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Showing posts sorted by date for query water heater. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 3rd

5:24 Aceeași aroganță sfidătoare cu care ne-au obișnuit de decenii. Au găsit o față necunoscută până acum, cea mai aproape de figura lui Nicu dintr-o poză (care nu seamănă cu toate celelalte) pentru a o supraimprima peste cea postată de mine. Prilejul. Discuția zilei.

Și scandalul cu pensiile speciale și cu taxele. În mod tradițional, hoții de stânga măresc taxele și impozitele iar aceștia abia ajunși la putere și-au început rolul.

Apropo nu vrea nimeni să se uite la buget. Am pus link-ul de atâta timp pe blog. Nimic. (Singura chestie e că dacă alegeți un minister din link, suma va apărea doar pe pagina a 2-a, prima sau a doua cifră dintr-un tabel, au știut ei cum să prezinte ca să facă pe omul obișnuit, necontabil, să renunțe să cerceteze).

Ministerul Dezvoltării (ce o fi aia, nu am văzut nici o dezvoltare până acum) are un buget astronomic pe anul ăsta de până la 94 miliarde de lei. 19 miliarde de euro. Ministerul Transporturilor. Până la 59 de miliarde sau 12 miliarde de euro. Să ne arate ce fac cu banii înainte de a ne cere alții. Sau mai bine nu. Vedem noi cu ochiul liber.

Agricultură, 28. Ăsta e cu subvențiile la fermieri (ca să avem mâncare ieftină LOL), dar chiar așa? 5 miliarde de euro? Alimentele nu vin gratuit din aceste subvenții, deși la suma repectivă așa ar trebui, le mai și plătim!

5:46 Am pus ieri două link-uri cu medicamente experimentale pentru cancer, cu rate de succes 100% dar va mai trece un secol sau un mileniu probabil până când FDA le va aproba. Posibile efecte secundare. Și ce. Chimioterapia cu medicamente aprobate de 50 de ani are efectele secundare cele mai devastatoare din toate medicamentele.

Și au venit ei cu o contră. Până mai ieri de Ozempic nu am auzit decât de bine. Acum, dintr-o dată, s-a scrântit. Și apropo. Dacă vomiți atât de mult, le mai iei? Și cum dreq poți să-ți pierzi dinții dacă vomiți?

5:54 Reacție la Crystal Geizer.

6:46 AM PDT După ce am citit știrile și m-am enervat și m-am zbârlit puțin aici m-am dus să-mi încălzesc pizza de ieri seară și mă tot gândeam la ce am citit și am ajuns la concluzia că și faza asta probabil complet regizată pare o contra la ce am postat acum două zile, tot din frustrare.

Concluzie. Ăștia cu media lor super profesionistă vă îmbârligă mințile de nu mai știți ce e cu voi. Iar politicienii crează show-urile pe care media le exploatează în timp ce grosul banilor dvs. din taxe se scurg undeva, poate chiar pe apa sâmbetei.

La fel cum faraonii, rasa supărată, whatever în Egipt i-au dus cu preșul pe ăia să construiască niște munți în deșert, așa ne duc și pe noi acum ne iau mințile de pe o zi pe alta, de la un an la altul, cu te miri ce, ca să mai încălzim puțin planeta.

7:04 Sau cum banii de la buget pentru programul rabla se scurg de fapt la alianța Renault Nissan Metsubushi, alții.

9:22 Still have the old pan under the water heater that is contaminated (or got re-contaminated, i have reasons to believe they have been in here when i was not home) that stinks. So this morning after i ate i got nauseated and i lost the bottle with charcoal caps so i decided to go to Walmart to get some. At the first intersection a blond gypsy lady coming from the opposite direction almost ran into me, had to pull right to avoid.

At Walmart they had none on the shelf though the site said they had two. So i moved forward to Grocery Outlet in Tigard some 5 miles away. A nice day to drive on Hwy 99. Only trouble was i had to pass twice through two red light cameras. And on the streets they come in hordes and they lay all kinda traps and distractions for me and all traffic is loaded with symbolism and directed by AI so they can easily trap me in all kinda situations.

Going downhill in another intersection with no camera doing 45 i saw yellow and thought i can't stop safely but red came too fast and i think i saw red before or right when i entered the intersection.

When i was coming back there was this younger guy with a long blond pony tail under is German war helmet on his Harley who first distracted me with his noise from behind when a Japanese driver in a van got a bit into my lane and then he squeezed between me and that van and had to slow down to let him pass.

Right at the last camera he took his German war helmet off, shook his long hair, i looked for a second and now i can't remember how i passed through that light though i saw after cars before and after me. That was the elaborate retaliation for the red light with no camera.

Don't know how many accidents and lives they saved with those but i know they are illegal. In fact it was when i wrote that post that i realized many things could be illegal around here. I mean, what can be more illegal than having as the chief of State Police an actor from Hungary?

9:48 I added a bit of garlic in the pizza last night now they flooded this whole part of the complex with garlic.

2:00 Sleepy and nauseated, i gathered all my will and went for a walk. Not before i realized something. The pan under the water heater was stinking again, though it wasn't yesterday and i think i know the reason. Last night i felt for hours the very pungent alchol like deodorant of drying laundry. But it was probably not washed enough.

Maybe the washer is like mine was, with a slippery clutch. Then outside i found a black one, stepped upon. Was thinking to pick it up but then i remembered about the UPS van on the road. And i forgot to turn on the ozone on the ozone generator which i just did.

Literally stumbling for the first 2 miles. Then i got a bit better. At the park, a woman, tall, with yellow T-shirt and an attitude got in front of me. Could not or din't want to stop to let her go a bit further. About 100 ft behind her when i passed the alley next to the park's lot that is comming from Stone's Throw. A Police like car, Dodge, white, unmarked, with yellow LPNs and a couple of big antennas was coming from the alley, waiting for me to pass.

Then it took a right and passed me on the street. I had a chance to look at the passenger when they passed, the car was very low for a Police car and there was this good looking Asian woman on the passenger side. Didn't see a number or anything on it.

Further, at the red light at the intersection with 65. There was this red Mazda with a Japanese driver coming from Nyberg ready to make a left turn. The weird part about that intersection is light turns green for that left turn coming from Nyberg before the count down for the cross walk stops. Like 25 seconds before. But i learned my lessons from the past, looked at him (dejavu) and he didn't start until i was like 6 ft away from my sidewalk.

As i crossed the bridge near the complex the big "sexy" woman slowed down (she was moving always in the same direction where i was going) as two Japanese gypsies, one holding a pizza, passed me.

2:15 This article from the Oregonian is contradicting self. Read this and this paragraph.

2:34 More garlic smell coming from somewhere that made me hungry. As i was thinking to warm up some pizza, the Japanese child actors came to camp in the yard.

2:43 Adevărat conflict de interes! Își votează păstrarea propriilor pensii.

5:47 In the opinion. Discretionary.

6:14 Doing some research on why cigarettes taste changed so dramatically since the 80s and so far i found some very interesting facts.

Kent believe this! Kent together with Marlboro and coffee which was not imported anymore were indeed used as payments especially to doctors (bribes, cause they were already payed, but poorly, by state, health care being officially free) but can't remember seeing it being sold in stores, except a few for tourists, in hard currency, rest was all smuggled.

But lately Marlboro started to be manufactured under license in Poland and lots of Polish tourists were bringing it and it was not so much different from the original one.

Westerners who read this will never understand how important this was.

