Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 27

Hwy 101 in Oregon is probably one of the most spectacular roads in the US. On one side you got mountains like view, at times you even drive in canyons and on the other side, the ocean.
12:30 I'm back at Chinook in Lincoln City after i drove all the way to Coos Bay and back (about 240 miles in total). When i got back i got gas at a Circle K and gave her two cards she could not use and in the end we payed with a debit. She looked like Princess Margaret. Soon after i almost hit a bicyclist. I survived tonight numerous accident traps (all designed to look like it was my fault). But the reason i got in the casino, after trying to sleep was i remembered something. I usually tape the doors and windows at every hotel i go, last night i had some sort of nightmare, it was like 2 guys, rather slim, dressed in t-shirts where in the room, one next to me and one next to Angela. In the morning the door was not taped, and not even locked with the deadbolt.

I told Angela, everywhere i went the impression was the normal people in the area where somehow evacuated and replaced with actors, maybe from Scientology. Maybe they get a film permit and pay everybody to stay home.

4:29 When i went to write the paragraph above, coming from the upper parking lot, two guys tried to get in front of me in the elevator, but i passed. Waited like 5 minutes but the parking lot was flooded with exhaust from a car. When i entered, they were waiting for me at the entrance, trying to get in the same frame with me on the cameras. Two guys, taller than me, pretty slim, one of them had a goatee but i only took a glimpse of him from one side. After watching the news i think i know who they are.

3 live raccoons crossing, a dead one in the lane, a dead dear in the lane, a dead dog (with a collar) on the shoulder, one guy walking at 2 AM on the narrow shoulder of a bridge, a biker, only on the last leg of my "adventure" that is 80 miles from Lincoln City to here. Numerous others before that, including a completely dark closed bicyclist with no light or reflecting tags etc.. Many other accident traps, more than ten in total. Most "lucrative" day on the roads on my part.

4:41 Ok i solved the puzzle with Margaret in Florence. However this is a very low resolution picture i'm dealing with. Here is a better one, google cache only, the Hungarian site doesn't seem to work right now, and i understand why.

5:09 Georgina Lukács este soția unguroaică a lui Alexandru Agache care nici el nu prea arată a român, fie vorba între noi. Oricum tipa vorbește și limba română, mai ales dacă exersează zilnic. Tipa are într-adevăr o voce fantastică (sexy) și a studiat la Moscova.

Mai multe informații, mâine și în zilele următoare.

11:02 Nicio minciună. Când m-am trezit din coșmarul în care mă uitam paralizat la doi tipi care stăteau în picioare în cameră, înalți, îmbrăcați în tricouri, au fost și niște deplasări prin cameră, scurte replici contradictorii, negocieri, mai mult nu îmi amintesc, știu că eram îngrozit, m-am gândit la ce i s-ar putea întâmpla lui Angela, m-am uitat la ceasul de pe noptieră, ceasul arăta 5:20, însă ceasul era pus cu 2 ore în urmă, era de fapt 7:20 ora locală, perdelele groase erau trase, 10:20 pe coasta de vest, moment în care bursa a început să cadă. Am mai stat treaz cel puțin o oră, între timp am fost la mașină să iau niște bicarbonat când am văzut că zăvorul nu era pus, și nici scotch-ul pe care îl pun de obicei la uși la hoteluri, am mai dormit vreo 2 ore după. La 10 și 10 minute am ieșit din hotel în mare grabă, din cauza ceasului, (trebuia să predăm cheia la 10) ne-am dus să mâncăm pe nivelul de sus al parcării noi, de unde se vede cerul și oceanul (dacă stai în picioare, nu din mașină), și atunci, în jur de ora 11 ora locală i-am spus lui Angela a doua oară, mai în detaliu, despre coșmar. O cădere la bursa americană de 1% înseamnă pierderi de un trilion de dolari pe plan global.

11:31 Imaginea în care se vede și mai bine că Baniciu era un puști când a intrat în formație, vecinul, colegul și prietenul me de joacă Mihai Erhan (născut 1960) care luase lecții de canto de la o "croitoreasă" din vecini. El la școală era declarat oficial afon.

