Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25

4:12 The real reason i left tonight was Angela opened the bedroom's window (can't convince her not to) and i woke up in dust around 7 PM. After driving two hours and having a few drinks i was still feeling pain at Indian Head. In fact i felt it even when i got back.

I went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, (i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone) and two dogs started to bark one upstairs and one downstairs though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

I just went to dust the wall around that AC where i didn't dare in the past cause there's always someone there guarding it, the window with the AC is open as the patio sliding doors, i know it doesn't make much sense with the AC running, last winter they had a fan in that window running all the time, at times even with the window closed and one day i felt the wall next to our bedroom hot which prompted me to buy that infrared camera for the phone though the wall went back cold in the same day right after i wrote here) and two dogs started to bark though i wasn't making any noise, moving that soft brush up and down the wall, and there was a guy on the patio (like most of the times) thin, older, sitting there on a chair in the dark (not smoking this time so i won't see the cigarette or feel the smoke) and started to ask me what i'm doing, i said i'm dusting the building and he said thank you and that was when i went off and told him i'm not doing it for him but for myself and in the end he said this was not my apartment, "it's their apartment" and he will go and talk to the management.

Could not see his face because it was dark and i asked him if he was waiting for me and he said no, but i'm sure he was cause i said earlier aloud that i wanted to do it. Now i have to go and take a shower because i got dust all over me and it stings.

Now after this contact for some reason i started to have the feeling that these guys are actually watching us all the time, and some of them, maybe the old woman that could be his mother who snores day and night could be speaking Romanian and understand in real time what we're saying (with the help of some amplifier or even an enhanced hearing aid). There are also at least two younger guys who show from time to time but they might be changing, that they're not the same all the time.

By looking at this image right now i cannot understand  the configuration of that AC, but it could be it is installed in a way just to blow dust.

5:11 But when i got the camera (which i returned to Amazon for reason the thermal image was a bit off respect to normal image) i saw other things. One was none of the apartments upstairs in the building was heated. The windows and especially the big glass sliding doors showed lots of heat loss because of loss of insulating gas in between being 40+ years old, probably doubling the electricity bill which could be the reason they're doing the windows right now, right now meaning it will take them more than six months, in the rhythm they are working. (I can confirm the newer windows are much better insulators because they keep a much lower temperature inside then before even in hottest days. The wall at apartment 1 where the guy with the van with the barrels lives this time was much hotter than it should have been).

He confirmed the apartment upstairs wasn't heated, when i went upstairs and talked to "him", after he knocked at my door to ask me about the leaking of "his" motorcycle, again raising our bill. But by the thermal image none of them upstairs were, which to my knowledge were inhabited, by "the same people", for years, which confirms my suspicion they are all inhabited by the same person who changes costumes, hairdos and sexes, the female ninja that goes by the name Frankie Adams. One of the buildings next to ours (caught in two separate images cause it's very long) was showing a very low occupancy rate which i suspect is the same for all buildings here, though the parking lot is always full. (Probably like all apartments in all Portland area, after they raised the prices to unprecedented levels no one can afford them).

Could it be they didn't clean the building and surrounding ones after installing the windows unlike the buildings A, B and C which were cleaned and are further away, leaving all that junk in between, because i published those thermal images, 2 or 3 months before they started to replace windows? The painful dust? Retaliation?

8:16 After sleeping a few hours, i had a revelation. After the emperor of Japan Na(ru_hit)to, son of Hiro-hito leading the team who unnecessarily gutted these buildings, making tons of dust and leaving them dirty whom i saw though in broad daylight, who else could have been in the dark here last night at 4 AM guarding the emperor's dust?

The snoring old woman? The two younger guys? Try to imagine her without makeup, acting confused and tell me if you recognized her. Reason? No hero cop would dare intervene with Secret Service deployed nearby. If i made a wrong move, as mad as i was last night, i would have been arrested or killed.

8:50 Distanța dintre stâlpi este 30 metri iar timpul e pe video. 80 metri în 4 secunde. 20 m/s este 72 km/h. Se vede însă clar că "șoferul" care de fapt era remote, a forțat volanul în virajul acela nu prea strâns ca să intre în derapaj. Cred că are legătură cu video-ul pe care l-am postat despre fabricarea motoarelor BMW. Dacă aceasta este o înscenare (cascadorie de film) și cred că este, vă puteți imagina cine controlează Clujul, Bucureștiul, România și cât de terminali suntem. Tipul ăsta a stat tot timpul cu fața în jos, cât a trecut mașina lui google cu mulți ochi, oare de ce?