I think if Ceaușescu allowed buying of a license for Kent or Marlboro or an equivalent and/or allowed the import of coffee, blue jeans, video players, he would have never been so much hated by Romanians. And he also exported all meat, cheese, butter, we had big processing factories and farms, but could not find anything in stores. Bread, vegetable oil and sugar were rationalized, all per reason of paying off external debts.

Many people were getting around with relatives who worked on state farms and had around their houses a few animals. In late 80s food also became means of payment and bribery.

The only things widely available was liquor and beer and poor quality wine. Cause the good one, you guessed it. All for export.

Local cigarettes were terrible also because they used very old recipes and poor packaging and now i see, low quality, cheap tobacco.

10:15 As time goes into the night i can confirm. There was an event yesterday, washing dog clothes or clothes contaminated with dog smell in a machine that is defective or broken like mine was. The smell from the dryer's vents under the windows blowing towards ground got into the walls. Walls were heated by the high temperature of the day, some of the smell got inside.

Nausea never stopped for me though i had an ozone generator that is turned to the maximum. Today i can't even feel the smell of ozone that yesterday was overwhelming. As i wrote this paragraph like all the others today the robot upstairs got very agitated. No normal person could have survived the smell upstairs.

11:35 Ceaușescu și nimeni nu putea să facă ce a făcut fără să câștige încrederea mereu naivilor naționaliști români din care mulți l-au ascultat inclusiv în perioada plății "datoriilor externe".

Noi am făcut foame și am fost umiliți 7 ani pentru "10 miliarde de dolari", fază din care nu ne-am mai revenit niciodată, 8 milioane lucrează acum în străinătate, anul acesta numai misteriosul minister al dezvoltării a avut la dispoziție 19 miliarde de euro, iar România a plătit prin Ministerul Finanțelor dobânzi de 5 și s-a împrumutat încă 5.

Și de ce Ecaterina când în limba română avem și Cătălina. Nu ar fi fost convingător.

Acum unii români care se cred naționaliști speră uitându-se la AUR și la George Simion. Treaba lor. Un lucru nu vor putea face. Nu vor putea spune că nu li s-a spus.

Monday, June 26, 2023

June 26

9:30 Got awaken after 5 hours of sleep (same like the last two nights) around 8 by big noises (like a garbage truck though it's Monday) and then the woman next door was talking yelling on the phone for one hour (yes in Spanish though she is Japanese, i know ninja can do that. Learn foreign languages so well you wouldn't know).

I started to remember what i've done last night. Last passing area before Chevron on 26 when going west towards Mt Hood. There was this semi i was following for at least 15 minutes that was going uphill under speed limit though i think it was empty. Those guys even if the are well maintained, put a lot of carbon dioxide behind especially when going uphill, that usually makes me sleepy.

There were two more vehicles behind it. Those and myself started to pass the truck which went onto the right lane. However instead of slowing down it sped up like they usually do to maybe 65 or more. (Had 75 or when i last looked at speedometer while trying to pass it but was held by the other two).

I know when i started to pass my speed was about 65 with the shifter on automatic, at about 4500 rpm and probably in 4th gear. I don't know exactly why but the truck accelerated after those two guys ahead of me passed it and when passing area ended i was parallel with it and i continued to accelerate until i finally passed it too though it was ft behind me and flashing lights instead of slowing down and when i looked at the speedometer and i was doing 80, uphill.

I read on sites and forums last night that my car has a rpm soft limiter at 6000 rpm when you are in sequential mode, when it shifts gears down automatically (and you loose power when uphill of course) and one at 6500 when you are in automated mode, like i was, when it cuts power to the engine. If that had happened he would have hit me from behind for sure cause it was only ft behind me until i slowly accelerated to 90 and put some distance in between.

If i panicked when i saw it close behind and then flashing, and hit the gas pedal to the floor the car would have shifted back to 3rd, the rpm increasing maybe over 6500 at 90 and the engine would have stopped at that rpm.

How would a semi do 80 uphill, that is another question.

Have no idea what marks that truck had on it, but i'm sure it was caught on the cameras on the freeway and/or seen by other drivers. Or maybe he veered right towards Hood River before reaching the Government Camp area. It was all done intentionally, like so many times recently in all kind of situations, in cooperation with the two other drivers and these guys are criminals that should spend time behind bars.

Similar things happen to me in almost all my trips.

9:58 Saturday night after passing Newberg going east again i was going uphill at 65, passed one guy (a white SUV) that was slower in the right lane when i saw something crossing the street, from the left.

It would have taken too long to lift my foot from gas pedal and hit the breaks so i just veered left in the median lane trying to get behind it which i did, maybe except for its tail, don't know if the guy right and behind me hit it. Seconds later i realized by the white stripes on its back that imprinted on my retina that it was a skunk, the first time ever i saw one. It was pretty big, about the size of a raccoon, but faster.

I apologize for modifying the gear numbers so many times in this post, it was all based on guessing (can't see the gear you're in on the dashboard, only the letter D when in automatic).

12:00 This video shows 4500 rpm at 85 mph in 3rd but it's a different type of Elantra. However if you press on gas hard enough you can very easily downshift one ore two gears and reach 6500 when the the fuel to the engine is cut off. BTW this guy is crazy, he does 170 mph with a flat tire warning on the dashboard. I personally never went over 100 with any vehicle.

12:37 I know what happened back in August 20 2021. The driver who hit me could have pretended i again lost engine power when accelerating over 6500 or whatever rpm, but in that night i was going with speed limit on cruise control on a flat or even a bit downhill area on I5 in 6th gear (fuel efficiency gear) per reason of driving with a spare (right rear).

Only when i saw him very close behind i might have tried to accelerate but it was too late as it would have taken several seconds to shift from 6th to let's say 2nd and even in the 2nd gear could still go faster than 60 which i was going when he hit me (that Elantra was 1.8 engine but was rated at the same 150 hp).

One more thing. The cop called a towing company that refused to tow us for reason of distance (22 miles, wondering why the cop wouldn't tell them on the phone, when he called them, where to). Could one of those two towing guys i talked to while the cop was skillfully recording it audio and video to have been actually the driver of the truck who hit me, pretending he didn't run after all. So i actually i might have talked without knowing, with the help complicity of the cop with my ex would be killer.

3:10 No i didn't. Only now i know what happened, a walk through the relatively clean air also cleared my mind. BTW when i left i poured some more vinegar in the old rusted dog feces contaminated pan under the new water heater and the child actors came and started to yell like swallowed whole by giant serpents. So they did when i passed the camp (the children camp in the park, less than one mile away from down town Tulatin and Martinazi street) they enact every summer.

The mods at the battery. In that day in August 2021 i had poured from days before some JB weld steel reinforced adhesive on top of the nuts of the connectors to prevent them from getting loose, not on the connectors themselves. In fact, during engine running the vehicle is powered by the alternator (and not the battery that acts only as a filter) of which connectors runs through a series of plates on the positive with the negative doubled directly on the body. There was adhesive on the nut of the plates too, but not on or between the contacting plates under.

In that night after the accident and pulling on a street nearby i was casually talking in front of the open hood to the second cop and the driver of the towing truck that refused towing, about those mods.

The current configuration has modifications too, only there is no adhesive involved but only a second system doubling the stock con_nec_tors, actually a redundancy with bypassing and an extra connection to the ground on the negative and again bypassing the stock connector to the plates on the positive, with bolts soldered on top of poles. It is true, i saw yesterday one of the battery poles was a little bent, i don't know why, there is no extra weight on it.