Când eram prin școala generală în primele clase mama mea câteodată începea să cânte în stil de operă, (ceea ce mă enerva foarte mult), mi-a povestit despre tipuri de cântăreți, soprane, alto, etc. și spunea că a prins chestiile acelea de la croitoreasa care de fapt era nașa mea de botez, doamna Rotaru. Odată am fost cu ea în oraș, eram foarte mic, ea părea să cânte ca solistă într-o formație, însă in italiană, citind de pe o hârtie versurile. Știu că aveau orgă și chitare.

Între 5 și 7 ani am luat lecții de pian de la o profesoară, doamna Redloff (Red love) care avea o datorie la tata pentru niște lucruri pe care i le-a făcut. Îmi dădea teme pentru acasă, când trebuia să scriu note pe portativ pe care mi le termina mama întotdeauna înainte de a mă duce la lecție, care era în centru, undeva la 3-4 km distanță (era autobuz). Totul s-a terminat când ea le-a spus alor mei că îmi trebuie un pian acasă pentru a continua. Mi-au cumpărat în schimb un acordeon, la care nu puteam să cânt fiindcă învățasem să cânt numai pe note, moment în care bunicul a găsit un profesor (Merilă) orb, care m-a învățat și convins să cânt după ureche. Doamna Rotaru avea doi copii, Felicia și Gigel, după care am și primit numele. Proiectul probabil a eșuat, din cauza lipsei de disciplină a ei și a sărăciei și precarității enorme în care am trăit cu toții (Tata era foarte zgârcit, nu prea dădea bani în casă, etc.). Gigel era înalt blond și cu părul creț și ne învăța pe mine și pe sora mea să facem ochiuri cu capac (pe care turna cu o lingură ulei încins și "să dăm pup cu limba". Chiar înainte de tabăra din Germania apăruse o mașină în curtea vecinei lor unde Gigel m-a familiarizat cu comenzile. Știam pe atunci să conduc motocicleta cu care făceam mulți km pe aeroport iar când am mers în tabără în Germania am condus foarte ușor un Renault 4 al unui instructor din tabără, Olaf din Suedia, culturist. Chiar am pornit în pantă într-o intersecție, el și eu am prins încredere iar la întoarcere când am parcat am simulat că mă izbesc în perete și am pus o frână bruscă, la care i-au sărit ochelarii lui Olaf iar eu râdeam în hohote și nu m-am mai lăsat niciodată oricât l-aș fi rugat (fără cuvinte căci nu știam o boabă de engleză și aveam un an de franceză de la școală). Apropo, o tipă din Suedia (toți copii din tabără, din 9 țări, erau de 12 ani), Helen, se cam uita la mine, o blondă, foarte mișto, însă pe atunci nu știam ce e mișto la femei și nu puteam să scot un cuvânt iar mie blondele oricum nu prea îmi plăceau pe vremea aia, mi se păreau niște ciudățenii cu capul lor galben și niciodată nu prea m-am omorât.

Sau poate a învățat să cânte de la mama lui. Odată am văzut la ei un disc pe care scria Gigliola Cinquetti, ceea ce nu m-a mirat prea mult fiindcă s-a vândut tot așa la magazinul Foto Sport și Muzică din centru iar melodia se dădea pe la radio, numele ei, adică mama lui Mihai, vecina și nașa lui soră-mea era Glicheria sau Licherușa în mod familiar. Altă dată am văzut la ei un acordeon similar cu al meu, la care oficial nu cânta nimeni, când s-au arătat stânjeniți, iar odată am venit din vacanță de la liceu și Mihai avea o chitară, la care nu cânta, dar la care i-am cântat eu versiunea studențească a lui Andrii Popa (la chitară am învățat în general singur, la care el se uita cu mare mirare la mine. Am sunat din SUA de câteva ori la ei acasă, dar am putut vorbi numai cu fratele lui, Mihai nu era niciodată acasă. Tatăl lor semăna cu Jean Constantin. Fiind naș pe tren (de obicei făcea acceleratul Iași-Timișoara), era destul de rar pe acasă. Vara făceau fân, mergea la cosit (noi nu aveam pământ, toți am lucrat în praful de la mobilă de vizavi), etc.. Avea două arme de vânătoare din care una cu trei țevi (inspirația din Andrii Popa?) Bunicul meu biologic din partea lui mama, cel care era în Stuttgart în Germania când am fost în tabără lângă Hamburg în 1972 se numea Andrei. În Câmpulung una din văile care duc spre Rarău, care începe dintr-un cartier din centru se numește Valea Seacă. Expresiile din melodii, accentul, poza de pe Mugur de Fluier, toate arată origine bucovineană.

