Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Babylon 3

Thoughts on eve of New Year 2020.

We've seen in the year that passed that more taboos (read conventions or for the English speaker, rules) have been broken. Diplomacy, separation of powers, powers in the state invented by Montesquieu) were being sacrificed simply for creating noise for combating new ideas. More people are raised without even the knowledge of past social structure, if it ever existed, other than in the imagination of some.

Practicing religions like Christanism has gone long time ago, maybe after Bush II and 911.

Politically correctness have become a slogan of the lost. Heads of state are used to prove we actually live in an delusional anarchy. Can't even say that since i recon, anarchy means more a chaotic manifestation of raw power which to me at least it has proven non-existent. Large masses are without power, without direction, lost in hedonism and adoration of magicians.

I've been browsing recently the TV series Babylon 5. A Sci-Fi series riddled with politics. There are many lessons in there to be learned but again the young are raised without even being thought the basics of what we knew as sociology, politics.

However many of those lessons are naive as our social live has been since better documented in modern times. In a way, we live in a sort of reality that surpasses the scenery of that show. Most important, this year we only saw the tip of the iceberg.

Honestely, i don't know what forces are manifesting, but to me they seem out of this world, by all the concepts mentioned above.

But it may be only the nothingness described in Buddha's hRdaya sUtra that's manifesting. As this Universe was born from a grain of nothingness and came to this impossible to perceive complexity, so may be the philosophy behind the scenes, seeded millennia ago by this most important Buddhist mantra.

One more thought about diabetes and cancer that is linked to the above.

Don't know where it starts but i think it starts with the adoration of idols, things that personifies our deepest desires. Since we cannot reproduce the high given by the complicity of reflection of our sins we get addicted to those and then start either imitating them or deluding ourselves thinking we find those traits in people surrounding us. Nobody can do what those magicians are doing. They are wired this way. They have a society of their own. In the scientific/technological way, they are like the Minbari in the movie, most advanced in the Alliance. But they might have accumulated all that knowledge from others. In the social way, we don't know how they interact among selves. But it is most likely most of the traits are inherited and kept within and thought since early age. To them, hypnotizing the rest of us may be a skill rooted in their collective subconscious. Maybe they are those who were called in Mahabharata "the snakes". But they also may be just a tool of others. Others like Buddha, the extreme bully, who reduced all to nothing in order to re-create a better world. It is the most extreme form of the death/re-creation myth in from all religions.

After you've been touched by your sin accepted by their mirror, you can never reproduce that high. And that's when you start using pain to get it back. Because pain mixed with pleasure is what you feel when you are bullied by beauty by the priests and priestess of Ishtar. You are being crushed with glamour. You loose all your self respect and senses and become, like "Linda Ronstadt" said, a desperado searching for more, something your body cannot obtain anymore. You start turning your face to strange. (There is one country on Earth that has the capital named Buda and God, Ishten.)

Then, to get that, you start to tolerate and ignore pain that may come from pollutants from environment. Your body starting with parts, like lower part, lowers metabolism as a response to inflammation caused by those. Most enzymes and myriad of bio-chemical mechanisms in your body function optimally in a certain range of temperature.

It may be you are lowering metabolism by holding breath. Lowering oxygen triggers high stress that is usually involved with attaining high levels of pleasure.

Lack of oxygen in tissues, lowering of temperature and metabolism, ignoring or killing pain is the key in both diabetes and cancer. In a way, it is the high given by this mix pain/pleasure sought for that's killing you in the end. "These things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow". Or like the Bible says. Wage of sin is death.

Too prove that the song is part of the conspiracy, like many or maybe all others. At the end, there's a rainbow, which is only a reflection, refraction and dispersion of light. Twisted if you like.

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