Besides i never had problems with it, on the opposite, it improved vehicle's operation by increasing driveability, mileage and decreasing vibration. I have digital a voltmeter inserted in one of the plugs. Never lost power in years of experimenting with those, then why in that day?

The taillights on every car are build to reflect light and they would have been very visible in the dark when lit with headlights from behind, even if i lost power which i didn't.

In fact on another recent occasion i used the horn as last defense against an attempt of being again hit from behind and the other driver fell back. Now i know why. Horn was showing i had electric power.

But if i accidentally (mis)maneuvered and hit the gas pedal to the floor and hit the 6500 rev limit in 1st gear uphill, it could have looked like i lost electric power. I'm wondering what would have happened if i was wounded in an accident near Mt.Hood, far away from any hospital and ambulance services.

August 23 was only 2 days away and in that day at Les Schwab in Lake Owego i was assisted by a Les Schwab employee that looked like a right wing minister from one of the numerous Iohannis governments, Dan Vilceanu. It is rumored Iohannis has ties with the extreme right in Romania. He told me the tire with the flat i had earlier that day before the accident was unfixable as per a previous defective installation (done at the same shop). He insisted he took the tire in the trunk, where i was hit in that night.

What happens is though they are doing symbolic gestures trying to take credit of what followed that night in front of their right wing audience while the others don't care.

I think it was on May 2020 when driving with the same car, the first day a casino ever opened (Little Creek) after pandemics closure, when i went over a wheel (whole wheel, not shredded tire) exactly in that area, in the middle of the lane. Thing is i did not panic and hit the brakes, the car would have lowered its front (nose dive) and hit it and it barely touched it with some part (cross member i think).

After, i pulled from freeway in the area where she was missing from (not knowing at the time) to check for damages under the car.

In that night at the casino i went to the car several times (to drink of course) and last time i sat in line behind a woman, not unattractive but looking vulnerable, thin and not tall, who kept telling everybody she lost her purse and kept getting out and back in line (for temperature checking) to get in, and she didn't know why. I saw her later in the casino talking with two cops, then why the search that kept going for days?

4:49 This 2019 Elantra is closer to mine. You can realize it's a decent car. As for style, Koreans have a sense for a an elegant minimalism, beating classical Japanese basic pragmatism though lately they all started to look the same.

I think the man was doing 110 on a German autobahn in 5th gear at 6500 rpm (minute 1:58) right before car automatically shifted to 6th. In the US you can see this road quality only on recently paved freeways. Never seen continuous or interrupted lines so straight though confusing at 3:00 due to construction work. Crooked lane lines get you tired, fast. Good thing they also keep you challenged (and alert).

This, at 4:00. They do this to me a lot, slower cars changing lanes when i'm about to pass them. Good thing they didn't do it when he was passing them going 120 mph (193 kmh). And a stinking classic that fills your cabin (and filter) with smoke for the next 5 minutes. I see they're universal.

5:00 Christmass 2019 and 2020. It always happens around anniversaries and holidays. Today was my birthday.

6:30 Never new what steemit was until today when i was searching for his face.

Monday, May 22, 2023

May 22

9:00 We slept Sunday night at Chinook Winds. Angela had a day off today. Though she won a little in the evening, she lost it all and more today. Another ok room, everything was clean except us who were stinking really bad. When i stuck my head in the bag with fresh shirts and stuff the were sinking. Mold mix with dog s... When we got home, the smell of mold outside is covering it but you can guess it. More outside then inside. Out of frustration, kept repeating in my mind over and over what i'm about to write.

THEY of course anticipated. When we got here she started her Dodge with big noise and left. The small silver grey Dodge SUV at the closest entrance of building D.

I wanted to write in that day but for some reason i didn't. When i left for my walk she again started her Dodge, made a noise and i forgot to look at the sign. Remembered later and came back. As i left again she came in a state owned newer Chevy i guess, dressed and made to look like a case worker or something. Then she climbed at Apt.4, next upstairs. Where again she poses as a person with special needs who talks for hours on the phone in the balcony. Though i saw her several times before it is the first time today i figured what's going on.

At first she was just talking on the phone, with nobody at the other end. No pauses to listen. After i complained, now she talks with someone on the speaker phone and the other person is so loud i can hear it from everywhere in the yard. Spanish with yellow hair and very muscular, like an olympic swimmer. From what i know, very good Spanish. Like the guy upstairs (who left). Very good Spanish, very good English. BTW did i write that the wheels he bought for his car and threw from the balcony the day he left were the same as at my old Elantra?

Ok at Apt.4 she poses as a person with mental health problems, at building D as herself, then as a state social worker, and at 3 again as guy with a midget as partner. BTW i looked on TV at the hotel and saw a show with Montel Williams who looked just like him, the guy with the walker yesterday. Got to check that.

There is a Spanish looking very thin guy who comes to her (the person at 3) from time to time maybe every other week or so and walks the dog. But what happens with the dog in the meantime?

So today i started to ask myself. Does she dries the dog's blanket or something without washing it? It may very well be that way, by the smell.

But that in itself wouldn't be such a big problem if under the vent there wasn't the hole for the water heater emergency valve, that opens in case of overheating. The steam from the drier goes down, touches the ground and part of it goes in the wall through that hole. It's that simple.

Then they throw garbage items on what's left of the redwood mulch that in turn start to stink like mold around the building outside that partly cover the dog smell. Cigarette butts. But last week it was so bad that when i went outside at the car i started to have stomach pain and diarrhea right away. The worst ever was in that day when he left from upstairs and the days after, probably because she didn't have to be exposed. Right now i got the balcony door open and the smell that is coming out of the front wall goes around the building and comes inside.

The big advantage of using celebrities in situations like this is the Police won't arrest Montel Williams or Frankie Adams for being here. Unless if they can charge them with something. Though they have been cases for charging celebrities for speeding and drunk driving, i think everybody agrees they can get away with many other things.

And BTW does anybody know why the market went down 1.4% after being up most day? I guess it was the exact moment i saw and recognized Orianthi walking twice in front of my car in the parking lot at Chinook, after sitting there and drinking and eating for hours. Just because i said i liked her the other day. The way she plays the guitar and she is not looking totally unpleasant.

Friday, April 28, 2023

April 28

7:35 I read the news, oh boy! Is getting more and more complicated or Shogun (book) like.

Following my post, Moldova (Maia Sandu, Recean, whatever) created a semantic diversion, by banning Putin in Moldova.

Moldova is a small country east of Romania that have been at times part of Romania and at times part of Russian empire and Soviet Union. Official language is Romanian but there is a strong Russian minority, of which many of them came during Soviet Union. But there's more, like inside Matryoshka dolls. There's a country smaller than Moldova (unrecognized internationally except by Russia) east of Moldova where there are stationed Russian troops and a huge Soviet era decaying ammo depot.

Putin through Medvedev is now threatening (again) Moldova as response to Maia's unnecessary provocation. Medvedev doesn't have right now any official position within Russian Government or whatever that is.

I really hope the Russian people are going to get tired of the madmen real soon. But i doubt they really got any word to say in governing of their country.

9:38 Unannounced work at the building. Pressure washing with big noise. Retaliation for yesterday? That vacuum pump barely makes any noise.

10:55 Went to Walmart to buy pads and vaseline for my wounds. I did not realize how nauseated i was until i got in the car. While i was trying to park, a car with WA LPN came from behind and cut in front of me and parked in the spot in front of where i was aiming. The driver looked Asian, the passenger white, curly and muscular. I didn't say nothing.