Multe alte povești dar acum mi-e foame și somn fiindcă am dormit puțin, și nu prea am nimic prin frigider, mă duc să văd.

Nicu Covaci?

încă lucrez

2:02 They made a huge amount of dust in the parking lot by the curbs and around the car and they threw some sawdust next to hidrant. Forgot to take a picture, went and vacuumed, by the time the bag was full a guy with a small kid making a big noise came real close getting in the dust. There is still some left, i will take some pictures.

Ok i saw one more in front of the next apartment which is about the same size ad the one at the hydrant was. At the hydrant, the color is the same as the soil, thus hard to see from above. Massive amounts of dust is coming inside, from somewhere, but not from me vacuuming. I used a micro filtration bag.

If i don't go to pick that dust, next Wednesday it will be blown on the buildings by the mowers or if it rains it will get embedded in the grass.
BTW for some reason they moved the screen from the close position and also made dust on the patio.
Parking spots after vacuuming (forgot to take picture before).
3:13 Fourth picture above amounted to 3 bags of 5 pounds each of wet sawdust. Some of it was destined to blow on the building Wednesday and some to ferment on the ground all witer long.

8:52 Got tired of tightening extra connectors of my own design at every trip. But when those get loose, i start having trouble especial with direction at highway speed because voltage for EPS (Electric Power Steering) fluctuates slightly, also got vibrations at the engine, lifter noises and poorer mpg. Today i went and cleaned with alcohol the threads, put the bolts back and added some epoxy adhesive. As you can see in the picture, only the thread made with the bolt itself at the bottom of the hole is actually holding, and that one is also not using the whole surface for contact, but only a percentage. I put some adhesive on  top to prevent unscrewing from vibrations and contaminants including oxygen that oxidizes lead to get in. However, after two years of trials today for the first time a (good) idea came to me and that is to use metal based conductive adhesive in the thread which i should do if this isn't holding.

10:24 Inganare. La pioggia, Gigliola. Capcane în trafic.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 25

4:00 Here they come, flooding with tons of fabricated news. This time, a Chinese woman in front of a bus that was added by Photoshop.

4:12 That's what i thought. Not like a jubilation or anything, more like a Shiva debt clearance. Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum.

7:27 I just called Angela because i'm feeling really sick (drank too much last night on pain from dust).

There is another guy that can do SMT (who actually trained Angela) but he didn't come to work today. (like Angela's ex supervisor, he's coming when he wants, half of the day missing, he's got other jobs).

There is an engineer that can do it too. Parts came in for a prototype and Angela had a hotel reservation tonight and approved day off for tomorrow but they're trying to force her to come tomorrow. The brain (team lead) is a guy named Steven Eaton (coincidence with the name of the company).

11:00 De când se muncesc ăștia domle să distribuie niște amărâte de carduri. Cât sunt, 700 de lei, o singură dată la un milion de persoane, adică 700 milioane? În bugetul Ministerului Muncii apar undeva 41 miliarde cu titlu "Asistență Socială" care nu am înțeles niciodată unde se duc. (Pensiile au buget separat, Asigurările Sociale, de 100 miliarde, care atenție, este gestionat tot de Ministerul Muncii). Citeam ieri, în Italia peste un milion de oameni sub pragul de sărăcie beneficiază de un fel de pensie de venit minim care este de 780 euro pe lună.

1:49 Now i know why the guy upstairs took a vacation while they were working at the building but can't say yet. Same reason market went up today. Clue. Not because he didn't want to be here but i bet he'll be back as soon as they're done. BTW, they've been inside, almost finished, but he said they didn't have materials to seal the sliding door on the inside, a one hour job, all that's left. All i can say is i was very tired, almost falling asleep standing while he was doing those windows. I asked him when they're going to be done, he said they don't know yet, don't have the materials, like they didn't in the day they installed the windows. Notice expires today, but she said in an email i will be notified again if they come in another day. However i won't be here tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24

7:00 Today will probably be the last day of construction here. Last Monday they came and removed the old windows which are not  yet sealed from the inside. The smell of litter dust from the wall is prevailing here. I can imagine what's inside the wall if the sawdust smells so bad it contaminated me after i dusted the rear side of the building yesterday.

