got hit from behind by a speeding shuttle bus i think of the casino. But before backing up i stopped to arrange the steering wheel for a few seconds only to see it flying by my rear in the otherwise pretty deserted area of the parking lot.

Also a few month ago i think we all saw this news. November last year. They say initial launching speed is up to 6.5 times the speed of sound. Better and simpler and much cheaper than railguns.What puzzles me is why they don't turn it horizontally and use it as a weapon. Or they probably do and we just don't know it yet. But if they don't have it, it means they are not serious about real weapons. I remember i saw minutes ago a patent a version of it that was throwing disks. Ru Ra oh la la! The image below represents death of Narakasura, ruler of all countries on Earth.

1:52 I go outside, plug one hole, 10 minutes later another shows. Some in areas where there could not be moles since there is no grass for the worms to feed.

9:13 Up to start on a very bad day with intense squeaks and dust from above.

9:20 And i wonder... Warm spring like rain pouring.

10:42/8:42 Every inch. De-a lungul anilor, o echipă de negociatori sclipitori, condusă de dl Bogdan Aurescu a negociat la Haga (CIJ, Curtea Internațională de Justiție) Insula Șerpilor.  Ce a obținut, nu am înțeles prea bine, se spune că ei (echipa) i-au convins pe UE că insula nu este locuibilă și totuși insula acum era locuită de grăniceri ucraineni. Un lucru este sigur, dacă insula revenea României, rușii nu erau acum acolo, pentru că ar fi fost teritoriu NATO.

While i was writing the lines above two men left the apartment upstairs. One of Slavic (Ukrainian or Russian or whatever appearance) with a neon vest, apparently from a cable or internet firm and the man himself, after one morning of hell, with squeaks and power tools.  Last days in the casinos. Besides being delayed, with vehicles going under speed limits, up to 15 minutes every time i was approaching Lincoln  City (probably to give them time to prepare, evacuate the normal people from the Casino, bring in the circus), most people where chosen and dressed to look Ukrainian while some of them in military camouflage closing. Yesterday towards the end they actually started to behave aggressively towards me. I saw a Hungarian tall woman with a bad spine problem and i think it was a threat. Late at night, on almost deserted parking lot. Due to a variation of habits, i stopped while backing up from my spot to re-set the steering wheel only to see in disbelief one of the casino's shuttle zooming at high speed behind me. I'm not sure what is the speed limit on 4th but i'm sure that shuttle was going over 30. This is the car that was going 45 in 55 areas leading the long line of cars approaching Lincoln City on hwy 18 yesterday.

11:20 Fear and Lure. East (or whatever's left of it, Russia) functions mostly by fear and west mostly by lure. Lure with Hollywood and glamour and illusion of wealth and freedom, fear with autocrats and strongmen and illusion of stability and honesty. Neither systems belong to people, but in the case of Russia is much easier to prove. Putin came to power by means of a series of coups.

Lure cost a lot more and it's contagious. East is about to be integrated in the west. The empire of lies lives everywhere. Not a very good time to live on planet Earth, i recon.

And then there's Japan. By looking at these apartments i realize where the style in US came from.

3:36 This one's from Captain Michael O (de la Regimentul 2 Prăștieri).

I was thinking about the centrifugal machine gun asking myself if it was/is doable and if it could be carried by infantry troops. Found a calculator page that gives you peripheral speed of a rotating disk. With a half meter diameter disk at 25000 rpm you could throw projectiles at twice the speed of sound (680 m/s). Nowadays they have small electric power blowers that work at 20000 rmp (and blow at speeds of over 200 mph).

It doesn't have to be very precise though with today's technology you could probably focus the spread of projectiles. Horizontally would be precise anyways. Machine guns in the past were used as spray weapons, not precision weapons like sniper riffles. Especially sub machine guns used in infantry that sway under recoil.

I think back then it could have been done and carried on two wheels carriages by one ore two men though lighter than a field machine gun.