Inside the store. An 80 years old woman was arranging stuff on the shelves. I could not find the Vaseline and she was kinda blocking my way and i asked. Though dressed in Walmart uniform, she said she's not working for Walmart however she pulled the phone and asked the pharmacist who was within reach at the counter. Found it about in the same time she showed me.

But at the exit. A 90 years old man was extending his hand like asking for my receipt, but when i tried to hand it he said you're ok you're ok while the hand was forgotten extended...

Here. Though it says on the noisy van, i don't think he's washing the buildings. All i could see so far is he's moving from one building to another with a long red hose and a tall ladder.

Because of all the distractions in the store i didn't get the right pads... The absorbent ones jus... absorbs the ointments i put on... Ordered some on Amazon, delivery today.

11:17 After absorbing, now reverse psychology (anybody knows since?, maybe after i started with my matches, in 2014 and the blog in 2018)... Hungary controls the EU and together with Japan the whole world...

11:54 I actually went and looked what he was doing... He used a power tool  to clean the dryer's vents. Numerous semantic coincidences with what i just wrote yesterday. Compressor, vent.

Then i went in the park by the time he left. On my way there i figured. My end of the drying vent is plugged inside so cold air won't get in in the winter, because i dry on closed circuit, as i wrote in numerous occasions, probably starting with this... It's got several advantages, one of them is it uses recirculated dried very clean air. The dog or cat smell from the previous owner that used the water heater pan as litter box at least doesn't get as much in the laundry... Less energy.

In fact they do sell now closed circuit ventless heat pump dryers. But they are very expensive. Mine cost 100 dollars the window AC at the core of it and 25 dollars pipes and plastic boxes i used for adapters.

No. First version was this.

12:17 Some of the pipes are leaking in the basement and i really hope he did not create more leaks. Vapors from the unusual design are wetting the floor under and the upper fiberboard part of the floor is always bulged in places, especially under the couch. But i remember last time they did it themselves, the team at the apartment, using power drills and rotating brushes. Two weeks after i fixed the pipes myself.

1:53 I composed this during my walk. As a conclusion to all i wrote before and a point of start for a new point of view.

I know what happened. God got angry with them. The place was heating up. The monkeys were trying to move North but they could not cross the Mediterranean.

So they gathered an army and went up North to conquer some vital space. There they opposed massive resistance from the part of locals. Kurukshetra war. They were defeated and moved to uninhabited places or with less resistance like Nepal and Nippon.

Some remained and were fascinated with another idea. God gave them a sign, a white blond blue eyed person was born. So they remained, trying to better high bread themselves into a better race. More honest, hard working, athletic, white blue eyed blond people thinking they will please god.

But we all know what the problems of inbreeding are. So god did not get pleased and they had to move together with their myths and lesser gods way up North, in Scandinavia (Svarga loca). They miscalculated though and moved too far north anticipating more heating up but the Milankovitch cycle peaked up.

One late branch arrived from Australia, were the Egyptians were originally from. After generations of roaming in Asia the descendants of Attila and his horde established in Panonia which name somehow bears resemblance to their language, Pama Nyungan and the word for Penguin. The penguin on Attila's shield. After that, Buddha's bettered people came from Nepal and together they gave birth to the Hungarian people as we know it. Maybe not so well cause the list of Hungarian actors include lots of genetic material from Europe, stolen or invited in Hungary.

All the three branches somehow sniffed each other and realized they are the same. Rest is recent history. America was still unoccupied. Back to their own style, slavery to create huge fortunes to beat Europe. WWI, II, Asian wars and now Ukrainian war to bring the inferior race to obedience.

5:12 Method for checking AC system valves for leaks, other tips.

It's about that time of the year. I remember the trouble i've been through last year when i decided to do it myself, because of not having much experience with ACs. Here is all i know now about it.

Buy new caps (from Amazon) that have rubber o-rings inside. Those hold a bit of pressure as well. Run the AC for about 5 minutes. Slowly untighten the caps and listen. If you hear a tiny hiss at one of them voila. You found your leak.

But wait there's more. You can replace a valve while keeping the freon inside the system. In fact, it's best to do it like that. You can check the new valve right away. There is a tool for that. Just make sure you have to right tip for the valves you're using.

When you add freon R134a you have to add PAG46 oil. There are various methods but some brands come in pressurized cans and you do it as you would with freon, no extra tools needed. Question is how much.

There are rudimentary tools to check for oil presence in the system but you can only check if you have and not how much you have (test results depends on how long you press the plastic tube against the valve and experience of the DIY-er). In the video above the color of the oil is abnormal or maybe there is a UV die in the system and it fluoresces a bit in normal light. Oil should be clear.

BTW you should not use refrigerant (freon) that is advertised as sealing leaks. Those are additives that swell your rubber parts. Trouble is the small cans like in the video above with "straight" freon come in 320 ml cans and most cars use 500 ml (check the manual or label under hood). But you can go by pressure. Charge a little, stop the engine and look at the gauge for the combined pressure (average between low and high). Should be in the yellow area of the gauge or around 70. Ten degrees more temperature outside mean almost 20 psi more. Or weigh the second can on a digital scale like i did.

The system has a pressure switch and the compressor would not start under a certain pressure, for protection of the compressor. But if the pressure was zero for some time and one of the valve was loose, moisture gets in it and saturates the silica beads that are hold in a sac and in a tube on the circuit. Mold would start growing inside that would survive the hell of freon under pressure and at high and low temperatures and then with tiny leaks contaminate all car. At this point you have to use a vacuum pump to boil and remove the moisture and make sure you do not add freon with air in the  system which will lower efficiency.

Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24

5:40 Woke up after about 5 hours of sleep with pain in my abdominal area. Angela says it's because Cephalixin. I remember i felt the most intense heat in that area after the nurse flushed the catheter. Upper abdominal, stomach, duodenum, intestine, peritoneum. I've been suffering for stomach pain a large part of my life, between 35 and 45, but this pain is nothing like that. Not as intensity but if felt "evil". Infection like.

I took half Amoxi and again started to feel the heat in arms, face, under arms and that area. I put a whole Amoxi capsule on my hand and some tape on top, improvising a patch. I know it works, i've done it in the past, it was the trick i was keeping as last resort. It actually works better then ingested, cause it bypasses the liver.

6:06 i remember that cloud was first showing in west direction when i left Indian Head and was in the shape of an Opel logo though with much longer arms, covering the sky. One of the most common patterns for committing seppuku.

6:40 Also feel like choking. Went outside and found this under the deck. Light is very low, picture is a bit moved. Hard to concentrate to take a better picture and now i stepped upon it.

6:58 The nightmare goes on. Why she looks so much like the Empress? Though there are differences, mainly at the chin. Why today.

10:51 Found by chance a better match for yesterday's nurse.

2:50 And Saturday they used the 3 inches round speaker in the COVID plastic shield at reception and a couple of pieces of tape as a T under to figure an Ankh. Which reminded me.

8:48 Never knew Providence has changed their logo from Catholic Cross to Nazi until i saw my discharge papers.

I knew "Portland flag" which is based on Nordic flags has a swastika in the middle.

No i'm not searching for these. They stuck em in my face.

8:52 BTW. I was hesitant to say it but here's the facts. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is an "ethnic German" from a tiny German minority that has been isolated from mainland in Romania for at least 600 years. I'm pretty sure he synchronized his visit to South America, mainly Brazil, with my crisis so he can take the credit if anything happens to me. It happened many times with others in the past, it looks like even trying "to fix the problem" it was beneficial for their image.