So i'm sick and nauseated. After four hours of sleep i took Angela at work so i can keep the car, get inside or go in the park if i can't bear it no more.

Took some charcoal, watched some videos, ate something, waiting to fall asleep. And then i saw something in a video and couldn't stop but post it. You judge for yourselves what you see.Then i fell asleep and thought i heard a noise like someone knocking at the door. I went to see, they were two guys and i asked them if they were going to enter today inside and they said no, maybe next week, they are working now at the next building, and then i wrote an email to the office to ask when are they going to get inside and when are they going to finish the project. 9:17 Last night i tried to escape the last hours of dust and noise and i convinced Angela to go to Spirit Mountain. She had a 10 dollar food coupon and went to the 10 barrel bar to order some burgers.

She made the order on her name and she left. As this not so tall body builder went to the bar to pick something, the attendant called her name and he was in front of me at the bar and i was extremely irritated (pain all over my skin) because of the dust, but know i recon, the biggest problem is not the walls cause i sealed the windows with tape pretty well, the biggest problem is the pile of garbage that keeps growing for 10 days outside door. I also craved real coffee and had some and i started yelling at the guy, Are you Angelica, and he looked prepared, he said no, you are Angelica and i told him You look like Angelica. He could have probably taken me with one finger, but he chose to leave me alone.

One hour later, Angela was playing one dollar hands at the High Limit area (smaller area, fewer cameras with easier to asses angles) when a group of men, all looking athletes, started to make a big noise and yell, and one of them put his butt on Angela's face at which point i grabbed the phone and took a picture, as he was straightening his bowed position. Then i started to record the yelling guys and uploaded a few recordings and they left soon after. I recognized one of them as...

10:07 I think one of the guys i spoke with this morning when i opened the door looked like... Not sure cause i'm half asleep. But definitely saw him through the window Monday when they had some sort of meeting and he was acting like the supervisor or owner of the company. A compressor for powering tools constantly vibrates the building, bringing dust by the windows that i sealed with packaging tape that leak in places.

BTW, if they asked me i'd say it's not bad they replace the moldy aluminum windows, but the biggest problem with the building is the basement.

I remembered about 5 years ago they did the roofing in the whole complex, it's been a continuous nail beating sound, with thousands of nails (about one nail per second on average) for each roof for almost one year. Before that, they fixed the pavement, another couple of months of misery. After roof it's been the siding @ May 2019.

2:18 I ran to Best Buy to buy a sim card for my phone. Many people simulating getting in front of me, the guy with the blower in the parking lot. On my way back i had to stop behind a guy who stopped too early at a stop sign (incoming traffic not close enough, last stop before intersection and was saying now "incoming traffic has no stop", really weird, car coming from North). Then he moved when he shouldn't (traffic still coming) while a big white SUV Discovery from the right came to 1 ft distance, where the driver could not control (see) the distance no more. I got back thinking to take a picture, but she backed up at once at the line of the intersection and at once extended her head through the window, making it impossible to take the picture. She also didn't have a front LPN. The rear LPN showed something like MNH (My New Ache). I hurried to write this because last time when something similar happened the cops came at my door "to make sure i will not retaliate to the poor guy" who was also present at my door dressed as a cop. Yesterday in the intersection following stop sign a cop was watching with serenity as a gray KIA almost ran me over as i was crossing on green.

From 20 ft away where she moved back she looked like Ariana Grande, thought with short, curly ash blond hair.