Mă gândeam. Au construit Casa Poporului ca pe o fortăreață imensă, care se poate apăra de furia mulțimii cu câțiva oameni cu tulumbe sau la nevoie, ceva mitraliere în timp ce ei se evacuează pe un tunel care duce la Budapesta. Însă nu e nevoie de așa ceva. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să deschideți ochii și să recunoașteți iluzia în care ne-am născut, am trăit și ei vor dispare ca iepurele unui iluzionist, la loc în joben, iar la urmă și jobenul și iluzionistul. Pentru că ei sunt atât de puțini.

10:51 I ate something, the walk upstairs started and now (s)he's trying to start the motorcycle. To vibrate the building a little too.

11:06 Din când în când apar știri cu titlu sperietoare care-i face pe români să se gândească de două ori când vor să cumpere unele alimente esențiale cum e peștele. În afară de antitoxină, care iată, nu se găsește în România (ar fi nevoie doar de câteva doze, pentru că sunt foarte rare aceste cazuri, dacă sunt, fiindcă bănuiesc că nu au nici teste), dar există tratamente ca de exemplu banalul cărbune medicinal, și nu neapărat injectat în soluție intraperitonial ci luat chiar oral (mai bine decât lăsat așa să moară). După 24 de ore de post de exemplu, nu mai există nimic viu în intestin, dar dacă persoana se poate hrăni și intestinul deci nu e complet paralizat încă, dați-i domle niște cărbune. Combinația de suc de grapefruit și unt de migdale. Grapefruit are un inhibitor de enzimă ce nu permite dezvoltarea bacteriilor în intestin iar migdalele ucid bacteriile din intestin.

3:05 She came back about an hour ago and i started to feel the pain again and woke up. I'm eating which means she's squeaking.

4:22 Very little is published on the web about human electric charge but i know one thing. Dust is positively charged and i feel relief from pain when i walk and rub my feet against the carpet, which charges me positively also. So probably the conclusion is i'm more negatively charged or positively but closer to neutral, probably more than Angela, and that is  the reason i get the painful charged dust and she doesn't. Could there be a gender difference? Could it be because i sleep on a metal sofa and the floor under is wet? (She just started a load of laundry, after about two weeks). The vapor from the drier leaking in the basement will wet the floor under the couch, bringing the potential to near zero. I remember now what Dan Costan was saying sarcastically 27 years ago. "Think positive!"

10:42 Was out of soluble so Angela bought from WinCo some Folgers soluble, could not find the usual brands so we didn't know the taste, but i remember i once bought Folgers and there was not much difference from others. Made some and put in the thermos and we both had a sip in the parking lot at Ilani before entering, and i think it tasted like marijuana, then went to restroom.

But when we entered. For some unknown rationale, at Ilani after 8 they ask you for an ID when i get inside. We got in line while a group of Japanese trying to look and act Chinese went right in front of us. But my guess is this is the reason. Every time we got there we got to stay in line next to celebrities.

Everybody inside the casino looked mad tonight. There was this smiling blond guy that had a black T-shirt saying "Shut up and run" with white letters right in my face right after i uploaded a recording. Inside i was scratching an itch in my elbow pit where i got bitten by something, twice. Both Smash Burgers and Jet Li were closed at 9 so we bought some tacos from our coupons (player's card). When we got out searching for the car a Tribal Police truck was going in the parking lot slowly by our side matching speed so we switched lanes. About 100 huge SUVs with huge headlights passed me both on the right and left when i was driving speed limit +10. When we got home the whole building was smelling the the same as the coffee. Found the familiar mole hole at the corner of the building and after pouring some borax and covering within 10 minutes  the smell dissipated. Under the sink it smells like a dead animal. The fiberboard on bottom that is made with dust saw and animal glue (collagen) from hides and hoofs from slaughterhouses, got contaminated from a leak past week with water from doing dishes and now it smells like a dead animal. Could this be the reason i lost collagen everywhere (had this thick scar from surgery on my left elbow since i was a kid and now it melted) and not i got to eat bone broth because there will always be tiny leaks in there and that thing trains the type of bacteria that eats collagen (new idea!). If i put chlorine (bleach 6%) in a jar and close the doors, is ok for a while, but will never dry.

Right before the merge with 84 there is still a bumper on the narrow left shoulder, since last week. Right before i passed it i got distracted by a fast moving motorcycle. Several other debris, including a garbage bin after the bridge. The person two cars before me was going slow on the bridge and i got passed on those narrow lanes by a series of huge SUVs. Both trips back and forth are getting more and more difficult every time i go because there are many people that are out to get me. I wasn't afraid until last August when they hit me from behind and now there are many people driving very close behind me, besides those who pass me on both sides at high speed.

12:33 No matter how much i search i can't find a direct reference to building fiberboard in the past with animal adhesives though it was done on a massive scale. Because raw materials were cheap. Internet does not remember it. All i could find during modern times was this and this. Ironically they are advertised as non-toxic alternatives to formaldehyde. But they are not immune to bacteria when they get wet or even only moist and that bacteria will jump on you and eat you alive (slowly).

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