Last piece of the show is i called today as instructed in ER dermatology and there could be surprises in there, like my white blood cell count going up, after the IV injection the nurse gave me at the ER. I was mostly interested in the Cephalo thing that seems to work for my skin infection. Right now i got my hands very cold which means heart is not very happy. How could not be, there has been mold and smoke coming out those holes that i keep pressing all day.

I could finally enter the myChart page at Providence and found all the notes and literature derived from my visit. Though i was admitted with high blood pressure (when i showed them my hand after 4 hours of waiting and they thought i was about to leave), there was no EKG or even listening to the heart. At the urgent care in Sherwood a nurse mimicked listening to my heart by briefly touching my chest with the stethoscope a couple of times, like Lady Gaga once playing doctor with me in Schools Ferry. I know it takes at least one minute to listen to someone's heart. That episode cured me from going to the doctors anymore. Except in 2015 when i realized i might have diabetes.

I didn't say anything because i was too worried about my skin problem.

Though the doctor in ER told me a couple of times this is most likely from a brown recluse spider, there is nothing in the papirus work about it.

10:45 Did i say the Cephalopods smelled bad? There is a poop outside right now, was all day, that smells worse even from inside, giving me nausea. Went and try to find it but they released a large amount of laundry perfume from wind's direction so i can't find it by smell.

I went the second time and someone brought a car's tire by the brand Well. Wishing well wheel i guess.

11:41 No it was from the old water heater pan, that is still contaminated after treating it with oven cleaner. I poured some vinegar in it a while ago but it dried out and when i dried laundry and the whole closet heated up.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

April 18

12:58 Oregon tribal and commercial casinos.

1:00 Are there non-tribal casinos in Washington State?

1:17 Pyramids on Indian territory? They recently cut the trees so the can be seen better. Together with the solar symbols. There is a panel in the parking lot of the museum. Was too tired to enter, sorry. In the panel they were some Indian faces, since 100 years ago. To my opinion, they were all Japanese.

Same thing at Chinook Winds. To those who don't know, Billy Chinook was a famous chief. I doubt he would be very happy if he found out his named was used like this, and in a totally different tribe.

I realy doubt the casinos are operated indeed by the tribes. I only saw once an Indian walking at Ilani and he probably did it for me to see how one looks like. So much for the jobs created by the casinos within the communities. Not even at Thunder Valley, the biggest one, in California. As for the profits that go to individual tribe members, go and see the shopping center called American Market near Spirit Mountain. Who doesn't have pyramids outside but on the logo.

I was at Blue Lake casino in California when a drunk Mexican threatened to kill me. I was with the Police on the phone while he stood behind my car, with one hand not visible. And they didn't hurry to come.

He tried a couple of more times, last time here in the parking lot, dressed like a woman, acting like the wife of "the veteran".

"The veteran" was actually several people. Enough to shave their head and show in the parking lot from the first entrance of building D, on the left across the valley. Far enough for me not to realize who they were, especially after i was treated with smokes. I have identified the first, a Hungarian opera singer,  then the singer known as Pitbull, the wife of one of them, and the last one, Sunday, was channel 12 traffic reporter Tony Martinez.

BTW yesterday Angela had a free room at Chinook Winds hotel. The first time there the room wasn't stinking, only us. From the same source, the contaminated pan of the water heater, that seem to smell worse after pouring in it two cans of oven cleaner. Among others, inside i saw the singer Szia. And a baby in a baby basket on the floor next to the door guarded by two security guards. Many guys in red shirt guarding everyone as i was passing by. Why i keep going in there? I could breathe for 24 hours stink free. In here, tonight, several heavy vehicles with modified exhaust shook the apartment for hours, made the smell come out of that closet with the water heater. After i poured almost one liter of vinegar in it.

2:00 Hit and run. On August 20 2021 i was hit from behind by a truck with metal bars on front (no damage to the truck, after taking those out) while my car was totaled. The policeman who came at the scene started to ask questions like suspecting me i was faking in it and never started a hit and run investigation. It was on I5 at a few miles from the interstate bridge and they were cameras on poles.

But of all unaccounted crimes committed against us there is a prevalent one. Stalking. It happens on the streets or all the places we go. License plate numbers, celebrities present in most unlikely places and times. It looks to me like they feel entitled to. First you cannot be entitled to commit a crime. If it happens hundreds of times a day, they how many have happened in a year or ten?

Endangering. One example. Every time i pass a narrow bridge at night or a curve to the left, scores of cars with modified headlights come and blind me. To me it became a rule and i know what to wait for. At least one hundred times at one trip only.

1:22 Pyramid in Vegas.

1:40 Ron Rychlak, the casino lawyer who officially co-wrote the second book with Pacepa, who nobody ever seen after his defection and that is before 89.

1:41 It's been 5 years since i go to the casinos. Let me tell you one thing. There's nothing about gambling. The machines are connected in network and there is a control room. If it was real gambling would have been way too boring and uncontrollable. There is at least one camera per machine and they are not about security. In casinos with 2500 machines and 1000 cameras there should be maybe 100 people or ten per camera or something to supervise those. They have some software that does it.

But what else the software does. It analyzes gestures and emotions and gives a feedback to the machine. Even on my 90 dollars Kodak camera there is a smile detector software.

One thing they do is they show you big hands scrolling in front of your eyes when you are bored and tired and can't react creating the need to play more until you see again one of those and eventually stop the reels but the reels can't be stopped in real time, like when you see a big hand. When you decide you should move to a different machine and start looking around, they give you a big hand (no it won't work if you do it again, on purpose, that's why they call it AI). There are numerous other strategies to increase irrational player's desire to continue play and lose money. They have settings and hours when many machines suddenly become loose.

Again all these do not fit the definition of gambling. But how do you prove the slots are not random. How do you define random.

I remember when i first wrote about this. At Chinook, a security guard once came to me and gave me a ticket they said i dropped on the floor and i asked him how they did it and they said they saw me on one of those cameras. I guess it was for convincing me and others who read what i wrote that the cameras are for that purpose. But nobody saw what happened with my ticket last week at Indian Head, even after i asked them.

And then of course remains the question of how did i drop it at such an opportune moment. I can't answer to that but i believe is some sort of mind training or programming, with gestures of other people.

In the early days at Chinook i found money in a machine as someone forgot to pull the ticket but i realized that after a few hands and i thought i won but didn't realize (wasn't sure). However they came within minutes and almost charged me with theft.

There are tests for randomness but again, they might have a setting "back to random" so the test should be done without letting them know. And how do you do that if you suspect a general conspiracy?

People don't seem to understand. Their symbols are all around to choke us. From tiny insignificant things to big ones. That we don't pay attention with our conscious minds. They've been at work for hundreds of years and this is the result of their work. Symbols and allegories. They program our minds and our future.

7:00 It is said that mass defect is due to energy released both during fission and fusion reactions, according to the famous E equals m c square formula. However there should be also differences in mass due to movement of electrons at different relativist speeds before and after reaction.

11:18 Ce multe geci la fel, ca a mea cea nouă, bine are aproape o lună acum.

Friday, March 31, 2023

March 31

12:40 I believe alcohol, as some is being expelled through breathing for hours after ingestion (depending on the amount), offers you some temporary protection against toxic mold and bacteria from environment.

12:45 Italy and chatbot

4:15 Every site i searched for showed potatoes are not antifungal. They why do i crave potatoes every time i am exposed to mold?