When i got back here two guys were blowing the dust in the parking lot all the way to the sky, somehow the dust made it here (under the door i guess) and made me sneeze. By writing this i know i will supersede myself the information i put when complaining about 10 days of dust in the apartment, this is how they work, they usually blow dust in this location about one hour later. I didn't catch the image at the peak of the dust though.
4:13 It was nothing like yesterday. Didn't need the car to run away since they haven't worked at this building at all. After they finished at the next side facing ours, almost same amounts of windows in less than half the time they did here (they had a bigger team i guess), they moved on the other side of the next building, made less noise, less dust and i fell asleep and slept several hours. But what did i witness when i went to pick Angela? I parked, like yesterday, on the other side of the alley where she usually parks and Angela (who slept 4 hours, worked ten) was coming towards me in the middle of the alley, without looking behind just being happy she gets home and i watched with terror when one of the two "Chinese women" (Fang) almost ran her over with her big SUV (small Chinese woman, big SUV, can't see near or in front maybe up to 20 ft) (again, superseding the information above, missing her by inches).

Then we went to her garden only to find there a woman who left looking embarrassed, with a bag with something in it. When Angela looked, several pounds of tomatoes were missing. She talked to Angela the other day, saying she comes there to relax, not having a lot of her own. The good news is the kitchen compost in the piled bags has fermented, is not stinking anymore while there are still left a few weeks of "crops". (Yeah i know phone camera was on manual, WB is screwed).

There is another expression for this type of information superseding: If you complain, i'll bully you some more.

5:45 After about one hour of the AC working, the room filled with dust. A mixture of siding dust falling from the balcony above that has been swept but probably like mine, with finest dust remaining, and the one from the blowing of the parking lot (Wednesday blowing, picture above).
I went and tried to hose the AC, the concrete patio, screen, etc.. Some guy from BZ came to throw away garbage. I mean, literally throwing boards on top of other, raising more dust. He had a mask completely covering his face at 90+ degrees. Three Japanese teens as tall as me passed, slowly. But then i realized i need to hose the balcony upstairs as well. However when he went to vacation, like never before, he left a pair of shoes which i tried as much as i could to avoid. (BTW today i remembered he had a pair of miniature boxing gloves attached to the central mirror). Dust and bigger chunks of debris fell so i had to do mine one more time. Trouble with these small window ACs is the inner (cold) area communicates with the outer through the water collecting pan which is not always full. While i was hosing the balcony a guy with glasses was fixing a bicycle tire while i was virtually hosing him (he was in that direction but too far away). Guess the symbolism?

When i was about to finish i realized they didn't fix that piece of siding everything started with (though i'm not sure cause SAGE inspected the buildings before that). It looks like the other siding under is wet, needs to dry. All i want to say is when i discovered it two years ago i didn't have the  hose, it was not my doing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

August 23

12:00 O ciudată legătură între două știri din România și una din Marea Britanie. Faptul că descrierile nu coincideau și poliția nu l-a găsit sugerează, la fel ca și în cazul lui Jack Spintecătorul, apărut cu o sută de ani mai târziu, o acțiune de curățire a prostituției (prin sperierea prostituatelor). Un lucru e sigur. Briții au o lungă tradiție în benzi desenate (cartoons). A și în România pare o campanie subliminală de discreditare a trotinetelor electrice care sunt foarte mișto. Am văzut odată pe o plajă în Los Angeles, luai una, mergeai unde aveai de mers și o lăsai acolo. Le poți comanda cu un GPS integrat în electronică (care nu poate fi deci scos) și găsi în caz de furt.

12:42 Ăștia mimează incompetența prostia pentru a jefui. De atâția ani și nu se prinde nimeni.

12:47 Am avut odată un aburitor care îmi părea mișto. Făceam și mămăligă cu el. Avea o cuvă mică, un capac, puteai să faci cartofi întregi sau tăiați în două, în funcție de mărime, în vreo jumătate de oră, etc.. S-a stricat, nu am mai luat altul, am încercat să fierb cartofi de exemplu în abur într-o oală cu capac cu 1 cm de apă la fund, și ieșeau exact ca în timpul de fierbere normal în apă de 15 minute, dar nu mai trebuia să arunc apă cu posibili nutrienți minerali. Metoda merge mișto la broccoli (5 minute) sau morcovi (10 minute). Poți să faci garnitură "ca la IKEA" adăugând succesiv cartofi, la 5 minute morcovi și la încă 5 minute, broccoli, timp total, 15 minute.