But think of the advantages. Would have had to carry a little gasoline to power it. Very cheap cast iron balls would have been best for ammo but i think if you ran out of those you could have used sorted granite pebbles (like in gravel). Could have attached a powered device to crack and sort rocks gathered from trenches. You could have raised the disk out of a trench and spray hell on the enemy. No noise (could put a muffler on the small piston engine, but nothing like a machine gun). No flames at the muzzle to be seen. Very low visibility of the disk in use watched sideways (horizontally). Wars, including WWI would have been totally different. Much shorter, less miserable for the general population. Less technological countries, armies would have been much more effective.

9:15 Little known Hungarian writer Oliver Papp grew a goatee and lives a reclusive life in a green forest.

The reason why i didn't find him yet. I didn't look in the list of writers from Wikipedia lately because most people i looked for and found were in the Imdb list.

10:44 We all have seen Musk's reusable rockets landing vertically (the reason he wants to reuse the rockets are obvious, costs, unlike NASA, he represents a business, with shares and profit and losses). We all know one of the most important feature or characteristics of a fighter jet is Trust/Weight ratio. That is, how powerful is the engine or engines of a plane compared to its weight.

Easier to understand. When a plane has a T/W ratio greater than 1, it means the engine is more powerful than the weight of the plane, and if the pilot wanted, theoretically could climb vertically like a rocket (though in reality this doesn't happen a lot because it would be very fuel consuming and also very slow, also because at take off most planes even with most powerful engines have T/W ratio < 1 because of the fuel, weapons etc.).

I think everybody knows by now where i'm going to. Why not launch those like rockets, eliminating the need for an airfield (with less fuel or almost empty and refuel them in the air, immediately) (could also attach a couple of booster rockets and launch them ready). Could also launch like ten of them simultaneously. Also with today's avionics and computers, thrust vectoring, etc., i think one of those jets could also land back safely again like Musk's rocket. Then you won't need the huge and extremely expensive carriers, much smaller ships would do it (also could store the damn jets vertically). The reason they don't do it though? They are not dead serious about this one too, everything is fake.

11:44 Asta înseamnă declarație de război a României împotriva Rusiei. Are România aprobabarea NATO? (nu găsesc răspuns la această întrebare, poate o țară NATO să declare război fără să se consulte cu aliații?). Ungurii ne-o vor face, cu mâna grea a Rusiei. Ei refuză iar actorașii lor din România acceptă, iar Rusia nu va uita. Dacă ungurii refuză acum, vor sări ei să ne ia apărarea (în cadrul NATO) dacă ne va ataca Rusia pe chestia asta?

Un singur lucru nu înțeleg. Ca să ajungă acele arme în România, trebuie să tranziteze Ungaria nu? A, pe mare. Dar Ukraina încă are porturi la Marea Neagră.

Un lucru e sigur. Prin refuzul Ungariei (la solicitarea NATO?) se demonstrează deja că NATO nu este o alianță unitară (fiecare face cum vrea).

12:22/10:22 Și în NATO, la mâna a doua. Tratatul are o versiune în ungurește și una în albaneză dar nu are una în românește. Suntem sigur în NATO?

Tratatul care mă așteptam să fie cât o carte cu mai multe volume, este de o pagină (14 articolașe). Nu există nimic referitor la declarații de război ale unui membru către o țară ne-membră deși se spune că un atac asupra unui membru este considerat ca asupra întregului (Faimosul articol 5). Poate orice membru să tragă tot tratatul în război declarând război unei țări ne-membre?

Ca să nu mai vorbim de articolul 1 care spune că tratatul se angajează să negocieze și să aranjeze orice dispută prin mijloace pașnice. Dacă trimiți arme unei țări aflate în război, aceasta înseamnă escaladarea une dispute și practic declarație de război împotriva celeilalte. SUA o face pentru că e mare și e departe (la fel fără a se consulta cu aliații), dar noi ne putem permite, doar așa dintr-o simpatie apărută brusc pentru Ucraina și președintele ei erou? Normal că nu se evacuează, dacă s-ar evacua a doua zi Ucraina ar negocia cu Rusia și totul s-ar termina.