Earlier this week i had to vacuum the apartment and though i used one of the best bags available with electrostatic filtering media, i disturbed the whole ecosystem here. Mold from plants, on the walls and on the wet floor under couch. Bacteria from under the water heater (yes there is a tiny amount left and it manifests) and other places. The balance has been upset and myself i feel like i've been breathing too much of all kinda stuff. Though i got now two ionic filters that catches mold on blades.

BTW i once bought a (cheap) microscope that i returned because i had a defect but before that i had a chance to look on the stuff i swabbed from the blades and it was oval black mold spores.

But those filters are too slow, they need hours to clean whatever (don't have a fan) and days after vacuuming and as a side effect produce a small amount of ozone which i can stand and which contribute to controlling the mold. So i bought a negative ions + ozone generator with a fan. However that one pumps large amount of ozone which doesn't smell being mixed with negative ions (don't really understand how they don't combined with each other, maybe they don't have enough time being blown by the fan) and i learned the hard way (before i read the manual) that like in the case of UV ozone lamps, i'm not supposed to be in the room while it's working.

So last night i stopped those, mold was floating in the air, caused me mainly nasal congestion that turned into palpitation (by mechanically raising of the diaphragm muscle through forced aspiration (vacuum), muscle the heart sits on). In the morning i "treated" the walls again with chlorine gel. BTW how long the cold weather is going to last, and keep the walls cold? I remember last year i took off to Reno to get rid of the cold and the next day the weather changed unexpectedly in here too.

And yes i was craving potatoes.

Potatoes must have something antifungal in them because otherwise they wouldn't survive in the ground. Besides the antifungal treatments they apply to, especially to the cheap ones (one unique case in which they are beneficial to man). Don't know if the name potassium comes from potatoes but it's the biggest source with up to one gram per medium size potato, in organic combinations. And potassium is antifungal even in organic combinations. Could this have anything to do with the fact that potassium is good for heart palpitations? So i took three 100 mg potassium gluconate supplements which worked every time especially in early, sporadic stages.

5:30 News that might be related to what i just posted.

I wanted to say but i forgot at the time i posted this link. There will be a train derailment somewhere. Hard to believe it happened in Switzerland where they say you can adjust your watch by the train arrivals. And wind always had a hard time blowing in canions between mountains. Not near Cern but near Bern.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

February 8

12:23 Am spus că vreau să nu mai postez mai ales fiindcă am probleme mari după ce au schimbat boilerul aici. Sunt foarte bolnav din cauza mirosul care iese din tava veche de dedesubt contaminată cu praf de pisici. Am deschis știrile însă și nu pot să nu remarc lungul șir de coincidențe cu ce am postat. O dovadă despre cum acoperă ei orice informație utilă. Între timp cred/sper că am rezolvat problema folosind spray cu sodă caustică pentru curățat cuptoare de bucătărie.

Am spus că voi face plângere la Avocatul Poporului al Uniunii Europene. Chiar m-am dus pe site unde trebuia să-mi deschid un cont. Însă citind formularul, mi-am dat seama că nu știu suficient pentru a face o plângere beton. Trebuia să găsesc locul unde spune că și Comisia este responsabilă cu implementarea Tratatului. Unul din chestiile pe care nu le-am știut decât vag este că UE pe lângă Tratatul UE, mai are și un Tratat de Funcționare a UE pe care trebuie să-l citesc. Eroul Tomac bate câmpii, ca de obicei. Comisia și nu Consiliul se face vinovată de ne-implementarea Tratatului. De atunci însă nu am avut timp să mă ocup.

Stabilopozi, tetrapozi, patrupezi și stairway to heaven.

Încă, despre patrupezi.

12:20 I carry the phone with me but is stopped and don't use it.

11:35 Thought i lost the phone but i found it tonight.

I don't think i was so upset in my entire life except for the situation with the water heater today (At this point, an exhaust started in the middle of the night, probably trying to jam the ambiental sound generated by the keyboard). Keep thinking at the maintenance guys who after they left it stinking from the previous occupant, ignored it for 7 years.

No more poop stinking coming out of it after i sprayed with oven cleaner. However now it stinks like dirty laundry. Probably because the oven cleaner can't get on the surfaces covered by the two rocks.

So today they organized a little show in which they placed themselves on the good guys position, trying to justify me being upset, in a totally different way.

I went for a short walk thinking to return at noon when they stopped the generator which also drives me nuts these days.

I came through the upper alley and they were almost no cars and no people in the alley. Two of the maintenance guys came on a cart, parked next to an SUV which started to sound an alarm. I tried to film it with the camera, the alarm stopped, it started back on after i stopped the camera, a couple of times. It sounded for about 5 minutes or the whole period of time i was on that alley. To alert everybody i was there, to serve and protect the people, to justify me being mad at them.

Monday, February 6, 2023

February 6

12:35 Am vrut să nu mai scriu. Pentru un timp. Dar nu pot. Am zis ceva de inteligență artificială, și au venit ei cu ChatGPT și oda către Iohannis. Hai să dau două exemple de ceva mult mai... mare decât un biet chatbot. Living Earth Simulator nu a mai fost construit, dar cine știe ce mai au ăștia și nu spun...

De fapt nu înțeleg de ce nu au supercomputere capabile să scrie de exemplu un nou sistem de operare, ca Linux sau Windows.

Ultima chestie cu administrarea de antibiotice prin piele. Am pus un comprimat de Amoxicilină de mărimea unui nasture cu scotch pe piele pe braț peste care am trecut un ciorap ca să nu se dezlipeasca și în aprox 8 ore (când am verificat) nu mai avea nici un antibiotic în el (gust). Eu mai recent când iau antibiotice încep să am dureri în zone cu infecții cronice (inflamații de la bacteriile care mor și eliberează toxine), care de altfel nu le mai simt. Dar au început să cam dispară, mai ales de când le iau prin piele. Mai ales deoarece concentrația e mai mare și mai constantă în sânge, luate prin piele, la fel ca în cazul administrării intramusculare, nu mai trec mai întâi prin ficat iar asimilarea e mult mai lentă.

Și înainte era tot cam așa. Primele două zile amigdalita se făcea mai nașpa după antibiotice. Să fie oare ăsta motivul pentru care lumea crede că răceala nu poate fi tratată cu antibiotice, fiind întotdeauna virală?

Îmi amintesc, copil fiind, când făceam amigdalită venea asistenta la 12 noaptea acasă să-mi facă injecție.

Am rezolvat o mare  problemă, pe moment, fiindcă nu mai puteam să iau nimic oral.

5:45 When cats defecate, their passing stool presses on the anal sacs and a small amount of secretion is being released. In the wild, it is used for "marking the territories" though i don't totally agree with that theory. They may be used, in combination with T Gondii, to incapacitate prey.

In your house it ends up in the litter dust. Some unconscious people used  the pan of the water heater here as litter box and apparently 7 years later it still stinks. Especially because the substances entered in the rusted areas.

Chemical profiles of anal sac secretions of cats: 

The major volatile compounds in both sexes were short-chain free fatty acids, including acetic acid, propanoic acid, 2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid, 3-methylbutanoic acid, and pentanoic acid.

Dogs, the same.

I believe they can entice to produce either defense smells or attracting smell, like during reproduction. Lately here they focused on the first ones. Never been so sick in my entire life. I can't eat much. Everything hurts.

But today i witnessed something i must write about. I kinda confirms everything though i don't have direct proof.