Și m-am apucat să comand unul de pe Amazon, ca românul, cât mai mare, cât mai ieftin. S-ar părea nu are aceeași putere ca cel vechi, face de exemplu păstăi (ultra low calories) din congelate în 40 minute timp în care consumă mai mult de un litru de apă (ceea ce îți crește umiditatea în interior, poate fi bine sau nu, depinde). Azi am tăiat cartofi ca pentru cartofi prăjiți, am pus puțin ulei și paprica să pară colorați și am făcut ceva care semăna cu cartofi prăjiți, french fries,  cum spun americanii. Dacă aia mi-a ieșit, după 30 minute de aburit, mai târziu mi-am încercat norocul cu pasta. Dar nu așa, în tăviță, ci direct în tava aia cu găuri, ca pe legume. Am așteptat, am așteptat, în vreo jumătate de oră erau pe jumătate albe în interior, deci am panicat, am pus repede o oală cu apă la fiert, am fiert "clasic" vreo 5 minute și am salvat pasta. După care am citit online. Nu poți face pasta uscată la aburi, doar în tavă, ca pentru o orez, cu un inch de apă peste nivel. Chestia ciudată și motivul pentru care am scris toate acestea e că după fierberea de la sfârșit... a ieșit pasta mult mai bună decât de obicei. Tare, "al dente" dar mai gătită, nu știu cum să explic. Nu ca și cum ai mânca făină uscată fiartă în apă. Deliziosa. Umami.

9:22 Da, am vorbit despre scufundarea pastei în apă, după aburire. Am pus link la faza cu înțepătorul din Londra, a venit și Ciucă să spună o chestie similară. De fapt, ce fac ei toată ziua, în afară de declarații? (ei nu apar niciodată obosiți, după atâtea discursuri).

9:23 Da bine dar după injecția letală organele alea mai funcționează? (O scăpare a scenariștilor).

9:31 Am citit pe un site că Dugina ar fi ars complet fiind în mașină, pe altul că ar fi fost dezmembrată. În orice caz, acest eveniment a venit într-un moment când războiul începuse să stagneze iar pe unele site-uri apăruseră știri că Putin și Zelenski ar putea să se întâlnească.

12:00 Woke at 8, fell back asleep, woke at 9 again. Noise of a compressor, dust, didn't close the balcony door all the way because of AC cable. Later i realized there was exhaust smoke from a compressor or generator. (I did not awake fully not even one  hour later). They started working at the next building, before finishing this one, making extra noises.

So after i wrote above, eat something, decided to walk the 2 miles to Angela's work to pick the car so i can move around, go in the park, library, whatever, to escape all this hell that lasts for 10 days now.

But when i cross the street at Best Buy plaza, a guy in a gray KIA coming from the plaza almost hit me, breaking the 6 ft rule (shouldn't have attempted to cross a crosswalk while a pedestrian is in it or 6 ft away), i was on  the sidewalk just starting to cross the second lane when light turned to red with 21 seconds to spare) and, read carefully, a cop on a motorcycle watched the whole scene, while mumbling at me something "...takes time".

I was thinking about walking on the south sidewalk because of more shadow, however, can't go on it on the overpass, crossed at Fred Meyer, but forgot at Martinazzi there is no green light for pedestrians, though there is sidewalk on both sides, so i had to cross again and walked in the Sun bla bla.

I think after Teton there is a construction area, with some lanes blocked, i was walking on the crosswalk where traffic came from behind and i met with some blackberry vines. Several vehicles came real close to the sidewalk, with one big truck actually rubbing against it. But i was so nervous i dropped the phone and didn't catch it when it was close.

12:30 I can't believe they sell in the US on Amazon phones that are not US compatible. I can't belive the phone was found compatible by T-Mobile back in January, but then later started to malfunction ("nework busy" error, need to restart many times, but still working after) and then after i canceled that account (that was canceled days before billing cycle) it was found incompatible by all carriers (Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile).

12:23 Angela had one day free lodging at the Chinook but on Thursday, she took Friday off, however, an unexpected work order came and she doesn't know anymore. The guy upstairs also took a vacation while they make most noise and dust here.

12:44 Răspunsul la "Got a man but i want you".

What's happier than hairy styles? (Saturday, Lincoln City, Liquor Outlet).