Today they came to work at the windows. Whatever the didn't finish last summer when the guy was at least to say, sloppy. He left many cracks i had to cover. There is black mold on top of the living sliding door but could not take a picture with the guy inside.

There was this generator next to our door that was feeding a small circular saw that ran all day at over 100 dB, though the saw was used sporadically.

So after they finally finished, or after about 3 hours i left for a walk. Forgot to take my umbrella (a drizzle that usually gives me headaches. At SW corner of the yard from the alley a kid came with his dog. From a distance, an adult was encouraging him as the kid kept turning his head. Though the dog didn't want to enter the yard the kid literally dragged him, annoying the heck out of the poor little thing.

So i realized i must come back to grab my umbrella. In a spot nearby there was this white older van idling at high rpm competing with the generator. So i got distracted and stepped into it. But i saw when i got near and threw it away. But i can't remember where. So right now i got a "hostile" poop ft away from the sliding doors.

So this is how they do it. First, they did it on a hesitation of mine. They could say. We didn't know he was going to come back, though they knew. Second, they annoyed the dog to produce more, as a defence reaction.

So this is it. This is how they must have done it with the mighty Romans. This is how they did it during pandemics.

11:17 Let's seek another trick.

Since all the smelly things in cat juice are (fatty) acids, i figured maybe i should try  to clean that pan with the opposite. Caustic soda. It fights the fatty acids in your oven. It is one of the strongest bases (the opposite of acid in chemistry) around. Should react with any acid.

Luckily i had a spray can that was here for years (in the mean time i switched to backing soda for cleaning the oven). No much pressure (propellant) left, but had enough to spray a layer on the visible areas. Bubbles came out which means it reacts with something.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

February 5th

3:00 He woke me up several times, last time at 1 AM and now i can't sleep anymore. I read some news, can't do nothing else, i'm too sick. In the mean time i ran into some "news" about this maniac. Apparently after a while he changes everything he says. Could it be he is all made up (never existed, like his mother and all the others), a walking, squeaking talking on demand real time AI generated collection of semantic noise directed against me and what i posted for years?

BTW I've been thinking about the two buildings across from Eaton on Tualatin Sherwood. Haven't seen much parking space, could they be supercomputer warehouses?

In the mean time i gave up administering antibiotics sublingually. At the last one i moved my tongue, enough of it got in my stomach which started to hurt badly. But i already had a plan B. Patches. They do nowadays have patches with antibiotics. So what i did, i poured the stuff from a capsule in the middle of a big band aid pad spreading it like one square inch and stuck it to my arm. 8 hours later i pulled it and tasted it (now that i know how to check it) and the antibiotic was mostly gone. Which means it has been absorbed. Now i ran out of band aids, lost my duck tape and i simply used scotch tape at the last one.

Also i'm also almost cleared, i get better by the hour. Last places that still hurt are those i thing were damaged in years by microwaves from phone (right ear, eye, sinus, right hip, etc..). Patches to really work. Amoxicillin has a in vivo half life of about one and a half hour. Which means in that interval, the amount in your body gets halved. Still administering interval is 8 hours. Now imagine that. Instead of taking it orally, with a patch you have a much more constant concentration in your blood.

I also took half Zyrtec which to me is the best sleep aid. Trouble is it doesn't work right away, i have to take it hours before i go to sleep. 

Though i think i fixed the sewage leak, the closet still stinks. Not sewage but dirty laundry. So i put back the uv light in there, which i took out in the day i took the pictures and got sick. Wondering how many of the older houses have that under their water heater. What was their plan. They poured something underneath the water heater to make it stink at which i asked to be replaced. Then they opened the sewer line. The idea was to make us sick so we'll go to see a doctor.

2:45 Am citit știrile. Dezolant. Tot ce văd sunt ei, scris de ei, mult zgomot pe chestii derizorii, izolate, multe minciuni. Situația e nașpa nașpa nașpa, nu am alte cuvinte.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

February 4th

12: Led Zeppelin. Incredibly how the concrete block in the middle looks like the ones under my water heater. More semantic, subliminal connections?

Made in China. Now we know who the midgets flying in a weather spy balloon downed over Ruswell were.

5:12 Just realized why i can't sleep. There's a party with much base and yelling at the one level building where my truck is.

1:40 One extremely loud exhaust came, slowy, iddled for a few minutes, totally changed my mood.

Today i discovered a way to take antibiotics without hurting my stomach. After i discovered a sewage gas leak under the newly installed water heater, i took some measures to see if i can cover it (in very hard to reach place). While doing so i exposed myself to it from much closer and now i got tonsillitis (that started right away), sinusitis, possibly bronchitis. But my stomach (duodenum, pancreas whatever) are totally destroyed after exposing myself to the leak for weeks or years, earlier because of contaminated foam from the old heater.

So i had to figure a way to fix myself, if i didn't want to end up in hospital with "COVID". I new about, there are some pills that are regularly taken sublingually. I read more and found out, there are some controversies on forums, this route bypasses the GI tract and liver and goes directly into the bloodstream, with increased bioavailability, and antibiotics are sometimes given intravenously or intramuscularly, which do the same. Nothing to lose.

The only trick is the pills are 500 mg and have to keep them under your tongue without thinking talking, singing eating or drinking for about half hour. This way they won't mix with saliva and you won't even feel the bitter taste which guarantees it won't go into your stomach.

After about ten minutes my whole body and especially the infected areas heat up, which is a sign of inflammation due to dead bacteria. After half hour, if i taste it, the pill loses its bitter pungent taste which means it has been absorbed through your rich capillary network under you tongue.

If you could do this with capsules? I think it is possible, but again have to keep your tongue still. Unless if they're time released.

Don't do it right after eating, there's too much saliva in your mouth.

2:15 The third loud exhaust, now with a base, within 40 minutes.

He's back in the atmosphere, with a vengeance. Squeaking for hours on a Saturday night. He left the day when they cracked open that sewer line and came back the day i fixed it. The guy upstairs. Which means they don't expose their own to the bad stuff.

There was much smoke in here. I went outside, stepped on the bulges for 15 minutes, the smoke subsided. I also found a pack of Marlboro, opened, with one or two cigarettes missing. I think whatever is antibacterial can breed new strains.

But the smoke like always clouded my judgement. I was dressed lightly and literally cooled my body. When i came back, my chest, head, other areas were cold and it took me one hour to heat back up with an electric blanket. But when i heated up, now my whole body aches.

7:18 De câte ori văd sigla Băncii Transylvania îmi amintesc de o fază (aici tipul de sus a început să țipe cu niște sunete aproape inumane). Este aici în Portland un loc ce se numește Dragon Herbarium. Este singurul loc unde poți de exemplu să cumperi gălbenele (calendula) sau ceai de frunze de afine. Într-un timp, de câte ori mergeam acolo era în parcare un station wagon (break) din alea vechi, lungi, late și joase, negru, ce părea să fi fost dric la un moment dat în viața lui. Pe spate scria University of Transylvania cu litere albe, gotice, poate mai era și vreun semn ce nu-mi amintesc. Într-o vreme când nu fotografiam tot ce puteam și credeam că merită. Între timp în ultimii ani a dispărut.

Cred că nu trebuie să mai spun. În SUA numele Transylvania este echivalent cu iadul, Dracula cu dracul, etc.. Azi am văzut iar sigla băncii și mi-a venit să caut ce scria pe dricul lui nenea ăla. Dar ce credeți că am găsit?

Friday, February 3, 2023

February 3rd

4:18 I wrote a while ago about replacing the water heater. I think there is a sewer line under it. 7 years ago i managed to squeeze some Great Stuff foam in there. However it was the cheap open cell foam and in time got saturated with sewer gas, mainly ammonia. When they removed the tank i scrapped  the pan and  the remaining foam was smelling like it. But it thought the line was closed (heard  the sound of the foam escaping in it back then).

After they put the concrete blocks i washed the whole place with some water with detergent until it came clean. I think some water got into the line and possibly in a s or p trap. But now, weeks after, i think it dried from there and sewer gas started to come in. When you do laundry, the lines get somehow washed, but 2 or 3 days after, or this night, you could not breath in here. I mean, i woke up because of the smell, at 1 AM and ever since i'm thinking what to do. I stock my borescope camera and saw the line under one of the blocks and it looks like it's open.

3:07 I never saw the face of the guy who did it because of the mask. Later in the parking lot he briefly pulled the mask and he looked like... I think  the other guy also with mask might have been... 

Today i saw in the parking lot a guy dressed like him, maybe taller, without mask but a bit of goatee, could not have been only 2 or 3 days, it was at least one week old, saw another version 2 or 3 days ago, shaven.

Same thing happened in Lake Oswego, at Apt.9 next to ours first was Lindsay Lohan who acted as a real estate agent, and then Kelly Clarkson, on the same name, car, etc..

When i got in my place a woman or girl, most likely Japanese made lo look latina pulled in the spot next to me, within one minute so and started to stare at me so i just left to Walmart, then she left too. While i was leaving the complex a Penske van popped in front of me. Today hundreds of people were involved in many scenes, including near accident situations at Walmart. Walmart was full of kids, but also at Lowes heard some crying.

My back pain (kidney, pancreas, gut, don't know) started back after i've been around the water heater taking pictures with the borescope. I put something, a piece of corrugated plastic that fits hard in that space on top of that pipe (i pulled after a while and saw a circle imprinted were the pipe was, put it back on), but the pipe is dented and can't seal. Bought something to put on that corrugated plastic, but will be here only tomorrow.

4:32 Last summer i've been complaining about dust on Avery St., on Nyberg. For months they were excavating the terrain in both sites. On Nyberg they build an apartment complex. On Avery, there are a couple of long industrial like buildings (it goes to the right maybe 300 ft or more), with no windows (except the huge lobby) with no signs, no name, just a Scientology cross, just across the street from where Angela works. Her previous job site also belonging to Eaton was on Teton St., a reminder of Thetans. Anybody know what these nuts are doing here?

4:43 Can't remember, it was a total of maybe 4 weeks of 24 hours week long notices of entrance last summer, for replacing the windows, a job that actually lasted several hours. Now, 6 months after, they gave me another one, for one week, for a touch up and painting job that would last probably half hour.

Last summer i thought i saw the guy who was leading the team was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. That and the flare up of the sewage gas last night, following my posts yesterday. Emperor of Japan is a descendant of goddess Amaterasu, and the leader on Earth of divine origin. BTW i think it was her i saw  today in the parking lot. Unrecognizable on both sides without makeup.

12:13 I know i'm into the next day but want to right this one here because of the picture with the water heater pan and concrete blocks. After fasting all evening, and midnight i made myself some noodle soup with added bone broth. So i wanted to check my blood pressure. But my lancet broke. And started to ask myself, could there be a way to do it without? So i kept a needle with two fingers, somehow hidden and i pulled it a bit of a time until i finally hitted it with the prepared finger. Not much worse than the lancet. Then guess what. My BS came 230. With the new stick that show 20 less than the old ones.

Kept asking myself why. Maybe because i killed the sewer leakage (99.9% or it anyways). But my face and eyes hurt because... This morning when i went in to take that picture with my borescope camera i just shot the UV and the little closet with a blanket covering the permeable door had a lot of ozone built in there. In fact it says in the lamp's instruction. You have to air the room after using it.

So i don't know. Is it the ozone that got in my lungs and killed the whatever in there, before it can reach the stomach. Or the lack of stuff in the air. Or the copious amounts of coconut oil i took in the last days. Or the fact that i quit drinking alcohol and coffee. But if finally went down a little. Which contradicts my earlier theory that sugar builds up in your body and can't go down even if you fast.

But confirms the one that says your body pulls all the sugar from your gut (most of it coming from breaking down more complex carbs by pancreatic enzymes and it's not 10 or 20 grams, is in the hundreds of grams a day, and your body sacrifices the normal BS level pulling all sugar from the gut to cut the supply for bad bacteria and mold and why not, protozoa discharging from lungs and fermenting there.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31

5:30 Google is playing tricks on me. It changed the results of two searches i linked yesterday. The definitions of context, induction that came on searches like "concepts philosophy" or "induction philosophy" today were not the same anymore. Had to change search terms to "concepts in philosophy" and "induction in philosophy" to get the same search results, throwing off my entire post. It must be really important to them, as philosophy might be the only weapon we got against them.

Nevermind they did it again, as i was posting. Will try "definition of concept in philosophy". Ok that one works, for now. Why am i obsessed with links to google searches. It's not site dependent. When google brings in the quote it means the search is frequent.

4:40 Today it was 26 degrees, i went to heat up Angela's car by driving through the alley around  the buildings. I think it was better if i just revved to 2000 rpm for about 5 minutes. Whatever. While i did so  the radio was on and they were playing Meta_lica, "Never cared for what they know..."

5:50 I know it's the perfect choice though i never knew what this song is about as i never cared to listen to the words. Sound a bit communist doesn't it. Buy i know. it's really about us and them, the snakes. Can safely take the word "like" from this title. Amazing what a few people with good instruments can do on a stage, the guitar intro sounding like bells. Is this song subliminally gay? Intro, guitar and voice surely sounds like Pink Floyd, then it goes Scorpions style romantic rock. Why am i not surprised hearing Klaus Meine speaking and singing in Hungarian?

7:32 Ok this one's hard to say (like everything real and true because everything is twisted these days including some of the fake concepts and ideas already deep in our minds) especially with the terrible hangover i have this morning but have to trying to prevent other people from having the same problem after i spread it myself.

For about a week now i had pains in my back that i suspected were a kidney problem, thinking because i've been diagnosed with diabetes almost ten years ago and had high blood pressure lately mostly by being nauseated by the microbial environment hard to control. Better now, though after i picked Sunday afternoon the last leaves (5 packed laundry baskets) under the bushes next to the south garages that were one ft high, rotting for several months with black mold at the bottom and mixed with huge dog poops.

I thought it went away but if flared back Sunday, especially after seeing and reading this. Yesterday when i realized it could be the source of the problem i stared at the image for about 5 minutes, thinking, and the pain went away and never came back, more than 12 hours after. Who knows what else i saw before that and can't remember. It may be addressed only to me, by means of a combination with other things, like a perfect storm.

8:45 I gave up because i don't have time to reply to all the fake news or even events with the participation of authorities designed to counter what i'm posting, but this one is just too annoying.

9:45 Was trying to sleep but is smelling bad inside. I went outside to see, there is heavy smoke and is not fireplace smoke. Ground is frozen, found no dog poops but what i found was a small bottle of listerine mint, with some liquid inside, a teaspoon and a wet black mask, all in the same place, other smaller things i didn't pick.

Yesterday the water heater pan started to stink again and i turned the UV light in the closet.

What i noticed many times before, i always find items related to what i eat, drink or use inside. Last night i used mint essential oil. Is this some sort of witchcraft?